I actually have about 20 of their tape wifi light switches all across my house. They've all been working great so I might have to give this doorbell a try as well. thanks for the coverage Eric!
Great to hear! I just happened to be looking at their TP-Link and Kasa wifi switches a few days ago. Mixed reviews so I wasn't sure, but I'll take your word for it and give em a go!
I'm considering buying this. I'm a bit unsure because the battery is built in, can you give me some idea what battery life is like? I know Tapo say it's about 8 months . I have the Tapo D230S1 and I don't get any thing like Tapo says
I just ordered mine! It’s coming today. Thank you for the awesome review!
I actually have about 20 of their tape wifi light switches all across my house. They've all been working great so I might have to give this doorbell a try as well.
thanks for the coverage Eric!
Great to hear! I just happened to be looking at their TP-Link and Kasa wifi switches a few days ago. Mixed reviews so I wasn't sure, but I'll take your word for it and give em a go!
Thank you very much for the prom code. It s one of the reasons I love this channel, lol
Lol happy to help!
Just ordered one to replace my broken backdoor doorbell. Much appreciated!
Happy to help!
New subscriber here with more than 30 tapo devices all the way from Singapore
Thanks for the excellent review cheers😍👍
I'm considering buying this. I'm a bit unsure because the battery is built in, can you give me some idea what battery life is like? I know Tapo say it's about 8 months . I have the Tapo D230S1 and I don't get any thing like Tapo says
Great Review Eric, Thank you!
Thank you and thanks for watching!
Looks like a good one! I ll have to keep an eye on this one
If you have any questions at all, just let me know!
How does this compare to the Eufy Video Doorbells? Better?
Does package detection go on over and over if a package is left sitting there?
Crazy. Tp-Link makes everything now huh. I remember when they were just a router brand
Definitely a much larger smart home brand these days! They still make some pretty solid routers as well. I use one for my wireless VR set up
Almost bought the Botslab one but got this one instead. Thank you!
Happy to help! Thanks for watching!
Simple and to the point. Thank you and and subscribed!
Thank you for your support!
Can you use the battery and wired at the same time? Like in case of power outage it uses the battery but wired while there is power?
Promo code doesnt work anymore, is there any other code you can provide please?
What is the white form tissue tape for? Do I use it and then screw the bracket on top of the white form tape? Thank you.
It's just an optional installation method (adhesive or screws). If you're screwing it in, just skip it
Does this work with Amazon Eco Speakers?
Has it already been released or not yet?
In wired mode, do you need a base or hard drive for 24/7 recording?
no base or hard drive needed. It records all to the SD card