This blew me away! I have been praying about these things and this popped into my search as I was searching for a completely different person. God is amazing!
I loved the last point about corporate wisdom. Gifts are never just for the individual, but rather for the building up for the church. In the other direction, the church helps us learn how to use our gifts.
Depending on which church you are in! They may just convince you that they died out and put you in religious bondage and set you back years. The best people are Charis Bible College and Andrew Wommack IMHO you can't go wrong with them.
Please be like a Berean, like the Christian Bible says, and read the few free sample pages to "Jesus' Biological Father was Joseph: According to the New Testament" by DS WAGGONER, so you can say you listened to all sides of the story about Jesus. Like a judge would. Please don't only listen to one side of the story. A good judge, no matter how much they think they will disagree with the other side, will always listen to both sides of the story before making their decision. Please. Be wise like a judge.
To cessationists I always say - " iam by no means able or even have the right to declare the mind of God, who am I, of all things in this universe, to decide what God is going to do?" There are miracles that are happening, I have met several Muslim brothers in India who came to Christ after He appeared to them in their dreams. I have myself personally been shown the troubles that were going to befall me years before they happened. The Lord is always at work!!
Is there a any Christian preacher who could feed 5000 or more with 5 loaves and two fishes like Jesus did?. If there is a miracle Gospel worker anywhere there today, can he feed at least 50 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. If not, how can you oppose the cessationists?
@@dw5523 right, I think he would define being in the spirit differently. I would say maybe check out the Hebrew concept of spirit, the Ruach. That's months of potential research. Peter and Paul were both in the Spirit of God and disappeared abou things, although Paul was correct in a specific manner does not mean Peter was not in the spirit. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom yet still his breath was encased in the flesh. We're of the true faith with the intent of growing closer and more obedient to God, God knows the heart and we don't know someone else's full story, but to assume everyone should have the same measure of faith you do, or to think everyone should know everything you know is a recipe for legalism and pharisaism.
So glad I found these videos with NT Wright. Familiar with his books but seeing him talk about particular Christian issues really humanizes the scholar.
My aunt used to minister weekly in a nursing home. She met a lady who did not speak any English and she felt God lead her to speak in tongues to the lady. She prayed for the woman in tongues still not aware that the woman was understanding everything that my aunt was saying in a conversation with her, but the lady began to speak back and my aunt understood everything the lady was saying in her native language. Thus they carried on a conversation, my aunt in an unknown tongue, and the lady in her native tongue. My aunt shared the Gospel of Jesus with her and she received Christ as her Savior. The lady wept with joy and expressed gratitude to my aunt and to God. And my aunt warmly embraced her rejoicing in her new birth. The next time when my aunt returned to the nursing home she asked about the woman and the staff lady reported she had died and was from Eastern Europe and she did not speak or understand English. The only person who ever came to see her was her daughter. ... I can vouch on the veracity of my aunt's character. She would not fabricate this story. And she would not try to carry on a conversation in tongues with anyone, much less a complete stranger, except that the Holy Spirit led her this direction. This was the first and only time she had experienced this supernatural phenomenon. In my experience if you believe tongues is gibberish, made up for the intention to deceive, or insanity, you will not be convinced by hearing of this miraculous gift being used in the life of another, even if you purport to be a Christian. Like salvation, it is miraculous. The carnal mind does not comprehend the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness to him. You can also be so set in your theology or denominational view of Scripture that you will not have an open mind and heart to study Scripture and seek God for yourself. In that case it really is a waste of time to try to convince you. And then there are those who mock N.T. Wright for not giving an exegesis on the topic. Maybe he has on another platform. Regardless, if you have already determined it is quackery, there is no way to convince you. Paul received the Gospel by revelation. Revelation comes through an experience and it is supernatural and based on Scripture. The revelation of this gift is also supernatural. Sorry, if you choose to harden your heart and stiffen your neck due to your own preconceived set beliefs, you are missing out on a gift which is part of Scriptural teaching, narrative, history and practice in the New Covenant and available to God's redeemed today. I have a question for you: Have you gone directly to God and asked him about this gift? Paul exhorts believers to earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Are you a believer and do you do as you are exhorted to? What if you are wrong in your cessationist theology and the millions of believers who speak in tongues are right? And if you are not born again, will you go directly to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you? I challenge you to do it. What if you are wrong and He is God and you die without the forgiveness, and eternal life Christ died to give you? Can it hurt to acknowledge you are not perfect in knowledge and are fallible? Shouldn't you be sure? Because this God I know will meet you where you are and He will reveal Himself to you, if you will humble yourself and ask Him to.
Awesome. I just posted a video walking through 1 Cor 13. I'm not aware of any Scripture that supports cessationism. Ironically, it seems that the cessationist has to add to Scripture to make the claim that the gifts are not for today.
I pray in tongues every morning. Especially at times when I feel confused or tired or unsure about where to direct my prayer and it always lifts me up. It’s very powerful
Yep. I remember years ago a group of us were singing and worshipping and a girl in the room from Spain came up to me afterwards and said I'd been singing in Spanish. I dont know Spanish but I knew I had been singing quietly in tongues. It really blessed her! And it blessed me.
Hallelujah! We praise you Triune God- we honor you God and Worship you. May you and only you be glorified via these gifts! We thank you that we are witnesses as well as participants of these divine gifts. God Bless you Brother Richard
If you were singing quietly in tongues in a group of people, how could she have possibly heard you? She probably just thought your gibberish might've been Spanish. Tongues ended when the perfect/mature came in the 1st Century. Please stop clinging to the false hope of receiving the apostolic miraculous gifts. Cling to Christ alone.
Do you also agree with his New Perspective on Paul? That there is no penal substitution of sin? You just agree with a very importante topic for you, and now you probably will believe anything he says.
Not all the churches that believe in the gifts of the Spirit are a mess. In fact, 1 Corinthians 14 speaks against making a mess and an spectacle of the gifts. I know plenty of churches that handle the gifts with the order and respect they deserve
All things are possible with God, has Jesus said after the frustrating question of disciples questioning "Who can get saved?" in the story of the rich young man, Luke 18. This is for me an important hint to not stand in the way of God, because His thoughts are not human thoughts, Isaiah 55. In the 1980s I had an experience with praying in tongues somebody told me God has given me, and I practised it for a while & put it then aside for what reason ever. As Lutheran pastor I found no reason to pray in tongues nevertheless I experienced this here & there during the years. Now I´m retired due to three strokes leading to an early retirement. God did not forget me. Today I am happy & thankful that I´ve got to get known Christ more intimately. Even the phenomenon of speaking in tongues has not totally vanished from my mind. Brother Wright, thank you for this clip helping a 60 years old retired Lutheran pastor to get encouraged to practise speaking in tongues in privat too! Kind regards, thanks & amen from Germany!
One question that it would have been interesting to hear Prof. Wright to answer would have been what he believes "speaking in tongues" refers to in the NT. The most famous example of "speaking in tongues" is obviously Acts 2:1-4, but the context of Acts 2:1-12 seems to imply that these "tongues" were known foreign languages. And it seems plausible that even St. Paul is talking about known foreign languages when he speaks about "tongues" in 1 Cor. 14, especially given what he says in 1 Cor. 14:21-22. Getting clear on what "speaking in tongues" means in the NT (if we can get to that) would help in this context.
Tom addresses this in 0:55 , basically he says he doesn't know (note that "angelic tongues" is a reference to 1 Cor 13:1, and is usually referenced to talk about tongues instances of non-human languages).
@@IamGrimalkin thank you for the reference in the video to where NT makes that comment. I know that some people point to 1 Cor. 13:1 as evidence that Paul believed in "angelic tongues," but it doesn't seem probable to me that Paul is claiming there that he believes that the gift of tongues includes speaking in "angelic tongues." It seems to me that Paul is using hyperbole to make a point about the importance of love. In any case, it would have been interesting to hear NT Wright's exegesis of the passage and a discussion of how he would work with the passage theologically. Thanks again for the reference.
@Kenya B and that's a good thing. I wouldn't ever want to agree to killing babies and children, people who work on a Saturday, gay persons, people who have affairs, or condoning slavery. It is indefensible to anyone with a moral compass.
@Kenya B then blame your god for creating such evil. His design, his choices, his rules. Nobody else. If babies are evil it is your god that did it. Babies poop, pee and eat. That's all they do. That you think babies deserve to die is the poison of religion. In the bible you can: 1. Buy and sell slaves 2. Own human beings as property 3. Beat them 4. Pass them down to your children as property 5. Own them forever I assure you, it was anything but a "job". It was bona fide slavery This bible is about death, suffering, judgement, condemnation, condescension. It is not a good book. A god that murders innocent babies is not a good god
I have a question please. Cessationists believe that after the canon was closed, I agree the canon is closed, God does not give more revelations, does not speak. If God gives no more revelations, then how did Cessationists know that God has given the doctrine of Cessation? Also, there is no foundation in Scripture to support the doctrine. The pillar verse Cessationists use is 1 Corinthians 13:10 in which Paul says that when the perfect has come the gifts will pass away. They give the private interpretation that the perfect came when the Bible was completed and canonized. However, verse 12 gives the time that the perfect comes. It is when we see face to face and know as we are known. These two phrases are 2nd coming words because it is Jesus that we long to see face to face and it is when we receive our glorified bodies that our knowledge is greatly increased so that we know as God knows us. So, the doctrine has been added to God's doctrines, God's Word, by the Cessationists. Also, even more so Cessation doctrine takes away the supernatural gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. How can they get by Moses' command, the writer to Proverbs command, and Apostle John's command, inspired by God, not to add or take away from God's Word lest one loses their salvation? Deuteronomy 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Proverbs 30:5-6 Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar. Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Some people argue that the verses in Revelation only apply to Revelation. However, when one realizes that the Holy Spirit placed the same command in 3 other places (also Deut. 12:32) this put more weight upon it to be God's universal will.
How I an longing to be offended and annoyed with something that N T says. The most reasonable mind with such insane amount of scripture and knowledge. I thank God for his presence here on the planet
Woww, I see a lot of people here are really opposed to speaking in tongues. I'm a Christian, I believe that my righteousness and salvation are due to the saving works (death, burial, and resurrection ) of Jesus Christ ALONE! Having said that, I have had the experience of praying in tongues. I totally understood what NT was talking about when he said sometimes we don't know what we should really pray for but the Spirit prays through us. My dad almost died due to a ghastly Car accident on a work trip, and that same day it happened, in the morning my mom had the urge to pray and began to pray in tongues (my mom already had been praying in tongues before this which used to seem hilarious to me sometimes). She prayed in tongues until she sensed that she had received the answer (she still didn't know what she prayed for). Just the very next day we hear that my Dad almost died. I tell you that was a surreal experience for me. My mom said it that immediately she heard the news of the accident she knew that is what she was praying about. Now my dad is alive and well and Glory to the God of miracles. So YEAH, Let's trust GOD'S word. I love praying in tongues myself now. It really enables me to communicate with God in ways that I feel isn't limited by my English vocabulary. It's a beautiful thing and it's real. The Spirit gives utterance it's not gibberish. I know this will trigger some people, but again God's word is real and it is the same Holy Spirit they had (the apostles ) that we have. It never ceased.
@Caratacus yeah, I see that but I also see Christians calling those speaking in tongues fake. That really saddens me. Praying in the Spirit as I like to call it has been the singular most effective tool in my prayer life. But since it's a supernatural thing, it's hard to explain to believers who think the Bible (and all the mind boggling miracles and events and spiritual gifts) are just not available to us today.
Amen. It's communication between our spirit man and the Lord. I use this nightly in my prayer closet. It is rarely to be understood by a man. But sometimes.
First, having read some of the comments, I appreciate that Wright can say, "Well, the cessationist argument stems from 1 Corinthians 13" (I am paraphrasing). So many comments on here want to act like there is not even a hint of cessationism in the NT. I am thankful Wright is honest enough to say that a passage really does exist in the New Testament that should be considered. Second, that being said, I believe he dismisses 1 Corinthians 13 too quickly. While he sees the point that when these miraculous gifts cease, there will still need to be love, and then attributes that to the ultimate reality at the end, he doesn't comment on how faith and hope are also part of the contrast. When the gifts cease, not only will we still need love, we will need faith and hope. However, in the final ultimate reality at the end, we won't need faith (see Hebrews 11:1) and we won't need hope (see Romans 8:24). When the ultimate end is seen and experienced, we will no longer have faith and hope. Yet, after these miraculous gifts cease, not only will love abide, but faith and hope will as well. Of faith, hope, and love, the greatest is love. However, all three abide once these particular kinds of gifts cease. Yet, love is the greatest because there will come a time in the end when love will be all that endures. Gifts, faith, and hope will all have ceased when we walk in sight.
@kori morris false. No reformed person would ever base their theology off of experience or lack of. We base it off of Scripture alone (sola scriptura). The fact you said we base it off of experience means you don't know the theology of reformed men and women. We would say that although you have an experience, if it doesn't line up biblically, it was fake or not from God.
@kori morris : First, thanks for assuming I'm intelligent. Second, I'm not a "Reformed Guy." That is, I'm not a Calvinist. Please, don't attribute to me something I don't believe. Third, I didn't say "If I don't experience it, it's fake." I didn't say anything about my experiences at all. I highlighted an oversight in Wright's explanation of the text. Please, address the argument I made that needs textual explanation, not the easily dismissed argument you wish I had made.
I've been praying in tongues since my 10th nameday (I'm now 24). God filled me up out of the blue with his spirit and tears filled my eyes. It's been wonderful ever since. I've had moments that I spoke in Hebrew and the guy sitting next to me who spoke Hebrew said that I prayed for the preacher and God's protection over the stage in church in Hebrew. Wow.
I find that cessionists usually have seen 'excess' of charsmatic leaning circles and gotten scared. I hate when academic Christians claim tongues is involuntary. It's not. I have NEVER spoken in tongues where I could not control myself, turn it on or off, or fallen on the floor in an epileptic fit. I simply found out about it, and prayed very calmly with my mom for the gift in my living room at 8. It came and I have been able to do it since. I find it's more edifying I find in private, but lately, I've found God wants me to rest in His care.
But I have heard many amazing interpretations, Michael. I'm sad that your group is too dead to have manifestations of the Spirit. Paul commanded us to seek the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:1), not quench them (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
@@FRN2013 too dead wow what a pretentious nonsense from a man full of pride who know absolutely nothing about being born from Heaven,am talking in gibberish sooooo easily BUT it's not the true biblical gift of tongue (they are true men languages) but a stupid natural way to let our mind say everything that pass freely by the mouth !!!!! You are totally under seduction and NATURALLY NO INTERPRETS BECAUSE IT S NOT A TRUE LANGUAGE.
these verses are destroyingcompletely your false gift poor man acts2:6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?
show me one piece of experimental evidence that someone has prayed in an entirely new human language (to them) under the supposed influence of the holy spirit and i will convert from atheist to christian right now in this comment section. (edit/update: just in case you don't want to read the 300 or so comments in this thread. not even one person has attempted to give evidence of tongues, despite the clear scriptural claim in 1 cor 14:22 that tongues are a sign for unbelievers).
4 года назад
If no one chooses God NO NOT ONE how exactly are you going to convert under your own volition ??
@ I think the point is that extraordinary claims are being made here (the ability to spontaneously speak a foreign language) on the basis of second hand anecdote by someone whose world view is being confirmed. Is it possible of even likely that confirmation bias (at the very least) is a factor here. An honest person would have to say yes. Luckily as the speaker notes in another context, you don't have to make these assessments alone but a community exits to help. The difference is I would say the community is called the scientific community and not a group who share your biases.
4 года назад
@martifingers of course let’s be thankful science is biased )
@ i deconverted from christianity because of my research into how little evidence there is for it (in the process of trying to confirm and strengthen my belief). my understanding of what i am successfully (so far) belittling would probably be at least as good as yours. my experience in anything miraculous is probably what is lacking. out of interest, please give me your best evidence of anything you've personally experienced as a miracle.
I have been privileged to see the Holy Spirit at work in wonderful, surprising and powerful ways - not because I deserved it or am more spiritual than anyone else, but because of God's mercy. I understand that friendly debate has the potential to bring all parties closer to truth, but it would be nice to have a video like this for once without so many uncharitable anti-charismatic and / or cessationist responses. As someone not committed to a materialistic framework and as someone who has always been struck by the sheer variety of miracles and manifestations within scripture from beginning to end, nothing NT Wright has said here seems problematic. I was encouraged by his words, and in some ways it is brave of him to "come out of the closet" about this aspect of his faith. I do understand that brothers and sisters who have chosen cessationism will not be blessed in the same way and that to materialists it will all be bunk by defult, but it would be good if we could all assume better of each other.
@@cnault3244 Why do you ask this question? Admittedly I haven't got much to go on, but I assume (from past experience of how online discussions can go and the curt construction of your sentence) that it is because you're assuming I am mistaken, or potentially lying. So be it.
@@Inharmonics "you're assuming I am mistaken, or potentially lying." Bingo. And another alternative is your examples of the "Holy Spirit at work" may be so trifling as to be meaningless. For example,of you can't find your keys and pray to the holy spirit that you to find your keys and you then find your keys? Not a compelling example of the holy spirit at work.
@@cnault3244 My post was written in good faith to encourage others. Anyway, apart from the current topic (of gifts of the Spirit), one wonderful reality the Holy Spirit has brought into my life is a deeper love for all people. Thus I do sincerely wish you all the best - being a stranger to me on the internet, I don't know your worldview or why you assumed that unusual example of keys, the nature of which didn't even enter my mind. It's probably better therefore I don't persist here - but if you do respond - and I only say this because I think the same old approach to online discussion is getting stale - it would be an interesting internet experiment, at least, if the next post was a bit less hostile and less pessimistic in its assumptions as to whoever you're addressing. But, in the words of my teenage foster son when bemused by my hobbies..."you do you". :-)
Spoke in a heavenly language once - when filled with the Holy Spirit. I only knew what had happened retrospectively on reading the Scriptures for the first time. Cessationists tend towards intellectualism with no fire and false prophets towards strange fire with no accountability to Scripture. Both are the work of the same spirit of darkness.
I began speaking in tongues when I 13yrs old. I got curious after our primary school religious education teacher imitated how apostles spoke in tongues on the day of pentecost. This was when I was 12yrs in primary school. Luckily for me, a former teacher at the school and also formerly a well known drunkard came by as a completely transformed man. He came and preached Jesus and salvation and sin but I wasn't interested in such. I wanted to experience this Jesus and the Holy Spirit like the apostles. I went forward and received this Jesus the man spoke of. A yr later at 13yrs and in secondary school, a joined a group of christians who used to forego lunch and spend an hour daily in prayer. I was during those prayers that one day I felt a warm sensation rise starting from my feet as though I was being dipped into a pool. By the time it got to my head, I found myself speak a strange language. 20yrs later, when I want to pray and don't know what words to speak or if I find myself in a sticky situation, I pray in tongues and as always, I do get results. In my experienced, christians opposed to tongues or have issues with them are actually those that don't pray in them. Please don't unwittingly resist the spirit of God.
Cessationists: "Hmm...God is not doing that in my life or in my church, so it must be unbiblical. I need to find a verse that I can fit into my doctrine."
@@FRN2013or anywhere in a world where there are video cameras and records everywhere. In my experience people love praying and hate studying the Bible. That’s what I call a red flag.
But tara, your experience is limited. Sadly, when I was a new convert (1980s), I loved studying/reading/memorizing, but I wasn't good at praying. Another red flag.
@@FRN2013 The sign gifts of the apostles were very clear. They provided a witness to their message. Evidence! They weren’t done in secret. Philip in Acts 8 had to call in the big guns (Peter and John) to bestow the gifts that you (I assume) think is common (in some way). I’m just saying that non-charismatics are rightfully skeptical. Also, notice that the original commenter here says that he rejected what we’d call the gospel (“I wasn’t interested in such”) so that he could experience the “Holy Spirit like the apostles”. You gave your applause with your anti-cessation quip, but you are literally backing the idea that you can reject the gospel and receive the Holy Spirt. Do you have a Biblical basis for this?
Hello Justin. I've been praying for the gift of tongues for several years but haven't yet received this "dynamis" power. What is your advice to me please?
Let me add fuel to the fire - I PRAY IN TONGUES AS WELL AS MILLIONS OF OTHER CHRISTIANS! Maybe if you open your heart and mind to the realities in the Bible, as well as study it, I am sure HS will give you the revelation. Don't be too quick to judge something you clearly don't have biblical teaching or experience in. Not everyone receives the gift, does not mean you have the right to dismiss those who have.
Pray tell me, what would be the result for me "opening my heart" beside killing myself? You do know what the heart is and what function it has in the body, right? 🤔
"I PRAY IN TONGUES AS WELL AS MILLIONS OF OTHER CHRISTIANS! " And if we took 5 people (who also pray in tongues ) & let them witness you praying in tongues then took each of the 5 to a separate room and asked them to tell us what you said, would they all give the same answer?
C Nault Blessings - If they have the gift of interpretation, yes! Just because you don’t have the gift of tongues, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. *God* bless!
In high school I went to a pentacostal church with my buddy a couple times where they prayed in tongues, and I felt moved to participate as well. It didn't seem at all nefarious or even odd at the time. I think some people just worship differently.
Though the bible does give instructions about prayer in tongues in the context of a congregation. It's supposed to only be done if there is someone present who can interpret it. Which is not to say that it's inherently nefarious if people do so, but I do believe that instruction was given for good reason. Even if a practice isn't harmful in itself (and obviously, prayer in tongues given by the Holy Spirit isn't), it can have pitfalls for oneself or others.
I believe tongues are a real gift that some people have, but not all. I have heard many testimonies of people speaking in tongues that I don't want to deny. However I do not support the charismatic movement that centers faith around spiritual gifts. They act like if you have a supernatural gift you're superior and therefore people fake it to fit in. Some people have gifts for a specific purpose but that is ultimately not what faith is about. The spiritual gifts like tongues or healing are a means to an end which is to glorify God, and they are not necessary for everyone to do so.
@@michelhaineault6654 I agree. "Charismatic Christianity" is centered around an emotional experience and that is not the gospel. It doesn't mean things like tongues never happen, it just means worship shouldn't be centered around them.
@@richardackerman9187 true gift of tongues never happens ; gibberish it's not the true gift.Where are the interpreters????? Gone with the wind of their false spirit.
@AnarchoRepublican I worry about his own discernment when he takes at face value claims by people to have spoken an unknown foreign language on a bus. I'd love to have known more about it as, that would be such an amazing thing to witness. However as per usual, he states it and moves on, as if it's nothing worth considering. And we all know why, because it most likely never even happened.
@AnarchoRepublican yeah man. It's a ridiculous claim. And a shame that NT Wright who always seems quite rational in his assessment of Christianity, despite believing it, also takes this line of belief which is comprehensively false.
@AnarchoRepublican But didn't Jesus say I will use the foolish to confound the wise. Not the educated and most respected or the most engaging or the most logical or the most suave. He could have said that too, but if you look at it from HIS perspective all the stuff we do and pretend to know with such authority and license must look absolutely idiotic to HIM ????????? just saying
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can speak in modern "tongues". To those who would claim otherwise I would say, without reservation, that they know little even NOTHING about the real gift. On this subject NT Wright is NoT Wright. Or to put it another way, NT Wrong.
1 Corinthians 14 talks greatly about why it is better to prophecy rather than speak in tongues. Part of the Corinthian problem was viewing speaking in tongues to be a sign of spiritual superiority. This, of course, is wrong. However, Paul goes on to say that he will pray with the Spirit (tongues, according to the context of v.14), and in understanding; that he will sing in the Spirit (tongues), and in understanding. Jude 20 talks about praying in the Holy Spirit. He may or may not be referring to tongues, but with the common association of praying in the Spirit and tongues, it may provide a non-Pauline example of tongues. I grew up in a conservative Pentecostal church. We didn't swing from the rafters; we weren't barking, or lifting snakes, or many other things I've heard talked about. I saw proper exercise of tongues frequently -- one person would give a message in tongues. After a few moments, another would give the interpretation. These were for public use. I've also experienced and seen prayers in tongues -- not intended to be interpreted. There is very much a difference between the two.
I did not quite notice this. I was watching their faces and hearing them out. Seeing this, definitely had to go back and watch all the snacks on the table 😂
Speaking in tongues on a bus??? What about speaking in tongues at a soccer match? Why exercise the gift in private but not public??? You pray publicly in the "traditional" manner. Why not tongues in public? Clearly speaking in tongues was public in the New Testament.
He can speak in tongues, but only in a prayerful manner. It is clear when Paul is instructing the Church in Corinth on spiritual gifts that some tongues are for self-edification (1 Corinthians 14:4). Of course, tongues in the book of Acts were used to spread the gospel (Acts 2:4), but it is clear that tongues come in two kinds. Wright's point is that, why would he pray in tongues in public (for example, on a bus or at the store)? Saint Paul says later in the book of Corinthians concerning tongues, "if you bless God in the spirit only, how will the one who occupies the place of the outsider know to say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you are saying? For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not edified." (1 Corinthians 14:16-17)
Being careful not to dis the Holy Spirit who has given us 'His' gifts, for His purposes. Remember the 'True' worshippers, are to worship God in 'Spirit & in Truth', because God is Spirit (& His Word is Truth, Jesus is the Living Word/the Word made flesh. He is the Way, the Truth & the Life) It behooves us, to always ask the Lord to reveal anything & everything in His Word we dont understand & let Him show you His Word by revealed knowledge of His Word &/or revelation through His Holy Spirit. Dont assume & especially dont depend on your intellect/logic only, ( remember the Saducees & Pharisees studied the scriptures, but didnt receive Jesus/Yeshua when He showed up), they totally missed the hour of their visitation, because they calculated Jesus was just a mere man, born in Nazereth. Paul had a 'turnaround' because of Jesus Himself breaking through his 'learned/educated' mindset & Paul had a 'supernatural' experience in open vision form. This radically changed Pauls life & life purpose! Wonderful!
Speaking in tongues = speaking in foreign languages. The Bible is very clear on that. At specific moments, God gave this gift to certain people so that they could share The Good News with people speaking a different language, who otherwise wouldn't have understood. God speaks to people who need to be saved in their own language through others who don't usually speak that language. The recipient of the message gets not only The Good News, but also a powerful testimony of God's amazing power and grace. Speaking gibberish that nobody understands serves no purpose, looks bad and Paul actually warns against it unless someone is available for translation. Which is further proof that tongues = a spoken language. Besides, if you don't understand what you're saying how do you know you're not blaspheming?
Not once in the Bible is the gift of tongues used to share the Gospel in a foreign language. Calling it gibberish is just begging the question that it is and is a simple dysphemism against one of God’s gifts to His church. Speaking in tongues does have a purpose as Paul says that the one who speaks in a tongue edifies (oikodomé) himself which means to build up. Saying it looks bad is a personal opinion and can be dismissed immediately as a credible argument. Paul does not warn against tongues without an interpretation, he warns against tongues in a corporate setting without an interpretation because our purpose when we gather is to edify the body and not just yourself. Lastly, questions are not arguments. The tired question of “what if you get a demon?” or “what if you blaspheme” is just a scare tactic “argument” not rooted in scripture whatsoever. Read 1 Cor 12:3. No one speaking by God’s Spirit can curse the name of Jesus. Keep seeking, Alex, but you are sorely misguided on this topic.
I used to be where you are. Then I read 1 Cor. 12-14 more closely, e.g., 14;2, "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit." Clearly Paul believed that it wasn't only for sharing the gospel, but as a form of prayer. "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you." (1 Cor 14:8). Clearly however Paul's primary concern is that public worship itself not devolve into a tongue-speaking fest. This is why many people reserve this gift for private prayer. What I realized is that I was very conditioned to fear and despise an actual gift of God, but that actually, God only gives good gifts to his children.
@@TKK0812 Acts 2:1-13 is clear that the disciples upon receiving the Holy Spirit began to speak in other languages. Languages not known to them but known by the people gathered there. There were Parthians, Medes, and Elamites. There were also people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontius and Asia. Verse 8 states: Then how is it that each of us years them in his own native language?
Alex Mala when Paul is referring to the interpretation of tongues that you are referring to he is referring to the interpretation of a prophesy coming forth in a tongue. Paul also writes in 1 Corinthians 14:18 that he spoke in tongues more than any of those in the church at Corinth and there is no record of him carrying on in public out loud in tongues so it must have been in his own private time. Much of the Corinthian church were abusing the spiritual gifts and that is what Paul is addressing yet In 1 Corinthians 14:39 he still tells them to make sure that they don’t try to stop anyone speaking in a tongue, thus he’s bring correction yet encouraging them to make sure they continue to use this wonderful spiritual gift. Regarding speaking Blasphemy in tongues, that’s not even biblical. I’m sorry that you have such an opinion of this wonderful gift of The Holy Spirit to the body of CHRIST. God Bless you Alex.
Why is it that there are no church records of speaking in tongues throughout the centuries? Not the masses of babbling people gathered together do today at any rate. I agree that in private, one or 2 with interpretations in a service but not the way it is done in the Charismatic, Pentecostal ,NAR churches of today.
Concerning prophecy, aren't we told to seek confirmation of these words? Relationship between us and the Most High, the Creator and between each of the parts of the Body of Christ requires interaction with all the parties of the relationship. I don't know anyone in Finland but if Holy Spirit directs my thoughts and prayers there, I will certainly be obedient. Relationships are living things of a sort, scripture gives us guard rails and descriptions of God's character. Interacting throughout the day with my Creator is awesome (that which creates awe), frightening, and very natural as He made us to relate WITH Him... at least I believe it.
Very interesting subject. Coming from an protestant evangelical background I see a massive false teaching, abuse and misunderstanding of the gifts which are problematic. The charismatic movent is a problematic movement theologically and in practice, take Bethel church for example with teaching children to practice prophecy through prophetic Uno. Ezechiep 13 tells us clearly how God feels about abuse of prophecy. I understand that people lean towards cessationism in response. NT says near the end "it is a matter of discernment" whicy comes from wisdom. Wisdom is given by God and is a mind matter, not a feeling.
@@jessedutch3086 I was referring to nt. Wondering if he's a worldly philosopher or a born again believer. It gets confusing when christianity has so many subcultures. I got born again on 8 8 2016. I'm just an infant.but I'm called to serve through outreach and leading worship to the Lord. So Christian philosophy seems to stray from biblical interpretation.
@@brucecall1595great to hear! keep pressing on. Great that you are in the ministry so quickly. Focus on the Bible, not all these wise men (from the subcultures)
I use the gift of tongues and on several occasions I was taken behind the Vail. Wow, that's a experience of a life time. Where miracles take place. It's the only way I can worship the Lord in spirit, my spirit to the Fathers, by faith. I am one of the son's of God who've cried out Abba Father and He heard my voice. Answering with a instantaneous miracle for my spouse. Without the gift of tongues I would have never build up the inner man to become one of the Son's of God. Shalom
Linguists who have studied glossolalia of Christians (and non-Christians) have found characteristics more common to babble than to language. Pattison, E. Mansell, Behavioral Science Research on the Nature of Glossolalia. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. Vol. 20, September 1968, p. 73-86. Holton, Larry. Has The Tongues Movement Convinced The Language Experts? The short answer is “no.” “Glossolalia is language-like because the speaker unconsciously wants it to be language-like. Yet in spite of superficial similarities, glossolalia fundamentally is not language.” Skepticʼs Dictionary, The, glossolalia. Joel Bjorling writes, “At Oral Roberts University, I was prayed over to speak in tongues, and this girl instructed, ‘Praise God, but donʼt speak English. Let God have your tongue.’ So, what came out? Something like ‘coom-di-a-sa-me-da-sa.’ Monosyllables...The girl exclaimed, ‘Praise God! Heʼs speaking in tongues!’ But was I? For several years, when I was feeling especially intense, I prayed in words (or whatever) like the afore-mentioned monosyllables. Did it make me feel stronger, more inspired? did have punch to it. I eventually abandoned Pentecostalism and ended up a Unitarian...[I can see why people are drawn] to tongues and experiences like being ‘slain in the Spirit,’ which are new, exciting, and different [for them, and think that] if you believe speaking gibberish will help you, it will.” Bjorling, Joel, Strange Tongues: A Personal Encounter, The Anomalist, 2000. Yuriy Stasyukʼs story is similar, “[I was] a young preacher who conducted passionate Pentecostal prayers in front of crowds, and loved to speak in tongues...I wanted a relationship that manifested the supernatural presence of God through miracles, signs, and wonders,” but he changed from Pentecostal to reluctant skeptic. His investigation of tongues and his personal journey appears in a series of five well articulated blog posts titled, Why I Changed, where he discusses the effort he put into attempting to maintain his beliefs. Stasyuk, Yuriy. Ten Hard Questions About ‘Tongues’, and, Why I Changed: Pentecostalism is as Clear As Glossolalia. Tongues and Salvation, an ex-Pentecostal (Lovingdoubt on youtube) discusses excuses invented by her church as to why people can still speak in tongues after they have left the fold.
But NT Wright has heard from a person who heard from a person who heard from a person who absolutely heard someone speaking in tongues on a bus and it was 100% Hindustani. Obviously it must be true because he can't see why anyone would lie about it. He's not a gullible fool.....Lol
@@holdontoyourwig NT Wright said "I do know people, I have met people who...". [1:06] He did not say he "heard from a person who heard from a person who heard from a person who absolutely heard someone speaking in tongues on a bus and it was 100% Hindustani." He said that he had no reason to doubt that person's account, he did not say "Obviously it must be true etc." I personally have no reason to doubt that you are a real person (and I haven't even met you) rather than a bot - does that make me gullible too?
"God does all sorts of odd things" as long as it agrees with me. If it's an odd thing that agrees with someone else then that's nasty thinking and being rational. This kind of anti-thinking and ultimately anti-New Testament miracle is stupid. Miracles in the NT are not the same as NT Wright having his own personal religious experience. The NT miracles are the foundation proof of Christianity vs everything. "He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead."
@@amitkohan12 This could go on and on but... Question: how would you have reacted to a prophet walking around the nation NAKED and WEEPING for 2 years? or if you heard the story first hand " that I was taken up to the third heaven?" Or and angel woke me? first hand real time these things took place as a living speaking loving God desparately loving humans wants to communicate. He's always communicating all the time. I know it would really bother me to have these things said to me first hand if I lived during those times but I live now! and these things are happening now and I am hearing about them now. I don't have hind sight to figure it out, thats where faith comes in. MMMMMMMM????????? just sayin
He didn´t say "being rational", he criticised rationalism, which is a philosophy that our reason is the only way we can know things. He is not anti-thinking, but open to God doing things in his life in accordance with the Bible, like speaking and tongues, healing etc. It´s very true that God uses miracles to prove Christianity, but that is not the only thing they do. And as Wright points out, in 1 Cor 13, the gifts of the Spirit are said to be here until Jesus comes back.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 That's right. Also, the possible irony of this accusation is that what N.T Wright says can actually cut against the "as long as it agrees with me" line, in that it is a warning against summarily dismissing all such testimonies because they cut against our expectations and assumptions (or because they offend our sensibilities.)
"he NT miracles are the foundation proof of Christianity vs everything. "He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead."" Cool. Now,can you present evidence that he rose from the dead? ( btw in the Bible,Jesus was the 7th person to rise from the dead, and wasn't the last person in the Bible to do so). So his sacrifice for us was to have a temporary death? Not much of a sacrifice.
I believe that 1 Cor 14 is clear that the gift of tongues is not a foreign language. Speaking in tongues and someone hearing in their native language is a miracle not a different form of tongues.
The gifts of the Spirit are both ceased and in continuation, according to need and circumstance. A bit like a lifeboat being launched with all onboard and exercising extraordinary actions according to the state of need required, whereas most of the time it is hidden away unseen, no crew visible and seemingly not functioning. It is not the gifts that are the determining factor, it is the will of God in exercising his Spirit to the circumstances of a post-resurrection, yet largely unbelieving, world. Unlike the lifeboat, he may not respond to every call.
To those who say the Bible is the final word and no prophets can say more, please read John 16:12. It clearly says Jesus still has more to say to us. Stop worshiping the Bible and accept it for what it truly is. The Bible is our guide, yet God still speaks to us beyond it.
You "have no reason to doubt" any random miraculous story a person tells you? Then I have a bridge to sell you..... Do you also believe the miraculous stories of Hindus and Buddhist and other people around the world? You have to be consistent in this completely un-critical approach you have to peoples stories.
Since I would have made the same statement, let me try to respond: I have personal experiences of the supernatural that makes me think it is not impossible and can happen. I have good reason to believe in God (both experience and evidence) and that makes me think it is possible. If I listen to a christian I know and trust and they tell me of their experience I have no reason to doubt their experience. "Do you also believe the miraculous stories of Hindus and Buddhist " Sometimes, yes. If there is a spiritual dimension to life it can of course be manifested in other peoples life´s too. I might interpret the experience differently, but I have no reason to think it couldn´t happen. Is this uncritical? No, you assess peoples crediblity, and if possible the circumstances. The difference is that you don´t dismiss it as impossible before listening, since that would be closeminded. You look at the situation, you don´t pre-judge
@@thomasfryxelius5526 That is very well put. If one has seen the possibility of the supernatural, believes in God, and knows the person sharing the story - that they are otherwise entirely sane, honest, fruitful etc. - it doesn't seem very rational to simply dismiss their account. Even with people I haven't met, once I did meet them and take part in the work their stories have generally be proven true (for example, I read "Chasing the Dragon" by Jackie Pullinger and saw no particularly reason to doubt the story given what I already knew..helping with that ministry later multiple times down the years later only confirmed the events in the book as true. This has often happened.) And, like you said, one can have an experience like this - but there can be a variety of interpretations as to its source and nature. That they were mistaken about the entire supernatural nature of the experience is of course a possibility, but if the accounts points in the direction of the supernatural, and other factors line up, it isn't "more rational" to always dismiss such claims.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 No one would be denying that these people are actually having an "experience" the question is if the experience if from God, the Holy Spirit, is it Biblical etc.If a Hindu or a Buddhist has one of these experiences then it is definitely not from God because they have not been born again. They too may have an experience but if they are worshiping and have put their trust in other gods, then it's not the God of the Bible.
@@spiritandtruth7421 Agreed, I was only pointing out that since we believe in a spiritual dimension to life, we don´t have to dismiss accounts of the supernatural as if we were materialists. I don´t hold to the silly notion some have that all spiritual things are good. In fact, I believe all spirits that are not from God are evil. But we still know they´re there.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 Yeah I agree. And so the question is whether or not a person speaking in tongues, the experience that they have is from God or not. Whether it is a demonic spirit or not and that is where the debate comes in. Or if they are forcing it, making it up, pretending etc. Lots of explanation and possibilities.
im just curious there a lot of eveidence written that God said that He will give us languages other than ours in the bible but cessanionists are only quoting one verse ans they are soo confident that these gif of tongue has ceased.. can anyone site more verse that it all ceased?
"there a lot of eveidence written that God said that He will give us languages other than ours in the bible " That is not evidence written in the Bible, it is claims written in the Bible.
As a musician, I can improvise vocally too. It is essentially free improvisation. It can be trance inducing but it is still gibberish. No disrespect but believing something like this tells us a lot about Mr Right.
@@interpretingscripture8068 You're right. Speaking in tongues is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But it is still one of two spiritual gifts 1 Corinthians 13 tells us would be stopped. And also, how do you know the "ecstatic utterances" of today meet the criteria of what is called "tongues" in Isaiah, Acts and 1 Corinthians?
Doesn’t N.T. Wright often smugly dismiss the rapture as a relatively recent phenomenon popular in American evangelical circles? A lot of those same evangelical circles are ones in which the modern Pentecostal movement started.
@@User10412 I'm not arguing that either doctrine is wrong or right because of where it came from. I'm pointing out what seems to be inconsistency in Wright's thinking.
I find it odd that those who teach cessationalism still teach and sometimes evangelize The gifts of The Spirit are a resource that God has given us to proclaim the Gospel and never to be lifted up. The Gifts of the Spirit, like the Fruits of the Spirit, are there to serve. The Bible says they are so.
"For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit." (1 Corinthians 14:2) Also the rest of 1 Corinthians 14 touches on that thought repeatedly. There are tongues of men and tongues of angels (1 Corinthians 13:1).
Even if tongues are only human languages, Africa alone has 7000 + languages and dialects. You really think tongues will just be the most popular languages? That’s called ignorance. Many African languages sound gibberish.
Please host a discussion of Veganism. The problem of animal suffering and the reluctance of Christians to consider that they have a duty of compassion towards all of the creation to which has been given a wellbeing is , at least for me, a major obstacle to participating in the Church
Paul gives the time and context in 1 Corinthians 13:12. Face to face is face to face with Jesus Christ. And to know as I am known (by God) is referring to the knowledge he receives when he receives his glorified body both of which are 2nd Coming events. These 2 phrases are 2nd Coming vernacular.
Some have got the Holy Spirit in a box of tradition and are afraid to let Him out. Some have a false god that imitates this and divide the flock, Some use the gifts to heal and serve, some use the "gifts" as a sideshow to their false doctrine. One! Eph 4
"God does all sorts of odd thing...." My favorite line. I'm so skeptical of exuberant testimonies that seem to point to the person sharing more than to the Lord....but i do not need to reach conclusions that wall God out of possibilities.
Philip went to samaria. The people believed and were baptized. The apostles came down to lay hands on the new believers that they would receive the Holy spirit. Simon the sorcerer saw people recieving the holy spirit and tried to pay the apostles for the ability to give people the holy spirit. What sign was so impressive to a sorcerer that he desired to possess it? Jesus said there would be a sound that would accompany those that are born of the spirit in John 3:8. God doesn't run out of goodies brothers and sisters. It's not elitism to show that God has more that He wants to give us.
Essentially It is about interpretation. Paul rather spoke five words people understood than ten thousand they did not. 1 Cor 14 v19. A true gift has to bring glory to the Giver and benefit to others.
Biblical tongues have not ceased. What is it? 1. Ability to speak a language that you have never learned. 2. Ability to speak in one language, but different hearers hear it in their OWN language . 3. Ecstatic speech . Biblical tongues is NOT the gibberish and nonsense that you find in 99% of Pentecostal / Charismatic churches!! Today it still exists as a spiritual gift, but it is very very rare !! My own Pastor in Victoria spoke Japanese while sharing the gospel with a Japanese lady. He doesn’t speaks Japanese, but an Aussie from the bush. 1 Cor 1:7 Tongues will cease only when Jesus appears and comes back at his second coming. By the way I am a Baptist, not a Penticostal!! I just want to be honest with scripture!
Exactly! I also grew up in pentacostal churches. And when people "spoke in tongues" it always sounded like they were just repeating the same gibberish over and over again. The real gift of tongues is to be able to pray in a foreign language, or to be able to share the gospel in another human language that is not your own. If no one can understand what you are saying, then it probably isn't the real gift. The real gift of tongues is for the benefit of unbelievers. Just as is shown in the book of acts, when the disciples first received the holy spirit. They were praying in tongues, and the foreigners who were in Jerusalem could understand them.
When spoken in a meeting, Paul says there should be an interpretation. If spoken just for you to edify in the spirit or encouragement in worship. I dont think you need an interpretation. The Holy Spirit will intercede for us when we dont know how or what yo pray. Another example when no interpretation is needed but it may guide you and lead you into prayer.
This blew me away! I have been praying about these things and this popped into my search as I was searching for a completely different person. God is amazing!
it's called the algorithm not god xd
I loved the last point about corporate wisdom. Gifts are never just for the individual, but rather for the building up for the church. In the other direction, the church helps us learn how to use our gifts.
Depending on which church you are in! They may just convince you that they died out and put you in religious bondage and set you back years. The best people are Charis Bible College and Andrew Wommack IMHO you can't go wrong with them.
That you, Dr. Wright, for your humulity and courage to believe the Scriptures.
Please be like a Berean, like the Christian Bible says, and read the few free sample pages to "Jesus' Biological Father was Joseph: According to the New Testament" by DS WAGGONER, so you can say you listened to all sides of the story about Jesus. Like a judge would. Please don't only listen to one side of the story. A good judge, no matter how much they think they will disagree with the other side, will always listen to both sides of the story before making their decision. Please. Be wise like a judge.
To cessationists I always say - " iam by no means able or even have the right to declare the mind of God, who am I, of all things in this universe, to decide what God is going to do?" There are miracles that are happening, I have met several Muslim brothers in India who came to Christ after He appeared to them in their dreams. I have myself personally been shown the troubles that were going to befall me years before they happened. The Lord is always at work!!
That’s awesome! We’ve got no reason to rule out God speaking in miraculous ways.
prasad yalla, amen, my brother
God came to me in a dream and told me he was dying. Time to leave religion behind I guess.
@@TheGuiltsOfUs anyone who declares he is dying is not God I the first place
Is there a any Christian preacher who could feed 5000 or more with 5 loaves and two fishes like Jesus did?. If there is a miracle Gospel worker anywhere there today, can he feed at least 50 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. If not, how can you oppose the cessationists?
Pointing out that people can disagree and still be in the Spirit is a profound truth I think we have lost sight of in the church today.
You can't disagree in the Spirit. That would be to divide the Spirit Himself. Someone is right or all parties are not in the Spirit.
@@EricEscander I'm not sure I follow your logic. Would you care to elaborate?
@@dw5523 right, I think he would define being in the spirit differently. I would say maybe check out the Hebrew concept of spirit, the Ruach. That's months of potential research. Peter and Paul were both in the Spirit of God and disappeared abou things, although Paul was correct in a specific manner does not mean Peter was not in the spirit. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom yet still his breath was encased in the flesh. We're of the true faith with the intent of growing closer and more obedient to God, God knows the heart and we don't know someone else's full story, but to assume everyone should have the same measure of faith you do, or to think everyone should know everything you know is a recipe for legalism and pharisaism.
@@GabrielLukeCraig Very well said.
So glad I found these videos with NT Wright. Familiar with his books but seeing him talk about particular Christian issues really humanizes the scholar.
Thank you for sharing this message. Yes we cannot do it all by ourselves - Dr. Wright. It's so true. Thanking God for his Spirit
Wow I just discovered NT Wright someone in whom I find much agreement with and praise God he is not a cessationist! ( Pastor Lance Lewis )
My aunt used to minister weekly in a nursing home. She met a lady who did not speak any English and she felt God lead her to speak in tongues to the lady. She prayed for the woman in tongues still not aware that the woman was understanding everything that my aunt was saying in a conversation with her, but the lady began to speak back and my aunt understood everything the lady was saying in her native language. Thus they carried on a conversation, my aunt in an unknown tongue, and the lady in her native tongue. My aunt shared the Gospel of Jesus with her and she received Christ as her Savior. The lady wept with joy and expressed gratitude to my aunt and to God. And my aunt warmly embraced her rejoicing in her new birth. The next time when my aunt returned to the nursing home she asked about the woman and the staff lady reported she had died and was from Eastern Europe and she did not speak or understand English. The only person who ever came to see her was her daughter. ... I can vouch on the veracity of my aunt's character. She would not fabricate this story. And she would not try to carry on a conversation in tongues with anyone, much less a complete stranger, except that the Holy Spirit led her this direction. This was the first and only time she had experienced this supernatural phenomenon.
In my experience if you believe tongues is gibberish, made up for the intention to deceive, or insanity, you will not be convinced by hearing of this miraculous gift being used in the life of another, even if you purport to be a Christian.
Like salvation, it is miraculous. The carnal mind does not comprehend the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness to him. You can also be so set in your theology or denominational view of Scripture that you will not have an open mind and heart to study Scripture and seek God for yourself. In that case it really is a waste of time to try to convince you.
And then there are those who mock N.T. Wright for not giving an exegesis on the topic. Maybe he has on another platform. Regardless, if you have already determined it is quackery, there is no way to convince you. Paul received the Gospel by revelation. Revelation comes through an experience and it is supernatural and based on Scripture.
The revelation of this gift is also supernatural. Sorry, if you choose to harden your heart and stiffen your neck due to your own preconceived set beliefs, you are missing out on a gift which is part of Scriptural teaching, narrative, history and practice in the New Covenant and available to God's redeemed today.
I have a question for you: Have you gone directly to God and asked him about this gift? Paul exhorts believers to earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Are you a believer and do you do as you are exhorted to?
What if you are wrong in your cessationist theology and the millions of believers who speak in tongues are right?
And if you are not born again, will you go directly to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you?
I challenge you to do it. What if you are wrong and He is God and you die without the forgiveness, and eternal life Christ died to give you? Can it hurt to acknowledge you are not perfect in knowledge and are fallible? Shouldn't you be sure? Because this God I know will meet you where you are and He will reveal Himself to you, if you will humble yourself and ask Him to.
Victory. That says it all.
That is an amazing testimony from your aunt, God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏
Bobba chubba mingo de tango carburetorum!!!!
@@yamahajapan5351 Don't mock the things of the Spirit. You have no idea what you're doing. It's the only unforgivable sin.
@@jorgemanuel6559 Yes it is, truly amazing.
Preach the gospel
Any gift that comes is a bonus
Amen!! I totally agree!!
You're deceived
Awesome. I just posted a video walking through 1 Cor 13. I'm not aware of any Scripture that supports cessationism. Ironically, it seems that the cessationist has to add to Scripture to make the claim that the gifts are not for today.
NT Wright is confused and quite often wrong.
I pray in tongues every morning. Especially at times when I feel confused or tired or unsure about where to direct my prayer and it always lifts me up. It’s very powerful
Andrew Egan yes
It´s a great gift.
Thomas Fryxelius yes
Thank you for sharing that
Yep. I remember years ago a group of us were singing and worshipping and a girl in the room from Spain came up to me afterwards and said I'd been singing in Spanish. I dont know Spanish but I knew I had been singing quietly in tongues. It really blessed her! And it blessed me.
Hallelujah! We praise you Triune God- we honor you God and Worship you. May you and only you be glorified via these gifts! We thank you that we are witnesses as well as participants of these divine gifts. God Bless you Brother Richard
That's awesome.
You're lying. You know you're lying.
@@juliuscaesar8163 Boy, are you for somewhat of a shock when go through them pearly gates 😉
If you were singing quietly in tongues in a group of people, how could she have possibly heard you? She probably just thought your gibberish might've been Spanish. Tongues ended when the perfect/mature came in the 1st Century. Please stop clinging to the false hope of receiving the apostolic miraculous gifts. Cling to Christ alone.
N.T Wright is my new favorite theologian!
Tim Mackie and Heiser have a lot of many similar theological ideas! Blessings
As a Pentecostal Christian, I find N.T. Wright´s position wise and thoroughly biblical. I can agree 100% with everything he says.
Do you also agree with his New Perspective on Paul? That there is no penal substitution of sin? You just agree with a very importante topic for you, and now you probably will believe anything he says.
@@rockiniowa Watch his debate with James White on Justification. He does believe in Penal Substitutionary Atonement
This is one person I could listen to all day.
ahahah the large road of men intellect at work
@New Eyes To See what by leading them to follow Jesus!
NT Has been great blessing for Christians. .Thank You and God bless.
Love the comments from NT Wright. Wow. So good.
Not all the churches that believe in the gifts of the Spirit are a mess. In fact, 1 Corinthians 14 speaks against making a mess and an spectacle of the gifts. I know plenty of churches that handle the gifts with the order and respect they deserve
Do they interpret the gibberish?
All things are possible with God, has Jesus said after the frustrating question of disciples questioning "Who can get saved?" in the story of the rich young man, Luke 18. This is for me an important hint to not stand in the way of God, because His thoughts are not human thoughts, Isaiah 55.
In the 1980s I had an experience with praying in tongues somebody told me God has given me, and I practised it for a while & put it then aside for what reason ever. As Lutheran pastor I found no reason to pray in tongues nevertheless I experienced this here & there during the years. Now I´m retired due to three strokes leading to an early retirement.
God did not forget me. Today I am happy & thankful that I´ve got to get known Christ more intimately. Even the phenomenon of speaking in tongues has not totally vanished from my mind. Brother Wright, thank you for this clip helping a 60 years old retired Lutheran pastor to get encouraged to practise speaking in tongues in privat too! Kind regards, thanks & amen from Germany!
One question that it would have been interesting to hear Prof. Wright to answer would have been what he believes "speaking in tongues" refers to in the NT. The most famous example of "speaking in tongues" is obviously Acts 2:1-4, but the context of Acts 2:1-12 seems to imply that these "tongues" were known foreign languages. And it seems plausible that even St. Paul is talking about known foreign languages when he speaks about "tongues" in 1 Cor. 14, especially given what he says in 1 Cor. 14:21-22. Getting clear on what "speaking in tongues" means in the NT (if we can get to that) would help in this context.
Tom addresses this in 0:55 , basically he says he doesn't know (note that "angelic tongues" is a reference to 1 Cor 13:1, and is usually referenced to talk about tongues instances of non-human languages).
@@IamGrimalkin thank you for the reference in the video to where NT makes that comment. I know that some people point to 1 Cor. 13:1 as evidence that Paul believed in "angelic tongues," but it doesn't seem probable to me that Paul is claiming there that he believes that the gift of tongues includes speaking in "angelic tongues." It seems to me that Paul is using hyperbole to make a point about the importance of love. In any case, it would have been interesting to hear NT Wright's exegesis of the passage and a discussion of how he would work with the passage theologically. Thanks again for the reference.
@@IamGrimalkin very germane questions...
“Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.”
- H. L. Mencken
Speaking in tongues have been a huge personal blessing in my life. And I’ve also seen it direct me in fascinating and unusual ways!
Kenya B yes
@Kenya B the mind is a powerful can literally believe in anything
@Kenya B well I've read it cover to cover. The more I learned the more the bible became indefensible
@Kenya B and that's a good thing. I wouldn't ever want to agree to killing babies and children, people who work on a Saturday, gay persons, people who have affairs, or condoning slavery. It is indefensible to anyone with a moral compass.
@Kenya B then blame your god for creating such evil. His design, his choices, his rules. Nobody else.
If babies are evil it is your god that did it. Babies poop, pee and eat. That's all they do. That you think babies deserve to die is the poison of religion.
In the bible you can:
1. Buy and sell slaves
2. Own human beings as property
3. Beat them
4. Pass them down to your children as property
5. Own them forever
I assure you, it was anything but a "job". It was bona fide slavery
This bible is about death, suffering, judgement, condemnation, condescension. It is not a good book. A god that murders innocent babies is not a good god
I have a question please. Cessationists believe that after the canon was closed, I agree the canon is closed, God does not give more revelations, does not speak.
If God gives no more revelations, then how did Cessationists know that God has given the doctrine of Cessation?
Also, there is no foundation in Scripture to support the doctrine.
The pillar verse Cessationists use is 1 Corinthians 13:10 in which Paul says that when the perfect has come the gifts will pass away. They give the private interpretation that the perfect came when the Bible was completed and canonized. However, verse 12 gives the time that the perfect comes. It is when we see face to face and know as we are known. These two phrases are 2nd coming words because it is Jesus that we long to see face to face and it is when we receive our glorified bodies that our knowledge is greatly increased so that we know as God knows us.
So, the doctrine has been added to God's doctrines, God's Word, by the Cessationists.
Also, even more so Cessation doctrine takes away the supernatural gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10.
How can they get by Moses' command, the writer to Proverbs command, and Apostle John's command, inspired by God, not to add or take away from God's Word lest one loses their salvation?
Deuteronomy 4:2
You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God is pure;
He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
Do not add to His words,
Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.
Revelation 22:18-19
For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Some people argue that the verses in Revelation only apply to Revelation. However, when one realizes that the Holy Spirit placed the same command in 3 other places (also Deut. 12:32) this put more weight upon it to be God's universal will.
How I an longing to be offended and annoyed with something that N T says. The most reasonable mind with such insane amount of scripture and knowledge.
I thank God for his presence here on the planet
Never heard this gent before but I enjoyed his position on cessation and why he speaks in tongues
Woww, I see a lot of people here are really opposed to speaking in tongues. I'm a Christian, I believe that my righteousness and salvation are due to the saving works (death, burial, and resurrection ) of Jesus Christ ALONE! Having said that, I have had the experience of praying in tongues. I totally understood what NT was talking about when he said sometimes we don't know what we should really pray for but the Spirit prays through us. My dad almost died due to a ghastly Car accident on a work trip, and that same day it happened, in the morning my mom had the urge to pray and began to pray in tongues (my mom already had been praying in tongues before this which used to seem hilarious to me sometimes). She prayed in tongues until she sensed that she had received the answer (she still didn't know what she prayed for). Just the very next day we hear that my Dad almost died. I tell you that was a surreal experience for me. My mom said it that immediately she heard the news of the accident she knew that is what she was praying about. Now my dad is alive and well and Glory to the God of miracles. So YEAH, Let's trust GOD'S word. I love praying in tongues myself now. It really enables me to communicate with God in ways that I feel isn't limited by my English vocabulary. It's a beautiful thing and it's real. The Spirit gives utterance it's not gibberish. I know this will trigger some people, but again God's word is real and it is the same Holy Spirit they had (the apostles ) that we have. It never ceased.
@Caratacus yeah, I see that but I also see Christians calling those speaking in tongues fake. That really saddens me. Praying in the Spirit as I like to call it has been the singular most effective tool in my prayer life. But since it's a supernatural thing, it's hard to explain to believers who think the Bible (and all the mind boggling miracles and events and spiritual gifts) are just not available to us today.
Amen. It's communication between our spirit man and the Lord. I use this nightly in my prayer closet. It is rarely to be understood by a man. But sometimes.
@@brucecall1595 totally agree
@@User10412 Bingity Bangity Bongity
Victor Amogu yes my friend. You are indeed in tune with the Holy Ghost... God Bless you.
First, having read some of the comments, I appreciate that Wright can say, "Well, the cessationist argument stems from 1 Corinthians 13" (I am paraphrasing). So many comments on here want to act like there is not even a hint of cessationism in the NT. I am thankful Wright is honest enough to say that a passage really does exist in the New Testament that should be considered.
Second, that being said, I believe he dismisses 1 Corinthians 13 too quickly. While he sees the point that when these miraculous gifts cease, there will still need to be love, and then attributes that to the ultimate reality at the end, he doesn't comment on how faith and hope are also part of the contrast. When the gifts cease, not only will we still need love, we will need faith and hope. However, in the final ultimate reality at the end, we won't need faith (see Hebrews 11:1) and we won't need hope (see Romans 8:24). When the ultimate end is seen and experienced, we will no longer have faith and hope. Yet, after these miraculous gifts cease, not only will love abide, but faith and hope will as well.
Of faith, hope, and love, the greatest is love. However, all three abide once these particular kinds of gifts cease. Yet, love is the greatest because there will come a time in the end when love will be all that endures. Gifts, faith, and hope will all have ceased when we walk in sight.
@kori morris false. No reformed person would ever base their theology off of experience or lack of. We base it off of Scripture alone (sola scriptura). The fact you said we base it off of experience means you don't know the theology of reformed men and women. We would say that although you have an experience, if it doesn't line up biblically, it was fake or not from God.
@kori morris : First, thanks for assuming I'm intelligent. Second, I'm not a "Reformed Guy." That is, I'm not a Calvinist. Please, don't attribute to me something I don't believe. Third, I didn't say "If I don't experience it, it's fake." I didn't say anything about my experiences at all. I highlighted an oversight in Wright's explanation of the text. Please, address the argument I made that needs textual explanation, not the easily dismissed argument you wish I had made.
@@Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh123 agree
I've been praying in tongues since my 10th nameday (I'm now 24). God filled me up out of the blue with his spirit and tears filled my eyes. It's been wonderful ever since. I've had moments that I spoke in Hebrew and the guy sitting next to me who spoke Hebrew said that I prayed for the preacher and God's protection over the stage in church in Hebrew. Wow.
That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
God is good! Thank you for sharing this.
Amazing. We need unity in the body of Christ.
Thank you 🙏🏼 NT Wright.
That is absolutely awesome!
Today only I learnt about cessationism.. thank you very much.
Wonderful, great discussion - love your spirit
...I'm a soft skeptical cessationist...but, I find a "modernist" Bishop N.T. Wright, who believes in spiritual gifts...very comforting...
I find that cessionists usually have seen 'excess' of charsmatic leaning circles and gotten scared. I hate when academic Christians claim tongues is involuntary. It's not. I have NEVER spoken in tongues where I could not control myself, turn it on or off, or fallen on the floor in an epileptic fit. I simply found out about it, and prayed very calmly with my mom for the gift in my living room at 8. It came and I have been able to do it since. I find it's more edifying I find in private, but lately, I've found God wants me to rest in His care.
Amen, "...the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. For God is not a God of confusion but of peace." (1 Corinthians 14:32-33)
naturally NO INTERPRETERS as usual for a counterfeit gift.
But I have heard many amazing interpretations, Michael.
I'm sad that your group is too dead to have manifestations of the Spirit.
Paul commanded us to seek the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:1), not quench them (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
@@FRN2013 too dead wow what a pretentious nonsense from a man full of pride who know absolutely nothing about being born from Heaven,am talking in gibberish sooooo easily BUT it's not the true biblical gift of tongue (they are true men languages) but a stupid natural way to let our mind say everything that pass freely by the mouth !!!!! You are totally under seduction and NATURALLY NO INTERPRETS BECAUSE IT S NOT A TRUE LANGUAGE.
these verses are destroyingcompletely your false gift poor man acts2:6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?
8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?
Wow.. I completely agree. It will be a stumbling block 🚫 to those who don't understand.
show me one piece of experimental evidence that someone has prayed in an entirely new human language (to them) under the supposed influence of the holy spirit and i will convert from atheist to christian right now in this comment section.
(edit/update: just in case you don't want to read the 300 or so comments in this thread. not even one person has attempted to give evidence of tongues, despite the clear scriptural claim in 1 cor 14:22 that tongues are a sign for unbelievers).
If no one chooses God NO NOT ONE how exactly are you going to convert under your own volition ??
@ so i guess that means you have no evidence to offer...thx bye
@ I think the point is that extraordinary claims are being made here (the ability to spontaneously speak a foreign language) on the basis of second hand anecdote by someone whose world view is being confirmed. Is it possible of even likely that confirmation bias (at the very least) is a factor here. An honest person would have to say yes. Luckily as the speaker notes in another context, you don't have to make these assessments alone but a community exits to help. The difference is I would say the community is called the scientific community and not a group who share your biases.
@martifingers of course let’s be thankful science is biased )
@ i deconverted from christianity because of my research into how little evidence there is for it (in the process of trying to confirm and strengthen my belief). my understanding of what i am successfully (so far) belittling would probably be at least as good as yours. my experience in anything miraculous is probably what is lacking. out of interest, please give me your best evidence of anything you've personally experienced as a miracle.
I have been privileged to see the Holy Spirit at work in wonderful, surprising and powerful ways - not because I deserved it or am more spiritual than anyone else, but because of God's mercy. I understand that friendly debate has the potential to bring all parties closer to truth, but it would be nice to have a video like this for once without so many uncharitable anti-charismatic and / or cessationist responses. As someone not committed to a materialistic framework and as someone who has always been struck by the sheer variety of miracles and manifestations within scripture from beginning to end, nothing NT Wright has said here seems problematic. I was encouraged by his words, and in some ways it is brave of him to "come out of the closet" about this aspect of his faith. I do understand that brothers and sisters who have chosen cessationism will not be blessed in the same way and that to materialists it will all be bunk by defult, but it would be good if we could all assume better of each other.
"I have been privileged to see the Holy Spirit at work in wonderful, surprising and powerful ways"
And your proof for this claim is what?
@@cnault3244 Why do you ask this question? Admittedly I haven't got much to go on, but I assume (from past experience of how online discussions can go and the curt construction of your sentence) that it is because you're assuming I am mistaken, or potentially lying. So be it.
@@Inharmonics "you're assuming I am mistaken, or potentially lying."
Bingo. And another alternative is your examples of the "Holy Spirit at work" may be so trifling as to be meaningless. For example,of you can't find your keys and pray to the holy spirit that you to find your keys and you then find your keys? Not a compelling example of the holy spirit at work.
@@cnault3244 My post was written in good faith to encourage others. Anyway, apart from the current topic (of gifts of the Spirit), one wonderful reality the Holy Spirit has brought into my life is a deeper love for all people. Thus I do sincerely wish you all the best - being a stranger to me on the internet, I don't know your worldview or why you assumed that unusual example of keys, the nature of which didn't even enter my mind. It's probably better therefore I don't persist here - but if you do respond - and I only say this because I think the same old approach to online discussion is getting stale - it would be an interesting internet experiment, at least, if the next post was a bit less hostile and less pessimistic in its assumptions as to whoever you're addressing. But, in the words of my teenage foster son when bemused by my hobbies..."you do you". :-)
@@Inharmonics Nice long response.But it included no shred of evidence to support what you have been claiming,so your claim can be rejected.
"God does all sorts of odd things." Amen!
OR,all kind of odd things happen,which they do.
How about falling on the stage and laughing for an hour or so ? And calling it miracle and His work?!!!
God is odd. Why doesn't he like shellfish?
Thank you for such a clear explanation which I so witness with
Spoke in a heavenly language once - when filled with the Holy Spirit. I only knew what had happened retrospectively on reading the Scriptures for the first time. Cessationists tend towards intellectualism with no fire and false prophets towards strange fire with no accountability to Scripture. Both are the work of the same spirit of darkness.
The people warning Paul not to go to were speaking of the danger. It didn't mean he shouldn't go. "Don't go!" is a prescient warning.
And do you speak Hebrew?
I began speaking in tongues when I 13yrs old. I got curious after our primary school religious education teacher imitated how apostles spoke in tongues on the day of pentecost. This was when I was 12yrs in primary school. Luckily for me, a former teacher at the school and also formerly a well known drunkard came by as a completely transformed man.
He came and preached Jesus and salvation and sin but I wasn't interested in such. I wanted to experience this Jesus and the Holy Spirit like the apostles.
I went forward and received this Jesus the man spoke of.
A yr later at 13yrs and in secondary school, a joined a group of christians who used to forego lunch and spend an hour daily in prayer.
I was during those prayers that one day I felt a warm sensation rise starting from my feet as though I was being dipped into a pool. By the time it got to my head, I found myself speak a strange language.
20yrs later, when I want to pray and don't know what words to speak or if I find myself in a sticky situation, I pray in tongues and as always, I do get results.
In my experienced, christians opposed to tongues or have issues with them are actually those that don't pray in them. Please don't unwittingly resist the spirit of God.
"Hmm...God is not doing that in my life or in my church, so it must be unbiblical. I need to find a verse that I can fit into my doctrine."
@@FRN2013or anywhere in a world where there are video cameras and records everywhere. In my experience people love praying and hate studying the Bible. That’s what I call a red flag.
But tara, your experience is limited. Sadly, when I was a new convert (1980s), I loved studying/reading/memorizing, but I wasn't good at praying. Another red flag.
@@FRN2013 The sign gifts of the apostles were very clear. They provided a witness to their message. Evidence! They weren’t done in secret. Philip in Acts 8 had to call in the big guns (Peter and John) to bestow the gifts that you (I assume) think is common (in some way). I’m just saying that non-charismatics are rightfully skeptical. Also, notice that the original commenter here says that he rejected what we’d call the gospel (“I wasn’t interested in such”) so that he could experience the “Holy Spirit like the apostles”. You gave your applause with your anti-cessation quip, but you are literally backing the idea that you can reject the gospel and receive the Holy Spirt. Do you have a Biblical basis for this?
tara, no one is disagreeing with your first four sentences. Straw man arguments.
Aug. 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM: I received the gift of tongues when I received the Baptism of Holy Spirit.
Hello Justin. I've been praying for the gift of tongues for several years but haven't yet received this "dynamis" power.
What is your advice to me please?
What language did you speak? What did you prophecy? Who heard you and witnessed it?
@@catpocalypsenow8090 exactly
Let me add fuel to the fire - I PRAY IN TONGUES AS WELL AS MILLIONS OF OTHER CHRISTIANS! Maybe if you open your heart and mind to the realities in the Bible, as well as study it, I am sure HS will give you the revelation. Don't be too quick to judge something you clearly don't have biblical teaching or experience in. Not everyone receives the gift, does not mean you have the right to dismiss those who have.
Pray tell me, what would be the result for me "opening my heart" beside killing myself? You do know what the heart is and what function it has in the body, right? 🤔
Amen. Born again christians have left their old sceptical self behind ,and never look back. We let go and let God.
And if we took 5 people (who also pray in tongues ) & let them witness you praying in tongues then took each of the 5 to a separate room and asked them to tell us what you said, would they all give the same answer?
Viktoria well said sister!
C Nault
Blessings - If they have the gift of interpretation, yes! Just because you don’t have the gift of tongues, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. *God* bless!
God bless you graciously beloved brother and servant of God
In high school I went to a pentacostal church with my buddy a couple times where they prayed in tongues, and I felt moved to participate as well. It didn't seem at all nefarious or even odd at the time. I think some people just worship differently.
Though the bible does give instructions about prayer in tongues in the context of a congregation.
It's supposed to only be done if there is someone present who can interpret it.
Which is not to say that it's inherently nefarious if people do so, but I do believe that instruction was given for good reason.
Even if a practice isn't harmful in itself (and obviously, prayer in tongues given by the Holy Spirit isn't), it can have pitfalls for oneself or others.
A clear and encouraging word...from a sound biblical scholar.
Thanks for this.
I believe tongues are a real gift that some people have, but not all. I have heard many testimonies of people speaking in tongues that I don't want to deny. However I do not support the charismatic movement that centers faith around spiritual gifts. They act like if you have a supernatural gift you're superior and therefore people fake it to fit in. Some people have gifts for a specific purpose but that is ultimately not what faith is about. The spiritual gifts like tongues or healing are a means to an end which is to glorify God, and they are not necessary for everyone to do so.
charismatic is a counterfeit christianity
@@michelhaineault6654 I agree. "Charismatic Christianity" is centered around an emotional experience and that is not the gospel. It doesn't mean things like tongues never happen, it just means worship shouldn't be centered around them.
@@richardackerman9187 true gift of tongues never happens ; gibberish it's not the true gift.Where are the interpreters????? Gone with the wind of their false spirit.
I pray in tongues in prayer and, often, in worship.
In which language?
@@arnoldfernandes2672 What is that to you. I am speaking to God, not you, when I speak in tongues.
@@charlesmangum3108 I am trying to understand this gift
@@arnoldfernandes2672 It is in the NT and it is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Seek God with all your heart. Seek Him
@@charlesmangum3108 except when you do it in public you are also to everyone in hearing range. Paul comments on this in scriptures
First time here, so are there verses that say the gifts have ceased? And are there verses that say the gifts have not ceased?
Its not a "matter of discernment", its a matter of credulity.
@AnarchoRepublican I worry about his own discernment when he takes at face value claims by people to have spoken an unknown foreign language on a bus. I'd love to have known more about it as, that would be such an amazing thing to witness. However as per usual, he states it and moves on, as if it's nothing worth considering. And we all know why, because it most likely never even happened.
@AnarchoRepublican no cigar for them or me?
@AnarchoRepublican yeah man. It's a ridiculous claim. And a shame that NT Wright who always seems quite rational in his assessment of Christianity, despite believing it, also takes this line of belief which is comprehensively false.
@AnarchoRepublican it would be nice if he could at least raise a bit of doubt. But it was it is.
@AnarchoRepublican But didn't Jesus say I will use the foolish to confound the wise. Not the educated and most respected or the most engaging or the most logical or the most suave. He could have said that too, but if you look at it from HIS perspective all the stuff we do and pretend to know with such authority and license must look absolutely idiotic to HIM ????????? just saying
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can speak in modern "tongues". To those who would claim otherwise I would say, without reservation, that they know little even NOTHING about the real gift. On this subject NT Wright is NoT Wright. Or to put it another way, NT Wrong.
For me, I sometimes wake speaking in tongues, also during worship.
Jack Pullen same
wow, that´s wonderful!
Me too brother. I woke up many times from a dream speaking in tongues.
🤦♂️ Jesus Christ..
@@benjaminjudge6232 Lord
1 Corinthians 14 talks greatly about why it is better to prophecy rather than speak in tongues. Part of the Corinthian problem was viewing speaking in tongues to be a sign of spiritual superiority. This, of course, is wrong. However, Paul goes on to say that he will pray with the Spirit (tongues, according to the context of v.14), and in understanding; that he will sing in the Spirit (tongues), and in understanding.
Jude 20 talks about praying in the Holy Spirit. He may or may not be referring to tongues, but with the common association of praying in the Spirit and tongues, it may provide a non-Pauline example of tongues.
I grew up in a conservative Pentecostal church. We didn't swing from the rafters; we weren't barking, or lifting snakes, or many other things I've heard talked about. I saw proper exercise of tongues frequently -- one person would give a message in tongues. After a few moments, another would give the interpretation. These were for public use. I've also experienced and seen prayers in tongues -- not intended to be interpreted. There is very much a difference between the two.
Great interview brothers. thank you for this discussion. God bless ❤
That spread on the table looks so good lol
Look at all those snacks on the table.
Yes, struck me too. Hardly feasible to eat a banana whilst carrying on a conversation.
So much tongues
I did not quite notice this. I was watching their faces and hearing them out. Seeing this, definitely had to go back and watch all the snacks on the table 😂
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
- John 3:16
Speaking in tongues on a bus??? What about speaking in tongues at a soccer match? Why exercise the gift in private but not public??? You pray publicly in the "traditional" manner. Why not tongues in public? Clearly speaking in tongues was public in the New Testament.
He can speak in tongues, but only in a prayerful manner. It is clear when Paul is instructing the Church in Corinth on spiritual gifts that some tongues are for self-edification (1 Corinthians 14:4). Of course, tongues in the book of Acts were used to spread the gospel (Acts 2:4), but it is clear that tongues come in two kinds. Wright's point is that, why would he pray in tongues in public (for example, on a bus or at the store)? Saint Paul says later in the book of Corinthians concerning tongues, "if you bless God in the spirit only, how will the one who occupies the place of the outsider know to say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you are saying? For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not edified." (1 Corinthians 14:16-17)
Agabus is the one who tied himself up and prophesied to Paul. And the Word calls him a Prophet "and others with him - so more than one NT prophet.
Being careful not to dis the Holy Spirit who has given us 'His' gifts, for His purposes. Remember the 'True' worshippers, are to worship God in 'Spirit & in Truth', because God is Spirit (& His Word is Truth, Jesus is the Living Word/the Word made flesh. He is the Way, the Truth & the Life)
It behooves us, to always ask the Lord to reveal anything & everything in His Word we dont understand & let Him show you His Word by revealed knowledge of His Word &/or revelation through His Holy Spirit. Dont assume & especially dont depend on your intellect/logic only, ( remember the Saducees & Pharisees studied the scriptures, but didnt receive Jesus/Yeshua when He showed up), they totally missed the hour of their visitation, because they calculated Jesus was just a mere man, born in Nazereth.
Paul had a 'turnaround' because of Jesus Himself breaking through his 'learned/educated' mindset & Paul had a 'supernatural' experience in open vision form. This radically changed Pauls life & life purpose! Wonderful!
unbelievable is a great podcast
Dang we got alot of people who don't like tongues in the comment section...
@AnarchoRepublican not even funny
@AnarchoRepublican ooga booga hoogo boogo 🤪
@@michaelanderson4849 Michael, i'd suggest you care to your eldery mother, rather than mock God's gifts.
@@PapaSeed ooooooooga booooooooga 🤘😁🤘
@@michaelanderson4849 God cannot be mocked; be careful what you say online.
the website is not working
Speaking in tongues = speaking in foreign languages. The Bible is very clear on that. At specific moments, God gave this gift to certain people so that they could share The Good News with people speaking a different language, who otherwise wouldn't have understood. God speaks to people who need to be saved in their own language through others who don't usually speak that language. The recipient of the message gets not only The Good News, but also a powerful testimony of God's amazing power and grace. Speaking gibberish that nobody understands serves no purpose, looks bad and Paul actually warns against it unless someone is available for translation. Which is further proof that tongues = a spoken language. Besides, if you don't understand what you're saying how do you know you're not blaspheming?
Not once in the Bible is the gift of tongues used to share the Gospel in a foreign language. Calling it gibberish is just begging the question that it is and is a simple dysphemism against one of God’s gifts to His church. Speaking in tongues does have a purpose as Paul says that the one who speaks in a tongue edifies (oikodomé) himself which means to build up. Saying it looks bad is a personal opinion and can be dismissed immediately as a credible argument. Paul does not warn against tongues without an interpretation, he warns against tongues in a corporate setting without an interpretation because our purpose when we gather is to edify the body and not just yourself. Lastly, questions are not arguments. The tired question of “what if you get a demon?” or “what if you blaspheme” is just a scare tactic “argument” not rooted in scripture whatsoever. Read 1 Cor 12:3. No one speaking by God’s Spirit can curse the name of Jesus. Keep seeking, Alex, but you are sorely misguided on this topic.
I used to be where you are. Then I read 1 Cor. 12-14 more closely, e.g., 14;2, "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit." Clearly Paul believed that it wasn't only for sharing the gospel, but as a form of prayer. "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you." (1 Cor 14:8). Clearly however Paul's primary concern is that public worship itself not devolve into a tongue-speaking fest. This is why many people reserve this gift for private prayer. What I realized is that I was very conditioned to fear and despise an actual gift of God, but that actually, God only gives good gifts to his children.
@@TKK0812 Acts 2:1-13 is clear that the disciples upon receiving the Holy Spirit began to speak in other languages. Languages not known to them but known by the people gathered there. There were Parthians, Medes, and Elamites. There were also people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontius and Asia. Verse 8 states: Then how is it that each of us years them in his own native language?
Bleetel Brengel xzebaba zabadoo.
Alex Mala when Paul is referring to the interpretation of tongues that you are referring to he is referring to the interpretation of a prophesy coming forth in a tongue. Paul also writes in 1 Corinthians 14:18 that he spoke in tongues more than any of those in the church at Corinth and there is no record of him carrying on in public out loud in tongues so it must have been in his own private time. Much of the Corinthian church were abusing the spiritual gifts and that is what Paul is addressing yet In 1 Corinthians 14:39 he still tells them to make sure that they don’t try to stop anyone speaking in a tongue, thus he’s bring correction yet encouraging them to make sure they continue to use this wonderful spiritual gift.
Regarding speaking Blasphemy in tongues, that’s not even biblical. I’m sorry that you have such an opinion of this wonderful gift of The Holy Spirit to the body of CHRIST.
God Bless you Alex.
Why is it that there are no church records of speaking in tongues throughout the centuries? Not the masses of babbling people gathered together do today at any rate. I agree that in private, one or 2 with interpretations in a service but not the way it is done in the Charismatic, Pentecostal ,NAR churches of today.
You don’t read The New Covenant?
I love me some NT Wright, but his voice was mixed sooooo low in this video haha!
Concerning prophecy, aren't we told to seek confirmation of these words? Relationship between us and the Most High, the Creator and between each of the parts of the Body of Christ requires interaction with all the parties of the relationship. I don't know anyone in Finland but if Holy Spirit directs my thoughts and prayers there, I will certainly be obedient. Relationships are living things of a sort, scripture gives us guard rails and descriptions of God's character. Interacting throughout the day with my Creator is awesome (that which creates awe), frightening, and very natural as He made us to relate WITH Him... at least I believe it.
Very interesting subject. Coming from an protestant evangelical background I see a massive false teaching, abuse and misunderstanding of the gifts which are problematic. The charismatic movent is a problematic movement theologically and in practice, take Bethel church for example with teaching children to practice prophecy through prophetic Uno. Ezechiep 13 tells us clearly how God feels about abuse of prophecy. I understand that people lean towards cessationism in response. NT says near the end "it is a matter of discernment" whicy comes from wisdom. Wisdom is given by God and is a mind matter, not a feeling.
Are you a believer or a philosopher.
@@brucecall1595 believer in the risen Jesus Chirst brother. Expound if you will? :)
@@jessedutch3086 I was referring to nt. Wondering if he's a worldly philosopher or a born again believer. It gets confusing when christianity has so many subcultures. I got born again on 8 8 2016. I'm just an infant.but I'm called to serve through outreach and leading worship to the Lord. So Christian philosophy seems to stray from biblical interpretation.
@@brucecall1595great to hear! keep pressing on. Great that you are in the ministry so quickly. Focus on the Bible, not all these wise men (from the subcultures)
Its sad you're pretending that Bethel represents all/majority of Charismatic protestant churches. I guess it helps you set up your strawman.
I use the gift of tongues and on several occasions I was taken behind the Vail. Wow, that's a experience of a life time. Where miracles take place. It's the only way I can worship the Lord in spirit, my spirit to the Fathers, by faith.
I am one of the son's of God who've cried out Abba Father and He heard my voice. Answering with a instantaneous miracle for my spouse.
Without the gift of tongues I would have never build up the inner man to become one of the Son's of God.
Are you Mormon because homeslice that’s a heretical doctrine
Linguists who have studied glossolalia of Christians (and non-Christians) have found characteristics more common to babble than to language. Pattison, E. Mansell, Behavioral Science Research on the Nature of Glossolalia. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. Vol. 20, September 1968, p. 73-86.
Holton, Larry. Has The Tongues Movement Convinced The Language Experts? The short answer is “no.” “Glossolalia is language-like because the speaker unconsciously wants it to be language-like. Yet in spite of superficial similarities, glossolalia fundamentally is not language.” Skepticʼs Dictionary, The, glossolalia.
Joel Bjorling writes, “At Oral Roberts University, I was prayed over to speak in tongues, and this girl instructed, ‘Praise God, but donʼt speak English. Let God have your tongue.’ So, what came out? Something like ‘coom-di-a-sa-me-da-sa.’ Monosyllables...The girl exclaimed, ‘Praise God! Heʼs speaking in tongues!’ But was I? For several years, when I was feeling especially intense, I prayed in words (or whatever) like the afore-mentioned monosyllables. Did it make me feel stronger, more inspired? did have punch to it. I eventually abandoned Pentecostalism and ended up a Unitarian...[I can see why people are drawn] to tongues and experiences like being ‘slain in the Spirit,’ which are new, exciting, and different [for them, and think that] if you believe speaking gibberish will help you, it will.” Bjorling, Joel, Strange Tongues: A Personal Encounter, The Anomalist, 2000.
Yuriy Stasyukʼs story is similar, “[I was] a young preacher who conducted passionate Pentecostal prayers in front of crowds, and loved to speak in tongues...I wanted a relationship that manifested the supernatural presence of God through miracles, signs, and wonders,” but he changed from Pentecostal to reluctant skeptic. His investigation of tongues and his personal journey appears in a series of five well articulated blog posts titled, Why I Changed, where he discusses the effort he put into attempting to maintain his beliefs. Stasyuk, Yuriy. Ten Hard Questions About ‘Tongues’, and, Why I Changed: Pentecostalism is as Clear As Glossolalia.
Tongues and Salvation, an ex-Pentecostal (Lovingdoubt on youtube) discusses excuses invented by her church as to why people can still speak in tongues after they have left the fold.
Thanks for the research and the sources!
But NT Wright has heard from a person who heard from a person who heard from a person who absolutely heard someone speaking in tongues on a bus and it was 100% Hindustani. Obviously it must be true because he can't see why anyone would lie about it.
He's not a gullible fool.....Lol
@@holdontoyourwig NT Wright said "I do know people, I have met people who...". [1:06] He did not say he "heard from a person who heard from a person who heard from a person who absolutely heard someone speaking in tongues on a bus and it was 100% Hindustani." He said that he had no reason to doubt that person's account, he did not say "Obviously it must be true etc." I personally have no reason to doubt that you are a real person (and I haven't even met you) rather than a bot - does that make me gullible too?
I find much of the glossolalia of the "experts" of today's academia to have characteristics more common to babble than to language.
we have 6000 languages even in philippines check how many dialects they have.. ask ur friend if they know all those dialects..
Praying in tongues 🔥 unlocked my prayer life and from then on my prayer life is not the same.
"God does all sorts of odd things" as long as it agrees with me. If it's an odd thing that agrees with someone else then that's nasty thinking and being rational. This kind of anti-thinking and ultimately anti-New Testament miracle is stupid. Miracles in the NT are not the same as NT Wright having his own personal religious experience. The NT miracles are the foundation proof of Christianity vs everything. "He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead."
Right but what about speaking tongues while taking off their shirts? Or running and shaking in the church? Abusing others for not having it.
@@amitkohan12 This could go on and on but... Question: how would you have reacted to a prophet walking around the nation NAKED and WEEPING for 2 years? or if you heard the story first hand " that I was taken up to the third heaven?" Or and angel woke me? first hand real time these things took place as a living speaking loving God desparately loving humans wants to communicate. He's always communicating all the time. I know it would really bother me to have these things said to me first hand if I lived during those times but I live now! and these things are happening now and I am hearing about them now. I don't have hind sight to figure it out, thats where faith comes in. MMMMMMMM????????? just sayin
He didn´t say "being rational", he criticised rationalism, which is a philosophy that our reason is the only way we can know things. He is not anti-thinking, but open to God doing things in his life in accordance with the Bible, like speaking and tongues, healing etc.
It´s very true that God uses miracles to prove Christianity, but that is not the only thing they do. And as Wright points out, in 1 Cor 13, the gifts of the Spirit are said to be here until Jesus comes back.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 That's right. Also, the possible irony of this accusation is that what N.T Wright says can actually cut against the "as long as it agrees with me" line, in that it is a warning against summarily dismissing all such testimonies because they cut against our expectations and assumptions (or because they offend our sensibilities.)
"he NT miracles are the foundation proof of Christianity vs everything. "He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.""
Cool. Now,can you present evidence that he rose from the dead? ( btw in the Bible,Jesus was the 7th person to rise from the dead, and wasn't the last person in the Bible to do so). So his sacrifice for us was to have a temporary death? Not much of a sacrifice.
I believe that 1 Cor 14 is clear that the gift of tongues is not a foreign language. Speaking in tongues and someone hearing in their native language is a miracle not a different form of tongues.
The gifts of the Spirit are both ceased and in continuation, according to need and circumstance. A bit like a lifeboat being launched with all onboard and exercising extraordinary actions according to the state of need required, whereas most of the time it is hidden away unseen, no crew visible and seemingly not functioning. It is not the gifts that are the determining factor, it is the will of God in exercising his Spirit to the circumstances of a post-resurrection, yet largely unbelieving, world. Unlike the lifeboat, he may not respond to every call.
It’s amazing how mental some people can be. The mind can trick many and the devil deceive even more. Tongues has ceased.
Could it be that you're tired of the English language?
To those who say the Bible is the final word and no prophets can say more, please read John 16:12. It clearly says Jesus still has more to say to us. Stop worshiping the Bible and accept it for what it truly is. The Bible is our guide, yet God still speaks to us beyond it.
You "have no reason to doubt" any random miraculous story a person tells you? Then I have a bridge to sell you..... Do you also believe the miraculous stories of Hindus and Buddhist and other people around the world? You have to be consistent in this completely un-critical approach you have to peoples stories.
Since I would have made the same statement, let me try to respond:
I have personal experiences of the supernatural that makes me think it is not impossible and can happen.
I have good reason to believe in God (both experience and evidence) and that makes me think it is possible.
If I listen to a christian I know and trust and they tell me of their experience I have no reason to doubt their experience.
"Do you also believe the miraculous stories of Hindus and Buddhist " Sometimes, yes. If there is a spiritual dimension to life it can of course be manifested in other peoples life´s too. I might interpret the experience differently, but I have no reason to think it couldn´t happen.
Is this uncritical? No, you assess peoples crediblity, and if possible the circumstances. The difference is that you don´t dismiss it as impossible before listening, since that would be closeminded. You look at the situation, you don´t pre-judge
@@thomasfryxelius5526 That is very well put. If one has seen the possibility of the supernatural, believes in God, and knows the person sharing the story - that they are otherwise entirely sane, honest, fruitful etc. - it doesn't seem very rational to simply dismiss their account. Even with people I haven't met, once I did meet them and take part in the work their stories have generally be proven true (for example, I read "Chasing the Dragon" by Jackie Pullinger and saw no particularly reason to doubt the story given what I already knew..helping with that ministry later multiple times down the years later only confirmed the events in the book as true. This has often happened.)
And, like you said, one can have an experience like this - but there can be a variety of interpretations as to its source and nature. That they were mistaken about the entire supernatural nature of the experience is of course a possibility, but if the accounts points in the direction of the supernatural, and other factors line up, it isn't "more rational" to always dismiss such claims.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 No one would be denying that these people are actually having an "experience" the question is if the experience if from God, the Holy Spirit, is it Biblical etc.If a Hindu or a Buddhist has one of these experiences then it is definitely not from God because they have not been born again. They too may have an experience but if they are worshiping and have put their trust in other gods, then it's not the God of the Bible.
@@spiritandtruth7421 Agreed, I was only pointing out that since we believe in a spiritual dimension to life, we don´t have to dismiss accounts of the supernatural as if we were materialists.
I don´t hold to the silly notion some have that all spiritual things are good. In fact, I believe all spirits that are not from God are evil. But we still know they´re there.
@@thomasfryxelius5526 Yeah I agree. And so the question is whether or not a person speaking in tongues, the experience that they have is from God or not. Whether it is a demonic spirit or not and that is where the debate comes in. Or if they are forcing it, making it up, pretending etc. Lots of explanation and possibilities.
im just curious there a lot of eveidence written that God said that He will give us languages other than ours in the bible but cessanionists are only quoting one verse ans they are soo confident that these gif of tongue has ceased.. can anyone site more verse that it all ceased?
"there a lot of eveidence written that God said that He will give us languages other than ours in the bible "
That is not evidence written in the Bible, it is claims written in the Bible.
llea Nge there are no other verses. Ceasation should is error
As a musician, I can improvise vocally too. It is essentially free improvisation. It can be trance inducing but it is still gibberish. No disrespect but believing something like this tells us a lot about Mr Right.
It tells us that on this point he agrees with scripture that tongues are one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
If i speak in Cambodian to you...will you understand me?
I would love to have the gift of tongues too, but unfortunately I don’t. Sometimes it has made me feel suspicious... but maybe that’s wrong
@@interpretingscripture8068 You're right. Speaking in tongues is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But it is still one of two spiritual gifts 1 Corinthians 13 tells us would be stopped. And also, how do you know the "ecstatic utterances" of today meet the criteria of what is called "tongues" in Isaiah, Acts and 1 Corinthians?
@@interpretingscripture8068 but why would you speak to me in a language that I won't understand anyway? Isn't the gift for the common good? 1 Cor 12.7
Doesn’t N.T. Wright often smugly dismiss the rapture as a relatively recent phenomenon popular in American evangelical circles? A lot of those same evangelical circles are ones in which the modern Pentecostal movement started.
@@User10412 I'm not arguing that either doctrine is wrong or right because of where it came from. I'm pointing out what seems to be inconsistency in Wright's thinking.
Oh phhleeeaase!!!!!!
I find it odd that those who teach cessationalism still teach and sometimes evangelize The gifts of The Spirit are a resource that God has given us to proclaim the Gospel and never to be lifted up. The Gifts of the Spirit, like the Fruits of the Spirit, are there to serve. The Bible says they are so.
"Tongues": Foreign languages that one does not know -- real ones.
Including those of angels.
absolutely... not gibberish.
dagman85 rrrraabbaaaa shiiihioohsaaaaa aválala la boooboooo brrraaakkaaaakakaka dadassasasad... and there you have it. Angel language
"For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit." (1 Corinthians 14:2)
Also the rest of 1 Corinthians 14 touches on that thought repeatedly.
There are tongues of men and tongues of angels (1 Corinthians 13:1).
Even if tongues are only human languages, Africa alone has 7000 + languages and dialects. You really think tongues will just be the most popular languages? That’s called ignorance. Many African languages sound gibberish.
Anyone know what grey bible is on the right side of the table?
Please host a discussion of Veganism. The problem of animal suffering and the reluctance of Christians to consider that they have a duty of compassion towards all of the creation to which has been given a wellbeing is , at least for me, a major obstacle to participating in the Church
I would love to see Bishop N.T. Wright debate with Paula White, Kenneth Copeland and the likes...
😂 that’s not a debate!
how many verse in the bible that mentioned that gift of holy spirit has ended?
How many do you need- as long as it is said, then it is true.
Paul gives the time and context in 1 Corinthians 13:12.
Face to face is face to face with Jesus Christ. And to know as I am known (by God) is referring to the knowledge he receives when he receives his glorified body both of which are 2nd Coming events. These 2 phrases are 2nd Coming vernacular.
Some have got the Holy Spirit in a box of tradition and are afraid to let Him out. Some have a false god that imitates this and divide the flock, Some use the gifts to heal and serve, some use the "gifts" as a sideshow to their false doctrine. One! Eph 4
"God does all sorts of odd thing...." My favorite line. I'm so skeptical of exuberant testimonies that seem to point to the person sharing more than to the Lord....but i do not need to reach conclusions that wall God out of possibilities.
Philip went to samaria. The people believed and were baptized. The apostles came down to lay hands on the new believers that they would receive the Holy spirit. Simon the sorcerer saw people recieving the holy spirit and tried to pay the apostles for the ability to give people the holy spirit. What sign was so impressive to a sorcerer that he desired to possess it? Jesus said there would be a sound that would accompany those that are born of the spirit in John 3:8. God doesn't run out of goodies brothers and sisters. It's not elitism to show that God has more that He wants to give us.
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Essentially It is about interpretation. Paul rather spoke five words people understood than ten thousand they did not. 1 Cor 14 v19. A true gift has to bring glory to the Giver and benefit to others.
That's in the context of a meeting of believers. In private prayer, tongues edify the one praying.
Biblical tongues have not ceased. What is it?
1. Ability to speak a language that you have never learned.
2. Ability to speak in one language, but different hearers hear it in their OWN language .
3. Ecstatic speech .
Biblical tongues is NOT the gibberish and nonsense that you find in 99% of Pentecostal / Charismatic churches!!
Today it still exists as a spiritual gift, but it is very very rare !! My own Pastor in Victoria spoke Japanese while sharing the gospel with a Japanese lady. He doesn’t speaks Japanese, but an Aussie from the bush.
1 Cor 1:7 Tongues will cease only when Jesus appears and comes back at his second coming. By the way I am a Baptist, not a Penticostal!! I just want to be honest with scripture!
Exactly! I also grew up in pentacostal churches. And when people "spoke in tongues" it always sounded like they were just repeating the same gibberish over and over again. The real gift of tongues is to be able to pray in a foreign language, or to be able to share the gospel in another human language that is not your own. If no one can understand what you are saying, then it probably isn't the real gift. The real gift of tongues is for the benefit of unbelievers. Just as is shown in the book of acts, when the disciples first received the holy spirit. They were praying in tongues, and the foreigners who were in Jerusalem could understand them.
Shouldn’t they be interpretation when tongues are spoken?
When spoken in a meeting, Paul says there should be an interpretation. If spoken just for you to edify in the spirit or encouragement in worship. I dont think you need an interpretation. The Holy Spirit will intercede for us when we dont know how or what yo pray. Another example when no interpretation is needed but it may guide you and lead you into prayer.
Ann Anderson thank you that’s a very good explanation.God bless you and your family ❤️🙏🌎
The spirit of Jezebel HATES 1st. Corinthians chapter 14 AND 1st. Timothy chapter 2 !!! Are there Interpreters of Tongues present?!