Personally, I run lvl 4 plates because hunting rifles exist. I'd be pretty mad if my armor was all high speed, cool guy and I get clapped by bubba and his mosin nagant
Your only fighting chance is against someone with .223 or 7.62×39. Even than you will get shot until you drop or they run out of ammo. If you run and hide, they have to find you. If they run and hide, you have to find them. These professional soldiers recommend these items because they are the best to run around with. If you are playing predator or cat and mouse with someone with .308, you will be laid out before you hear the shot. Anyone I know hunting dear can shoot pebbles beyond 1,000 meters. Range finder and the amazing new optics make that an easy feat. Someone who shoots with 7.62x51 is just mean if they are shooting people center mass today. They could be down right evil if they shoot you in the leg or arm. Center mass is to gaurantee multiple hits. You really do not want to get shot center mass with a rifle without being in front of a hospital. Soldiers have medics nearby to at least give them morphine. A "level 5" plate is just going to keep your organs from exploding. A 30-06 or the 6.5 creedmore is going to shatter your entire rib cage because of the armor. Ballistics armor gaurantees the bullet will not penetrate and destroy your vital organs. "God created all men. Sam colt made them equal." The firearm made it so a small child could kill a behemoth. The firearm ended the abuse of the big brute on a battle field. You are blessed to leave alive if a .22 short hits you in the wrong place. Do not be fooled by amazing marketing. Everyone knows how great steel and polymer are made.
@lala mc lala Okay first, I understand that the majority of threats would be intermediate calibers, not full powered rifles. That doesn't mean I don't want a plate that can stop full power. A level 4 plate will stop intermediate threats better than a level 3. Yes, they are heavier, but not by much, and you should condition yourself to run the gear you have. Second, armor plates are designed to not just stop the bullet, but also disperse the force across the entire plate so that it doesn't shatter your ribs or stop your heart. The NIJ has standards for backface deformation. Third, I have never met a hunter that could "shoot a pebble at 1000 yards" most can't hit anything past 100. And most don't hunt farther than 50 or 75. And even a sniper would be taking center mass shots, not headshots. A cantermass shot with a rifle is going to destroy your heart and lungs, and you're going to die within seconds. No one, especially not a backwoods hunter is going to be attempting a headshot or limb shot, and even if they do they'll likely miss. Fourth, you mentioned "level 5" plates, that doesn't exist. Level 4 is the highest. And the militarys ESAPI plates are level 4, meaning standard boots are issued level 4. Clearly they are effective. I understand why the level 3 and special threat plates exist. They're for specific missions, but as a civilian not knowing who or what threat level I could be facing, and not needing to go out on long patrols, I'll take the slightly heavier lvl 4 plates.
I love how Frodo has zero effects after getting hit by that spear. As if just because that super light, thin, very flexible material can stop the penetration of a spear(slung by a several ton cave troll no less, lol) it would also just completely prevent any trauma, broken ribs, etc. That would be freaking awesome if something like that existed though.
I'm glad to see armor becoming more commonplace in the average gun guy's "tool bag". The more common we make defensive tools, the harder it becomes for the government to take them away.
@Grzegorz Kamil Yeah, it's likely to mean the difference between life and death. How many cops and troops have been saved by wearing their plates? I'm not sure what kind of argument you came up with or if you are just trolling.
I hate when people say “no pass through” like that’s the biggest factor.. you can still die from your plate bending into your chest. More people need to bring awareness to this.
This is an issue that goes all the way back to the ancient era, and is why soldiers wore heavy padded undergarments beneath their armor. The armor was to stop the penetration; the padding was to stop the force of a blow. Sure, chain mail or even steel plate armor will prevent a blow from penetrating, but if someone's whacking you with a flanged mace or war hammer, or if you're unlucky enough to catch a 2-pound war arrow to your chest, the force of the blow itself is enough to shatter bones and rupture organs.
I agree, but I think people are still gonna be smart enough to still use cover, and thus the plate would still protect from the smaller stuff. (Cause having a plate will still be better then no plate in a vast majority of senerios.)
It should be brought up. Then again, this will stop pistol rounds and the impact/deformation won’t do much. The likelihood of taking a pistol round is far greater than a shotgun or rifle. We conceal carry pistols because it’s difficult to walk around with long arms. This armor is lighter and easier to wear, and having it is better than nothing, much like a cc pistol.
Agreed, but this wasn't a primer on body armor and the effects of being hit. Just a demonstration of weight v. resistance. As with most things worth doing, there is a lot of homework prior to the task.
You gotta have it attached to a tree or something with blankets behind it to get an accurate representation of how the armor is going to perform. The energy transfer from the bullet into the armor will act differently when it can't freely fly backwards dissipating the energy. Some of these shots may have in fact passed through if tested again with a human torso analog behind the armor. Love your stuff John!
Could be wrong, but wouldn't the plate taking the round and stopping it mean that it took all its energy and then it flying backwards would be the same thing as you or I being put on our ass? Again, I do no know and when I first read your comment I thought it was a really good point but I got to thinking about it, the energy that would knock the plate over would just knock the wearer over, and not necessarily mean passthrough on the armor, correct?
@Hunter fishman That's now what I said at all. If you've ever seen videos of people getting shot in plate carriers or other vests, they don't fly into the other room but they usually do get knocked on their ass. Especially if discussing anything coming out of a long gun. Maybe try reading my comment instead of assuming I'm thinking about the rules applied in Die Hard. I simply don't know if The weight of a dude wearing a vest would be anywhere near enough to make a difference in whether an armor plate had passthrough or not.
I work as an LEO in the “sticks” in northern Maine. I used to run a set of those 2lb polyethylene plates in my carrier until about 2 years ago. We did a search warrant on the largest drug dealer in this part of the state and in that raid, we found that he had an AR pistol, loaded and ready to rock with a 50 rnd drum of 5.56 62 grain green tip. He also had another 5 standard mags loaded with the same. The very next day I ordered a set of level 4 ceramics and haven’t looked back. Great video as always, but I humbly disagree with your point that the bad guys aren’t using green tip 5.56 here in the states.
I see it like this... if you get shot wearing a plate / armor.... It's like getting a rapid CPR compression from a firearm... the breathing after is up to you. Embrace the suck!!!
exactly. People arent preparing for current threats, they are preparing for the coming civil war where in which green tip and A1 is likely to be used very commonly.
Well don’t just run around killing people like free for all Video games. Yes a civil conflict can be brutal but know what you are fighting for. Don’t just shoot someone because you’re feeling bored eating rice and beans for 2 weeks. Cooperation is the key. You want to shoot in self defense at bad guys not at other patriots or some misguided kid running around. Killing people is not fun, don’t think you would live too long if everyone just starts shooting randomly. You will be fighting against tyranny and against the militants that are propping up the regime. Best case scenario is that the military revolts and overthrows the tyrants, justice restored. You can’t just kill people because they disagree with you. Worst thing that can happen to this country is a bunch of misguided brainwashed college kids getting shot because you feel like they are oppressing you… only bankers and elites should be prosecuted. I do feel bad for the young generation that got brainwashed into communism because our society failed them. They got recruited by our enemies, most of them are nice young kids just lost in life.
Coming from someone who has worn body armor for the majority of my life, I have realized now that I am a citizen that if and when I find myself needing a level 3+ or level 4 plates I know that I am also going to have a heck of a lot of other things to worry about lol IE: outnumbered, long-range or concealed shooter and beaucoup other scenarios. lol PS having body armor rated to stop 7.62x 39 is a good idea lol a lot of thugs seem to gravitate to buying and using them
There are millions of rounds of green tip loose in the wild. I wouldn't bet my life on a bad guy not using it. My armor will stop green tip and I'll take the slight weight penalty.
Thank you! People don’t think about just how common high performance projectiles and high powered cartridges would be in a US shtf scenario. Plus you can get a level 4 plate that’s only and a couple pounds heavier than something that can’t even stop 855 ball. Which is stocked (to some extent) by every AR owner I know, btw.
@@Token_Black_Guy AR 500, level 3 (don't recall getting 3+) front, back, and side plates all with trauma pads, carrier I had already. Think I paid like $450 after tax. Can't remember exactly and looks like I deleted the email after they arrived.
"Green tip isn't common for bad guys" You may want to revise that. I've been buying green tip since the plague kicked off because it's been cheaper than basic fmj.
There's something so badass about watching a professional handle their weapon. Seeing how efficiently he loads and press checks is like clockwork. Thing of beauty.
Green tip is a good one to stop at home too though. I worked at cabelas through the ammo shortage over the last year, and I can honestly say that the majority of the 556 we had delivered and sold was Winchester 62gr green tip. We sold pallet after pallet of that stuff. So at least here in KY, green tip will be a very popular round amongst your average ar owner. Just some inside info from what I saw
I personally don’t see the big allure of the intermediate types of plates when you can get a level 4 multi hit array plate that weighs 5lbs and is less than an inch thick. Especially if you’re talking about in the US (shtf of some kind) where hunting rifles are abundant along with so many different types of projectiles for every caliber. Plus those “common” threats that people are hyper focused on will have a lot less effect on you when you’re wearing some type of level 4 plate.
@@KingZionWK unfortunately not, the adhesives that bind the laminate materials in the plate together and any aramid fibers will degrade over time and lose effectiveness. This will occur in any non steel plate, regardless of quality.
I do. It's what I trained with in the military. I know its BC and how it reacts to different barrel lengths and twists. So why wouldn't I have them? I also have 55gr for plinking.
It looked weird for me too. I was seriously like "He shoots those?" I know he can do it all but this is the first time I have seen him with a shotgun. Now, I want a shotgun.
@@ballisticjim5581 the body doesn't react like clay though and the wave of energy that transfers through the pad into the body gets neutralized somewhat thanks to the pad creating a harmonic barrier of sorts. In plain English, the pad stops you body from jiggling too much and causing damage to your body.
They say It only takes about 2”-2.5” of back face deformation to be fatal… I would opt for the trauma pads personally. (Incidentally, I’ve seen videos posted where people were punching clean holes through 3+ AR500 with 55gr ammo out of a 18” or 20” barrel under 50yds distance the extra velocity gained from the longer barrel negates the need for green tips to perforate most body armor of the 3 or 3+ level of protection. This makes me want to save for lvl 4 body armor… John says he isn’t worried about green tips in the US, only overseas? I hear local types here in the US all the time talking about 62gr green tips as the only thing they will buy in the 5.56 realm. But seeing as how depending on distance and barrel length being serious factors for punching through even lvl 3+, I want to be able to protect up to and against 30-06 just in case….) what are your thoughts besides “don’t get shot”?
Yeah clay to show initial deformation is helpful, but how that reacts to the shockwave is much different than how your body (mostly liquid) reacts to the shock. Minimized backface deformations is great and trauma pads are def worth whatever benefit they can provide. Idk bout yall but i dont plan on getting shot but if i do, id hope some cheap pads are the difference between go and no-go
I can never get enough of the guns and gadgets HOWEVER how about a video showing your essential gear. I'd say maybe a 24 or 72 hour bag and maybe discuss the thoughts behind what and why you pack. For me I have a family of 3 others that would need to be secured. Rather than buy 3 of everything what would be best to pack/procure prior to a bad day in the office? Thanks and I love the deep content, not just the what but the whole mentality of it. Thanks for giving back John!
Its like the idea of 50 cal rated plates. Awesome if you found it. Better question for you to consider. Would you want to survive a center mass hit from a 50 cal impact? Not even proposing you will live.
Sir having done police patrol work for 30 yrs. I have come across greentips fortunately not being hurled my way from a blaster but in mopes cars. Food for thought.
If they called it anything other than range ammo, the government gun nazis and the other gun nazis would declare a jihad against it again and it would be outlawed permanently
Yea I’m thinking any situation where I would be inclined to wear body armor for rifle threats is going to include a pretty good chance there’s green tip in the wild.
And will the plates you call "too heavy" also provide less deformation under the same loads that deformed these? I'd rather have fewer broken ribs and heart trauma.
I don’t think this is a valid test because the plate absorbs the impact by moving straight back into the air. Use a solid backstop and put it in a plate carrier.
@@themadmachinist8637 sure you would, but as much as a flying plate? No. Having a solid backstop would at least make the entry/exit cavities more realistic. He could put it in a plate carrier and put that on some ballistic gel and it would be a far more accurate "test"(really, this is just a demonstration) on the plate than this. Since there's no metric for how far off this test is from being accurate, how am I to know if this is anything like being shot with an actual bullet? At least a plate carrier on ballistic gel is somewhat analogous to the human body.
@@themadmachinist8637 "You think you won't be moving backwards when you get struck?" -- Only after your body absorbs the first impact, the one that might kill you.
Wish folks would do some of these using hunting rounds that are actually fast. The 6.5 creedmoor is going about 500-700fps slower than the 223 you fired.
If I take away just one piece of advice today it’s that I want to avoid someone shooting a slug into my chest at point blank range. Top tip thanks John!
I think the weight, maneuverability, & reared deformation is very important. A vest could stop a bullet, but you could still die from the impact. I believe the cut off is 40 or 44 mm.
Im super late to this one but John touched on it at the start. In construction theres a saying that goes "Good, Fast, Cheap. Choose any 2." After 40+ yrs Ive learned it applies to almost everything. Good plates that are light(fast) arent going to be cheap. Good plates that are cheap are gunna be heavy. Cheap, light plates probably wont be good. The saying holds true.
Thanks for field testing a plate. Amazing how things have changed. I remember some fellow officers looking down at me for wearing a "bullet proof" vest some 40 years ago. Now it's plate carriers for active shooter situations. You would probably survive the 12ga slug impact, but you would know you'd been hit.
I hate to say it because I bought these plates too but shotstop just declared bankruptcy and they're still being investigated by the DHS. They were selling Chinese made plates and sticking their own made in America tags on them. I bought them two years ago and they started investigating them last year. I'm more than a little pissed.
Nice video... thanks! *MrGnG* does a bunch of armor reviews, and I enjoy them as well. I hadn't seen this plate/company before. Pretty impressed, particularly at that weight!
I have a small scar in the same spot from the safety on a shotgun. Got rid of the collapsible stock after that. Just couldn't get a proper cheek weld. Thanks sir for sharing this with us
For context, LE in Florida. Bass Pro and Academy Sports are only able to get M855 for sale. And prior to that, I've seen M855 in many, many bad guy rifle magazines. It's more prolific around here without a doubt.
John, what do police/ government agencies use for ammo? I’m not planning on starting anything, but I fear the day they start something and it’s civs vs whatever agency and its agents that “just follow orders”
The government probably is something like m855a1 or the mk 252 for the m4 and m995 for armor. If I had to guess I’d say police probably use something similar depending on the budget of the police in your area. So level 4 plays would probably be a good place to start.
Lightweight ceramics level 4, stopping armor piercing, for $100 to $150. And you can find tons of videos of people testing them. RTS, Botach, LAPG. If your interested, check out videos on them.
@@jasminebebe3455 5-6lbs is average for lvl4 plates unless you are buying some super expensive plates, even then you'll just get to about 4lbs. Lvl3 can be down to about 2.2lbs which is pretty amazing. For reference, a military esapi plate is about 5.5lbs.
My last set of lvl4 botach plates were $81 each. Heckuva deal! I also have some of their 3A soft panels and use them for different situations. Only about a pound each for those
@@ChevTecGroup Mine are mid grade and pretty typical. It is pretty hard to get a level IV rating and keep the weight down. I think a III+ that is rated for green tip is probably the best scenario for most people.. When was the last time you came across armor piercing 30-06? lol. Everyone I know has thousands of green tip though.
They're lightweight because there's 2 inches of foam on the edges instead of ceramic, a cheap "lightweight" 10x12" ceramic plate probably only has an 8x10" strike face.
Have you seen the Duritium IV+HA? Those things are beasts. Personally though a lot of those back plate deformations would kill you on internal bleeding alone. Just because a plate can stop a bullet doesn't mean the plate will save your life.
The real question is, does John Lovell run side armor plates? Maybe a video of pros and cons of running side plates for added protection vs mobility? Thanks
I'll stick with lightweight level 4s. The extra 4lbs (combined between front and rear plates) is worth the protection against 855 and the increasingly common 5.7x28mm. Local PD has seen a big jump in gang crime with the ruger 57s.
If you believe that, then you should get different plates than these for sure. My favorite for m855 are these:
Greentip should be considered a given in most places in the US. Sold in all the big sporting goods stores from various brands, including in bulk, and it's got an allure as "AP," so it gets bought and stolen from homes by baddies. Cops in Texas certainly find it. I got the GT2 for that reason. Unreal balance of performance and ergos, possibly unrivaled for the threat level.
i have it and love it. Expensive but worth it if you wear it often. I wear it at the range and in competition. It just molds so much better to the body. I had ar600 plates before.
I would first ask is this going to be the only armor you are going to own? The FRAS is a great armor if you are wearing it all day and doing laborious activities, or need to wear rifle rated armor under a sweatshirt or something. However, keep in mind that you MUST also buy at least a 3A insert for it to stop even M855A1, and it’s gonna hurt quite a bit more than if you were wearing a lvl4 or special threat plates. Also consider that the actual full coverage medium size FRAS vest is still gonna weigh 16lbs by itself. Though it does feel lighter because it is widely distributed over your body. It is also very hot compared to say a light minimalist carrier with a lvl4 plate because of how the ceramic wraps around your sides and shoulders.
@@hansgruber9685 Sorry but that isnt true. M855 is stopped by Safelife defense fras. I have worn it for 8 hours in the sun and humidity in georgia with no issues of being hotter than any other plate carrier. It feels like nothing compared to ar600 plate carrier.
@@av1204 First of all you can’t even compare steel armor to something like this. It’s quite honestly garbage by today’s standards. I meant to say 855A1 which is the new military standard 5.56 round. So correction there. I find it to be hotter than a quality minimalist plate carrier, but that’s gonna be greatly dependent on what all it’s being compared to exactly.
If you put this stuff called Duct Tape from one leg of your stand to the other and lay your plate against it, it’ll probably prop your plate where it won’t fall. Then again, when you shoot it with a slug, the plate might fall the other way. If you buy the green colored tape, you can call it Hundred Mile an Hour Tape. Great video as usual. It looks like a really good product. Unfortunately I bought two sets of plates this year, and I can’t justify buying a third set. I am thinking about another carrier though if you have any suggestions. Keep doing what you do.
I’m a strong believer in Ceramic armor. It tends to be lighter weight while offering better protection. Yes, tiles can shatter and yes, it’s expensive, but it’s worth the lighter weight.
Shotstop has been caught using substandard materials in production and their plates have failed random testing by the NIJ you can still find their plates online but Please don't buy them.
Green tip is to common not to be a viable threat to encounter. I run a lightweight steel plate. 6lbs, stops green tip and it has a heavy spaul liner. Multi hit protection. My hole kit with mags, medical pouch, utility pouch and radio set up weights 25lbs. That's lighter than my service set up was. But John is correct when he says to match your gear to the task at hand and anticipated threat level to encounter.
MidwayUSA has "Bulletproof-it", III+ w/anti spalling, 6 1/2 lbs per plate, 10 1/2" x 12" plates for $76 per plate. Get a Condor plate carrier from Amazon for about $45. Yeah. It's heavier, but not as heavy as some. And I have to accept what I can afford. 💸😞💸😞💸😞💸😞💸
Remember folks, if your adversary is wearing plates and you are using 55gr shoot em in the crotch. Every time I watch one of these armor vids with a 12ga, it might not penetrate, but that person isn’t going to be doing much besides laying there and moaning.
I like to run sleeveless t-shirts because they're lightweight and awesome... Just don't get shot and you're all good!!! LMAO Great video as always keepem coming brother!!!
I just bought a set of the Shotstop Duritium.... I don't have any extensive LE experience-and zero military-but the added weight on my level III doesn't feel excessive.... I had some initial heat rash & itching which have since faded away....
Great video, I wish the armor would have been propped up with a backstop that resembled a human body. You will never get the proper results by not having a backstop.
My favorite plate usually has some sort of meat on it, rib plate, bbq plate, fried chicken plate. I guess this is ok too.
Can’t forget steak plate!
You've made Evan proud🤣
I love a really good joke in the morning !! Well done, sir. Well done.
this time the meat is on the bottom of your plate
🍺🍺🍺 where’s this BBQ at
Personally, I run lvl 4 plates because hunting rifles exist. I'd be pretty mad if my armor was all high speed, cool guy and I get clapped by bubba and his mosin nagant
This is so important. Most likely will be some patient old guy who has shot 100s of deer and it will be a 30.06
Not to mention all the garands floating around out there. My choice of weapon. Should test it to see if it can take 8 rounds from a garand.
Your only fighting chance is against someone with .223 or 7.62×39. Even than you will get shot until you drop or they run out of ammo. If you run and hide, they have to find you. If they run and hide, you have to find them. These professional soldiers recommend these items because they are the best to run around with. If you are playing predator or cat and mouse with someone with .308, you will be laid out before you hear the shot. Anyone I know hunting dear can shoot pebbles beyond 1,000 meters. Range finder and the amazing new optics make that an easy feat. Someone who shoots with 7.62x51 is just mean if they are shooting people center mass today. They could be down right evil if they shoot you in the leg or arm. Center mass is to gaurantee multiple hits. You really do not want to get shot center mass with a rifle without being in front of a hospital. Soldiers have medics nearby to at least give them morphine. A "level 5" plate is just going to keep your organs from exploding. A 30-06 or the 6.5 creedmore is going to shatter your entire rib cage because of the armor. Ballistics armor gaurantees the bullet will not penetrate and destroy your vital organs. "God created all men. Sam colt made them equal." The firearm made it so a small child could kill a behemoth. The firearm ended the abuse of the big brute on a battle field. You are blessed to leave alive if a .22 short hits you in the wrong place. Do not be fooled by amazing marketing. Everyone knows how great steel and polymer are made.
@lala mc lala Okay first, I understand that the majority of threats would be intermediate calibers, not full powered rifles. That doesn't mean I don't want a plate that can stop full power. A level 4 plate will stop intermediate threats better than a level 3. Yes, they are heavier, but not by much, and you should condition yourself to run the gear you have.
Second, armor plates are designed to not just stop the bullet, but also disperse the force across the entire plate so that it doesn't shatter your ribs or stop your heart. The NIJ has standards for backface deformation.
Third, I have never met a hunter that could "shoot a pebble at 1000 yards" most can't hit anything past 100. And most don't hunt farther than 50 or 75. And even a sniper would be taking center mass shots, not headshots. A cantermass shot with a rifle is going to destroy your heart and lungs, and you're going to die within seconds. No one, especially not a backwoods hunter is going to be attempting a headshot or limb shot, and even if they do they'll likely miss.
Fourth, you mentioned "level 5" plates, that doesn't exist. Level 4 is the highest. And the militarys ESAPI plates are level 4, meaning standard boots are issued level 4. Clearly they are effective.
I understand why the level 3 and special threat plates exist. They're for specific missions, but as a civilian not knowing who or what threat level I could be facing, and not needing to go out on long patrols, I'll take the slightly heavier lvl 4 plates.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen John with a shotty. I like it. “Side note kids, don’t get shot…” nuff said
I'd like this, but but it's at 69 likes... so I'll just comment cause nice.
I so love a good nerdy spreadsheet! Anyone else pause the spreadsheet?? Lol
Lmfao I thought I was the only one
Have you tried mithril armor?
I heard of a hobbit tanking a full blast from a frickin cave troll.
when i searched for that I think I found a different clip than you ment
@@eliteranger03 what do you mea- oh. . . OH. _Oh my._ My bad.
Be careful on the internet man, it does weird things to your browser history.
Light as a feather hard as dragon’s scales
I love how Frodo has zero effects after getting hit by that spear. As if just because that super light, thin, very flexible material can stop the penetration of a spear(slung by a several ton cave troll no less, lol) it would also just completely prevent any trauma, broken ribs, etc.
That would be freaking awesome if something like that existed though.
"the power to stop a death star blast is insignificant to the power of the force" -Darth Vader or John Lovell probably
the power of both the death star and the force is nothing compared to the power of family.
-dominic torreto.
@@xcd87 you're gonna get a lot of hate for the used to death F&F meme but i appreciated it
I'm glad to see armor becoming more commonplace in the average gun guy's "tool bag". The more common we make defensive tools, the harder it becomes for the government to take them away.
@Grzegorz Kamil shut up
@Grzegorz Kamil I'm sure you're just as tough in person. Have a good one.
@Grzegorz Kamil could've just told me you were stupid.
@Grzegorz Kamil Yeah, it's likely to mean the difference between life and death. How many cops and troops have been saved by wearing their plates? I'm not sure what kind of argument you came up with or if you are just trolling.
@Grzegorz Kamil it will
I hate when people say “no pass through” like that’s the biggest factor.. you can still die from your plate bending into your chest. More people need to bring awareness to this.
Yep definitely. NIJ tests plates equally for BOTH penetration AND *back-face deformation* :)
This is an issue that goes all the way back to the ancient era, and is why soldiers wore heavy padded undergarments beneath their armor. The armor was to stop the penetration; the padding was to stop the force of a blow. Sure, chain mail or even steel plate armor will prevent a blow from penetrating, but if someone's whacking you with a flanged mace or war hammer, or if you're unlucky enough to catch a 2-pound war arrow to your chest, the force of the blow itself is enough to shatter bones and rupture organs.
I agree, but I think people are still gonna be smart enough to still use cover, and thus the plate would still protect from the smaller stuff. (Cause having a plate will still be better then no plate in a vast majority of senerios.)
It should be brought up. Then again, this will stop pistol rounds and the impact/deformation won’t do much. The likelihood of taking a pistol round is far greater than a shotgun or rifle. We conceal carry pistols because it’s difficult to walk around with long arms. This armor is lighter and easier to wear, and having it is better than nothing, much like a cc pistol.
Agreed, but this wasn't a primer on body armor and the effects of being hit. Just a demonstration of weight v. resistance. As with most things worth doing, there is a lot of homework prior to the task.
You gotta have it attached to a tree or something with blankets behind it to get an accurate representation of how the armor is going to perform. The energy transfer from the bullet into the armor will act differently when it can't freely fly backwards dissipating the energy. Some of these shots may have in fact passed through if tested again with a human torso analog behind the armor. Love your stuff John!
I completely agree. I was about to make the same point.
Sciencey af
Could be wrong, but wouldn't the plate taking the round and stopping it mean that it took all its energy and then it flying backwards would be the same thing as you or I being put on our ass? Again, I do no know and when I first read your comment I thought it was a really good point but I got to thinking about it, the energy that would knock the plate over would just knock the wearer over, and not necessarily mean passthrough on the armor, correct?
@Hunter fishman That's now what I said at all. If you've ever seen videos of people getting shot in plate carriers or other vests, they don't fly into the other room but they usually do get knocked on their ass. Especially if discussing anything coming out of a long gun. Maybe try reading my comment instead of assuming I'm thinking about the rules applied in Die Hard. I simply don't know if The weight of a dude wearing a vest would be anywhere near enough to make a difference in whether an armor plate had passthrough or not.
Average brand affiliate armor “review”
This sounds like a commercial for trama pads.
I work as an LEO in the “sticks” in northern Maine. I used to run a set of those 2lb polyethylene plates in my carrier until about 2 years ago. We did a search warrant on the largest drug dealer in this part of the state and in that raid, we found that he had an AR pistol, loaded and ready to rock with a 50 rnd drum of 5.56 62 grain green tip. He also had another 5 standard mags loaded with the same. The very next day I ordered a set of level 4 ceramics and haven’t looked back. Great video as always, but I humbly disagree with your point that the bad guys aren’t using green tip 5.56 here in the states.
Glad you're alright man!
Yeah green tip is everywhere. Wouldn’t catch me without something that could stop it
@@travisbrown95 Thank you!!
@Emmanuel Goldstein How fat are you? Out of curiosity.
@Emmanuel Goldstein Wow you’re so edgy!
I see it like this... if you get shot wearing a plate / armor.... It's like getting a rapid CPR compression from a firearm... the breathing after is up to you. Embrace the suck!!!
In the coming civil conflicts green tip will be a very common threat. I believe any plate chosen needs to be able to withstand this period.
Agree 100%
exactly. People arent preparing for current threats, they are preparing for the coming civil war where in which green tip and A1 is likely to be used very commonly.
Most plates, even lvl 3 steel, stop green tip. 55grain m193 out of a 16" is generally a better armor penetrator than green tip against steel.
Well don’t just run around killing people like free for all Video games. Yes a civil conflict can be brutal but know what you are fighting for. Don’t just shoot someone because you’re feeling bored eating rice and beans for 2 weeks. Cooperation is the key. You want to shoot in self defense at bad guys not at other patriots or some misguided kid running around. Killing people is not fun, don’t think you would live too long if everyone just starts shooting randomly. You will be fighting against tyranny and against the militants that are propping up the regime. Best case scenario is that the military revolts and overthrows the tyrants, justice restored. You can’t just kill people because they disagree with you. Worst thing that can happen to this country is a bunch of misguided brainwashed college kids getting shot because you feel like they are oppressing you… only bankers and elites should be prosecuted. I do feel bad for the young generation that got brainwashed into communism because our society failed them. They got recruited by our enemies, most of them are nice young kids just lost in life.
"I wanted to destroy something beautiful" - Tyler Durden
🤫 shh. First rule bro. First rule.
That was the narrator who did that. Tyler didn’t approve of the narrator smashing up Jared Leto’s face. Lol
Coming from someone who has worn body armor for the majority of my life, I have realized now that I am a citizen that if and when I find myself needing a level 3+ or level 4 plates I know that I am also going to have a heck of a lot of other things to worry about lol IE: outnumbered, long-range or concealed shooter and beaucoup other scenarios. lol PS having body armor rated to stop 7.62x 39 is a good idea lol a lot of thugs seem to gravitate to buying and using them
The L210 with a 3a backer panel is the perfect modular set up for most people IMO.
Fellow Louisianian I salute you
There are millions of rounds of green tip loose in the wild. I wouldn't bet my life on a bad guy not using it. My armor will stop green tip and I'll take the slight weight penalty.
..agreed, BOTH counts
Hear hear
Thank you! People don’t think about just how common high performance projectiles and high powered cartridges would be in a US shtf scenario. Plus you can get a level 4 plate that’s only and a couple pounds heavier than something that can’t even stop 855 ball. Which is stocked (to some extent) by every AR owner I know, btw.
@@m118lr Just saw your name. Lol
So glad I got a plate carrier and some plates this year.
Who'd you buy from and how much u paid
@@Token_Black_Guy AR 500, level 3 (don't recall getting 3+) front, back, and side plates all with trauma pads, carrier I had already. Think I paid like $450 after tax. Can't remember exactly and looks like I deleted the email after they arrived.
Always remember when it comes to shotgun fights, first on target always wins.😂
"Green tip isn't common for bad guys"
You may want to revise that. I've been buying green tip since the plague kicked off because it's been cheaper than basic fmj.
same here
But are you a “bad guy” lol. Im jk i sctually agree w you green tip is waaay more common nowadays than it was20 years ago
Me too.
There's something so badass about watching a professional handle their weapon. Seeing how efficiently he loads and press checks is like clockwork. Thing of beauty.
Green tip is a good one to stop at home too though. I worked at cabelas through the ammo shortage over the last year, and I can honestly say that the majority of the 556 we had delivered and sold was Winchester 62gr green tip. We sold pallet after pallet of that stuff. So at least here in KY, green tip will be a very popular round amongst your average ar owner. Just some inside info from what I saw
Thankd for shooting up a plate for us. I just gotta say that green tip is everywhere. You can get it at academy for 14 bucks a box.
I personally don’t see the big allure of the intermediate types of plates when you can get a level 4 multi hit array plate that weighs 5lbs and is less than an inch thick. Especially if you’re talking about in the US (shtf of some kind) where hunting rifles are abundant along with so many different types of projectiles for every caliber. Plus those “common” threats that people are hyper focused on will have a lot less effect on you when you’re wearing some type of level 4 plate.
Only downside to a pair of Hesco 4800's is price
well you are talking a hefty price difference but I stick to buy once cry once.
Cost is a factor. I like your thinking, but would rather those with limited budgets buy these than go broke or skip armor.
@@gabemorris6692 like the other guy said, buy once cry once. A stronger plate can be passed down for decades and be viable into the future, I imagine.
@@KingZionWK unfortunately not, the adhesives that bind the laminate materials in the plate together and any aramid fibers will degrade over time and lose effectiveness. This will occur in any non steel plate, regardless of quality.
Unless you’re worried about your own government who has green tips
I mean I have 500 green tips in my closet bc that’s all I could find
Green tips is all I buy and FMJ for target shooting.
I do. It's what I trained with in the military. I know its BC and how it reacts to different barrel lengths and twists. So why wouldn't I have them? I also have 55gr for plinking.
Oh and for those who don't know... BC stands for ballistic coefficient.
Everyone with an AR?
Seeing John holding a shotgun is like seeing Colonel Saunders holding a vegetable... It just feels wrong for some reason.
It looked weird for me too. I was seriously like "He shoots those?" I know he can do it all but this is the first time I have seen him with a shotgun. Now, I want a shotgun.
@@calvinf3766Do it! Shotguns are awesome!
Love your cherry on the cheek go's to show it happens to everyone sooner or later! Keep up the great videos and content.
And, as always folks, don't forget trauma pads to absorb some of that shock. The pros and cons posted are a good addition.
Actually you should watch some video of them shooting clay with and with out the trauma pads there's little defense in the trauma of stopping a bullet
@@ballisticjim5581 the body doesn't react like clay though and the wave of energy that transfers through the pad into the body gets neutralized somewhat thanks to the pad creating a harmonic barrier of sorts.
In plain English, the pad stops you body from jiggling too much and causing damage to your body.
They say It only takes about 2”-2.5” of back face deformation to be fatal… I would opt for the trauma pads personally. (Incidentally, I’ve seen videos posted where people were punching clean holes through 3+ AR500 with 55gr ammo out of a 18” or 20” barrel under 50yds distance the extra velocity gained from the longer barrel negates the need for green tips to perforate most body armor of the 3 or 3+ level of protection. This makes me want to save for lvl 4 body armor… John says he isn’t worried about green tips in the US, only overseas? I hear local types here in the US all the time talking about 62gr green tips as the only thing they will buy in the 5.56 realm. But seeing as how depending on distance and barrel length being serious factors for punching through even lvl 3+, I want to be able to protect up to and against 30-06 just in case….) what are your thoughts besides “don’t get shot”?
@@williamstiefel3908 ar500 is junk. Even their in-house made ceramic armor is worse than anything else on the market.
Yeah clay to show initial deformation is helpful, but how that reacts to the shockwave is much different than how your body (mostly liquid) reacts to the shock. Minimized backface deformations is great and trauma pads are def worth whatever benefit they can provide. Idk bout yall but i dont plan on getting shot but if i do, id hope some cheap pads are the difference between go and no-go
I can never get enough of the guns and gadgets HOWEVER how about a video showing your essential gear. I'd say maybe a 24 or 72 hour bag and maybe discuss the thoughts behind what and why you pack. For me I have a family of 3 others that would need to be secured. Rather than buy 3 of everything what would be best to pack/procure prior to a bad day in the office? Thanks and I love the deep content, not just the what but the whole mentality of it. Thanks for giving back John!
5:00 That hit with a slug would be like getting kicked in the chest by a pissed off 1500 lb bull. You _might_ survive.
That looked painful if hit with that
Its like the idea of 50 cal rated plates. Awesome if you found it. Better question for you to consider. Would you want to survive a center mass hit from a 50 cal impact? Not even proposing you will live.
You also might wish you hadn't lol
Thanks John. The graphics at the beginning was very helpful.
John, are you feeling okay? First time I've seen the hair out of place. Get well soon 😆
Thanks for noticing! And yes my vitality is linked to hair. Like Samson but without all the stength I guess...
Darn summer cold!
@@WarriorPoetSociety maybe not quite the physical strength but you make up for it with strength of character.
I wondered if I was the only one noticing that he maybe was gonna go for the uh hair over one eye emo thing today…then thought better of it
I use to get “sick” hair as well.
Back when I had hair🤨
Sir having done police patrol work for 30 yrs. I have come across greentips fortunately not being hurled my way from a blaster but in mopes cars. Food for thought.
You'll see vreen tip now. That is what is mostly on sale now by the stores, mfg by Winchester and labeled as rqnge ammo and M855.
If they called it anything other than range ammo, the government gun nazis and the other gun nazis would declare a jihad against it again and it would be outlawed permanently
John... Excellent presentation, complete with battlescar to the cheek!!! That's why you have your own network!!😁
Yea I’m thinking any situation where I would be inclined to wear body armor for rifle threats is going to include a pretty good chance there’s green tip in the wild.
FTR, that Creedmoor round went through the plate. It was right above the right M855 round, at the edge of the label.
And will the plates you call "too heavy" also provide less deformation under the same loads that deformed these? I'd rather have fewer broken ribs and heart trauma.
Hell, some of that back face deformation would be death!
Absolutely those plates that are too heavy will provide multi hit stopping capability with minimal back face deformation.
love my warrior poet society subscription. The content is awesome and I appreciate the work put in by the guys!! Keep it up!!
I was expecting John to be shirtless and breaking the plate with his bare fists
Well I wasnt disappointed with the video until I read this ....
He's not trying to emulate Putin.
@@percyfaith11 he wants to take his that's his cousin he told me🤣
I love you, Poets.
Love you too
Haven't i heard that line before? NOPE
Wow. I didn't realize they were that light of plates! The Level 4 plates I have are about 6lbs a piece, and that would save a LOT on my kit
I don’t think this is a valid test because the plate absorbs the impact by moving straight back into the air. Use a solid backstop and put it in a plate carrier.
Yes, this is a highly scientific test
@@AndyE30 Indubitably
You think you won't be moving backwards when you get struck?
@@themadmachinist8637 sure you would, but as much as a flying plate? No.
Having a solid backstop would at least make the entry/exit cavities more realistic.
He could put it in a plate carrier and put that on some ballistic gel and it would be a far more accurate "test"(really, this is just a demonstration) on the plate than this.
Since there's no metric for how far off this test is from being accurate, how am I to know if this is anything like being shot with an actual bullet?
At least a plate carrier on ballistic gel is somewhat analogous to the human body.
@@themadmachinist8637 "You think you won't be moving backwards when you get struck?" -- Only after your body absorbs the first impact, the one that might kill you.
I dig that they are twoish pounds apiece, but for almost 600 bucks per plate, they better return fire.
And the back deformation from a 9mm...whoa
Damn the HRT and ShotStop paychecks keep coming
General rule of thumb: stopping power, weight, cost. Choose 2.
Love the network. You guys should show up at the Patriot Network Summit in Virginia at the end of the month.
Wish folks would do some of these using hunting rounds that are actually fast. The 6.5 creedmoor is going about 500-700fps slower than the 223 you fired.
God bless John and team, and all other Warrior Poets across America, and the world.
Just guessing here. Those poly plates were at the end of their shelf life and John wanted to give them a proper send off. Either way good stuff!
If I take away just one piece of advice today it’s that I want to avoid someone shooting a slug into my chest at point blank range. Top tip thanks John!
Testing armor with only an SBR is about like testing a 4x4 on a paved road .
I think the weight, maneuverability, & reared deformation is very important.
A vest could stop a bullet, but you could still die from the impact. I believe the cut off is 40 or 44 mm.
Im super late to this one but John touched on it at the start. In construction theres a saying that goes
"Good, Fast, Cheap. Choose any 2."
After 40+ yrs Ive learned it applies to almost everything.
Good plates that are light(fast) arent going to be cheap.
Good plates that are cheap are gunna be heavy.
Cheap, light plates probably wont be good.
The saying holds true.
"Cheap, fast, reliable...choose 2." --Cars
Thanks for field testing a plate. Amazing how things have changed. I remember some fellow officers looking down at me for wearing a "bullet proof" vest some 40 years ago. Now it's plate carriers for active shooter situations. You would probably survive the 12ga slug impact, but you would know you'd been hit.
God Bless Warriors and Poets 🇺🇸😎👍❤️
Love it looks like you had a blast doing it, thanks for the video
I hate to say it because I bought these plates too but shotstop just declared bankruptcy and they're still being investigated by the DHS. They were selling Chinese made plates and sticking their own made in America tags on them. I bought them two years ago and they started investigating them last year. I'm more than a little pissed.
Nice video... thanks! *MrGnG* does a bunch of armor reviews, and I enjoy them as well. I hadn't seen this plate/company before. Pretty impressed, particularly at that weight!
I appreciate you putting pros AND cons, being honest with your customers will get you farther than hollow praise
Great job as always brother. Keep them coming !
You gonna post a notice of the Shot Stop problems? (Coming from China and failing testing?)
This ^
I just purchased a gt2 set from Warrior Poet a couple of weeks ago. very DISAPPOINTING!!
I have a small scar in the same spot from the safety on a shotgun. Got rid of the collapsible stock after that. Just couldn't get a proper cheek weld. Thanks sir for sharing this with us
Hate to be "that guy"... For a bump in the night or basic home defense, green tip is really unlikely. In shtf it's going to be everywhere...
For context, LE in Florida. Bass Pro and Academy Sports are only able to get M855 for sale. And prior to that, I've seen M855 in many, many bad guy rifle magazines. It's more prolific around here without a doubt.
John, what do police/ government agencies use for ammo? I’m not planning on starting anything, but I fear the day they start something and it’s civs vs whatever agency and its agents that “just follow orders”
Usually stuff that most armor will stop. HST hollow points and various bonded 223 loads like hornady critical duty and speer gold dots.
The government probably is something like m855a1 or the mk 252 for the m4 and m995 for armor. If I had to guess I’d say police probably use something similar depending on the budget of the police in your area. So level 4 plays would probably be a good place to start.
@@matthewdavis7588 wrong. Police carbines are usually loaded with approved duty ammo, not military ball.
@@Lordofthepoors so something more like hornady match or the serria match king
@@matthewdavis7588 yeah. Speer gold dot is pretty common, 62 grain federal soft point, hornady tap.
I run level IV rma 1155, my carrier is pretty heavy. With 5 mags, water, medical, and a radio it weighs about 22lbs
Lightweight ceramics level 4, stopping armor piercing, for $100 to $150. And you can find tons of videos of people testing them. RTS, Botach, LAPG. If your interested, check out videos on them.
I have level IV but they weigh around 6 pounds which is a crap ton when you add all the weight of your other kit.
@@jasminebebe3455 5-6lbs is average for lvl4 plates unless you are buying some super expensive plates, even then you'll just get to about 4lbs. Lvl3 can be down to about 2.2lbs which is pretty amazing.
For reference, a military esapi plate is about 5.5lbs.
My last set of lvl4 botach plates were $81 each. Heckuva deal! I also have some of their 3A soft panels and use them for different situations. Only about a pound each for those
@@ChevTecGroup Mine are mid grade and pretty typical. It is pretty hard to get a level IV rating and keep the weight down. I think a III+ that is rated for green tip is probably the best scenario for most people.. When was the last time you came across armor piercing 30-06? lol. Everyone I know has thousands of green tip though.
They're lightweight because there's 2 inches of foam on the edges instead of ceramic, a cheap "lightweight" 10x12" ceramic plate probably only has an 8x10" strike face.
Great video. Thank you for all you do at this channel.
Have you seen the Duritium IV+HA? Those things are beasts. Personally though a lot of those back plate deformations would kill you on internal bleeding alone. Just because a plate can stop a bullet doesn't mean the plate will save your life.
There are few guarantees in life.
The real question is, does John Lovell run side armor plates? Maybe a video of pros and cons of running side plates for added protection vs mobility? Thanks
First comment! Never been this fast before and I’m very happy to claim this!
You’re actually the second comment lol
@@granite6196 who beat me?
That's what she said
@@brandonwardlow4246 go to filter comments and you can see lol
@@granite6196 damnmit! Why didn’t it show up until later then!? Augh! Gotta try again next time!
Exactly the field tests I wanted to know. Thank you, sir.
I'll stick with lightweight level 4s. The extra 4lbs (combined between front and rear plates) is worth the protection against 855 and the increasingly common 5.7x28mm. Local PD has seen a big jump in gang crime with the ruger 57s.
That’s why local situation is important. For my environment it’s either the polymer80 9mm’s or ar pistols, with the occasional draco
Thank you for your time John
M855 is very common & the second most available (after m193) where I live.
If you believe that, then you should get different plates than these for sure. My favorite for m855 are these:
Warrior Poet Society sweet, thank you!
Greentip should be considered a given in most places in the US. Sold in all the big sporting goods stores from various brands, including in bulk, and it's got an allure as "AP," so it gets bought and stolen from homes by baddies. Cops in Texas certainly find it.
I got the GT2 for that reason. Unreal balance of performance and ergos, possibly unrivaled for the threat level.
How do you feel about Shellback’s plates?
Love the content. Thanks for the review. Love you guys.
As one of the only channels not hawking the FRAS, curious on your thoughts.
He pimps his own armor on his site, I doubt they sent him any FRAS armor to test since he’s a competitor to their brand
i have it and love it. Expensive but worth it if you wear it often. I wear it at the range and in competition. It just molds so much better to the body. I had ar600 plates before.
I would first ask is this going to be the only armor you are going to own? The FRAS is a great armor if you are wearing it all day and doing laborious activities, or need to wear rifle rated armor under a sweatshirt or something.
However, keep in mind that you MUST also buy at least a 3A insert for it to stop even M855A1, and it’s gonna hurt quite a bit more than if you were wearing a lvl4 or special threat plates. Also consider that the actual full coverage medium size FRAS vest is still gonna weigh 16lbs by itself. Though it does feel lighter because it is widely distributed over your body. It is also very hot compared to say a light minimalist carrier with a lvl4 plate because of how the ceramic wraps around your sides and shoulders.
@@hansgruber9685 Sorry but that isnt true. M855 is stopped by Safelife defense fras. I have worn it for 8 hours in the sun and humidity in georgia with no issues of being hotter than any other plate carrier. It feels like nothing compared to ar600 plate carrier.
@@av1204 First of all you can’t even compare steel armor to something like this. It’s quite honestly garbage by today’s standards. I meant to say 855A1 which is the new military standard 5.56 round. So correction there. I find it to be hotter than a quality minimalist plate carrier, but that’s gonna be greatly dependent on what all it’s being compared to exactly.
Great video brother I appreciate you and have nothing but respect for you.
I've been waiting for this one!
I really liked that Suppressor you had on the 556. 😎👍👍🇺🇸
The way the plate was supported on each side against that stand made the deformation worse I think.
I was running level 3+ steels back in the day and finally picked up poly/ceramic now that it’s common place
Might want to pull this video...
If you put this stuff called Duct Tape from one leg of your stand to the other and lay your plate against it, it’ll probably prop your plate where it won’t fall. Then again, when you shoot it with a slug, the plate might fall the other way. If you buy the green colored tape, you can call it Hundred Mile an Hour Tape.
Great video as usual. It looks like a really good product. Unfortunately I bought two sets of plates this year, and I can’t justify buying a third set. I am thinking about another carrier though if you have any suggestions. Keep doing what you do.
If armor testing becomes regular content, use a back face media.
Love the videos John! Stay safe..
Thank God that we have you to eat the force of the Death Star to save the galaxy
You are welcome humans. You are welcome
@@WarriorPoetSociety a true legend
@@ch3cksund3ad The force is strong with him. 😎🇺🇸
I’m a strong believer in Ceramic armor. It tends to be lighter weight while offering better protection. Yes, tiles can shatter and yes, it’s expensive, but it’s worth the lighter weight.
Shotstop has been caught using substandard materials in production and their plates have failed random testing by the NIJ you can still find their plates online but Please don't buy them.
This comment or something similar needs to be pinned by the OP or this video should be taken down
Green tip is to common not to be a viable threat to encounter. I run a lightweight steel plate. 6lbs, stops green tip and it has a heavy spaul liner. Multi hit protection. My hole kit with mags, medical pouch, utility pouch and radio set up weights 25lbs. That's lighter than my service set up was. But John is correct when he says to match your gear to the task at hand and anticipated threat level to encounter.
MidwayUSA has "Bulletproof-it", III+ w/anti spalling, 6 1/2 lbs per plate, 10 1/2" x 12" plates for $76 per plate. Get a Condor plate carrier from Amazon for about $45.
Yeah. It's heavier, but not as heavy as some. And I have to accept what I can afford. 💸😞💸😞💸😞💸😞💸
Don’t skimp out on products designed to save your life. Save more money, curb other corners.
@@HipsterKhan Easy to say that when you do not routinely have 82 cents in your account the day before payday.
Love these kind of videos. I have level 3 steel plates and been thinking of getting lighter ones the older I get...
Remember folks, if your adversary is wearing plates and you are using 55gr shoot em in the crotch.
Every time I watch one of these armor vids with a 12ga, it might not penetrate, but that person isn’t going to be doing much besides laying there and moaning.
Yup. Shoot where the armor isnt..
Lucky Gunner said something like “It is very rare for people shot with 12 gauge buckshot to continue doing whatever they were doing.
Recommendations, given the current ShotStop Deritium issue?
I'm wondering the same thing
I like to run sleeveless t-shirts because they're lightweight and awesome... Just don't get shot and you're all good!!!
LMAO Great video as always keepem coming brother!!!
I just bought a set of the Shotstop Duritium....
I don't have any extensive LE experience-and zero military-but the added weight on my level III doesn't feel excessive....
I had some initial heat rash & itching which have since faded away....
Great video, I wish the armor would have been propped up with a backstop that resembled a human body. You will never get the proper results by not having a backstop.
Thanks John. Be Well.
Pretty expensive kit for LARPing.
Indeed 😂 but larpers gotta larp in fashion bro
@@WarriorPoetSociety "I approve of this comment"
-Garand Thumb (probably)
@@WarriorPoetSociety Life is beautiful, so come and take it if you dare...👁️...i dare you.
In the service industry, we have a saying. I can give you three things: speed, price, and quality. But you can only pick two of them.