  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 176

  • @lifeofcode
    @lifeofcode 3 месяца назад +25

    I love this, I work from home, and live alone, but always look forward to the weekend so I can hit the skatepark. Im always glad I went.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +4

      I also work from home, and I totally rely on the skatepark as my place to recharge and hangout. I get so tired of being in my house after working and need to get out haha

  • @dansours7157
    @dansours7157 3 месяца назад +14

    This is fantastic & an accurate representation of my own experiences as someone who's been skating since the 80s & also as a dad of a young adult daughter who has taken up skating a few months ago. She was an amazing athlete as a kid but got burned out during that critical time of development that you mentioned. Then her teen years were extremely difficult. She came to the skatepark with me a few months ago to check out our new vert ramp. I encouraged her to give it a try & she reluctantly did & what has unfolded in the months since could be a case study for everything this video is about. She is starting to really rip! I had to send her this. Thank you! Keep on truckin'

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      This comment made me so happy!! I had that burnout too but later in life, after being a D1 athlete where the only goal was to be the best and win. After college, I had no connection to movement anymore outside of unhealthy competition, and skating changed the game for me there ❤️ I’m so glad you and your daughter can enjoy skating together, and I wish your daughter so much joy in her skate journey!

    • @dansours7157
      @dansours7157 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller ❤️❤️❤️

  • @gregdawe2786
    @gregdawe2786 3 месяца назад +5

    I recently started skating again for the first time in 5 years(i'm 30). I'm from a small town, so me and my friends were the skate culture growing up. After I left home I never found that culture again. After starting skating again a month or so ago, I can feel the third space forming for me at the park. There is a vibrant skate culture in the city I live in and I want to be part of it. I think there is a true beauty in skateboarding as well as the community around it and your video absolutely hit the nail on the head. ❤❤

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +2

      I’m so glad you’ve found that culture again as an adult! It’s so hard to find when life gets consumed with work and responsibilities, but it makes all the difference to have a place to unwind and connect with others. Keep skating and making memories ❤

  • @Artfultaste5550
    @Artfultaste5550 27 дней назад +2

    I definitely had to share this, this is a topic that really needs more awareness it doesn't even have to be skateparks specifically it could just be more third places for the local communities

  • @pierce5811
    @pierce5811 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for putting this together 🫶 I had to wait until I was 30 to realize I need to have a childhood, and skateboarding is my spring-board for getting back into my childhood years. Even though I'm not the best at skateboarding, your video is giving me motivation and comfort to spend more time at skateparks. You've perfectly put into words the feelings I've had towards skateboarding and the surrounding culture for the past couple years.
    Really appreciate you citing your sources and speaking to your personal experience! Keep rolling!

  • @nowherelayla
    @nowherelayla 3 месяца назад +8

    Thank you for making this video!!! Such important topics to address at this point in time. The skatepark is my third place for sure, but I still really struggle with connecting to the community within them. I’ve never once in my 3 years of park rollerskating met another rollerskater at the park and never made a friend. I still feel like being a woman outcasts me from joining in on banter in masculine groups. Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed more racism (twice this week teenagers were screaming the N word so horrendously and unnecessarily) and bad apples than I have good people.
    I am an absolute advocate for skateparks and the potential they have to bring us back together. I get so much joy skating by myself and it is my biggest outlet, but sometimes I just wish I had a friend to talk to or skate with and felt more included. Thanks for listening to my ted talk🤭

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +5

      I'm so glad you shared your experience! It's good to hear from people of all experiences so we can acknowledge the range there truly is in the community. I'm sorry to hear your skatepark experience hasn't been great; skateparks should be an inclusive and safe place for everyone! That isn't always the reality, and I appreciate you drawing attention to that. It's rad that despite your experience, you're still skating and representing skaters as kind and accepting! We need people like you to be the voice of skateparks rather than those who don't respect the park or other users of the park! I hope you can connect with other skaters online who you can relate to and find community that way ❤️ Sending you lots of love!

    • @nowherelayla
      @nowherelayla 3 месяца назад +4

      @@thesolarroller thanks for making me feel heard❤️ I truly believe I will connect with skaters and a community someday despite the experience so far. The online skate community is SO encouraging, your channel for example! I just keep doing my thang because the reward of skating completely overrides all the other factors

  • @modulated_
    @modulated_ 3 месяца назад +2

    shocked this is your 2nd video - this is so well put together and you nail alot of the things that make skateparks such important places! even including how skateshops matter as well (especially when they're smaller ones, not larger ones with corporate limitations where $$ is the most important thing) - great vid!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for your kind words! I poured a lot into this video, and I’m glad you can feel that 😊 appreciate the watch!

  • @DTC1138
    @DTC1138 Месяц назад +1

    Just found out about this channel and insta subscribed. Very interesting topic. Skateboarding has been my happy place where I spent my "me time" for about 3 years now.

  • @FirstNameLastName-lu5nr
    @FirstNameLastName-lu5nr Месяц назад

    Ok, you did it. I am getting back in to skating after 10 years. Thank you

  • @djSpinege
    @djSpinege 3 месяца назад +1

    Well said, 100% Facts. Skate parks are an amazing place. Sadly my local skate park I help build in 2003 lost it's special vibe when the original skaters got old and moved on. now it's more of a daycare than a community. I'm hoping the next Gen will rebuild the third place vibe, with help from videos like this.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Amen, homie! Skateparks totally grow and change with the community around them, like you said, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. I'm also hoping for more third places and intentional community-building environments in the future 🙌 Here's to making it happen one step at a time

  • @pockyboi6699
    @pockyboi6699 3 месяца назад +2

    Very good take on this. Unfortunately, I survived a shooting at my local last year and haven't really been able to go back since.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +4

      I'm so sorry you experienced that, and I'm very grateful you made it out of there! The skatepark should be a safe place for everyone, and it's horrible that there are people who make it not so. I hope you've been able to heal from that and have been able to take the time you need to move forward at your own pace ❤

    • @motherfudger6664
      @motherfudger6664 3 месяца назад

      Was this in Albuquerque, by chance? They've had a few skate park shootings there over the years.

  • @PhoenixsWorldVideos
    @PhoenixsWorldVideos 3 месяца назад +3

    I've been saying this exact thing. Means I dont really know where else to hang out tho if I'm not skating. End up just wondering around abandoned places if i wanna chill alone for free

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I totally know what you mean about not knowing where to go if you're not skating! It's definitely cool to have more than one third place to hang at, but it's hard when everything is so expensive. I bet it's peaceful wandering around places to unwind sometimes :) Sounds nice!

  • @reyreyalldayday5708
    @reyreyalldayday5708 3 месяца назад +2

    here in san antonio tx skate parks have been a huge percentage of what makes life worth living. even though ive had several concussions, a couple broken bones and countless cuts and bruises. i regret nothing, but i do worry about the day i cant ride anymore.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Skating can definitely be dangerous and I’m glad you’re alright after those injuries! I’ve had my share too but I keep coming back because skating feels like freedom 🙌 I also fear the day I can’t skate anymore! I’m gonna skate until this body won’t let me ❤

  • @Ben_B_Artist
    @Ben_B_Artist 22 дня назад

    Great video! I learned about third places in the second year of my art degree, along with psychogeography (which probably came up in your research), and skate culture features both heavily. Like you say, though, this goes beyond wheel-based fun times. People of all walks of life need third places!

  • @_atolla_
    @_atolla_ 3 месяца назад +1

    This is a really well put together video; I’m commenting so I can come back and watch this again.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! Watch as many times as you'd like haha

  • @Kj16V
    @Kj16V 3 месяца назад +2

    100% agree with all of your points - especially the part about how welcoming people are in skateparks. Been an inline skater since the 90's, and skateparks and the skating community have been the only places where I felt 100% comfortable, not having people staring or acting suspicious because there's a "big black guy" in their vicinity; I'm just a guy on skates, and that's it.
    Also, I think a lot has to do with the change in demographics in skateparks over time. Back in the 90's the typical age range of skatepark users were teens-to-early 20's, plus there was a lot of cliquey-ness between goups of skaters, and types of skaters too. NGL, skateboarders were the absolute worst for this! They hated on everyone (especially bladers!) for encroaching what they saw as their special skatepark spaces made just for them. 😂
    Roll on 30-odd years and the demographics have changed a lot; a much wider range of ages, ethnicities, and genders all use the same space. The cliquey skaters have long since fallen off, or grown out of it, and most of the people who skate/ride genuinely love what they do, and have the mental maturity to get on with others around them and appreciate what they do.
    Nothing is perfect though, and there are still some cliquey attitudes to be found. In my experience, these days any toxic attitudes tend to come from a very small minority of quad skaters (all of a very specific demographic) who've gotten into quad skating purely because they see it as the trendy, cool thing to be seen doing right now. Fortunately they really are a minority of quad skaters, and they tend to fall off quickly when they realise nobody has time for their nonsense. Skateparks tend to be quite self-regulating in that way.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      I totally agree that there are always going to be cliquey people around, unfortunately, but I'm super grateful I started skating in the recent years where some of that 90's skatepark gatekeeping has faded away. I think now we are left with the majority of skatepark users being people who simply love to be on wheels and enjoy skating, like you said. I'm so glad you have a place at the park where you feel comfortable and accepted! We all need that in life! Thanks so much for watching and leaving such a thoughtful comment 🙌

  • @otakuson98
    @otakuson98 3 месяца назад

    this was a amazing video. Idk my third place aymore it used to be the skatepark or the bookstore.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Glad you liked the videos, and I wish you luck in finding a third place that works for you as an adult 🙌

  • @nix.tricks
    @nix.tricks 3 месяца назад +2

    what a wonderful video essay!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Thanks Nix! It was super fun to research, especially because I looveeee learning about anything skate related haha. I appreciate you watching and for all your support!

  • @mattdestroyed
    @mattdestroyed 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video, I agree with everything you said 👍

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Heck yeah! Glad skateparks can connect us all 😊😊

  • @wormdamage
    @wormdamage 3 месяца назад +1

    Dang - well said! You're freakin' good at this!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much!! It’s my second video, so I’m still pretty nervous in front of the camera, but I’m psyched to keep making more content and getting used to it 😊

  • @msericaplease
    @msericaplease 3 месяца назад +2

    I love learning new things!

  • @Why_o_Why
    @Why_o_Why 3 месяца назад

    This is such a great deep dive on why the skatepark is an amazing third place. Thank you. Great video.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      So glad you liked it! Thanks for watching 🙌

  • @Meccarox
    @Meccarox 3 месяца назад +1

    Really well made video! Love it

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for watching!

  • @futuredegramps
    @futuredegramps 3 месяца назад +2

    Love this video :)

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I'm so glad! Appreciate you watching :)

  • @Angela-gb5nd
    @Angela-gb5nd 3 месяца назад

    Love the outro. Life is indeed about having fun and expressing your soul

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Haha I'm glad you liked my lil third places outdo song 😂 Life is totally about expression and joy, and I'm happy you relate to that!

  • @kerryogrady3637
    @kerryogrady3637 3 месяца назад +2

    I'd put hanging out with mates,skating,socialising way ahead of work,to me work's the "third place",anything thats good for the soul beats the shit out of work all day long.
    Ps, big up for quoting bobby&Ocean real OG'S.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Heck yeah 🤘 The OG’s paved the way! Glad you prioritize time with friends and time to skate! It’s what gives life meaning ❤

  • @4everhumbl36
    @4everhumbl36 3 месяца назад

    This was an incredible video I ROLLERBLADE and I really did your channel new sub! : )

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Heck yeah! So glad you vibe with the video, and cheers to enjoying your rollerblade journey 🙌

  • @Y.0o0
    @Y.0o0 3 месяца назад

    It’s a trip.. I haven’t been to my local skatepark in 5 years ever since Covid started & I was going there frequently 2019 but I was kind of driven away by some of the people there who vibed me out for being new & skating good there so it really depends on the skatepark you go to where the locals would be welcoming to you or not. I haven’t been to that park since but I’ve been thinking about going back up there since I kind of turned into a hermit recluse over the years. I had another local skatepark I used to go up to but ever since I moved, it’s been hard for me to get up there so it’s been a minute for me when it comes to skateparks but luckily I have jersey barriers around my house that I skate every now and then so I don’t really trip too much.

  • @Nomadicheadspace
    @Nomadicheadspace 2 месяца назад

    Once a skateboarder always a skateboarder ❤❤

  • @Leslie-y2r
    @Leslie-y2r Месяц назад

    Great video...but aahhh I wanted to see ya skate. Were you in the rollerskating group?

    @DE-GEN-ART 3 месяца назад

    i used to go to this skatepark in plano TX called "eisenbergs" and it had live music, contests, and lock ins for the kids. its not open anymore but i loved it when it was open

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      That sounds so rad! We totally need places like that to foster community, especially with other events like concerts and community outreach. Glad you have good memories of that 🙌

  • @Razer-xz3ck
    @Razer-xz3ck 3 месяца назад

    hello. when i first saw this video and watched it i thought it would have hundreds of thousands or evven millions of views, but it only has 3.3k! it is incredibly wwell made and thought out. i liked this video and hope you continue to make more like this. very good much love

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the encouragement! It was a fun video to make, and I totally see a need for more skate videos like this 🙌 will definitely be making more! Take care!

  • @n8can
    @n8can 3 месяца назад +4

    Skatepark 8 hours a day minimum those summer days

  • @Sproutt
    @Sproutt 3 месяца назад

    I just recently found my old skate sticker.... stuck to my old Sprint Flip Phone! 😂

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Haha that’s awesome! I’m glad you vibe with the video, and I appreciate your support 🤗

  • @GoodGuyBiker
    @GoodGuyBiker 3 месяца назад

    i need me more of them 3rd places

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I hope you can find some that are right for you!

  • @Sproutt
    @Sproutt 3 месяца назад

    Thank You

  • @coldbumby
    @coldbumby 3 месяца назад

    Great research

  • @tommy911t
    @tommy911t 3 месяца назад +2

    hell yeah. great talk. keep skatin!!!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Right back at ya! Thanks for watching 😊

  • @Sammybaked
    @Sammybaked 3 месяца назад

    🔥🔥 this is one of the best things I’ve seen on skateboarding. Great job 10/10

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I appreciate it 🙌 glad you vibed with it!

  • @nahfamimgood
    @nahfamimgood 3 месяца назад

    I posted this on another video of a similar topic. I never had substance abuse issues until I was a 9 to 5'er from home. Started skating again after 5 years and I'm finally feeling like its all worth it again.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I'm so happy for you that you're finding joy in life again through skating! Sometimes we need something new in our lives to reignite the spark, and it's awesome you found that! Keep pursuing passion and what makes you happy 🙌

  • @Pigsandpies1984
    @Pigsandpies1984 3 месяца назад

    What a beautifully made video. My wife and I reflect on all of these same topics, “less scrolling/ more rolling” essentially.
    We both mountain bike and then my wife got me into BMX bikes and the local pump track. I just got a new bike and I’m headed to a new skatepark in Vancouver WA this morning. My wife and I are in our 50’s, which makes me feel kind of proud.😂 Having fun throwing your body through space is the whole point of living in these meat sacks.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      LOVEEE this comment! The less scrolling more rolling is totally a saying I’m going to steal haha. I’m so glad you and your wife are having a blast with life on wheels, and I wish ya continued joy on your journeys 😊

    @UNEWS_ANIMATIONS 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm 38 now and I miss skating

    • @gobgobcachoo
      @gobgobcachoo 3 месяца назад

      Skating misses you too 🎉 suit up and get back out there.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      It’s not too late to get back out there, health allowing 🙌 No matter what tho, I’m glad skating made enough of an impact on your life that it’s worth missing ❤ That means something regardless

  • @eskateconaguacate
    @eskateconaguacate 3 месяца назад

    Completely amazing and complete video!!! Keep going :D

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate you watching 🙌

  • @SamJantz
    @SamJantz 3 месяца назад

    Thank you. This really hit home.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I’m so glad 🙌 thanks for taking the time to watch!

  • @johnCjr4671
    @johnCjr4671 3 месяца назад

    Great Video been skating since 1973 and couldn’t agree more . 😊

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      So rad you've been rolling since then, and I'm glad you resonate with the video 😊 Thanks for watching!

  • @FriendshipCloob
    @FriendshipCloob 3 месяца назад

    This is a wonderful video 🛹💕

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked it ❤

  • @thestonedandstripped
    @thestonedandstripped 3 месяца назад +1

    I skate, therefore I Am❤

  • @532soldier
    @532soldier 3 месяца назад

    Daily, I try to post up at a local cafe with three books, a chess set, and a sketchpad. Traveling or at home. Met a ton of cool people this way! Third places rule :)

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Love this! There’s so many more people out there seeking connection in places like this than we know 🙌 You never know what a small conversation over your sketch in a coffee shop might lead to… glad you’re taking advantage of third places!

    • @532soldier
      @532soldier 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller Glad you're spreading the word about them! I recently made friends with a 70-year old Iranian that I now play chess with. A few weeks before that, I chatted and drew with a dad and his little kids who had brought their own art kits :)

  • @JoeTheSquareman
    @JoeTheSquareman 3 месяца назад

    Really solid analysis! Agree 100%

  • @BlackJacketJones
    @BlackJacketJones 3 месяца назад

    In my opinion skateparks are way different now compared to when I was growing up.
    Social media has had negative effects on people even when they are interacting in real life

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I can’t imagine how much the environment at skateparks has changed over time! I just started going to the park within the last few years, so I have no concept of how parks have been in the past. What do you feel is the biggest difference you notice between parks when you were growing up and now?

    • @same8307
      @same8307 3 месяца назад

      skateparks are more inclusive now than they have ever been and this is coming from like a dozen guys I've talked to in the blading community in their 40s

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      @@same8307 I'm so glad the communities are developing to be more inclusive over time 🙌 Skateparks are rad, and people of all ages, wheels, and backgrounds deserve to enjoy them

    • @BlackJacketJones
      @BlackJacketJones 3 месяца назад

      @@same8307 the word inclusive is just code for LGBTQ. I've been skating for 3 decades and I can say that you're wrong. the blading community....not even talking to skaters. talking to old rollerbladers my boy. those are dads who don't know shit

    • @BlackJacketJones
      @BlackJacketJones 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller first of all it depends where you're at. go to a skatepark in atlanta or new york if you want to understand what i'm saying. if you're at your local small town park i can't say for sure what's going on in that community. but one thing is for sure: everyone wonders who you might be online. people with 10k followers at the park get treated a little different from people with 1k followers on instagram. also, skaters are all sellouts now. nike, supreme, they will support anything popular. they are all these kids who think they hate capitalism but absolutely support it with every fiber of their being and they are too stupid to get it.

  • @denim_ak
    @denim_ak 3 месяца назад

    So this was great, but some dickish part of my brain still wanted yell “Do a kickflip!” Lol. Ignore that, this channel will blow up if you keep it up.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +2

      haha the "do a kick flip" is ingrained into our brains 😂 I appreciate the kind words, homie! Thanks for watching

  • @lonelyvixen
    @lonelyvixen 3 месяца назад +1

    Lovely video, very informative!!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +2

      Yay, I'm glad you liked it! It's kinda a niche topic so I totally appreciate people who are into it

    • @lonelyvixen
      @lonelyvixen 3 месяца назад +2

      @@thesolarroller tbh anything can be interesting when presented so concisely, informatively, and with such genuine passion and enthusiasm for the subject! But yes, it does help that I skate 🤭 hope you make more!

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +2

      @@lonelyvixen I'm glad ya could feel the passion :) There will definitely be more to come! Thanks for your support!

  • @lancelovecraft5913
    @lancelovecraft5913 3 месяца назад

    I do feel like I am cheating sometimes bc it is so easy to make friends at the skatepark. In university I struggled making friends and meeting people, even w people in my major or the ones who played nintendo. I thought thats just how life is. At the skatepark someone is always down to talk to me and chat. It is too easy to make friends there I feel like an imposter sometimes

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I totally know what you mean! I also felt that way through college, and once I hit the park, I started making all the friends I have now 😊 I'm glad you have a place where you have fun meeting people and hanging out!

  • @neighbor9672
    @neighbor9672 3 месяца назад

    Excellent presentation!

  • @BonzerMrT
    @BonzerMrT 3 месяца назад

    The skatepark is where I’ve met some good friends over the last year or two

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Me too 😊 It’s so nice to have friends to skate with, and I’m glad you’ve found community at the park

  • @spinneyavant
    @spinneyavant 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for this video

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Of course! I love skating and am so psyched to keep making videos about it. Thanks for watching 🙌

  • @augmented2nd666
    @augmented2nd666 3 месяца назад

    This is interesting and might have been valid a decade ago, but depending on your age bracket, its just as lonely at a skatepark as anywhere else. Where I live skateparks are mostly overrun with moms and tots during school hours, and I'm talking 10 and under age bracket, aimlessly roaming around on scooters and sometimes boards and bmx but mostly scooters. Then the after school crowd is mostly teenage kids divided into two groups, one that actually skate and are usually a decent vibe but mostly under age 16, and then there are the afterschool hangout kids, this age bracket is also mostly under 16 but alot either just have a skateboard to get two and from the park, and most just walk and stand around there, they use the skatepark as a drug trafficking hub and pot smoking and underage drinking location, and or nearby forests or other areas. Other than that, adult skate park users are few and far between, and when encountered, if they didnt know you from the age of everyone interacting as teens when skateparks were actually busy, they wont talk to you and will be mostly quiet and anti social, sure some might be friendly but they are just there to do their activity and not be social other than when a group of already established friends are skating together. For me, skateparks became extremely lonely in the last decade, especially with the fact that in BMX which is what I ride, most friends I had either turned to drugs (some lost their lives, I blame rap as they all obsessed over that music and emulated that culture) or they got families and quit or moved away. Either way, everyone I grew up riding with eventually disappeared in one form or another, and I never encounter anyone my age on a bike, and skaters still just dont really associate with bmx riders, the few skaters I ever encounter my age are very quiet and or stick with their buddies, its just not a place to expect to socialize or make friends unfortunately.

    • @XFR18
      @XFR18 3 месяца назад +1

      I live in California and these clips are from California so it makes sense skating is still alive more so than where you might be from, BMX is kinda dying over here though despite there not being any animosity in Cali.
      That's unfortunate, but maybe you can be the start of the new culture or help build it up? Imo that's 'our' job as the older gen. I'm 29 now, still skate here and there. I'm kinda bored with it as I'm mostly doing tricks I've done for 6+ yrs again and again, but tell myself I gotta do it for the next gen despite being out of shape and tired, afterwards I could barely walk for 3 days.
      I went out often before during and after covid. Covid ruined so many cultures because the older people naturally left without getting to 'inspire' or show the culture to the new gen, on top of less new gens joining to begin with.
      It was depressing to think about skating dying, but now I'm seeing more and more ppl skating, more kids with skateboarding RUclips channels skating street (which was pretty dead after 2018). You just have to let it play out but there needs to be some BMX RUclipsrs to help ppl get into BMX. Since I'm in Cali I still see the same ppl I met 10+ yrs ago at parks so yeah it's not as bad as your situation at all.

    • @augmented2nd666
      @augmented2nd666 3 месяца назад

      @@XFR18 I'm 37 now but feel 14 thanks to a school based brain injury (graphic first aid video in class caused a seizure, not bmx related at all) unfortunately I went hard on drinking for a decade and got sober only a couple years ago when covid finished up after a health scare with that, during my drinking days though I noticed the skatepark really die off here on Vancouver Island BC, Canada. It just kind of tapered off and because of that I kind of rode less and found myself more often than not drinking more than riding.
      Hopefully someday there will be a resurgence in the scene socially, sometimes new people of all ages move here. I'm actually riding MTB alot more now as we have similar mountains to Whistler here which is kind of like a fun adventure type thing where sometimes you can do some similar stuff to a skatepark on the trails, its interesting riding natural rock features on a big bike, unfortunately I dont think an offroad skateboard would be a similar situation though. As for the culture though, I havent found any local riding groups I'd fit into, but I have fun just adventuring on my own.
      Cheers for your positive response.

  • @tompainter7167
    @tompainter7167 3 месяца назад

    Lovely video 👊🏻 thank you 🙏

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it and hopefully learned a little something! Thanks for taking the time to watch :)

  • @Mr.Monster1313
    @Mr.Monster1313 3 месяца назад

    Interesting video...enjoyed it... hey im in greeley colorado lol wow.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for watching! Glad you found some value in it!

  • @michaeljohn8905
    @michaeljohn8905 3 месяца назад

    This was really interesting . I go to a park that has multiple things to do other than the best park I’ve ever skated. Duncan Creek Atlanta. We have a great little Skateshop owned by a really good family that all skate. This is great info because our loved park isn’t getting the love it needs. Parks need love just like people.
    As for racism I’m 51 and when I saw another skater it was like yo ! What’s up do you wanna hang. Color never factored into it only D…..S acted like that and they would get put in their place if not ejected from said place. Yea there’s idiots in skateboarding but as an elder skater of skateboarding I challenge them to this ethos whenever I go and I’m always happy to hear for the most part skate boarders are just chill. Peace y’all I’m going skating it’s stopped raining.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      I’m so glad you’ve got a good shop run by awesome people! That makes all the difference 😊 I hope your park can get the love it needs, and I hope you had a good skate after the rain!

  • @purgatoryusa
    @purgatoryusa 3 месяца назад

    It’s wack when you go to the skatepark every day for months only to have some grown ass man start showing up daily n harassing you by getting hella close n saying weird shxt to me or when peeps always wanna fight me. Cali is a trip I swear

    • @purgatoryusa
      @purgatoryusa 3 месяца назад

      But he is better at skating so I stopped showing up altogether haha

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      That’s sucks so much, and I’m so sorry that happened to you! Everyone deserves to feel safe at the skatepark, and I hope if you wanna skate, you can find another environment where you feel comfy and are treated well ❤

  • @LukeVader77
    @LukeVader77 3 месяца назад

    Well said!

  • @Zephyrian1st
    @Zephyrian1st 3 месяца назад

    yall wanna hear some shit, so i work a job that makes me work thur-sun- off mon-wed
    i have tried to get up to a public skatepark each week, but wouldnt you know, maintenance on grounds no entry (escorted out)
    Attempt 2 Rained out
    attempt 3, public facing outlets used for charging my ebike, ticketed
    attempt 4 rained out

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Oh my goodness, that sucks! I hope you can have a peaceful sesh soon without so many hurdles!

  • @averyhuelsbeck3116
    @averyhuelsbeck3116 3 месяца назад

    Skateparks are for kids primarily and me going there alone as a 28 year old just makes me look like a creeper

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +3

      I disagree that skateparks are only for kids. Skating is a sport snd skateparks are to skaters as a basketball court is to basketball players, a pool to swimmers, a golf course to golfers. So if adults aren't supposed to be at the skatepark, are they also not supposed to be at basketball courts, pools, or golf courses? Where are adult skaters supposed to skate? A lot of skaters don't just stop skating when they become adults, and adults deserve places to unwind, have fun, and indulge in our interests too. I'm sure it's different everywhere, but at all the parks in my town, I see adults there wayyyyy more than kids, and I'm there 5 times a week. You're not gonna be seen as a creeper by skaters at the park unless you're actually being creepy. Skateparks are for everybody, and I hope you get the experience of seeing a 70 year old skater shredding at the park one day! It's truly an inspiring thing ❤️

    • @averyhuelsbeck3116
      @averyhuelsbeck3116 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller I'm not posting what I personally believe or what should or shouldn't be. I see almost exclusively children at both my locals. Moms have confronted me for just being there. Music in, not even talking to the kids and I'm automatically a creep. Oldheads skating is cute so they get a pass

    • @same8307
      @same8307 3 месяца назад +2

      @@averyhuelsbeck3116 weird to restrict yourself from something you supposedly love doing because of other peoples opinions -- which might I add probably aren't the collective opinion

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      @@averyhuelsbeck3116 Well it's totally your right to avoid the park if you feel uncomfortable there! But I hope you don't limit your experiences as an adult based off of what other people think of you as you age. Our society has an unhealthy view of aging if you ask me, making it seem like adults can't do things for fun because its a "waste of time" or "childish." I don't buy into that, and I'm going to keep doing what I love as I age which right now is skating at the skatepark. I understand not hanging around playgrounds and such if you don't have kids, but the skatepark should be for everyone 🙌 I'm sorry you were made to feel like you weren't welcome at your local, and I hope if you want to keep skating, you can find a park that has a more accepting and older crowd

  • @Sproutt
    @Sproutt 3 месяца назад

    Im pretty sure you made this video for me ha

  • @fatramh
    @fatramh 3 месяца назад


  • @brewberry3894
    @brewberry3894 3 месяца назад

    Hey i know her. I met her at Memo skatepark.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад

      Haha my fave park! Maybe I’ll catch ya again there someday 🤘

  • @clemensteich9646
    @clemensteich9646 Месяц назад

    Im a architekt and focus on urbanism und cityplaning and i wanted to warn you and everybody of using the term "third place" so lighly. According to the definition of third places by the creator of the Term, Ray Oldenburg, skateparks (happily) are not third places. In fact, third space theory stemms from a micure of misogyistic, homophic and neoliberal concepts of how mainly males should spend their time and money for their wellbeeing, stemming from Oldenburgs personal political views, whitch are pretty problematic. A little video which explains this problem better would be this:видео.htmlfeature=shared
    I hope this helps and still a verry good video! Greetings frlm Germany

  • @user-ec4yw5hj3r
    @user-ec4yw5hj3r 3 месяца назад +2

    a girl talking about loneliness is like a rich person complaining about having too much money

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +4

      It’s really sad that you think there’s only a specific group of people who experience loneliness. Loneliness is something that all humans experience at one point or another, and I hope you can develop more compassionate understanding for those around you who are also experiencing the hardships of the world.

    • @user-ec4yw5hj3r
      @user-ec4yw5hj3r 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller lol

  • @user-ec4yw5hj3r
    @user-ec4yw5hj3r 3 месяца назад +1

    all technology did was give women instant access to the best and highest earning men leaving the rest of us to go extinct while we scream into the void
    so yeah loneliness is predominantly a male problem and if anything technology makes it easier to make connections and form relationships but it just doesnt work for many because of the reasons i stated
    people especially women thrive off social media because they thrive in real life and the ones that are depressed are not thriving in real life or on social media
    it is what it is

    • @BonzerMrT
      @BonzerMrT 3 месяца назад +1

      Bro you a third a place, a plot of grass…. away from everyone else

  • @mr.johnson460
    @mr.johnson460 3 месяца назад +1

    Find Jesus! The Devil is behind all of this madness.

    • @Razer-xz3ck
      @Razer-xz3ck 3 месяца назад

      right for the wrong reasons lol.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Not really sure how this relates to skateparks?

  • @arvaneret_329
    @arvaneret_329 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for making this interesting video! But I have to disagree on your point that what Marx would be among the first to call "capitalism" (an ancient economic system known as a market economy, or the free market) greatly contributes to the loneliness epidemic in society. How can that be, if a private mall can be an excellent place for socializing or hanging out with friends? Yes, private third places such as cafeterias and cinemas require people to spend some money to be there, because that's how a transaction works: I give you money in exchange for a good or service. But privately-owned parks also exist, so there you have it. And I think plenty of private skateparks exist in the world, also, don't they? Sure, the government can build a skatepark and maintain it with taxation, but it probably won't be as good as a private skatepark.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s always interesting to hear other opinions and perspectives! Hope you have a great day, and I appreciate you watching and commenting!

    • @arvaneret_329
      @arvaneret_329 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller Thank you for your kind response and caring attitude, and for your interesting video.

  • @mossbogger8366
    @mossbogger8366 3 месяца назад +1

    You need a reality check. The skateparks where I live you cannot hang out there for long unless you want to buy drugs or get robbed

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +3

      I don’t think a reality check is what I need… just because the skate park by you isn’t a safe and encouraging atmosphere doesn’t mean that’s the same for everyone. The majority of the skate parks I’ve been to have been encouraging and fun! I think it’s important to acknowledge that the culture is different at all skateparks, just like anywhere. Just because one bar is fun and safe in a town doesn’t mean a bar in another town will be.
      I used scientific studies in this video to back my points, but just because there are studies on a topic doesn’t mean every situation is like that. There still will be skateparks that aren’t safe or aren’t a good third place. But theyre worth checking out, as every single one is different. There are plenty of skateparks out there that are lovely environments. It just depends on the park, and it also takes some trial and error. There are a few parks in my town I don’t go to for this reason, but most are wonderful 😊

    • @mossbogger8366
      @mossbogger8366 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller are we trading anecdotes or are you going to appeal to scientific data again? skateparks arent the answer, they are a symptom of social cohesion. if that cohesion breaks down, it will hardly matter that a skatepark remains there as a sad reminder of better times.

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +3

      @@mossbogger8366agree to disagree then 👍 Not everyone has to like skateparks and that’s okay. If it’s not the space for you, that’s cool! I hope you can find some where that suits your needs better

    • @mossbogger8366
      @mossbogger8366 3 месяца назад

      @@thesolarroller agree to disagree on what? you're just being idealistic. you can hope all you want and whisper what ever sweet nothings to yourself, just be happy you have the luxury of indulging in such idealism

    • @thesolarroller
      @thesolarroller  3 месяца назад +2

      @@mossbogger8366 This is the internet, and you don't know anything about me or my life. I have my struggles like everyone, but I'll keep being idealistic and one who seeks to keep bringing joy and community to the world, thank you very much! We can agree to disagree on attitude and perspective. I don't agree with your outlook, and I believe in the power of skating and community. I won't stop being "idealistic" because it's those who dare to chase passion, joy, and connection who bring more of it to the world. You can look at the other comments and see that there are many others who have experienced the power of this and have been changed by it positively. I hope you can find some true joy and happiness in something in this world. You deserve to feel like there are things that make life worth living, whether that's skating or not. Best of luck to you!