The Alans are a fascinating group. They were Iranic-speaking nomads who, during the Hunnic Invasion, migrated westward with their Germanic cousins (who also shared Yamnaya ancestry) such as the Vandals and Goths, and eventually settled in parts of France and Spain. Meanwhile, the Ossetians are direct descendants of the Alans who remained on the steppes, preserving a more direct lineage. What’s remarkable is that the Alans, with their roots in the Yamnaya culture, retained some cultural resemblances to this ancient steppe way of life, even as they intermarried with distant Western European cousins whose own Yamnaya ancestors had migrated west thousands of years earlier. Though the Ossetians trace a more direct line to the Alans, the legacy of the Alan migration and intermarriage through Europe is still evident, with the name "Alan" common across languages from Slavic to English. The Alans who settled in Brittany also profoundly influenced the military tactics of the Franks and, ultimately, the Normans. Without this Alan-inspired horsemanship and cavalry strategy, the Normans might not have won at the Battle of Hastings-an outcome that could have left England speaking a much purer form of English.
The Allans lived not only of the North Caucasus but in the Lower Don steppes, too. In XVI century, Giosafat Barbaro (the author of "Journey to the Tanais, Persia, India, and Constantinople") wrote that all the steppes around the city of Tana ( modern Azov, Russia) were fulfilled with Allanish tombs, and that the Allans lived in those steppes before the Mongolo-Tatar invasion. The Allan samples from the North Caucasus are strongly mixed with the local populations. Among the Don Allans (the Saltovo-Mayaki culture ) the sample DA189 is especially inteeresting, IMHO. He has Y-haplogroup R1 and autosomally has a significant heritage from the Iron Age Scythian nomads, unlike other samples related to the North Caucasus. It would be great if you could investigate sample DA189.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed. Georgian Mingrelians and Nogais called them Alani
@@friedrichengels2475 r1a-z2123 is found in the Göktürk royal family Ashina, Khazar aristocrats, and the Cumans and ancient Kyrgyz in the Alans. and r1a-z94 subbranch.
@@friedrichengels2475 This is the falsifying propaganda 1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) 2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians. 3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans. Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32% Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15 Sources: 1.(familytreedna/groups/k-balkar-dna/about/) 2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374. 3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153" 4.Afanasyev G.E., Wang L., Wen Sh., Wei L., Dobrovolskaya M.V., Korobov D.S., Li H., Tong S. Khazar, confederations in the Don press Abstracts of reports from the All-Russian scientific conference
@@friedrichengels2475 Said Al Maghribi - Kitab Al Jagrafiyya - 13th century: “In the east of Georgia is the country of the Alans. "These are Turks who converted to Christianity." (Sheshen, 1985: Ramazan (1985), The Turks and their countries according to Islamic geography. - p. 203). Abu-l-Feda - Arab Traveler of the 14th century. Takwim Al Buldan: Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. Nearby there is also a people of the Turkic race called Assy: they are a people of the same origin and the same religion as the Alans. (Reinaud-MacGuckin de Slane, Aleman Agusti. “Alans in ancient and medieval written sources” p. 202-204) In Chinese sources, the Alans are listed as a Turkic tribe and are called Alang-ni. In Chinese sources they are also called An-tsi. The Romanians called these people Alani, and the Byzantines called them Asia. (German Ethnologist EBERHARD, Wolfram. (1942), Northern neighbors of China - p. 153) I think that Abulfeda's testimony represents the result of precise knowledge and has a certain accuracy. He knew the Karachais and Balkars under the name Alans and Ases and correctly calls them Turks. To this day, the territory of Karachay has been assigned the name Alana (in the mouths of the Mingrelians), and Balkaria has the name Asa... (Ossetian Historian V. ABAEV About the origin of the Karachais and Balkars. Nalchik, 1960, p. 131) When we turn to medieval written sources, it is mentioned that the Alans were Turks and spoke Turkish. In addition, the Karachais are the only community in the Caucasus bearing the ethnonyms Alan and As. Ossetians still call the Karachays and Balkars Asi. The real descendants of the Alans are the Karachay-Balkars, not the Ossetians. (Ossetian Historian Prof. Georgy Kokiev - On the issue of the origin and time of settlement of the Balkars and Karachais on the current lands / 1941. - January 28-29.)
This is only one of 16 analyses. all belong to the r1az94 g2ap15 haplogroup President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay Turkic people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Medieval Alans spoke an Iranian language and carried over 50% Iranian genes. The ancient (original) Alans also spoke an Iranian language and had almost 100% Iranian ancestry and that got watered down as they moved westward into Europe over time.
Кто-то очень старается сделать из алан иранцев а это заведомо ложь !Аланы Понтиды Средиземо Балканской Расы как и Черкесы а шесть образцов аланов на Дону показали G2a2,Черкесов, a это мажорная гаплогруппа ,в Т- образных катакомбных захоронениях лежат Понтиды,никакой иранской антропологии в них нет!!! Академик И.А.Джавахишвили доказал ,что языком алан был адыгский язык🎉Какие ещё доказательства вам нужны?Этот ролик ложь от начала и до конца(((😢
Said Al Maghribi - Kitab Al Jagrafiyya - 13.c: “To the east of Georgia is the land of the Alans. “These are Turks who converted to Christianity.” (Sheshen Ramazan: (1985), Turks and their countries according to Islamic geography. - P. 203) Abu-l-Feda - Takwim Al Buldan, Arab traveler of the 14th century: Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. Nearby there is also a people of the Turkish race called Asu: they are a people of the same origin and religion as the Alans. (Reinaud-MacGuckin de Slane, Aleman Agusti. “Alans in ancient and medieval written sources” p. 202-204) When we look at medieval written sources, it is mentioned that the Alans were Turks and spoke Turkish. In addition, the Karachais are the only community in the Caucasus bearing the ethnic names Alan and As. Ossetians still call Karachais and Balkars rebels. Consequently, the real descendants of the Alans are the Karachay Turks, in contrast to the Ossetians. (Ossetian Historian Prof. Georgy Kokiev - On the issue of the origin and time of settlement of the Balkars and Karachais on the current lands / 1941. - January 28-29. p. 221) In Chinese sources, the Alans are listed as a Turkic tribe and are called Alang-ni. In Chinese sources they are also called An-qi. The Romans called these people Alans, and the Byzantines called them As. (German Ethnologist EBERHARD, Wolfram. (1942), China's Northern Neighbors - p. 153) President of the Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia, professor of history Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the real descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkars” (interview of Vadim Dubnov with Sergei Arutyunov, March 10). , 2017) note: Arutyunov also claims that the Alans spoke Iranian. “Just as the various tribes of the Germans failed to do so, the Visigoths, Franco-Alemannics, Vandals, Alan Turks and even the Greeks (Byzantines) in the Levant failed to conquer the Spanish-Roman communities.” (Jose Manuel Gomez-Tabanera. Origin and formation of the peoples of Spain // Soviet ethnography. - No. 5. - M., 1966.) At the beginning of the 19th century. The famous Hungarian scientist and traveler EUGENE ZICHI: “...Ossetians call the Balkars and Karachais in Malka and Kuban “Ases.” (“Ossetians through the eyes of Russian and foreign travelers”, Ordzhonikidze, 1967, p. 283). “The most important fact of the ethnographic tradition of the Karachais is that even today the Karachais use the word Alan to address each other... In fact, we have before us the ancient self-name of the Karachay-Balkars.” (Circassian Researcher S.H. Khotko. Karachay - Country at the top of the Caucasus. Essays on the history and culture of Karachay, pp. 12-13 - Maykop: OJSC "Poligraph YUG", 2011. - 448 p.) “The Basians are found in the valleys near Elbrus in the North Caucasus, they are also called Karachais or Alans.” (Dated November 2, 1846, No. 46 of the newspaper “Caucasus”, Tiflis.) “The Karachay Tatars, or Alans, live in the northern parts of the Caucasian Alps and are mainly engaged in cattle breeding.” (Khan M. About the tribes of the world. Petersburg, 1864, part 3, p. 133) The Norwegian professor Thor Heyerdahl argued that Odin belonged to the Aesir, as stated in mythology, and the Aesir were Alans, who were called "Aces" in the Caucasus. Swedish historian Erling Kittelsen also stated that the real descendants of Alan are the Karachai Turks. You can view the section of the Historical Conference by writing "Всемирная конференция учёных о АЛАНАХ (КАРАЧАЕВО-БАЛКАРЦАХ)"
Unfortunately, the late Caucasian Alans are not representative of the original nomads. They were very mixed with Caucasians. There no one has a significant contribution from historical nomads.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
@@mr.purple1779 This is the channel's falsifying propaganda 1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) 2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians. 3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans. Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32% Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15 Sources: 1.(familytreedna/groups/k-balkar-dna/about/) 2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374. 3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153" 4.Afanasyev G.E., Wang L., Wen Sh., Wei L., Dobrovolskaya M.V., Korobov D.S., Li H., Tong S. Khazar, confederations in the Don press Abstracts of reports from the All-Russian scientific conference
alans, , come in visigoth times , there is lots of alany descendants in portugal brasil they are the first people of bhaplogroup line j1 to leave the caucasus to russia j1- l136 , they branched of from the main haplogroup some of alani branch in ftdna for someone to see
Liked your video but I once read the Alan's usually had light eyes, blue or green. Also that even though a nomadic people unlike most from the Steppes they used spears from horseback and not bows and were used as heavy shock Cavalry by the Hun's who they were allied with in its attacks on both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Supposedly this is where the word Uhlan comes from and was a derivative of the name Alan.
Interesting stuff, I remember reading about the Alans travelling through Spain near the end of the Roman Empire but there was not much information on their origins. 👍🏻
This is only one of 16 analyses. all belong to the r1az94 g2ap15 haplogroup President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay Turkic people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Very interesting and cool results! He was crearly a native of this zone, because he has Asian and European genes. Can you share the results of ancient german tribes, like the alamans and germanic barbarians?
Central Asians are an ambiguous term. The people could look like "Europeans" like some Tajiks, could look Turkic/Mongol like Kazakh, or also mixed. And both are indigenous to the region.
@@tichtran8792Not true. Central Asia was not East Asian largely until the Turks arrival in the 6th century CE. There was some East Asian influence from the Saka that had migrated past the Altai mountains and then migrated back west, bringing eastern genetics with them, but then getting watered down by native genes again. Before the Turks, the genetics of Central Asia was mostly Iranian, Tocharian and BMAC.
Cool results 🙂👍 English + Irish, Scottish and Welsh + East European is Steppe (Yamna) gene. I expected some Scandinavian and Balkan also but it's ok. Regards
@@rudynathan8852 Not Celtic but rather Yamna because Celts derive from Pontic Steppe people not vice versa. Modern Caucasians, Turks, Britons, Scotts, Irish etc have mutual ancestors found in Yamna Culture whose people spread in all directions even towards China.
The Iazyges (or Jazygians) were one such constituent sub-group, usually described as being Sarmatians (although there was very little difference between them and the Alani). In time the general Sarmatian confederation settled much of southern European Russia and the eastern Balkans. Like the closely-related Scythians, they were highly developed horse-riding warriors. 5,500 Sarmatians (recently conquered) whom the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius brought to Scotland to garrison Hadrian’s Wall in 175 C.E. Researchers have also hypothesized that Sarmatians may be the source of the R1b Y-DNA found in the Scottish border regions. (McCulloch is F2935+, while R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites are F2935-; F2935, like CTS6, is an SNP that is downstream from F1345.) Dan were cousins to the Levites, in the bible, it says many Levites left with the tribe of Dan, they lived on their ships. According to Judges 5:17, the tribe of Dan stayed on ships, while Asher sat at the seashore. The writer of Judges may have implied that the Danites were different from the other tribes and originated elsewhere. The tribe of Dan is known for being associated with seafaring, law and order, and cunning. They are also known for producing Samson, a legendary Israelite judge and warrior. Both the Irish and Scottish McCullough have the same coat of arms. The McCulloch coat of arms, which depicts three wolves, is shared by both the Irish and Scottish McCullough. The Sumerian word for warrior is Ur-sag, where Ur means both Dog and Wolf, sag means Head or Top, or the word Urgula means both Lion and Great Dog, the word "sa" means Red, the Ursa (Bear) means Red Dog. Cynosura is the ancient name for the constellation Ursa Minor, which in ancient Greek times was thought to represent a dog, not a bear. They would sacrifice a Red Dog to Canicula, the Dog Star Sirius, it means Puppy Dog, this was done before the 70 day drop below the horizon, the word Setanta means 70, the name of Cú Chulainn or Cú Coileán, meaning "Hound Whelp, Coileán means Young fighting man, a warrior, and a Trickster. Setanta means "He who known the Way", the wolf head war god Wepwawet "Opener of the Way". On both the Egyptian and Babylonia star maps, a Standing Wolf riding a plow seen in place of Ursa Minor, The hieroglyph for Wepwawet is the Standing Wolf on a Plow, the 'sa' hieroglyph means 'protection' or 'lifesaver'. I'm a McCullough, Weylyn means "Son of the Wolf", Lewallyn means "Like a Lion". Wepwawet was the Son of Seth, the 7 stars we call The Big Dipper, associated with the 7 Rishi or move the last "i" to the front 7 Irish sages. Wepwawet Protector of the Belly, seen as the Head of Draco, the Seed Cup hanging on the Plough Handle holding Damu, the Swine Star, known as the Child, son of Pabilsag "Chief Ancestor", the Dog Star Sirius was his Flaming Arrow, Damu was known as the God of Rebirth, link to Jesus, spell Jesus backwards, "Susej" or "Sausage", in Hebrew, Saul means "Prayed for", a sage is a Wise Teacher, a Rishi. Where did the King Arthur story come from?
The significant amount of Turkic loanwords in modern Ossetic bears witness to the fact that in the ancient past there were intensive contacts between the ancestors of modern-day Ossetians and the Turkic world.
Alan like many other Northern Iranic peoples (Scythians, Saka, Parthians) from Central Asia were part of the Sarmatian group and well known for their horsemanship. This is LONG before the word Turk even existed and LONG before Oriental Turks moved westward into Central Asia for the Pan Turkist kirkhora here. Alan's modern descendants are the Ossetian people.
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat Yes Sarmatians & Saka were Scythians themselves. The point is they are an Iranic people LONG before Turks ever came to Central Asia PERIOD.
R1a1, shown around 150,000 people in south-east of South Korea. Their ancestors probably came from Scythia to Silla 1500 years ago. There are so many beautiful girls in Kyungsangdo of South Korea, especially Daegu city.
Paternal Lineage Your haplogroup is: I Born between 35 and 28 thousand years ago, haplogroup I represents one of the first peoples of Europe, having several descendant lineages that spread throughout the European territory during the last Ice Age, having its maximum frequency in the Balkans. It is one of the most numerous haplogroups among European males, being the second largest paternal lineage found on the continent (second only to the R lineage). Its I1 branch is related to Nordic Europe, ancestor of Germanic tribes and Vikings, while I2 is strongly related to Neolithic cultures.  Y-chromosomal Adam 160 to 120 thousand years A: Africa 140 to 90 thousand years BT: Africa 85 to 60 thousand years CT: Africa 80 to 60 thousand years CF: Leaving Africa 75 to 60 thousand years F: Leaving Africa 62 to 57 thousand years IJ: Haplogroup parent of I and J 45 to 30 thousand years I: Eastern Eurasia 35 to 28 thousand years I have multiple ancestry result.15.8% German. Dutch French 5.7% Irish Scottish Welsh 16 3 % Italian 4% Ukrainian 8 % Portuguese..36.5% Nigerian 11.5 % Kenya 6.2 West African 2% Mbuti Congo 3% Mande 10.9% Mesoamerican Andean 1 % Indigenous Amazonian...I have colored eyes of Paternal Haplogroup is . I1 ...Brazil
I have been watching a lot of DNA videos including yours and I am now pretty sure that the Celts of Ireland, Scotland and Wales originate from Eastern Europe/Caucasus regions. In the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, it states the Scots came from 'Great Scythia' and I have heard stories the Irish came from North Caucasus/Ossetia and Anatolia to Spain and then up. They share a lot of symbols too. Celtic DNA is showing up on your other ancient northern Asian videos as well as this one. Would you be able to do a video on gene MC1R please ? Or if not someone from Udmurtia? Both Celtic and Udmurts have a high % of redheadedness and carry this gene, would be great to find a link between them
@@minmodsefa I am not a liar thank you very much. I am just mentioning what I have seen on hundreds of DNA videos and noticed that Irish/Scottish and Welsh DNA shows up in small amounts on peoples results that you wouldn't expect, like Eastern European/Central Asians for example. The Declaration of Arbroath does quote that and symbols like the triquetra are found in Caucasus region. If they aren't true Celts, then why are they labelled as such ? As a British person with this DNA and high amount of Scandinavian, I am curious about my ancestors and where they migrated from. If we view the vids on this channel, then don't we all have this curiosity?
@@karensacelik3674 Because MyHeritage is garbage and isn't meant for old samples, like this one British/Irish people have high Steppe ancestry, that's why it gets confused
The Ossetic vocabulary mirrors long-standing and intensive Turkic contacts. The way of the borrowing may be difficult to determine, since many copied Turkic words are also found in other Ponto-Caspian languages.
Why are you on every video about anything steppe or Iranian related and you always bring up Turkic stuff. I’ve seen you literally everywhere, denouncing Greeks, talking about the greatness of the ottomans, how Turkic war stirrups were the greatest thing ever. It’s really obvious you are a Turkish nationalist. The meme-ness of your profile picture really tells me a lot about your internet nationalist beliefs, you probably use memes to convey your Turkocentric bs ideas. I’m sure everyone’s a Turk to you. Iranians? Turks. Tocharians? Turks. Magyars? Just Turks. Greeks? Should be Turks. Armenians? What Armenians? I’ve never heard of them. It’s funny considering most Turkish people have very little genetics from the proper Turks. Hope you got a dna test because chances are your worshipping people who wouldn’t consider you anywhere near one of them. It’s ironic considering you call the Iranians in Central Asia who claim to be Sogdian assimilated when you and your whole nation are an example of this. Very ironic
Yes it has minimal Turkic influence but it's still very much an Iranian language clearly. Shares more similarities to Kurdish or Pashto than any Turkic languages
Isn't more than strange ‽ Well known they moved to todays spain and portugal , and france too : Orleans region . But we have in hungary , the jász people [ jazig's ] the alans closest relatives . AND " ONES UPON THE TIME , AD 451 JULY 04-05= HALF OF THEM WAS WITH ATTILA THE HUN [ NEAR CATALUME ] THE OTHER HALF [ THE READY SETTLED AROUND ORLEANS ] FIGHTED AGAINST ATTILA . DOES HOW WAS AGAINS ATTILA , ALL WAS KILLED FOR BETRAINING THEY RELATIVES HUN - SARMATA - JÁSZ - ETC . RELATIEVES . Etc...
This is falsifying propaganda 1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) 2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians. 3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans. Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32% Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15 Sources: 1.(familytreedna/groups/k-balkar-dna/about/) 2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374. 3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
Weird as if somebody is called Alan in say Newcastle that might be partly true. How did the Alan connection to England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland arise? Is it some sort of cousin tribe migration earlier, or during Roman period or during the black death?
Have you watched the movie King Arthur with Clive Owen 2004? The story is of course largely made up, but as a hypothesis it will do, there was also a story about Sarmatian horsemen, these are basically related nationalities
This is true. 6000 Sarmatian cavalry were stationed along hadrians wall as foederati of the Roman Empire. They most likely mixed with the local population and their genetics can still be seen in England today. I believe the Sarmatians stationed there were Iazyges who would have been closely related to Alan's. Nothing is conclusive but it is an interesting hypothesis
This is falsifying propaganda 1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) 2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians. 3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans. Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32% Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15 Sources: 1.(familytreedna/groups/k-balkar-dna/about/) 2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374. 3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
@@alanmountain5804 well, that Alan if any and in very small amount, us found in the British isles is dueto mercenaries in the Roman army or Celtic migrant population from northern France that had Alan DNA, but NEVER an invasion, there never came to the British isles.
that part in the video is groundless, the history tell us that the Alans did settled and mixed in Normandy and Western part of the Iberian peninsula, NEVER in the British isles and if any Alan DNA is found was due to the celtic migration from the northern France.
@@BETOETE i do carry some alan dna becvause i belong to the same haplogroup branch i share , my origins as the alan not because i'm directly descendant of them i belong to diferent branch of people they branched of 18000 years ago from main branch, j1-l 136
I don't get it right, according to the video there is Alan DNA in the British isles or am I wrong?because as far as I know there was never presence of Alans there but in northern France (Normandy) and western Iberian peninsula.
there is plenty of Allinsons in the UK son of Allen son of Alan same thing, this videos aren't 100% as it's clear is done with some political influences I know in Spain there is plenty of their influence with their invasion the moors where Alans just they keep changing their names and keep us in the dark with false history.
@@danythrinbell1596 what timeframe are you talking about? that's not impossible, a DNA exam on the cadaver of a viking soldier in Great Britain showed slavish DNA, he came with the Norwegian troops.
r1a-z93 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
@@Asfarnulisкарачаи татары кипчако половецкой группы.у них нет ничего Ир Ас Аланского.Зато все кипчакское-самоназвание,язык,верования кумыс,кьазы,бешбармакъ,кьайра,одним словом конина.Так что с любым днк карачиоли это татары кипчако половцы
Alan means in Turkish "treeless and flat clearing in the forest, bare plain in the forest or open, flat and wide place". I mean, this people needed wide place as pastoralist.
This is falsifying propaganda 1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.” (Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017) 2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians. 3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans. Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32% Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15 Sources: 1.(familytreedna/groups/k-balkar-dna/about/) 2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374. 3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
Quiere decir que están emparentandos con los indoeuropeos iranios que en su origen eran pueblos con piel ,ojos y pelo muy claros.Después,se mezclaron con pueblos de la meseta de Irán y otros lugares, creando a los iranios actuales.
OMG, I don't know which country is sponsoring this much lies. Ethnicity estimate of Alans? Haha 😅 Alan basically ancient form of Iran. Alans were Iranians PERIOD.
It is interesting to note that the modern Ossetian language shows a much higher degree of loanwords from Turkic than from neighboring Caucasian languages (Nakh, Adyghe, Kartvelian).32
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
Decimali birde burada göstermiş olduğunuz Alan insanlarının Orta Asya dan Kafkasya ya göç etmiş olduğunu biliyoruz buradaki Alan insanı ile eskiden Aral gölü ve Ceyhun nehri üzerinde yaşamış olan Alan ve As lar da aynı böylemiydi acaba 🤔 bu Alan ve As kabilelerinin bizim Oğuz Türkleri nin içinde yer alması çok muhtemeldir.
@@vagabond57097Alan ve As halkı Ceyhun nehri yani Amuderya nehri civarlarında yaşıyorlardı daha sonra Kafkasya ya göç ettiler, eski Çin kaynaklarında Alan lardan Tiele kabilesi olarak söz edilir Tiele kabileleri Orta Asya ya yaşayan bu günkü bizlerin büyük ataları olan topluluklardı, Alanlar bu günkü Türk halklarının atalarından olan Gavçığların egemenliği altına girmiş çünkü eski Çin kaynaklarında Alanların Gavçığların bir boyu olarak söz ediliyor. Hatta bu gün Türkiye de Alanlar adlı topluluk vardır ve Kürt halkının içinde yaşamaktadırlar ve Kürtçe konuşurlar
@Werner D There's no 800-900AD. This is a medieval man mixed in the Caucasus. The early and late Alans were associated with the East Eurasian nomads of the Volga-Ural region.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed. Georgian Mingrelians and Nogais called them Alani
КБ с любыми генами являются татарами кипчако половецкой группы со всем их,,багажом"--конина,бешбармакъ,къазы,бузы,къумыс, къайра , самоназвания,верования,язык,обычаи итд итп.Асы Аланы это индоарии, Асетины Ироны Ариане.
@@Alanian_09 это басни и сказочки ихние.Принадлежность к этносу,а именно к индоариям Ир Ас Аланам определяют не днк а именно--язык,верования,обычаи,мифология,культура,эпосы☝☝☝когда на основании этого всего человек относит себя к тому или иному этносу.А днк человек может иметь любой. Этим к народу невозможно себя отнести.А у карачаевцев -язык,верования,обычаи,самоназвание,быт итд итп все кипчако половецкое.☝☝☝
Another Turkic tribe with which Alans came in contact in the 5th and 6th century was Bulgars and then Khazars who pushed the Alan state beyond the river Terek . Alania was a vassal state of Khazars for two centuries .
Alan... Alan... like General Aspar, the Alan? ... Is Caucasus-Alan the same like late-antiquity Alan? Where was Aspar buried? - Could we dig him up, and try to sample his DNA?
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
As we can see Alans are not iranic only. Actually all R1a and R1b related people are originated from central asia as saka/sumer/hun. In my opinion, Sumers were ancestors of Saka/Scythians and originated from Huns.
We can see both R1a, R1b ydna and A, W, I, X mtdna asiatic haplogroups of europe originated from altaian siberia. These are saka, sumerian people of central asia migrated directly in this route from central asia over west asia, central europe to west europe... They have originally spoken dene-caucasian languages (dene-yeniseian, sumerian, north caucasian, tyrrhenian-vasconic), but converted to indoeuropean time by time during their journey.
@@vagabond57097 Can you show me their writings in indoeuropean? No, because it does not exist. You just want that they were speaking indoeuropean, nothing more.
@@serkankinden5150 What are you talking about Ossetian is literally descended from Alan language 😂😂😂 I don’t have to prove anything, Ossetian as a language is already evidence that Alans spoke an Iranian language. Alan is a cognate for ‘Aryan’ by the way. And ‘Aryan’ literally means ‘Iranian’. They even call themselves Iranian in their own name!
İf this Man was persian or iranic where is the south asian part of his genome? Editor also said they had halogrup Q. He has central asian. So we can easily say he was mix of siberian and Yamnaya culture. İf he had amur river hunter gatherers we could say he was a Turkic root. İn the G25 results it says kymyk, karachay, Balkar who are native caucasus Turkic tribes. He would be a descanders of şeyh Şamil. He was not circasian or adige . He was an avar noble of Dagestan. Respect all ideas. But he was not iranic
Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Клесов шарлатан делец бизнесмен.За бабки он вас и Атлантами назовет😂😂😂😂Не просто так ведь карачаи ему обещали дом у озера построить, и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он их Асетинами Аланами назвал😂😂😂В итоге он все же признался,что не смотря ниина какие днк карачаи никак не Асетины Аланы,а татары кипчако половецкой группы.
Клесов шарлатан делец бизнесмен.За бабки он вас и Атлантами назовет😂😂😂😂Не просто так ведь карачаи ему обещали дом у озера построить, и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он их Асетинами Аланами назвал😂😂😂В итоге он все же признался,что не смотря ниина какие днк карачаи никак не Асетины Аланы,а татары кипчако половецкой группы.
Тюрки карачаевцы кипчако половецкой группы с каких это пор стали близки к Асетинам Иронам(Аланам)????😂😂😂Аланы индоарии со своим Асетинским языком,верованиями,обычаями,мифологией,эпосами, чего у вас кипчаков не было и нет.А Клесов лапшу вам на уши повесил а вы с радостью с ней носитесь по всему интернету,что вы кипчаки вдруг стали Ас Аланами -Иронами😂😂😂Не зря же вы Клесову обещали дом у озера подарить и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он вас провозгласил,,алянчиками"😂😂😂😂Зх вы, гардаши...предков своих выкидываете,называя при этом соседа своим папкой...харам☝☝☝
@@HoVietKa Напротив, тот факт, что вы отвергаете своих коренных предков и относите себя к аланам, предкам карачаевцев, переселившихся с Горного Алтая, показывает, насколько вы стыдитесь своего прошлого.
Аланы происходили от Мидийцев,а мидийцы проживали на территориях современного Азербайджана ,на территории современной восточной Грузии и на территории центрального кавказского хребта .. и были Мидийцы иранского(арийского) происхождения.
Genetics is not the same as Identity. Alans were Iranian people. Just because they are not genetically similar to Persians doesn't mean they aren't Iranian. Persians aren't the only Iranian people. Alans spoke Iranian language
@@kakopaidi1263no , Medes were a western-Iranian peoples like Persians and Parthians, Alan's and scythians were an eastern Iranian speaking people , the two branches split some 4500 years ago and each established separate civilizations , the Scythans and Alans were considered as un-Iranians,Turanians(the enemy) by the Iranians ( Persians), being an iranic or Iranuan -speaking people doesn't make them Iranian nationals or descendants of the western Iranians ( aka Middle Eastern Iranuans ( Persians, parthians and medes)
All the Indo-European peoples were once in the plains of Russia and Ukraine, and then they migrated to far away places and spread their language and culture. The Alani are the descendants of the Scythians, who formed the Alani kingdom in the Caucasus in the Middle Ages. The main birthplace of Iranian peoples was in the north of the Caspian Sea, some of them migrated to the Iranian plateau. So it is natural that Persians and Kurds are mostly mixed with Elamites and Alanis with Caucasians. It is ethnolinguistic to classify different ethnic groups. The people of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan have nothing in common in terms of DNA but both are classified as Turkic ethnic groups. However Caucasians and Iranians are not so different.
The Iranian Alans are one of the prides of the great Aryan people, the Ossetians in the Caucasus are the ancestors of the Alans, and they are genetically close to today's Iranians🔥
@@mr.purple1779 Yes, modern iranians are Arabs and Indians🤔 but they have also some steppe influences. Parthians were one of Scythian tribes that entered Iran and mixed local people. nowadays Balochi are Parthian descent
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat Nowadays Iranians descendants mostly from Zagrossians indigenous habitants of Iranian plateau the steppe contribution is small in them
@@fanzy1338 😂😂How ridiculous is he talking, right? “Al-Biruni states in his work that the Alans lived in Turkmen lands and that their language in his time was a mixture of Khwarezm and Pecheneg.” (Russian Historian, Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Yurievich Yakubovsky - "Советская Этнография" Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House; Leningrad / 1947, p. 324) Khorezmian language was a literary Turkic language of the medieval Golden Horde of Central Asia and Eastern Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries CE. (Bill Hickman (14 October 2015). Turkic Language, Literature, and History: Travelers' Tales, Sultans, and Scholars Since the Eighth Century. Routledge. p. 139) "The language of the Pecheneg Turks is the same as Cuman language." (Paroń, Aleksander (2021). The Pechenegs: Nomads in the Political and Cultural Landscape of Medieval Europe p.92) “Biruni has a writing that the As or Alans previously lived together with the Pechenegs in the lower regions. They reached the Amu Darya and then moved to the shores of the Caspian Sea after this river changed its course. This author also states that the language of these As-Alans is composed of the Pecheneg and Khwarezm languages" (Russian historian and archaeologist, head of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Mikhail Illarionovich Artamonov - "История Xазар" Издательство Государственного Эрмитажа / 1962, p. 407) "Nemeth determined the place of Pecheneg among the Turkic languages and dealt with all the Pecheneg language remains in detail. His first study on the subject, in which he determined the harmony between Pecheneg tribal names and contemporary Turkic linguistic data and believed that he discovered some regularities, was published in 1922. Gyula Nemeth included the Pecheneg language in the Kipchak language class.." (Vörös, Gabor. Notes on the Language and Early History of the Pechenegs Department of Turkology, University of Budapest p.3) "{13. century} Khwārezm language called Turkic language by its early user Nāṣir al-Dīn ibn Burhān al-Dīn Rabghūzī" (M.Van Damme, "Rabghūzī", in Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. by P. Bearman and others, 2nd edn Leiden: Brill, 1960-2005)
@@fanzy1338 oh shit 😂😂😂 Why do all written sources say that the Alans were Turks? "{14th Century AD} Abu'l Fida - Takvim el-Buldan: There is a city in the East of Abkhazia where the Alans live. The Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. There is also a people of the Turkic race called As nearby. They are also a people of the same origin and the same religion as the Alans." (Géographie d'Aboulféda. Traduite de l'arabe en Français. Par M. Reinaud. Tome II. Premiére partie. Paris. 1848. p. 286-287.) "Hungarian scientist and traveler Evgeny Zichi: Ossetians call themselves "Iron" and They call Balkars and Karachays (Turkic People) in Malka and Kuban "Ases".." ("Ossetians through the Eyes of Russian and Foreign Travelers - (XIII-XIX вв.), Ordzhonikidze, p. 283 - [Collection] Зевакина И. С. / Северо-Осетинское книжное изд-во. 1967) "{MS. 13th Century} Said El Magribi - Kitab el-Geography: To the east of Georgia is the country of the Alans. They are Christianized Turks” (Prof. Dr. Ramazan Sheshen (1985). Turks and Turkish Countries According to Islamic Geographers. p.203 - Ankara: Turkish Culture Research Institute Publications) "ALANİ: Megrels call the Karachay Turks living on the north side of the main ridge of the Caucasus, near Elbrus, at the source of the Kuban River, 'Alans'. ALANİ KOÇİ: Strong like the Alans." (Georgian Linguist and Philologist Prof. Dr. İoseb Kipshidze - "Grammatikika Mingrelian (Iversky)-Russian Dictionary" in the section, p.193, Istanbul Saint-Peterburg, Imperial Academy of Natural Sciences, 1914.) "..However, as a rule, these migrations and displacements were speculative and hypothetical rather than historical. All the Turks in Europe; Scythians, Alans, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Uzes, Huns, Avars, Pechenegs and Cumans It was known that they came from Asia.." (Britannian Historian and Philologist Prof. Robert Gordon Latham "THE NATIVE RACES OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE" By R.G.Latham, M.D, , F.R.S. Author Of ", Etc. London: Hippolyte Bailliere, 219, Regent Street; And 290, Broadway, New York, U.S. / 1854 p.219) "The Basians are a branch of the Turkic peoples living around Elbrus in the Caucaus, also called Karachay Turks and Alans.." (Professor Dr. Gustav Jäger - Dictionary of Zoology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 1880, volume 1., p. 360) "({14th Century AD} Ibn Haldun: Kitâb al-'İbar: ..We listed them (the Turks), These are; Tokuz-Oghuz, Tatars, Khitais of the Tamgach country, Karluks, Guz, Khalachs, Gurs, Hifshahs, Khazars, Kipchaks, Iymeks, Alans, Sherkeshs (Türgeshs) and Azkishis." (Balakaev T.B., Kumekov B.E. "Arab and Persian sources on the history of the Kipchaks in the 8th-9th centuries." Alma-Ata, 1987. p.29 - Kitâb al-'İbar P.136 / Russian ) "Askar Mountain (Askar tau) is the name of Mount Elbrus in the Nogay language. Translated from the Nogay language, Askar-tau literally means "Snowy Mountain of the Ases". When Alans-Ases is mentioned, Nogays understand the ancestors of Karachays-Balkars living under the Elbruz Mountains." (Nogay Historian Ashim Sikaliev - "Ногайский Героический Эпос" p.114 - Черкесск: 1994, 328 с. Учный Редактор Профессор X. Г. Короглы) "{13th century} Arab Geographer Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi - Nuhbat Ad-Dahr Fi Ajaib Al-Barr Wa-L-Bahr: ..A gulf 10 miles wide and 30 miles long flows from this sea, flows into the Surdak, Saksin and Qibshak seas, it is a circular sea 200 miles wide, on which there is the city of Surdak, the city of Kafa, the city of Crimea. On its shores are the peoples of the Turkic peoples - Azkesh, Alan, Burtas, Kallabia. The author of the work Tukhfat al-Gara'ib wrote that there is silver in the land of the Alans, which is unparalleled on earth.." (ЗОЛОТООРДЫНСКОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ. 2016. T. 4, № 3 - " Сведения «Нухбат Ад-Дахр Фи Аджаиб Ал-Барр Ва-Л-Бахр Ад-Димашки О Тюркских Племенах Дешт-И Кипчака" - З.С. Ilyasova, I.M. Sabitov Л.Н. Gumileva s. 476) "Two closely related peoples - Alans-Ases - are the direct ancestors of Karachays-Balkars. And Megrels (Western Georgians) still call Karachays - Alans, Ossetians still Balkars - As, and the area where they live "Asiag" (i.e. "Land of As", and Karachays "Stur Asiag.).." (Historian Prof. Dr. Laipanov Kazi Tanaevich - "Ethnogenetic Values of Karachaevo-Balkarian Peoples of the Russian Federation" p.10 Cherkessk/2000) ...In ancient times, the Huns, Scythian nomads and Tatar Alans came from the direction of Tanais and crossed the Ister." (VITAE CAESARUM QUARUM SCRIPTORES HI - C. Suetonius Tranquillus Aelius Spartianus Aelius Lampridius Trebellius Pollio Herodianus Pomponius Laetus Dion Cassius Iulius Capitolinus Vulcatius Gallicanus Flauius Vopiscus Sex. Aurelius Victor Io. - 1546 "National Central Library of Rome" p. 459) "...Others crossed the Vistula under the leadership of King Filifner and advanced eastwards into Sarmatia, but were not well received by the inhabitants of this region, the Alans and Huns, descendants of the Scythians and East Sarmatians. The Alans, the Tatar people, lived in the Asian Sarmatian triangle formed by the Tanais, Volga and Caucasus Mountains. Procopius accurately identifies the places from these mountains to the Caspian Gates and then names the countries we now call Circassia, Kabardia and Dagestan. These Areas are descended from the ancient Scythians who invaded Egypt at a very distant time and made a memorable campaign during the reign of Emperor Vespasianus. This battle-hardened people repelled the Goths, who reached Tanais and could advance no further..." (Charles de Peyssonnel - French historian and diplomat - "OBSERVATIONS HISTORIQUES ET GÉOGRAPHIQUES, Sur Les Peuples Barbares Qui Ont Habité Les Bords Du Danube & Du Pont-Euxin" - Paris, 1765. / p.81 - CHAPITRE VII) "...It is known that the Ases language originated from the Pecheneg tribe living near the Tana and Meot Sea." ("{1st century AD} From the work of Josephus Flavius "Jewish War", 1. p. 454, Meshchersky, Nikita Alexandrovich - M., 1958 / Translation from Greek into Old Russian)
Among the more interesting youtube content i've seen, well done. Subscribed.
The Alans are a fascinating group. They were Iranic-speaking nomads who, during the Hunnic Invasion, migrated westward with their Germanic cousins (who also shared Yamnaya ancestry) such as the Vandals and Goths, and eventually settled in parts of France and Spain. Meanwhile, the Ossetians are direct descendants of the Alans who remained on the steppes, preserving a more direct lineage. What’s remarkable is that the Alans, with their roots in the Yamnaya culture, retained some cultural resemblances to this ancient steppe way of life, even as they intermarried with distant Western European cousins whose own Yamnaya ancestors had migrated west thousands of years earlier.
Though the Ossetians trace a more direct line to the Alans, the legacy of the Alan migration and intermarriage through Europe is still evident, with the name "Alan" common across languages from Slavic to English. The Alans who settled in Brittany also profoundly influenced the military tactics of the Franks and, ultimately, the Normans. Without this Alan-inspired horsemanship and cavalry strategy, the Normans might not have won at the Battle of Hastings-an outcome that could have left England speaking a much purer form of English.
The Allans lived not only of the North Caucasus but in the Lower Don steppes, too. In XVI century, Giosafat Barbaro (the author of "Journey to the Tanais, Persia, India, and Constantinople") wrote that all the steppes around the city of Tana ( modern Azov, Russia) were fulfilled with Allanish tombs, and that the Allans lived in those steppes before the Mongolo-Tatar invasion.
The Allan samples from the North Caucasus are strongly mixed with the local populations.
Among the Don Allans (the Saltovo-Mayaki culture ) the sample DA189 is especially inteeresting, IMHO. He has Y-haplogroup R1 and autosomally has a significant heritage from the Iron Age Scythian nomads, unlike other samples related to the North Caucasus.
It would be great if you could investigate sample DA189.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed. Georgian Mingrelians and Nogais called them Alani
@@Asfarnulisone of the R1a-Z2123 subclades of the Karachais coincides with the Turkic-speaking Uyghurs. They don't look like the Allans, do they?
@@friedrichengels2475 r1a-z2123 is found in the Göktürk royal family Ashina, Khazar aristocrats, and the Cumans and ancient Kyrgyz in the Alans. and r1a-z94 subbranch.
@@friedrichengels2475 This is the falsifying propaganda
1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans.
Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32%
Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15
2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374.
3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
4.Afanasyev G.E., Wang L., Wen Sh., Wei L., Dobrovolskaya M.V., Korobov D.S., Li H., Tong S. Khazar, confederations in the Don press Abstracts of reports from the All-Russian scientific conference
@@friedrichengels2475 Said Al Maghribi - Kitab Al Jagrafiyya - 13th century: “In the east of Georgia is the country of the Alans. "These are Turks who converted to Christianity."
(Sheshen, 1985: Ramazan (1985), The Turks and their countries according to Islamic geography. - p. 203).
Abu-l-Feda - Arab Traveler of the 14th century. Takwim Al Buldan: Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. Nearby there is also a people of the Turkic race called Assy: they are a people of the same origin and the same religion as the Alans.
(Reinaud-MacGuckin de Slane, Aleman Agusti. “Alans in ancient and medieval written sources” p. 202-204)
In Chinese sources, the Alans are listed as a Turkic tribe and are called Alang-ni. In Chinese sources they are also called An-tsi. The Romanians called these people Alani, and the Byzantines called them Asia.
(German Ethnologist EBERHARD, Wolfram. (1942), Northern neighbors of China - p. 153)
I think that Abulfeda's testimony represents the result of precise knowledge and has a certain accuracy. He knew the Karachais and Balkars under the name Alans and Ases and correctly calls them Turks. To this day, the territory of Karachay has been assigned the name Alana (in the mouths of the Mingrelians), and Balkaria has the name Asa...
(Ossetian Historian V. ABAEV About the origin of the Karachais and Balkars. Nalchik, 1960, p. 131)
When we turn to medieval written sources, it is mentioned that the Alans were Turks and spoke Turkish. In addition, the Karachais are the only community in the Caucasus bearing the ethnonyms Alan and As. Ossetians still call the Karachays and Balkars Asi. The real descendants of the Alans are the Karachay-Balkars, not the Ossetians.
(Ossetian Historian Prof. Georgy Kokiev - On the issue of the origin and time of settlement of the Balkars and Karachais on the current lands / 1941. - January 28-29.)
The Irish and Central Asian music feel very strong
This is only one of 16 analyses. all belong to the r1az94 g2ap15 haplogroup
President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay Turkic people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Very Indo-European.
Medieval Alans spoke an Iranian language and carried over 50% Iranian genes. The ancient (original) Alans also spoke an Iranian language and had almost 100% Iranian ancestry and that got watered down as they moved westward into Europe over time.
the Alans still exist there called Ossetians today
Alan not 100% Iranian ancestry
Кто-то очень старается сделать из алан иранцев а это заведомо ложь !Аланы Понтиды Средиземо Балканской Расы как и Черкесы а шесть образцов аланов на Дону показали G2a2,Черкесов, a это мажорная гаплогруппа ,в Т- образных катакомбных захоронениях лежат Понтиды,никакой иранской антропологии в них нет!!! Академик И.А.Джавахишвили доказал ,что языком алан был адыгский язык🎉Какие ещё доказательства вам нужны?Этот ролик ложь от начала и до конца(((😢
@@EbuHanifa80-150yes it is confirmed they are iranic
Said Al Maghribi - Kitab Al Jagrafiyya - 13.c: “To the east of Georgia is the land of the Alans. “These are Turks who converted to Christianity.”
(Sheshen Ramazan: (1985), Turks and their countries according to Islamic geography. - P. 203)
Abu-l-Feda - Takwim Al Buldan, Arab traveler of the 14th century: Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. Nearby there is also a people of the Turkish race called Asu: they are a people of the same origin and religion as the Alans.
(Reinaud-MacGuckin de Slane, Aleman Agusti. “Alans in ancient and medieval written sources” p. 202-204)
When we look at medieval written sources, it is mentioned that the Alans were Turks and spoke Turkish. In addition, the Karachais are the only community in the Caucasus bearing the ethnic names Alan and As. Ossetians still call Karachais and Balkars rebels. Consequently, the real descendants of the Alans are the Karachay Turks, in contrast to the Ossetians.
(Ossetian Historian Prof. Georgy Kokiev - On the issue of the origin and time of settlement of the Balkars and Karachais on the current lands / 1941. - January 28-29. p. 221)
In Chinese sources, the Alans are listed as a Turkic tribe and are called Alang-ni. In Chinese sources they are also called An-qi. The Romans called these people Alans, and the Byzantines called them As.
(German Ethnologist EBERHARD, Wolfram. (1942), China's Northern Neighbors - p. 153)
President of the Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia, professor of history Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the real descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkars” (interview of Vadim Dubnov with Sergei Arutyunov, March 10). , 2017) note: Arutyunov also claims that the Alans spoke Iranian.
“Just as the various tribes of the Germans failed to do so, the Visigoths, Franco-Alemannics, Vandals, Alan Turks and even the Greeks (Byzantines) in the Levant failed to conquer the Spanish-Roman communities.”
(Jose Manuel Gomez-Tabanera. Origin and formation of the peoples of Spain // Soviet ethnography. - No. 5. - M., 1966.)
At the beginning of the 19th century. The famous Hungarian scientist and traveler EUGENE ZICHI: “...Ossetians call the Balkars and Karachais in Malka and Kuban “Ases.”
(“Ossetians through the eyes of Russian and foreign travelers”, Ordzhonikidze, 1967, p. 283).
“The most important fact of the ethnographic tradition of the Karachais is that even today the Karachais use the word Alan to address each other... In fact, we have before us the ancient self-name of the Karachay-Balkars.”
(Circassian Researcher S.H. Khotko. Karachay - Country at the top of the Caucasus. Essays on the history and culture of Karachay, pp. 12-13 - Maykop: OJSC "Poligraph YUG", 2011. - 448 p.)
“The Basians are found in the valleys near Elbrus in the North Caucasus, they are also called Karachais or Alans.”
(Dated November 2, 1846, No. 46 of the newspaper “Caucasus”, Tiflis.)
“The Karachay Tatars, or Alans, live in the northern parts of the Caucasian Alps and are mainly engaged in cattle breeding.”
(Khan M. About the tribes of the world. Petersburg, 1864, part 3, p. 133)
The Norwegian professor Thor Heyerdahl argued that Odin belonged to the Aesir, as stated in mythology, and the Aesir were Alans, who were called "Aces" in the Caucasus. Swedish historian Erling Kittelsen also stated that the real descendants of Alan are the Karachai Turks. You can view the section of the Historical Conference by writing "Всемирная конференция учёных о АЛАНАХ (КАРАЧАЕВО-БАЛКАРЦАХ)"
Unfortunately, the late Caucasian Alans are not representative of the original nomads. They were very mixed with Caucasians. There no one has a significant contribution from historical nomads.
Yeah. Even Roman sources mentioned that they assimilated many natives.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
@@Asfarnulis Haplogroup is 2% DNA.
@@mr.purple1779 This is the channel's falsifying propaganda
1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans.
Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32%
Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15
2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374.
3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
4.Afanasyev G.E., Wang L., Wen Sh., Wei L., Dobrovolskaya M.V., Korobov D.S., Li H., Tong S. Khazar, confederations in the Don press Abstracts of reports from the All-Russian scientific conference
alans, , come in visigoth times , there is lots of alany descendants in portugal brasil they are the first people of bhaplogroup line j1 to leave the caucasus to russia j1- l136 , they branched of from the main haplogroup some of alani branch in ftdna for someone to see
Liked your video but I once read the Alan's usually had light eyes, blue or green. Also that even though a nomadic people unlike most from the Steppes they used spears from horseback and not bows and were used as heavy shock Cavalry by the Hun's who they were allied with in its attacks on both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Supposedly this is where the word Uhlan comes from and was a derivative of the name Alan.
Interesting stuff, I remember reading about the Alans travelling through Spain near the end of the Roman Empire but there was not much information on their origins. 👍🏻
Maybe Alans are related to Vandals, idk..
This is only one of 16 analyses. all belong to the r1az94 g2ap15 haplogroup
President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay Turkic people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Thank you.👍🏻
@@marcusaetius9309 you are welcome
@@Asfarnulisвы потомки кипчаков,которые предали нас Алан . Вы и во время ВОВ предали страну.
Вы небыли никогда воинами
Could you make a video for Arzhan Sycthians?
Very truthful up front, At the video was very entertaining and Interesting. RAM ON!.
I know some of the Alans were use against the Huns during 5th century by Aetius.
Yes. Allans of Sangibanus.
Thanks for making this can you please make a ethnicity estimate of a ancient Khmer person.
Very interesting and cool results! He was crearly a native of this zone, because he has Asian and European genes. Can you share the results of ancient german tribes, like the alamans and germanic barbarians?
By Asian it’s central not east both are cuacsiod natives in Europe and Central Asia
Central Asians are MIXED. They been mixed since EIGHTH CENTURY B C. According to micheonrial DNA of ancient Central Asians.
Central Asians are an ambiguous term. The people could look like "Europeans" like some Tajiks, could look Turkic/Mongol like Kazakh, or also mixed. And both are indigenous to the region.
@@tichtran8792Not true. Central Asia was not East Asian largely until the Turks arrival in the 6th century CE. There was some East Asian influence from the Saka that had migrated past the Altai mountains and then migrated back west, bringing eastern genetics with them, but then getting watered down by native genes again. Before the Turks, the genetics of Central Asia was mostly Iranian, Tocharian and BMAC.
@@AryaOghuz Look up ancient Central Asians DNA. Especially micheonrial DNA by Dr. Tom Gilbert.
Cool results 🙂👍 English + Irish, Scottish and Welsh + East European is Steppe (Yamna) gene. I expected some Scandinavian and Balkan also but it's ok. Regards
@Werner D Very possible
It is celtish dna
@@rudynathan8852 Not Celtic but rather Yamna because Celts derive from Pontic Steppe people not vice versa. Modern Caucasians, Turks, Britons, Scotts, Irish etc have mutual ancestors found in Yamna Culture whose people spread in all directions even towards China.
The Iazyges (or Jazygians) were one such constituent sub-group, usually described as being Sarmatians (although there was very little difference between them and the Alani). In time the general Sarmatian confederation settled much of southern European Russia and the eastern Balkans. Like the closely-related Scythians, they were highly developed horse-riding warriors.
5,500 Sarmatians (recently conquered) whom the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius brought to Scotland to garrison Hadrian’s Wall in 175 C.E. Researchers have also hypothesized that Sarmatians may be the source of the R1b Y-DNA found in the Scottish border regions. (McCulloch is F2935+, while R1a1a Ashkenazi Levites are F2935-; F2935, like CTS6, is an SNP that is downstream from F1345.)
Dan were cousins to the Levites, in the bible, it says many Levites left with the tribe of Dan, they lived on their ships.
According to Judges
5:17, the tribe of Dan stayed on ships, while Asher sat at the seashore. The writer of Judges may have implied that the Danites were different from the other tribes and originated elsewhere. The tribe of Dan is known for being associated with seafaring, law and order, and cunning. They are also known for producing Samson, a legendary Israelite judge and warrior.
Both the Irish and Scottish McCullough have the same coat of arms. The McCulloch coat of arms, which depicts three wolves, is shared by both the Irish and Scottish McCullough.
The Sumerian word for warrior is Ur-sag, where Ur means both Dog and Wolf, sag means Head or Top, or the word Urgula means both Lion and Great Dog, the word "sa" means Red, the Ursa (Bear) means Red Dog. Cynosura is the ancient name for the constellation Ursa Minor, which in ancient Greek times was thought to represent a dog, not a bear.
They would sacrifice a Red Dog to Canicula, the Dog Star Sirius, it means Puppy Dog, this was done before the 70 day drop below the horizon, the word Setanta means 70, the name of Cú Chulainn or Cú Coileán, meaning "Hound Whelp, Coileán means Young fighting man, a warrior, and a Trickster. Setanta means "He who known the Way", the wolf head war god Wepwawet "Opener of the Way". On both the Egyptian and Babylonia star maps, a Standing Wolf riding a plow seen in place of Ursa Minor, The hieroglyph for Wepwawet is the Standing Wolf on a Plow, the 'sa' hieroglyph means 'protection' or 'lifesaver'.
I'm a McCullough, Weylyn means "Son of the Wolf", Lewallyn means "Like a Lion". Wepwawet was the Son of Seth, the 7 stars we call The Big Dipper, associated with the 7 Rishi or move the last "i" to the front 7 Irish sages. Wepwawet Protector of the Belly, seen as the Head of Draco, the Seed Cup hanging on the Plough Handle holding Damu, the Swine Star, known as the Child, son of Pabilsag "Chief Ancestor", the Dog Star Sirius was his Flaming Arrow, Damu was known as the God of Rebirth, link to Jesus, spell Jesus backwards, "Susej" or "Sausage", in Hebrew, Saul means "Prayed for", a sage is a Wise Teacher, a Rishi.
Where did the King Arthur story come from?
The significant amount of Turkic loanwords in modern Ossetic bears
witness to the fact that in the ancient past there were intensive contacts between the ancestors of modern-day Ossetians and the Turkic world.
@@fzlc7425 poorsian when he realizes he is a gypsy and not indo european chad lol
@@selahattinkaskc8668 gypsy are dravidian elamite
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat like this 👳🏾♂️?
You have it the other way around. The massive amount of loan words comes from Iranian languages INTO Turkic languages
Alan like many other Northern Iranic peoples (Scythians, Saka, Parthians) from Central Asia were part of the Sarmatian group and well known for their horsemanship. This is LONG before the word Turk even existed and LONG before Oriental Turks moved westward into Central Asia for the Pan Turkist kirkhora here. Alan's modern descendants are the Ossetian people.
Sarmatian are sons of Scythians
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat Yes Sarmatians & Saka were Scythians themselves. The point is they are an Iranic people LONG before Turks ever came to Central Asia PERIOD.
@@IranLur I don't care, my ancestors were one of those Iranic people called Sogdians😐
But i speak Turkic
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat Your tribe was Turkified which is why you speak Turkic now. But original Sogdian only spoke Iranic language not turkic.
@@IranLur iskit göçebelerin çoğu neden günümüz türk halklarına daha çok yakın peki
Helal olsun Decimali!
Do maykop_late culture next please
Do Saka scythian
Khazars, Ligurian and Etruscans please
All of Eurasia is Turkic from Portugal to Japan. Africans, too.
R1a is only Turkic too. Indo-Europeans never existed.
turkgay 💩
@Werner D It's a troll for the Panturks. They took it seriously 😂 I think every normal person can sense the irony in this
The Universe? Turkic.
@@minmodsefa It's a troll for the Panturks. They took it seriously 😂 I think every normal person can sense the irony in this
What is the music ? Sounds really familiar, like a church hymn?
I Vow To Thee My Country
@@TempleofBrendaSong Thanks so much for the name.
@@TempleofBrendaSong Thx 👍🏼 this theme gives Lord of the rings vibes
R1a1, shown around 150,000 people in south-east of South Korea. Their ancestors probably came from Scythia to Silla 1500 years ago.
There are so many beautiful girls in Kyungsangdo of South Korea, especially Daegu city.
Aren’t they Koreanic looking?
Don't worry, they don't look like you.
Yes I saw Korean tourists, they are soo beautiful ❤
@@뽀뽀함하자잉 Haha kimchi girls should date more Buryat Mongol or north Asian guys😂
@@barguttobed why are you so racist, they are so beautiful and look like innocent children
Paternal Lineage
Your haplogroup is:
Born between 35 and 28 thousand years ago, haplogroup I represents one of the first peoples of Europe, having several descendant lineages that spread throughout the European territory during the last Ice Age, having its maximum frequency in the Balkans. It is one of the most numerous haplogroups among European males, being the second largest paternal lineage found on the continent (second only to the R lineage). Its I1 branch is related to Nordic Europe, ancestor of Germanic tribes and Vikings, while I2 is strongly related to Neolithic cultures.

Y-chromosomal Adam
160 to 120 thousand years
A: Africa
140 to 90 thousand years
BT: Africa
85 to 60 thousand years
CT: Africa
80 to 60 thousand years
CF: Leaving Africa
75 to 60 thousand years
F: Leaving Africa
62 to 57 thousand years
IJ: Haplogroup parent of I and J
45 to 30 thousand years
I: Eastern Eurasia
35 to 28 thousand years
I have multiple ancestry result.15.8% German. Dutch French 5.7% Irish Scottish Welsh 16 3 % Italian 4% Ukrainian 8 % Portuguese..36.5% Nigerian 11.5 % Kenya 6.2 West African 2% Mbuti Congo 3% Mande 10.9% Mesoamerican Andean 1 % Indigenous Amazonian...I have colored eyes of Paternal Haplogroup is . I1 ...Brazil
I have been watching a lot of DNA videos including yours and I am now pretty sure that the Celts of Ireland, Scotland and Wales originate from Eastern Europe/Caucasus regions. In the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, it states the Scots came from 'Great Scythia' and I have heard stories the Irish came from North Caucasus/Ossetia and Anatolia to Spain and then up. They share a lot of symbols too. Celtic DNA is showing up on your other ancient northern Asian videos as well as this one. Would you be able to do a video on gene MC1R please ? Or if not someone from Udmurtia? Both Celtic and Udmurts have a high % of redheadedness and carry this gene, would be great to find a link between them
Great !
They are à part on indo-européans
All wrong.
Celts are from central europe and Irish/Scottish people mostly descend from british Bell-Beakers, not true Celts.
Stop spreading lies.
@@minmodsefa I am not a liar thank you very much. I am just mentioning what I have seen on hundreds of DNA videos and noticed that Irish/Scottish and Welsh DNA shows up in small amounts on peoples results that you wouldn't expect, like Eastern European/Central Asians for example. The Declaration of Arbroath does quote that and symbols like the triquetra are found in Caucasus region. If they aren't true Celts, then why are they labelled as such ? As a British person with this DNA and high amount of Scandinavian, I am curious about my ancestors and where they migrated from. If we view the vids on this channel, then don't we all have this curiosity?
@@karensacelik3674 Because MyHeritage is garbage and isn't meant for old samples, like this one
British/Irish people have high Steppe ancestry, that's why it gets confused
The Ossetic vocabulary mirrors long-standing and intensive Turkic contacts. The way of the borrowing may be difficult to determine, since many copied Turkic words are also found in other Ponto-Caspian languages.
Stfu up turkfied Armenian
Why are you on every video about anything steppe or Iranian related and you always bring up Turkic stuff. I’ve seen you literally everywhere, denouncing Greeks, talking about the greatness of the ottomans, how Turkic war stirrups were the greatest thing ever. It’s really obvious you are a Turkish nationalist. The meme-ness of your profile picture really tells me a lot about your internet nationalist beliefs, you probably use memes to convey your Turkocentric bs ideas. I’m sure everyone’s a Turk to you. Iranians? Turks. Tocharians? Turks. Magyars? Just Turks. Greeks? Should be Turks. Armenians? What Armenians? I’ve never heard of them. It’s funny considering most Turkish people have very little genetics from the proper Turks. Hope you got a dna test because chances are your worshipping people who wouldn’t consider you anywhere near one of them. It’s ironic considering you call the Iranians in Central Asia who claim to be Sogdian assimilated when you and your whole nation are an example of this. Very ironic
@@fzlc7425 Reported for being racist and harrasment.
Yes it has minimal Turkic influence but it's still very much an Iranian language clearly. Shares more similarities to Kurdish or Pashto than any Turkic languages
I'm curious how you get samples cos myHeritage requires saliva swab.
@Serbonian Bog i see. thanks.
Isn't more than strange ‽ Well known they moved to todays spain and portugal , and france too : Orleans region . But we have in hungary , the jász people [ jazig's ] the alans closest relatives . AND " ONES UPON THE TIME , AD 451 JULY 04-05= HALF OF THEM WAS WITH ATTILA THE HUN [ NEAR CATALUME ] THE OTHER HALF [ THE READY SETTLED AROUND ORLEANS ] FIGHTED AGAINST ATTILA . DOES HOW WAS AGAINS ATTILA , ALL WAS KILLED FOR BETRAINING THEY RELATIVES HUN - SARMATA - JÁSZ - ETC . RELATIEVES . Etc...
This is falsifying propaganda
1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans.
Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32%
Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15
2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374.
3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
Weird as if somebody is called Alan in say Newcastle that might be partly true. How did the Alan connection to England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland arise? Is it some sort of cousin tribe migration earlier, or during Roman period or during the black death?
Have you watched the movie King Arthur with Clive Owen 2004? The story is of course largely made up, but as a hypothesis it will do, there was also a story about Sarmatian horsemen, these are basically related nationalities
This is true. 6000 Sarmatian cavalry were stationed along hadrians wall as foederati of the Roman Empire. They most likely mixed with the local population and their genetics can still be seen in England today. I believe the Sarmatians stationed there were Iazyges who would have been closely related to Alan's. Nothing is conclusive but it is an interesting hypothesis
This is falsifying propaganda
1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans.
Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32%
Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15
2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374.
3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
@@alanmountain5804 well, that Alan if any and in very small amount, us found in the British isles is dueto mercenaries in the Roman army or Celtic migrant population from northern France that had Alan DNA, but
NEVER an invasion, there never came to the British isles.
Сармато Аланы были в Великобрииании.Там масса Асетинских названий топонимов,гидронимов☝@@BETOETE
I get the other stuff I believe, however, how did English get in there?
that part in the video is groundless, the history tell us that the Alans did settled and mixed in Normandy and Western part of the Iberian peninsula, NEVER in the British isles and if any Alan DNA is found was due to the celtic migration from the northern France.
@@BETOETE i do carry some alan dna becvause i belong to the same haplogroup branch i share , my origins as the alan not because i'm directly descendant of them i belong to diferent branch of people they branched of 18000 years ago from main branch, j1-l 136
Ilirian please
I don't get it right, according to the video there is Alan DNA in the British isles or am I wrong?because as far as I know there was never presence of Alans there but in northern France (Normandy) and western Iberian peninsula.
Они везде побывали
there is plenty of Allinsons in the UK son of Allen son of Alan same thing, this videos aren't 100% as it's clear is done with some political influences I know in Spain there is plenty of their influence with their invasion the moors where Alans just they keep changing their names and keep us in the dark with false history.
Сармато Аланы были по всей Великобрииании.Там масса топонимов,гидронимов с Асетинскими названиями,а Асетины Ироны и есть Сармато -Аланы.
how a sample in Russia can be carrying English DNA??
@@danythrinbell1596 what timeframe are you talking about? that's not impossible, a DNA exam on the cadaver of a viking soldier in Great Britain showed slavish DNA, he came with the Norwegian troops.
Аланы были ,есть ❤и будут !
Алания Осетия❤ Ирон Адæм!!!
@@INGUSCHIMAMAEBISILA Осетины не Алан. Ирон Народа
@@Asfarnulis ты наверное😅 из "героического" народа кипчаков или инцестгушей ?!?
Wait .. on 3:20 .. Alans are not related to modern Ossetians at all ??
r1a-z93 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
Асетины единственные Асы Аланы в природе.Остальные-предатели своих предков, которые хотят стать Асетинами😂😂😂😂
@@Asfarnulisкарачаи татары кипчако половецкой группы.у них нет ничего Ир Ас Аланского.Зато все кипчакское-самоназвание,язык,верования кумыс,кьазы,бешбармакъ,кьайра,одним словом конина.Так что с любым днк карачиоли это татары кипчако половцы
Make video about CHG or Ingush please 🙏🏼
So Alan’s genetically more close to modern Chechens , Kumiks and Ingush 🙌🏼
@ver_idem yeah I’ve seen
and Tabasaran. Ethnic from Dagestan
@@aahh7798ossetians are not alans lol.
Ни генетически,ни как вообще вы не Аланы☝☝☝Аланы индоарии, а вы?Язык Аланский это Асетмнский☝☝☝☝
Decimali love nomadic cultures 😂❤
La uiss il est intéressant pour une fois
How did Amerindian DNA get mixed in?
It’s Amerindians who carry DNA from westasia, South Asia, Eurasian steppes.
Makes sense because latest inhabited geography in world was America.
It's linked to ancient north eurasian
Perfect indo european yamnaya
Alans are 8% English😂 when you go to Vladikavkaz you will notice that😂 my heritage really makes funny picks
turn off music please...
Alan means in Turkish "treeless and flat clearing in the forest, bare plain in the forest or open, flat and wide place". I mean, this people needed wide place as pastoralist.
Alan is the nana of a mountiain in west iran.
Why they have british DNA?
This is falsifying propaganda
1.President of the Russian Union of Anthropologists and Ethnologists, Professor Sergei Arutyunov: “Ethnically, the true descendants of the Alans are not the Ossetians, but the Karachay-Balkar people.”
(Interview with Vadim Dubnov, March 10, 2017)
2.Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
3. It was determined that individuals in a total of 16 Alan graves located in Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki, Don river mostly belonged to r1a-z94 + g2a1-p15. Only in one of them, q-m242 was found to be related to only 4 families in Chechens "Q-YP4000". However, the haplogroup with the highest rate was r1a-z94. It is fraudulent to present it as if it were the genetics of all Alans.
Karachay characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94-z2123 36% + g2a-p15 32%
Alanian characteristic y-dna: r1a-z94 + g2a-p15
2.Damgaard, Peter de Barros; et al. (May 2018). "137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes". nature 557 (7705): 369-374.
3. "Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В // Есте ственнонаучные methods гии. М. 2015. С. 146-153"
Both have same great uncle
Oh blimey, it's Alan
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
@@AsfarnulisТы когда-нибудь заткнешся?
Quiere decir que están emparentandos con los indoeuropeos iranios que en su origen eran pueblos con piel ,ojos y pelo muy claros.Después,se mezclaron con pueblos de la meseta de Irán y otros lugares, creando a los iranios actuales.
The original indo-europeans we're dark haired, dark eyed, and had intermediate color skin
OMG, I don't know which country is sponsoring this much lies. Ethnicity estimate of Alans? Haha 😅 Alan basically ancient form of Iran. Alans were Iranians PERIOD.
It is interesting to note that the modern Ossetian language shows a much higher degree of loanwords from Turkic than from neighboring Caucasian languages (Nakh, Adyghe, Kartvelian).32
Нет там ни хрена тюркского..задообали уже
Not true. Ossetian people (Alans) were historical enemies of Turks. The two people did not like each other. One is Iranian and one is Turk
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
А вы не допускаете, что заимствовали тюрки у осетин? Вы лично присутствовали при этом заимствовании?
total contradiction when descried fair complexion yet you picture him as brown and dark...umm.
Müzik çok abartı. Sal bi qafe dinleyek
Decimali birde burada göstermiş olduğunuz Alan insanlarının Orta Asya dan Kafkasya ya göç etmiş olduğunu biliyoruz buradaki Alan insanı ile eskiden Aral gölü ve Ceyhun nehri üzerinde yaşamış olan Alan ve As lar da aynı böylemiydi acaba 🤔 bu Alan ve As kabilelerinin bizim Oğuz Türkleri nin içinde yer alması çok muhtemeldir.
Shut up greek
Doğrudur. Bu tip paylaşımların pek çoğu zaten bilinçli kara propaganda.
@@dnaguy4769 He is a Türk. You are reported for racism and provocation.
Lol no Alans were Iranian people. Had nothing to do with Turks. Khazar Turks and Mongols were their enemies
@@vagabond57097Alan ve As halkı Ceyhun nehri yani Amuderya nehri civarlarında yaşıyorlardı daha sonra Kafkasya ya göç ettiler, eski Çin kaynaklarında Alan lardan Tiele kabilesi olarak söz edilir Tiele kabileleri Orta Asya ya yaşayan bu günkü bizlerin büyük ataları olan topluluklardı, Alanlar bu günkü Türk halklarının atalarından olan Gavçığların egemenliği altına girmiş çünkü eski Çin kaynaklarında Alanların Gavçığların bir boyu olarak söz ediliyor. Hatta bu gün Türkiye de Alanlar adlı topluluk vardır ve Kürt halkının içinde yaşamaktadırlar ve Kürtçe konuşurlar
Why he is distance closer to Chechen not to Ossetians?
Because the Alans did not make a significant contribution in the Caucasus, but minimally assimilated everywhere in the Caucasus.
@@mr.purple1779 Modern Ossetians still their descendants but heavily mixed with locals of course
@@barguttobed not, if only linguistic and then how it happened.
@@barguttobed In terms of haplogroups, Ossetians mostly have the Caucasian branch of G2a.
@Werner D There's no 800-900AD. This is a medieval man mixed in the Caucasus. The early and late Alans were associated with the East Eurasian nomads of the Volga-Ural region.
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed. Georgian Mingrelians and Nogais called them Alani
КБ с любыми генами являются татарами кипчако половецкой группы со всем их,,багажом"--конина,бешбармакъ,къазы,бузы,къумыс, къайра , самоназвания,верования,язык,обычаи итд итп.Асы Аланы это индоарии, Асетины Ироны Ариане.
@@Alanian_09 нет они не относятся к Индовриям Ир Ас Аланам.Это их сочинееия новенькие.Они исенно Капачаевцы и балкарцы.
@@Alanian_09 это басни и сказочки ихние.Принадлежность к этносу,а именно к индоариям Ир Ас Аланам определяют не днк а именно--язык,верования,обычаи,мифология,культура,эпосы☝☝☝когда на основании этого всего человек относит себя к тому или иному этносу.А днк человек может иметь любой. Этим к народу невозможно себя отнести.А у карачаевцев -язык,верования,обычаи,самоназвание,быт итд итп все кипчако половецкое.☝☝☝
И это доказано мировой академмческой наукой.Споры бесполезны и пусты.
@@Alanian_09 karachai no Ir As Alans people,no!Karahcai is - kipchak-guns people.Alans is indoarian people.☝☝☝
V good result
Another Turkic tribe with which Alans came in contact in the 5th and 6th century was Bulgars and then Khazars who pushed the Alan state beyond the river Terek . Alania was a vassal state of Khazars for two centuries .
3.51 Iranian neolithc 33%❤🔥
My dad Kashmiri is 60% Iranian neolithc
You're accepting being an gypsy.
Its probably more like CHG than iran neolithic
Alan... Alan... like General Aspar, the Alan? ... Is Caucasus-Alan the same like late-antiquity Alan?
Where was Aspar buried? - Could we dig him up, and try to sample his DNA?
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%) alano-scythian characteristic r1a-z2123. something was missed
@@Asfarnulis😂😂😂😂татарин кипчако половец стремяга стать индоарием Асетином...дожили...
As we can see Alans are not iranic only. Actually all R1a and R1b related people are originated from central asia as saka/sumer/hun. In my opinion, Sumers were ancestors of Saka/Scythians and originated from Huns.
We can see both R1a, R1b ydna and A, W, I, X mtdna asiatic haplogroups of europe originated from altaian siberia. These are saka, sumerian people of central asia migrated directly in this route from central asia over west asia, central europe to west europe... They have originally spoken dene-caucasian languages (dene-yeniseian, sumerian, north caucasian, tyrrhenian-vasconic), but converted to indoeuropean time by time during their journey.
No they are Iranian people. This is proven by their language alone
@@vagabond57097 Can you show me their writings in indoeuropean? No, because it does not exist. You just want that they were speaking indoeuropean, nothing more.
Moreover they have high connection with modern north cuacasians: andic, lezgic, chechen people genetically.
@@serkankinden5150 What are you talking about Ossetian is literally descended from Alan language 😂😂😂 I don’t have to prove anything, Ossetian as a language is already evidence that Alans spoke an Iranian language. Alan is a cognate for ‘Aryan’ by the way. And ‘Aryan’ literally means ‘Iranian’. They even call themselves Iranian in their own name!
Apparently, they were mainly natives of the Caucasus
Their genetics are similar to modern Caucasian natives (with some Hunnic admixture).
they clearly mixed with caucasians
English Irish Scottish 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
r1a-z94 Kafkas yerlilerinde çok düşük orandadır. Kafkasya'da en yüksek orana (%36) Karaçay Türkleri sahiptir. r1a-z2123 alano-scythian characteristic
Caucasian+white+turkic and zero iranian lol, some gypsies gonna be mad.
@@barguttobed you are gypsy as well mongol 🤣
@@selahattinkaskc8668 Mongols are very beautiful, I saw them and they are really handsome,
@@eytharburhan8869 Wut 🤨 You said we aren’t beautiful but breathtakingly handsome
@@barguttobed yes, many people like Korean series because Koreans are good looking, my sister is one of them 😄
@@barguttobed I am sorry I meant very beautiful but that was an error
Единственные прямые потомки АЛАН-Осетины☝️все остальные верси и фантазии это полная шляпа.
İf this Man was persian or iranic where is the south asian part of his genome? Editor also said they had halogrup Q. He has central asian. So we can easily say he was mix of siberian and Yamnaya culture. İf he had amur river hunter gatherers we could say he was a Turkic root. İn the G25 results it says kymyk, karachay, Balkar who are native caucasus Turkic tribes. He would be a descanders of şeyh Şamil. He was not circasian or adige . He was an avar noble of Dagestan.
Respect all ideas. But he was not iranic
🐽🐽🐽 its called gedrosia.
The gedosia were native of centrel asia
Before whites and Mongols like u entered
@Werner D when l read your comments son, my mind blowup
Iranics dont have south asian ancestry.
Doğru. Bilinçli kara propaganda yapılmış.
@@fzlc7425 Reported for racism and harrasment.
Russian geneticist Anatole Klyosov On the genetic origin of the Alans/Interview 2018: If we look at the y-DNA samples of the Alans, we can assume that the Karachay Turks are the closest people to the Alans, unlike the local Caucasian peoples and Ossetians.
Клесов шарлатан делец бизнесмен.За бабки он вас и Атлантами назовет😂😂😂😂Не просто так ведь карачаи ему обещали дом у озера построить, и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он их Асетинами Аланами назвал😂😂😂В итоге он все же признался,что не смотря ниина какие днк карачаи никак не Асетины Аланы,а татары кипчако половецкой группы.
Клесов шарлатан делец бизнесмен.За бабки он вас и Атлантами назовет😂😂😂😂Не просто так ведь карачаи ему обещали дом у озера построить, и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он их Асетинами Аланами назвал😂😂😂В итоге он все же признался,что не смотря ниина какие днк карачаи никак не Асетины Аланы,а татары кипчако половецкой группы.
Тюрки карачаевцы кипчако половецкой группы с каких это пор стали близки к Асетинам Иронам(Аланам)????😂😂😂Аланы индоарии со своим Асетинским языком,верованиями,обычаями,мифологией,эпосами, чего у вас кипчаков не было и нет.А Клесов лапшу вам на уши повесил а вы с радостью с ней носитесь по всему интернету,что вы кипчаки вдруг стали Ас Аланами -Иронами😂😂😂Не зря же вы Клесову обещали дом у озера подарить и улицу в честь него назвать, лишь бы он вас провозгласил,,алянчиками"😂😂😂😂Зх вы, гардаши...предков своих выкидываете,называя при этом соседа своим папкой...харам☝☝☝
@@HoVietKa Осетины никогда не были аланами. Даже ваш знаменитый историк Петр Козаев это отрицает. 🤣🤣
@@HoVietKa Напротив, тот факт, что вы отвергаете своих коренных предков и относите себя к аланам, предкам карачаевцев, переселившихся с Горного Алтая, показывает, насколько вы стыдитесь своего прошлого.
Weren't Arians
Caucasian origin
r1a-z94 is at a very low rate in Caucasian natives. In the Caucasus, Karachay Turks have the highest rate (36%). r1a-z2123
They are Aryans
Oghuz Turks =Eastern Oghurs(Huns)+ Alans+ Sogdians+ And assimilation by Western Gokturks
According to these results Alans were a Cauacasian tribe, not Iranian.
Аланы происходили от Мидийцев,а мидийцы проживали на территориях современного Азербайджана ,на территории современной восточной Грузии и на территории центрального кавказского хребта .. и были Мидийцы иранского(арийского) происхождения.
@L-I-X ты наверное информацию плохо усваиваешь или читать не умеешь?
Genetics is not the same as Identity. Alans were Iranian people. Just because they are not genetically similar to Persians doesn't mean they aren't Iranian. Persians aren't the only Iranian people. Alans spoke Iranian language
@@kakopaidi1263no , Medes were a western-Iranian peoples like Persians and Parthians, Alan's and scythians were an eastern Iranian speaking people , the two branches split some 4500 years ago and each established separate civilizations , the Scythans and Alans were considered as un-Iranians,Turanians(the enemy) by the Iranians ( Persians), being an iranic or Iranuan -speaking people doesn't make them Iranian nationals or descendants of the western Iranians ( aka Middle Eastern Iranuans ( Persians, parthians and medes)
All the Indo-European peoples were once in the plains of Russia and Ukraine, and then they migrated to far away places and spread their language and culture. The Alani are the descendants of the Scythians, who formed the Alani kingdom in the Caucasus in the Middle Ages. The main birthplace of Iranian peoples was in the north of the Caspian Sea, some of them migrated to the Iranian plateau. So it is natural that Persians and Kurds are mostly mixed with Elamites and Alanis with Caucasians. It is ethnolinguistic to classify different ethnic groups. The people of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan have nothing in common in terms of DNA but both are classified as Turkic ethnic groups. However Caucasians and Iranians are not so different.
Music for English😅
The Iranian Alans are one of the prides of the great Aryan people, the Ossetians in the Caucasus are the ancestors of the Alans, and they are genetically close to today's Iranians🔥
Yes, today's Iranians are close to the Arabs.
@@mr.purple1779nope turkgay fa9
@Aryan Brahmin Tiger Natufians are not Arabs, but a farmer.
@@mr.purple1779 Yes, modern iranians are Arabs and Indians🤔
but they have also some steppe influences.
Parthians were one of Scythian tribes that entered Iran and mixed local people.
nowadays Balochi are Parthian descent
@@kasyakyoubfgamindikisborat Nowadays Iranians descendants mostly from Zagrossians indigenous habitants of Iranian plateau the steppe contribution is small in them
a turkic race
Turkgay no
@@fzlc7425 you are indian, not turk
@@MrEVAQ im your father too
last time u said that turks originated in the Americas..
@@ilovegenetic due to he is a troll to insult turks
Ingush please ❤
Look like serbian
Alan language are turkic
Wtf 😂
No, they language is Iranian
@@fanzy1338 😂😂How ridiculous is he talking, right?
“Al-Biruni states in his work that the Alans lived in Turkmen lands and that their language in his time was a mixture of Khwarezm and Pecheneg.” (Russian Historian, Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Yurievich Yakubovsky - "Советская Этнография" Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House; Leningrad / 1947, p. 324)
Khorezmian language was a literary Turkic language of the medieval Golden Horde of Central Asia and Eastern Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries CE.
(Bill Hickman (14 October 2015). Turkic Language, Literature, and History: Travelers' Tales, Sultans, and Scholars Since the Eighth Century. Routledge. p. 139)
"The language of the Pecheneg Turks is the same as Cuman language."
(Paroń, Aleksander (2021). The Pechenegs: Nomads in the Political and Cultural Landscape of Medieval Europe p.92)
“Biruni has a writing that the As or Alans previously lived together with the Pechenegs in the lower regions. They reached the Amu Darya and then moved to the shores of the Caspian Sea after this river changed its course. This author also states that the language of these As-Alans is composed of the Pecheneg and Khwarezm languages" (Russian historian and archaeologist, head of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Mikhail Illarionovich Artamonov - "История Xазар" Издательство Государственного Эрмитажа / 1962, p. 407)
"Nemeth determined the place of Pecheneg among the Turkic languages and dealt with all the Pecheneg language remains in detail. His first study on the subject, in which he determined the harmony between Pecheneg tribal names and contemporary Turkic linguistic data and believed that he discovered some regularities, was published in 1922. Gyula Nemeth included the Pecheneg language in the Kipchak language class.."
(Vörös, Gabor. Notes on the Language and Early History of the Pechenegs Department of Turkology, University of Budapest p.3)
"{13. century} Khwārezm language called Turkic language by its early user Nāṣir al-Dīn ibn Burhān al-Dīn Rabghūzī"
(M.Van Damme, "Rabghūzī", in Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. by P. Bearman and others, 2nd edn Leiden: Brill, 1960-2005)
@@fanzy1338 oh shit 😂😂😂 Why do all written sources say that the Alans were Turks?
"{14th Century AD} Abu'l Fida - Takvim el-Buldan: There is a city in the East of Abkhazia where the Alans live. The Alans are Turks who converted to Christianity. There is also a people of the Turkic race called As nearby. They are also a people of the same origin and the same religion as the Alans."
(Géographie d'Aboulféda. Traduite de l'arabe en Français. Par M. Reinaud. Tome II. Premiére partie. Paris. 1848. p. 286-287.)
"Hungarian scientist and traveler Evgeny Zichi: Ossetians call themselves "Iron" and They call Balkars and Karachays (Turkic People) in Malka and Kuban "Ases".."
("Ossetians through the Eyes of Russian and Foreign Travelers - (XIII-XIX вв.), Ordzhonikidze, p. 283 - [Collection] Зевакина И. С. / Северо-Осетинское книжное изд-во. 1967)
"{MS. 13th Century} Said El Magribi - Kitab el-Geography: To the east of Georgia is the country of the Alans. They are Christianized Turks”
(Prof. Dr. Ramazan Sheshen (1985). Turks and Turkish Countries According to Islamic Geographers. p.203 - Ankara: Turkish Culture Research Institute Publications)
"ALANİ: Megrels call the Karachay Turks living on the north side of the main ridge of the Caucasus, near Elbrus, at the source of the Kuban River, 'Alans'. ALANİ KOÇİ: Strong like the Alans."
(Georgian Linguist and Philologist Prof. Dr. İoseb Kipshidze - "Grammatikika Mingrelian (Iversky)-Russian Dictionary" in the section, p.193, Istanbul Saint-Peterburg, Imperial Academy of Natural Sciences, 1914.)
"..However, as a rule, these migrations and displacements were speculative and hypothetical rather than historical. All the Turks in Europe; Scythians, Alans, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Uzes, Huns, Avars, Pechenegs and Cumans It was known that they came from Asia.."
(Britannian Historian and Philologist Prof. Robert Gordon Latham "THE NATIVE RACES OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE" By R.G.Latham, M.D, , F.R.S. Author Of ", Etc. London: Hippolyte Bailliere, 219, Regent Street; And 290, Broadway, New York, U.S. / 1854 p.219)
"The Basians are a branch of the Turkic peoples living around Elbrus in the Caucaus, also called Karachay Turks and Alans.."
(Professor Dr. Gustav Jäger - Dictionary of Zoology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 1880, volume 1., p. 360)
"({14th Century AD} Ibn Haldun: Kitâb al-'İbar: ..We listed them (the Turks), These are; Tokuz-Oghuz, Tatars, Khitais of the Tamgach country, Karluks, Guz, Khalachs, Gurs, Hifshahs, Khazars, Kipchaks, Iymeks, Alans, Sherkeshs (Türgeshs) and Azkishis."
(Balakaev T.B., Kumekov B.E. "Arab and Persian sources on the history of the Kipchaks in the 8th-9th centuries." Alma-Ata, 1987. p.29 - Kitâb al-'İbar P.136 / Russian )
"Askar Mountain (Askar tau) is the name of Mount Elbrus in the Nogay language. Translated from the Nogay language, Askar-tau literally means "Snowy Mountain of the Ases". When Alans-Ases is mentioned, Nogays understand the ancestors of Karachays-Balkars living under the Elbruz Mountains."
(Nogay Historian Ashim Sikaliev - "Ногайский Героический Эпос" p.114 - Черкесск: 1994, 328 с. Учный Редактор Профессор X. Г. Короглы)
"{13th century} Arab Geographer Shams al-Din al-Dimashqi - Nuhbat Ad-Dahr Fi Ajaib Al-Barr Wa-L-Bahr: ..A gulf 10 miles wide and 30 miles long flows from this sea, flows into the Surdak, Saksin and Qibshak seas, it is a circular sea 200 miles wide, on which there is the city of Surdak, the city of Kafa, the city of Crimea. On its shores are the peoples of the Turkic peoples - Azkesh, Alan, Burtas, Kallabia. The author of the work Tukhfat al-Gara'ib wrote that there is silver in the land of the Alans, which is unparalleled on earth.."
(ЗОЛОТООРДЫНСКОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ. 2016. T. 4, № 3 - " Сведения «Нухбат Ад-Дахр Фи Аджаиб Ал-Барр Ва-Л-Бахр Ад-Димашки О Тюркских Племенах Дешт-И Кипчака" - З.С. Ilyasova, I.M. Sabitov Л.Н. Gumileva s. 476)
"Two closely related peoples - Alans-Ases - are the direct ancestors of Karachays-Balkars. And Megrels (Western Georgians) still call Karachays - Alans, Ossetians still Balkars - As, and the area where they live "Asiag" (i.e. "Land of As", and Karachays "Stur Asiag.).."
(Historian Prof. Dr. Laipanov Kazi Tanaevich - "Ethnogenetic Values of Karachaevo-Balkarian Peoples of the Russian Federation" p.10 Cherkessk/2000)
...In ancient times, the Huns, Scythian nomads and Tatar Alans came from the direction of Tanais and crossed the Ister."
(VITAE CAESARUM QUARUM SCRIPTORES HI - C. Suetonius Tranquillus Aelius Spartianus Aelius Lampridius Trebellius Pollio Herodianus Pomponius Laetus Dion Cassius Iulius Capitolinus Vulcatius Gallicanus Flauius Vopiscus Sex. Aurelius Victor Io. - 1546 "National Central Library of Rome" p. 459)
"...Others crossed the Vistula under the leadership of King Filifner and advanced eastwards into Sarmatia, but were not well received by the inhabitants of this region, the Alans and Huns, descendants of the Scythians and East Sarmatians. The Alans, the Tatar people, lived in the Asian Sarmatian triangle formed by the Tanais, Volga and Caucasus Mountains. Procopius accurately identifies the places from these mountains to the Caspian Gates and then names the countries we now call Circassia, Kabardia and Dagestan. These Areas are descended from the ancient Scythians who invaded Egypt at a very distant time and made a memorable campaign during the reign of Emperor Vespasianus. This battle-hardened people repelled the Goths, who reached Tanais and could advance no further..."
(Charles de Peyssonnel - French historian and diplomat - "OBSERVATIONS HISTORIQUES ET GÉOGRAPHIQUES, Sur Les Peuples Barbares Qui Ont Habité Les Bords Du Danube & Du Pont-Euxin" - Paris, 1765. / p.81 - CHAPITRE VII)
"...It is known that the Ases language originated from the Pecheneg tribe living near the Tana and Meot Sea."
("{1st century AD} From the work of Josephus Flavius "Jewish War", 1. p. 454, Meshchersky, Nikita Alexandrovich - M., 1958 / Translation from Greek into Old Russian)
Scythians has nothing to do with Turks they have their own culture and their own clothing and language
Kurdish people
He has Turkic ancestry.
Yes, so what?
iranic and caucasian
😁😂 its Iran u gay Turk 💩
See other tests here.
Ca = 50%BMAC 50% east Asia
A Mongolian Turk who is trying to Aryanize her/him ancestors😂