excellent lecture and some very interesting info, however I would like to point out as a resident of the UK that Vitamin D is not as expensive as the speaker claims. The last bottle of 60 550mg Cod Liver Oil capsules which I bought cost me around £5 or around $4 ;)
Science can be indeed an answer and alternative to social and political racism by making people understand the reasons for the physical differences between us.
I am a sociologist student and sadly, people in power do not want to change social and political racism because it continues their power and when "minorities" reach equality they will end up losing their "power."
I wish there was like a website or an app, where you can input your skin color, the latitude of the place you live in and it would tell you how long you should be exposed to sunlight more or less in the different seasons to MAXIMIZE your production of vitamin D and MINIMIZE your risk of skin cancer....
You are so Eloquent and such a great woman. This knowledge should be shared with all those people who are running our country. They must be given the facts so they can then implement this into school curriculum. There is so much hate because of ignorance in this country. !
Race: I am tired of people using the term race to describe a group of people because scientifically, biologically and genetically there is no such thing as race. Categorization is always a problem. Yes, there are differences and gradations in skin color and that is because of genetic drift and climate (we all originally came from Africa). Specifically, evolution, ultraviolet radiation, folic acid, physiology, Vitamin D, melanin, hairless, bare skin, the evolution of hair follicles to sweat glands, all of which determine skin color, and pigmentation. There is no such thing as the “white” race, the “Black” race, the Jewish race, or the Hispanic race etc. If you have native American ancestors, ancestors from Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean, the ancestry is Asian, with admixtures of Black, Spanish, French etc. If you look carefully at the faces of some people from Central America and South America, you can still recognize the Asian influence. If we were of different races, we could not breed and produce children. It takes over a million years for members of the same species to be separated and isolated before they develop into a difference species (Race), preventing them to interbreed. We are talking about pigmentation, skin color, cultures, ethnocentricities’, and tribalism, not separate species of races, when we talk about the people of the world. We are all the same race and species. Regarding differences in physiognomy, morphology, it has been said that many Black operatic and pop music stars, have beautiful voices. That is because of the “mask”. i.e., the face, and the bone structure and sinuses of the skull which allow the voice to resonate (listen to Leontine Price, or Ella Fitzgerald). Also, I bring to your attention that the world’s greatest civilization which lasted almost 4000 years, was Egypt, which was Black. If we continue to use the prejudicial, pejorative term race, which is a political, cultural, religious, economic, ethnic concept. The concept is not reality grounded and continues to drive us apart by creating the “other”. Rather say, I am a human being a homo-sapiens with (fill in the blank) ancestry. Look around you and note the mixture of the genetic pool in your community, often a mixture of white, black, and Asian ancestry. And because of immigration and travel this genetic admixture is continuing at a rapid pace throughout the world. If you conduct a genomic search of your ancestry, you might be surprised. It is this that the racists and white supremacists fear. Because of “race”, the Nazi’s killed 6 million Jews, and because of race, the Japanese killed millions of Chinese and the the immigration problem, and racism in the United States. Science, research and understanding can free us from ignorance and prejudice. Reference: Dr. Nina Jablonski, Ph.D. Washington University, et al. Reference: You Tube: Race and Skin Color
William Secor I didn’t read your whole thing but if your argument is basically that they is not such thing as race or at least shouldn’t be then I completely agree with you. Next time please add your message with different paragraphs. I think to judge anyone by different skin color is ridiculous. I think to judge people by culture is a greatly missed opportunity to get to know the person and to learn about an interesting culture other then your own. Plus they get to know about you. I absolutely love diversity. The more different you are to me the more I like you because there is so much more to talk about, learn, and more interesting things. People are missing out be avoid people who are different then them.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything with one exception- During its 4000+ years of existence Egypt was ruled by people with a wide variety of pigmentation but was never truly 'black'. During the first 1000-1200 years the settlers in the Lower Nile were semitic and it was only when they united with the browner people of the Upper Nile that they achieved the successes of the Middle Kingdom. But the New Kingdom, which gave us Ramses II, etc. only occurred after they conquered the Nubian Kush empire (in what is now Sudan) with it's darker pigmented population. It lasted almost 2000 years. In the final stage, the 700 year long Late Period, they were invaded by fairer skinned North African & Persian peoples and lastly, in the era that gave us Cleopatra, et al. the rulers were Greeks and Romans.
Feel smarter now? Race was used as a "label" (if you will) by Meyers Konversation-Lexikons of 1885, who used it to categorize genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype. That's probably an easier way to articulate your repetitive, droning paragraphs of prose.
Education of today's young people is the key to changing everything. All of the sciences need to have a more prominent place in the public school's curriculum. Also, curriculums need to unified to promote global unity in our ideologies.
fantastic, as always. i would love to hear if you have any commentary on genetic syndromes such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (we mutants exist for an evolutionary reason , that part is obvious) with regard to so many of your findings. i'll be looking. a bit of humor: around an hour 7 minutes in, all i could think was , "my body's doing a bunch of stuff behind my back." all that work, to which we are not consciously privy. rockstar!
Most if not all plant-derived milk "substitutes" (soy milk, almond milk, etc.) in the U.S. (at least) are fortified with plant-derived ergocalciferol ("vitamin" D2) rather than cholecalciferol ("vitamin" D3), which is typically extracted from wool for this purpose. Moreover, although the distinction between these two forms of "Vitamin D" is subtle and *not* related to the number of hydroxylation steps they have to undergo in order to be converted to the active form of "vitamin D" (a secosteroidal hormone commonly known as calcitriol), there is some evidence from studies of upper respiratory infection in children that they may *not* be equally effective in bolstering the immune system.
Maybe emphasize the term "people adapted to their changed environment as they migrated out of Africa." Rather than using the word evolved. I do totally agree though, this shows how we are all one species, that originated in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago. We are all from Africa. Racists and racism is attacking your own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children.
@@MsYogiCat "Adapted" and "Evolved" aren't really interchangeable, and we did both. "Adapted" implies that we made a conscious effort to change so we could adjust to our surroundings (like wearing heavier clothing in a colder climate). "Evolved" means that nature made the adjustment for us (like losing skin pigmentation in response to less UV radiation). Essentially, adapting is what you do while evolving is what's done to you.
Evolved is different as per comment and she is using it as a scientific term in this lecture to other scientists. If see previous lecture she talks about evolving to less pigment and then as migrated into other high uv areas like southern India evolved back to more pigmentation and that they can tell the process was separate as get to more pigment through different genetic pattern
How do other animals, especially the ones native to higher latitudes make vitamin D with all their fur that prevents sunlight from reaching their skin ? Isn't Vit D important for them too ?
In previous lecture talked more about hair/fur. And very different processes compared to primates so assume differences in vit D too, diet particularly?
The "Vitamin D3" found in "Vitamin D" supplements is extracted from wool, so I'm guessing that other animals can simply lick their way to "Vitamin D" supplementation.
re: Hume-Kant for racism as we know it today (immutable classes based on skin color) 19:17 "...in the days before software companies were managing reputations..." LOL Great line. Basically highly regarded and so other scholars would take them as "truth" as well... so it exploded and spread throughout Europe.
I don’t mean this to sound so stupid. But do black people, by which I mean really dark, dark people need sunscreen if they go to the beach? Also do they get skin cancer or are they naturally protected from that for life. Even if they live at the equator?
No we don’t we absorb sunlight which gives us Vitamin D and I’m 48 and never known anyone of my ethnicity to have skin cancer it’s just not normal in our community
Crazy CAT Lady I agree but it’s not from us absorbing the 🌞 which gives us vitamin d but from lack of sunlight and bad diet 🍖 🥩 🥛 and even water 🚿 fluoride
What is civilised? Capitalist enslaved production that benefits the few and creates poverty, or African self-sufficient lifestyle living a life of ease that all humans should have bean (no slaving 8 hours a day for your bosses wealth. Too many western subjective perspectives and bias.
@@eleazarlopez3292 lol just what do you think capitalism does. Capitalism can't exist without cheap wage slaves. And without it it collapses. No Western economic system benefits the masses of people. Non.
The Indians have both Neanderthal and Denisovan admixture and come from a divergent East Asian population which is where some divergent population from some ancient East Africans who were part of the more recent OOA migration some 80 to 100K years ago admixed with Neanderthals and Denisovans and produced a population that would form East Asians and migrated into North America probably 20k years ago.
The skin map shoes it was dark skin people here.. Humans only differ in cultures (and there's still overlap) if you to south America and the lower parts of Mexico you'll still see them. If you're one of those people that think African Americans are Aboriginal you're wrong and our cultural heritage is the proof.
Very interesting. I live in Sweden, 30 min away from Copenhagen (Denmark), so the comment in the end was really interesting. Here we do have fortified milk though.
i love her enthusiasm and clarity of broad conceptual linking of health, evolution and social foibles of prejudices,. but, her astoundingly poor grasp of vitamin d is disappointing and i think very hurtful as people look to her and trust what she says to be accurate, scientifically and biologically and physiologically accurate. Ergocalciferol is vitamin d2, is not from "plant", is from some mushrooms that when exposed to UVB can create ergocalciferol algae and some lichen, none of those are "plants",. There is no extra hydroxylation step for vitamin d2 ergocalciferol to be converted, actually, cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol are almost the same save a hydroxylation of their makeup. And the extreme importance of the kidney conversion of 25OH to 1,25oh2d3 which is profoundly controlled by the calcium/phos feedbackloop has virtually nothing to do with the paracrine/autocrine use and conversions of cholecalciferol, 25OHd3 and 1,25oh2d3 for gene transcription, translation and expression and in immune modulation. She misses that point entirely,. Though, she expounds on the importance of folate in such, matters and bases her hypothesis of skin color on it. There is great amount of missing and misfactuals here as far as vitamin d, so if anyone is interested in mechanistics of vitamin d Hollis and Wagner have put out fabulous research : The Role of the Parent Compound Vitamin D with Respect to Metabolism and Function: Why Clinical Dose Intervals Can Affect Clinical Outcomes www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3849670/ not theirs this one as well: Dietary Vitamin D and Its Metabolites Non-Genomically Stabilize the Endothelium journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0140370
You are wrong: mushrooms and lichens _are_ "plants" among non-geeks :-) Good science communication focuses on what the recipient take away, not on every tiny bit being 120% correct. As I understood it she is an anthropologist and having a way better understanding of vitamin D than a physicist like me is impressing. If we were to impose your nitpicking on science communication we would be a lot worse off in these anti intellectual times. By all means provide corrections, but be graceful about it.
@@madshorn5826 thank you for commenting. I just watched her newer presentation, and so pleased to see her efforts in conveying accurate vitamin d information this time. I have a lot of respect for her integrity. I cannot fathom your view point. but thanks for the tag.
@@faylouise8169 I may have overreacted 😅, but your phrasing "astoundingly poor understanding of..." gave me the impression that you were one of the usual tiresome guys dumping on smart women. I have started to speak up when that happens in the hope spectators will pick up on this not being acceptable. I should maybe have read your knick 😅, but knicks are most often random words. If her understanding of vitamin D has improved, she might have read your comment and taken it to heart even if the language could have been a tad more diplomatic 🙂
Where is her analysis of the first slaves being Black Natives Americans? There were 40 plus million of Black Native Americans with another 4 to 5 million Mongolian Americans. Notice the real issue is not being addressed, for the real issue is slavery based on color for Native Black Americans and Stolen Blacks from Africa. Hence, analyzing both groups together is not done,, giving an impression that North America was empty of people: both groups must be analyzed together to provide a vivid depiction of Slavery based not just skin color but availability of labor to be bought, stolen or rented, indenture servitude.
Notice how thinkers largely described concepts in terms of that immutability. In fact, from molecules and genes (and in more basic physics and chemistry of course) to phenotypes, speciation, behavioral and social systems, you'll note, that ALL are dynamical. Both the activity of genes, and of some top-down forces (not only environmental/psychosocial and physical stresses upon them, vary responsively during and organism's life history. We ARE attracted to outbreeding for very ancient biological and evolutionary reasons. (I will use a term here due to some familiarity with some wildlife mating systems and possibly other referential analogies. My analogue is descriptive, NOT moralization, because moralization is an aberrant , biased form of post-hoc - even telological rationalization having nothing to do with the actual contingent shape and dynamic of cognition and behaviors) In human cultures, we find "beachmasters", powerful individuals who suppress novel introgressions or change. Due to quite natural dependency of the every young on their large parents, in social species the development of social attraction to powerful figures later in life, is an easy , perhaps "primed" adaptation. In an obligate social animal like ourselves, one can only expect the normal heuristic processes of evolution to have resulted in facultative changes in previouslly useful basic cognitions through use of already extant cognition of dependencies. Heuristics are basically the simplest or shortest methods of development. The outcomes of that universal ease o f heuristic, may not be at all healthy when conditions change, although the heuristic that causes grouping does help social primates overcome individuals, smaller groups, or less cohesive aggregations. Thus the natural trend may be toward forming ever-larger groups, for so long as their aggregate is strongly cohesive. That's why such groups as the UN are reviled by less tolerant, more fearful coalitions. In South and Central Asia, we find a lot of relative inbreeding - the whole "honor killing" cultural conceit is more ancient than the mere recent larger protective "beachmaster" culture of Islam, and other, earlier manifestations of ingroup control formed through previous coercive religious ideation. This is also obviously occurring in those largely males of European descent when they are in control, feeling unexamined threat from exterior significant group appearance. Europe was, outside fertile domesticated areas such as Chinese river basins and tropical South Asia, always producing more humans than it could fit within its habitat. The ease of shipping culture (Hanseatic and others) allowed development of long-doistance travel, and the peculiar ideas that such oddities as shiny metals, translucent rocks, and other symbolic inedibles, caused tragic extensive exploitation as their excess younger males dispersed. Culture is learned, and the older one becomes, the more they imagine culture as immutable, as well as endangered by outgroups. While there is some validity to some cultural practices and mores, this illusory immutability is a driver of threat perception and violence. We are adapted to recognizing habitat change around us, and evaluating changes within limited timespans. Even the tiniest single-cell organism tends to detect and move toward useful and nutritious molecules, and away from the toxic. We humans have lost some of our more sure senses of toxicity, and of course, symbolic, self-referential ideation and communications systems are HIGHLY vulnerable to contrafactual ideations. Since our primary goals tend to be aggregation for safety (we are only middling omnivores, and respond as usefully as Cape Buffalo through memory and fear by vengefulness. It works for groups, and however accurate the depictions of Pleistocene "hunters", they are attractive because they do define our response to threat - aggregate and kill for protection and revenge, "just in case." When younger, I was amazed at what seemed to be the cohesiveness of Brazilian culture, but there does in fact exist racism, and melanin content is still regarded as a flag there. Cuba, too, had less color discrimination than has ever been the US norm (Since most of the upper-class Cubans quickly dispersed to Florida in the 1950s, I cannot say how that nation was before that sudden change, but the defectors were more of European descent than most who remained, although even the political warfare occurring then appears to have been internecine, rather than interracial) I suppose that when human population density reduces (and it WILL, because we have vastly overwhelmed the world's habitats - that entire quantification of total world photosynthesis and our consumption of more than a year, and now more than several years' primary production IS accurate enough to show that real ecological breakdown is fast upon us), we will again be sorted by insolation into darker tropical and unshaded habitats and reduced insolation at higher latitudes and the cloudy forested areas may yet return. It is always, as we can understand from the maladaptive excesses of human societies fearing possible threat, the case that the problem will remain so long as we do. " Peaceable Kingdoms" as in paintings do not exist in nature - All trophic and habitat niches dynamically select for changes that will fill them, and Malthus, no matter how the sardine-packing profiteers try, humans, so long as they remain recognizable, will continue, like all other organisms, to exert pressures against their conspecifics and any other members of their trophic guild. We watch seagulls squabble, but erroneously believe that we are different.
"We watch seagulls squabble, but erroneously believe that we are different.".......REALLY? The first Caribbean Indigenous that Columb came across in Cuba, didn't understand what a weapon was for, there is no evidence they were cognitively impaired. He and others (Cabot?) were under (Papal) instruction to enslave or annihilate those peoples that had never lived under conditions of Oligarchic hierarchy. The Belgians DELIBERATELY inculcated melanin based internecine strife in Rwanda for over a century, it spilled over into "the genocide" only when poverty stresses became prevalent. A dog will chew it's own leg off to escape a trap, a human knows he only has to wait for the trapper.
I'd love to hear her opinion on this scamdemic and the advice/orders to wear masks, antisocially distance and STAY INDOORS. Where is she when we need her?! She's brilliant by the way!!
You are only discussing if the epidemic is real (spoiler: it is), not if social distance and masks work, because they do. Social distance and quarantine work for every epidemic for every living being period.
Alex Plante I believe that tanning booths only use one of the ultra violet lights and not both A and B, plus a supplement would probably be safer. I could be wrong about the tanning booths but that’s what I was told a very long time ago.
AlexPlante..we blacks just step outside our doors and bask in UV Rays we [LOVE] worship THE SUN 'SUNRA' it feels good to us 'energizes' like a battery we can't get to much sun it makes us stronger healthier , and just think about it Alex Plante NO goddamn suntan lotion or is it called sun screen..damn that ''ish' looks nasty and horrific how do you pale faces [Albino's] stand that unnatural SH!T! Ew..Yikes..Ugh!
My daughter was equally in love with 2 guys, one black and one white, both were from the same background and class and health. So who do you choose ? I say choose wisely , white people in this reality get many advantage while black and unfairly shot at by cops and looked down upon. My daughter chose the white guy, she was thinking why on earth would I want my kids to be disadvantaged ? she said I dont give a rats arse about who is the ones being unfair in this world, I just want my kids to be the ones doing the bullying rather than the ones receiving the bullying. I knew I raised a winner in my family. lesson learnt is where possible choose to the winner. better to shit on somebody than be shat on.
So you will be posting examples of well-cited scientific studies by equally educated and experienced biologists that support your opinion, right? If you cannot, we can only assume the worst about you, i.e., that you think nonsense you read on 4-chan is anything more than bovine excreta.
She is an excellent speaker. If you didn’t watch the lecture from the day before you certainly should. It is well worth it.
She had me at: "...in the days before software companies were managing reputations..."
Well, the Catholic Church (& later Christian sects) have made or destroy ideas & reputations, before the modern media.
excellent lecture and some very interesting info, however I would like to point out as a resident of the UK that Vitamin D is not as expensive as the speaker claims. The last bottle of 60 550mg Cod Liver Oil capsules which I bought cost me around £5 or around $4 ;)
Science can be indeed an answer and alternative to social and political racism by making people understand the reasons for the physical differences between us.
@catchfish205 guarantee hes done more for the black community than you ever have...and I dont need your resume. I still believe hes done more
I am a sociologist student and sadly, people in power do not want to change social and political racism because it continues their power and when "minorities" reach equality they will end up losing their "power."
I wish there was like a website or an app, where you can input your skin color, the latitude of the place you live in and it would tell you how long you should be exposed to sunlight more or less in the different seasons to MAXIMIZE your production of vitamin D and MINIMIZE your risk of skin cancer....
It would be different for literally everyone
That totally exists now. There's actually a few. Not sure how accurate they are, but I read an article that recommended one called "Dminder"
That would be nice. But everyone should wear sunscreen. All skin can be damaged by the sun, but usually the fairest skin burns quickly.
@@d.fattyadams1313 not correct obviously you did really hear her lecture.
You are so Eloquent and such a great woman. This knowledge should be shared with all those people who are running our country. They must be given the facts so they can then implement this into school curriculum.
There is so much hate because of ignorance in this country. !
Fascinating and informative. Learnt a lot.
Race: I am tired of people using the term race to describe a group of people because scientifically, biologically and genetically there is no such thing as race. Categorization is always a problem. Yes, there are differences and gradations in skin color and that is because of genetic drift and climate (we all originally came from Africa). Specifically, evolution, ultraviolet radiation, folic acid, physiology, Vitamin D, melanin, hairless, bare skin, the evolution of hair follicles to sweat glands, all of which determine skin color, and pigmentation. There is no such thing as the “white” race, the “Black” race, the Jewish race, or the Hispanic race etc. If you have native American ancestors, ancestors from Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean, the ancestry is Asian, with admixtures of Black, Spanish, French etc. If you look carefully at the faces of some people from Central America and South America, you can still recognize the Asian influence. If we were of different races, we could not breed and produce children. It takes over a million years for members of the same species to be separated and isolated before they develop into a difference species (Race), preventing them to interbreed. We are talking about pigmentation, skin color, cultures, ethnocentricities’, and tribalism, not separate species of races, when we talk about the people of the world. We are all the same race and species. Regarding differences in physiognomy, morphology, it has been said that many Black operatic and pop music stars, have beautiful voices. That is because of the “mask”. i.e., the face, and the bone structure and sinuses of the skull which allow the voice to resonate (listen to Leontine Price, or Ella Fitzgerald). Also, I bring to your attention that the world’s greatest civilization which lasted almost 4000 years, was Egypt, which was Black. If we continue to use the prejudicial, pejorative term race, which is a political, cultural, religious, economic, ethnic concept. The concept is not reality grounded and continues to drive us apart by creating the “other”. Rather say, I am a human being a homo-sapiens with (fill in the blank) ancestry. Look around you and note the mixture of the genetic pool in your community, often a mixture of white, black, and Asian ancestry. And because of immigration and travel this genetic admixture is continuing at a rapid pace throughout the world. If you conduct a genomic search of your ancestry, you might be surprised. It is this that the racists and white supremacists fear. Because of “race”, the Nazi’s killed 6 million Jews, and because of race, the Japanese killed millions of Chinese and the the immigration problem, and racism in the United States. Science, research and understanding can free us from ignorance and prejudice.
Reference: Dr. Nina Jablonski, Ph.D. Washington University, et al.
Reference: You Tube: Race and Skin Color
William Secor I didn’t read your whole thing but if your argument is basically that they is not such thing as race or at least shouldn’t be then I completely agree with you. Next time please add your message with different paragraphs. I think to judge anyone by different skin color is ridiculous. I think to judge people by culture is a greatly missed opportunity to get to know the person and to learn about an interesting culture other then your own. Plus they get to know about you. I absolutely love diversity. The more different you are to me the more I like you because there is so much more to talk about, learn, and more interesting things. People are missing out be avoid people who are different then them.
I agree wholeheartedly with everything with one exception-
During its 4000+ years of existence Egypt was ruled by people with a wide variety of pigmentation but was never truly 'black'. During the first 1000-1200 years the settlers in the Lower Nile were semitic and it was only when they united with the browner people of the Upper Nile that they achieved the successes of the Middle Kingdom.
But the New Kingdom, which gave us Ramses II, etc. only occurred after they conquered the Nubian Kush empire (in what is now Sudan) with it's darker pigmented population. It lasted almost 2000 years.
In the final stage, the 700 year long Late Period, they were invaded by fairer skinned North African & Persian peoples and lastly, in the era that gave us Cleopatra, et al. the rulers were Greeks and Romans.
@@stannousflouride8372 correct. In fact Cleopatra's son is half Roman, half Macedonian Greek. Egyptian rulers have been various ethnicities
Feel smarter now?
Race was used as a "label" (if you will) by Meyers Konversation-Lexikons of 1885, who used it to categorize genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.
That's probably an easier way to articulate your repetitive, droning paragraphs of prose.
Thank you so much, I Learnt a lot🙏🏽❤️🌹
Students today learn from others, nothing wrong with learning from others.
41:20 78c-previtD in doors pigmentation & depn etal ^ now indoors
Who were the Seabearing people who first came from the Caucasus Mountain to the civilized world (Vikings).
Education of today's young people is the key to changing everything. All of the sciences need to have a more prominent place in the public school's curriculum. Also, curriculums need to unified to promote global unity in our ideologies.
fantastic, as always.
i would love to hear if you have any commentary on genetic syndromes such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (we mutants exist for an evolutionary reason , that part is obvious) with regard to so many of your findings. i'll be looking.
a bit of humor: around an hour 7 minutes in, all i could think was , "my body's doing a bunch of stuff behind my back." all that work, to which we are not consciously privy.
Most if not all plant-derived milk "substitutes" (soy milk, almond milk, etc.) in the U.S. (at least) are fortified with plant-derived ergocalciferol ("vitamin" D2) rather than cholecalciferol ("vitamin" D3), which is typically extracted from wool for this purpose. Moreover, although the distinction between these two forms of "Vitamin D" is subtle and *not* related to the number of hydroxylation steps they have to undergo in order to be converted to the active form of "vitamin D" (a secosteroidal hormone commonly known as calcitriol), there is some evidence from studies of upper respiratory infection in children that they may *not* be equally effective in bolstering the immune system.
Great work!
I saw it twice and enjoyed every time!
Nice job, I wouldn't touch this subject with a ten foot pole. She is very careful not to come across as bigoted
We all stemmed and evolved from Africa. How is that a bigot?
@@RyanBugatti agree, but many take a subject like this and twist it
Maybe emphasize the term "people adapted to their changed environment as they migrated out of Africa." Rather than using the word evolved. I do totally agree though, this shows how we are all one species, that originated in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago. We are all from Africa. Racists and racism is attacking your own brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children.
@@MsYogiCat "Adapted" and "Evolved" aren't really interchangeable, and we did both. "Adapted" implies that we made a conscious effort to change so we could adjust to our surroundings (like wearing heavier clothing in a colder climate). "Evolved" means that nature made the adjustment for us (like losing skin pigmentation in response to less UV radiation). Essentially, adapting is what you do while evolving is what's done to you.
Evolved is different as per comment and she is using it as a scientific term in this lecture to other scientists. If see previous lecture she talks about evolving to less pigment and then as migrated into other high uv areas like southern India evolved back to more pigmentation and that they can tell the process was separate as get to more pigment through different genetic pattern
46:30 south Africa is a country now? Hmm, didn't know that...
Nobody's perfect. :) (Good catch though.)
How do other animals, especially the ones native to higher latitudes make vitamin D with all their fur that prevents sunlight from reaching their skin ? Isn't Vit D important for them too ?
They must find it in a food source. Possibly moss, lichens, Juniper berries, or pine nuts
In previous lecture talked more about hair/fur. And very different processes compared to primates so assume differences in vit D too, diet particularly?
The "Vitamin D3" found in "Vitamin D" supplements is extracted from wool, so I'm guessing that other animals can simply lick their way to "Vitamin D" supplementation.
It has nothing to do with skin color; it only if they see a difference.
re: Hume-Kant for racism as we know it today (immutable classes based on skin color) 19:17
"...in the days before software companies were managing reputations..." LOL Great line.
Basically highly regarded and so other scholars would take them as "truth" as well... so it exploded and spread throughout Europe.
Very common for people to think their culture is superior.
I am gonna take vitamin D pills from here on out
"We cannot vaccinate people against ignorance" Almost seems too on the nose after the last couple years. Only then to realize this talk is from 2017.
It would seem that mixed race couples would need two different types of diet to make up for how their pigments interact with their chosen latitude.
No, they can adopt to both
This is the worst talk on evolution I have ever heard.
Pretty boring
I don’t mean this to sound so stupid. But do black people, by which I mean really dark, dark people need sunscreen if they go to the beach? Also do they get skin cancer or are they naturally protected from that for life. Even if they live at the equator?
No we don’t we absorb sunlight which gives us Vitamin D and I’m 48 and never known anyone of my ethnicity to have skin cancer it’s just not normal in our community
Skin cancer is the number one cancer that kills people of color. GOOGLE IT! it is a very dangerous cancer!
Yes, ALL PEOPLE absorb vitamin D from sunlight.
Crazy CAT Lady I agree but it’s not from us absorbing the 🌞 which gives us vitamin d but from lack of sunlight and bad diet 🍖 🥩 🥛 and even water 🚿 fluoride
What is civilised? Capitalist enslaved production that benefits the few and creates poverty, or African self-sufficient lifestyle living a life of ease that all humans should have bean (no slaving 8 hours a day for your bosses wealth. Too many western subjective perspectives and bias.
Communism enslaves the people, creates poverty & ruins countries...
@@eleazarlopez3292 lol just what do you think capitalism does. Capitalism can't exist without cheap wage slaves. And without it it collapses. No Western economic system benefits the masses of people. Non.
She doesn't know that before the Atlantic Slave trade Black Aboriginal people were already in these countries, Columbus called them Indians!
The Indians have both Neanderthal and Denisovan admixture and come from a divergent East Asian population which is where some divergent population from some ancient East Africans who were part of the more recent OOA migration some 80 to 100K years ago admixed with Neanderthals and Denisovans and produced a population that would form East Asians and migrated into North America probably 20k years ago.
American "indians" are NOT black.
The skin map shoes it was dark skin people here.. Humans only differ in cultures (and there's still overlap) if you to south America and the lower parts of Mexico you'll still see them. If you're one of those people that think African Americans are Aboriginal you're wrong and our cultural heritage is the proof.
Very interesting. I live in Sweden, 30 min away from Copenhagen (Denmark), so the comment in the end was really interesting. Here we do have fortified milk though.
How did the Moor's exist in very Hot climate with their Black skin in Europe, Asia, Aboriginal people in the Americas, and Australia?
God may be black.
i love her enthusiasm and clarity of broad conceptual linking of health, evolution and social foibles of prejudices,. but, her astoundingly poor grasp of vitamin d is disappointing and i think very hurtful as people look to her and trust what she says to be accurate, scientifically and biologically and physiologically accurate. Ergocalciferol is vitamin d2, is not from "plant", is from some mushrooms that when exposed to UVB can create ergocalciferol algae and some lichen, none of those are "plants",. There is no extra hydroxylation step for vitamin d2 ergocalciferol to be converted, actually, cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol are almost the same save a hydroxylation of their makeup. And the extreme importance of the kidney conversion of 25OH to 1,25oh2d3 which is profoundly controlled by the calcium/phos feedbackloop has virtually nothing to do with the paracrine/autocrine use and conversions of cholecalciferol, 25OHd3 and 1,25oh2d3 for gene transcription, translation and expression and in immune modulation. She misses that point entirely,. Though, she expounds on the importance of folate in such, matters and bases her hypothesis of skin color on it. There is great amount of missing and misfactuals here as far as vitamin d, so if anyone is interested in mechanistics of vitamin d Hollis and Wagner have put out fabulous research : The Role of the Parent Compound Vitamin D with Respect to Metabolism and Function: Why Clinical Dose Intervals Can Affect Clinical Outcomes www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3849670/
not theirs this one as well: Dietary Vitamin D and Its Metabolites Non-Genomically Stabilize the Endothelium journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0140370
No body agar thaddffyjyjy
I was going to say exactly that but figured someone already posted it
You are wrong: mushrooms and lichens _are_ "plants" among non-geeks :-)
Good science communication focuses on what the recipient take away, not on every tiny bit being 120% correct.
As I understood it she is an anthropologist and having a way better understanding of vitamin D than a physicist like me is impressing.
If we were to impose your nitpicking on science communication we would be a lot worse off in these anti intellectual times.
By all means provide corrections, but be graceful about it.
@@madshorn5826 thank you for commenting. I just watched her newer presentation, and so pleased to see her efforts in conveying accurate vitamin d information this time. I have a lot of respect for her integrity. I cannot fathom your view point. but thanks for the tag.
I may have overreacted 😅, but your phrasing "astoundingly poor understanding of..." gave me the impression that you were one of the usual tiresome guys dumping on smart women. I have started to speak up when that happens in the hope spectators will pick up on this not being acceptable.
I should maybe have read your knick 😅, but knicks are most often random words.
If her understanding of vitamin D has improved, she might have read your comment and taken it to heart even if the language could have been a tad more diplomatic 🙂
Where is her analysis of the first slaves being Black Natives Americans? There were 40 plus million of Black Native Americans with another 4 to 5 million Mongolian Americans. Notice the real issue is not being addressed, for the real issue is slavery based on color for Native Black Americans and Stolen Blacks from Africa. Hence, analyzing both groups together is not done,, giving an impression that North America was empty of people: both groups must be analyzed together to provide a vivid depiction of Slavery based not just skin color but availability of labor to be bought, stolen or rented, indenture servitude.
Notice how thinkers largely described concepts in terms of that immutability.
In fact, from molecules and genes (and in more basic physics and chemistry of course) to phenotypes, speciation, behavioral and social systems, you'll note, that ALL are dynamical.
Both the activity of genes, and of some top-down forces (not only environmental/psychosocial and physical stresses upon them, vary responsively during and organism's life history.
We ARE attracted to outbreeding for very ancient biological and evolutionary reasons.
(I will use a term here due to some familiarity with some wildlife mating systems and possibly other referential analogies. My analogue is descriptive, NOT moralization, because moralization is an aberrant , biased form of post-hoc - even telological rationalization having nothing to do with the actual contingent shape and dynamic of cognition and behaviors)
In human cultures, we find "beachmasters", powerful individuals who suppress novel introgressions or change. Due to quite natural dependency of the every young on their large parents, in social species the development of social attraction to powerful figures later in life, is an easy , perhaps "primed" adaptation.
In an obligate social animal like ourselves, one can only expect the normal heuristic processes of evolution to have resulted in facultative changes in previouslly useful basic cognitions through use of already extant cognition of dependencies. Heuristics are basically the simplest or shortest methods of development.
The outcomes of that universal ease o f heuristic, may not be at all healthy when conditions change, although the heuristic that causes grouping does help social primates overcome individuals, smaller groups, or less cohesive aggregations. Thus the natural trend may be toward forming ever-larger groups, for so long as their aggregate is strongly cohesive.
That's why such groups as the UN are reviled by less tolerant, more fearful coalitions.
In South and Central Asia, we find a lot of relative inbreeding - the whole "honor killing" cultural conceit is more ancient than the mere recent larger protective "beachmaster" culture of Islam, and other, earlier manifestations of ingroup control formed through previous coercive religious ideation.
This is also obviously occurring in those largely males of European descent when they are in control, feeling unexamined threat from exterior significant group appearance.
Europe was, outside fertile domesticated areas such as Chinese river basins and tropical South Asia, always producing more humans than it could fit within its habitat. The ease of shipping culture (Hanseatic and others) allowed development of long-doistance travel, and the peculiar ideas that such oddities as shiny metals, translucent rocks, and other symbolic inedibles, caused tragic extensive exploitation as their excess younger males dispersed.
Culture is learned, and the older one becomes, the more they imagine culture as immutable, as well as endangered by outgroups. While there is some validity to some cultural practices and mores, this illusory immutability is a driver of threat perception and violence.
We are adapted to recognizing habitat change around us, and evaluating changes within limited timespans. Even the tiniest single-cell organism tends to detect and move toward useful and nutritious molecules, and away from the toxic.
We humans have lost some of our more sure senses of toxicity, and of course, symbolic, self-referential ideation and communications systems are HIGHLY vulnerable to contrafactual ideations. Since our primary goals tend to be aggregation for safety (we are only middling omnivores, and respond as usefully as Cape Buffalo through memory and fear by vengefulness. It works for groups, and however accurate the depictions of Pleistocene "hunters", they are attractive because they do define our response to threat - aggregate and kill for protection and revenge, "just in case."
When younger, I was amazed at what seemed to be the cohesiveness of Brazilian culture, but there does in fact exist racism, and melanin content is still regarded as a flag there.
Cuba, too, had less color discrimination than has ever been the US norm (Since most of the upper-class Cubans quickly dispersed to Florida in the 1950s, I cannot say how that nation was before that sudden change, but the defectors were more of European descent than most who remained, although even the political warfare occurring then appears to have been internecine, rather than interracial)
I suppose that when human population density reduces (and it WILL, because we have vastly overwhelmed the world's habitats - that entire quantification of total world photosynthesis and our consumption of more than a year, and now more than several years' primary production IS accurate enough to show that real ecological breakdown is fast upon us), we will again be sorted by insolation into darker tropical and unshaded habitats and reduced insolation at higher latitudes and the cloudy forested areas may yet return.
It is always, as we can understand from the maladaptive excesses of human societies fearing possible threat, the case that the problem will remain so long as we do. " Peaceable Kingdoms" as in paintings do not exist in nature - All trophic and habitat niches dynamically select for changes that will fill them, and Malthus, no matter how the sardine-packing profiteers try, humans, so long as they remain recognizable, will continue, like all other organisms, to exert pressures against their conspecifics and any other members of their trophic guild.
We watch seagulls squabble, but erroneously believe that we are different.
"We watch seagulls squabble, but erroneously believe that we are different.".......REALLY?
The first Caribbean Indigenous that Columb came across in Cuba, didn't understand what a weapon was for, there is no evidence they were cognitively impaired. He and others (Cabot?) were under (Papal) instruction to enslave or annihilate those peoples that had never lived under conditions of Oligarchic hierarchy.
The Belgians DELIBERATELY inculcated melanin based internecine strife in Rwanda for over a century, it spilled over into "the genocide" only when poverty stresses became prevalent.
A dog will chew it's own leg off to escape a trap, a human knows he only has to wait for the trapper.
When your a kid🙄😧
I'd love to hear her opinion on this scamdemic and the advice/orders to wear masks, antisocially distance and STAY INDOORS.
Where is she when we need her?!
She's brilliant by the way!!
You are only discussing if the epidemic is real (spoiler: it is), not if social distance and masks work, because they do. Social distance and quarantine work for every epidemic for every living being period.
Kant is overrated
Maybe Blacks who live in Northern climates need to go to tanning salons....
Alex Plante I believe that tanning booths only use one of the ultra violet lights and not both A and B, plus a supplement would probably be safer. I could be wrong about the tanning booths but that’s what I was told a very long time ago.
AlexPlante..we blacks just step outside our doors and bask in UV Rays we [LOVE] worship THE SUN 'SUNRA' it feels good to us 'energizes' like a battery we can't get to much sun it makes us stronger healthier , and just think about it Alex Plante NO goddamn suntan lotion or is it called sun screen..damn that ''ish' looks nasty and horrific how do you pale faces [Albino's] stand that unnatural SH!T! Ew..Yikes..Ugh!
My daughter was equally in love with 2 guys, one black and one white, both were from the same background and class and health. So who do you choose ? I say choose wisely , white people in this reality get many advantage while black and unfairly shot at by cops and looked down upon. My daughter chose the white guy, she was thinking why on earth would I want my kids to be disadvantaged ? she said I dont give a rats arse about who is the ones being unfair in this world, I just want my kids to be the ones doing the bullying rather than the ones receiving the bullying. I knew I raised a winner in my family. lesson learnt is where possible choose to the winner. better to shit on somebody than be shat on.
this is all wrong
So you will be posting examples of well-cited scientific studies by equally educated and experienced biologists that support your opinion, right?
If you cannot, we can only assume the worst about you, i.e., that you think nonsense you read on 4-chan is anything more than bovine excreta.
@@stannousflouride8372 This was an excellent response. Just felt like saying that.