Shaperbox 3 will make beginners better

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 35

  • @ThisIsOnesto
    @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

    🆓 Thanks for watching, help support the channel by trying Shaperbox 3 for FREE (affiliate link) 🆓

  • @m.t-thoughts8919
    @m.t-thoughts8919 Год назад +3

    I love how subtle you can side chain. Makes it sound morden without being muddy but also for Techno you can build with Shaper Box really easy some top percussion layers. That intense side chain effect is a thing of the past!

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  Год назад

      With the Volumeshaper you can get that sidechain as subtle/precise or as emphasized as you'd like. Shaperbox is seriously sooooo good! Thanks for watching!

  • @idlethoughtsmusic
    @idlethoughtsmusic 2 года назад +2

    Well done! ShaperBox is a ton of fun, and like you've said, it's a great way to learn the tools available to music producers. The presets give some great examples, and I always find myself inspired with sounds I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. I need to spend some more time in it. Thanks for sharing this!

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the feedback! I was curious if anyone else had a similar experience with Shaperbox, and it sounds like you're seeing what I'm seeing

  • @charlesneuzil5765
    @charlesneuzil5765 2 года назад

    Thanks for the video on Shaperbox. I’ve been eyeing Shaperbox for a long time now. You always get me thinking, and get me motivated. I think I’ll use your link to finally try out a demo.
    Thank you for all you do and for the great content. 🙏🙏🙏🙂

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      Hey! Thanks for saying that! And I hope you get to try out the demo, it really is one of my favorite plugins ever. Glad you're liking the content too, it means a lot to hear that from the audience

  • @MFGH0ST
    @MFGH0ST 2 года назад

    My man! Hope you had a great holiday. Here’s to crushing 2023! Let’s go🙌🏻

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      Hey!! Great to hear from you again! I hope you had a great holiday too. Can't wait to show you what's in store for 2023.

  • @zachshoupnotshoop7374
    @zachshoupnotshoop7374 7 месяцев назад

    you always have the best videos, man! thank you so much

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  7 месяцев назад +1

      Woah, thanks for the feedback! It always means a lot to hear, especially on older videos.

  • @NewNoise1
    @NewNoise1 2 года назад +3

    Honestly. I use to believe it was identical to gross beat but it isnt. I did the samething on gross beat and got a different result. I liked shaperbox and it exceed my expectations by a lot. It’s exactly what I am looking for and what I need.

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      I'm pretty sure Shaperbox will always be in my top plugins of all time. It's amazing and pretty easy to use. And thanks for leaving a few comments on my videos. It's always good to hear from the community. Hope you can really get a lot out of Shaperbox 3.

  • @dereckwong7797
    @dereckwong7797 2 года назад +1

    What are your thoughts on Infiltrator 2 and how it compares to Shaperbox 3?

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад

      I was asked this same question on another video, and it's a great question because both plugins use a similar concept and approach.
      The way I see it is that you start with Shaperbox but graduate to Infiltrator. So I find Shaperbox more approachable and I happen to find the workflow easier for me to wrap my head around.
      However, I think Infiltrator is a more "powerful" plugin than Shaperbox, with more effects, and features especially with its sequencer. It's the sound designer's ultimate weapon.
      I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. They're both amazing, with perhaps slightly different audiences.
      If you have any more questions just let me know!

  • @amaxlevin
    @amaxlevin 2 года назад

    Very tasteful additions using shaperbox. Cheers!

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      Glad you think so! I honestly just wanted to show the ways that I almost always use Shaperbox. Thanks again for watching

  • @Zkillscreen
    @Zkillscreen 28 дней назад

    thank you

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  28 дней назад

      Thanks for watching, hope you have some fun with shaperbox

    • @Zkillscreen
      @Zkillscreen 28 дней назад

      @@ThisIsOnesto very much fun, its the first plugin i bought :)

  • @wrigna1
    @wrigna1 2 года назад

    Hey guys! Quick question, I'm currently using ShaperBox 3.2.1 in Ableton Live and for some reason specifically ShaperBox keeps endlessly playing sound long after all sounds from all other channels have stopped. This is very annoying, undesirable, and it's adding sound into regions of the exported audio files where there shouldn't be sound (no midi clips at all). ShaperBox 3.2.1 is the only plugin giving me this issue. Can anyone please let me know how to fix it?

  • @rickyfair5890
    @rickyfair5890 Год назад

    is it any way that i can use shaperbox on part of a track

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  Год назад

      Great question, you can definitely do that. I can think of two ways to make that happen.
      1. Automate shaperbox to turn on during the part of the track you want. And automate to turn off when that part is done.
      2. You can also bounce to audio the part where shaperbox is active. That way you won't have to worry about shaperbox turning on or off at the right moment.
      Hope that helps.

    • @rickyfair5890
      @rickyfair5890 Год назад

      @@ThisIsOnesto thanks---but a video showing how that is done would be great

  • @Dannyboy0202
    @Dannyboy0202 2 года назад

    This guy is the chrisfix of vsts

  • @PandaPotPies
    @PandaPotPies Месяц назад

    Your voice is so familiar, do you have another channel?

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  Месяц назад

      @@PandaPotPies nah, this is my only channel. Thanks for asking though

  • @armintam5arian
    @armintam5arian 2 года назад

    dude, you have bitwig - you don't need shaperbox for sidechaining

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +1

      You're right, with Bitwig you can sidechain a 100 different ways.
      But for the purpose of this video I wanted to show how anyone can sidechain transparently with Shaperbox, and show a couple of other tricks that I learned from Shaperbox.
      But you do have a great point. Nearly everything Shaperbox can do, Bitwig can do. It's such an amazing DAW.

  • @jimbrightman6672
    @jimbrightman6672 2 года назад +2

    Sorry, for me - too bad explaining, too fast talking , everything too fast - and too bad examples, sometimes not easy to hear ,too quiet. If i see this first i i wouldn`t have bought it , there are millions of better ones. - even not useful as an overview, sorry, as i say, its only my first impression. This is a very complex software, that normally needs 20 minutes for only obeof its modules to explain at least half of the possibilities

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад +2

      Hey, sorry that this video completely failed you. A lot of your points of critique are things that I try to work on each video. I know I'm not there yet, but it's something I work hard to improve in.
      And you're right, Shaperbox is a wonderful and complex plugin. It'll always be impossible to show you everything you can do. That's why I wanted this video to be an introduction for beginners who are looking for plugins that will help them grow. It's not really a walkthrough, but more of sharing my experience with it, but I probably did not make that clear enough in the video.
      If you are looking for more shaperbox tips, I made a couple videos around Volumeshaper and Driveshaper. You can check them out here if you'd like:видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @BeauSun572
      @BeauSun572 4 месяца назад

      Kamala voter

  • @filipbitz2471
    @filipbitz2471 2 года назад

    Amazing Video, keep it up the good work!
    Also check you email😁

    • @ThisIsOnesto
      @ThisIsOnesto  2 года назад

      Thanks for feedback! I'll go check out my email when I get a moment.