David Platt - Jesus Absorbed the Wrath of God

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 109

  • @WMsReligion
    @WMsReligion 11 лет назад +13

    I saw this exact message almost word for word from Paul Washer. This validates this message for me.

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

      Let me explain why this man's lie is so egregious. The wrath of God is inevitable. Jesus gave us a way out of it.
      The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
      Isaiah 13:12-13 I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold,
      A man more than the golden wedge of Ophir.
      Therefore I will shake the heavens,
      And the earth will move out of her place,
      In the wrath of the Lord of hosts
      And in the day of His burning anger.
      The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.After death is defeated Jesus returns the kingdom back to God. 1 Corinthians 15 This is the beginning of the kingdom of God.
      Then and asteroid will strike the Earth Revelation 9. It will open up the bottomless pit and knock the Earth out of its orbit toward the sun. The Earth is Hell is the future. The only escape is in the New Jerusalem. It will take the best of humanity and the glory of the nations to a new Earth. This is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. Peter was given authority over who goes and stays by Jesus. Protestants are antichrist according to 1 John 2:18-19 ...for they went out from us showing that they were not of us, for if they were of us they would have stayed with us...There is one type of person who will avoid tasting the second death. Those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will reign with Christ for 1000 years and after the 1000 years the rest of the dead will be raised into incorruptible bodies and judged by the Catholic saints. Those who are left behind on the Earth will eternally suffer. Their worm does not die and the flames are not quenched.

  • @ViDeOfee1994
    @ViDeOfee1994 12 лет назад +2

    Praise God! Finally there are some preachers who are not afraid to teach the truth! I thank God for the wisdom He gave to Paul Washer and to David Platt.

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

      The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.

  • @endtimes17
    @endtimes17 12 лет назад +5

    Praise God for His mercy! Praise God for His love!! What mercy God has to save a wretch like me that was a pot head, party-goer and drunk and clothe me with His spotless robes of righteousness!!! Awesome video and truth of the Gospel... I just want to shout to the world what amazing things Jesus has done for unworthy, hell-deserving sinners!!

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

      The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.After death is defeated Jesus returns the kingdom back to God. 1 Corinthians 15 This is the beginning of the kingdom of God.
      Then and asteroid will strike the Earth Revelation 9. It will open up the bottomless pit and knock the Earth out of its orbit toward the sun. The Earth is Hell is the future. The only escape is in the New Jerusalem. It will take the best of humanity and the glory of the nations to a new Earth. This is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. Peter was given authority over who goes and stays by Jesus. Protestants are antichrist according to 1 John 2:18-19 ...for they went out from us showing that they were not of us, for if they were of us they would have stayed with us...There is one type of person who will avoid tasting the second death. Those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will reign with Christ for 1000 years and after the 1000 years the rest of the dead will be raised into incorruptible bodies and judged by the Catholic saints. Those who are left behind on the Earth will eternally suffer. Their worm does not die and the flames are not quenched.

  • @vmpage01
    @vmpage01 11 лет назад +7

    That's great news. Praise Jesus Christ.

  • @jambwiththelamb1
    @jambwiththelamb1 13 лет назад +3

    awesome. One of the best analogies for what jesus did that i have ever heard

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

      The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.After death is defeated Jesus returns the kingdom back to God. 1 Corinthians 15 This is the beginning of the kingdom of God.
      Then and asteroid will strike the Earth Revelation 9. It will open up the bottomless pit and knock the Earth out of its orbit toward the sun. The Earth is Hell is the future. The only escape is in the New Jerusalem. It will take the best of humanity and the glory of the nations to a new Earth. This is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. Peter was given authority over who goes and stays by Jesus. Protestants are antichrist according to 1 John 2:18-19 ...for they went out from us showing that they were not of us, for if they were of us they would have stayed with us...There is one type of person who will avoid tasting the second death. Those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will reign with Christ for 1000 years and after the 1000 years the rest of the dead will be raised into incorruptible bodies and judged by the Catholic saints. Those who are left behind on the Earth will eternally suffer. Their worm does not die and the flames are not quenched.

    @EXALTEDDIRT 12 лет назад +5

    Oh my Lord and my GOD!

  • @12345Itsme
    @12345Itsme 11 лет назад +3

    Thank u Pastor David..... Amen brother!!!!

  • @Mclark593
    @Mclark593 12 лет назад +1

    This video is a blessing.

  • @spud2ooo
    @spud2ooo 12 лет назад +1

    this is so true and what a blessing

  • @krazime0123
    @krazime0123 14 лет назад +1

    thats right. wow ive asking telling all the people that i know are Christians what are they saved from and how and it is shocking what they say.

  • @Seouldawg
    @Seouldawg 10 лет назад +16

    There is not a more powerful way to look at the gospel than this.
    We think of sin as a wrongdoing and Christ dying to wipe the slate clean of that sin. But consider this closely. Every sin has a consequence. And from a heavenly Father, he is just to pour out his wrath on ANYTHING that is unrighteous. So Christ did not come to wipe out your sin, he came and took all the WRATH of God for EVERY sin. The slate was not wiped cleaned alone. Christ bore the WRATH of God for every one of us. There is no more crushing view of the Gospel than that! And no more reason to Praise him in all things because of it.

    • @erbystephen
      @erbystephen 5 лет назад

      Amen that is terrifying. God is infinitely loving and infinitely peaceful but also infinitely angry towards sin. He took an infinite amount of Gods wrath in one moment on the cross for our sin until it was over

    • @CaptainPilipinas
      @CaptainPilipinas 5 лет назад

      Stephen Erby HE will do EVERYTHING to DESTROY SIN when REVELATION comes!
      I Pray that most of us can come to HIM Quicker before Our Ends...
      (Be Brave and Have Faith.)

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      There is not one passage that declares that Jesus death was not of obedience, nor that Jesus did not suffer at the hands of Father to learn obedience.
      No passage says that Father wrathfully punishes the one he is pleased with nor that learning obedience comes by wrathful punishment but only by corrective discipline of those whom He loves and is pleased with as a Father to a Son.
      Jesus underwent for our sins corrective discipline and scourging as a ligit Son in the likeness of sinful flesh by the elects sins upon Him that does not lead to unpardonable sin, learning obedience for our sins through what He suffered even unto death.
      Jesus' suffering by Father was for our atonement as the substituting living scapegoat, ransom payment and redeeming price that nullified God's wrath towards many and not all whom Jesus atoned in his death.
      Father is never pleased by a wrathful death of the wicked, to think that Jesus was under wrath unto death momentarily is to say he was momentarily wicked at death. To which Father does not take pleasure in thus is not appeased.
      Ezekiel 18:23
      But Father is appeased to cause corrective suffering to learn obedience even unto death towards the ligit son He loves and is pleased with.
      Proverbs 3:12
      for YHVH disciplines the one He loves, as does a father the son in whom he delights
      Matthew 3:17
      And a voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!”
      Isaiah 53:5
      But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his scourging we are healed.
      Hebrews 5:8
      8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered
      Philippians 2:8
      And having been found in appearance as a man He humbled Himself, having become obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    • @Seouldawg
      @Seouldawg 5 лет назад

      @@josephkuzara2609 Just to simply. God, the Father, poured out his wrath....His holy and righteous wrath on his son, The Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile our sin to him. It's not a debt to be paid that is admonished. It is a debt of righteousness. If you do not think Jesus Christ absorbed and took the Father's wrath at the cross, then you may be missing the amazing GRACE of who our Lord is.

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      Show in scripture that the capacity of Jesus' suffering to learn obedience Hebrews 5:8 even obedience unto death Philippians 2:8 comes from divine wrath and not divine corrective discipline according to Isaiah 53:5(Musar #4148) of those whom Father loves and recieves as ligit human children according to Hebrews 12:4-6
      Hebrews 12:11
      No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
      Through Jesus' discipline and scourging for our sins, yet remaining sinless because although being The unmarred Son , Father had Him learn obedience even obedience on the pole that produced an harvest of Righteousness and peace for our example and source as to why we are disciplined and scourged instead of remaining under wrath if we sin(1 Peter 3:18)(Heb 12:5-11) to meet the same outcome to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law of Christ(Romans 8:3-4) ,by what He suffered in death for us and our sin being handed over to sinners by God's foreknowledge and predetermined plan to have His son become an Atoning sacrifice(yet not abandoned Psalm 22:24) whom Satan through evil men bruised Jesus' heel(Gen 3:15) by Father's permissive will and why He gave the command for His Son to voluntarily lay His life down but also take it up again .( such shows He was not to be abandoned to suffer divine wrath for my sins)
      (God through the Apostles said man killed Jesus but He resurrected Him, because death had no hold on His Righteous Son being not abandoned at death to the grave)
      and with such pain and suffering that resulted in Righteousness did Jesus satisfy Father as an acceptable sacrifice of an broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit for our sins whom carried our sorrows and infirmities being contrited(daka#1792) and grieved by Father (Isa 53:10) identifieng with our guilt being baptized in water by John and by becoming our guilt offering/ransom (Isa 53:10 asam #817) to produce in Himself a harvest of Righteousness and Peace, teaching and pursuing peace which allowed Him to better sympathize with our weaknesses as our high priest to help us when we are in need being tempted as we are by Satan and sinful men yet without sin from life to death while all along being our scapegoat (Lev 16:6-10) in the likeness and not exactness of sinful flesh.
      Jesus fulfilled all the offerings and sacrifices pertaining to our Atonement both sacrificial and living without sin thus without divine wrath.
      It is crystal clear in scripture that those whom are righteous are those not destined for divine wrath, we have hope in Jesus as our source to be pardoned and set free from the slavery of sin thus being saved from remaining under divine wrath not because He, a true and Sinless son suffered divine wrath
      But through the outcome of living in Righteousness and Peace without sin by learning such obedience by what He suffered unto death for our sins as an ransom payment to redeem many from remaining in wrath is what satisfied Father to which pardon is to be received by Faith .
      How does your atonement view bring hope when thought through it's ultimate conclusion?
      That we are to put our hope and trust in your version of Jesus whom is to be deemed as an Sinless offering and atonement for my sake, to then become a sinner at the point of death?
      to which God says in Ezekiel 33:11 that He does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked yet according to your interpretation it satisfied God to kill him while under wrath. and that the offering and sacrifice was to be unblemished /obedient even unto death in order to pardon, yet your interpretation says that he became blemished at the point of death!
      Oh what hope and future one has to look upon who is supposed to be a ligit and recieved son whom Father loves to then become a illigitimate son before our very eyes as a real sinner whom Father burns with anger and wrath.
      The righteous cannot loose sonship yet your view teaches otherwise and gives no hope for the sinner to look upon your version of Jesus whom became a sinner, lost his sonship and died under divine wrath as an blemished Atonement!

  • @openairevangelism
    @openairevangelism 12 лет назад +4

    Is that how you should talk about a brother in Christ? What exactly has he said that causes you to call him a "raving lunatic?"

    • @section508smefeedback6
      @section508smefeedback6 4 года назад

      History, the Presidential Race, Economic-Inequality, & Social Justice
      1. History Provides Many Lessons;
      2. David Platt's actions appear to be motivated to help get Biden in office;
      3. Only Simpletons like Sociologist Michael Emerson & Platt argue on grounds of Economic Inequality; and
      4. David Platt's understanding of Social Justice is taken from Bernie Sanders & Robin Hood which is not biblical
      And, as added Ace in the hole, the Black Lives Matter Movement for Social Justice just might convince enough citizens to change their vote to Biden with his Progressive handlers. The script they are pushing very hard is that of Economic In-Equality due to Systemic Racism.
      There are many actors who are promoting this script. From the Bible base of the Southern Baptist Church as well as Mclean Bible, and 50% of all Evangelicals who are being duped by Michael Emerson, Black Lives Matter and our very own David Platt. Yes, unfortunately David Platt is using his position to influence the election. On these grounds alone, the elders should demand Platt's immediate resignation letter or terminate him immediately, and for supporting the evil organization of Black Lives Matter.
      What I find pathetic, besides trying to influence an election with 15 million Southern Baptists, Platt has shown his utter naivete by embracing the racist theory by the Southern Baptists denomination as made by Michael Emerson's book, "Divided by Faith". And then Platt wants to make the ridiculous argument:
      1. All the Southern Baptists are racists and should repent; therefore
      2. All Evangelical Christians are racists and should repent; and
      2. Therefore, all the US society has numerous systemic racist institutions.
      For most of his life David Platt was indoctrinated as a Social Gospel proponent by his Southern Baptist up-bringing, but since 2017 he is on a personal mission to change all of society of real or perceived evils as a Social Justice Warrior after reading the book, 'Equality Divided by Faith' by Michael Emerson, which he read about 2 years ago. So, Platt and the SBC now support the BLM and he is doing all he can to have the MBC church members & all the Southern Baptists drink the poisonous cool-aid of Systemic Racism which will enable Biden to be elected.
      Here is the poisonous well David Platt has drunk and offers everyone to partake.
      Read this book to see how David Platt was deceived by non sense.
      The authors of, 'Divided by Faith' found, (that despite recent efforts by the SBC evangelical leaders to address the problem of racial discrimination, the SBC evangelical members themselves seem to be preserving America's racial chasm. ) [opinion]
      In fact, most white evangelicals see no systematic discrimination against blacks. But the authors contend that it is not active racism that prevents evangelicals from recognizing ongoing problems in American society. Instead, it is the evangelical movement's emphasis on individualism, free will, and personal relationships that ... perpetuates racial inequality. ] As noted by the authors!!!! [opinion that the foundation of Evangelicalism beliefs creates racism. Very foolish]
      These guys want to state, "evangelicals seem to be preserving a racial chasm". Really? But, they simply point to dumb numbers of whites living in better neighborhoods and that whites go to jail for drugs in far lesser numbers than blacks do for the same crimes. Okay. So, where in this ignorant reasoning is there a shred of any evidence of racism or of systemic racism. There is none! All Emerson does in his book and video is give some disparity numbers. And so, because there are more blacks arrested for drugs, the nation must be racist. And because affluent neighborhoods are mainly white, the nation must be racist. Non sense! This is just an arugument for income equality no matter ones choices, no matter ones life of crime, and no matter ones education or effort to succeed. Its an argument for Communistic Marxism. And Platt buys into this foolishness. I find it amusing and sad how a PHD educated pastor can be such a simpleton and also choose foolishly to be a Social Justice Warrior. (On both counts his mission is not biblical, nor in line with the gospel.
      David Platt wants to be Robin Hood along with the Progressives and provide material equality in his fight for equality. To this end he is willing to accuse all Christians of Racism and accuse America of systemic racism to accomplish his mission of promoting the Social Liberation Theology Gospel of materialism.
      Platt's Social Gospel must go and so should Platt.

  • @zacharymorrow721
    @zacharymorrow721 4 года назад

    Some of y’all are so stubborn and judge full that you want the Bible to be sweet and loving and it is but you also got to look at it and know that god is not some god who just loves . he’s a god of mercy and grace and justice and wisdom and loving kindness and you have to put old and New Testament together to get the full story .

  • @julieallen3614
    @julieallen3614 4 года назад

    Wow and amen

  • @henryhamm9630
    @henryhamm9630 4 года назад

    Him and Paul Washer preach very alike. Praise God🙏

  • @fireman12redsusman28
    @fireman12redsusman28 4 года назад

    He put His wrath upon Himself! HOW PERFECT IS OUR GOD! HOW HUMBLE IS OUR GOD! It sounds to good to be true. But yeah, it's true, Hes really like that. All you can do is shake your head. We are like motes of dust swirling around him as he walks throughout his creation. And he released an omnipotent wrath upon who, what, himself!? How can anyone even begin to comprehend the goodness of God.

  • @Member35071
    @Member35071  13 лет назад +4

    @kingdomtheology How is this proof texting? These are exegetical observations from Scripture. Another verse to consider with 1 John 4:10 is John 3:36 - those "who do not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him". Just wrath will be poured out on sinners because God is Holy. It "remains" on those who have not turned to the wrath-absorbing substitute - Jesus, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      Jesus is not an wrath absorbing substitute, but through true PSA He did suffer corrective discipline being a ligit son as a substitute for our sins(the just for the unjust). Being in the likeness and not exactness of sinful flesh as our living atoning scapegoat(leveticus 16) when the elects iniquities, transgressions and sins were upon Him becoming an atoning offering for sin and guilt through his obedient death.
      Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered even obedience unto what he suffered in death on the Crux simplex. And such suffering that produces obedience only comes by through corrective discipline. And such discipline only comes by the one Father recieved as a human son, loves and delights in.
      Because our sins were upon Him by becoming our substitute and scapegoat, did Jesus suffer corrective discipline as a ligit human Son, condemning sin and not Jesus in the flesh.
      Jesus lived and died without defect, the elects pardonable sins upon him did not change his nature nor spirit at any giving moment. Not when tempted by Satan, nor even upon death.
      FATHER never stopped listening to Jesus' prayers, never hid His face from Him and did not by his hand cause his death due to Jesus temporarily being seen as or becoming wicked in our place upon death. Because God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked.
      Yet it pleased the Lord to crush and afflict His Son, but such appeasment was not brought about by wrathful punishment but by corrective discipline and scourging of which produces obedience.

  • @TheBigCdubya
    @TheBigCdubya 12 лет назад +4

    @missrockz i think that if you look at this video it is a thought of love. That someone would be willing to step in and take all of the wrath that was deserved for you or I. "What greater love is there than this that a man would lay down his life for another"

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      Yet Jesus did not absorb Father's wrath for our sins. As a ligit son that Father was pleased with, Jesus learned obedience as an incarnate Son even unto death for our sins.
      Jesus of himself did not need corrective discipline being impeccable, but for the elects sins upon Him he humbly and voluntarily underwent such corrective suffering while maintaining His fulfillment of the Law in order to be the author of our salvation. Becoming the ransom payment and redeeming price as the atoning just for the unjust.

  • @Nehemie09
    @Nehemie09 11 лет назад +1

    David Platt goes in

  • @PreacherinExile
    @PreacherinExile 13 лет назад

    loved it-video quality a bit blurry-don't know why? Great word though.

  • @gregnak7340
    @gregnak7340 6 месяцев назад

    Does anyone have the full sermon?

  • @ShebiTulip
    @ShebiTulip 4 года назад

    the gospel 💥💥💥🌋

  • @Member35071
    @Member35071  13 лет назад +1

    @kingdomtheology Thanks for your comment. Please read the first chapter of Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper. I didn't know this either for a long time. But it's there in Scripture and it makes total sense. Jesus had to satisfy the Justice of God and uphold God's Holiness by propitiating God's Righteous hatred for sin (1 John 4:10).

    • @archangel_metatron
      @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

      The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.After death is defeated Jesus returns the kingdom back to God. 1 Corinthians 15 This is the beginning of the kingdom of God.
      Then and asteroid will strike the Earth Revelation 9. It will open up the bottomless pit and knock the Earth out of its orbit toward the sun. The Earth is Hell is the future. The only escape is in the New Jerusalem. It will take the best of humanity and the glory of the nations to a new Earth. This is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. Peter was given authority over who goes and stays by Jesus. Protestants are antichrist according to 1 John 2:18-19 ...for they went out from us showing that they were not of us, for if they were of us they would have stayed with us...There is one type of person who will avoid tasting the second death. Those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will reign with Christ for 1000 years and after the 1000 years the rest of the dead will be raised into incorruptible bodies and judged by the Catholic saints. Those who are left behind on the Earth will eternally suffer. Their worm does not die and the flames are not quenched.

  • @christophersnedeker2065
    @christophersnedeker2065 3 года назад

    Doesn't that mean there is no forgiveness of sin? Only transferal of punishment? Do you forgive others by getting angry at an innocent third party?

  • @damianwhite504
    @damianwhite504 Год назад

    David Platt looks like a younger version of Andre the Giant

  • @RDBremner
    @RDBremner 9 лет назад

    When James and John asked to be at Jesus right and left, Jesus asked if they were able to drink from the cup that He drank. They responded that they were.
    Jesus' response in Matthew was "My cup you shall drink", and in Mark, His response was, "The cup that I drink you shall drink." Jesus said they would drink the same cup that He drank. Obviously, they didn't drink of the cup of the wrath of God. But in these passages, which occur just before the triumphal entry, Christ has just been talking about his death.
    And He used the word "the" cup, or "My" cup, not "a" cup. So He was saying they would drink from the same one.
    Jesus was equating the cup with death speaking to James and John, it seems more reasonable that He was also equating it 5 days later when He prayed in the garden, than that He was referring to the "cup of wrath" from Jeremiah, or from Revelation, which wasn't even written yet.

  • @calvinpeterson9581
    @calvinpeterson9581 5 лет назад

    I dont see in scripture where Gods wrath was poured out on Jesus on the cross. The more biblical witness is that God the Father placed the sin of humanity on Jesus on the cross, therefore satisfying his wrath. God was not wrathful towards Christ, rather wrathful towards sin and together God and Jesus dealt with sin on the cross. Now through Christ we can have peace with God.

  • @christophersnedeker2065
    @christophersnedeker2065 3 года назад

    This implies that God did that which he knew to be false. Punishing an innocent one as though he where wicked. It implies an element of falsehood in God.

  • @chrisfields458
    @chrisfields458 8 лет назад

    I would like to know the original person to preach this message. Paul Washer also preaches this exact same sermon. "shepherds conference 2016 paul washer"

    • @1689solas
      @1689solas 8 лет назад

      Paul Washer has been saying this forever. I assume that he said it first and David heard it OR it's in a popular Christian book somewhere. I'm betting it's in a popular book on the cross somewhere.

    • @carlospadron488
      @carlospadron488 8 лет назад

      The Truth never changes no matter who is proclaiming it

    • @1689solas
      @1689solas 8 лет назад

      I agree, but for someone to say something exactly like someone else said it leads me to believe he either heard it from the other person first OR it's in a popular Christian book somewhere.

    • @carlospadron488
      @carlospadron488 8 лет назад

      Dylan yes you might be right there is no other book greater than the Word of God..but in pretense or in Thruth,Christ is preached...its not about supporting preachers its about spreading the Word..God bless my brothers

    • @sebbomar
      @sebbomar 6 лет назад +1

      Jonathan Edwards from the 1700s. “Sinners in the hands of an angry god.”

  • @missrockz
    @missrockz 13 лет назад

    People forget about the love when fear i so easy to spread. We have lost siht of our direction. We must spread the thoughts of love.

  • @josephkuzara2609
    @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

    being sinlessly obedient unto death jesus learned such obedience suffering for our sins( taking away and putting to death), not wrathful punishment.
    Proverbs 3:12
    for YHVH disciplines the one He loves, as does a father the son in whom he delights
    Matthew 3:17
    And a voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!”
    Isaiah 53:5
    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the discipline of our peace was upon him; and with his scourging we are healed.
    Hebrews 5:8
    8 Though being a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered
    Philippians 2:8
    And having been found in appearance as a man He humbled Himself, having become obedient unto death, even the death of the tree(despising the shame of becoming a curse of man to redeem us from the curse).
    No where in scripture says that Jesus stopped being a ligit son without blemish even unto death. But what He suffered was in order as our ransom offered to Father; is to take away and put sin to death in us as a ligit son. And those whom God recieved as human children, He out of love disciplines and scourges to produce obedience.
    Yeshua's suffering was for our set example to follow unto death and why we are granted to partake in His suffering to drink His cup and pick up our own pole and follow after Him, living as He did and enduring the suffering He underwent not only by the hostility of ill willed people but by Fathers loving discipline that trained Yeshua while mortal, thus learning obedience by what he suffered under the direction and Sovereign control of Father but with accountable instruments through the hostility of the ill willed without tempting anyone into sin and directly pulling the trigger for our good. Thus Yeshua suffered not only for His own righteous lifestyle in non-violence but by the means that God determined without tempting one into sin or personally killing his son to bring about His obedience as our source and example. He is Our source because we participate in His Suffering through the hostility of ill willed people which is in connection to our loving discipline and scourging for our good that brings about our obedience by those who are trained by it to produce the fruit of righteousness and non-violence.

    • @christophersnedeker2065
      @christophersnedeker2065 3 года назад

      How could he recive corrective punishment if he was already 100% correct?

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 3 года назад +1

      It was hard for me to describe what Yeshua went through 2 years ago as God was progressively developing within me what took place in light of what we go through in Him sense we participate in His suffering. But perhaps corrective suffering was not the best wording even though the suffering we face in Yeshua is in order to correct behavior in training us in righteousness and non-violence.
      But He did learn obedience by what He suffered which was through loving discipline and scourging as I know now as a testing of His faith in service to God as our high priest for our set example of how we are to conduct ourselves when being disciplined. but his suffering is not on account of Him doing anything wrong.
      but also I never said corrective punishment. Gods punishment and discipline are taught to be different in scripture. Only those who God loves and receives as His own children does He discipline and scourge. Those who do not belong to God ultimately remain under wrathful punishment which is not for the good of those under it.

  • @kerotch
    @kerotch 11 лет назад +1

    "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." - John 3:36. Jesus does rescue us from God but then he brings us into union with Him! it is a beautiful thing!!!

  • @HalChaffee
    @HalChaffee 5 лет назад +1

    “God poured out the fury of His wrath upon Jesus.” Why is there no language like this in the Bible? “Jesus’ death satisfies the wrath of God.” Why not an ounce of talk like this in the New Testament? Jesus died as a sacrifice to display the righteousness of God (Rom 3:25), that we might be forgiven and made righteous. This is what the New Testament teaches, without the wrath element.

  • @AfroSunGoddess
    @AfroSunGoddess 13 лет назад

    @kingdomtheology Sin evokes the wrath of God. So yes you are stepping in line with God and putting yourself under his blessing. Anything out of it is the opposite. But the point is Jesus came to die for our sins he did not come to die for the anger of God. so u are being saved from the chains of sin and away from the curse that comes from a life without God into when the puts him first. I hope that made sense lol

  • @ManoloSeFue
    @ManoloSeFue 4 года назад +1

    Paul Washers exact same sermon almost word for word.

    • @section508smefeedback6
      @section508smefeedback6 4 года назад

      History, the Presidential Race, Economic-Inequality, & Social Justice
      1. History Provides Many Lessons;
      2. David Platt's actions appear to be motivated to help get Biden in office;
      3. Only Simpletons like Sociologist Michael Emerson & Platt argue on grounds of Economic Inequality; and
      4. David Platt's understanding of Social Justice is taken from Bernie Sanders & Robin Hood which is not biblical
      And, as added Ace in the hole, the Black Lives Matter Movement for Social Justice just might convince enough citizens to change their vote to Biden with his Progressive handlers. The script they are pushing very hard is that of Economic In-Equality due to Systemic Racism.
      There are many actors who are promoting this script. From the Bible base of the Southern Baptist Church as well as Mclean Bible, and 50% of all Evangelicals who are being duped by Michael Emerson, Black Lives Matter and our very own David Platt. Yes, unfortunately David Platt is using his position to influence the election. On these grounds alone, the elders should demand Platt's immediate resignation letter or terminate him immediately, and for supporting the evil organization of Black Lives Matter.
      What I find pathetic, besides trying to influence an election with 15 million Southern Baptists, Platt has shown his utter naivete by embracing the racist theory by the Southern Baptists denomination as made by Michael Emerson's book, "Divided by Faith". And then Platt wants to make the ridiculous argument:
      1. All the Southern Baptists are racists and should repent; therefore
      2. All Evangelical Christians are racists and should repent; and
      2. Therefore, all the US society has numerous systemic racist institutions.
      For most of his life David Platt was indoctrinated as a Social Gospel proponent by his Southern Baptist up-bringing, but since 2017 he is on a personal mission to change all of society of real or perceived evils as a Social Justice Warrior after reading the book, 'Equality Divided by Faith' by Michael Emerson, which he read about 2 years ago. So, Platt and the SBC now support the BLM and he is doing all he can to have the MBC church members & all the Southern Baptists drink the poisonous cool-aid of Systemic Racism which will enable Biden to be elected.
      Here is the poisonous well David Platt has drunk and offers everyone to partake.
      Read this book to see how David Platt was deceived by non sense.
      The authors of, 'Divided by Faith' found, (that despite recent efforts by the SBC evangelical leaders to address the problem of racial discrimination, the SBC evangelical members themselves seem to be preserving America's racial chasm. ) [opinion]
      In fact, most white evangelicals see no systematic discrimination against blacks. But the authors contend that it is not active racism that prevents evangelicals from recognizing ongoing problems in American society. Instead, it is the evangelical movement's emphasis on individualism, free will, and personal relationships that ... perpetuates racial inequality. ] As noted by the authors!!!! [opinion that the foundation of Evangelicalism beliefs creates racism. Very foolish]
      These guys want to state, "evangelicals seem to be preserving a racial chasm". Really? But, they simply point to dumb numbers of whites living in better neighborhoods and that whites go to jail for drugs in far lesser numbers than blacks do for the same crimes. Okay. So, where in this ignorant reasoning is there a shred of any evidence of racism or of systemic racism. There is none! All Emerson does in his book and video is give some disparity numbers. And so, because there are more blacks arrested for drugs, the nation must be racist. And because affluent neighborhoods are mainly white, the nation must be racist. Non sense! This is just an arugument for income equality no matter ones choices, no matter ones life of crime, and no matter ones education or effort to succeed. Its an argument for Communistic Marxism. And Platt buys into this foolishness. I find it amusing and sad how a PHD educated pastor can be such a simpleton and also choose foolishly to be a Social Justice Warrior. (On both counts his mission is not biblical, nor in line with the gospel.
      David Platt wants to be Robin Hood along with the Progressives and provide material equality in his fight for equality. To this end he is willing to accuse all Christians of Racism and accuse America of systemic racism to accomplish his mission of promoting the Social Liberation Theology Gospel of materialism.
      Platt's Social Gospel must go and so should Platt.

  • @mabbie312
    @mabbie312 13 лет назад

    @39jthm Why did you click on the video then? you knew coming in here what the nature of the video would be, you just like coming in here to incite arguments? I suggest you read up on what this man is saying, is all i ask of you. I come to you with love and respect, but in this day and age it hurts my soul to hear people like you make ignorant comments like that, I too once had ignorant thoughts, but then I satisfied my thirst for knowledge with the holy scriptures, all they do is tell the truth.

    • @josephkuzara2609
      @josephkuzara2609 5 лет назад

      Indeed and the scriptures do not teach a wrathful death of Jesus but a death through corrective discipline and scourging.
      God's discipline and punishment are different. Jesus always being the ligitimate son,now incarnate was in the likeness and not exactness of sinful flesh as our substitute and scapegoat (Lev 16). recieving Chastening and Scourging for the elects pardonable sins whom were not destined for wrath yet by Jesus atoning death saved from Wrath.
      Jesus learned obedience unto death by what He suffered. Obedience through suffering does not come by wrathful punishment.

  • @oneskepticalguy781
    @oneskepticalguy781 11 лет назад

    Your right, I stop reading after your implying Im a Heretic! Why should i read on?

  • @alison2161
    @alison2161 4 года назад

    Stop arguing. Do you realize every time you speak something that doesn’t give life you personally are putting another thorn on the head of Jesus and more sin placed on Him for Him to die for. Think about it

  • @metanoeo1
    @metanoeo1 12 лет назад +1

    Your comment "Proof novices should not preach" only shows your ignorance. This man has a seminary degree, pastors a large church and, most importantly, is being used by God to help many in the Church realize that we must get off the sidelines. Maybe you should read his book "Radical" then come back afterward. It confuses folks like you when people actually employ Biblical exegesis and accurately, or rightly, divide the Word of Truth.

  • @MrScrewallhaters
    @MrScrewallhaters 11 лет назад

    D: oh no! you didn't even understand what I said! It's okay! you can read what I said again and give it another try! you can do it!

  • @oneskepticalguy781
    @oneskepticalguy781 11 лет назад

    That or incoherent writing?

  • @brianthompson1392
    @brianthompson1392 5 лет назад +1

    Can anyone bring forth one verse that definitively states that God poured out his wrath on Christ? Isn't the day of wrath still to come? Didn't Jesus die on the cross to remove Gods wrath (reconciliation) rather than pour it out (judgment)? I do see the wrath of evil men against Christ. Read Isaiah 53 carefully. Verse 4 states that Christ was assumed to be stricken by God and afflicted, BUT he was wounded for OUR transgressions...Read Psalm 22:24 and compare it to Psalm 59:2. If you want to continue to say that God personally poured out his wrath on Jesus and forsook him despite verses like John 8:28,29 or John 16:32, I think there should be some concern. What's missing greatly in this discussion is the shed blood of Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God. Old testament sacrifices were not about animal torture but about the blood of the spotless lamb. The blood represented life. It was a cleanser or detergent for sin. Was the shed blood viewed as reprehensible? I don't think so.
    Try doing a Google search for verses that mention the blood of Jesus Christ and you will quickly see its importance in salvation. Then do a search for verses that state the wrath of God poured out on Christ. Find me one!

  • @archangel_metatron
    @archangel_metatron 3 года назад

    Lies! Jesus did not absorb the wrath of God.
    You don't even know what the wrath of God is not how it applies to salvation.

  • @WhiteLion8403
    @WhiteLion8403 11 лет назад

    All need to see that there is no such thing as the wrath of God is look to Jesus , there was no wrath in Jesus quiet the opposite , Love and Forgiveness is what the Lord expressed .
    Peace Be With You

  • @39jthm
    @39jthm 13 лет назад

    @mabbie312 >imlpying they tell the truth
    >implying 4 billion people dont disagree with them
    >implying christianity has done anything good in its existence
    >implying the bible wasnt written hundreds of years after the supposed events
    >Implying: Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able now willing? Then why call him god?
    >implying implications

  • @WhiteLion8403
    @WhiteLion8403 11 лет назад

    Their is no such thing as the wrath of God . The last thing our Father would ever do is hurt anyone of us , even Noah's flood as if our Father would flood the whole planet , like you wrote (God) his great love . We need to put aside all the old superstitions and also anything negative in the bible ,it's time to grow up and evolve.
    God Bless

  • @39jthm
    @39jthm 13 лет назад

    >implying there is a god

  • @danjones9007
    @danjones9007 6 лет назад

    I can’t imagine a place more like hell than perpetually praising an insecure creator. “Wow, He’s Great, huh?”
    “Yep, He’s really something.”
    “He is!”

  • @MrScrewallhaters
    @MrScrewallhaters 11 лет назад

    I see! Cognitive dissonance strikes once again!

  • @iramiller8950
    @iramiller8950 10 лет назад +1

    This made up idea of the atonement is quite possibly the worst false teaching to ever come into the church.
    The bible does not say God wrath was satisfied by pouring it out on Jesus! This is an invented idea and not biblical.
    Jesus was the substitute for our sins when he bore them on the cross in his vicarious death. God's wrath is not satisfied, the debt of current sins is still owed!

    • @jbauman100
      @jbauman100 10 лет назад +2

      What do you mean the debt of our current sins? The debt was paid! There is nothing we can do to pay for it ourselves! You would be foolish to believe that!

    • @Sam-hp9iv
      @Sam-hp9iv 8 лет назад +7

      Sorry sir it is biblical.
      And He Himself is the "propitiation" for our sins, and not for our sins only but also for the whole world (1 John 2:2) In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the "propitiation" for our sins (1 John 4:10).
      The word “propitiation” used in the New Testament means “to turn away the righteous anger of God we deserved by an offering of sufficient value”. Another description is “the offering of a sacrifice or gift of suitable cost in order to pacify the wrath of God.”
      having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. (Col 2:15)
      We do not owe anything sir. Every thing paid at the cross leaving the sinner with two conditions - receive or reject the Son.

    • @narrow-gateministries7645
      @narrow-gateministries7645 6 лет назад

      Samson Hilasmos (propitiation) is used 2 times in the NT and simply means sin sacrifice or atoning sacrifice. The definition you insert is adding to scripture what is clearly not there.
      The Septuagint reading of Isaiah 53:10 (our earliest manuscripts from dead sea scrolls) read: He is pleased to purify through his stroke... not bruise or inflict wrath. God is pleased to purify, thus Hebrews 10:14 and 22. Also, what are the zebedee brothers about to drink? Certainly not the wrath of God?

    • @capn_shawn
      @capn_shawn 6 лет назад

      I'm with the OP on this one.
      There is no reference anywhere in Scripture that Jesus "Satisfied the wrath of God" and that he "drank the cup of God's wrath". There is no "sin debt"... sin isn't money, it is rebellion against God.
      Jesus was the PROPITIATION. Unlike Samson (above), I am not quoting some new-age idea. Propitiation means the "MERCY SEAT"... straight from the Greek Old Testament that the Apostles were reading from.
      The example of Mercy Seat in the OT is to cover sins that were PAST. Just like Romans 3:25 says.
      If you walked out of the (once a year) example of the sin offering made by the high priest and sinned... your sin was not covered by the blood on the mercy seat.
      Do not be a fool!
      Do not put your sin on top of the Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat in Heaven!

    • @flipping_for_funds
      @flipping_for_funds 5 лет назад

      Have you read Isaiah 53? Pay close attention to verse 10.