Brick House Recovery - Our Culture

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • brickhousereco... - The culture with Brick House Recovery is loving. It's, it's welcoming. It's inviting, it's all inclusive. You know, there are a lot of companies, I think that talk about core values but they don't necessarily live by them. Brick House is a place where truly, I feel each and every employee truly aligns with the core values and lives, their lives that way, both personally and professionally
    Inclusive genuine, authentic integrity, like no other, it just, it feeds your soul. The culture there is genuine caring and it goes, there is no top to bottom. It's straight across. Everybody is the same and everybody is just as valuable as everybody else.
    We love you because you're you, and it's not like because of your title or because of what you can do or where you've been or who you haven't been. It's like, we love you because you're here and because you're you. And so I think that's big part of the culture that plays all throughout the agency as itself as a treatment and as an employer, it's a recognition of who you are.
    Those recovery principles that we learn when we're starting this process about how to have hard conversations and how to love people through 'em and how not to take them personally, we exude that every single day. And that's, what's created this culture of authenticity and love and the passion, I think that comes through with not a only the clients, by the way, I think the clients have a lot of passion and feel it that I think just creates that culture.
    So it is a loving environment. It's a very caring it's family oriented on the staff side, as well as just the treatment program itself. It's family oriented. I feel a part of a team I feel cared for and valued.
    We wanna know if somebody's unhappy or if something's happening at Brick House, that's not working. We wanna hear about it. We're genuinely curious and constantly wanting to improve as treatment providers, but also as leaders and directors in the agency,
    Complete love and acceptance. Transparent, very honest. There's freedom to make mistakes and learn and grow from it. And the accountability is incredible. I've never been managed at Brick House, but I've certainly been led and mentored and taught. It's definitely a culture of a and growth and love and it's home.
    It's where we learn how to, to communicate with each other properly. You know, like it just, it's about healthy relationships. We recover in relationships and you know, for me, like I had to learn how to have relationships with other guys before I could learn how a relationship with anybody else. I didn't know how to deal with any sort of conflict. I was very black and white thinking, you know, but you get into a place where people don't judge you and they just love you for who you are.
    We have those hard conversations. We say to somebody, I love you enough to tell you this is how I'm feeling or I'm concerned because of some of your behavior. And we do the same thing for clients. We have pretty high expectations for the way that we're teaching people how to be in recovery. And when they start to fall out of line with those, agreements that they made, when they entered the program, we will go to them and say, Hey, this is what we see happening. These are some red flags for your recovery. And so that creates a culture of honesty and willingness to be able to tell someone else when we are concerned for them or when we have been offended,
    Clients are true with respect and love. They're not numbers, they're not cases. They're not clients. They're part of the family.

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