Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry, Part 1 | Guitar Lesson | Accurate and Complete

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 317

  • @jeffreyhall76
    @jeffreyhall76 9 месяцев назад +5

    This guy has to be one of the most well rounded instructors on RUclips. He taught me shadow play by joy division now chuck berry

  • @larrym9143
    @larrym9143 5 лет назад +7

    No apology necessary to keep the most iconic rock and roll lick ever created in front of the masses, not only for the new players coming online that need to know how to do it right, but as a reminder to the experienced community that this lick alone is indeed the reason so many of us HAD to pick up the guitar so many years ago and never looked back!

  • @lamper2
    @lamper2 2 года назад +6

    This multi part Masterclass on such an important song deserves a MAJOR AWARD greater even than a leg lamp!

  • @fabiopunk1661
    @fabiopunk1661 7 лет назад +89

    There are so many "lessons" on RUclips on this one, but each has some flaws and, one way or the other, does not seem to sound right. We needed this Adrian! And now we eagerly wait for the next parts - we want it all! Thanks for spending the time to make this available

  • @MM-wj4lv
    @MM-wj4lv 5 лет назад +54

    This sounds like the most accurate version I've seen on youtube. Thank you!

    • @burner6884
      @burner6884 5 лет назад +2

      I agree,I was looking for the best one,this one is definitely it!

    • @tommyfoley
      @tommyfoley 4 года назад +2

      ...And yet some trolls unbelievably gave this video thumbs down?

    • @pouyan_m
      @pouyan_m 4 года назад +1

      Then you haven't seen justinguitar version

  • @DC-ip1sc
    @DC-ip1sc 3 года назад +5

    One of the first things I ever learnt, trouble is, clearly, I learnt it wrong! Thanks for this, seems spot on, it's darn difficult to unlearn something I've been playing for 35 years though. Love all your lessons, so clear and easy to follow, one of the top youtubers for guitar.

  • @soulagent79
    @soulagent79 7 лет назад +17

    Chuck is one of the guitar players I already loved as a child, years before I started to play the guitar myself.

  • @chezruss
    @chezruss 7 лет назад +27

    Brilliant lesson! i ve been playing guitar for 30 years and now i m learning JGB thanks to you - never too late for this great song.

  • @ebswift
    @ebswift 4 года назад +15

    I really appreciate this, I'm in my late 40's, never really learned more than a few basic chords. I'm pushing myself into regular practice now, having recently acquired a new well setup guitar really helps playing a lot and doesn't hurt the fingers near as much as a badly setup instrument (my other guitar, a '91 Samick strat is great but needs fretwork before I can lower the action, I'll get around to it). After a lot of practice getting it right I was finally able to follow you note for note in the slow play through at 15:05 which was a big achievement for me - it's a great addition to the tutorial to help make sure you have it all in order before speeding things up. Now to work my way up to the actual song speed before taking on part 2. Thanks!

    • @cskueny
      @cskueny 3 года назад +3

      Ha, I'm still playing a lot of songs from Adrian's fingerstyle lesson in such a slow motion that they don't even sound like the same song at first. But I gradually get faster. Doing things slowly and correctly is truly the only way to get there.

    • @shiroumxm2052
      @shiroumxm2052 3 года назад

      @@cskueny exactlyyy

  • @dougsmith8430
    @dougsmith8430 Год назад +3

    I went to several other guitar instructors takes before this one was found… This is by far the most thorough lesson[s] on this iconic classic that I found!
    Outstanding lesson[s] here Adrian!
    I must admit, this is very difficult for me… I’ve been playing 10 years, but I never did go down the Chuck Berry approach portal! As you said , Chuck Berry is by far one of the greatest guitarist ever…In my mind, he was the Ming of rock ‘n’ roll!
    THANK YOU ADRIAN… I HAVE FOUND MY PROJECT SONG for the next good while!

  • @DessieTots
    @DessieTots 5 лет назад +8

    Adrian, I had a bloody good laugh at myself trying to get that bended G on the 8th fret at 10:00min mark. There are a lot of tutorials on RUclips but your tutorials are by a long shot, the best. Keep up the great work.

    • @keithchilvers7434
      @keithchilvers7434 2 года назад

      You could always do it as a slide, like Earl Hooker did in The Hucklebuck

  • @HektorBandimar
    @HektorBandimar 2 года назад +7

    You are one of the best guitar teachers on RUclips mate, great lesson, I've been trying to get my head around that for years, thanks.

  • @MrRontac
    @MrRontac 2 года назад +2

    Adrian you are the most thorough teacher hands down .... SUPER lesson my friend , thanks a MILLION

  • @tuningforx
    @tuningforx 2 года назад +2

    Nice playing and probably the best comprehensive lessons for JBG on RUclips. Thank you.

    • @DougSmith-y4o
      @DougSmith-y4o 10 месяцев назад

      Agree! Adrian is a fantastic Teacher and great player! 🎸

  • @davidschmidt9339
    @davidschmidt9339 2 года назад +1

    Your's is the best lesson I have seen to date and I am an old bastard that has been looking at these videos for a long time

  • @stevegarza3117
    @stevegarza3117 4 года назад +4

    I really like your tutorials. Most accurate I’ve seen, and I like how you explain them.

  • @Candyskin69
    @Candyskin69 7 лет назад +12

    Thank you, Adrian. Your lessons are by far the best, your enthusiasm and unpretentious presentational style make it an absolute pleasure to learn.

  • @JM-5150
    @JM-5150 7 лет назад +2

    Good lesson, I've been playing 30 years but learn new stuff all the time, thanks for the wide variety of material.

  • @marywillis1630
    @marywillis1630 7 лет назад +57

    Sleep soundly tonight, young man, knowing that an old lady wore a broad grin all day, and howled with laughter when (I did my best) to play this. I don't play guitar but there's been one in the house for about a month. The last few weeks I decided..... I really should learn to play, just a little something. And sound like - Hendrix. Why not?
    I have a greater gift -- indeed, for inviting massive disappointment - than I do playing the guitar; nevertheless, had so much fun. thank you!

    • @Keninoz1
      @Keninoz1 4 года назад +2

      You picked a tough one to learn first up! :)

    • @meadish
      @meadish 9 месяцев назад

      Having fun is the most important lesson. You already got that down!
      If you keep having fun with this one there will come a day when you are having fun AND can play it. It's all about putting in that time every day,

  • @seanshamblin2399
    @seanshamblin2399 4 года назад +88

    This is a blues riff in B flat. Watch me for the changes and... uhh... Try and keep up.

    • @michaelmarchei8539
      @michaelmarchei8539 4 года назад +10

      your kids will love it

    • @cacornett58
      @cacornett58 3 года назад +2

      Maybe blues riffs in Bb, but it's not the blues scale, totally

    • @TheBrentdog
      @TheBrentdog 3 года назад +2

      Guess your not ready for that

    • @neilkorsgaard
      @neilkorsgaard 3 года назад +1

      Oh Calvin!

    • @davekochanski8756
      @davekochanski8756 3 года назад +2

      Did you know on the film he just says b and not b flat ! And did he really have a cousin named Marvin !!! 😞 great movie though 🎸😎✌!!

  • @mikecarpenter3819
    @mikecarpenter3819 5 лет назад +7

    So fantastic, Adrian! How I wish I'd had this in 1977 when I was trying to figure it out (at age 14!)

  • @bricago2302
    @bricago2302 4 года назад +1

    This is the best JBG tutorial on YT.

  • @addykaybee1929
    @addykaybee1929 3 года назад +1

    You dont understand how happy I was when I realised he did this lesson like I learned this charming man in a week off by heart by far the best

  • @seanshamblin2399
    @seanshamblin2399 4 года назад +15

    I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids are gonna love it.

  • @sergioflores3156
    @sergioflores3156 2 года назад +1

    very easy to follow,you are an amazing guitar player, the best and easiest lesson on the internet, had problems before trying to follow the other instructors and finally gave up until I found your tutorial, thanks I am really working on that famous intro that you have made possible, Thanks again, very to the point no mumble jumble just great teaching technique

  • @Yojimbonh
    @Yojimbonh 4 года назад +1

    This is superb.
    I really like that you include the counts - that helps so much getting the correct timing.

  • @truemansparks
    @truemansparks 7 лет назад +1

    Excellent lesson clear, concise and not rushing too fast I had the tab for this but now I know how it should really sound thanks man!

  • @marklatuso8910
    @marklatuso8910 5 лет назад +1

    Adrian, being new to the channel I would say you are definitely in left field. You my friend are all over the board and I love every bit of it. Every week is an adventure, love your style and will not get to nerdy just trying to play it and make it sound “cool “ like you do.

  • @clairestebbins9241
    @clairestebbins9241 6 лет назад +4

    It has been said a lot but it can't be said enough you are a great teacher, really you do it right, thank you!

  • @ozzyfarrow
    @ozzyfarrow 7 лет назад +2

    Adrian I have to say you are the easiest person I subscribe to to learn songs from on you tube
    Most rush through and it is hard to follow but I find you are very easy to follow thank you
    I learnt the smiths charming man watching you

  • @dacuriel
    @dacuriel 4 года назад +5

    Amazing! You're a great teacher. Thank you for the lesson!

  • @neilkorsgaard
    @neilkorsgaard 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this. There are others out there, but you are a great teacher. Love the Jazzmaster!

  • @Claymor621
    @Claymor621 4 года назад +2

    I wasn't that interested when the link was sent to me for this as so many people play this tune 'adequately' including me, I first played Johnny B Goode in bands many years ago, but actually you really do nail the detail and I'll be going through this to pin it down (at last). Thanks.

  • @TeunDereek
    @TeunDereek 6 лет назад +1

    You deserve 10 times as much views man. This is exactly the right methode to teach a song to other guitar players - building it up from slow to fast. Thanks a lot for this tutorial. I will subscribe. Good job!!

  • @telboy1966manu
    @telboy1966manu 3 года назад +1

    By far the best lesson on the internet for this riff.. thanks Adrian 🙏🙏🙏

  • @warthog5562
    @warthog5562 Год назад +1

    No one and I mean no one does guitar lesson videos better than Adrian.

  • @keithchilvers7434
    @keithchilvers7434 3 года назад

    This is a great lesson, after years of fumbling around this to actually (be nerdy) and learn to play exactly as Chuck did is great. I found the most difficult bit getting used to playing with almost all down strokes, being used to playing up/down up/down with a few rakes and a bit of cross-picking thrown in mostly. It dawned on me why it is essential to play this way to get Chuck's sound and drive - he derived a lot of his inspiration and licks from the New Orleans barrel-house piano players and that's why he played that way - there ain't no up strokes on a piano! He was playing as a piano player would.

  • @DingusTheGenius
    @DingusTheGenius 5 лет назад

    I have enjoyed your channel and have learned so much from you as an Internet guitar teacher. When I put in my search to finally get around to learning this classic bit of guitar riffle, I immediately went to your video when the boatload of options surfaced. "Oh, Adrian's got one for that. Done". Your teaching style really works for me. Thank you for so much over these years.

  • @ferpirata76
    @ferpirata76 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks so much for this great lesson. The lick that changed it all. Rest in peace Chuck!

  • @MLFranklin
    @MLFranklin Год назад

    Your skills and enthusiasm are amazing.

  • @iansutherlandcraig
    @iansutherlandcraig 2 года назад +1

    Never been able to do that… till you did a lesson. Thank you, Adrian.

  • @TheNewenglandboys
    @TheNewenglandboys 4 года назад +2

    Great lesson! And YES we need the second half of the lesson to this great song!! Thank You

  • @annunacky4463
    @annunacky4463 3 года назад

    Your teaching method is my favorite way to learn these guitar solos. Thanks. I’m a fan.

  • @bernielafleur3332
    @bernielafleur3332 7 лет назад +1

    thanks Adrian !! As with all your lessons, JBG is totally well done! You have explained ALL of the notes, and timing, plus the sounds, and the guitar techniques used by CB to get the groove of this song. Even I can understand it.
    btw, thanks for all your lessons!!

  • @exefile6299
    @exefile6299 7 лет назад +6

    What a beautiful guitar, and a great lesson.

  • @mur1y1
    @mur1y1 7 лет назад

    Just came across your channel there now and I am really impressed by how you were able to slow it down so as to make it more easier for people to play along to I will be practicing this piece until I really can get it thanks Adrian for breaking it down slowly so that people can really see and hear the notes clearly of what your playing amazing

  • @dbdawson54
    @dbdawson54 7 лет назад +11

    I was going to email you and ask for you to consider tackling this. There are about a thousand instructional videos on the web, and all of them are wrong. Except this one, of course. Thanks for taking the time to get this together. One of the wellsprings of rock. We need to play it properly to pay homage, IMO. Thx as always,
    Dave in Memphis

  • @Dreyno
    @Dreyno 7 лет назад +1

    I was nervous clicking on this. Your lessons are always accurate and I've been playing the intro for years. I was dreading finding out I had it wrong. Luckily I was playing it right.
    Looking forward to the rhythm and solo videos.

  • @peteJoseph-x3h
    @peteJoseph-x3h Год назад

    Great concise instruction, Adrian.

  • @carlosfire4hire753
    @carlosfire4hire753 Год назад

    This is the best lesson on this familiar riff I've ever seen. Thank you so much for this. I hope one day I can finally play it.

  • @BeatPoet67
    @BeatPoet67 5 лет назад +1

    So cool. And it's great to see the pleasure you take out of playing it!

  • @dougriddle8422
    @dougriddle8422 5 лет назад +1

    51 people must be really into Marvin Berry, because this lesson is SOLID.

  • @redelk2974
    @redelk2974 11 месяцев назад

    fantastic. i will follow this more...lots of great deap, speeds are wonderfully varied. such talent. love your guitar and vibe.

  • @VerifyNetworkLLCBrandon
    @VerifyNetworkLLCBrandon 6 лет назад

    You are so right Adrian! Going back to a song may be heard differently as we progress in our playing. Thanks!

  • @DonH_Zeroth57
    @DonH_Zeroth57 4 года назад

    I will have a closer look and try this out... however I went and had a look and all the tabs and music are in the link. Thank you!!!

  • @gilvansouza
    @gilvansouza Год назад

    Of all the lessons I tried on RUclips, this is the one where I finally got it. I love the way he explains it. I have all the notes down, trouble is developing the speed. Thats gonna take weeks 😂

  • @cskueny
    @cskueny 4 года назад +14

    I think I'm finally going to tackle this one. I laughed to realize that the first 17-minute lesson covers just the first 17 seconds of the song.

    • @vincepetrovic8700
      @vincepetrovic8700 3 года назад +2

      and if you learn it in 17 hours, you’re doing well

  • @waynejohnson6594
    @waynejohnson6594 4 года назад +1

    Great job, you're an excellent guitar player! I appreciate you taking the time to explain every step!

  • @buddysmith6496
    @buddysmith6496 2 года назад +1

    Love the way you teach you lessons your a real guitar playing pro 🎸🎸

  • @christopherpatefield6150
    @christopherpatefield6150 3 года назад

    This is one of the very best tuitions and believe me I have worked my way through loads of them. I am struggling a bit with the very last bit but it will come. Listening to Chuck's record it is so fast that I wonder if they speeded it up. Thanks fkor the help.

  • @commoneuropeanstarling
    @commoneuropeanstarling 7 лет назад

    Thanks for being one of my fave tutors on u-tube! Clear and concise and nice persona!

  • @mikejohn1202
    @mikejohn1202 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome, my thanks goes out for this lesson. May the sun shine on you, your fingers stay flexible and you play with enjoyment as you age. It's an issue for me but I;m thankful for this lesson.

  • @gpowerpack
    @gpowerpack Год назад

    Nice Johnny Be Good Lesson. You did Great ! Thank you HG

  • @InsideTheStadium
    @InsideTheStadium Год назад

    Best version I have ever heard, your a legend bro, marty Mcfly has nothing on you.

  • @AlinFlorida
    @AlinFlorida 8 месяцев назад

    Superb tutorial, Adrian. Thank you!

  • @scubbarookie
    @scubbarookie 5 лет назад +1

    Great tune to cover! What an awesome instrument too, amazing! That guitar sounds so good! Thank you!

  • @johnhart5557
    @johnhart5557 3 года назад

    Simply wow we are going to spend quite some time on this thank you.

  • @Collwila
    @Collwila 7 лет назад +14

    No apologies necessary. There's a lot of guitar snobs out there. Some of the other tutorials out in RUclips land don't get the "rhythmic" timing right.

  • @davidpeachey7834
    @davidpeachey7834 6 лет назад

    You really are the man. I am following all your lessons.

  • @slob259
    @slob259 5 лет назад

    Thanks Adrian!.....Best Johnny Be Good lesson out there, very easy to follow with no your teaching methods, you got the gift my friend

  • @CORNPOP24
    @CORNPOP24 Год назад

    The best tutorial on this great song.

  • @Nate-gh1hy
    @Nate-gh1hy 6 лет назад +1

    Adrian, that was great! Thanks for sharing it. You're such a good teacher.

  • @pookachu64
    @pookachu64 2 года назад

    So nice to see a jazzmaster being used like this

  • @gtflyer
    @gtflyer 7 лет назад

    Another great lesson playing a classic Chuck Berry song. Thank you.

  • @milnerbeck
    @milnerbeck 2 года назад

    You are a great player and love how you show them so its easy to follow along

  • @bnjmae
    @bnjmae 7 лет назад

    Your the best teacher on you tube thanks for finally doing this iconic guitar riff.

  • @MrElvisllll
    @MrElvisllll 7 лет назад

    Hi Adrian,
    Sounds absolutely fantastic..
    My dad said if you don’t deaden the 3rd string it would sound like the record..
    Good job Adrian.

  • @budandbean1
    @budandbean1 7 лет назад +1

    Love it Adrian and thanks. I've tried to learn this crazy tune and it seems like everyone teaches it a bit different, bottom line is I've never learned it and I want to. This is so great because you are such a great teacher, I bet I learn it this time. Thanks again! B.

    • @patrickweston2826
      @patrickweston2826 7 лет назад

      Chuck Berry actually played this different each time as is common among players old and new. That gives the current played license to change up and choose which they like best. Also there is always room for another point of view from an instructors point of view and I like that. I agree though, Adrian's lessons are always insightful and I always learn something new from him no matter how long I've been playing a song.

    • @budandbean1
      @budandbean1 7 лет назад +1

      Patrick, yes a lot of folks play it different all throughout the song but, in my mind, there is only one correct way to play the intro and that's the way Adrian just played it. It's the way you hear it at the beginning of anything on the TV or Radio story or spot about Chuck Berry. They all play this one certain version. Thanks...

    • @danilomoya7301
      @danilomoya7301 7 лет назад

      Buddy Martin

  • @dereklong801
    @dereklong801 4 года назад +5

    The song so good NASA sent it to the stars on the Voyager probes' Golden Discs. Great lessons.

  • @doncharlesworth4748
    @doncharlesworth4748 3 года назад +1

    Fantastic lesson, thank you!!

  • @blakewhittington4336
    @blakewhittington4336 6 лет назад +1

    This caught me off guard because when you hear it you know it's right. Very nice

  • @neilkorsgaard
    @neilkorsgaard 3 года назад

    Just beautiful, can wait for parts II and III.

  • @juana1483
    @juana1483 Год назад

    Great guitar. Love that p90 growl!!!!

  • @farligspill
    @farligspill 2 года назад

    😀 Thank you Adrian, the best Johnny B Goode lesson out there.

  • @tomatencio8441
    @tomatencio8441 6 лет назад

    This is the best lesson for the famous song!! You nailed it!!!

  • @BookofIsaiah
    @BookofIsaiah 7 лет назад

    Great performance at the top of the video! Great lesson!!! Thanks for posting!

  • @remymackenzie4711
    @remymackenzie4711 7 лет назад

    I like to slow it down to .75 when im playing along with you at the end and then listen to you talk at that speed. Sounds like youve had a few, lol. I know I have. Great lesson!!!

  • @MrAnthony000004
    @MrAnthony000004 Год назад

    great lesson adrian as always

  • @pbl6888
    @pbl6888 5 лет назад

    A fantastic tutorial! Thank you very much for it and for sharing the music score/tab.

  • @mikecarpenter4738
    @mikecarpenter4738 4 года назад

    I love coming back to this one. Great job!

  • @robertwatkins8220
    @robertwatkins8220 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you! Don't know if I'll ever get it but I'm trying!

  • @stevenfitzsimmons3840
    @stevenfitzsimmons3840 4 года назад

    Got it! Tried all others but yours made it stick. Thank you.

  • @robertflagg2461
    @robertflagg2461 2 года назад

    This is is excellent instruction even if you don't know music,where was you tube in the 60s.Hell we didn't even have decent tuners

  • @leedillow
    @leedillow 6 лет назад

    Brilliant lesson!! Really enjoying trying to learn this one. Thanks Adrian!!

  • @brianchristianmeagher8328
    @brianchristianmeagher8328 6 лет назад

    Adrian, you are the best!!! Excellent guitar lesson for Johnny B Goode. Love it!!! Thank you. I like your style .

  • @lightfoot413
    @lightfoot413 5 лет назад

    It's Adrian Chuck Berry..Gr8 teaching man..broken down well so we can read and learn it..I will come back to this and work on from the 1950's ..raised on Chuck lol.. gotta have it..Thanks're good at what you do...

  • @jimlange2858
    @jimlange2858 7 лет назад it Christmas in April or did the Easter Bunny just come a day early this year?
    I am delighted to see you do this Adrian! Love and appreciate your videos here in the Great State of Florida and love this song along with many others from Chuck Berry......especially "Carol". I greatly appreciate you taking the time to provide your best efforts toward an accurate, reliable and complete tutorial of this song. Best Wishes to you and I hope you have a very nice Easter holiday. Thank you once again!

  • @kenharte6553
    @kenharte6553 2 года назад

    Best teacher on the planet

  • @vincebennett8460
    @vincebennett8460 5 лет назад +1

    thanks for the video well done . easy to understand and follow while playing

  • @martynspooner5822
    @martynspooner5822 5 лет назад

    A very good lesson friend and much appreciated by myself and I am sure many many others Thanks