Elite Dota Pro At the us border, she would have been charged with assaulting the border patrol when she touched her hands. This patroller is very professional and have a great sense of humour as well.
I was amazed at how kind the border patrol was. No shaming or judging, just a big laugh and welcome. She should be used for training purposes so all will feel as welcome. Thanks for making me smile..
No shaming or judging.Whats special about that.Why wouldnt she be. Sounds like you obvioisly judge or shame anyone "different" or you wouldnt have mentioned it
@@lavalamp885 There's no such things as chic's with dicks, only dudes with boobs. It's a guy that cut off his cock and formed a hole where his prostate should be. Now there is a festering wound which requires a dildo to be shoved up every 2 weeks or else the hole closes and causes further complications. You don't really seem to know much about the trans movement by the way you discriminate against others in your rash judgement.
I'm in love with the immigration officer. This is professionalism at its peak. Her demeanor ( immigration personnel) is top-notch and I think the US and Singaporean immigration officers can learn a lot from this. I'm so impressed.
@@michaelfenn4479 It is obvious that you cannot recognize a good sense of humour and professional behavior. Maybe an American with a fake smile is more interesting? Love the laid back sense of humour of the British.
That is because Americans are too much up their own arses! The statutory authorities in the USA are too confrontational. I am glad to say that this has resulted in cruise liners abandoning the USA in favour of Canada and the West Indian ports.
That prostate joke was so f*cking funny... And she said it with a straight face too... Such a cool person. And kudos to the Border Officer. She did a fine job.
Oh, the workers are so wholesome and sweet and respectful! Sucks if that woman really has terminal cancer, but it’s nice to know she still has a wonderful sense of humor and fun.
slimkt If she really did have the cancer she claimed to have, she may have passed by now (considering this episode is 5+ years old.) But who knows. She made everyone lol.
+★ Copypasterino Kripperino ★ Let's just be respectful and say, "her" shall we. Given that it's highly unlikely she is with us now, having stage 4 cancer. This was aired a few years ago now.
+pepelapiu2004 So tell me why you have a problem calling this woman a "her", if it's how she wants to be known. Your parents gave you a name, but if you didn't like the name you were given, you'd prefer to be called something else, and I'd respect that and not persist in calling you the name your parents gave you, because that would be rude and disrespectful of your harmless wishes. If you were to use a fake name to commit fraud, then that's another matter. But that's not what we're discussing here.
+pepelapiu2004 I'm not saying call her multiple names. Just the one she's chosen for herself. Gender is assigned to you, just like a name is. Sex, I agree, is something you're born with. But the fact is that some people do not and will never associate with the gender that corresponds to their natal sex. People who are forced to live as you would have them live often commit suicide as a result. People who undergo surgery and hormone therapy to undergo a gender reassignment live much happier lives in comparison. I really don't see why you would prefer someone to live in misery rather than happiness. I think that's horrid personally that you would force even your own children to a life of misery or suicide rather than allow them to make a change in their life that *does no harm to anyone*. If anyone has a mental illness, I think it's people who would see other people miserable because the alternative weirds them out. You have no idea what these people go through and you have no right to judge. God, if you believe in one, will judge.
My compliments to the pleasant treatment by the Immigration officer. This is a wonderful contrast to the abuse commonly received by people entering USA.
+Paul Beet The USA is nowhere near as bad as Canada. At least the US has at least 7 reason (Huge terror attacks against our country) to be cautious. Canada.. Oh Caada
+Genghis Khan I remember when i had to go to Canada once and yeah you're right, you guys get the red carpet rolled out for you, all the staff there being really nice welcoming you all back to Canada. I however had to go through 3 different screening processes just to get a 2 day Visa, it was crazy. The officers there seemed to be really terrified that i was going to try and look for work in Canada. Thankfully though i didn't have to pay any on the spot ESTA fees like you mentioned like i did going to the US, i wasn't even staying in the US, i was transferring from a flight from Mexico City to get back to the UK and those fuckers charged me extra for it, i didn't even want to be in their country!
+Genghis Khan I'm British but i travel between here and Mexico quite a bit, but depending on flights I've got some potentially really long layovers in certain places, like Canada for instance, i had to stay in Toronto for only night as i was passing through from Mexico to get back to the UK. i don't know if to was the Mexico stigma that meant i spent ages under the light but i just remember it being a real pain in the arse, surely common sense suggests that my circumstance of being a UK national flying to the UK after visiting family in Mexico suggests nothing of the sort that i want to stay in Canada to work. Oddly enough i was the only caucasian guy i remember seeing there, everyone else was East Asian and not travelling light, sort of got the impression they weren't intending to be there for the short stay.
What a great representative that border security officer is. A class act, relatable and professional. It's these type of public officials that encourage trust in the system simply by being humane and ethical whilst performing their duties.
Most border guards I deal with are very different than her. I suspect the assholes which comprise the majority of them had some time off on that day. And perhaps her being nice and polite is why she got picked out for that program.
[[ Some people, even immigration officials, are genuinely nice. ]] I hear it said that the bad apple makes all the good ones look bad. But I would argue that it's the rare good apple which makes all the bad ones look good.
@@danh5637 yes Jesus called us to judge but to judge righteously.. That means what is wrong according to God should be wrong and what is right is right. What does it mean to love your neighbour.. Is to tell the truth so that they don't end up in hell . If u love your neighbour you tell them the Truth just as Jesus did!!!
how incredibly polite of the officer, especially since the person grabbed her hands, in the US you would be body slammed to the ground, possible tazed, and arrested.
Andrew Kerr--For now. A couple more bombings of your rail system and your public places, and you''ll figure it out. Or does it take the leveling of Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle to make immigration issues noticeable to you?
I had relatives on both sides who died of cancer. Seems is her last vacation & she was high on painkillers. It was brave of her to show on camera her surgery; battling transition , a divorce & a terminal illness. I hope she enjoyed her time vacationing after all that ordeal.
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
I was afraid this was going to be making fun of her, instead she was just really funny. I hope she beats the cancer and has a good, long life, and kudos to the way she was treated with dignity by Officer Lee.
AceOfHearts by you calling him an "it" back it makes you no better than what you just judged him for.. you seem to be bigoted towards his opinion... it's very hypocritical!! just saying...!!! Some people like to referred to as "it" over a certain sex, but scientifically no human or any other is an "it" you're either a male or female or in a very rare case born both, the issue is not what a person wants to be because wanting to be something doesn't make it true, what makes something true is what science says.. male or female.
The world is not going to end because of transgenders or gays, people. It's going to end because of narrow-minded morons like fpreston and BonwaiThenotsoGreat.
Fun Factor H.O.T it's not about not having money to spend. Most, if not all cross border patrol/immigration officers in the world want to ensure you abide by your visa terms and return home after the expiry date. That's all. Some come with little money, because their intention is to go under the radar and not leave. This is not uncommon
I'm thankful for this little video. USA border folks would NOT have had such patience and a sense of humor, nor would she been allowed to touch them without guns being drawn. Well done!
Aaron ~ Kate was being sarcastic. There are over 300 million of us and you watch BBC whenever a "gun is drawn". Figure out the fucking percentages, bud. They are infinitesimal.
Have u ever lived in the UK?.I thought this Border/Immigration officer was clueless&was made to look like a omnipotent fool by this strange person without "A Pot to piss in"..No wonder the UK is a Laughing Stock around the World..Sets a bad precedent!.If ur doing a Important Job like her(Representing the Country)u have to make sure u give off the right Vibe that commands respect!
I am not British, but lived here for a while. British people have amazing sense of humour and are very tolerant and easy going😊 I'm not surprised by this video at all.
@@dianavasilevskaja7574 I respect ur opinion Diana obviously..And of course ur correct(the same with the Irish,where my Parents came from)That sense of Humour has been"honed"over many centuries of strife!The average working person(or Poor!)had to learn to endure,so i would imagine devoloping a self depreciating sense of Humour&learning to laugh at things,helped people get through the "Daily Grind"..And i'm pleased u appreciate it(it can be a acquired Taste for someone not used to it)But as a former londoner who has lived in the U.S for nearly 20 yrs now,my perspective and understanding of certain situations has changed(naturally)The U.S is a massive Country(u have 11 States which are larger than the UK)with a much larger Population..So they take their Security seriously(they have to)Now when I saw this Video,I couldn't believe how casual& lackadaisical the approach of this Border Agent was..This odd character would have been turned away at 90% of most Country's..(u can't just turn up without a "Pot to P in"and expect to be let in)unless u have a exceptional reason!but this Border Agent was suitably Satisfied?No wonder the UK has So many issues.I won't be back in the Country until 2020&My Brit Passport has expired,but intend to use my American one(they will probably give me the 3rd Degree!)
To be honest that’s your typical British officer attitude, if you treat them with respect they are the nicest people ever, also they love a bit of banter can’t go wrong with that 😭😂
Honey Lambb How did the subject get to American Immigration? Also, have you had any encounters with them? I'm genuinely curious as to your experience with them
Why would that amaze you? Why not? A very close friend of mine travelled to five countries after her breastcancer was declared terminal. She lived for 16 months after that and was up until about ten days before her death very active and planned more adventures. Just because you have an illness doesnt meen that life has to stop.
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
You are insane. The UK immigration needs to learn from USA. I'd love to be from a country where the borders are protected and where the white citizens are put first. Bring back apartheid
@@paulagrey6013- I am a Canuck and have lived abroad since 1994, including 4 years in the UK, many years in France, and various periods in other parts of the world. My experience was that the UK was quite similar to Canada, certainly more than other countries I've lived in. I'd have to include Australia, New Zealand, and the USA...and even France to a large degree. So I am curious to what extent your "not always" applies. To me, border control everywhere is often rough and rude, so apart from the obvious, what did you wish to say? What happened to you? I am not saying these countries are identical, just that there is an affinity for the vast majority. I am just curious about your point of view, not critical.
First time in the US, I made the mistake of trying to humour a TSA agent when he asked me where I was staying, I replied; 'depends how much money I have.' He got very mad with me and asked me if I had any intentions to work illegally. I can't criticise the TSA agent though, he was doing his job and I understand the importance of protecting their borders from undesirables but I felt so nervous.
+Jügren van der Kaas Haha everybody knows you don't joke with US CBP officers. Im pretty sure he was a CBP officer, not TSA. I work at the airport and they are very strict and don't like any type of jokes. They are also very rude. Canadian border patrol officers are a lot nicer - a huge difference. Anyhoo, one of the reasons they are so strict is because of Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria they i.e. USA are officially in a state of war and partly because some of them are just a-holes.
+Jügren van der Kaas Anytime you deal with any US Federal official questioning, you don't have time to joke, they'll take it serious because they have to do a follow up question often or risk getting in trouble if they later didn't. That, and many work over time and just really just want to move on with the next person in line I think. Certain official matters, too much joking or if they have gone through some oath with you, it's no longer joking time, or just make the jokes very brief. If it's being audio-video recorded, don't joke at all. That's doing anything from getting security clearance to immigration or whatever that concerns US Federal authorities. That's been my experience with them anyway and way I see it. They don't have a sense of humor because they're being monitored themselves, often work long hours, and have lots of work nonstop. Some of their jobs wouldn't be too bad like a investigator for security clearances, but other jobs like customs would suck.
+Jügren van der Kaas Oh and just remembered, sometimes during certain questioning they may write down everything you say, even jokes, because they're required to do so. Which makes it even worse for them and you getting whatever it is you need done.
+Jügren van der Kaas Undesirables? It is a settler colony made up of mongrelized descendants of toothless European dregs who were shipped out of Europe to new world penal colonies for being undesirable.
Honestly from what we saw she didn't use the fact that she was transgender to victimize herself at all even though she totally could have since she is broke and is a stage 4 cancer sufferer along with the difficulties transgendered people face, so you must be talking about someone else.
Lacey Langton If you say things like that in the UK, you can be arrested and charged with an offence. I remember watching one of these airport programmes before when a guy from Chicago came to London with a violin case and joked that there was a machine gun in it. When he arrested he looked utterly incredulous, as he had only meant it as a joke and couldn't believe they took it so seriously.
+Hoss Hoskins Heathrow officials are extremely rude, can't forget that when I visited London when I was about 12 this guy who is responsible for checking my passport shouted at me that I should hurry with unpacking my documents, because I am wasting his time. Very nice to greet foreigners like this.
What a beautiful person. I hope she had a wonderful 2 weeks here in the UK. The customs officer handled that with total humanity and professionalism. She totally took the ladies jokes as a bit of fun. I thought this was both hilarious yet endearing.
Samantha Winters VEVO First You sad Fool, a phobia is an fear of something. I do not have a fear of anyone’s chosen life choice, gender is a scientific classification and not a choice. I do not have a problem with anyone and have always agreed that people have the right to live as they want, however he is a man dressed as a woman. FACT...
Mariana Peko Explain to me why on earth trans people are the reason the world is fucked up? What’s fucked up is forcing trans people to remain as the sex they were born.
I still remember when this episode was on TV and it was so sad and happy at the same time because she had quite the sense of humor but one has to wonder she’s still alive now 🙈🙏🏻😞
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
seriously is usa that bad, they sound like one off those men with fragile masculinity that cant take a joke for the americans sake I hope its not that bad
I once entered Canada at Edmunton to fix a machine. Had to be interviewed. The officer asked me "Is there someone in Canada who could do the job". I responded "There is no one in Canada who is smart enough to do my job! That got me 3 hours in an interview room.
Honey Lambb -You may think that middle easteners get a pass, but another time I was being interviewed by Canadian immigration they had a woman in hajib and a small child also. She had no return ticket and no hotel reservations no family. No entry as far as I could see.
I wish people got three hours talking to border guards every time they lied through their teeth. The truth is you were cheaper than the qualified Canadian(s).
No....that`s a terrible customs officer who doesn`t know bad news when she sees it coming through the door,and is the exact reason why the UK is so full of freaks & killers nowadays.
MJ H just because she's someone you'd not want to know doesn't mean she doesn't have a right to travel. They just wanted to make sure she didn't end up an illegal immigrant. I'm sure that's something you understand.
A number of years ago, I was working in the UK for the NHS as a IT consultant. I got my work visa when I was in Chicago. Working in London was the highlight of my career. I am now retired.
+TheSelfishAltruist I suggest you watch it again. You missed all the important parts. She was met by her sponsor, who they contacted and checked out. The professionism, politeness and humanity, whilst still doing their job to a T; is something few other countries can boast of. If you don't believe me, then travel and find out for yourself. Sure, not everyone is like this, but that it exists at all in today's world should make us all grateful.
+Simon Dover dont be so sure, i was detained for 3 days in your country on suspicion of being in the army at the time of one of the wars which Britain condemned. First of all, its none of your business what happens in our country. Second of all, I was not involved in any war as I was exempt from military service due to me being a foreigner. Third, even if I was a soldier, or even if I was sent as a soldier in the war - it is no reason whatsoever to bully me - as many soldiers travel for hollidays every single day to Britain. Now what's worse is that they 1) never appologized 2) never compensated me for the 3 days they robbed from my holliday and 3) i only got out after being allowed to call my embassy after 2 days!!!
***** so you don't want people saying that Muslims cause violence, murder and rape (which is true - and is in their holy book) but you want people that protest FOR those rights of killing non-muslims and that is perfectly fine in your 400 years of free speech. Makes sense, bro.
When it said they were planning on doing heroin and cocaine, rather than laughing, she should have told it the were escorting it to its return flight immediately.
myastroflight When it considers making irreverent and clichéd anti-trans comments on youtube, a short, sharp voltage shock should emit from its keyboard to encourage second thought.
myastroflight - "it" deserves respect and should be called she or her you ignorant fucking moron. She would be more of a man that you and more of a woman than you're ever like to get.
What a twit. "You guys detain lots of minorities, and that's wrong." Yeah, genius, it's because we have a lot of minorities immigrating; the more people you have immigrating, the more likely it is that someone's going to have a problem with their paperwork.
@@t_k_blitz4837 Give her a break, she was on huge doses of valium, she probably didn't know what she was saying 🤣 ever taken valium? I have. Fucks you up mate.
@@filipzawistowski4390 Under the mask its still a dude always will be stop playing the social re-engineering crap card. There are 2 sexes man and woman and perhaps a third i.e. hermaphrodite(very small minority). You cannot change your innards irregardless of political correctness and surgery its all bs.
I have to salute to Lexi. Most people in her situation would be feeling sorry for themselves and giving up, yet she is cracking jokes and determined to have fun. I just wish she could get better 😢😢😢
Hey you look beautiful and will love to know more about you and be your good friend here is my email address add me so we can talk better on hangout robertsteven3992@gmail.com and send yours if you don't mind.
Most people don't read their travel documents. I am going to Haiti and it is clearly stated that I must travel with enough funds or have immediate access to enough funds to support myself for two weeks. That I must be in fairly good health and have access or funds to provide for my own healthcare. I would imagine that most countries including the U.K. Have the same. She had $10 and was carrying a number of prescribed narcotics. This is grounds for investigation, regardless of race or gender. Maybe if she spent at least as much time reading the requirements to enter a foreign country as she spends hooking up online, she'd realize this had nothing to do with her gender.
@@virg0_lem0nade nothing I said was incorrect that is a him not a she stop try to change the facts not because a man wear woman clothes that doesn't make him a woman smh what is this world coming to
The UK border control needs to get over to Canada to train the (paramilitary) Canadian border control at Pearson airport a thing or two about treating people with respect... and when possible, a sense of humour.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." ~ Native American Proverb
She sure was! A big difference between border patrols in the UK and the US. If she would have tried to talk to them the way she talked to Officer Lee, she would have been in big trouble!
That is a fucking drag queen. A man in a dress. Nothing lady like about that. And you think he is beautiful? I can assure you he doesn't gat cat calls around construction sites.
So let me get this right. A man decides he wants to be a woman. Thought he can only be a man. And if I don't go along with his fantasy, I am the ignorant one? Transsexuals have an extremely high suicide rate. 9 times the national average in the USA. Maybe it's time we should consider that chopping of soneone's cock and balls just because they wish they were a woman. Maybe that's not such a good idea after all.....Hmmm? And all the education in the world will not change my taste in women. Slap some lipstick on a pig snd you still have a pig. Slap some lipstick and a dress 9m a man, you still have a man. Albeit a rather fucked up mam. And you two fucking douche bags are not doing anyone any good by pretending that man is 'a beautiful lady'.
+John Carlo Pormento Okay. Let's say you are 50 years old. Let's say you feel like a 40 years old. Let's say you go get nipped and tucked and you now look like a 40 year old. Let's say you change your birthday on all your papers to make it look like you are in fact 40 years old. Here is a reality check for you: you can fool yourself and you can even fool the rest of the world. But you are living in a fantasy land if you convince yourself that you are 40 years old. You can't change your genetic material. Plastic surgeons only change your appearance. They don't actually change what you are. They can't make you younger. They can't make you a woman. They can only make you look younger or make you look like a woman.
I didn't dismiss your point. Cock for a boy and pussy for a girl. There is your basic education. Starts with the bees and the birds. And if some scientist tells you otherwise, get a second opinion. And if a doctor tells you otherwise, get a different doctor. As for psychologists, they operate in a completely different field. Psychology is not even a science. Cloud shoveling is what psychology is. Not 50 years ago these fucking butchers you call psychologists were performing lobotomy especially and electric shocks to cure people of their ills. And now psychologists tells you that if you have a cock but you feel like a woman, than you are a woman? .....fucking hacks!
I must point out for those who don't watch, the interview between the woman and the border agency is funny, it hasn't got anything to do with her being transgender.
The sense of humour in the officers is impressive - many border controls would not have taken it lightly if you started rambling about taking heroin. And of course the officer had a right to check the medication - being a tourist does not entitle you to just bring any pharmaceutical products into a country.
Maria Catchy--Did you miss the part where the agent said the customs doctor said that none of the meds were specific to cancer patients? Her back surgery could have been for anything. Too bad there isn't a follow up on her as she exits the country (unless of course, Mike is the dumbest numbnutz in the UK and keeps him/her and hisher expensive medical arse around for the thrill of it all).
I’ve have loads of experience between U.K. and USA immigration as I grew up in both countries but I’ve retained my American permanent residency with a Canadian passport and a British visa and I can confirm the U.K. has the most professional and respectful immigration officers who always made me feel HUMAN and who are personable and always professional while American officers constantly treat me like I’m a 2nd class criminal even if I have status here and many of them on a huge douchebag power trip for no reason. America needs major change.
Joshua Nunn your personality needs major change. Who hurt you boo? Amazing how people just result to personal insults because they don’t like what they hear.
jrgboy Wtf I could cross many cross genders all this time like my paedophile abuser that's scary thought thing is he wants to be a rather a girl not so much a woman n he wants to not have his penis changed coz then he can't rape more young girls so he dresses as a little girl instead in hopes to enter girls changing rooms n loos in public as soon to also be legal he was caught one time for peeking under the door of women's toilets cubicles n police had his photo from cctv on newspapers trust me you don't want to cross mix public private places like loos and changing rooms women and girls should be mixed with only born of the same gender females period for our safety paedophile really do want to change sex for perv reasons to have access to woman's body on themselves and to have easier access to other females
Maybe Mike's a massive perv and he's into weird stuff. Maybe he's flown the drug-addled ladyboy over to be his human toilet. I can't think of any other reason.
Just Damn! She put blind faith in a guy she never met before and travel cross the ocean with ten bucks, in poor health. That's crazy as fuck. Wonder why the friend, wanting to she her, didn't wire her some traveling cash. Like $2500 bucks no less since he's so well off.
You ever notice that the trolls who bash TG folks seem to be the SAME trolls visiting ALL the TG videos on RUclips and spreading their hate and vitriol?? I'm thinking that's quite revealing about their subconscious feelings.
loved the humour the officer used with the person. Humans beings pleasant . No one judging . Just letting individuals getting on with their lives " with a stamp for a Fortnight. 11 Years ago . Hope she had a good time.
I travel a LOT and the UK is ALWAYS a delight . A USA passport carries a lotta power (that could be BAD!) I have been pulled from the line to go through customs (by passing 20-30 people) and my passport is checked and stamped , no Visa was required. Now the BAD part is that this seemingly "quick courtesy" also allows the person checking to be MORE careful wit stamps dates , passport serials, texture etc. When I thanked her for the prompt attention I was told the truth . "Darling we just need to REALLY make sure a USA passport IS a USA passport"
I tried to enter Vancouver 1 year post 911. I was on my way to Alaska (via plane from seattle) but I had 10 day layover so thought I'd check out vancouver. I had made a friend (a black guy) on the way up. We went halfsies on the rent-a-car and didnt' think anything of it. 3 hours we waited and got grilled like we were drug traffickers. By the time we got let through it was time to go home.
I just love the humanity despite the difference in lifestyle. I can understand the woman’s frustration but these two are an example why we can all “crack on” with it. Lovely.
I love this immigration officers sense of humor. I really hope she finds the peace she needs and that she fully enjoys her last moments of life. Sending her Blessings 🙏🏾
I wouldn't advise anyone to use this kind of humor at the Dutch border as well. The immigration officer has professionalism as her highest norm. Very good and respectful behaviour as it should be done all the time. I will give her a 10 out of 10. And for the woman in question, she's honest, lovely, charming and joyfull. A nice person to talk to and has a heart of gold. I wish her all the best in the future. Actually both of them get 10 out10's.
Robert Jeffery No, her. Respect others or have yourself called 'it' in return, as to label all malignant bigots such as yourself helps the betters of society know whom to avoid.
This female border officer is very professional
Elite Dota Pro
At the us border, she would have been charged with assaulting the border patrol when she touched her hands. This patroller is very professional and have a great sense of humour as well.
Her reaction to the job offer at the brothel! Such a cool lady.
Yes. And definitely in the us she’d be arrested for grabbing her hand
We need more public servants like this woman in the US!! Please come and train our police and border agents lady I love you !!!
She should be the one who trains the other officers.
I was amazed at how kind the border patrol was. No shaming or judging, just a big laugh and welcome. She should be used for training purposes so all will feel as welcome. Thanks for making me smile..
No shaming or judging.Whats special about that.Why wouldnt she be.
Sounds like you obvioisly judge or shame anyone
"different" or you wouldnt have mentioned it
She is just like one in UK Bristol airport when I went to visit my Fianceé .The guy was so nice to me .
Ladyboys been around long time those feminised men are ok
@@leenaysmith3672 Wow. Way to assume the worst. Then Judge and shame someone for those assumptions. Way to be "different".
Her sarcasm was excellent, but she's lucky she got a calm and joyful officer to do her interview.
She was being honest
@@lavalamp885 There's no such things as chic's with dicks, only dudes with boobs. It's a guy that cut off his cock and formed a hole where his prostate should be. Now there is a festering wound which requires a dildo to be shoved up every 2 weeks or else the hole closes and causes further complications. You don't really seem to know much about the trans movement by the way you discriminate against others in your rash judgement.
@@SilentSputnik shut up
@@SilentSputnik ok it
She is so kind hearted. The exact person you will wish to be interviewed by
Have a look on her other interview
It’s a he
I thank the women was a sweetheart no matter man or woman nice wish best for hur
@@vitocorleone3486 The officer not the transgender you plonker.
I'm in love with the immigration officer. This is professionalism at its peak. Her demeanor ( immigration personnel) is top-notch and I think the US and Singaporean immigration officers can learn a lot from this. I'm so impressed.
You love fat nerdy dull women?
Yeah she seems like a gem.in her line of work when everyone is a mean old git and power trips.. She seems quite lovely and nice
@@michaelfenn4479 It is obvious that you cannot recognize a good sense of humour and professional behavior. Maybe an American with a fake smile is more interesting? Love the laid back sense of humour of the British.
What a pathetic and childish person you are.
?! Where did the sg connection come from
I wouldn't advise anyone to use this kind of humor at the USA border.
Elena Herwagen check
That is because Americans are too much up their own arses! The statutory authorities in the USA are too confrontational. I am glad to say that this has resulted in cruise liners abandoning the USA in favour of Canada and the West Indian ports.
Elena Herwagen I wouldn’t advise any body to cross into a third world country.
Elena Herwagen I wouldn’t advise any body to cross into a third world country.
It isn't third world
I have to admit, she has a good sense of humor.
That prostate joke was so f*cking funny... And she said it with a straight face too... Such a cool person. And kudos to the Border Officer. She did a fine job.
"she" should be checking her own prostate.
@@dewilew2137 (she's dead)
@@dewilew2137 biology doesn’t lie fella
😂😂😂IKR!!!! 😂😂😂
She handled that "I think this is really wrong" question amazingly...
+WhosKona case she was doped the fuck out on all those meds, think man think!
+WhosKona She answered it truthfully, that's why it sounded so sincere.
Oh, the workers are so wholesome and sweet and respectful! Sucks if that woman really has terminal cancer, but it’s nice to know she still has a wonderful sense of humor and fun.
slimkt If she really did have the cancer she claimed to have, she may have passed by now (considering this episode is 5+ years old.) But who knows. She made everyone lol.
slimkt it's not a woman; it's a man!
You mean he
and I agree
Dan L I call bullshit.
I loved that officer. She had a genuine, infectious laugh.
Was anyone else screaming, nooooooo! no drugs or prostitution jokes? That officer was really nice. Some others would've denied her entry
+edibe e *him
+★ Copypasterino Kripperino ★ Let's just be respectful and say, "her" shall we. Given that it's highly unlikely she is with us now, having stage 4 cancer. This was aired a few years ago now.
+Jaonee trig do you call all woman him? So yes, do you say her to all men as well?. There are two females in here: the visitor and the officer..
+pepelapiu2004 So tell me why you have a problem calling this woman a "her", if it's how she wants to be known. Your parents gave you a name, but if you didn't like the name you were given, you'd prefer to be called something else, and I'd respect that and not persist in calling you the name your parents gave you, because that would be rude and disrespectful of your harmless wishes.
If you were to use a fake name to commit fraud, then that's another matter. But that's not what we're discussing here.
+pepelapiu2004 I'm not saying call her multiple names. Just the one she's chosen for herself.
Gender is assigned to you, just like a name is. Sex, I agree, is something you're born with. But the fact is that some people do not and will never associate with the gender that corresponds to their natal sex. People who are forced to live as you would have them live often commit suicide as a result.
People who undergo surgery and hormone therapy to undergo a gender reassignment live much happier lives in comparison. I really don't see why you would prefer someone to live in misery rather than happiness. I think that's horrid personally that you would force even your own children to a life of misery or suicide rather than allow them to make a change in their life that *does no harm to anyone*. If anyone has a mental illness, I think it's people who would see other people miserable because the alternative weirds them out. You have no idea what these people go through and you have no right to judge. God, if you believe in one, will judge.
My compliments to the pleasant treatment by the Immigration officer. This is a wonderful contrast to the abuse commonly received by people entering USA.
Paul Beet Thats because this is the UK not the USA
Yes I know it´s UK, thanks Dan Luckins, which I found not at all problematic to enter.
+Paul Beet The USA is nowhere near as bad as Canada. At least the US has at least 7 reason (Huge terror attacks against our country) to be cautious. Canada.. Oh Caada
+Genghis Khan I remember when i had to go to Canada once and yeah you're right, you guys get the red carpet rolled out for you, all the staff there being really nice welcoming you all back to Canada. I however had to go through 3 different screening processes just to get a 2 day Visa, it was crazy. The officers there seemed to be really terrified that i was going to try and look for work in Canada. Thankfully though i didn't have to pay any on the spot ESTA fees like you mentioned like i did going to the US, i wasn't even staying in the US, i was transferring from a flight from Mexico City to get back to the UK and those fuckers charged me extra for it, i didn't even want to be in their country!
+Genghis Khan I'm British but i travel between here and Mexico quite a bit, but depending on flights I've got some potentially really long layovers in certain places, like Canada for instance, i had to stay in Toronto for only night as i was passing through from Mexico to get back to the UK. i don't know if to was the Mexico stigma that meant i spent ages under the light but i just remember it being a real pain in the arse, surely common sense suggests that my circumstance of being a UK national flying to the UK after visiting family in Mexico suggests nothing of the sort that i want to stay in Canada to work. Oddly enough i was the only caucasian guy i remember seeing there, everyone else was East Asian and not travelling light, sort of got the impression they weren't intending to be there for the short stay.
What a great representative that border security officer is. A class act, relatable and professional. It's these type of public officials that encourage trust in the system simply by being humane and ethical whilst performing their duties.
Well said :)
Love Unlimited to bad she like the only one
She’s such a gentle soul and who knows if she’s still alive right now. Bless her, she’s so sweet.
That’s man
I thought this was a cruel thing to do.
I remember Officer Lee from when I went to London myself, years ago. She was that nice!
+Davi Trombela wo, that's so cool! must of been a surprise to see her on here. i really liked this one!
Most border guards I deal with are very different than her. I suspect the assholes which comprise the majority of them had some time off on that day. And perhaps her being nice and polite is why she got picked out for that program.
+pepelapiu2004 Camera's change everything.
+Diana B Some people, even immigration officials, are genuinely nice.
[[ Some people, even immigration officials, are genuinely nice. ]]
I hear it said that the bad apple makes all the good ones look bad. But I would argue that it's the rare good apple which makes all the bad ones look good.
I really like that border agent and how she was cool about everything. She would be the one I would like to deal with, good sense of humor.
Yes, she's a very typical down to earth English woman actually.
Emily Howard in trouble with the rozzers again I see😅
Jane Smith 76
CALL ME +91-7888680921
"We're gonna do a bunch of heroin and cocaine" - cracked me up :D
Ive told that joke before it doesnt often go down well with authorities
Shes dope already
That's what transgenders do... They need Jesus to heal them
YOUTH REVIVAL you need to work on your judgment. Remember love your neighbour as thyself.
@@danh5637 yes Jesus called us to judge but to judge righteously.. That means what is wrong according to God should be wrong and what is right is right. What does it mean to love your neighbour.. Is to tell the truth so that they don't end up in hell . If u love your neighbour you tell them the Truth just as Jesus did!!!
wish all immigration officers were like her
yep, and I wish all passengers would behave ... would come to the airport sober and on time..
The majority of people I see at the airport are sober so....
how incredibly polite of the officer, especially since the person grabbed her hands, in the US you would be body slammed to the ground, possible tazed, and arrested.
No need to exagerate, none of that would happen becasue you'd be shot and killed before being tazed.
Karen Lamb the difference between americans and british people
Andrew Kerr--For now. A couple more bombings of your rail system and your public places, and you''ll figure it out. Or does it take the leveling of Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle to make immigration issues noticeable to you?
Yeah but that's Americans. Being more reasonable and polite than an American isn't any sort of achievement.
@There's No God bullshit lmaoooo
The British Security Officer was really effective without being aggressive. Bravo. Well done.
I had relatives on both sides who died of cancer. Seems is her last vacation & she was high on painkillers. It was brave of her to show on camera her surgery; battling transition , a divorce & a terminal illness. I hope she enjoyed her time vacationing after all that ordeal.
I agree
What’s he becoming laugh
@@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Are you are becoming a laugh?.
she is hilarious! And the workers have good humor, thats really good to see. hope the lady had a good time in uk.
Amazing! In most countries you'd get turned away if you said any of that stuff even though it was obviously joking. Proud of the Great British humour!
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
I am seeking a nice transgendered lady for marriage my dear lady yours Kelly from Canada
"That's your big boss?"
"Well she's advised me to give you a prostate exam"
U 9ikkkkk j n. Oo oh. Bjuubnmmmm
Canadians and British citizens have a similar sense of humour. Love it.
This lady shd join Hollywood 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so Hilarious
She's hilarious 😂😂
I was afraid this was going to be making fun of her, instead she was just really funny. I hope she beats the cancer and has a good, long life, and kudos to the way she was treated with dignity by Officer Lee.
+BC Brandt..Well said!...I hope she beats that cancer ..Lexi has a great sense of humour and I wish her the best..
He, she, it was treated like this because of the cameras
AceOfHearts by you calling him an "it" back it makes you no better than what you just judged him for.. you seem to be bigoted towards his opinion... it's very hypocritical!! just saying...!!!
Some people like to referred to as "it" over a certain sex, but scientifically no human or any other is an "it" you're either a male or female or in a very rare case born both, the issue is not what a person wants to be because wanting to be something doesn't make it true, what makes something true is what science says.. male or female.
The world is not going to end because of transgenders or gays, people. It's going to end because of narrow-minded morons like fpreston and BonwaiThenotsoGreat.
The irony? Do you know what irony means little man?
love this woman’s humour and how caring she was about the passenger’s wellbeing
Great officer, law-abiding, good-spirited and caring.
Fun Factor H.O.T it's not about not having money to spend. Most, if not all cross border patrol/immigration officers in the world want to ensure you abide by your visa terms and return home after the expiry date. That's all. Some come with little money, because their intention is to go under the radar and not leave. This is not uncommon
professional & experienced. That's it...
Who cares about being law-abiding when the law itself is a bunch of shit. So much wrong with it.
Fun Factor H.O.T you're an idiot
I'm thankful for this little video. USA border folks would NOT have had such patience and a sense of humor, nor would she been allowed to touch them without guns being drawn. Well done!
Why do Americans need to draw a gun at everything? That's more freaky than this woman.
Aaron ~ Kate was being sarcastic. There are over 300 million of us and you watch BBC whenever a "gun is drawn". Figure out the fucking percentages, bud. They are infinitesimal.
Have u ever lived in the UK?.I thought this Border/Immigration officer was clueless&was made to look like a omnipotent fool by this strange person without "A Pot to piss in"..No wonder the UK is a Laughing Stock around the World..Sets a bad precedent!.If ur doing a Important Job like her(Representing the Country)u have to make sure u give off the right Vibe that commands respect!
I am not British, but lived here for a while. British people have amazing sense of humour and are very tolerant and easy going😊 I'm not surprised by this video at all.
@@dianavasilevskaja7574 I respect ur opinion Diana obviously..And of course ur correct(the same with the Irish,where my Parents came from)That sense of Humour has been"honed"over many centuries of strife!The average working person(or Poor!)had to learn to endure,so i would imagine devoloping a self depreciating sense of Humour&learning to laugh at things,helped people get through the "Daily Grind"..And i'm pleased u appreciate it(it can be a acquired Taste for someone not used to it)But as a former londoner who has lived in the U.S for nearly 20 yrs now,my perspective and understanding of certain situations has changed(naturally)The U.S is a massive Country(u have 11 States which are larger than the UK)with a much larger Population..So they take their Security seriously(they have to)Now when I saw this Video,I couldn't believe how casual& lackadaisical the approach of this Border Agent was..This odd character would have been turned away at 90% of most Country's..(u can't just turn up without a "Pot to P in"and expect to be let in)unless u have a exceptional reason!but this Border Agent was suitably Satisfied?No wonder the UK has So many issues.I won't be back in the Country until 2020&My Brit Passport has expired,but intend to use my American one(they will probably give me the 3rd Degree!)
To be honest that’s your typical British officer attitude, if you treat them with respect they are the nicest people ever, also they love a bit of banter can’t go wrong with that 😭😂
+emmy - The UK immigration are pretty nice. American immigration is not very nice and it would not be recommended to joke around with the Americans.
Honey Lambb I’d imagine that
Honey Lambb It honestly depends on who you get some are cool some aren’t. Not all are mean or super serious though.
Agree here, my experience for a year with the British has been exactly that, get treated the way you treat them. =) Wonderful, amazing people.
Honey Lambb
How did the subject get to American Immigration? Also, have you had any encounters with them? I'm genuinely curious as to your experience with them
It's amazing to me that someone can have stage 4 cancer yet still be walking around and travelling etc.
Shes probably living her best life before she fades away
Why would that amaze you? Why not? A very close friend of mine travelled to five countries after her breastcancer was declared terminal. She lived for 16 months after that and was up until about ten days before her death very active and planned more adventures. Just because you have an illness doesnt meen that life has to stop.
She's a strong woman
I traveled quite a bit with my husband after his diagnosis of terminal cancer.
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
"we've detained you today so you can be on tv!"
Absolutely correct ........
Matthew James---- A "TV" on t.v.. Too Funny.
Matthew James 😂😂
lol matthew
The way she said Lexi... Lexii.... sounds like she's calling a doggy 😄
Sibel Sahin She wasn’t far off the mark!
She was
Him not a she
@@newproduct8107 if she says she than just say she. It’s not a big deal
These by far are the nicest customs people I have ever seen!
That's because the cameras are there.
US could learn a lot from UK customs.
Like how to be polite would be a great start.
No one was shot or handcuffed in making this Video!
Roy Collinson NY is the worsttt
They won't....willn't
You are insane. The UK immigration needs to learn from USA. I'd love to be from a country where the borders are protected and where the white citizens are put first. Bring back apartheid
Roy Collinson by detaining people of colour you mean
Terry Baker you cant bring back apartheid in us cuz it never existed?
I like her she's profesional she knows how to deal with her job. Right on officer👍
I guess I faced her on her desk once on visit to UK
5 HB
Go blunt y Nikolaus yshshydyd HK high-up dndjjdjdix
The Canadians and Brits have literally the same banter... Lmaoooooo sense of humour is gold 👌🏾👌🏾😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Not always..😕
@@paulagrey6013- I am a Canuck and have lived abroad since 1994, including 4 years in the UK, many years in France, and various periods in other parts of the world. My experience was that the UK was quite similar to Canada, certainly more than other countries I've lived in. I'd have to include Australia, New Zealand, and the USA...and even France to a large degree. So I am curious to what extent your "not always" applies. To me, border control everywhere is often rough and rude, so apart from the obvious, what did you wish to say? What happened to you? I am not saying these countries are identical, just that there is an affinity for the vast majority.
I am just curious about your point of view, not critical.
Exactly you can't buy comon sense anywhere 😂😂😂
Same as Australia too.
We all know how to take a joke.
@@Chibougamee I think Paula Grey has snuck out over there >>>>>. 😉
It was pretty funny to watch. I am glad that young person passed a UK border. The officer was really nice!!!
4:25 That prostate exam part is hilarious. Lol.
"I'll meet a ladyboy online. Nobody will ever know"... Turns up with TV cameras 🤣
Yeah, It's called a Joke.
Jay Jay 😅😅😅 hilarious
Jay Jay 😂😂😂😂
Jay Jay Looooooooooooollll I’m dying 😂
officer lee is a credit to the nation...whats wrong with being calm and having a sense of humour , good job well done.
First time in the US, I made the mistake of trying to humour a TSA agent when he asked me where I was staying, I replied; 'depends how much money I have.' He got very mad with me and asked me if I had any intentions to work illegally.
I can't criticise the TSA agent though, he was doing his job and I understand the importance of protecting their borders from undesirables but I felt so nervous.
+Jügren van der Kaas Haha everybody knows you don't joke with US CBP officers. Im pretty sure he was a CBP officer, not TSA. I work at the airport and they are very strict and don't like any type of jokes. They are also very rude. Canadian border patrol officers are a lot nicer - a huge difference. Anyhoo, one of the reasons they are so strict is because of Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria they i.e. USA are officially in a state of war and partly because some of them are just a-holes.
+Jügren van der Kaas Anytime you deal with any US Federal official questioning, you don't have time to joke, they'll take it serious because they have to do a follow up question often or risk getting in trouble if they later didn't.
That, and many work over time and just really just want to move on with the next person in line I think.
Certain official matters, too much joking or if they have gone through some oath with you, it's no longer joking time, or just make the jokes very brief. If it's being audio-video recorded, don't joke at all.
That's doing anything from getting security clearance to immigration or whatever that concerns US Federal authorities. That's been my experience with them anyway and way I see it.
They don't have a sense of humor because they're being monitored themselves, often work long hours, and have lots of work nonstop. Some of their jobs wouldn't be too bad like a investigator for security clearances, but other jobs like customs would suck.
+Jügren van der Kaas Oh and just remembered, sometimes during certain questioning they may write down everything you say, even jokes, because they're required to do so. Which makes it even worse for them and you getting whatever it is you need done.
no matter what agents are still people and take humor differently
+Jügren van der Kaas Undesirables? It is a settler colony made up of mongrelized descendants of toothless European dregs who were shipped out of Europe to new world penal colonies for being undesirable.
Well, that was a nice surprise! A funny, sweet traveler and a receptive, compassionate professional. A joy to watch!
I hate when people try to victimize themselves based on their gender, sexual orientation or race.
RedFacedGaming you're fat
Daniel Meehan at least I can afford to eat
+Kel Solaar youre a mushroom
martin wennberg Well at least I'll be safe from RedFaceGaming, he doesn't eat vegetables.
Honestly from what we saw she didn't use the fact that she was transgender to victimize herself at all even though she totally could have since she is broke and is a stage 4 cancer sufferer along with the difficulties transgendered people face, so you must be talking about someone else.
With some border officials you have to be very careful with your jokes...glad this one had a sense of humour many at Heathrow don't...
Lacey Langton If you say things like that in the UK, you can be arrested and charged with an offence. I remember watching one of these airport programmes before when a guy from Chicago came to London with a violin case and joked that there was a machine gun in it. When he arrested he looked utterly incredulous, as he had only meant it as a joke and couldn't believe they took it so seriously.
Hoss Hoskins that just the usa, in the usa police are ignorant, beligerant, obtuse, power tripping a-holes
+Hoss Hoskins yeah totally.
so true
+Hoss Hoskins Heathrow officials are extremely rude, can't forget that when I visited London when I was about 12 this guy who is responsible for checking my passport shouted at me that I should hurry with unpacking my documents, because I am wasting his time. Very nice to greet foreigners like this.
What a beautiful person. I hope she had a wonderful 2 weeks here in the UK. The customs officer handled that with total humanity and professionalism.
She totally took the ladies jokes as a bit of fun. I thought this was both hilarious yet endearing.
You mean ' He ', you hope he had a wonderful 2 weeks In the UK.
Chris66able No, she’s a she. You fucking freak. Transphobia is never okay.
@@samanthawintersvevo9470 your response is one reason why the world is so screwed up.
Samantha Winters VEVO First
You sad Fool, a phobia is an fear of something. I do not have a fear of anyone’s chosen life choice, gender is a scientific classification and not a choice. I do not have a problem with anyone and have always agreed that people have the right to live as they want, however he is a man dressed as a woman. FACT...
Mariana Peko Explain to me why on earth trans people are the reason the world is fucked up? What’s fucked up is forcing trans people to remain as the sex they were born.
So far, she's been my favourite border officer in all these clips I've watched. She's so sweet!
Me too, I even mastered her name officer Lisa Lee
I still remember when this episode was on TV and it was so sad and happy at the same time because she had quite the sense of humor but one has to wonder she’s still alive now 🙈🙏🏻😞
I just watched this randomly and saw this comment, then looked at the date saying 13 years ago as now it is 2023.
they're gonna do heroin, cocaine and open a brothel))) LoL))))
that was so totally true
BTV Uz as all tourists do
BTV Uz nothing will ever be the same
Yeh if that was some else would have got locked down
Why else would anyone go to the UK? It's not for the food and it's sure as hell not for the weather.
I was interviewed by this same officer when I entered the UK.
What was she like? She's quite professional & kind one can tell.
That border officer is just amazing.
Hey you look Beautiful and will love to know more about you,can I have your email address so we can talk better on hangout here is my robertsteven3992@gmail.com
Try that lil' 'heroin, cocaine' joke with US Customs. They love a good joke.
Hoop Exactly my thought. Are you Canadian too?
Anne Marie Simon nu
seriously is usa that bad, they sound like one off those men with fragile masculinity that cant take a joke for the americans sake I hope its not that bad
@Entity51 I wouldn't be able to smash that Detain button fast enough!
I once entered Canada at Edmunton to fix a machine. Had to be interviewed. The officer asked me "Is there someone in Canada who could do the job". I responded "There is no one in Canada who is smart enough to do my job! That got me 3 hours in an interview room.
+Thomas Kirby- Canada like everywhere else gives white people who are traveling a hard time. If you are middle-eastern, no problem.
Honey Lambb -You may think that middle easteners get a pass, but another time I was being interviewed by Canadian immigration they had a woman in hajib and a small child also. She had no return ticket and no hotel reservations no family. No entry as far as I could see.
I wish people got three hours talking to border guards every time they lied through their teeth. The truth is you were cheaper than the qualified Canadian(s).
Thomas Kirby
Oh if our current government in Canada is in charge, not only would she get in but she'd have a home, money and free medical on the taxpayers' dime!
that's a terrific customs officer. Take note U.S. customs.
No....that`s a terrible customs officer who doesn`t know bad news when she sees it coming through the door,and is the exact reason why the UK is so full of freaks & killers nowadays.
MJ H shut up you ignorant fool
MJ H bro you just looking foe attention, I'm American and hella impressed by the uk
MJ H just because she's someone you'd not want to know doesn't mean she doesn't have a right to travel. They just wanted to make sure she didn't end up an illegal immigrant. I'm sure that's something you understand.
Kim Ayo well considering you’re more than likely NOT a customs officer, this comment wasn’t for you. Move on.
A number of years ago, I was working in the UK for the NHS as a IT consultant. I got my work visa when I was in Chicago. Working in London was the highlight of my career. I am now retired.
I just love our country. Treat people with dignity, don't judge them but do their job.
She seemed sincere, an odd situation. But entirely plausible.
I think they can spot people like you coming.
I suggest you watch it again.
You missed all the important parts.
She was met by her sponsor, who they contacted and checked out.
The professionism, politeness and humanity, whilst still doing their job to a T; is something few other countries can boast of.
If you don't believe me, then travel and find out for yourself.
Sure, not everyone is like this, but that it exists at all in today's world should make us all grateful.
+Simon Dover dont be so sure, i was detained for 3 days in your country on suspicion of being in the army at the time of one of the wars which Britain condemned. First of all, its none of your business what happens in our country. Second of all, I was not involved in any war as I was exempt from military service due to me being a foreigner. Third, even if I was a soldier, or even if I was sent as a soldier in the war - it is no reason whatsoever to bully me - as many soldiers travel for hollidays every single day to Britain. Now what's worse is that they 1) never appologized 2) never compensated me for the 3 days they robbed from my holliday and 3) i only got out after being allowed to call my embassy after 2 days!!!
***** so you don't want people saying that Muslims cause violence, murder and rape (which is true - and is in their holy book) but you want people that protest FOR those rights of killing non-muslims and that is perfectly fine in your 400 years of free speech. Makes sense, bro.
Did I miss something? Like, I don't know...the humor maybe?? What made this the funniest interview ever????????
Pat66 Herbert66
+Mary O'Reilly What?
When it said they were planning on doing heroin and cocaine, rather than laughing, she should have told it the were escorting it to its return flight immediately.
myastroflight When it considers making irreverent and clichéd anti-trans comments on youtube, a short, sharp voltage shock should emit from its keyboard to encourage second thought.
myastroflight - "it" deserves respect and should be called she or her you ignorant fucking moron. She would be more of a man that you and more of a woman than you're ever like to get.
Maybe it's just because I'm also Canadian but I thought the trans girl was funny as hell.
And the privilege card got played in 30 sec 😂
What a twit. "You guys detain lots of minorities, and that's wrong." Yeah, genius, it's because we have a lot of minorities immigrating; the more people you have immigrating, the more likely it is that someone's going to have a problem with their paperwork.
@@t_k_blitz4837 Give her a break, she was on huge doses of valium, she probably didn't know what she was saying 🤣 ever taken valium? I have. Fucks you up mate.
@@filipzawistowski4390 Somehow I doubt that it was just the valium talking.
@@t_k_blitz4837 As you wish!
@@filipzawistowski4390 Under the mask its still a dude always will be stop playing the social re-engineering crap card. There are 2 sexes man and woman and perhaps a third i.e. hermaphrodite(very small minority). You cannot change your innards irregardless of political correctness and surgery its all bs.
The officer has a great sense of humor. This was hilarious
Yes, that woman could detain me anytime, She is a good person for that type job.
tigergreg8 lol! She's great.
Mai Makua
Mai Makua wish all humans were like that.
+Mai maka: I thougght it funny too at first, because I need fun, but then the seriousness and the letting down of the officers got me.
I have to salute to Lexi. Most people in her situation would be feeling sorry for themselves and giving up, yet she is cracking jokes and determined to have fun. I just wish she could get better 😢😢😢
It's a he
poor woman. Stage IV. Maybe that's why she seems so high, the meds. She has quite a sense of humor considering, though!
***** I feel so sorry for you and your lack of knowledge and education about trans people.. Such ignorance is the root of most discrimination today.
She's dying and all you give a shit about is... why even bother. You're a creep.
***** You're right, don't even bother. People like that are clearly dealing with some tiny penis issues.
***** "you are about as smart as the guy on your profile photo.."
I really wish you could see the irony in your comment..
That was hilarious. 🤣 The agent was a lovely lady. I have seen some who don't seem to have a sense of humour at all.
+Heidi Neale - American custom inspectors are known to be tough.
Heidi Neale that's northern British hospitality for you. We're a friendly bunch outside of London lol
Heidi Neale hello mam contact me 092495766687 i from pakistan
Hey you look beautiful and will love to know more about you and be your good friend here is my email address add me so we can talk better on hangout robertsteven3992@gmail.com and send yours if you don't mind.
British are awesome people, love from Belgium. I hope the passenger is alive, well and partying
No they aren't
5:47 "I hate the UK" to the camera HAHAHA
ns90 if u hate it then why would you wanna be here 😂
The feeling is mutual
ns90 I
After that, I would too.
She should have been nicer than that, Lisa Lee allowed her leave to enter the UK. "We're going to land you."
Awesome! So glad she got to visit her friend. She seems like a really cool person.
Most people don't read their travel documents. I am going to Haiti and it is clearly stated that I must travel with enough funds or have immediate access to enough funds to support myself for two weeks. That I must be in fairly good health and have access or funds to provide for my own healthcare. I would imagine that most countries including the U.K. Have the same.
She had $10 and was carrying a number of prescribed narcotics. This is grounds for investigation, regardless of race or gender.
Maybe if she spent at least as much time reading the requirements to enter a foreign country as she spends hooking up online, she'd realize this had nothing to do with her gender.
LOL even the person behind the camera was cracking up when she said the part about the prostate exam 😂😂
fruit bat 🍒🦇 I
Arlene Hammel -- uhhhhh.... what? lol
Him not a she
@"old product" -- your grammar is incorrect and your transphobia is juvenile and boring lmao
@@virg0_lem0nade nothing I said was incorrect that is a him not a she stop try to change the facts not because a man wear woman clothes that doesn't make him a woman smh what is this world coming to
The UK border control needs to get over to Canada to train the (paramilitary) Canadian border control at Pearson airport a thing or two about treating people with respect... and when possible, a sense of humour.
Cilla Fontana Agreed
U.S too, they need some chill lol
nah they chill here tho
I can't see the fun. She's a poor soul who tries to spend her last months of her life with someone who likes her. It's a sad story, to be honest.
JR Kipling Her being transgender has fucking nothing to do with her getting cancer. Go fuck yourself coward.
how is that a sad story? seems like a great way to spend the last months of your life
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
~ Native American Proverb
JR Kipling, hate is a sickening perversion. She's nicer than you, which makes her a better person than you.
JR Kipling Fuck off. If someone wants to change their bodies, who are we to stop them? If it makes them happy, so be it.
The police woman is awesome XD
Lets just call her an Army General instead then ;)
Yes she's rlly calm omd
She sure was! A big difference between border patrols in the UK and the US. If she would have tried to talk to them the way she talked to Officer Lee, she would have been in big trouble!
These both ladies were high spirited :) Love them :)
Naeem LADIES 🤔
'hit the queen with a high ariel'? huh
One of them is a dude
One was the lady, the other one was a dude. What part of that do you not understand?
@@randyhankins6355 Last time I checked, SHE is a transgender. She is a she. What part of that don't you understand?
I hope this beautiful Canadian lady is doing just fine she is so funny and beautiful, i wish her all the best.
That is a fucking drag queen. A man in a dress. Nothing lady like about that.
And you think he is beautiful?
I can assure you he doesn't gat cat calls around construction sites.
Omg pepelapiu or whatever your name is . You are ignorant as hell!!.. Educate yourself and cure your stupidity~!
So let me get this right. A man decides he wants to be a woman. Thought he can only be a man. And if I don't go along with his fantasy, I am the ignorant one?
Transsexuals have an extremely high suicide rate. 9 times the national average in the USA.
Maybe it's time we should consider that chopping of soneone's cock and balls just because they wish they were a woman. Maybe that's not such a good idea after all.....Hmmm?
And all the education in the world will not change my taste in women. Slap some lipstick on a pig snd you still have a pig.
Slap some lipstick and a dress 9m a man, you still have a man. Albeit a rather fucked up mam.
And you two fucking douche bags are not doing anyone any good by pretending that man is 'a beautiful lady'.
+John Carlo Pormento
Okay. Let's say you are 50 years old. Let's say you feel like a 40 years old. Let's say you go get nipped and tucked and you now look like a 40 year old. Let's say you change your birthday on all your papers to make it look like you are in fact 40 years old.
Here is a reality check for you: you can fool yourself and you can even fool the rest of the world. But you are living in a fantasy land if you convince yourself that you are 40 years old.
You can't change your genetic material. Plastic surgeons only change your appearance. They don't actually change what you are. They can't make you younger. They can't make you a woman. They can only make you look younger or make you look like a woman.
I didn't dismiss your point.
Cock for a boy and pussy for a girl.
There is your basic education.
Starts with the bees and the birds.
And if some scientist tells you otherwise, get a second opinion.
And if a doctor tells you otherwise, get a different doctor.
As for psychologists, they operate in a completely different field. Psychology is not even a science. Cloud shoveling is what psychology is.
Not 50 years ago these fucking butchers you call psychologists were performing lobotomy especially and electric shocks to cure people of their ills.
And now psychologists tells you that if you have a cock but you feel like a woman, than you are a woman? .....fucking hacks!
I must point out for those who don't watch, the interview between the woman and the border agency is funny, it hasn't got anything to do with her being transgender.
She truly deserves a raise!!
Brilliant job!!!
The sense of humour in the officers is impressive - many border controls would not have taken it lightly if you started rambling about taking heroin. And of course the officer had a right to check the medication - being a tourist does not entitle you to just bring any pharmaceutical products into a country.
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Hi I am David ,,,,,,, you are so pure as lily what is your lovely name?
so sad to know she has terminal cancer
Maria Catchy--Did you miss the part where the agent said the customs doctor said that none of the meds were specific to cancer patients? Her back surgery could have been for anything. Too bad there isn't a follow up on her as she exits the country (unless of course, Mike is the dumbest numbnutz in the UK and keeps him/her and hisher expensive medical arse around for the thrill of it all).
Warrior Son, you missed a letter. (S)he
What a name, can tell your a popular person,,,,,, fucking sap
Warrior Son correct
bobby sneyd Thanks
thumbs up to the immigration officer! she was brilliant.
The sad thing is, I doubt the lady is with us now, having stage 4 cancer. I was stage 2 and that was bad enough - though in the clear for now.
+pepelapiu2004 I'm glad I don't see the world through your eyes,
She is still with us. She's a public figure in the lesbian and gay community and makes the news from time to time. She goes by the name Lexi Sanfino.
+Mark Bartlett How did you find out that you have it at stage 2? is there any sign? pain?
+pepelapiu2004 I bet you are a homophobe as well..
"That is your Boss rite"..(Blows into the latex glove)😂😂✅
"We're going to do heroin and cocaine" that was definetely not a joke :)
I’ve have loads of experience between U.K. and USA immigration as I grew up in both countries but I’ve retained my American permanent residency with a Canadian passport and a British visa and I can confirm the U.K. has the most professional and respectful immigration officers who always made me feel HUMAN and who are personable and always professional while American officers constantly treat me like I’m a 2nd class criminal even if I have status here and many of them on a huge douchebag power trip for no reason. America needs major change.
The police here are like that, but, then I was stopped by Craig Peyer on my 29th birthday.
Joshua Nunn your personality needs major change. Who hurt you boo? Amazing how people just result to personal insults because they don’t like what they hear.
lmao, so your from 3 countries? what u on about fam
Idylle how are you madem pleas send me vesa later
She's probably no longer around, bless her.
11monkeynuts Sadly not,he died in 2016 sometime.
She* :)
*he. That's a man LARPing as a woman.
Apustaja Said because CANADA is ok with Transgenders SHE died as a woman, not a man
How did you know she's dead?
3:56 "You don't have to worry about me" 😂😂😂💔
Please remember this programme is around 12 years old and attitudes were very different back then...
jrgboy thank you for cleaning that out
Typical troll
jrgboy .. explain?
JesusFriedChrist wow m8 you’re really changing the world one RUclips comment at a time
jrgboy Wtf I could cross many cross genders all this time like my paedophile abuser that's scary thought
thing is he wants to be a rather a girl not so much a woman n he wants to not have his penis changed coz then he can't rape more young girls so he dresses as a little girl instead in hopes to enter girls changing rooms n loos in public
as soon to also be legal
he was caught one time for peeking under the door of women's toilets cubicles n police had his photo from cctv on newspapers
trust me you don't want to cross mix public private places like loos and changing rooms
women and girls should be mixed with only born of the same gender females period for our safety
paedophile really do want to change sex for perv reasons to have access to woman's body on themselves and to have easier access to other females
A Canadian who never says sorry or aboot eh, this is strange :-/
cos hes not an actor so
+T.C. Yu she
+adamume Born with an X and a Y chromosome.... forever a male, no matter what he does.
+Monkeybox Gaming that is disrespectful
+Monkeybox Gaming thats not actually how it works but okay
Anybody esle surprised when they saw Mike? I thought he's be some fat retired businessman and he turns out to be a trendy hottie
streams of consciousness why were you expecting someone like that?
Bambi I guess that’s the type of guy that I imagine buys in broke women from another country
Maybe Mike's a massive perv and he's into weird stuff. Maybe he's flown the drug-addled ladyboy over to be his human toilet. I can't think of any other reason.
- trendy hottie
- ginger beard
I'm afraid that you're going to have to pick one.
Because he's a gay webcam manwhore. That's his "business".
Bless her stage 4. I hope she enjoys the time she has and It makes me to see that she still has her personality and humor. The human spirit
Just Damn! She put blind faith in a guy she never met before and travel cross the ocean with ten bucks, in poor health. That's crazy as fuck. Wonder why the friend, wanting to she her, didn't wire her some traveling cash. Like $2500 bucks no less since he's so well off.
RamZ all in all regardless of her/his gender change there was a man there once and lord knows what ends men will go to to get a$$
They said $10 in CASH. That doesn't mean she only had that. Everything is on plastic now.
Sarah. Agreed
Kassia Toth. Forgot about the plastic. Hell, who needs to really carry cash these days.
lol that used to be a guy btw
four 10mg Valiums a day! I'm amazed she's standing!!
joe T fuckin hell
She's barely standing. Looks all fucked up.
joe T that's 40mg of Valium a day!!!
Le Egg yeah i know!
joe T that's nothing
You ever notice that the trolls who bash TG folks seem to be the SAME trolls visiting ALL the TG videos on RUclips and spreading their hate and vitriol?? I'm thinking that's quite revealing about their subconscious feelings.
loved the humour the officer used with the person. Humans beings pleasant . No one judging . Just letting individuals getting on with their lives " with a stamp for a Fortnight. 11 Years ago . Hope she had a good time.
As soon as she said "so you rattle when you walk", I had to watch the rest...
Sawrattan ... Yeah becsuse letting any horror into GB is just soooooo funny ...
Haha me too. As a person who takes a lot of medication too, I could relate! Except now I put cotton in the bottles so I rattle no more!
I travel a LOT and the UK is ALWAYS a delight . A USA passport carries a lotta power (that could be BAD!) I have been pulled from the line to go through customs (by passing 20-30 people) and my passport is checked and stamped , no Visa was required. Now the BAD part is that this seemingly "quick courtesy" also allows the person checking to be MORE careful wit stamps dates , passport serials, texture etc. When I thanked her for the prompt attention I was told the truth . "Darling we just need to REALLY make sure a USA passport IS a USA passport"
+mickavellian your passport vs my Saudi Arabian passport fight? lets go!.
BANG ! I carry a gun .. you loose! now what the fuck do I do with YOUR passport?
You are dead dude..... I'll spread the oil over the sand and have a HUGE parking lot....
+mickavellian I got a German and Polish passport...can't beat that
Which one gets you through customs faster ?
I tried to enter Vancouver 1 year post 911. I was on my way to Alaska (via plane from seattle) but I had 10 day layover so thought I'd check out vancouver. I had made a friend (a black guy) on the way up. We went halfsies on the rent-a-car and didnt' think anything of it. 3 hours we waited and got grilled like we were drug traffickers. By the time we got let through it was time to go home.
I just love the humanity despite the difference in lifestyle. I can understand the woman’s frustration but these two are an example why we can all “crack on” with it. Lovely.
that is a fucking handsome bloke she found herself
Francisco Baraglia not as handsome as me
Peter Pate you mean that is a trans man? oh, come on
Peter Pate how do you know that?
Peter Pate don't be mean we are all gorgeous
Peter Pate I'm more gorgeous than most but I don't judge
I love this immigration officers sense of humor. I really hope she finds the peace she needs and that she fully enjoys her last moments of life. Sending her Blessings 🙏🏾
The agent has a great sense of humour and a caring human being!
Agency to care with. Protect in border.
I wouldn't advise anyone to use this kind of humor at the Dutch border as well. The immigration officer has professionalism as her highest norm. Very good and respectful behaviour as it should be done all the time. I will give her a 10 out of 10. And for the woman in question, she's honest, lovely, charming and joyfull. A nice person to talk to and has a heart of gold. I wish her all the best in the future. Actually both of them get 10 out10's.
Wow, in US she would get shot the moment he/she grabbed the agent's hands! (at 1:29)
...if she was black...
you are 100 percent right. they would have shamed her, judge her. belittled her
HER? You mean IT
Ya they would have called it assault and denied entry
Robert Jeffery No, her. Respect others or have yourself called 'it' in return, as to label all malignant bigots such as yourself helps the betters of society know whom to avoid.