Live Q&A About Spiritual Gifts

  • Опубликовано: 23 май 2023
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Комментарии • 45

  • @marisamarino7596
    @marisamarino7596 Год назад +5

    Yes about bringing our frustration to God. The times I have He usually orchestrates something to know He hears me.

  • @revealedministries3840
    @revealedministries3840 Год назад +4

    The Spirit filled the OT temple not often, but dwelled there. Paul’s command to be filled for NT believers is saying the new norm should be filling often. The HS is in the house for believers, but let us be FILLED always!

  • @ryandawson2877
    @ryandawson2877 Год назад +2

    As an individual who has been positively affected by some good faith teaching, I will say this as a point of observation. A lot of people accuse those of us who emphasize faith in God‘s word for healing of attempting to have psychological certainty of an outcome, particularly healing in a particular moment. When I am endeavoring to minister healing to someone, my faith is not, and whether or not the particular healing manifests at that very moment. I believe that when I lay my hands upon them, something is happening, whether I can see it or not. I actually have no vision, so I cannot see you at all. Lol but that’s beside the point. My belief and trust is that the power of God is working in them, spirit, soul, and body… Wherever it is needed, and whether I can perceive, what is going on in the natural or not, God is faithful to his word. It may take a little while to show up, but my faith is in his word that I can lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover, or the prayer of faith will save the sick, etc.. Because I am trusting in his word, I am trusting in him, for his word is magnified above his name. This is what a lot of us mean when we talk about having faith. We are trusting that God is doing, and shall do what he has said in his word. It is not that we can believe for things that are outside the provisions of his word. If that happens, in my understanding, that would be the gift of faith in operation, which is a different story. This would be a one Corinthians 12:9 manifestation, which is only as the spirit whales, and cannot be conjured up. So perhaps there is not enough of a differentiation between general faith, the fruit of faithfulness, and the gift of faith. Interesting discussion though.

  • @chuckw8391
    @chuckw8391 Год назад +1

    I just want to tell you guys you crack me up, you got an old lady (66) re-fired about the Lord. You smart whippersnappers!
    Bless you🙏🏼❤️. What an awesome God we have🙏🏼❤️.

  • @cherearenea
    @cherearenea Год назад +7

    We call those slankets “drop cloths” :)

  • @launchlaunch8786
    @launchlaunch8786 Год назад

    Answers some of the questions I've been checking out recently. Good stuff.

  • @emmanueltemilade2547
    @emmanueltemilade2547 Год назад +19

    How remnant radio is not at 350,000 subscribers is beyond me! A real blessing to Gods church!

  • @ikeknows5253
    @ikeknows5253 Год назад +3

    As an AG-er, I would absolutely, unabashedly use Remnant Radio branded slain-kets.
    Please make these.

    • @RevDavidReyes
      @RevDavidReyes Год назад +1

      as an AG-er, I don't think you would haha

    • @ikeknows5253
      @ikeknows5253 Год назад

      Nah bruvs. We already had Miller over for weekend special services. We're ready for the slain-kets

  • @Sirazucar
    @Sirazucar Год назад +1

    Now He is with you then He shall be in you. With, or on, verses within. Those in Samaria received by laying on of hands, post belief, post baptism in water, in a way people could witness them receiving. Second blessing is the typical experience for most it seems.

  • @williamphelps4552
    @williamphelps4552 Год назад +2

    Agree with Josh at 9 min. I think that is the Calvanist soteriology coming out in Rowntree dancing around the language. But once again, these are all differences with out much distinction. I think they are all saying basically the same things and I agree, because we all end up in the same place.

  • @Lillaloppan
    @Lillaloppan Год назад

    Thank you so very much!

  • @brianakortbein5082
    @brianakortbein5082 Год назад

    Yassssss- comin to cow country!!

  • @Benjamin-rp4hq
    @Benjamin-rp4hq Год назад

    16:24 I like the object lesson used by josh about different measures of God's present. God in Israel/tabernacle/ holy place/ ark of the covenant. 👍

  • @orlandorios44
    @orlandorios44 Год назад +2

    Guys how would anyone of you answer this question regarding Acts 8:4-25.
    First, how did anyone know that the Samaritans had not received the spirit?
    Second, when they did, how did anyone know that they had received the spirit?

  • @geertjekneefel5252
    @geertjekneefel5252 Год назад

    Hebrews 6 :1-2 tells us that one of most elementary teachings of christianity is the doctrine of baptismS (plural) , when some churches couldnt't accept the biblical fact that there are more than one type of baptism then sadly to say these several churches haven't even yet arived at the elementary level of christian understanding.

  • @joshuagarza0623
    @joshuagarza0623 Год назад

    To Joshua Lewis: is there a website or podcast for your church yet?

  • @michealmatt2259
    @michealmatt2259 Год назад +1

    can we just scrap the 2nd blessing language and keep on asking the Lord to send rain on a desert land, send 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th blessings.....blessings of fresh power,fresh closeness to Jesus, fresh conviction of sin,fresh Grace to overcome that sin,fresh manifestations of all His Gifts,Fresh fruits of the Spirit,on and on . Picture Fresh rain on a desert land(dry heart,dry group of believers), that when the sun comes out and the little green plants began to sprout all over the place and those plants in turn help give life to other plants and creatures, blessing upon blessing, on going work of the Holy Spirit,not just in sanctification but in so many innumerable ways.

  • @melloyellochelle
    @melloyellochelle Год назад

    Where in Wisconsin will you be? My wife and I live in Wisconsin and would love to see you live!

    • @michaelmiller5024
      @michaelmiller5024 Год назад

      My website has some of the information but will update as we get more.

  • @somethinggood9267
    @somethinggood9267 Год назад

    I keep asking to be able to speak in tongues, and I haven't been able to yet. But I'm not currently going to a church right now. I plan to go in the near future. Would it be advisable for me to ask someone to lay hands on me too and perfect gift? How do I know if it's the right person to ask? Some people say that if you get the wrong person to lay hands on you you can receive a demon. I don't really believe that's true but it makes me a little weary and a little afraid. Any advice people?

  • @margreethakkerman4026
    @margreethakkerman4026 Год назад +2

    I believe that the people in Acts 19 were not yet born again, because they told Paul that they had been baptized in John's baptism. Only that, nothing more. Paul even had to tell them about Jesus and that they should believe in Him. Which they accepted and then got baptized in the name of Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit.
    In my bible ( RSV) it says above chapter 19: Paul baptizes JOHN'S disciples. Blessings to you.

  • @seanafair76
    @seanafair76 Год назад

    I was baptized in the Holy Spirit separately from becoming a Christian

  • @silverhaze_2121
    @silverhaze_2121 Год назад

    Thank you for this!!! So great!! And I have seen someone fall straight to the ground with a thud was out while God was dealing with them and got up like it didn't even hurt. So just saying God is in control and he is protecting you as well.

  • @ryandawson2877
    @ryandawson2877 Год назад

    Some good stuff! I will say that I do not see how having faith in God, and having faith in an outcome have to be mutually exclusive. If God is a healing, God, and it is his will to heal, why can’t we take scriptures like Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, acts 10:38, etc. and simply believe that we receive when we pray. Meaning, he hears us from the first time that we ask, and we continue to pursue it, believing that we receive, meaning that he is faithful to his word. I don’t see him, revealing one thing in his word, and something else experientially. So there’s nothing wrong with having faith in an outcome, because he told us what his wheel is. Don’t get me wrong. I know that we all have experiences where there is not a Synchronization of his word and our experience, but then again, we will be working on that until we go to be with him, or until he comes for us. I totally get the principle of the now, and then not yet, but sometimes I think people focus on the not yet, almost as a comfort in a not so good way. It is comforting that there will be a full complete manifestation of the kingdom, but if we focus too much on the not yet, there is a possibility of becoming lax, then, if we don’t see something instead of just trusting God, and putting it in the I don’t know box, we make up doctrines like, well it probably wasn’t really his will. So that is some of the beef that I have with now and not yet. Not that I disagree with it, but I think we can become lazy with the application of it and then blame God for it. Lol, when we have sanctification lapses, most of us won’t say something like, “well, I guess it wasn’t God’s will, for me to overcome in this particular instance. After all, the day will come, when sand will ultimately be destroyed, so it’s now and not yet. “We simply would not do that. Since forgiveness of sins and healing tend to go together a lot in the gospels, why not use the same logic? We should treat both sin and sickness as enemies, right? So, even though we have manifestations of the night yet, as we focus more on the now of the kingdom, the now, perhaps will be more readily manifested because of our faith in the now. Just putting it out there. Sorry for the typos as I have no site and I’m dictating this to Siri and really don’t feel like starting over. Lol.

  • @pastorronaldgreen2766
    @pastorronaldgreen2766 Год назад

    Sign up for the next WSSM Course.
    We are just finishing the Spring Class, I took over 65k words in my notes .
    It is comprehensive, and answered many of my questions.
    We are requiring all folks in our Ministry School to take the course.

  • @robertrodrigues7319
    @robertrodrigues7319 Год назад +2

    I am a Baptist, I taught and debated against my fellow FRIENDS who are Penticostals for decades. Then 3 years ago I changed my views 360' degree turn due to a number of reasons.
    I am now a Baptist who is now no longer a cesationist.
    1- Tongues are no sign of Salvation.
    2-Tongues are no sign of spirituality.
    3-Tongues are given by the Holy Spirit as He wills, thus tongues are not to be sought nor are to be learnt.
    4-Tongues are earthly languages.
    5-The miracle of tongues is the ability to speak an earthly foreign language without learning it, it is not the GIBBERISH in 98% of Charismatic churches.
    6- Tongues in Acts 2 and Now are given for EVANGELISM, the ability to share the gospel with others.
    7-Tongues are also the miracle of the ear, Peter spoke in one language, but his hearers heard him in their own particular language!!

    • @putontheseglasses8809
      @putontheseglasses8809 Год назад +1

      And you're still wrong 😔

    • @robertrodrigues7319
      @robertrodrigues7319 Год назад +1

      @@putontheseglasses8809 ..hey that's fine...I'm happy to be wrong, we're all learning everyday, life is a journey and a school. In heaven we will all have the full picture.

    • @putontheseglasses8809
      @putontheseglasses8809 Год назад

      @@robertrodrigues7319 Two types of tongues 1 the tongue no man understands accept God (gibberish)
      2 the tongue spoken in different languages is actually prophecy. If you keep reading in Acts it even says it was prophesied by Joel, I will pour out my spirit and your sons and daughters shall prophesy.

    • @robertrodrigues7319
      @robertrodrigues7319 Год назад

      @@putontheseglasses8809 You are in error on all counts.. Tongues were earthly known languages ..Paul said "Id rather speak one word with my understanding than 10000000000000000 words that I do not understand. The earthly languages ( tongues ) needed interpreters..this was Paul's command through the Holy Spirit.

    • @putontheseglasses8809
      @putontheseglasses8809 Год назад +3

      @@robertrodrigues7319 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.

  • @nathanjohnson4569
    @nathanjohnson4569 Год назад +5

    If you want a very in depth discussion of the first question, Sam Storms’ book “Language of Heaven”, while dealing primarily with tongues, covers this in great detail. He discusses the different accounts of receiving the spirit in Acts among all the different groups. Highly encourage this book if you want more!

  • @Annies-Shelf
    @Annies-Shelf Год назад +1

    There are no offices in the Church reserved only for men. Galatians 3:20-29. We are all one in Christ Jesus.

    • @lark8356
      @lark8356 Год назад

      Grace and Peace to You. May I Contact you via Email or facebook to Discuss this Further?

  • @user-hq3kq8us2g
    @user-hq3kq8us2g 4 месяца назад

    There is the receiving the Holy Spirit then there is beening filled with the Holy Spirit Peter had the Holy Spirit but when it came time to stand before the people he was filled with the Holy Spirit the Spirit came on him at that time, it said and Peter beening filled with the Holy Spirit I have had that type of exsperience before. But let me say, I do not believe that you can receive the Holy Spirit and not know it, you see that all throughout the book of Acts they spoke in tongues and prophesied and also glorified God many people say they have the Holy Spirit but have no idea how it happened or what happened I know I have a different idea than many people

  • @catherinebarker3842
    @catherinebarker3842 Год назад

    In John the disciples received the HS. In Acts 2 they were filled, immersed from above, baptized, filled to overflow from which power flows. Derek Prince teaching

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor Год назад

    a. The disciples had to be able to function in the Spirit in order to move in the things pertaining to the New Covenant, things that were to shortly come to pass. Merely having the Spirit WITH them was not enough. He had to be IN them to lead others into the things of the New Covenant. The work of leading others into the new phase of God's work had to be done by those who were re-born in the Spirit.
    b. Jesus had said: He abides WITH you and will be IN you.
    …16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever- 17 the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides WITH you and will be IN you (John 14:16-17)
    When did He move inside them if not then?
    c. Jesus also said: "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." (John 14:18)
    Jesus did not leave them as orphans until Pentecost. Do you think everyone who is not filled with the Spirit is an orphan? I don't think so
    d. "Again Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so also I am sending you.” 22 When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, “RECEIVE the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you withhold forgiveness from anyone, it is withheld.”
    (John 20:21-23)
    The word "receive" Λάβετε is not a FUTURE TENSE verb as one of the speakers on this video suggested when he said Jesus was speaking about some thing they WOULD receive (i.e. at Pentecost). Rather Λάβετε is PRESENT TENSE IMPERATIVE verb meaning that Jesus was commanding them to receive it right THEN AND THERE.
    e. The INFILLING of the Spirit is not the same as the Baptism in the Spirit.

  • @JimiSurvivor
    @JimiSurvivor Год назад

    This is a confused presentation of the subject. To introduce cohesion into their thesis they lean on gratuitous assertions and speculation.

  • @michealhunter2697
    @michealhunter2697 Год назад