People who've worked with millionaires, what do they do different from ordinary people?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 103

  • @TheGuindo
    @TheGuindo 8 месяцев назад +47

    it's almost a shame that "i just wanna teach Financial Responsibility to black people" lady never got the chance to try. nothing's a bigger wake-up call than actually sitting down to work out the numbers and realizing that you _can't_ make them reconcile. that's what broke me out of the same "poor people are just bad at budgeting" mindset that my conservative middle-class parents raised me with. i was trying to help a friend budget for savings with their full-time minimum wage income, only to realize there _were_ no unnecessary expenditures to cut. they were already being as frugal as possible and _still_ having to decide between gas money and groceries. if you're raised thinking this way, it's a pretty world-shattering realization tbh.

    • @Live-Life-Freely
      @Live-Life-Freely 7 месяцев назад

      There's always a way. As a black man that was raised in poverty. I wasn't shown how to budget, or other valuable skills that can make a difference.
      I see nothing wrong with a white woman trying to help. It's only racist if you think it is. Yet no one bats an eye when wealthy blacks try and do the same.

    • @GayKermit-._-.
      @GayKermit-._-. 4 месяца назад

      Minimum wage isn't livable anymore. Dude has no choice but to go to college and get a degree for something people actually give a crap about.

    • @Live-Life-Freely
      @Live-Life-Freely 4 месяца назад +1

      @@GayKermit-._-. False dilemma fallacy is also known as false dichotomy, false binary, and “either-or” fallacy. It is the fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available.
      There are some many other options.
      Minimum wage is not, has not been, and was never meant to be a "living wage.
      Minimum wage jobs are meant for extra cash, as an entry level job, as a side hustle, etc.
      As a black entrepreneur it has to make money to make sense otherwise you're just a volunteer that's giving more than you receive. And that's fine, however, that's not business, that's charity.
      People that make this irrational argument amount "minimum wage should equal a living wage" would never and have never supported a business that provides you with the same product/service at a higher cost/price just.
      At the end of the day that's an argument out of self-righteousness with zero follow through and ultimately hypocritical.

  • @T3nch1
    @T3nch1 8 месяцев назад +52

    "Thinking you can educate an entire race of people and that's the problem? Okay, less great."
    And that's why Oregon is removing Math, Reading and Writing as graduation requirements to quote; "Help students of color."
    You tell me which is more racist. Identifying an correlation between an ethnic group and their education level then trying to help fix it or actively lowering the bar for success which in turn causes even lower standards of education.

    • @raventolliver4316
      @raventolliver4316 8 месяцев назад +12

      Lowering the bar and standard for any minority group based on the misconception that they supposedly simply can’t, or tend not to do well is a form of prejudice, for sure. It’s also the case that assuming that “befriending” a few people from a group in order to educate them is incredibly flawed, prejudiced, and shallow. Like, if she really wanted to educate more Black people on financial literacy, why not set up a program or educational institution for that very purpose? Also, if a person wants to be my friend, I’d rather we have a actual friendship founded on us getting to know each other, and appreciating the ways we both benefit from each other‘s company. I’d rather not spend time with a person who thinks the purpose of our interaction is Only for them to help me, not because I asked for it, but because they assume, based on a stereotype, I need a specific type of help

    • @kikialeaki1850
      @kikialeaki1850 7 месяцев назад +1

      I guess it depends on the region and circumstances. Minimum wage + frugality is perfectly liveable for a single person with no dependents where I live. Giving a person like that the financial knowledge to save and invest for the future would not be a bad thing.

  • @BoxOKittens
    @BoxOKittens 8 месяцев назад +86

    I've known a few wealthy people, all coming from family wealth of course. They truly do believe it's just about "getting good" to get rich, like this is a video game. They can't conceive of all the things ordinary people have to spend money on just to get by. Those type of expenses are invisible to the wealthy. And yes, sadly the majority of them do think that money is tied to morality therefore poor people somehow 'deserve' to be poor, even the more nice rich folks think like this. It's why they fully believe they deserve all the wealth they inherited and spent zero work to get.

    • @TruHeart0306
      @TruHeart0306 8 месяцев назад +3

      I feel like it’s not good to generalize like this. Just like you wouldn’t say all poor people have bad morality. While there is a large number of rich people who do have bad morality (for various reasons) not all of them are that way. And there are some people who are rich because they actually worked for it rather than inherited it. (Agine not saying all rich people worked for it. There are definitely some rich people who haven’t, and rich people with terrible morals)

    • @BoxOKittens
      @BoxOKittens 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@TruHeart0306 never said "all" anything, friend.

    • @jxxxxx44
      @jxxxxx44 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@BoxOKittensI mean, where else should their wealth go to when someone dies? Why do you think inheritance isn't deserved?

    • @fpspoland6051
      @fpspoland6051 8 месяцев назад +1

      I have the rare and unusual experience of being both middle, lower, and upper class “in that order.” And I agree people who grew up with wealth are dicks “especially trust fund kids, the worst.” The one thing that has remained my most prized possession throughout life, my most consistent, my family “cheesy I know.” If I could hive advice on money pay everything off. Is some ways money Is the cure to depression, bc you don’t feel as if you owe anyone, and the idea in the back of your head that if you fall behind the bank can take everything you own goes away. As far as how anyone becomes wealthy, “become your own ceo” find something you like, start from scratch, provide to a market you have no competition in “a service no one else provides” after that, building an empire takes passion, risk, and a good deal of luck. You need to be in the right place at the right time. Starting a business is a gamble, and sadly most loose the bet. Being wealthy or poor is mostly by chance, the only difference being circumstance.

    • @FQT_Keller-Ash
      @FQT_Keller-Ash 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@jxxxxx44 I would suggest to the people who need it the most.

  • @ABadPassword
    @ABadPassword 8 месяцев назад +39

    I have a friend who would go on cruises ALL the time with his family when we were younger. Maybe once a month, sometimes twice. It got to the point that if we didn't see him for a few days we just assumed he was on a cruise. Nice guy, nice family, but it was almost other-worldly trying to comprehend how someone could go on vacations on a whim, while my family had to plan and prepare and save for months to go on a single vacation.

  • @williamcmagno
    @williamcmagno 8 месяцев назад +21

    EQ is Emotional Quotient and it is about emotional inteligence, king

  • @planted101
    @planted101 8 месяцев назад +13

    there is a MASSIVE difference between self-made millionaires and inherited millionaires

  • @walkir2662
    @walkir2662 8 месяцев назад +13

    I'm reminded of the brothers who founded ALDI. The guy who ran ALDI Nord(North, owns Trader Joe's for the Americans) was abducted in 1971. The kidnappers actually asked for his ID because he looked nothing like a multimillionaire, let alone the owner of a chain of stores!

  • @Pokezone33
    @Pokezone33 8 месяцев назад +6

    IQ stands for intelligence Quotient. EQ stands for Emotional Quotient. People with high EQ actually make great leaders because of their ability to interact and connect with people. They can generally read situations and people well. They tend to do a better job of making and keeping connections.

  • @loafes1352
    @loafes1352 8 месяцев назад +14

    Pretty sure story 18 said EQ on purpose. EQ is even more useful than IQ in business settings where connections and dealing with people is a higher indicator of being wealthy than IQ is

  • @AinuLaire
    @AinuLaire 8 месяцев назад +55

    High EQ means emotional intelligence, which is vital from getting from working alone to promotions upon promotions. I have an uncle with a very high IQ who has no people skills, and that has led him unable to utilize his IQ to its fullest potential. You need to know how to deal with the people part of the business world to make it there, outside of a handful of tech industries. Otherwise people won't work for you or do business with you.

    • @d4rk1n9_
      @d4rk1n9_ 8 месяцев назад

      I do so shut up.​@@Mitzi-chan224

    • @horseluver4ever623
      @horseluver4ever623 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@Mitzi-chan224you might not,

    • @alexa_366
      @alexa_366 8 месяцев назад +17

      @@Mitzi-chan224here we spot a 23 year old Canadian woman acting like a 14 year old

    • @pflh2391
      @pflh2391 8 месяцев назад

      @@Mitzi-chan224 Look, no one cares!

    • @marks2997
      @marks2997 8 месяцев назад +1

      Very well said. In business it’s about people (subject to industry type of course).

  • @silviac221
    @silviac221 8 месяцев назад +2

    I haven't exactly worked with multimillionaires but once, in a work-related situation, I met this lady whose surname screams "old money" in my country. I (just middle class) ended up having lunch with her, her husband and sister. Very nice, approachable people who didn't say or do anything that made me feel out of place. The conversation was very interesting and, at a certain moment, the husband said "that happened when Uncle Bernard got the prize". The conversation went on, but I had a nagging doubt and so I finally asked: "what prize did your uncle receive"? The Nobel prize. Uncle Bernard was exactly who I thought he was. This guy just said that he was very proud of his uncle and he loved him very much, and that was all.

  • @chrisjudge-wm9hs
    @chrisjudge-wm9hs 8 месяцев назад +4

    Depends kn when the money came honestly. The person who created millions from scratch basicly doesn't live. They only work. Their kids however is a 75% chance of complete incompetence.

  • @thehomophobickidsinclass6588
    @thehomophobickidsinclass6588 8 месяцев назад +3

    I have a friend who I’m hoping I’d going to be like one of the kinder rich people. She’s well off already, but she’s incredibly artistic and has an imagination bigger than her heart, which is a very, very high bar. She is writing a book that I truly believe will be a classic even in 100 years, because she didn’t have the motivation to stick to one singular story, she has ended up with a whole novel of a paragraph from every story she has ever thought of. She’s just been offered a multi million contract by a big publisher to exclusively publish the book. She deserves it and more, and I really hope it gets out there.

  • @condorboss3339
    @condorboss3339 8 месяцев назад +9

    Story 19 ( 17:35 ) I wonder if the 'small submarine' guy was Paul Allen and the sub in question was the _Petrel_ , which has been dedicated to finding the final resting place of WW2 warships, primarily US, but also other navies as well.

    • @mkman1
      @mkman1 8 месяцев назад +2

      Very nice, lets see Paul Allen's submarine

    • @bomoose
      @bomoose 7 месяцев назад


    • @condorboss3339
      @condorboss3339 7 месяцев назад

      @@bomoose The Petrel found the wreck ot the Hood in 2001.

    • @bomoose
      @bomoose 7 месяцев назад


  • @BlenderInGame
    @BlenderInGame 8 месяцев назад +3

    My dad used to work for a millionaire. This person used to offer to buy everyone who's in the store with him whatever they wanted sometimes. When he'd offer, the store owner would urge us to get anything we wanted. Also, my dad said sometimes this man would just take small things from stores without paying 🤷

  • @Just4FC
    @Just4FC 8 месяцев назад +3

    I've been on both sides of the tracks. Was poor, became very "comfortable" and lost it all again, however, from personal experience, I know that they don't spend money uselessly, and they don't worry about money...

  • @Mitzi-chan224
    @Mitzi-chan224 8 месяцев назад +7

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  • @autobotjazz1972
    @autobotjazz1972 7 месяцев назад +3

    Unless these people built their wealth themselves starting from near nothing they never really have any clue how most people actually live. Those from "old Money" tend to be the most disconnected.

  • @AliciasHouseofPaws
    @AliciasHouseofPaws 8 месяцев назад +2

    I respect the aunt and uncle who spent any money needed to look after their animals. That is money well spent.

  • @itsgabeplays
    @itsgabeplays 7 месяцев назад +1

    Fun side note. I know the Texas castle and almost moved in there. They never finished the renovations …

  • @destructor3152
    @destructor3152 8 месяцев назад +3

    Honestly if I obtained a lot of money the most expensive thing I would buy is a home gym with an indoor pool. I'm not interested in luxury vehicles .

  • @georgiewatson8688
    @georgiewatson8688 8 месяцев назад +1

    My mum and dad got dovorced when i was 10 and i had to start chores at that age. Had a whole A4 sheet each for me and my 2 sisters. Plus at school we were cooking every Friday from i think about 8. With Brownies and Guides i was ironing at a young age. I'm very self sufficient except with tools like electric drills etc or car stuff but i have lived with 2 British men who didn't know how to do a damn thing in the home as their parents mothered them! It's always a downhill spiral when you turn into your partner's mother! Not good. My current partner is so bloody messy, drives me insane. I think i should always live alone. And mothers out there, teach your boys to be self-reliant and they will have respect from their partners when they're older

  • @ninjaswordtothehead
    @ninjaswordtothehead 8 месяцев назад +2

    At least some of them seem to have a much higher tolerance for stupidity if it means spending less or getting something free.

  • @qjzdavf
    @qjzdavf 7 месяцев назад +1

    For the story about the bathroom, I've been cleaning my bathroom since I was like 6 or 7. Whole family had their expected chores

  • @kyos2000
    @kyos2000 7 месяцев назад +1

    All I have known were selfmade. Lived in really nice houses with lots of property. But not turn on the lights during the day and only in the room you are in at night. Always have nice vehicles, but just high end versions of normal vehicles and they keep them for a decade.

  • @badxradxandy
    @badxradxandy 8 месяцев назад +3

    4:00 the US gov already tried and failed lmao

  • @thepinkestpigglet7529
    @thepinkestpigglet7529 8 месяцев назад +2

    My great uncle is a millionaire from selling a house he had inherited. He's a weird guy but those idiosyncrasies existed before he sold the house. Pretty much the only thing that's changed about his life is he retired, moved to Florida and has taken up fishing.

  • @darkstarr984
    @darkstarr984 Месяц назад

    Finally realized halfway through this question applies to me, though I never have met someone who could afford a private jet. The people who are wealthy enough to afford those kinds of things probably wouldn’t have many cases of encountering someone like me. I have always seen out of touch comments about why I don’t go on spontaneous vacations like them. They can generally have a house and actually fix it up without struggle whenever they need to. There’s no common thread I’ve found between old money or new money. Everyone is individual but there’s definitely a lot of dismissiveness of people as lesser and ignorant if they’re financially struggling or just got to some major university that everyone in a family went to. The fact that’s a thing is why people like me try to present as if we’re not struggling around those who can’t even imagine struggle.

  • @Ummmmwtf.............
    @Ummmmwtf............. 8 месяцев назад +1

    All the rich people i have met usually work super hard .. usually in their family's business.

  • @Pokecodm22712
    @Pokecodm22712 8 месяцев назад +2

    0:11 story 1 I think I’ve heard befor

  • @Sttattek
    @Sttattek 8 месяцев назад

    I live right near a bunch of those New England private schools, I know at least 4 people personally whose families are worth over 1 billion dollars.

  • @shaoyang5650
    @shaoyang5650 8 месяцев назад

    Dang story 17. Help me out. I’m struggling out here taking care of kids that ain’t even mine.

  • @TheLittleCuteThing
    @TheLittleCuteThing 8 месяцев назад

    18:26 - just because you dont understand it doesnt mean its a vague one.

  • @Whammytap
    @Whammytap 20 дней назад

    LOL I also fly in private aircraft way more often than commercial, but it's because I like to go up with crazy bush pilots in tiny vintage crop dusters. Way cheaper than commercial, although you don't really GO anywhere --it's just flying for the sake/love of flying. I can't afford to actually TRAVEL by plane.

  • @shodowhater
    @shodowhater 8 месяцев назад

    I feel the “math” in the tipline

  • @jplayzow
    @jplayzow 8 месяцев назад

    Never thinking about a sub would probably mean it's so cost prohibitive you just can't consider following through

  • @Einimas
    @Einimas 8 месяцев назад

    Had different experiences, really depends on personalities and the environment, off the work, they're just people, who want to be treated like people, it's a common misconception about them being snobs. Some people pretent to be snobs to "fake the image" and start quilttripping you if you don't accept they're fakeness (kich millionaires). But real ones are usually kindest non throat slitters in the non work environment. Majority of them get humbled when I'm not getting pushed around out of my responsibilities, but quickly accept me as another human being.

  • @cervidslayer
    @cervidslayer 8 месяцев назад

    I know a few wealthy people, money is kinda nothing, we do taxidermy and they bring us exotic / big bred (not African but they ask all the time if we'll do it. We won't we send them to a different guy for African) animals from farms that are thousands of dollars to hunt, not to mention our prices are high. It's kinda scary that people have enough money to glance at something that is thousands of dollars and GET IT without batting an eye.

  • @rf3471
    @rf3471 8 месяцев назад +4

    I used to work for a person that owned a national chainational chain and my God. That couple were a bunch of cheap skates

    • @churchofpos2279
      @churchofpos2279 8 месяцев назад +1

      Same here. Worked for a wealthy doctor. The wife had to have custom made clothes , because according to her she couldn't find clothes to fit her off the rack. LIved in a multiple million dollar home in a very exclusive city.
      However if you worked for them, they expected you to work for them for free or low cost. When his car broke down instead of renting a car, he would expect to staff to drive him home, which was an hour drive, and included driving over a bridge. We were not paid for our time, gasoline, or the bridge toll.

  • @JairoTakan_
    @JairoTakan_ 4 месяца назад

    Story 18: High EQ means Emotional Quotient. It's a real thing.

  • @lilyflor70
    @lilyflor70 4 месяца назад

    eq is emotional quotient, aka emotional intelligence

  • @MmeHyraelle
    @MmeHyraelle 8 месяцев назад

    Fyi EQ refers to emotional quotient

  • @tonarinofumi9439
    @tonarinofumi9439 8 месяцев назад

    I don't know if a teenager should have a nanny. Maybe a governness.

  • @DavidHaselhoff
    @DavidHaselhoff 8 месяцев назад

    Whats the game?

  • @steve5772
    @steve5772 8 месяцев назад

    Making money because they enjoy making money. Not because they want to be rich or have nice things, just enjoying the hunt.

  • @anjachan
    @anjachan 8 месяцев назад +1

    good to hear someone got a android phone. in my opinion iphone is overpriced. Even as a millionaire 😂

  • @melvinatkins998
    @melvinatkins998 8 месяцев назад

    They drive old cars or trucks…. They wear old clothes…. And live in modest homes…..

  • @RobalLdz
    @RobalLdz Месяц назад

    Why is acceptable to say: "white people xxx" but not "black people xxx"?

  • @ToastyNoneofyourbusiness
    @ToastyNoneofyourbusiness 8 месяцев назад

    I bet story 17 was bill gates

  • @ShaareiZoharDaas
    @ShaareiZoharDaas 8 месяцев назад

    None of this seems strange to me.
    Be punctual succint and well read.Have normative self esteem and don't act entitled.

    • @marks2997
      @marks2997 8 месяцев назад

      Well said.

  • @lotsaspaghetticodejr.6488
    @lotsaspaghetticodejr.6488 8 месяцев назад +2

    In my personal experience?
    They are some of the hardest God damn workers on the planet.
    I've worked with factory owners, farmers, commercial welders, engineers, doctors, etc.
    You meet all kinds of people when you do Residential HVAC and get to see how everybody lives.
    The poor and disenfranchised are typically the types of people who are so down that they essentially gave up on life itself. They have piles of trash everywhere, their homes are filthy with decades of decay. They are unapologetic and rude. They smell horrible. They are diseased and sick. They literally gave up on life.
    Those who are wealthy, they have far more personal belongings but it's all organized. It's careful. It's purposeful.
    The poor people will argue over anything, even if they have no knowledge in the field or subject.
    The wealthy will remain quiet, observe and learn. Even if they know what they are presented with is wrong, it isn't worth their time or energy to argue.
    The poor are very likely to give tips, because they value the dollar and recognize others struggle and don't want you to feel their pain. Even if that was their last $20 bill.
    The wealthy will talk down to you, and seek cost savings plans.
    What essentially shows time and time again is that the poor have given up, quit working and quit trying to achieve. They seek handouts, and are more likely to give what they can.
    The wealthy never stop working and never stop learning, even if what they learn is inconsequential. However, they believe success is self made and will refuse to do more than is required.
    In the end, the wealthy work harder and care less.

  • @FQT_Keller-Ash
    @FQT_Keller-Ash 8 месяцев назад +2

    I am just curios about the reasons why super people rich like people who have over 100 mil usd, keep all that money which they do not need while so many do.

    • @lordpumpkinhead265
      @lordpumpkinhead265 8 месяцев назад +4

      The reason is this: why hand over money I earned through my own hard work to people I don't know and don't know what they may spend that money on. I have no way of telling if the person I'd be giving money to is working two or three jobs just to scrape by or is a drug/gambling addict whose going to burn all the money I gave them to fuel an addiction. It's essentially gambling my money away with a chance to possibly make someone's life better.
      (Note: I'm not rich, I just used first and second person to make my idea easier to word.)

    • @FQT_Keller-Ash
      @FQT_Keller-Ash 8 месяцев назад

      @@lordpumpkinhead265 thank you! wouldn't donating to a charity you have researched fix this problem? Also wouldn't putting money into rehabilitation and education along with decriminalizing (or at least less harsh punishments) the substances be more productive way to stop addiction instead of hoarding large swaths of wealth.
      The first and second person was helpful and on that note these are general questions though I would love to hear your thoughts :)

    • @lordpumpkinhead265
      @lordpumpkinhead265 8 месяцев назад

      @@FQT_Keller-Ash Charities are, for a very large part of them, corrupt as all hell. The owners of said "charities" are multimillionaires and numerous accusations with evidence suggest that the owners skim money off of the donations and pay themselves. Giving money to rehabilitation centers is also somewhat of a lost cause since people can't force addicts into rehab. They can get arrested, but that only keeps them "clean" for so long, then they're back out there on the same drugs that got them arrested to begin with. The education system is purposefully designed to fuck over any student whose in it, and decriminalizing substances would only make addiction 20x worse, take a look at Portland, Oregon if you want an example of that.

    • @MRtecno98
      @MRtecno98 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@FQT_Keller-Ash When you suddenly give 50 or 70M$ to people, be it charities or not, you don't know if they will know how to spend it well or they'll just waste on inefficencies. For example a non profit charity with managers that don't get usually paid much and used to dealing with tight budgets would probably many financial errors managing a wealth of tens of millions of dollars, so why should you give money so that people can waste it? A solution would be giving money away bit by bit, but that's just communism. And that's prone to a whole other series of problems (like "that one person now has basically absolute power to do whatever he wants to the people he gave money to")

    • @FQT_Keller-Ash
      @FQT_Keller-Ash 8 месяцев назад

      @@MRtecno98 Why not big charities that know how to handle the money, I think you could do enough research to be fairly certain. Oh and while we might not be able to be certain on how someone spends the money, we can make very good estimates by researching/using the scientific method. Gift cards could be a good method of preventing what you talking about (i think)

  • @little_timmy784
    @little_timmy784 8 месяцев назад +6

    happy holidays if you celebrate

    • @Shajogajob
      @Shajogajob 8 месяцев назад +2

      You too!

    • @badxradxandy
      @badxradxandy 8 месяцев назад +1

      merry Christmas, jesus is the reason for the season

    • @lermajerms
      @lermajerms 8 месяцев назад +4

      ⁠@@badxradxandyokay, but some people don’t celebrate christmas and dont believe in christianity. some celebrate hanukah, kwanzaa, or any other winter holidays. don’t just assume everyone celebrates christmas.

    • @MsAnpassad
      @MsAnpassad 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@badxradxandy BS, learn your history. The reason for this holiday is the Winter Solstice. The holiday got highjacked by the Christians, who pretend their god were born then (and if you ever bothered with reading the bible, you would discover that Jesus was born in late spring). So remember that you are celebrating a pagan holiday. Good Yule!

    • @NikolaiWowe
      @NikolaiWowe 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@badxradxandyfriendly reminder that the church based Christmas off of pagan holidays so it would be easier to convert them, despite Jesus not even being born in December