The fact that any of Pam’s videos receive dislikes show me that no matter how amazing someone is..... there will always be dislikers!! I love you Pam ❤️
Good people are often a threat for 'bad' people. They mirror themselves in them, and realize what they lack in themselves. We could send them some heart healing :) Cheers from Norway.
There are people on the planet who are simply crumungy and are unable to see anything but negativity.... I am learning to ignore their energy so I don't absorb it.... which some days means putting on a happy movie... or old sitcoms that are just silly fun.
I have been hugging trees every time I am going for a walk, sometimes in a park, sometimes in the woods. I still feel self conscious when someone walked past and looked at me as if I were crazy, but hugging trees truly is the easiest and quickest way to connect with the source energy, as trees are the medium between the lower world and the upper world. Thanks for another great update Pam. it’s always so uplifting after I have watched your videos. 💗🙏🏼
I hug trees all the time and feel them. I also have tree friends where I meditate with. Lots of wisdom and grounding 🌲 Best way to feel New Earth in motion ✨💖🌈🌏
Dear Jen, I am smiling to myself as I read this. I usually sign my name Jenny- yay! of course I had to stop to read your post. I also hug as many trees as possible. One tree I have been hugging (and giving this tree trunk a lots of kisses) for over 20 years. I truly love this beautiful tree and I can feel the love returned then runs down the tree roots into the centre of Mother Earth. The tree trunk even smells so strong after I am hugging him (well, I say HIM, but I don't feel it's a male or female, just an amazing God-like being)! So TREE HUGGERS UNITE hey, especially now!! Love from The Central Coast, NSW, Australia (close to the Gosford Glyphs)...I know...!...
People are not going to believe what is going to come out into the light. We are indeed watching a movie. Staying in high vibe creative mode is going to help and also looking at how we can help others. We are evolving woohoo!!!!
Pam you simply blow my mind. It was almost like you were "possessed" by the immaculate sacred heart of the Universe, speaking like a divine mother awakening the light of hope in our hearts. You ARE the embodied Chariklo Pam, right now here on earth, at least for us your fans and public. You are truly giving life to her symbolism literally. I can't thank you enough for all your energy and love, the 2 dogs outside the temple analogy simply changed my life! May the highest forces bestow miracles upon you! May every breath you take be blessed! 💜💜💜💜💜
I've managed to be an observer for the past year but have been very aware of the chaos. I feel the shock but am not surprised. We knew this was coming.. Eventually our world will breathe and flourish. Thank you for guiding my path through the uncertainty. 💕💕💕
In our Chi Gong exercises yesterday Master Wu shared when we rub our ears, it activates our Heart. I thought about how much we all love that...and then as to the Voice Inside and the Voice we hear from the outside. If we could listen to what the Heart says instead of what the Mind Chatter is. Also, the shoulders support Heart Energy... rolling the shoulders and relaxing them, will give you instant heart support. Finally, one of the heart exercises is to take the outside edge, heel of your palm and press in on the sternum and push up and around each side of the chest . It activates and relieves both the heart and the thymus and very shortly afterwards I had really good colour in my cheeks. I thought - this allows my heart to move the blood so much easier. Press in at the sternum and draw your hand upwards curving over the top of the chest just by the collar bone, then do the other side, repeat 9 times, each side ...and listen to your heart! Blessings
I have been feeling the earth moving for 10 months... some days more significantly than others. I am very empathic and sensitive to the earth... I get vertigo some days due to the movement.
Bless you, I'll pray for Greece. I used to live/work in kefalonia and I absolutely know what you go through with earthquakes, I think with times we are in it might mean different eruptions and stability. 🙏 blessings to you 🙏💕
Yet another brilliant transmission Pam. When you were talking about Chariklo the hairs on my arms went up and I don’t know why. I’m so excited to start the Astrology with Bracha this evening. Keep vibing high everybody! That’s my new mantra and I’m getting it framed. Thank you again. Your depth of knowledge is exquisite. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Me too! Only my 🌙 is conjunct Chiron at 27* ♑️ (so activated!) and my first daughter had an imaginary friend named Charkler, so yeah. This is significant for me
Beautiful reminders. Thank you. When you mentioned that Chariklo is moving from Cap into Aquarius my heart fluttered; I’ve been having an epic struggle/stand-off w/ my mother (a Cap) who has (to date) never healed her own issues and has been projecting them into me (an Aquarius!) for pretty much my whole life. This season of unveiling has showed me the true nature of our relationship, and I feel SO close to being free from it all and healing the generational trauma inside of myself. I’m taking it as a sign that Chariklo is handing the baton of healing from my mom to me; now as an adult (turning 32 this month) I will complete this cycle so that it ends here. 💓
Oh my goodness you explained my mom and I almost exactly. She is a Capricorn and I am 36 and same struggles and stand offs coming to a head. I am done feeling the guilt being pushed to me because she doesn’t want to feel her emotions.
Please, please don’t see your mother or any other person in your life as an enemy. They are our teachers if we are courageous enough to do the work. We don’t ‘wake up’ by having a nice time, spiritual bypassing, talking about how we are all One. Nobody is in a position to judge someone else’s evolution, and other people simply show us where we need to do the work. Ultimately you are projecting your own ‘unhealed issues’ onto her. Byron Katie is amazing at highlighting this through her process of self-inquiry. While you still blame her and see her as ‘other’ you still have work to do. When you do The Work on ‘My mother has unhealed issues’ you will see how subtle the ego is in its grip and blame game. Byron Katie does a Mon-Fri session on Zoom btw if this resonates. It’s a life changer, truly. I speak as someone who has blamed my father for 50 years - it’s a horrible vortex and trap. The Work is truly beautifully freeing, and its also free.
Thank you for sharing your special gifts Pam. I cut the cable a long time ago and I immerse myself in all this positivity and goodness. It's so palpable and exciting. I am grateful to you and all the wonderful astrologers and spiritual leaders who are essential to the new earth and mankind. I'm ready!! I choose love and I am holding sacred space for all humanity. Shine Bright Everyone!
Thank you for the tip to breathe through my heart to bring me back to love, peace and joy in times of disconnection. Ive been in need of a tool to help me lately💜
My natal sun is a 10 degrees of Leo, so I'm excited to see how this plays out - I hope this full moon will bring positive changes for everyone - thank you Pam and thank you everyone for the lovely community we create here with our comments.
"Loving heart coherence", "divine neutrality", "kindness should be the ruling principle" - yes, yes, yes. Your words are so wise and reassuring, Pam. Deep gratitude for your clarity and guidance.
I think your recommendation to focus on love and heart energy is going to be key on many levels. I have not watched the news in donkey's years, but I flit around a few social media sites, both 3D and spiritually oriented ones, just monitoring the state of play. The one thing that is consistent across almost every one, is the breathtaking lack of empathy and compassion for anyone who is deemed not 'one of us' - as identified by the group or the individual running it. It is an old pattern, and a very human one, but it is saddening, no matter where I see it. So, although everyone has their own journey (and learning curve), I do think that part of our helping towards raising the vibration is not only to send loving energy, but also to drop little breadcrumbs wherever we can, of alternate thoughts and stories, to get people thinking more kindly about those folks they feel it necessary to label and to judge and hate. That whole 'sheeple' thing is a case in point. And all the cruel jokes going around about that poor bloke who tasered his testicles, and died of the resulting heart attack, while in the Capitol being rowdy on the 6th. Funny on the surface, sure, but I kept thinking of his family who, likely, would never live that down, never mind also having to deal with his passing, emotionally and financially.. I really believe it is crucial that we all learn to see each other as part of 'us' - and not some evil, alien, or stupid 'them'. For our sake as well as theirs. Not least because coming events are going to mean many, many bewildered and hurting people will be needing both human and spiritual TLC - and if we can't step up because we think we are too cool, better, or spiritually advanced, then we are on a very slippery slope to a rude awakening. Many of us have been lucky enough to have had life teach us humility, empathy and compassion, but time is running short, and what's needed now is for us to step up, and very visibly walk our talk - and to share the love that we are, and that we aspire to be. Maybe one person will stop and think - and maybe begin to open their heart and mind. Little victories.. They add up. And they radiate across universes.
Ktki 10 What a lovely reminder .I've become much kinder towards those who have been taken in. I always was to the old and the simple, but not so towards educated people who should know better.Now I pray each night for their awakening. PS I recommend Chopin to get into a peaceful frame of mind
Yes it is so important that we all have the power of love and kindness in our lives, hearts, minds and that we create energies of our heart's desires and do what we can to be compassionate, generous, caring, trustworthy, respectful,truthful and respectful of all people . Caring for all of us and living by example. " Continue to express your dissent and your needs, but remember to remain civilized, for you will sorely miss civilization if it is sacrificed in the turbulence of change. " Said, Will Durant. " People fail to get along because they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other. " Said, Martin Luther King Jr. "
Thank you so much! I don't think you realize how many people you help... it is like the Universe, you cannot imagine its size! You are making the world a better place for all of us.
Thank you so much Pam. What amazing confirmation to the message already received for this time. Doing 10 days of silence and detox from today to hold the energy and be in stillness to keep balance. We just have to bridge this and stay focused in the heart. ❤️🙏💗🥰
You always bring deep calm and comfort to my Universe. Thank you for embodying the Great Cosmic Mother and being a loving voice of Truth, reason, inspiration, and kindness. XOXO
Thank you for the heads up...been in Hermit mode for a while, in the Uk, but for a while pre-covid, switched off to the mm news as much as possible, saying prayers for all. "What would love do?" as you suggested we ask, is a great suggestion as is maintaining our own Spiritual practice and focus. Time to set our sails...can't change the direction of the wind. I will do my best to take your suggestions to heart and put them into practice. Thanking you for your wise insights. Wishing you continued Divine light, love and blessings.
A beautiful reading, Dear Pam! I shared this with my sister and said "Colleen, this is just what we were talking about yesterday!" She said your words brought tears to her eyes. Especially asking the question: What would Love do? So, good to be forewarned and prepared and UNDERSTAND what is going on in our world and universe. I so appreciate your calm and learned and loving approach to your astrology readings. You helped me turn a corner today! Thank you so much! With love, K
I am listening to the news but thanks to these astrological insights I can keep detached and observe things that happen like part of a process. Thanks Pam for your wonderful videos which I wait for with excitement
Thank you Pam, such a breath of fresh air in all this darkness and turmoil. I can be more accepting of the turmoil knowing that it is part of our planetary journey. I love the quote 'What would love do now?' BEAUTIFUL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so much better and this will help me to keep a positive frame of mind. x
Earthquakes are already present - Croatia has earthquakes almost every single day! And the hole in the ground opened in Naples... Scary! Let's focus on the brighter side of Pam's forecast 🙏❤️!
Thank you Pam! I became aware of you just a few days ago and am so glad I did. The world is full of division, but we must connect to our hearts and promote unity. ✨💗
Thank you Pam for this video. I’ve been aware of the great awakening for years now. It’s so beautifully illustrated by astrology. Two timelines for sure and many truths will wake up humanity to the many lies we have believed. Discomfort is part of giving birth. Thank you for your insights 💜
So much synchronicity in the current astrology! Very intrigued by this coming Leo Full Moon 🌕. Falling on my birthday, opposing my SUN/VENUS conjunction. And with Uranus squaring and Saturn moving towards conjunction... wow!
So grateful for your enlightened sharing. Today is the 28th and I felt major breakthroughs from feeling electrocuted for the past months. Taurus sun, but this Full Moon is conjunct my Mars, North Node and Mid Heaven. I loved the Heart breathing. Breathe is Life sand we are Light of Love. We are all blessings to be here now.
Hi Pam ! I just re-watched your full moon video for 28th as a re-mind-her for me! Phew and what a glorious ride we are on! Thank you for sharing your wisdom over and over again! 👏👍🖖🧚🙏💖💐🎉🍾
It is so wonderful to see you here, Pam!! [hugs!] Trust me when I tell you, you are one of the few sane people left on any social media!! LOL Who knew!!!? LOL And, I see you just did a q&a with Bracha. Talk about a great end to a wonderful day, off I go! Love you Pam!
I do understand my rebellious and disruptive heart today! And those light bathes every now and then at night, which I am still kind of afraid of, but I am working on it. This morning I watched a video of a German talk show on RUclips called Fair Talk and one of my favourite rebellious lawyers said “What would love do?“ So you can imagine my goosebumps I just got when you said this only one hour ago 🙏 I will mark all these days in my mobile calendar with the note “Stay in your heart“ and I will also completely stop reading anything about all this chaos. Instead I will start with my meditation and mantras again, so much spare time then. Thank you soo much for all these wonderful explanations!🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful - Thanks Pam 💕🤗✨ The Full Moon is bang in the middle of my first house - perfect! I am now heading back to watch the New Moon video to prepare and refresh for the energies tomorrow - falling in my 6th house. It's so nice that you keep reminding us of the bigger picture to keep things in perspective, and yes, I definitely need to place more energy on staying grounded in creator mode - it's so easy for me to become distracted and fearful when paying too much attention to the outside world. Bless you! (best astrology channel ever - I have watched others but felt worse afterwards and so it's time to place boundaries on what I allow in. So, you're on your own, in the best possible way 😊💕)
yeah, the fork in the road, the 'ascension" is in frequency not a "place up in the sky" - I think people will be living in two different dimensions 3rd and 5th and maybe sliding back and forth,: but I think that eventually, we won't be able to even see people in the 3rd D as we move up with earth. Gaia is moving up. Just what I think as I am trying to understand all this. I am so, soooo, grateful for Pam's info and advice. Blessings everybody.
The big question for me was always:" How will the two dimensional worlds of 5d and 3d exist side by side". But I begin to see it happening now . Its a matter of consciousness shaping perception. I'm still puzzled about how the economic structures will move into 5d reality,but no doubt time will tell
I’ve heard there will be 4th and 5th dimensional communities gathering in pockets around the globe. And the 3rd dimensional beings who choose not to ascend will leave and reside on a different planet until they choose to ascend. The earth and its inhabitants are increasing in vibrational frequency.
Pam, for such difficult aspects there is no one but you who could make it so lovely and put such a positive spin on it. Really you've given me such hope and important advice and direction. Thank you!
Exactly. It is not happening here at my home in my personal reality, it's happening on my computer screen. Just a reality show playing out as it must for the awakening to happen for the masses. Whatever happens will prove to be a blessing in disguise. 🙏🏼
That’s so affirming for me - yesterday’s download was to lead with my heart; my heart is connected to an infinite source of unconditional love. The head is concerned with the ‘movie’, the heart is connected to the divine ❤️ Your message had much resonance. Thank you 🙏
Thank you! Love the idea that this is a year for creating from the heart rather than focusing on external stimuli. That was my instinct, but I had no words to understand why I was feeling it.
Thank you for this timely head's up! I'm watching this on the 10th and though feeling primed for the first New Moon of the year I am glad to hear yr views on this Full moon. It's a enhancement for my New Moon perceptive . And I do adore how the exact words are shared throughout a number of broadcasts on this topic and , when wondering how to take action- ask, what would love do? Once I spoke at a wedding of a young couple and these tender hearts allowed me to do some searching within as I scripted my speech for the ceremony. I came upon an old copy book in which I practised automatic transmission. I found a passage that said that we should always remember to treat Love as a being. So there are three in any relationship - two human beings and Love. We feed each other but we must feed Love. We play with each other and we play with Love. Therefore when asked "what would Love do?" , our answers are quick. We know what Love what do because Love is not an abstraction. It is like us, a frequency.
Wow, you were right about earthquakes happening around Jan 17th. Sulawesi, Indonesia was hit with a 6.0+ earthquake on Jan 15th killing over 80+ people and San Juan, Argentina had a 6.0+ earthquake on Jan 18th shaking many homes. Astrology truly can give us aheads up with seismic activity. Thanks for the update and keep them coming!
This will most probably happen anyway due to covid - they are already saying no parades and no Trump present - all the fanfare, is it really needed? We just need the BABY OUT! And we can celebrate later.
It was such a relief to hear about Chariklo and the fine and beautiful energy she is bringing....the ‘still state of being healing’ is the energy I will be concentrating on! 💞🙏🕯🕊🕉
I am sometimes conflicted about the right thing to do... For example knowing when to be passive and detached from the world around, or conversely knowing when it's time to be active and perhaps even undertake some benevolent activist role to be an agent of positive change in some measure. That balance between being detached but not so much so that I become alienated from the world or my share of responsibility in creating a better world. The same thing with information. On one hand I don't want to be weighed down by the news but on the other I feel a need to know what is happening around me. Very difficult to navigate these times! I really want to do the right thing.
100 percent hear ya. I'd like to be a more creative conduit as an artist, but I am also righteously provoked by injustice and hypocrisy - which I feel compelled to bring Light to. As much as I want to have compassion and patience for the people who are taken in, I am disappointed by their gullibility, and even willful ignorance. Must stay balanced and surround oneself with Nature, Gratitude, and practice a kind sort of Detachment.
Many many thanks to you Pam Gregory, a goddess of profound astrological wisdom! You truly are a member of the Divine Feminine order, and I feel so grateful you are such an inspirational teacher who is willing to share your spiritual vision !!💐
How wonderful is it when you listen and learn from someone truly in alignment with their passion and souls purpose. I loved listening to this and for how complex it is it’s still made easy to understand. Glad I found you. Thankyou Pam 🙏🏼✨
As always your astrology info is amazing, but today your words of wisdom about always asking yourself "what would Love do?" and about "breathing" in and out with your heart is such beautiful and helpful advice. I implemented both immediately! Thank you.
@@stevenjmpawkin3902 I glance at the front pages of the papers when I'm shopping. Its not a world I recognise. Its a horror movie.The tragic thing is that so may people are conditioned by this false reality.
I haven't watched TV in ages, but it's tough NOT to see mask mandates at the doorway of every shop, signs for social distancing, arrows on the floors, scared faces of people, children muzzled by their own parents, people being rude to others, the anger, the fear, the isolation... Pretty tough to ignore the insanity going on around us.
Thank you so much Pam 🙏💗 I’m trying to stay in the light, I haven’t watched the tv for months and trying to step back from the drama. I’m lucky I live next to a beautiful beach and it’s been a godsend
In a word, simply exquisite. I think it's been about four or five years now since I've been listening. Within the last two years or so, you have really become the cutting edge source for guidance on how to keep pushing ever upward to the higher dimensions. The astrology is also mind-blowing, of course. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last four Trump years without you, and all that remains to come💎
You are amazing, I have no proper words to describe the pleasure I have to listen to you and the brilliantness of your analysis. You are truely helping us all here so thank you thousand times. Bless you dearly from France !
It conjuncted my Stellium in Leo in the 10th.Was stressed with work and decided to smoke a joint to relax(I hardly ever smoke mind you).I quickly had the worst panic attack I ever had in my life.All the stress and anger came to the surface.God,it was bad.
Thank you so much Pam. Sending so much love, appreciation and gratitude. Each time I check your reports I feel so much more at ease. I will remember to breath through my heart and see all hearts around the world creating unity with the unified field of consciousness. I am a Cancer and I live in Canada. I had a wonderful chart done years ago by a fabulous Astrologer visiting his daughter from his home in England. Before I got to even fully absorb all the information the chart somehow disappeared. Despite knowing my chart, I always relate so deeply to all that you share. Love & blessings sent from my heart to yours❣🙏💜🙏✌👌
Our beautiful Lady Pam,! We feel our world has many beautiful Lightworkers and Wayshowers coming to the fore and "leading" us on both earthly and spiritual levels. You (and Magenta) have been our "go to" for the spiritual messages, whilst our other courageous Leader in America is leading the 3d world out of this mess (we think) were in!! THANK YOU ONE AND ALL and bless you for continuing to show up, inspire, uplift, advise and being the most pristine, pure example of our North Star Light on the Earth! Love Jen YAY!! Central Coast, NSW, Australia
Thank you Pam for your beautiful reports. My country 🇺🇸 going through huge transformation. I pray to our Lord we soon see the light. I understand we must swim these tough waters. HNY 2021 beautiful souls.
Check out also energy healing known as Jin Shin Jyustu...on RUclips...learn to do the five finger’s like acupuncture without the needles....each finger clears a certain energy system in your holding on to the baby finger at least for one minute you are clearing your heart and small Intestine and the attitude of pretension.....the longer you hold it the more healing you must wrap your fingers around the baby finger first on one hand and then the other...❤️🙏🌈
@@PamGregoryOfficial wonderful....we are soul sisters....I do reiki here in Toronto and I teach a healing meditation class....sending you love and light❤️🙏🌈
Thank you for your constant and graceful energy. We love watching your videos. This particular one is so helpful to navigate what feels like ’seemingly’ turbulent times right now, Watching with friends, we felt aware that that the future was already manifested and, NOW we can KNOW it by Being IT.. Hallelujah to the newborn energies !
You see? This Should be the only news you should hear on your TV. Not the garbage they sell you everyday. Thanks again pam!
Perhaps we can feel into the frequency of the words we use. 'Garbage' has a different frequency to 'love, joy, bliss, harmony, balance'
Absolutely agree
They only sell you The “garbage” if you’re buying it.
Well put!
💯 💯💯
The fact that any of Pam’s videos receive dislikes show me that no matter how amazing someone is..... there will always be dislikers!!
I love you Pam ❤️
That is a good point Hayley lol
Good people are often a threat for 'bad' people. They mirror themselves in them, and realize what they lack in themselves. We could send them some heart healing :)
Cheers from Norway.
It says everything about who they are! Pam rocks! ❤️❤️❤️
There not listening 👂🌳❤️
There are people on the planet who are simply crumungy and are unable to see anything but negativity.... I am learning to ignore their energy so I don't absorb it.... which some days means putting on a happy movie... or old sitcoms that are just silly fun.
I have been hugging trees every time I am going for a walk, sometimes in a park, sometimes in the woods. I still feel self conscious when someone walked past and looked at me as if I were crazy, but hugging trees truly is the easiest and quickest way to connect with the source energy, as trees are the medium between the lower world and the upper world. Thanks for another great update Pam. it’s always so uplifting after I have watched your videos. 💗🙏🏼
After reading your comment my top goal today is to hug 4 trees! And to laugh off the self-conscious feeling 😌
Buhund Believer amazing!!! 💗
I hug trees all the time and feel them. I also have tree friends where I meditate with. Lots of wisdom and grounding 🌲 Best way to feel New Earth in motion ✨💖🌈🌏
V P tree friends 😍🎄 love it 😘
Dear Jen, I am smiling to myself as I read this. I usually sign my name Jenny- yay! of course I had to stop to read your post. I also hug as many trees as possible. One tree I have been hugging (and giving this tree trunk a lots of kisses) for over 20 years. I truly love this beautiful tree and I can feel the love returned then runs down the tree roots into the centre of Mother Earth. The tree trunk even smells so strong after I am hugging him (well, I say HIM, but I don't feel it's a male or female, just an amazing God-like being)! So TREE HUGGERS UNITE hey, especially now!! Love from The Central Coast, NSW, Australia (close to the Gosford Glyphs)...I know...!...
People are not going to believe what is going to come out into the light. We are indeed watching a movie. Staying in high vibe creative mode is going to help and also looking at how we can help others. We are evolving woohoo!!!!
Correct and dark to light without a doubt!! God bless everyone.
Isn’t she the most elegant and most adorable woman? Divine 💜
Pam you simply blow my mind. It was almost like you were "possessed" by the immaculate sacred heart of the Universe, speaking like a divine mother awakening the light of hope in our hearts. You ARE the embodied Chariklo Pam, right now here on earth, at least for us your fans and public. You are truly giving life to her symbolism literally. I can't thank you enough for all your energy and love, the 2 dogs outside the temple analogy simply changed my life! May the highest forces bestow miracles upon you! May every breath you take be blessed! 💜💜💜💜💜
Thanks so much Joseph for your beautiful comments, much love, and so happy it helped! x
Yes, Joseph!! I was going to post that to me it seems that Pam embodies the Chariklo archetype traits - refined, gracious and uplifting messenger
@@smurdock8324 Thank you so much! You've made my day! x
I agree with this comment ❤
I've managed to be an observer for the past year but have been very aware of the chaos. I feel the shock but am not surprised. We knew this was coming.. Eventually our world will breathe and flourish. Thank you for guiding my path through the uncertainty. 💕💕💕
In our Chi Gong exercises yesterday Master Wu shared when we rub our ears, it activates our Heart. I thought about how much we all love that...and then as to the Voice Inside and the Voice we hear from the outside. If we could listen to what the Heart says instead of what the Mind Chatter is. Also, the shoulders support Heart Energy... rolling the shoulders and relaxing them, will give you instant heart support. Finally, one of the heart exercises is to take the outside edge, heel of your palm and press in on the sternum and push up and around each side of the chest . It activates and relieves both the heart and the thymus and very shortly afterwards I had really good colour in my cheeks. I thought - this allows my heart to move the blood so much easier. Press in at the sternum and draw your hand upwards curving over the top of the chest just by the collar bone, then do the other side, repeat 9 times, each side ...and listen to your heart! Blessings
Thank you so much for these exercises. I will be doing them daily. Need all the help we can get. Thank you!!!
Thank You!! I sometimes do the YoQi exercises here on youtube. I love QiGong but do not practice consistently enough. I must be more disciplined.
Thanks so much for this Kathy, your posts are always so rich and helpful! Px
thank you so much. I didn't know any of that. I am very grateful to you.
“Do small things with great love.”
I can actually feel the earth rumbling .. I have been feeling it for about a week now .. Thank you Pam .. Greetings from Patmos, Greece 🇬🇷..
Thank you. You helped me on the 6th because I was prepared for the craziness and violence in Washington so it affected me less.
I have also felt the earth rumbling. It feels like little earthquakes happening nonstop. Has even thrown my balance off😬
I have been feeling the earth moving for 10 months... some days more significantly than others. I am very empathic and sensitive to the earth... I get vertigo some days due to the movement.
Bless you, I'll pray for Greece. I used to live/work in kefalonia and I absolutely know what you go through with earthquakes, I think with times we are in it might mean different eruptions and stability. 🙏 blessings to you 🙏💕
Same - I live off grid - ina forest - we have had snow ? That apparently hasn’t been seen since 1907 - honestly what a time to be alive
Her last forecast really foretold events. Thank you Pam
The soul rebirth has begun, I feel as though the energies are carrying me like a magic carpet. Much gratitude love and blessings 🙏✨
I turned off the MSM 10 months ago too Pam, and I create my own reality without influence by negative external sources. It's so free-ing.
LOVE is the way and we can do that collectively and is our precious gift...Much love to all of you wherever you are 💖
"I Am Light, I am Truth, I Am Love, I Am" thank you so so so very much Pam. Many Blessings .
Thank God the inauguration happened and it was a beautiful day for us in the United States.
Yet another brilliant transmission Pam. When you were talking about Chariklo the hairs on my arms went up and I don’t know why. I’m so excited to start the Astrology with Bracha this evening. Keep vibing high everybody! That’s my new mantra and I’m getting it framed. Thank you again. Your depth of knowledge is exquisite. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
same happened to me when she was talking about chariklo!!
Me too! Only my 🌙 is conjunct Chiron at 27* ♑️ (so activated!) and my first daughter had an imaginary friend named Charkler, so yeah. This is significant for me
Same Trey. As a transition energy, Chariklo feels all powerful and insightful.
@@manuelaebensberger2326 i learn something every time from Pam! I need to research Chiron’s wife. Good stuff
So magnanimous of you to share that deep breathing technique from the heart and also it's significance. Blessings
Praying for Love to Win
Already has! It's just our bodies & beings & outer circumstances catching up with that news! 🌞
@@narayajourney Indeed
Love has won! Love as One!!
Amen amen amen
Love is the greatest power why would it lose ? Love is ❤️🌹❤️
Thanks, Pam! During these tumultuous times, it's more important than ever to be grounded, centred and clear! Nature is a wonderful place to find that!
Beautiful reminders. Thank you. When you mentioned that Chariklo is moving from Cap into Aquarius my heart fluttered; I’ve been having an epic struggle/stand-off w/ my mother (a Cap) who has (to date) never healed her own issues and has been projecting them into me (an Aquarius!) for pretty much my whole life. This season of unveiling has showed me the true nature of our relationship, and I feel SO close to being free from it all and healing the generational trauma inside of myself. I’m taking it as a sign that Chariklo is handing the baton of healing from my mom to me; now as an adult (turning 32 this month) I will complete this cycle so that it ends here. 💓
Our stories are so similar! I’m currently attempting to do the same 💖 Sending you love!
Oh my goodness you explained my mom and I almost exactly. She is a Capricorn and I am 36 and same struggles and stand offs coming to a head. I am done feeling the guilt being pushed to me because she doesn’t want to feel her emotions.
@@LoppieLove thank you 💓 & sending it back 🌈💓
@@freebird1599 your final sentence; a resounding YES to that!! 🙌💗
Please, please don’t see your mother or any other person in your life as an enemy. They are our teachers if we are courageous enough to do the work. We don’t ‘wake up’ by having a nice time, spiritual bypassing, talking about how we are all One. Nobody is in a position to judge someone else’s evolution, and other people simply show us where we need to do the work. Ultimately you are projecting your own ‘unhealed issues’ onto her. Byron Katie is amazing at highlighting this through her process of self-inquiry. While you still blame her and see her as ‘other’ you still have work to do. When you do The Work on ‘My mother has unhealed issues’ you will see how subtle the ego is in its grip and blame game. Byron Katie does a Mon-Fri session on Zoom btw if this resonates. It’s a life changer, truly. I speak as someone who has blamed my father for 50 years - it’s a horrible vortex and trap. The Work is truly beautifully freeing, and its also free.
"What would LOVE do?" Mantra for 2021. Thank you, Pam
Thank you for sharing your special gifts Pam. I cut the cable a long time ago and I immerse myself in all this positivity and goodness. It's so palpable and exciting. I am grateful to you and all the wonderful astrologers and spiritual leaders who are essential to the new earth and mankind. I'm ready!! I choose love and I am holding sacred space for all humanity. Shine Bright Everyone!
Thank you for the tip to breathe through my heart to bring me back to love, peace and joy in times of disconnection. Ive been in need of a tool to help me lately💜
My natal sun is a 10 degrees of Leo, so I'm excited to see how this plays out - I hope this full moon will bring positive changes for everyone - thank you Pam and thank you everyone for the lovely community we create here with our comments.
"Loving heart coherence", "divine neutrality", "kindness should be the ruling principle" - yes, yes, yes. Your words are so wise and reassuring, Pam. Deep gratitude for your clarity and guidance.
I think your recommendation to focus on love and heart energy is going to be key on many levels. I have not watched the news in donkey's years, but I flit around a few social media sites, both 3D and spiritually oriented ones, just monitoring the state of play. The one thing that is consistent across almost every one, is the breathtaking lack of empathy and compassion for anyone who is deemed not 'one of us' - as identified by the group or the individual running it. It is an old pattern, and a very human one, but it is saddening, no matter where I see it. So, although everyone has their own journey (and learning curve), I do think that part of our helping towards raising the vibration is not only to send loving energy, but also to drop little breadcrumbs wherever we can, of alternate thoughts and stories, to get people thinking more kindly about those folks they feel it necessary to label and to judge and hate. That whole 'sheeple' thing is a case in point. And all the cruel jokes going around about that poor bloke who tasered his testicles, and died of the resulting heart attack, while in the Capitol being rowdy on the 6th. Funny on the surface, sure, but I kept thinking of his family who, likely, would never live that down, never mind also having to deal with his passing, emotionally and financially.. I really believe it is crucial that we all learn to see each other as part of 'us' - and not some evil, alien, or stupid 'them'. For our sake as well as theirs. Not least because coming events are going to mean many, many bewildered and hurting people will be needing both human and spiritual TLC - and if we can't step up because we think we are too cool, better, or spiritually advanced, then we are on a very slippery slope to a rude awakening. Many of us have been lucky enough to have had life teach us humility, empathy and compassion, but time is running short, and what's needed now is for us to step up, and very visibly walk our talk - and to share the love that we are, and that we aspire to be. Maybe one person will stop and think - and maybe begin to open their heart and mind. Little victories.. They add up. And they radiate across universes.
Ktki 10 What a lovely reminder .I've become much kinder towards those who have been taken in. I always was to the old and the simple, but not so towards educated people who should know better.Now I pray each night for their awakening. PS I recommend Chopin to get into a peaceful frame of mind
Yes it is so important that we all have the power of love and kindness in our lives, hearts, minds and that we create energies of our heart's desires and do what we can to be compassionate, generous, caring, trustworthy, respectful,truthful and respectful of all people .
Caring for all of us and living by example.
" Continue to express your dissent and your needs, but remember to remain civilized, for you will sorely miss civilization if it is sacrificed in the turbulence of change. " Said, Will Durant.
" People fail to get along because they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other. " Said, Martin Luther King Jr.
Yes to all of this!!!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾💕💕💕
Thank you so much I feel the same I will read this everyday
Um, the guy who tasered himself to death was not "being rowdy" - he was there to hurt, kill, and destroy. Wake up.
Thank you so much! I don't think you realize how many people you help... it is like the Universe, you cannot imagine its size! You are making the world a better place for all of us.
Thank you so much Pam. What amazing confirmation to the message already received for this time. Doing 10 days of silence and detox from today to hold the energy and be in stillness to keep balance. We just have to bridge this and stay focused in the heart. ❤️🙏💗🥰
You always bring deep calm and comfort to my Universe. Thank you for embodying the Great Cosmic Mother and being a loving voice of Truth, reason, inspiration, and kindness. XOXO
Thank you for the heads up...been in Hermit mode for a while, in the Uk, but for a while pre-covid, switched off to the mm news as much as possible, saying prayers for all. "What would love do?" as you suggested we ask, is a great suggestion as is maintaining our own Spiritual practice and focus. Time to set our sails...can't change the direction of the wind. I will do my best to take your suggestions to heart and put them into practice. Thanking you for your wise insights. Wishing you continued Divine light, love and blessings.
Earthquake off Russia & another volcano has blown in Guatemala & today is 17th - Pam, you were spot on!
Oh gosh thanks Dawn - I hope no casualties! Px
@@PamGregoryOfficial I don't think so. Fingers crossed x
Wau! Pam you are brilliant. To me seems like earth ( GAIA) is in labour, difficult birth, for the new age to come. Love from switzerland
This is the most wonderfully sound, highest frequency advice I have heard anywhere. What a HUGE gift you are to us, Pam. 🙏🙏❤️
Thank you for your beautiful comments! Blessings, Px
A beautiful reading, Dear Pam! I shared this with my sister and said "Colleen, this is just what we were talking about yesterday!" She said your words brought tears to her eyes. Especially asking the question: What would Love do? So, good to be forewarned and prepared and UNDERSTAND what is going on in our world and universe. I so appreciate your calm and learned and loving approach to your astrology readings. You helped me turn a corner today! Thank you so much! With love, K
Much love Karen and delighted that it helped you. We are all in this together, helping each other. x
Thank you nice video and information. I stopped watching tv, the news and movies 6 years ago. Don’t miss any of it and my life is peaceful
I am listening to the news but thanks to these astrological insights I can keep detached and observe things that happen like part of a process. Thanks Pam for your wonderful videos which I wait for with excitement
Thank you Pam, such a breath of fresh air in all this darkness and turmoil. I can be more accepting of the turmoil knowing that it is part of our planetary journey. I love the quote 'What would love do now?' BEAUTIFUL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so much better and this will help me to keep a positive frame of mind. x
Bless you Cheryl, and happy it helped you! Px
Earthquakes are already present - Croatia has earthquakes almost every single day! And the hole in the ground opened in Naples... Scary! Let's focus on the brighter side of Pam's forecast 🙏❤️!
I live in Italy...remember of me next weeks 😱😂😇
Also volcano activity on Kilauea and Etna.
I live in Croatia
@@wellbeingacademynews God bless you 💟👌
And India - fee friends saying big one is coming 🥴
Thank you Pam! I became aware of you just a few days ago and am so glad I did. The world is full of division, but we must connect to our hearts and promote unity. ✨💗
This Leo wants to cave up and cry, thanks for your boost. I need to remember to "Shut it off" ❤️ and love people, more hurting than me.
@@EstherSwiftt thank you for sharing love and much light and Vitamin D to you 😘
Thank you Pam for this video. I’ve been aware of the great awakening for years now. It’s so beautifully illustrated by astrology. Two timelines for sure and many truths will wake up humanity to the many lies we have believed. Discomfort is part of giving birth. Thank you for your insights 💜
So much synchronicity in the current astrology! Very intrigued by this coming Leo Full Moon 🌕. Falling on my birthday, opposing my SUN/VENUS conjunction. And with Uranus squaring and Saturn moving towards conjunction... wow!
Hold onto your hat Lisa! PS What house is your Leo sun/venus in?
So grateful for your enlightened sharing. Today is the 28th and I felt major breakthroughs from feeling electrocuted for the past months. Taurus sun, but this Full Moon is conjunct my Mars, North Node and Mid Heaven. I loved the Heart breathing. Breathe is Life sand we are Light of Love. We are all blessings to be here now.
What a beautiful inauguration we had here in the US full of heart💞
Hi Pam ! I just re-watched your full moon video for 28th as a re-mind-her for me! Phew and what a glorious ride we are on! Thank you for sharing your wisdom over and over again! 👏👍🖖🧚🙏💖💐🎉🍾
It is so wonderful to see you here, Pam!! [hugs!] Trust me when I tell you, you are one of the few sane people left on any social media!! LOL Who knew!!!? LOL And, I see you just did a q&a with Bracha. Talk about a great end to a wonderful day, off I go! Love you Pam!
Oh thank you so much Andrew, I always am very touched by your very kind comments! Bless you and hope all is well for you in the craziness! x
Pam you are a gift. What a time to be alive!
I do understand my rebellious and disruptive heart today! And those light bathes every now and then at night, which I am still kind of afraid of, but I am working on it.
This morning I watched a video of a German talk show on RUclips called Fair Talk and one of my favourite rebellious lawyers said “What would love do?“ So you can imagine my goosebumps I just got when you said this only one hour ago 🙏
I will mark all these days in my mobile calendar with the note “Stay in your heart“ and I will also completely stop reading anything about all this chaos.
Instead I will start with my meditation and mantras again, so much spare time then.
Thank you soo much for all these wonderful explanations!🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful - Thanks Pam 💕🤗✨ The Full Moon is bang in the middle of my first house - perfect! I am now heading back to watch the New Moon video to prepare and refresh for the energies tomorrow - falling in my 6th house. It's so nice that you keep reminding us of the bigger picture to keep things in perspective, and yes, I definitely need to place more energy on staying grounded in creator mode - it's so easy for me to become distracted and fearful when paying too much attention to the outside world. Bless you! (best astrology channel ever - I have watched others but felt worse afterwards and so it's time to place boundaries on what I allow in. So, you're on your own, in the best possible way 😊💕)
yeah, the fork in the road, the 'ascension" is in frequency not a "place up in the sky" - I think people will be living in two different dimensions 3rd and 5th and maybe sliding back and forth,: but I think that eventually, we won't be able to even see people in the 3rd D as we move up with earth. Gaia is moving up. Just what I think as I am trying to understand all this. I am so, soooo, grateful for Pam's info and advice. Blessings everybody.
The big question for me was always:" How will the two dimensional worlds of 5d and 3d exist side by side". But I begin to see it happening now . Its a matter of consciousness shaping perception. I'm still puzzled about how the economic structures will move into 5d reality,but no doubt time will tell
This is exactly how I feel! But we'll go higher in dimensions the same way for awhile.
I’ve heard there will be 4th and 5th dimensional communities gathering in pockets around the globe. And the 3rd dimensional beings who choose not to ascend will leave and reside on a different planet until they choose to ascend. The earth and its inhabitants are increasing in vibrational frequency.
@@audreyj5002 imo.... definitely a different vibration...there's a split but no one is leaving per se....but who really knows?
Pam, for such difficult aspects there is no one but you who could make it so lovely and put such a positive spin on it. Really you've given me such hope and important advice and direction.
Thank you!
So funny, as I have also said "It's just a movie playing out." We get to write our own. xx
Couldn’t agree more.
Exactly. It is not happening here at my home in my personal reality, it's happening on my computer screen. Just a reality show playing out as it must for the awakening to happen for the masses. Whatever happens will prove to be a blessing in disguise. 🙏🏼
That’s so affirming for me - yesterday’s download was to lead with my heart; my heart is connected to an infinite source of unconditional love. The head is concerned with the ‘movie’, the heart is connected to the divine ❤️ Your message had much resonance. Thank you 🙏
My husband’s birthday 28/01. He’s Aquarius sun and moon. I’m scorpio sun and Aquarius moon. Both very fixed, it’s not a quiet household ! 😂
Thank you! Love the idea that this is a year for creating from the heart rather than focusing on external stimuli. That was my instinct, but I had no words to understand why I was feeling it.
Thank you for this timely head's up!
I'm watching this on the 10th and though feeling primed for the first New Moon of the year I am glad to hear yr views on this Full moon. It's a enhancement for my New Moon perceptive . And I do adore how the exact words are shared throughout a number of broadcasts on this topic and , when wondering how to take action- ask, what would love do?
Once I spoke at a wedding of a young couple and these tender hearts allowed me to do some searching within as I scripted my speech for the ceremony. I came upon an old copy book in which I practised automatic transmission. I found a passage that said that we should always remember to treat Love as a being. So there are three in any relationship - two human beings and Love. We feed each other but we must feed Love. We play with each other and we play with Love. Therefore when asked "what would Love do?" , our answers are quick. We know what Love what do because Love is not an abstraction. It is like us,
a frequency.
Wow, you were right about earthquakes happening around Jan 17th. Sulawesi, Indonesia was hit with a 6.0+ earthquake on Jan 15th killing over 80+ people and San Juan, Argentina had a 6.0+ earthquake on Jan 18th shaking many homes. Astrology truly can give us aheads up with seismic activity. Thanks for the update and keep them coming!
“If” the inauguration happens?
It should be moved to an undisclosed location and televised.
Yep. They should learn from the incident at the Capitol and take precautions...but it feels like the upheaval and chaos may be part of the plan 🤔
@@jacquiedresser8610 🙄🤣
@@jacquiedresser8610 AMEN!
Biden stated prior to Jan 6th that he wanted the inauguration to be virtual.
This will most probably happen anyway due to covid - they are already saying no parades and no Trump present - all the fanfare, is it really needed? We just need the BABY OUT! And we can celebrate later.
It was such a relief to hear about Chariklo and the fine and beautiful energy she is bringing....the ‘still state of being healing’ is the energy I will be concentrating on! 💞🙏🕯🕊🕉
I am sometimes conflicted about the right thing to do... For example knowing when to be passive and detached from the world around, or conversely knowing when it's time to be active and perhaps even undertake some benevolent activist role to be an agent of positive change in some measure. That balance between being detached but not so much so that I become alienated from the world or my share of responsibility in creating a better world.
The same thing with information. On one hand I don't want to be weighed down by the news but on the other I feel a need to know what is happening around me. Very difficult to navigate these times! I really want to do the right thing.
100 percent hear ya. I'd like to be a more creative conduit as an artist, but I am also righteously provoked by injustice and hypocrisy - which I feel compelled to bring Light to. As much as I want to have compassion and patience for the people who are taken in, I am disappointed by their gullibility, and even willful ignorance. Must stay balanced and surround oneself with Nature, Gratitude, and practice a kind sort of Detachment.
Welcome to the human experience
Many many thanks to you Pam Gregory, a goddess of profound astrological wisdom!
You truly are a member of the Divine Feminine order, and I feel so grateful you
are such an inspirational teacher who is willing to share your spiritual vision !!💐
you always make me feel calm and balanced despite the negative energy. hear I'll remain in my happy bubble. love to all 💞🌠
How wonderful is it when you listen and learn from someone truly in alignment with their passion and souls purpose. I loved listening to this and for how complex it is it’s still made easy to understand. Glad I found you. Thankyou Pam 🙏🏼✨
Bless you Alice happy it helped you! Px
Sending You Love and Light and Abundant Blessings Pam Beautiful Soul Sister ,Thank You. xoxo 💋
As always your astrology info is amazing, but today your words of wisdom about always asking yourself "what would Love do?" and about "breathing" in and out with your heart is such beautiful and helpful advice. I implemented both immediately! Thank you.
ha ha ha. I haven't watched telly or listened to radio in yonks and yonks. Astonished when I hear scraps in shops or wherever. Terrifying.
You actually can't imagine
@@stevenjmpawkin3902 I glance at the front pages of the papers when I'm shopping. Its not a world I recognise. Its a horror movie.The tragic thing is that so may people are conditioned by this false reality.
Yep Im the same. But I do pass the TV at work sometimes and hearing 5 seconds of it gives me panic attacks.
I haven't watched TV in ages, but it's tough NOT to see mask mandates at the doorway of every shop, signs for social distancing, arrows on the floors, scared faces of people, children muzzled by their own parents, people being rude to others, the anger, the fear, the isolation... Pretty tough to ignore the insanity going on around us.
Have found the rampant & blatant eugenics the worst part
Thank you Pam. Even in the mist of all the chaos, your words are comforting.
Your work is so valued thank you 🙏🏼
Thank you for the explanation of “ leaking power”. That was so helpful for me !
Hello Danielle
Thank you so much Pam 🙏💗 I’m trying to stay in the light, I haven’t watched the tv for months and trying to step back from the drama. I’m lucky I live next to a beautiful beach and it’s been a godsend
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for your sharing your wisdom for OUR unprecendented current times. Prayers of peace & health to all.
When Jesus was overwhelmed he went of to pray.
In a word, simply exquisite. I think it's been about four or five years now since I've been listening. Within the last two years or so, you have really become the cutting edge source for guidance on how to keep pushing ever upward to the higher dimensions. The astrology is also mind-blowing, of course. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last four Trump years without you, and all that remains to come💎
Bless you Rebecca for your very kind words, so happy it helps you! Px
I had an emotional earthquake and really couldn’t stop crying on the 20th.....
You are amazing, I have no proper words to describe the pleasure I have to listen to you and the brilliantness of your analysis. You are truely helping us all here so thank you thousand times. Bless you dearly from France !
my birthday🥰🥰🥰 i can’t wait
Me tooooo!
Pam thank you for making all that astral stuff relevant to us here on earth.
Key takeaway:
"Devine Neutrality."
Mantra for 2021.
Thank you Pam for your Divine insights into Astrology, they are so helpful balancing the World and the Spiritual.🙏🏼💚
"you have to disintegrate the old before the new can be fully birthed" (19:36)
Phenomenal broadcast - thank you...
"What Would Love Do?"
...As the madness unfolds, "pretend you are watching a movie..."
Grateful for your wisdom!
Could you start holding sessions to send Love out to the World as a Collective
Great idea!! I think we should ban together & form peace/healing prayer groups!! 🎊🎉💟
Yes I send love and light to universe daily but it would mean so much more to do it together
Great idea! ❤️
Ohhh, I would love that. Wonderful idea!!!
It conjuncted my Stellium in Leo in the 10th.Was stressed with work and decided to smoke a joint to relax(I hardly ever smoke mind you).I quickly had the worst panic attack I ever had in my life.All the stress and anger came to the surface.God,it was bad.
Wow😱Thank you!!
Thank you so much Pam. Sending so much love, appreciation and gratitude. Each time I check your reports I feel so much more at ease. I will remember to breath through my heart and see all hearts around the world creating unity with the unified field of consciousness. I am a Cancer and I live in Canada. I had a wonderful chart done years ago by a fabulous Astrologer visiting his daughter from his home in England. Before I got to even fully absorb all the information the chart somehow disappeared. Despite knowing my chart, I always relate so deeply to all that you share. Love & blessings sent from my heart to yours❣🙏💜🙏✌👌
Lvd 💚" what would lv do!?" 🌹❤️
Our beautiful Lady Pam,! We feel our world has many beautiful Lightworkers and Wayshowers coming to the fore and "leading" us on both earthly and spiritual levels. You (and Magenta) have been our "go to" for the spiritual messages, whilst our other courageous Leader in America is leading the 3d world out of this mess (we think) were in!! THANK YOU ONE AND ALL and bless you for continuing to show up, inspire, uplift, advise and being the most pristine, pure example of our North Star Light on the Earth! Love Jen YAY!!
Central Coast, NSW, Australia
Thank you so much Jenny, I'm very touched by your kind words and very happy the videos help! x
Very eruptive energy, so true!
heart coherence is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks Pam
yes, I need to get out of all the info that's coming in, my head is spinning...getting totally disoriented!
Thank you Pam for your beautiful reports. My country 🇺🇸 going through huge transformation. I pray to our Lord we soon see the light. I understand we must swim these tough waters. HNY 2021 beautiful souls.
Everything Pam says is really coming to pass !
You're making me feel so much better! Thank you.. I really can get too hard on myself.. thank you. I love all you know, it makes me smile..
Check out also energy healing known as Jin Shin Jyustu...on RUclips...learn to do the five finger’s like acupuncture without the needles....each finger clears a certain energy system in your holding on to the baby finger at least for one minute you are clearing your heart and small Intestine and the attitude of pretension.....the longer you hold it the more healing you must wrap your fingers around the baby finger first on one hand and then the other...❤️🙏🌈
Nicole I do the 5 finger holds every night! They are brilliant! Px
@@PamGregoryOfficial wonderful....we are soul sisters....I do reiki here in Toronto and I teach a healing meditation class....sending you love and light❤️🙏🌈
My mantra during this time is Pure Love, Pure Light and Pure Goodness is replacing what has been. Thank you for sharing your beautiful insight s.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theory loons We can & will overcome covid19 and the authoritarian politicians
The loons are the ones believing what they are told.
Thank you Pam for making this challenging time a lot clearer, and I love your beautiful jackets. Blessings to you always.
Correction; WHEN the inauguration happens, not IF...
Thank you for your constant and graceful energy. We love watching your videos. This particular one is so helpful to navigate what feels like ’seemingly’ turbulent times right now, Watching with friends, we felt aware that that the future was already manifested and, NOW we can KNOW it by Being IT.. Hallelujah to the newborn energies !
Thanks so much spirit walker! Delighted that the videos help you and thank you for your very kind comments! x