It's called a distraction technique except its not the way he does it.Every single world beating lie, blaming the opposition whom he knows full well cannot do anything to stop his beyond belief in a sane country majority. His World Beating plans have never succeeded, not one and he really thinks we haven't noticed they have all been diversion tactics to keep his pasty white face and toddler haircut in business and bleeding us dry with his world Beating covert privatisation of our public hard earned cash going straight into the pockets of the world Beating donors that charge 5 star prices for the 5th rate service and his world Beating front bench and party tell us we are so wrong and they know best. They are after all the ruling class when in fact we see right through them. the Front Bench mmm The characters from the Beano and Dandy come to mind, Not sure why ? 😂
You're not helping me, man. I am a nurse, I work full time and on my days off I work extras to be able to keep up with expenses. I only shop for essentials. All my money goes on bills and groceries. I had to cancel all my donations to charities. I shower at the gym so I can save water and energy. How exactly are you helping people, Boris?
He isn't and he wont. I work for the NHS and in the midst of my nursing apprenticeship I also have to make time to work agency on top. He cites the "Independent NHS pay review body" that he will totally ignore.
You have a short memory sir, surely you haven’t forgotten the 1% wage increase the beast gave you in return for your selfless heroic bravery as you slogged through the pandemic, devoting yourselves to the dying and helpless. Badness will follow Johnson for the rest of his life
How tf is that even possible? Even earning minimum wage, which you're not as a nurse, working 7 days full time would easily pay for bills and groceries. On a salary of 30k+ a year even living alone shouldn't be impossible, so that sounds like bullshit.
@@CR-og5ho I don't work 7 days per week, unless I want to end up in an early grave. It's 12h30 hours shifts, do you think you'd be able to work 7 days per week like that ? Band 5 nurses don't earn 30k + per years. No, it's not bullshit.
@@neilmajor8578 Well we don't know how far these partys went. The Roman Empire had interesting excesses, the new British Empire maybe wants their share of glory too :)
Every time I witness this debacle, my head hangs further in shame and disbelief. How relieved I am that I have lived way more years than I have left. In my lufe I have witnessed great moments in British and world history but now I fear the human race is, finally, doomed. When our "so called" leaders mock us, taunt us and exploit the worst possible crisis to swell their own bank balance to obscene numbers I fear it is time to quietly leave the stage. Let them not forget that money only has relevance in a civilized society. If these leaders bring us to a world war, it will strip us all of assets, wealth and even dignity. I hope I am not here to witness it but I also hope that they are.
Interesting. When exactly were these great moments in British history that you witnessed? Seems to me like our country is far more progressive than it's ever been. When were these great times with great leaders?
I think you are allowing the pathetic back_biting and bigotry that calls itself politics in this country blind you to the fact that the majority in this country are honest hard working people who are grateful to live in a country where freedom is a given.
I may not know what Keir Stamer would be like were he to lead our country but i do know that he is a fantastic debate opponent and critic of Boris Johnson and his government. For that i respect the bloke.
We've got a long history of great comedy, Monty Python, Reeves and Mortimer and now PMQs, probably the funniest of the lot, some people actually think Boris is a real politician.
have you noticed how the cameras are now switched off on the M20. I havebeen following the queues fro some time on the traffic cameras but they are switched off now.
We don't actually have democracy in the UK, when a party get's 43% of the vote and has absolute power, leaving 57% unrepresented, nobody can convince me that first past the post is democratic.
@@Paul-eb4jp You are right Paul, sadly the alternative also has its problems, proportional representation would lead to a very fragmented government led by dozens of politicians all with their own idea of a way forward. My personal solution is to have first past the post but make all manifestos legally binding, that would stop people voting for policies and ideas that the party really has not chance or desire to put in place but to simply gather votes, this would make first past the post far more meaningful and allow people to make informed choices based on what is truly on offer by each party.
Labour is known for tax increases. It (in the past) used those taxes for local investments, re-nationalisations. The conservative party is meant to be known for low tax, but this government has instead INCREASED taxes and cut funding. Which kind of government is better here?
Well the tory part has been confirmed responsible for at least 30k British deaths during the pandemic, that's multiple times more deaths than all terrorist attacks in the UK combined in the last 60 years or so
Well when the economy shrinks you have to raise taxes to maintain the same level of spending. It’s almost like brexit has massively damaged the economy… this is us paying for it.
I don't even understand why people get so up-in-arms about tax increases. They don't mean 'you pay more', because taxation can be used to, efficiently, redistribute wealth. Increasing tax to increase social-funding is fine, but increasing tax and continuing to bail-out private companies, hand contracts to friends and starve our social structure? That should be grounds for treason.
You problem is an outdated defunct parliamentary system, a two party system held in place with that idiotic "first past the post". It's not just Boris who is laughable it's your whole political system. No country should ever be run by a government of just one party. Educated countries a run by coalition governments.
I often find what makes my skin crawl more than the lies Boris spouts as easily as breathing, is the his MPs crying 'MOOOOAARRRRRRR' behind him, knowing that he's talking absolute crap. But him being animated and waffling in bumbling British way is what, I presume, makes him likable to his supporters and his MPs know that.
“We got brexit done”. Is that the “done” where we are having to reopen negotiations because we forgot some important things and don’t like the deal what we done?
Yeah it's done ! And it's time for all you Remoaners to get over it. Negotiations are tip of the ice berg on brexit as well the icing of the cake. Yes accept it or the UK is now a Sovereign contingent & can now have it's cake & eat it at the same time 😆
@@chucksforte8207 but it’s not done, is it? We are having to renegotiate items that we always knew would not work. And you don’t need to be a Remoaner to think that the way that Brexit was achieved was a complete pile of shite.
We should remeber, he is not completely useless. He at least serves as a bad example. He recently thought he'd invented a new word: Plagiarism! I rarely agree with him as then we'd both be wrong. I wish he'd visit the restaurant called Karma, there's no menu, you just get what you deserve.
This is so embarrassing just listening to this drivel. The Tories just can't or won't see it. All nodding dogs. Amazing, he the party boy can't see how people are suffering now. I'm all right Jack 👍😆
so basically he is saying "we had to raise taxes, to be able to give back a portion of the money we took extra from the people" PMQ is both entertaining and sad to watch sometimes.
During the PMQs next week, the opposition should pull a bottle of whisky out, sit it in the desk like let’s talk business…! Peddling nowhere for the legacy of one man and the position he holds, get a grip
He says he “takes full responsibility” then what does that even mean to him? What does it look like to us? Because his main default is to make justifications when getting caught like a fat boy that he is caught with a mouth full of sweeties!
I think what Johnson fails to realise is how his shambolic performances in the commons week after week are really helping Keir Starmer grow and develop into a really strong leader of the opposition. Writings on the wall Boris lad
I suffered for 4 months in hospital nearly dying from COVID during 2020 when things were at their worst and my heart goes out to people who have lost dear ones while being told you can't be with them but hearing about Johnson's activities during the pandemic goes to prove what kind of person I thought he was in the first place.just like the rest before him only this time with dystopian overtones
You have not raised any wages, you liar. These tough decisions of which you speak, were more than likely very easy decisions to keep you and your mates rich. Why is income tax remaining low? Oh wait that's right, so landlords don't have an increase, just the poor plebs that live inside the buildings.
A windfall tax should be introduced but we MUST ensure that efforts do not stop there. Ofgem has recently made changes that 1) reduce competition between energy suppliers, and 2) ensure energy suppliers receive profits sooner. These proposal involve forcing suppliers who gain customers having to pay 85% of the difference in price to the old supplier which effectively prevents suppliers from offering competitively low rates to consumers. We should also address standing charges and why they have increased so much - something which disproportionately affects the poorest. I understand why the windfall tax is being pushed by the opposition - it's an easy line to push & a politically savvy move. However, we can't let them be slack about this. It's not the be all and end all of energy policies.
People need energy to live their lives. Without it, they die. There should, always, be a 100% tax on all profits from social-necessities. We need full nationalisation of all needs.
Partying away while covid cases were rising, we'll wait and see where the fuel crisis leads to come the colder weather - a lot of people might think of COLD CALLING number 10 Downing Street !
I'm appalled by the whole thing here. When Starmer says, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing" he is smiling AND Johnson is smiling. This is just like a private old boys club this is not a Parliamentary debate!
It's disgusting just how much of a gap there is between this 'banter' and the context of freezing pensioners and starving parents. They're out-of-touch, the lot of them. There needs to be a section included for the ordinary person.
I honestly have difficulty telling one speech by Johnson from another... I think he suffers from the same problem himself. "Bah awwww erm narf ahhh erm Mr... Mr Speaker I'm erm rawwwwr erm gentleman opposite... the economy arghhh no... Mr Speaker if we gahhh listened to him... Brexit... Gahhh Pepper Pig... Getting... Getting on with the job aghhhh gahhhh rarrrrr Mr Speaker and err leveling up... that... THAT Mr Speaker is err what the British people want... And errrrr already £4 million gaaaah... blue passports... THE VACCINE! Wibble."
Yours is a common story; another person thrown into the machine to fuel multi-national corporations because you're basic-needs are being weaponised against you for profit. So many young people are denied the chance to start their own businesses, to contribute to their communities and to help their families because their time is being eaten by an ever-hungering class of rich snobs. 'unemployment' doesn't mean 'unproductive', I'd love to work with my local businesses, but I'm not allowed to because I need to eat. That's the poison of the tory-party's ideology that Labour is, also, adopting; trapping the poor and working-class into serfdom. It's not about helping businesses or helping individuals, it's about helping the rich. I'd be far more productive if I could help my community, but, instead, most of us are forced to benefit McDonalds and Tesco.
We never had a democracy. Never, in the history of Britain, have the people been given absolute security in their needs. The rich have, always, had executive control through lobbying, media-influence and battering the poor into submission. It's just that it used to be more ignorable when multi-national corporations were far harder to maintain and when we were far less consumerist.
Johnson taking the opportunity to wave his election campaigning skills at his side of the house. To many of us though, it feels like it's all he's got left, a kind of residue of contaminated sludge at the bottom of his barrel.
This is how the UK system works. Voters vote for the party they either agree with most of their manifesto promises or for the party they dislike the least. Admitteley our fpp system stinks but we are stuck with it for now. So we have a govt and opposition parties. They rarely agree because have different beliefs. So you are living in cloud cuckoo land expecting agreement(except perhaps in time of war).
That isn't how it works, Political parties are literally name after what they believe in. Conservatives believe in Conservatism, Labour back the labour force (or are meant to), the Green Party believe in Environmentalism. Finding the political party for you is so easy, just read their name. If you want change, don't vote Conservative, the entire premise of Conservatism is maintaining the status quo.
@@fergusdenoon1255 Not at all, they change policies but not to the point that the societal hierarcy is altered so the rich get richer and the poor stay exactly where they are "meant to be".
@@chrismason7272 conservativism is the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas, this does not equate to not changing policy or to not change societal hierarchy, its changing policies to boost those ideals that they hold, in society. so a current societal hierarchy would indeed be preferred to be altered not maintained, so that more is privatized, changing what is not privatized, and that ownership being done by males to conform with traditional ideals, which is also change, its always about change, "reverting" to a previous status quo, not maintaining the actual status quo. the status quo... they want to change change change change, they do not want to maintain it at all.
PR is our only hope from this failed anachronism of a two party system which serves nobody well .It would prevent any future government doing the damage that this sham of a PM and his party has inflicted on the British population during the past twelve years.
BJ constantly tells us that Government has achieved and that Labour would not.Well,,,no.Tories are in power is really what he is saying.But for how long?
Look at his party behind him, they are coerced into agreement, but there are many frowns and eyes that show they have lost the faith. Richi Sunak looks like a man that has been brought to book. What took them so long!!!
Boris gives the same answer every week f****** pissed off with it now
It's called a distraction technique except its not the way he does it.Every single world beating lie, blaming the opposition whom he knows full well cannot do anything to stop his beyond belief in a sane country majority. His World Beating plans have never succeeded, not one and he really thinks we haven't noticed they have all been diversion tactics to keep his pasty white face and toddler haircut in business and bleeding us dry with his world Beating covert privatisation of our public hard earned cash going straight into the pockets of the world Beating donors that charge 5 star prices for the 5th rate service and his world Beating front bench and party tell us we are so wrong and they know best. They are after all the ruling class when in fact we see right through them. the Front Bench mmm The characters from the Beano and Dandy come to mind, Not sure why ? 😂
You're not helping me, man. I am a nurse, I work full time and on my days off I work extras to be able to keep up with expenses. I only shop for essentials. All my money goes on bills and groceries. I had to cancel all my donations to charities. I shower at the gym so I can save water and energy. How exactly are you helping people, Boris?
He isn't and he wont. I work for the NHS and in the midst of my nursing apprenticeship I also have to make time to work agency on top. He cites the "Independent NHS pay review body" that he will totally ignore.
You have a short memory sir, surely you haven’t forgotten the 1% wage increase the beast gave you in return for your selfless heroic bravery as you slogged through the pandemic, devoting yourselves to the dying and helpless. Badness will follow Johnson for the rest of his life
@@jodders619 Don't give up, life will be easier once you qualify
How tf is that even possible? Even earning minimum wage, which you're not as a nurse, working 7 days full time would easily pay for bills and groceries. On a salary of 30k+ a year even living alone shouldn't be impossible, so that sounds like bullshit.
@@CR-og5ho I don't work 7 days per week, unless I want to end up in an early grave. It's 12h30 hours shifts, do you think you'd be able to work 7 days per week like that ? Band 5 nurses don't earn 30k + per years. No, it's not bullshit.
I don't want Boris arms anywhere near me, remember what happened when they put their arms around care homes
I can't understand why any woman would want his arms around them....vomit.....
@@neilmajor8578 Well we don't know how far these partys went. The Roman Empire had interesting excesses, the new British Empire maybe wants their share of glory too :)
what an embarressment a disgrace to the uk the worst P M EVER
Jeez Boris... Could you sound any less empathetic while (briefly) mentioning a massacre 😕
I dislike Boris, but that has nothing to do with the UK
"We're going to put our arms around the people of this country, just as we did throughout the pandemic..." - comedy gold 🤣
He said it several times and I have not felt quite that nauseous in a long time. 🤮
What he meant was “we’re gonna put our hands around the necks of the people of this country and squeeze until there’s no life left”
Maybe he ment around their necks.
Absolute disgraceful performance. If he wasn’t lying he’d have said nothing at all
Perfectly exhibiting the fact that the PM is an unserious clown. Political histories will be scathing.
Arms waving shouting banging on the dispatch box the action of man who's in charge 🤣🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜ffs fetch the padded wagon.
History will be more damning about all those who support and voted for him
@Ben Avery You do mean that nodding dog?
Every time I witness this debacle, my head hangs further in shame and disbelief. How relieved I am that I have lived way more years than I have left. In my lufe I have witnessed great moments in British and world history but now I fear the human race is, finally, doomed. When our "so called" leaders mock us, taunt us and exploit the worst possible crisis to swell their own bank balance to obscene numbers I fear it is time to quietly leave the stage. Let them not forget that money only has relevance in a civilized society. If these leaders bring us to a world war, it will strip us all of assets, wealth and even dignity. I hope I am not here to witness it but I also hope that they are.
Take heart in the fact you are not alone.
Well your martyrdom is not guaranteed with this speech but maybe if had Faith it might...
Interesting. When exactly were these great moments in British history that you witnessed? Seems to me like our country is far more progressive than it's ever been. When were these great times with great leaders?
I think you are allowing the pathetic back_biting and bigotry that calls itself politics in this country blind you to the fact that the majority in this country are honest hard working people who are grateful to live in a country where freedom is a given.
"Thoughts and prayers" the biggest BS statement I have heard in my life
They know thoughts and prayers never paid bills or saved lives.
Painting hearts in the air is almost as cringeworthy.
Also Starmer is now not only a good lawyer but he found his spine and sense of humour
I may not know what Keir Stamer would be like were he to lead our country but i do know that he is a fantastic debate opponent and critic of Boris Johnson and his government. For that i respect the bloke.
Cough cough beergate!
@@returnofthemanc9412 cough cough, manufactured something-about-nothing.
@@guywilletts2804 Cough cough , Sir beer broke the law….
@@guywilletts2804 and is being investigated by the police 🤦♂️
Does Bojo know how to say anything but gobbleteegoop and straight up BS? What's strange is how many admire him.
The PM is delusional, and personally his lies are making me angry.
Not British, but I watch the PMQs every week just for the entertainment
A Brit here, I enjoy your Clarkson/Hammond/May videos!
@@1_5RCBiker Hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahah
Always makes me feel less mad about my own politicians, when tuning into UK politics.
Its a comedy lol
We've got a long history of great comedy, Monty Python, Reeves and Mortimer and now PMQs, probably the funniest of the lot, some people actually think Boris is a real politician.
Oh he got brexit done I think what he actually meant to say was we were done 🤣
Exactly. Tell that to the Irish.
have you noticed how the cameras are now switched off on the M20. I havebeen following the queues fro some time on the traffic cameras but they are switched off now.
Wtf is he talking abt brexit and vaccine rollout when the question was about passports 15:00
I wouldn't mind but it was the NHS professionals who sorted that out. All he did was use our money to pay for it.
He constantly deflects, he never EVER actually answers the question put forward.
@@christaylor3911 yep
Because it's all he has to try and ingratiate himself on us.
This level of pantomime demeans the country and shows just what a joke our democracy really is. 😢
We don't actually have democracy in the UK, when a party get's 43% of the vote and has absolute power, leaving 57% unrepresented, nobody can convince me that first past the post is democratic.
"But we need strong government!!" /s
You’re right. Let’s go back to dictatorship instead 🤦♂️
@@Paul-eb4jp You are right Paul, sadly the alternative also has its problems, proportional representation would lead to a very fragmented government led by dozens of politicians all with their own idea of a way forward. My personal solution is to have first past the post but make all manifestos legally binding, that would stop people voting for policies and ideas that the party really has not chance or desire to put in place but to simply gather votes, this would make first past the post far more meaningful and allow people to make informed choices based on what is truly on offer by each party.
Pantomime lead by Bozo the clown.
Labour is known for tax increases. It (in the past) used those taxes for local investments, re-nationalisations. The conservative party is meant to be known for low tax, but this government has instead INCREASED taxes and cut funding. Which kind of government is better here?
Well the tory part has been confirmed responsible for at least 30k British deaths during the pandemic, that's multiple times more deaths than all terrorist attacks in the UK combined in the last 60 years or so
Well when the economy shrinks you have to raise taxes to maintain the same level of spending. It’s almost like brexit has massively damaged the economy… this is us paying for it.
Down 30 billion from taxes on lost EU trade. Raises 30b in tax hikes for working people.
I don't even understand why people get so up-in-arms about tax increases. They don't mean 'you pay more', because taxation can be used to, efficiently, redistribute wealth.
Increasing tax to increase social-funding is fine, but increasing tax and continuing to bail-out private companies, hand contracts to friends and starve our social structure? That should be grounds for treason.
@@Capybarrrraaaa this comment makes literally no sense
Boris' last answer to Starmer's questions get more ludicrous as each week passes. Now they are just brainless rants.
He is holding a news conference at 3.30. Resignation? Or is that wishful thinking!
did you like his Hitler impersonation and Nazi salute near the end. here is the salute 15:23
@@briancohenthepfjmassive.4769 you should hear what he referred to himself as to staff...
Sieg. /
What a laugh that was, wasn't it?
And that's the guy who is running the country ...
You can be certain he isnt running the country at all, he is just a front for those deciding policy in the background.
@@malcolmstockbridge2569 Yeah, I can see the strings .... that's why he is still there because he, as not finished doing his puppet masters bidding
It’s appalling but it’s what our ‘democracy’ gives us. As for Johnson, the ERG and Brexiteers have saddled us with the worst PM imagineable.
You problem is an outdated defunct parliamentary system, a two party system held in place with that idiotic "first past the post".
It's not just Boris who is laughable it's your whole political system.
No country should ever be run by a government of just one party.
Educated countries a run by coalition governments.
I often find what makes my skin crawl more than the lies Boris spouts as easily as breathing, is the his MPs crying 'MOOOOAARRRRRRR' behind him, knowing that he's talking absolute crap. But him being animated and waffling in bumbling British way is what, I presume, makes him likable to his supporters and his MPs know that.
He cannot STOP Lying. OMG
“We got brexit done”. Is that the “done” where we are having to reopen negotiations because we forgot some important things and don’t like the deal what we done?
Yeah it's done ! And it's time for all you Remoaners to get over it. Negotiations are tip of the ice berg on brexit as well the icing of the cake. Yes accept it or the UK is now a Sovereign contingent & can now have it's cake & eat it at the same time 😆
@@chucksforte8207 but it’s not done, is it? We are having to renegotiate items that we always knew would not work. And you don’t need to be a Remoaner to think that the way that Brexit was achieved was a complete pile of shite.
The Tories: "We have contributed massively to the NHS!"
The NHS: *literally crumbling before our eyes*
He said the "demise of the" bit very quietly 🤫
We should remeber, he is not completely useless. He at least serves as a bad example. He recently thought he'd invented a new word: Plagiarism! I rarely agree with him as then we'd both be wrong. I wish he'd visit the restaurant called Karma, there's no menu, you just get what you deserve.
@Ben Avery If only we could find out what superconductor Tories are made of, we could solve this energy crisis!
Let's hope Johnson is served just deserts.
@@nathanielbugg7355 I'm thinking there is a person called Martina involved here?
If justice was done the whole restaurant would collapse on his head...
This is so embarrassing just listening to this drivel. The Tories just can't or won't see it. All nodding dogs. Amazing, he the party boy can't see how people are suffering now. I'm all right Jack 👍😆
so basically he is saying "we had to raise taxes, to be able to give back a portion of the money we took extra from the people"
PMQ is both entertaining and sad to watch sometimes.
During the PMQs next week, the opposition should pull a bottle of whisky out, sit it in the desk like let’s talk business…!
Peddling nowhere for the legacy of one man and the position he holds, get a grip
He's delusional!
Me and old age pensioners want to know when
That’s ten million in Boris’s pocket
13:25 “just delusional” 😂😂😂 the difference in calibre of leaders is vast. Bojar is done.
He says he “takes full responsibility” then what does that even mean to him? What does it look like to us? Because his main default is to make justifications when getting caught like a fat boy that he is caught with a mouth full of sweeties!
I think what Johnson fails to realise is how his shambolic performances in the commons week after week are really helping Keir Starmer grow and develop into a really strong leader of the opposition. Writings on the wall Boris lad
I suffered for 4 months in hospital nearly dying from COVID during 2020 when things were at their worst and my heart goes out to people who have lost dear ones while being told you can't be with them but hearing about Johnson's activities during the pandemic goes to prove what kind of person I thought he was in the first place.just like the rest before him only this time with dystopian overtones
Passports more lies it’s more like 12 to 16 weeks
I think when hes sitting down somebody just winds Boris up like a toy
Feed the British people and stop paying 5 million pounds aday for migrants hotels
Can't Richy Sunaks wife just pay hmrc, the taxpayer I should say, what she owes and then we can all go on holiday?
rename this prime minsters lies !!!
You have not raised any wages, you liar. These tough decisions of which you speak, were more than likely very easy decisions to keep you and your mates rich.
Why is income tax remaining low? Oh wait that's right, so landlords don't have an increase, just the poor plebs that live inside the buildings.
Boris has lost the plot
He lost it a long time ago
He never had a bloody plot.
Par for the course with a tory. Not exactly an unexpected outcome.
A windfall tax should be introduced but we MUST ensure that efforts do not stop there. Ofgem has recently made changes that 1) reduce competition between energy suppliers, and 2) ensure energy suppliers receive profits sooner. These proposal involve forcing suppliers who gain customers having to pay 85% of the difference in price to the old supplier which effectively prevents suppliers from offering competitively low rates to consumers. We should also address standing charges and why they have increased so much - something which disproportionately affects the poorest.
I understand why the windfall tax is being pushed by the opposition - it's an easy line to push & a politically savvy move. However, we can't let them be slack about this. It's not the be all and end all of energy policies.
People need energy to live their lives. Without it, they die. There should, always, be a 100% tax on all profits from social-necessities. We need full nationalisation of all needs.
Partying away while covid cases were rising, we'll wait and see where the fuel crisis leads to come the colder weather - a lot of people might think of COLD CALLING number 10 Downing Street !
Funny as. They be chucking paper planes in a minuite lol
Brilliant Video
Seriously, our future is in the hands of these clowns, their conduct is lamentable.
What an embarrassment
He love telling the truth!!!
More thoughts and prayers......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thought & Prayers should be with this country as we are slowly being ground down .
What on earth. His CPU broke with his answer to the final question.
It must be all those Oxford Union debating skills but can anyone remember Johnny Johnson ever uttering a coherent sentence .
Conservative Party needs to get its house in order
the faces of the mp's behind boris suggest he is a dead man walking
The toads 🐸 a liar can only resort to insults so much for his “”superior education” his speaking skills
are less than a 4yr old,well done Eton🧐
He’s unhinged. He is actually unhinged.
People voted for Boris! There is no excuse or justification for it.
I bloody well didn’t 🤦🏻♀️‼️
I'm appalled by the whole thing here. When Starmer says, "Hindsight is a wonderful thing" he is smiling AND Johnson is smiling. This is just like a private old boys club this is not a Parliamentary debate!
It's disgusting just how much of a gap there is between this 'banter' and the context of freezing pensioners and starving parents. They're out-of-touch, the lot of them. There needs to be a section included for the ordinary person.
Great to see the speaker of the house starting proceedings with a party
boris.GO AWAY
I honestly have difficulty telling one speech by Johnson from another... I think he suffers from the same problem himself.
"Bah awwww erm narf ahhh erm Mr... Mr Speaker I'm erm rawwwwr erm gentleman opposite... the economy arghhh no... Mr Speaker if we gahhh listened to him... Brexit... Gahhh Pepper Pig... Getting... Getting on with the job aghhhh gahhhh rarrrrr Mr Speaker and err leveling up... that... THAT Mr Speaker is err what the British people want... And errrrr already £4 million gaaaah... blue passports... THE VACCINE! Wibble."
At least Jeremy Corben integrity, unlike this monstrosity
You know he’s getting desperate when Boris Johnson pretends to be a bird and flaps his arms vigorously.
My Dear British People, your society is in great danger with those Torys AND this guy !
Brexit done? Yes UK is done by Brexit.
Oh my… Johnson’s bald patch is getting bigger and bigger… now you know why his hair is like that😜
Boris is no competition for Kier
Neither is the party he stands for
Lifting universal credit ,they robbed 20 quid a week not long ago off the most poverty ridden ,people in Europe .
Strong economy?? We are the only nation in the top 15 economies predicted to go into recession in 2023
I'm youth employed because my parents need help in this cost of living crisis, hardly something to sing and dance about
Yours is a common story; another person thrown into the machine to fuel multi-national corporations because you're basic-needs are being weaponised against you for profit.
So many young people are denied the chance to start their own businesses, to contribute to their communities and to help their families because their time is being eaten by an ever-hungering class of rich snobs. 'unemployment' doesn't mean 'unproductive', I'd love to work with my local businesses, but I'm not allowed to because I need to eat. That's the poison of the tory-party's ideology that Labour is, also, adopting; trapping the poor and working-class into serfdom. It's not about helping businesses or helping individuals, it's about helping the rich.
I'd be far more productive if I could help my community, but, instead, most of us are forced to benefit McDonalds and Tesco.
Ridiculous and embarrassing. What has happened to our "great British democracy"?
We never had a democracy. Never, in the history of Britain, have the people been given absolute security in their needs. The rich have, always, had executive control through lobbying, media-influence and battering the poor into submission.
It's just that it used to be more ignorable when multi-national corporations were far harder to maintain and when we were far less consumerist.
4 to 6 weeks? Lol bullshit. Its AT LEAST 10
This a complete joke
I keep thinking that Boris must actually be a character created by P. G. Wodehouse. He can't really be a real person, surely?
So much f****ing hot air!
Employment at its highest in decades, yet here we are with thousands of food banks....I guess that's what you call "levelling up"
Boris, what a crap you repeat after repeat. Common, be truthful and to the point. Just Go
‘Valdimir Corbin’ that’s certainly an image; and the Tories’ boggy-man
Lost the plot , nothing but bluster it's obvious Starmer has him rattled, runs rings around him on this stage
Johnson taking the opportunity to wave his election campaigning skills at his side of the house. To many of us though, it feels like it's all he's got left, a kind of residue of contaminated sludge at the bottom of his barrel.
Who was it that allowed Mr Johnson to start wearing Long Trousers, if he’s not on drugs he should be !
I am sick to death of adversarial politics. For God's sake will you all grow up and work together to serve our country.
This is how the UK system works. Voters vote for the party they either agree with most of their manifesto promises or for the party they dislike the least. Admitteley our fpp system stinks but we are stuck with it for now. So we have a govt and opposition parties. They rarely agree because have different beliefs. So you are living in cloud cuckoo land expecting agreement(except perhaps in time of war).
That isn't how it works, Political parties are literally name after what they believe in. Conservatives believe in Conservatism, Labour back the labour force (or are meant to), the Green Party believe in Environmentalism. Finding the political party for you is so easy, just read their name. If you want change, don't vote Conservative, the entire premise of Conservatism is maintaining the status quo.
@@chrismason7272 if that was conservativism, they wouldn't change any policies.
@@fergusdenoon1255 Not at all, they change policies but not to the point that the societal hierarcy is altered so the rich get richer and the poor stay exactly where they are "meant to be".
@@chrismason7272 conservativism is the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas, this does not equate to not changing policy or to not change societal hierarchy, its changing policies to boost those ideals that they hold, in society.
so a current societal hierarchy would indeed be preferred to be altered not maintained, so that more is privatized, changing what is not privatized, and that ownership being done by males to conform with traditional ideals, which is also change, its always about change, "reverting" to a previous status quo, not maintaining the actual status quo.
the status quo... they want to change change change change, they do not want to maintain it at all.
The conservatives didnt put thier arms around the uk public, they put their arms around a bottle of wine !!
History will judge the pm
The PRESENT judges the PM!
He looks like hes going to cry 😂😂😂🤡👹
This has become more like the Jeremy Kyle Show than a parliamentary debate! 🙄
Iv had enough of these ridiculous histrionics, it’s fuckin gross.
Whatever you may say about Kier, he has more empathy in his little finger for others than Boris does in his whole body.
Bozzer putting one money 8n and taking more more and more money out
Oh Boris do change you barber or who ever cuts that windswept like hair
Lost Loved One's BUT NOT for Party Time for Tories
PR is our only hope from this failed anachronism of a two party system which serves nobody well .It would prevent any future government doing the damage that this sham of a PM and his party has inflicted on the British population during the past twelve years.
Clown time.
What's the point of this confrontation between the two parties and to make it worse they get paid the tax payers money for making fouls of themselves.
Very decent of then to recognize the tragic US shooting.
BJ constantly tells us that Government has achieved and that Labour would not.Well,,,no.Tories are in power is really what he is saying.But for how long?
Look at his party behind him, they are coerced into agreement, but there are many frowns and eyes that show they have lost the faith. Richi Sunak looks like a man that has been brought to book. What took them so long!!!
told ya
Ah bless, the Speaker trying to read a sentence and sounding drunk as usual . . .hopeless