+Commenter You realise that if there were no countries to support America, there'd be no hope for America to survive a full on war right ? America would be a exposed target. Good Job for not realising that.
+Uros L you may not like him as president but obama is intelligent if you fail to at least acknowledge that then you're not even telling yourself the truth not to mension comparing him to the likes of trump LOL
+The Daily Conversation America first. The weight of the world should not be on the backs of America if the rest of the world wants to bury their heads in the sand.
+pinkfloyddwc Obama commissioned his country and negotiated with others, While Trump took care of his own TV - Show how were you to say Trump has more "Wordly" experience when the fact that he is only living his own.
Jonssyy Jons lol. exactly, i know what i'll rather be.. ill prefer to be intelligent articulate two term world leader than an orange dumb loud mouth.. they can be racist all they want, doesn't hurt anyone.
+MrY3110w lol..you must have synaptic disconnect like he does. Do you stutter that way also? In case you didn't know it, he ALWAYS stutters whenever he's not prepared for certain questions, or in the absence of a prompter.
+Sumit The media is great at convincing people they are smarter then 100% of everybody who believes a certain opinion. I assure you, you aren't smarter then 60% of the GOP voters, who all support Trump. If anything they could possibly be misinformed, which is not likely considering people who support trump don't get their information from the mainstream media. If you don't think the popular media stations are lying then there's your first problem.
omg thank you my thoughts exactly we need someone who cares not some kind of bully who repeatedly said as a young man that he was not fit to be president if you were not then u are not now I guess he thinks he has a fan base
Ghazala Khan said, "when Trump is talking about islam, he is ignorant". She was wrong. When Trump is talking about everything, he is ignorant, when he's not being divisive or racist.
Keith Anthony; so you are saying that Obama is the authority on Islam? Is that why he refuses to call out terrorists? is that why he loves to give Iran 400 million of our tax dollars to them?????? Is that why he wears a ring inscribed on the inside with "Allahu Akbar"?????? Is that why he wants to bring in boatloads of "refugee" muslims on the taxpayer's dime?....Is that why he traded 5 enemies of America in Guantanamo for a rotten deserter who had some of our military killed looking for him? .....That Obama?
Keith Anthony; So you are playing the race card..with just your opinion of him and no facts....but you don't like it when someone hits you with a race card?
"Playing the race card". Umm, no, he is a card carrying, certified racist, and I could present factual data on that till the cows came home. Here's a hint, google it and you'll find lots of facts on it. You can try to hit me with a race card, but since I actually do know what I'm talking about when I write, and you clearly don't, it would be taking candy from a baby.
"... after world war 2 we've been able to avoid catastrophe in those regions (eastern asia)" (3:20) Well, if you don't count Korea nor Vietnam... Yes, I guess you have...
Jib Jith More specific? How about, not protecting our borders from "foreign invaders"? How about pressuring Americans to accept Muslim migrants when, in all probability, ISIS is mixing in with the migrants, so once again, he's not willing to protect Americans from "foreign invaders". How about pressuring the majority of Americans into accepting homosexual marriage and allowing transgenders to use any public restroom they want? You do know, that homosexuals and transgenders and lesbians aren't mentioned in the U.S. Constitution... not even vaguely. The U.S. Constitution refers the U.S. as being a Democratic Republic, and it says, that the government was formed "By the people, and for the people"... so therefore, it's the majority that gets what they want, not the minority, or the lunatic fringe of society. If Congress and the President worked for the people and by the people, ObamaScare would never have been passed into law, and there would be no homosexual marriage, and there would be no telling a bakery shop to serve homosexuals when it's against their religious beliefs to promote homosexuality, and the majority of Americans wouldn't be forced to accept transgenders in public restrooms. Every time, there's a criminal that uses a gun to break the law, Obama, and the liberals, start threatening law abiding citizens, that own guns, that there are going to be stricter laws, etc.. Do you think, stricter laws are going to hurt the criminals? No... it won't. They'll continue to break the laws, and even any new laws created. It's an attack on the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution... to make it hard for any decent American to own a gun... for hunting or just for protecting their homes against criminals. I'm sure, there are a hundred more, but I can't think of them at the moment.
I think the Best American President of all time. We all remembered when everyone was attacking him for having a Muslim Middle name and secretly many was against him ,just for being Black. Obama you are a great person.
He's a great man indeed! Clinically-dumb teapublicans and their dear leader dictator putin with russian trolls try everything to discredit President Obama!
No, he is not he has been a disastrous president with his failed foreign policies, disastrous domestic ones with Obamacare. Now such a large debt that your grandchildren will still have over their head. Where did all the money got to most lkely his funding overseas terrorosm Wake up I'm a small business owener and went under during his presdiency due to his high taxes, and no affordable Obamacare. I alos had to pay a hefty penalty to IRS for not being abe to take or afford Obamacare. My riight to pray in public was taken away. Do you realize he is a radical socialist mentored by a communist and he is very close to being a fascist leader especially now with his push on gun control (which is really people control). He scares me. Hillary will be even worse. I will move to Canada if she gets in.
+Nancy Rocks - You are delusional. What happened to your business would have been worse under a Bush or Trump presidency. Trump has no tangible workable solution to the healthcare problem. Obamacare is a step in the right direction. It takes YEARS to complete something like this. It is not a light switch that works on day #1. People like yourself seem to have no comprehension of what's involved, how things take time, because you have the patience of a gnat.
You logic astound me. No evidence, no proof, only your ignorance and disdain. Explain to me how that might be so? Do you even understand what Obama just said?
This is exactly what is wrong with the world right now, no one country should have such an outsized influence so far from their borders. We need a multipolar world ASAP.
+Mazamboa "The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam" -Barack Huissein Obama. Must not belong to those who "insult" the prophet? Awfully specific language from a US president who is supposed to stand up for freedom of speech.
Do u guys even hear this dude speak? he sucks at answering anything tf uh uhmm uh durr.. he talks so slow because he doesnt know what he's talking about if it isn't in a script.
thank you obama for not being like donald trump, yea your laws are crazy but every president isnt 100% perfect. But thank you for being respectful at this job and owning up to the job like a professional president should.
Contrast and compare the dignified calm manner and articulate rational intelligence of President Obama with "Pinky & the Brain"- Trump & Cruz. Opposite ends of the spectrum
Yes please then all those young white mentally insane lone gunman can express their right to bear arms and kill their fellow Americans- a much more real and present danger than Mexican immigrants or terrorists like ISIS. Perspective & facts!
Obama has been a great president and will be dearly missed. Perhaps the next president could nominate him to the Supreme Court. Right now it's between Sander's and Hillary. God knows none of those republican clowns are getting into the Oval Office!
***** that is your opinion and I respect your opinion. But as someone with a love of history, and who's favorite presidents are as you'd expect (Eisenhower, FDR, LBJ) I have to put Obama high up there as one of the greats. Thing is, this is a new world. A far more critical one, a far more observant one, and far less forgiving. Not to mention the media focuses on politicized issues rather than the bigger stuff that can be seen as quite boring for t.v.
Alex Van Alen yes, his foreign policy was bad. The Vietnam war was a disaster. His domestic policy was amazing though. He was a master negotiated and a front runner for the civil rights movement. You have the civil rights act of 1964 and the Voting rights act of 1965. He saw to the end of segregation. Definitely one of the biggest accomplishments in American history.
Obma and his Mama Hillary Clinton who created ISIS has blood on their hands. Look at the videos products by ISIS, where in Libya dozen of men beheaded - blood flowing turning th sea water blood red. Others were put in cage and dipped for a hour in the same waters. The same ISIS invade Libyan embassy and burn't the Ambassador and all his staff. Obama and Mama Clinton tells Americans: Donald Trump has no foreign policy experience. Donald Trump hands are not full of blood.
Trump was asked if he would use nuclear weapons, to which he made it quite clear that he would only use them if he had to. Nothing wrong with that. It's not like he came out and just said it. He was asked.
Meanwhile, Obama thought that the Americans liberated Auschwitz (and that his uncle helped), and in 2008 he said that he had campaigned in 57 US states. He thought Selma to Montgomery march was in 1960.
Best President ever! 2 Terms are a sin for Exceptional Presidents such as an Obama! Exceptional, great presidents are rare in regards to leveling the playing field to the Mass! We have to remember that the presidency is for the masses, not the 5%. What a true example of a Great Man! I am Inspired! Kevin "The-Wave" Poole / GPA Management / 347-442-1047
His gravity, logic and intellect is unmatched. The SOB Republican leadership should be blamed for him not being able to run for a 3rd term. Miss him already.
Peg M I figured that. To answer your question, I'd put Obama on a pedestal for giving his all to keep swimming while all the Republicans and a biased section of the population were trying to pull him down. All that while staying calm, focused, and erudite.
The community organizer-in chief giving his opinion on a matter that he knows full well (and the media ignores) that he would never have acted as resolutely as Truman did. Did everyone forget the Iran deal already?
+John Wall "fought poverty" well he didn't do a good job and failed that fight, you think 30 thousand people would be at a trump rally if jobs weren't an issue? Think before you type or you will look even more stupid than you do now
Think before you type was a good comment. Pity you didn't apply it. You'd need to look at national stats, instead of Trump rallies for your info. But looking stupid is never an issue for Trump supporters, is it?
He knows there are not 57 states. He knows how to pronounce the word Corps. He knows how to get a web site up and working on time. Most, he knows not everything can be for free.
+Freeligive Dude, why don't you upload one, single vlog - just one - where you talk for one, single minute - just one - about anything you want, while sitting alone in your room, and let all of us judge how well you do. You can post it as a response link to this comment. I'll wait.
+The Daily Conversation Would have to agree with The Daily Conversation here. Obama stands out as having some of the most thoughtful speech of anyone in recorded history. I don't think I know of any other public figure who thinks before he speaks to the degree that Obama does.
+The Daily Conversation I'm not tha fuckin' President of the United States. Actually, I appreciate hearing him without a pre-scripted wrap written from someone else. I believe it should be illegal for presidents to use a teleprompter for transparency. The American people (including yourselves) deserve more than a reading puppet.
+Alexander Hsiung He's choosing his words very carefully. Transcripts won't insert all of those pauses. If you read them written down they're quite articulate. Respectfully, please stfu.
Alexander Hsiung It buys him time to think so interviewers don't interrupt him. He probably does it intentionally. Interviewers are taught to interrupt people so they don't get too pensive and slow down the show. Don't you think you aughta learn that a dictionary and rational thought have little to do with each other?
+Dx4c8 I was going to say no. However, thinking about it, I've decided that it would, in fact, change things. You can't fix anything if you refuse to acknowledge the problem. That's what he's doing. He's scarred to recognize that there's a problem out there. This is the same way that Bush ignored the looming rescission before it became the massive problem it did. But he's finished soon, so he doesn't want to deal with it. Clinton did the same and left the problem for bush to deal with. Bush...well... WOW. Now Obama is doing the very same. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one.
+Saddle Sore Well the reason why he does that is because he thinks about what he says and ensures that he doesn't offend people. Trump doesn't care and because of that alot of people love him.
see!! now he gave that answer off the cuff well thought out because he knows what hes talking about now imagine president trump giving an answer like that at an international press conference ridiculous!! use ur heads people if u really want change and no one blames you the only candidate is sanders it JUST IS and you know it
Japan and Korea should not rely on that alliance forever or it will one day find out that the US not the reliable ally it claims to be. It abandoned Vietnam because the cost was too high, economically, politically, and in human lives.
Joe Dough if the mess would have been cleaned up you mean.. rather middle east got plunged into major chaos .. thankfully this one didnt send more boots on ground.. that one he can keep...dont know what he is doing about Crimea and the Naval island by China in south china sea .. basically its a failed policy. Lets see what Hillary or Barnie now does. Hopefully not that Trump dude.
More politics. Of course Mr. Obama would not acknowledge that Mr. Trump has any knowledge about the Korea's' or Japan, Germany, France, the Middle East, etc. Want the truth? Trump has sources that are very close to what is going on in the world. Trump is not Stupid to bring up subjects without first investing time and talent and money. Trump made it clear and plain that the USA must invest on our infrastructure, and prime social interests instead of financing Japan's interests as well as other sovereign nations.
Trump responded to a series of intercontinental ballistic missile and nuclear weapons tests with bellicose rhetoric,warning North Korea's threats would "be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen". WELL WHERE IS IT!?!. REMEMBER THE TROJAN HORSE.........
Neither did he when he was a community organizer, but he has been briefed on these matters and has a team of advisors to help him navigate through these matters. The same can be said about anyone who hasn't spent their life as a politician. No one goes into a job knowing everything about that place on how the work is done.
What is the story: (1) Mexico, India and the Muslim countries have out of control demographics with Youth Bulge. With half their populations under the age of 20 then these countries must do something to control their demographics because they threaten the world. When Europe had that demographics we invaded the world, we killed indians we took land. What makes you think these young men from these countries wont do the same. (2) Immigration is not needed in the age of robotics, automation, rejuvenation of the elderly, increased life expectancy and pushing back the retirement age! (3) The ONLY COUNTRIES from which immigrants must be taken are those that have an internationally recognized LOW CORRUPTION scale. That is Scandinavia, Holland, UK, Canada principally. Mexico, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, etc fail this scale very badly. So Mexico and India fail in points (1) and (2) whereas China fails in point (2) we should not even be having trade relations of any kind with such nations.
neither Barack Obama or donald trump is perfect but whoever becomes president must not think like a Republican or a democrat. think like someone who is going to be the leader of the free world
What a stammering fool. who cares what other countries want. America first!
With this comment, i believe you are foolish.
Last time I checked America is a continent... United States is a country. I don't believe you have the brains to say anything regarding politics.
+Commenter You realise that if there were no countries to support America, there'd be no hope for America to survive a full on war right ? America would be a exposed target. Good Job for not realising that.
+Commenter lol salty much?
The President continues to hammer Trump for his ignorance.
+Uros L you may not like him as president but obama is intelligent if you fail to at least acknowledge that then you're not even telling yourself the truth not to mension comparing him to the likes of trump LOL
+The Daily Conversation America first. The weight of the world should not be on the backs of America if the rest of the world wants to bury their heads in the sand.
+Maverick yes that is correct.
+Uros L "Obummer"? How old are you?
Jon DGAF yeah mate...correct.
It's safe to say that Trump has a lot more worldly experience at this point than obama did before he was elected.
+pinkfloyddwc But less respect.
+pinkfloyddwc you meant regurgitating statistics and statements made by fox news anchors like hanity.. yea great experiene
+pinkfloyddwc Obama commissioned his country and negotiated with others, While Trump took care of his own TV - Show how were you to say Trump has more "Wordly" experience when the fact that he is only living his own.
Jonssyy Jons lol. exactly, i know what i'll rather be.. ill prefer to be intelligent articulate two term world leader than an orange dumb loud mouth.. they can be racist all they want, doesn't hurt anyone.
Trump for President
+Waqar Ahmad You seem worried about President Trump!
+Phyllis Woods-Harris You want a narcissistic orange idiot to be the leader of the free world? Stupid woman.
+no hassle No someone that's honest about punching you in the face though. TRUMP 2016!!! :-)
Jason Anderson Trump has no chance you looooooser.
+no hassle YOU racist!
he's stuttering because unlike the republicans he actually thinks before he speaks
+MrY3110w Too true.
+MrY3110w Or he's struggling to read his teleprompter
+MrY3110w lol..you must have synaptic disconnect like he does. Do you stutter that way also? In case you didn't know it, he ALWAYS stutters whenever he's not prepared for certain questions, or in the absence of a prompter.
obama = traitor
+LOVIN_ USA Well, could you please tell me how long did it take for you to become STUPID.????
small loan of donald trumps intelligence. 404 not found
+The Force is Duct Tape funny, he was. he stopped iran from getting nuclear weapons, helped stop climate change, etc
even to answer you back was a problem
Dump trump
Can I buy some memes?
+Bashar the Dankest Meme Collector Go back to the Mideast chump.
***** you are voting for trump i think that says it all idiot
+Sumit The media is great at convincing people they are smarter then 100% of everybody who believes a certain opinion. I assure you, you aren't smarter then 60% of the GOP voters, who all support Trump. If anything they could possibly be misinformed, which is not likely considering people who support trump don't get their information from the mainstream media. If you don't think the popular media stations are lying then there's your first problem.
Hans Ludricht You know what ? it doesnt mean majority is always right.I mean come on even president of your country thinks he is not good at all
We need a serious president not trump
omg thank you my thoughts exactly we need someone who cares not some kind of bully who repeatedly said as a young man that he was not fit to be president if you were not then u are not now I guess he thinks he has a fan base
and Hillary is serious? what?!!! A serious liar., maybe...
if I were an American I would vote for Obama with heart and soul 💜
He & his family are beautiful people!
Honest, Honest!!!!
Smart and kind!!!
He has feelings!!!!!
Ghazala Khan said, "when Trump is talking about islam, he is ignorant". She was wrong. When Trump is talking about everything, he is ignorant, when he's not being divisive or racist.
Keith Anthony; so you are saying that Obama is the authority on Islam? Is that why he refuses to call out terrorists? is that why he loves to give Iran 400 million of our tax dollars to them?????? Is that why he wears a ring inscribed on the inside with "Allahu Akbar"?????? Is that why he wants to bring in boatloads of "refugee" muslims on the taxpayer's dime?....Is that why he traded 5 enemies of America in Guantanamo for a rotten deserter who had some of our military killed looking for him? .....That Obama?
Keith Anthony; So you are playing the race card..with just your opinion of him and no facts....but you don't like it when someone hits you with a race card?
Keith Anthony: So when trump is talking about Islam ,and making America safe,..making you and your family safe....He is ignorant?????
"Playing the race card". Umm, no, he is a card carrying, certified racist, and I could present factual data on that till the cows came home. Here's a hint, google it and you'll find lots of facts on it. You can try to hit me with a race card, but since I actually do know what I'm talking about when I write, and you clearly don't, it would be taking candy from a baby.
Yes, is the short answer. From your question, I'd say you are ignorant too. Trumpansee, I think the term is.
Give Obama another mandate ! The new guys are a joke .
Your thought processing is a joke. Stop suckling from the liberal teat you fuckin brain washed mainstream media fuckbot lol
+Richie Rover is their a need for all your swearing? And "lol" what are you a 12 year old? :,D
1blackburn2 He is a Tramp fan boy :))
+Richie Rover lol
+qpae123 so far 37 other people want 4 more for Nobama. Obama would be better that Hillary. so if it's Hillary or 4 more, better to have Obama.
"... after world war 2 we've been able to avoid catastrophe in those regions (eastern asia)" (3:20)
Well, if you don't count Korea nor Vietnam... Yes, I guess you have...
Communism and nuclear war. Those are the catastrophes.
Love how they didnt even use his name. i am also sick of reading or typing those incompetent 5 letters.
I'm going to miss the guy when it all ends.
+Jib Jith
You'll miss watching Barack Insane Obama wipe his butt with the U.S. Constitution on a daily basis... eh?
nevada smith
Darwins Myth
Can you be more specific?
Jib Jith
More specific? How about, not protecting our borders from "foreign invaders"? How about pressuring Americans to accept Muslim migrants when, in all probability, ISIS is mixing in with the migrants, so once again, he's not willing to protect Americans from "foreign invaders". How about pressuring the majority of Americans into accepting homosexual marriage and allowing transgenders to use any public restroom they want? You do know, that homosexuals and transgenders and lesbians aren't mentioned in the U.S. Constitution... not even vaguely. The U.S. Constitution refers the U.S. as being a Democratic Republic, and it says, that the government was formed "By the people, and for the people"... so therefore, it's the majority that gets what they want, not the minority, or the lunatic fringe of society. If Congress and the President worked for the people and by the people, ObamaScare would never have been passed into law, and there would be no homosexual marriage, and there would be no telling a bakery shop to serve homosexuals when it's against their religious beliefs to promote homosexuality, and the majority of Americans wouldn't be forced to accept transgenders in public restrooms.
Every time, there's a criminal that uses a gun to break the law, Obama, and the liberals, start threatening law abiding citizens, that own guns, that there are going to be stricter laws, etc.. Do you think, stricter laws are going to hurt the criminals? No... it won't. They'll continue to break the laws, and even any new laws created. It's an attack on the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution... to make it hard for any decent American to own a gun... for hunting or just for protecting their homes against criminals.
I'm sure, there are a hundred more, but I can't think of them at the moment.
1 You're wrong and misguided.
2 GOD DAMMIT I'm going to miss him.
Obama's really trying not to laugh, isn't he?
Wrong direction
Shawn Spenstar you call that offensive guy your next leader ? besides he is loseing atm
Shawn Spenstar and woman ? XD
Obama seems a genius compared to our now former president Trump.
How about Biden? The dude literally belongs in a nursing home and your concerned about Trump?? You’re what’s wrong with the country.
I think the Best American President of all time. We all remembered when everyone was attacking him for having a Muslim Middle name and secretly many was against him ,just for being Black. Obama you are a great person.
He's a great man indeed!
Clinically-dumb teapublicans and their dear leader dictator putin with russian trolls try everything to discredit President Obama!
No, he is not he has been a disastrous president with his failed foreign policies, disastrous domestic ones with Obamacare. Now such a large debt that your grandchildren will still have over their head. Where did all the money got to most lkely his funding overseas terrorosm Wake up
I'm a small business owener and went under during his presdiency due to his high taxes, and no affordable Obamacare. I alos had to pay a hefty penalty to IRS for not being abe to take or afford Obamacare. My riight to pray in public was taken away. Do you realize he is a radical socialist mentored by a communist and he is very close to being a fascist leader especially now with his push on gun control (which is really people control). He scares me. Hillary will be even worse. I will move to Canada if she gets in.
+Nancy Rocks - You are delusional. What happened to your business would have been worse under a Bush or Trump presidency. Trump has no tangible workable solution to the healthcare problem. Obamacare is a step in the right direction. It takes YEARS to complete something like this. It is not a light switch that works on day #1. People like yourself seem to have no comprehension of what's involved, how things take time, because you have the patience of a gnat.
You can't stump the Trump.
trump is bae
+bryce lovett (wutlawl) Trump is life. Seriously tho, Trump would've made a better president than Obama & will make a better president than Hillary.
If he has to say that then America is in its death bed.
You logic astound me. No evidence, no proof, only your ignorance and disdain. Explain to me how that might be so? Do you even understand what Obama just said?
+Ka Wai Ng don't waste your breath mate. The idea of a foreign policy as foreign to him as the idea of a policy in the first place is to Drumpf.
Good video has substance right to the point. Sawadee Khap.🤠
When Obama speaks at least you get the impression he knows what he's talking about. Unless Trump of course.
I dont get it. Because he said he would end the wars yet sent me in 2009 a year after he got into office. It tool Donald J Trump to end them.
This is exactly what is wrong with the world right now, no one country should have such an outsized influence so far from their borders. We need a multipolar world ASAP.
Time to send this Muslim home
+Mazamboa "The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam" -Barack Huissein Obama.
Must not belong to those who "insult" the prophet? Awfully specific language from a US president who is supposed to stand up for freedom of speech.
+Mike Ditkas Lovechild Time to send you to hell
The Koran has Jesus in it
moneymaker2dx A Jesus who never died on the cross, and never resurrected, and is not the son of God.
Do u guys even hear this dude speak? he sucks at answering anything tf uh uhmm uh durr.. he talks so slow because he doesnt know what he's talking about if it isn't in a script.
Axzed trump has never said those words. U just made yourself look like a buffoon just your stupid puppet leader
this coming from the worst president that this country has ever seen and I'm a democrat
thank you obama for not being like donald trump, yea your laws are crazy but every president isnt 100% perfect. But thank you for being respectful at this job and owning up to the job like a professional president should.
Contrast and compare the dignified calm manner and articulate rational intelligence of President Obama with "Pinky & the Brain"- Trump & Cruz. Opposite ends of the spectrum
Vote for Trump and I hope he builds his wall- to keep all the right wing nutjobs and US military sealed IN and isolated from the rest of the world
Yes please then all those young white mentally insane lone gunman can express their right to bear arms and kill their fellow Americans- a much more real and present danger than Mexican immigrants or terrorists like ISIS. Perspective & facts!
I couldn't have laughed more. "the person doesn't know much about Korea, nuclear policies, or the world...."
Real Cherokee for Trump!
+Drum 3A Odumbo is incompetent. Should be Impeached for putting Americans in danger!
+sprinkles1101 is That a Potato on ur profile pic?
julia hamide No.
Obama is the best and will be the last president who took things seriously
Obama has been a great president and will be dearly missed. Perhaps the next president could nominate him to the Supreme Court.
Right now it's between Sander's and Hillary. God knows none of those republican clowns are getting into the Oval Office!
+Fernando Herrera Mexican?
***** that is your opinion and I respect your opinion. But as someone with a love of history, and who's favorite presidents are as you'd expect (Eisenhower, FDR, LBJ) I have to put Obama high up there as one of the greats. Thing is, this is a new world. A far more critical one, a far more observant one, and far less forgiving. Not to mention the media focuses on politicized issues rather than the bigger stuff that can be seen as quite boring for t.v.
LBJ? My God, no wonder you think Obama is good.
Alex Van Alen yes, his foreign policy was bad. The Vietnam war was a disaster.
His domestic policy was amazing though. He was a master negotiated and a front runner for the civil rights movement. You have the civil rights act of 1964 and the Voting rights act of 1965. He saw to the end of segregation. Definitely one of the biggest accomplishments in American history.
Fernando Herrera Strange that racial tensions are at an all time high thanks to him.
Obma and his Mama Hillary Clinton who created ISIS has blood on their hands. Look at the videos products by ISIS, where in Libya dozen of men beheaded - blood flowing turning th sea water blood red. Others were put in cage and dipped for a hour in the same waters. The same ISIS invade Libyan embassy and burn't the Ambassador and all his staff. Obama and Mama Clinton tells Americans: Donald Trump has no foreign policy experience. Donald Trump hands are not full of blood.
''What we do is really important to the rest of the world''
Yeah, take a look at the state of the world and the countries the U.S sent drones.
Trump was asked if he would use nuclear weapons, to which he made it quite clear that he would only use them if he had to. Nothing wrong with that. It's not like he came out and just said it. He was asked.
So glad this President has less than a year! Trump 2016!
+Phil Curr yes sooner the better to destroy the planet mate!
+Folie A Deux I'll start the doomsday clock
Lol, fake likes on your comment :(
Meanwhile, Obama thought that the Americans liberated Auschwitz (and that his uncle helped), and in 2008 he said that he had campaigned in 57 US states. He thought Selma to Montgomery march was in 1960.
Obama's so mature and level headed ..
Best President ever! 2 Terms are a sin for Exceptional Presidents such as an Obama! Exceptional, great presidents are rare in regards to leveling the playing field to the Mass! We have to remember that the presidency is for the masses, not the 5%.
What a true example of a Great Man! I am Inspired!
Kevin "The-Wave" Poole / GPA Management / 347-442-1047
His gravity, logic and intellect is unmatched. The SOB Republican leadership should be blamed for him not being able to run for a 3rd term. Miss him already.
+Peg M (JustMe) Whats a petal stool? What have you been smoking?
+Keith Anthony. it's a stool made of petals. Rose petals to be exact. Petal Stool. lmao
Peg M I figured that. To answer your question, I'd put Obama on a pedestal for giving his all to keep swimming while all the Republicans and a biased section of the population were trying to pull him down. All that while staying calm, focused, and erudite.
nevada smith His jew masters? Don't make me laugh. It was the Republicans cheering for Netanyahu in the House, and half the reps are in AIPACs pocket
you're a complete moron...congrats.
The community organizer-in chief giving his opinion on a matter that he knows full well (and the media ignores) that he would never have acted as resolutely as Truman did. Did everyone forget the Iran deal already?
Mr. President
Thank you for your time and service to our Great nation.
Please run again.
Suppose that was Trump at this summit.....what a disaster it would be for us Americans.
What have you done in 8 years?
+dickie mellon a whole lot of nothing!
+John Wall Fracking, not confirmed, it shrank, it grew, they didnt, nope, nope, nope.
+John Wall "fought poverty" well he didn't do a good job and failed that fight, you think 30 thousand people would be at a trump rally if jobs weren't an issue? Think before you type or you will look even more stupid than you do now
+John Wall and idk about other states but HERE in California has reached 4 dollars a gallon sometimes
Think before you type was a good comment. Pity you didn't apply it. You'd need to look at national stats, instead of Trump rallies for your info. But looking stupid is never an issue for Trump supporters, is it?
Obama is not lost without a teleprompter. He thinks before he speaks which is almost a lost art these days.
Trump2016! If you like your Doctor, then you can keep your Doctor. Remember that line....
What if he is Mexican and is the best doctor in town and really cares about his job and does it really well?
If you like your life, forget it. Remember that one.
I don't know what he just said he Sounds like doesn't know Barack Obama much, The Establishment tells him what to say and do.
Obama getting old
Same for the rest of us.
+moneymaker2dx Obama getting old but he's healthier now than when he took office. Heart rate down, cholesterol down, and 5 pounds lighter.
+moneymaker2dx That happens when you live.
+moneymaker2dx Lying will do that.
+Alex Van Alen to me anther than some social issues he was really a republican to me kind of exactly like Hillary Clinton
Trump has no Clue in how to Govern
Trump for pres
He knows there are not 57 states. He knows how to pronounce the word Corps. He knows how to get a web site up and working on time. Most, he knows not everything can be for free.
Dude's lost without a teleprompter, uh, uh, uh
+Freeligive Dude, why don't you upload one, single vlog - just one - where you talk for one, single minute - just one - about anything you want, while sitting alone in your room, and let all of us judge how well you do. You can post it as a response link to this comment. I'll wait.
+The Daily Conversation Would have to agree with The Daily Conversation here. Obama stands out as having some of the most thoughtful speech of anyone in recorded history. I don't think I know of any other public figure who thinks before he speaks to the degree that Obama does.
+Michael Mehlman what flavor was it?
+Freeligive At least Obama thinks before he speaks while Trump speaks before he thinks who only functions on several redundant one-liners
+The Daily Conversation I'm not tha fuckin' President of the United States. Actually, I appreciate hearing him without a pre-scripted wrap written from someone else. I believe it should be illegal for presidents to use a teleprompter for transparency. The American people (including yourselves)
deserve more than a reading puppet.
2:45 - 3:20
I couldn't agree with him more!
Trump is so ignorant on so many levels on how the world works and it's policy's it's sickening how he is still the front runner
+Rushid Tahiri True
i know it's a disgrace how people like Donald Trump what has our country become?
Rushid Tahiri A joke. I am moving to the UK, Australia, or Albania if he's elected
i would rather live in Albania were it's cheap and nice to live then live in America if Trump is President (Hey are you Albanian?)
+superdog logan Good, let them pay your way
I find it interesting and revealing that the President would not endorse either democratic candidate.
uhh... hah .... uhh.... hah... uhh... I am obama
+Alexander Hsiung He's choosing his words very carefully. Transcripts won't insert all of those pauses. If you read them written down they're quite articulate.
Respectfully, please stfu.
Alexander Hsiung It buys him time to think so interviewers don't interrupt him. He probably does it intentionally. Interviewers are taught to interrupt people so they don't get too pensive and slow down the show.
Don't you think you aughta learn that a dictionary and rational thought have little to do with each other?
I bet Obama voted for Bernie. Biden as well!!
I've been tested at 3 universities. My IQ is concidered Genius. 1 level below Einstein.
One thing to say.
Vote Trump 2016
+Sako Zedgian Classy, and typical Liberal. At least he has proof he is a genius, maybe you need proof you are a complete idiot and incredibly rude.
+Alex Van Alen typing it in the RUclips comment section isn't proof...
+Alex Van Alen typing it in the RUclips comment section isn't proof...
Lovedrawin 2000 I love how you are running around trying to sound smart by attacking me, but you look not only incredibly basic, but very dumb.
Alex Van Alen Don't act smart, i'm sure your IQ and your shoe size are the same number..
I'm going to take advice from a traitor who is selling out my country?
Trump 2016
A man that has almost no control over what he does... or signs. Oh humans, such silly creatures.
Very smart President.
onii12...yeah, he talked stupid, uninformed people to vote him into office.....
The question should have been "Can you say Islamic terrorism?"
would that change anything?
+Dx4c8 I was going to say no. However, thinking about it, I've decided that it would, in fact, change things. You can't fix anything if you refuse to acknowledge the problem. That's what he's doing. He's scarred to recognize that there's a problem out there. This is the same way that Bush ignored the looming rescission before it became the massive problem it did. But he's finished soon, so he doesn't want to deal with it. Clinton did the same and left the problem for bush to deal with. Bush...well... WOW. Now Obama is doing the very same.
The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one.
Without the telapromter he really can't talk. I ah think that ah ah that ah we ah ah...
Witout da spellchecka some peepil just can't right....touche....
Ralph Bernhard I can't spell for sheet.
Saddle Sore LOL, neither can I. I'm hopeless without autocorrect :-)
+Saddle Sore Well the reason why he does that is because he thinks about what he says and ensures that he doesn't offend people. Trump doesn't care and because of that alot of people love him.
Dhaval Patel Ya he thinks about he is going to say, because he making it up as he go's along.
see!! now he gave that answer off the cuff well thought out because he knows what hes talking about
now imagine president trump giving an answer like that at an international press conference ridiculous!!
use ur heads people if u really want change and no one blames you the only candidate is sanders
it JUST IS and you know it
The most said "word" in this speech was, "uhh"..😂😂😂😂
+axenos2004 ,,without a teleprompter Obama struggles for words the difference is amazing you can see it
+karl wills agreed👍🏻
Japan and Korea should not rely on that alliance forever or it will one day find out that the US not the reliable ally it claims to be. It abandoned Vietnam because the cost was too high, economically, politically, and in human lives.
Says the guy who announces and let the enemies know when he is withdrawing troops and how many.
+Vincent Corleone I know, right?! Such an idiot.
I gave it a thumbs up without even seeing it! That's how incompetent I think Donald Trump or Ted Cruz are!
ROFL .. and Obama's 'Understanding' of this world got US bogged down in middle east.
lmao more like Bush's 'understanding' of the Middle East. Obama needs to get a 'thank you for cleaning up my mess' award from Bush.
Joe Dough if the mess would have been cleaned up you mean.. rather middle east got plunged into major chaos .. thankfully this one didnt send more boots on ground.. that one he can keep...dont know what he is doing about Crimea and the Naval island by China in south china sea .. basically its a failed policy. Lets see what Hillary or Barnie now does. Hopefully not that Trump dude.
Ha ha, is he saying that he knew much about the world and foreign policy BEFORE he became President ?? Pointless !!
Every countries should have Nuclear weapon. The more nukes, the better.
rip world
im gonna kms
SuperUltra JOK3R GTFO my post you disgusting wiiaboo
"GTFO" It's a comment section in RUclips, hmph.
Yeah whatever dude.
+Peridot_ MMD Finally someone understands.
***** It's just a prank, bro.
Those deals need to be modified. Trump never said he would repeal any of them !
Obama you are the president for 7 years now. Of course you know more than anybody. But can you do anything about it?
Obama out! Trump in!
Wow! The Wall Street puppet.
+Gunter Raffel
Trump is running only because he was to dimwitted to be a puppeteer.
More politics. Of course Mr. Obama would not acknowledge that Mr. Trump has any knowledge about the Korea's' or Japan, Germany, France, the Middle East, etc. Want the truth? Trump has sources that are very close to what is going on in the world. Trump is not Stupid to bring up subjects without first investing time and talent and money. Trump made it clear and plain that the USA must invest on our infrastructure, and prime social interests instead of financing Japan's interests as well as other sovereign nations.
Trump responded to a series of intercontinental ballistic missile and nuclear weapons tests with bellicose rhetoric,warning North Korea's threats would "be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen". WELL WHERE IS IT!?!. REMEMBER THE TROJAN HORSE.........
The President looks tied here, but his articulation is second to none.
And that's why I don't feel safe if Donald trump becomes president
He was so close to laughing....... Which makes me scared..... Build a wall.... While your at it build a bunker
Just found this. I miss President Obama so very much. I slept better. I felt better. I was proud of my country. Love from Prescott, Arizona, USA
From the guy who armed ISIS denies radical Islam and last but not least gives nuclear capability to Iran ....
Wow that's rich coming from Obama.
Trump's dirty toe nail has more smarts than Obummer
How about a poor country like Banglasesh looses $ 100 million from a US Bank ? How about the cyber attacks and security ?
Neither did he when he was a community organizer, but he has been briefed on these matters and has a team of advisors to help him navigate through these matters. The same can be said about anyone who hasn't spent their life as a politician. No one goes into a job knowing everything about that place on how the work is done.
the only thing i hold against Donald J. Trump is that he didn't throw his hat in the ring 8 years ago...
Dear viewer, don't scroll down. The comments are pure cancer.
Why does he whistle everytime there is an S in a sentence? :p I had to turn down the volume cause the neighbours dogs came running over.
But Trump is bright enough to hire the smartest ones who would know things he does not and they will advise him wisely.
What is the story: (1) Mexico, India and the Muslim countries have out of control demographics with Youth Bulge. With half their populations under the age of 20 then these countries must do something to control their demographics because they threaten the world. When Europe had that demographics we invaded the world, we killed indians we took land. What makes you think these young men from these countries wont do the same. (2) Immigration is not needed in the age of robotics, automation, rejuvenation of the elderly, increased life expectancy and pushing back the retirement age! (3) The ONLY COUNTRIES from which immigrants must be taken are those that have an internationally recognized LOW CORRUPTION scale. That is Scandinavia, Holland, UK, Canada principally. Mexico, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, etc fail this scale very badly. So Mexico and India fail in points (1) and (2) whereas China fails in point (2) we should not even be having trade relations of any kind with such nations.
no more obama!!
No more Kenyan in The White House !
Back in 2008, he wouldn't say any of this. This is very a different Obama...
Obama no change wants no change to continue. What a disappointment.
Pretty rich coming from a guy who's already regretting the Iran Deal.
There are so many videos of Obama "roasting" Trump.
Like I havent heard that one before.
Robert Kuntzman They call this predestined. The name you have is what you are.
+Robert Kuntzman - Too bad he couldn't spend that time roasting the leaders of isis
RideoftheValkyr "But they're not terrorist!"
Is this Obama Channel news?
neither Barack Obama or donald trump is perfect but whoever becomes president must not think like a Republican or a democrat. think like someone who is going to be the leader of the free world