Reporters: Brexit, a sea of uncertainty for fishermen

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 288

  • @spiritualanarchist8162
    @spiritualanarchist8162 3 года назад +56

    everyone complains, but no one seems to remember when Northsea fish almost got fished out of extinction.

    • @KurikuShoTto
      @KurikuShoTto 3 года назад +9

      Haha yeah. They all talk as if the quotas are there just to screw with them

    • @harryevans6978
      @harryevans6978 3 года назад +4

      I wonder if anyone remembers Lowestoft in the 50-60s it was packed with fishing vessels, not now. There was at one time tons of herring landed. Even the odd tuna.

    • @colinelliott5629
      @colinelliott5629 3 года назад +3

      @@harryevans6978 in the sixties, my school of 700 had kipper every week (and other fish, of course, but I'm tired of hearing 'British don't eat herring').

    • @harryevans6978
      @harryevans6978 3 года назад +4

      @@colinelliott5629 I love kippers did you know there was a guy near Whitby that smoked his kippers and was stopped selling them by the EU. I not had a proper pair of kippers for many years.

    • @TurinTuramber
      @TurinTuramber 3 года назад

      Fished out of *existence*

  • @alanmarr3323
    @alanmarr3323 3 года назад +5

    People forget the pain Brexit causes. One of my son runs amanufacturing business where 80% of his production goes to Europe , he will sadly have to lay people off in the New Year. They will have a bleak Christmas worrying what the future holds for them. Not much cheer for these victims of Brexit. This is just and example of the hundreds and thousands of people who will lose their job through a No Deal Brexit.The Brexiters may announce the wonderful future for Britain outside the EU , but when it comes to reality their cheap rhetoric becames meaningless to those who will face poverty and an uncertain future . Lets just think about the "small" people whose lives will undoubtedly be wrecked . It is easy for the Farage's of the world to pontificate about Europe but they are not paying the price of Brexit, unlike so many of their fellow country men and women will. Yes lets think about those who will sit this Christmas struck down by worry for themselves and family.

    • @teoleno4019
      @teoleno4019 Год назад +1

      It's not just fishing. A lot of online businesses can not sell to EU anymore because shipping costs and fees for parcels are too expensive.

  • @tomtoms862
    @tomtoms862 3 года назад +33

    No uncertainty only British boats next year give our waters a chance to replenish take stock long-term British interest coastal towns to be revived shipbuilding to be revived starting from the 1st of January2021

    • @shelleyphilcox4743
      @shelleyphilcox4743 3 года назад +4

      @H. Nguyen No. Not ok with that either. The UK needs to significantly rethink how to improve access, sustainability and distribution of quota.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад +2

      @H. Nguyen ///But they're o.k. with...///
      That is neither true, or funny.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад

      @H. Nguyen They sell their quotas because they cant compete with the big trawlers. You said we are happy to do this. I said, that's not true. We are not happy about it. Our fishermen have little choice. You said it's funny. I said it's not funny.
      Which part of this don't you understand?
      Furthermore, the argument is not about quotas, it's about control and ownership. Even if the EU gave us 99% of quotas, it would still be unacceptable, because it's not up to the EU to decide how many of our fish we are allowed to keep. If the EU want some of our fish, they have to ask us and they have to pay for access. They have to agree to abide by our rules. They have to do as we say. If the EU dont agree to that, then the EU get nothing and the fish stay in the sea. The Royal Navy will enforce this.
      You have no choice. Things are different now. This is your new reality.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад

      @H. Nguyen Yeah, whatever. You're not getting the fish. Go argue with the Royal Navy.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад

      @H. Nguyen ///I don't need to. I live in Boston, Ma///
      None of your bloody business then, is it? Sod off.

  • @andrewbazeley7274
    @andrewbazeley7274 3 года назад +21

    They didn’t care about the British fishing industry when the encroached on our waters , now it’s our turn

    • @bugsygoo
      @bugsygoo 3 года назад +7

      Did you actually watch the piece? Boats under 10 metres get 1.5 per cent of the British quota. If you want a decent fishing industry, look to your own hopeless governance, not Europe. And that goes for most of what your Tory clowns get up to. You lot can't even feed your kids. You have to get Unicef in to do it. Pathetic!

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад +1

      @@bugsygoo Yeah, you're still not getting the fish.

    • @djdoolittle1315
      @djdoolittle1315 3 года назад +1

      @@bugsygoo best comment wasted on fascist English Enoch’s 😉

    • @bugsygoo
      @bugsygoo 3 года назад +1

      @@Martyntd5 That's fine. Feed it to your hungry kids.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад

      @@bugsygoo Since we left the EU in February, we have given the EU £13 billion for the transition period. For what? We could have left in February with the same result and saved £13 billion. That's £1100 for every child in Britain.

  • @jerryorange6983
    @jerryorange6983 3 года назад +8

    Perhaps the British fisherman should ask the government who sold British quote abroad?

    • @mal6232
      @mal6232 3 года назад +1

      Don't need to...they have found a better solution. Nationalise the fishing quota.

  • @ricardosmythe2548
    @ricardosmythe2548 3 года назад +7

    So more than half of the EUs catch comes from UK waters and the EU is the biggest exporter of fish in the world. Whos trade is that by rights?

    • @serodiob
      @serodiob 3 года назад

      Not EU’s, just the countries that are at the coast in the channel, as well as some Nordic countries. then all that fish there, or 80% of it is sold in the EU... and also British fishing vessels fish all throughout the European Union’s coastal countries.

  • @kennethphillips4000
    @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад +15

    Want to sell your boat ?😂

    • @martynanstis1620
      @martynanstis1620 3 года назад +1

      Where’s Arthur Daley when you need him 😄

    • @flitsertheo
      @flitsertheo 3 года назад

      That question turns out to be meant for British fishermen.

    • @kennethphillips4000
      @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад

      @@flitsertheo Yeah to other British fishermen cos the EU's are not worth a toss

  • @mrcmaths4613
    @mrcmaths4613 3 года назад +4

    Why don’t the reporters go with English fishermen? Oh forgot there are hardly any of them. Shocking!

    • @bramolini4835
      @bramolini4835 3 года назад +2

      Because you have decimated our coastal communities , it's not Brain Surgery .

  • @mrcmaths4613
    @mrcmaths4613 3 года назад +7

    What a shame. Consider what happened to our fishermen Frenchman???

    • @kaysi6605
      @kaysi6605 3 года назад

      Why should he?

    • @flitsertheo
      @flitsertheo 3 года назад

      Still catching and in particular selling fish. Unlike most British fishermen.

  • @harryevans6978
    @harryevans6978 3 года назад +5

    I was born in 1948 in the Eastend of London, we had fish twice a week, every Sunday the fish man came with his fish barrow, we always had loads of different she'll fish for Sunday tea. This was the norm for years. When I got older I fished from boat and beach, and through the years out catches have been getting less and less, I now live on the east coast and still beach fish but catch very little. I have seen foreign fishing vessels within 150 m from the beach just trawling up and down the coast, when I reported it I was informed there's nothing they can do.
    I and all my family love our fish. Cod, haddock etc and all the flat fish flounder, plaice, dabs, skate etc. When I buy it it is so expensive we can only afford it once maybe twice a month, I've just paid £18 for 2 pieces of haddock.
    I had a house in Spain, go to some of the markets and see high piles of very very small fish same in france.
    I only hope the PM doesn't give up on our fishermen and our sovereignty. Rant over

    • @harryevans6978
      @harryevans6978 3 года назад

      @Dav serban don't I bloody know it

    • @kaysi6605
      @kaysi6605 3 года назад

      The problem is, what you are describing was caused by the UK government, not the EU, and we always had the sovereignty to change that. Afterall while a general quota is assigned by the EU, the actual rule to assign quotas to fishing boats is a UK thing, not an EU thing, and nothing that was changed as part of Brexit.

  • @eddiel7635
    @eddiel7635 3 года назад +6

    British boats do not catch 40% of all the fish in British waters either by volume or price... please report the actual figures.

    • @KurikuShoTto
      @KurikuShoTto 3 года назад

      What's the actual number? Because I see BBC say over 60% are by foreign boats but that could be anywhere from 1% to 39%

    • @eddiel7635
      @eddiel7635 3 года назад +3

      @@KurikuShoTto it’s about 18% landed by U.K. boats

    • @eddiel7635
      @eddiel7635 3 года назад +2

      And our share of the French waters is proportionally less as well. The CAP and the CFP are basically run for the benefit of the French and they are used to getting their way.

    • @KurikuShoTto
      @KurikuShoTto 3 года назад

      @@eddiel7635 Cool thanks for letting me know!

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 3 года назад +1

      Well you saw in the video what a British boat actually is : a Dutch boat flying an UK flag. That's because a British person sold these UK quotas, not "the big bad EU".

  • @greenttoll8885
    @greenttoll8885 3 года назад +2

    how many british fishermen lost their jobs EU have been robbing our fish blind

  • @Horizon344
    @Horizon344 3 года назад +13

    Good report, time to hand England's seas back, you've had a good run for 45 years France.

    • @gdwlaw5549
      @gdwlaw5549 3 года назад

      Where does most of this fish get sold? 80% to be exact....where?

    • @Horizon344
      @Horizon344 3 года назад +3

      @@gdwlaw5549 What's your point?

    • @gdwlaw5549
      @gdwlaw5549 3 года назад

      @@Horizon344 come on now...have a guess

    • @Horizon344
      @Horizon344 3 года назад +3

      @@gdwlaw5549 Make your point.

    • @sounakbagchi5047
      @sounakbagchi5047 3 года назад +4

      @@gdwlaw5549 doesn't matter where it is sold but Britain's fish Britain's people must make profit
      If you don't like that don't buy their fishes

  • @PeaceAndLove303
    @PeaceAndLove303 3 года назад +2

    Do as our fishermen had to do after a lifetime of fishing. They was told to retrain into other work. What goes around comes around. They didn't care about our fishermen. We are not giving them any areas they never give us any room. Blame the EU for us leaving they never listen they dictate the worse of worse. Open boarders and rules and regulations that cripple countries not help them. Throwing dead fish is so ridiculous shows the mentality of the dictators they dont just throw money away. Cant wait to get fresh fish again

  • @mariapalmer5671
    @mariapalmer5671 3 года назад +1

    No the fish don’t know where they are . And the nets are only around 2 kilometres long . The EU fishing policy is disgusting

  • @garsm2290
    @garsm2290 3 года назад +2

    Brexit means Brexit. We see this now.

  • @bigjagjim
    @bigjagjim 3 года назад +3

    Sod off don't be back

  • @grayukuk
    @grayukuk 3 года назад +14

    Just goes to show, they've had it very good up till now!!! At our EXPENSE!!! Still, they can all be home with their families now for evening dinner!!!

    • @randolfvenderbildt7254
      @randolfvenderbildt7254 3 года назад +4

      The fishing is a sideshow designed to distract, fishing is a tiny fraction of GDP. The Europeans will be finished anyway it UK navy starts arresting. British Navy will demolish all in their path. Macron is terrified.

    • @grayukuk
      @grayukuk 3 года назад +1

      @@randolfvenderbildt7254 One would like to think so, but alas, we are English, and we just don't do that sort of thing with a wimp as a PM who wouldn't back us up!!

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      @@randolfvenderbildt7254 lol you are still having nightmares about the ww2 are you? Relax mate, enjoy your cuppa the war is over. The Europeans will wait patiently for the Brits to come back and try to sell their catch. Or anything really. And the world is gonna laugh.

    • @anymonkey70
      @anymonkey70 3 года назад

      @@randolfvenderbildt7254 a fraction of gdp now because the uk fishing industry was decimated. uk fishing in the 70s was the 5 largest industry in the uk. now don't get me wrong i want a deal but things need to change so some number crunching involved so both sides can survive. I'm still against the factory super trawlers and always will be with the damage they are doing

    • @mysticpizza02
      @mysticpizza02 3 года назад +2

      @@randolfvenderbildt7254 Come up to north east scotland and say that and while you are here take a look at the economic devastation because of that small GDP 'fishing'

  • @bem121
    @bem121 3 года назад +5

    sell the boat and start a snail/frog farm or fish French waters problem solved

  • @davidstorton910
    @davidstorton910 3 года назад +2

    I notice they didn't show a super trawler taking 250 tons a day with nets a mile long, the fishing communities in the UK had the same problem 40 years ago when we were sold out by Ted Heath

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

      HMS Tyne has 40mm cannon it can take out any thick trawler.

    • @johnvennell7311
      @johnvennell7311 3 года назад

      Laughing Pro European Edward Heath, did an awful lot of Damage to our Fishing industry, and the Communities around that . Perhaps the Fish Stocks can be built up if managed properly . We’ve lost 4 years of doing just that , T, MAY, Liberal party nutters, Labour stuck in their cozy little Nonsense yacking club , B B C, wasting Your money who should be banging the British Fishermen’s drum . 🇬🇧 Krankie in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 wants to give it back to E U. To be managed from Strasbourg and Brussels, OUR WATERS , OUR FISH 🐟

  • @colinelliott5629
    @colinelliott5629 3 года назад +1

    So, the Belgian ship fishes in UK waters in which UK ships aren't allowed to (free), lands its fish into a Belgian lorry, which drives through the UK (free), and returns to process or sell it in Belgium.
    How did our politicians and civil servants ever allow this stupid situation to come about?

    • @johnbruce5107
      @johnbruce5107 3 года назад

      Because Colin all politicians and civil servants are all bent and corrupt

  • @Raj-xo9ws
    @Raj-xo9ws 3 года назад +1

    Brits must be penalised for their decision on Brexit...

  • @colinelliott5629
    @colinelliott5629 3 года назад +4

    We don't expect to exclude French fishermen altogether, only regain the administration of our waters from the EU, as is right and normal.
    However, if the EU won't begin to accept this, zero access is the consequence.

  • @janner1596
    @janner1596 3 года назад +3

    What uncertainty? British fishermen will be fine thanks 😃

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      True. They'll be certainly unemployed, but there's a lot of fruit to pick now.

    • @goldfish2379
      @goldfish2379 3 года назад +2

      @@sorh No, they will not, cretin. They will thrive. Enjoy fighting with the Dutch.

    • @salerio61
      @salerio61 3 года назад

      @@goldfish2379 Yep, they are thriving right enough. Never seen so many whinging snowflakes on the TV as fishermen over the past month

  • @rosshilton
    @rosshilton 3 года назад +12

    Reminds me of UK fishermen when the EU stole UK waters.
    how sad.

    • @eddiel7635
      @eddiel7635 3 года назад +2

      @Luan Pham have you ever wondered why a U.K. fisherman, whose family have been in the profession for generations felt forced to give up and sell their quota? If you’re interested I can explain it to you.

    • @eddiel7635
      @eddiel7635 3 года назад +2

      @Luan Pham that makes zero sense, but it was mostly the EUs fault and the fact the U.K. has always been used as a cash cow by the EU.

    • @samhartford8677
      @samhartford8677 3 года назад +3

      @@eddiel7635 Absolutely, except that you forget the fact that the UK was compensated for losing the Icelandic and Norwegian quotas by a 23% increase in CFP quotas. But as said, the faith of the small UK fishers was in the hands of the UK government, not the EU, given that allocation of quotas is in the hands of national governments.
      Add to that the EEZ was not a grounds for allocation, but historical fishing grounds, under the CFP. The EEZ was established after the CFP. As in the UK has never held total control of its fishing under the current legal EEZ-based grounds ever before.
      And don't for one minute think that I think it is fair. I think it's just international relations: The UK wants access to a market of 445m consumers. The EU wants access to a market of 65m consumers. The EU says: these are our conditions. This is how international relations function. It has nothing to do with fairness but everything to do with power.

    • @jansix4287
      @jansix4287 3 года назад +1

      @@eddiel7635 No, I’m not in the slightest interested why you sold your fish, your car makers, your power plants, your military, your press and your government. I’d rather talk to the new owners, thank you very much!

  • @rosemorris6465
    @rosemorris6465 3 года назад +2

    Not any longer it seems, you will have to fish in your own backyard not the UKs. Another report shows that the EU are not keeping to the correct quotas by their own admission.

    • @FabsPlay
      @FabsPlay 3 года назад

      Have anything to say today? 😂😂

  • @daveramsay8598
    @daveramsay8598 3 года назад +7

    The price of fish in this article is biased. Try reporting the price in towns where there is no fish market because they shut down after joining the EU. My town lost its fish market and it's boats. Fish is very expensive at the supermarket because it comes from far away. We need local caught and sold to reinvigorate the local market, only way for this is British boats to catch for the local market and reestablish the link.

    • @daveramsay8598
      @daveramsay8598 3 года назад +3

      @@rodsimmons9337 totally agree Rod. My best friend at school had a family business as fishermen sailing and landing out of Ayr. Boats and market went in the 80's early 90's thanks yo the CFP. Fishmongers in all Scottish town and cities disappeared thereafter as fish prices escalated with all the costs of non local purchase introduced. Time to restore this. It can be done as we are an island.

  • @golucky9714
    @golucky9714 3 года назад +1

    Sorry but why would we allow French men to catch are fish, where their UK fisher men with no jobs. So time the rest of EU start looking for some new grounds.British fish for British fishermen.

  • @shelleyphilcox4743
    @shelleyphilcox4743 3 года назад +1

    This report is a bit inadequate. It doesnt explain that not every country gets a quota for all types of fish available. Bluefin tuna are back in Irish and UK waters...but neither Ireland or UK have any share of the EUs bluefin tuna quota which was distributed to France, Italy, Coatia, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Malta. If the EU waters were a shared resource it should be distributed on a fair basis. No cherry picking giving the most lucrative quotas to some and not others...especially when it's in their own waters.

  • @johndurrant9144
    @johndurrant9144 3 года назад +8

    GIVE FISH A CHANCE---Northsea and North Atlantic moatorium

  • @michaellear3276
    @michaellear3276 3 года назад +1

    I have absolutely no sympathy for any EU fishermen they didn't share any tears as whole fishing communities in the UK like hull were completely devistated by the eu awarding the British the lowest quotas in the EU.
    I personally believe any British business man who wins part of the fishing quotes in future and sells it to a none British trawler should be struck off from doing any further business deals in any type of business for life.
    British people have paid a big price so a few can get rich at there expense.
    Finally it wasn't that long ago that the majority of British people had fish on a Friday.
    We don't eat that much fish because of the price you go into your local supermarket you will find if you want to buy a cod stake you will find it was caught in British waters processed in Europe then sold at a massively inflated price so get your facts right the majority of British cannot afford the price of fish caught in our waters so tough go fish else where

  • @davidfergusson4241
    @davidfergusson4241 3 года назад +4

    Ahhh bancrupt fishermen everyone should step up for their turn, the British had to. Sit back and watch others fish our waters while they faced bancruptcy and the knock on effect felt by every shop keeper and village.
    So tough shit to all.

  • @colinelliott5629
    @colinelliott5629 3 года назад +1

    It's not true to say that British only eat salmon, prawns, tuna and cod. At chippies, I'm very happy with plaice and haddock, and eat sea bass, bream, various sole, mackerel, herring (especially kippers), BUT have difficulty finding it, despite being within a few miles of sea to North, East, and south, because the fishing vessels have been driven out of business in the last 30 years.
    The French fisherman was right; lose a large share of the catch, and it becomes uneconomic.

  • @adezentje5230
    @adezentje5230 3 года назад +8

    No 1 thing is 4 sure, no more fishing in UK-waters.😂😂

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад +1

      Not even the Englishman.. who will they sell it to? 😂

    • @hectorbrown656
      @hectorbrown656 3 года назад

      @@sorh to the Norwegians , the French ,Hollandais , of course.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      @@hectorbrown656 ahaha so you kick out European fisherman from there and then expect them to buy your fish? Only in brexitland really. Norwegians don't need your fish you silly.

    • @goldfish2379
      @goldfish2379 3 года назад +2

      @@sorh ourselves. Oh - and the 60 countries we have already signed deals with. And our new parters/family in CANZUK.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      @@goldfish2379 ah those brexit benefits.. now the UK is able to eat all its fish, something they were never able before. Better get used to that.

  • @Brightstarlivesteam
    @Brightstarlivesteam 3 года назад +1

    lose 80% of my profit. Good, what about the UK fishermen?

  • @TheKogly
    @TheKogly 3 года назад +3

    They know how the UK fishermen felt in 1973 now

  • @eddiel7635
    @eddiel7635 3 года назад +2

    Absolute scandal

  • @Maulinator69
    @Maulinator69 3 года назад +1

    The reason fewer people eat Fish in Britain is because of how bloody expensive it is.... the reason it is so expensive is because of the EU quota system which artificially manages demand and cost, has absolutely NOTHING to do with managing stocks and environmental concerns and the fact the we are actually having to buy our own fish back.
    Whilst it's sad that any human being would lose his livelihood, I don't recall any French or European tears when hundreds of British fishing boats were burned under EU directives and the British Fishing industry was decimated. If they want to blame someone, they can blame their own leaders for being so bloody greedy and trying to control us post Brexit.

  • @annoyingbstard9407
    @annoyingbstard9407 3 года назад +3

    They can learn to code. Apparently europe is twenty years behind the rest of the world in IT - this is their chance to catch up.

    • @lewis123417
      @lewis123417 3 года назад

      Sure more behind than Africa the middle East and South America. Dont make me laugh

    • @annoyingbstard9407
      @annoyingbstard9407 3 года назад

      Yes, they should aim to keep up,with Africa. 😅

  • @mrcmaths4613
    @mrcmaths4613 3 года назад +3

    I bet it’s less than 40% we catch in our own waters!

  • @Martyntd5
    @Martyntd5 3 года назад +2

    Why should we have to justify efficient exploitation of the waters, in order to manage them ourselves? They are ours. If we decide to allow line fishing only for all species in our EEZ, that's up to us. If we want to turn the whole damned thing into a nature reserve and never fish there again, that's our business.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      Exactly. Just like the EU is free to decide the access price and conditions to their own market. Wanna keep the waters then bugger off.

  • @dogwithwigwamz.7320
    @dogwithwigwamz.7320 3 года назад +1

    To purchase a Trawler costing 2.5 million Euros just before The 2016 Referendum seems to me to be quite reckless as to ones fortune, nomatter the nationality.
    For the past couple of years I have had my `press` finger over the button which will launch my own business - but I shall wait until I see the colour of the water in January 2021 ( at least ).

  • @davidsmith6661
    @davidsmith6661 3 года назад

    First point - Boats have NOT been fishing freely in each others exclusive economic zones. There are quotas and the UK have only been allowed by the EU under the Common Fisheries Policy to take a small quota from their own waters. The rest are scooped up by vessels from other EU countries.
    French fishermen WOULD lose the most money because they have been taking the most fish from the UK EEZ. Throwing dead fish back into the sea illustrates the sheer stupidity of the EU regulations. One certainty is that, after 31st December 2020, the UK will decide exclusively who gets access to the UK EEZ and how much they can take from UK waters. The EU have offered to return 17% to the UK, but it is not in their gift to return that which is not theirs. The French have said they want the lot - to continue fishing for the next 10 years. That is not acceptable.

  • @je187u
    @je187u 3 года назад +1

    As a eu citizen I think it's not fair that the other EU countries take the majority of british fish .It's just not right...

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад +3

      Yes it is. Because the UK also takes huge profits from the EU market in EU's soil. That's where the real business is. Fishing is just small chips compared to that and a touching topic for short sighted people.

    • @TurinStark5
      @TurinStark5 3 года назад +1

      They sold their fishing quotas...

    • @je187u
      @je187u 3 года назад

      @@TurinStark5 in this case then yes , if they sold no excuses

  • @tonycardall7334
    @tonycardall7334 3 года назад +2

    Let's hope brexit does to your fishing industry what the eu has done to ours .

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

      Keep illegally blocking our lorries, while we watch you citizens fall from Corvid - 19, mutant 2020-12, (B.1.1.7) it's all over Europe and we have a vaccine (a working Vaccine).

  • @colinelliott5629
    @colinelliott5629 3 года назад

    Access for centuries means nothing, for three reasons:-
    1. Current access displaces UK fishermen
    2. Modern fishing vessels are far, far more voracious than in the past
    3. International law changed in 1982, when every nation including all EU nations accepted the new concept of EEZs.

  • @eljanrimsa5843
    @eljanrimsa5843 3 года назад +9

    They call themselves fishermen but are not aware that fish stocks are on the decline all over the world. In some regions the decline has been dramatic and the fisheries have already collapsed. In others there is enough fish left to keep the fishing industry going. But we need to find sustainable ways to manage it or all fish species will be targeted one by one until commercial extinction. That's why the quotas are there and will include ever more species. The problem will not go away inside or outside the EU.

    • @daveramsay8598
      @daveramsay8598 3 года назад +2

      Correct Eljan but the uk will immediately remove the politically motivated quota allocation and manage it's fishing grounds properly which will mean Britishneeds first THEN export market. The export market should be the flex to manage our fishing grounds then maybe fish can thrive in UK waters and swim for a holiday in France and Ireland where the fleet large EU boats can pounce on them....

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 3 года назад

      @@daveramsay8598 The fish British people eat are already extinct from British waters basically (or were never there). So there is no choice but to export. You don't eat shellfish either ! Listen to the British fishermen, they want to fish high price fish for export, without any consideration about fishing responsibly.

    • @daveramsay8598
      @daveramsay8598 3 года назад +6

      @@aesma2522 you are completely wrong. British people put cod high on the menu and the quota for the English channel goes 84% to France. The fish we do get is manipulated and we do not get the variety we do like and it's overpriced due to the way it's processed and distributed. In the pre CFP era we had local fish markets and fishmongers and we are more fish. Centralisation and the EU screwed this up. I firmly believe we should have fishing restored to what it was as far as we can. British boats catching for British tables locally to eliminate transport and reduce the supply chain putting the environment and local economy first. Anything left over and we can sell it under proper marine management to the EU.

    • @Martyntd5
      @Martyntd5 3 года назад +1

      @@daveramsay8598 The EU's CFP - particularly discard - is ecological terrorism. It's not fit for purpose and the EU show no interest in reforming it. In my opinion fisheries management should be taken away from them entirely and put in the hands of an independent organisation. Wait and see, in January all the trawlers denied access to the UK's EEZ with head straight for Irish waters and decimate them. We know it's going to happen and the EU wont do a thing to stop it.

  • @woody412
    @woody412 3 года назад +3

    Us British love our sea food. Where did the jounalist get the idea we don't ??? After roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with a good helping of the best Cheddar cheese we love our fish and chips !!!

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад +1

      "Your" fish and chips is actually codfish that comes from Norway.

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

      @@sorh I love all the Yorkshire Valley cheeses and won't miss any French cheese, that reminds me, I like a fresh English Wine............

  • @dovidell
    @dovidell 3 года назад +5

    maybe the french should have set up fish farms on their side of the ENGLISH Channel , just in case !!- at least that way , some would be able to continue harvesting the North sea bounty

  • @johnbruce5107
    @johnbruce5107 3 года назад +1

    I would like to go to France, any chance of buying a fishing boat.

  • @floro7687
    @floro7687 3 года назад +3

    Fish prices in France must be astronomical, if that haul was typical. A few mackrel, and the rest fit for oil production.

  • @stuart3383
    @stuart3383 3 года назад +1

    Not much longer mate

  • @donfzic7471
    @donfzic7471 3 года назад

    If ‘No Deal’ is better than a ´Bad Deal’
    as BoJo says since a very long time, then,
    ´No English Fish imported in Europe ‘
    is better than ´Bad English fish imported in Europe’.
    European countries have also their sovereignties.

  • @humptydumpty9177
    @humptydumpty9177 3 года назад +1

    A deal could easily have been made to accomodate fishermen from all countries, you can only thank Macron for the mess these fishermen find themselves in.

  • @davidbaloney2505
    @davidbaloney2505 3 года назад +1

    We'll the president has negotiated you out of your look after his livelihood. Bargain

  • @MarkWilliams-so6vc
    @MarkWilliams-so6vc 3 года назад

    Get our lads/ fishing communities back in work this instant !!! Get all of these foreigners out - its disgusting what has been going on all these years, Britain is a gold mine and our governments have ruined our communities putting other countries before our own.

  • @phil-zz5hk
    @phil-zz5hk 3 года назад

    the british fishing industry has been slaughtered since the euro and maff takeover . before the 70s we had plenty of fish , massive stocks . and tens of thousands of fishermen .

  • @MikeJones-bg1mh
    @MikeJones-bg1mh 3 года назад +7

    Note you french its called the English channel ! you will soon be able to watch us fish if you like !!!!!!!!!!!

  • @timekiller7020
    @timekiller7020 3 года назад +1

    love fish :D Cymru Am Byth

  • @paulwhite1062
    @paulwhite1062 3 года назад

    The UK needs to take back control of its waters.. All our fishing industry has almost been swept away. We need to rebuild it again, I think the UK would take better care of the stock also. That's being a UK citizen.

    • @kaysi6605
      @kaysi6605 3 года назад

      We currently don't even have enough fishing vessels to use the current quota to capacity. If that is so important then we need to grow to use that first and then we have a good argument for the government to negotiate more.

  • @mrcmaths4613
    @mrcmaths4613 3 года назад +4

    The fish do know where they are and they do not want to be fished by the French or the Dutch! Haha

    • @ChibiViolin
      @ChibiViolin 3 года назад +1

      Exactly. Otherwise their stocks wouldn't be exhausted.

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад +1

      @@ChibiViolin The french have over-fished the English Channel for years, time for responsible fishing.

  • @angelparedes7553
    @angelparedes7553 3 года назад +1

    well EU fishermen should go out into the open sea and compete with Chinese.

  • @danblackman9506
    @danblackman9506 3 года назад

    If the french are allowed to still fish in our british waters then we the british should be able fish in french waters not that we want to. I dont care if french fishermen go bankrupt we the bBritish went bankrupt helping liberate them during ww2. How British fishermen had to sell up and leave the fishing industry once we joined the EU

  • @kaysi6605
    @kaysi6605 3 года назад

    I always found it a shame how little fish is available. I used to live at various coasts before moving to Surrey, and so little fish was available to buy, which was a shame. UK fish is some of the best, it would be great if we could build up internal demand more. I always found it ridiculous that I have better access to fish in my home town, 1,000 km in land in the black forest.

  • @davycorky
    @davycorky 3 года назад +1

    Nightmare just signing for a new boat 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I am sure he will sell it in the U.K. but you will have to sell it at a loss while you sign those bankruptcy papers 😭😂😭😂😭🇬🇧😂🇬🇧

  • @l1sakr1s
    @l1sakr1s 3 года назад +2

    So what if the froggies go bust .They did not care about the British fishermen .It's got to be a no deal .

  • @phil-zz5hk
    @phil-zz5hk 3 года назад

    if everyone only fished their own national grounds there woudnt be a problem .

  • @htlein
    @htlein 3 года назад +1

    how much does our government really care about sustainability: A green Peace spokesperson points out that the altering of the legislation regarding bottom fishing trawlers over 100 meters in length demonstrates that the thinks

  • @Negotea
    @Negotea 3 месяца назад

    Quotas, no quotas, brexit, no exit... i think they are all overfishing, no matter which direction political wind changes.

  • @Asher89leo
    @Asher89leo 3 года назад

    I guess EU will be eating less fish after Brexit. And 50% of EU fishing industry will die.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад +1

      No. The UK has decided they don't need to be the world's financial centre when they can be the world's sushi centre. That's the whole brexit plan.

    • @Asher89leo
      @Asher89leo 3 года назад

      @@sorh lol. This is funny.

  • @MikeJones-bg1mh
    @MikeJones-bg1mh 3 года назад +1

    Do you think we care because the answer is no we don't !

  • @garyedwards8142
    @garyedwards8142 3 года назад +1

    Time to reopen uk fishing ports, 🇬🇧

    • @djtaylorutube
      @djtaylorutube 3 года назад

      And sell the catch to whom? Your comment didn't age well did it? Lol

  • @tomaseriksson7240
    @tomaseriksson7240 3 года назад

    The speaker voice says that fishing is 0.5% of UK's GDP but the number from official statistics is surely 0.1%? The entire agricultural sector was apparently 0.6% in 2019, measured as Gross Value Added (GVA).

  • @romanbrough
    @romanbrough 3 года назад

    " Face. Bovvered. Do I looked bovvered. Am I bovvered"

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

      I can see "You're NOT Bothered, I with you brother"

  • @garylongleyl5188
    @garylongleyl5188 3 года назад

    If we give our seas up to the EU we might as invite the Chinese in to finish off our fishing industry. We need to look at the future for fishing, the EU are knowingly over fishing UK waters. Would the Arabs give up their oil, France their wine, Germany their cars and so on. Fishing is a big industry for the future for the UK.

    • @daikucoffee5316
      @daikucoffee5316 3 года назад

      It if you are not selling it, which is exactly what is happening.

  • @mikehutchison4892
    @mikehutchison4892 3 года назад

    We sell 70% of our catch to the EU ! 12% or £8.5 million worth of scallops are caught by British fishermen in French waters.

  • @daveramsay8598
    @daveramsay8598 3 года назад +4

    The last piece of the article speaks to the issues. Centralised quota allocation based on questionable scientific advice often not followed anyway. Few British owners of British quotas with the majority of small single boats excluded. Part of this is a UK management issue and part the overriding EU plundering of British waters under the CFP. If the unjust allocation was done properly there would not be such a large imbalance as we have now and the problem would be lesser and arguably one that could be accepted for a Brexit deal. Reality is France was allowed yet again to take the lions share of allocation undef EU rules in the 80's,as they always do, and this has created an unjust imbalance that is now being addressed. UK ports and fishermen were decimated in the uk in the 80s du eyonthjs imbalance, Brexit will right a wrong.
    As to centuries of fishing in UK waters - this sounds like France claiming the 9 dash line the Chinese used to seize and expropriate the south China seas ftom the Philipines, Brunei, Malaysia, Japan and Vietnam. Total rubbish. If you also claim fish we born in France and swam to the UK just go check their passports then, what a stupid claim.

  • @salerio61
    @salerio61 3 года назад

    The fishing industry is thriving thanks to leaving the EU! FACT!

    • @לעזאזלעםגוביידן
      @לעזאזלעםגוביידן 3 года назад

      lol what a clown

    • @flitsertheo
      @flitsertheo 3 года назад

      2021 : ask the British fishermen what they think about your "fact".

    • @salerio61
      @salerio61 3 года назад

      @@flitsertheo Always negative with the remoaners. Eat more fish and support the home market

    • @flitsertheo
      @flitsertheo 3 года назад

      @@salerio61 The home market doesn't care about British fishermen and what they catch. All the British want is cod for their fish & chips.

  • @dogwithwigwamz.7320
    @dogwithwigwamz.7320 3 года назад

    Do any British Trawlers fish in any EU Territory Waters ? If they do, I`d like to hear what the skippers of those British Trawlers have to say re EU Trawlers fishing British Waters.

  • @richardappleby216
    @richardappleby216 3 года назад

    ha ha ha not for British fishermen

  • @mikehanafin8543
    @mikehanafin8543 3 года назад

    French should leave the eu, and bring back the franc

  • @johnpotter4750
    @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

    Macron calls for a war - " Against The British", heh, heh, heh .........................

  • @gdwlaw5549
    @gdwlaw5549 3 года назад

    The only solution is to go plant based

  • @lacdirk
    @lacdirk 3 года назад

    Worth noting: the UK is the only EU country that allows selling quota to the highest bidder in stead of linking them to a port, region or ownership. That is why the Dutch were able to buy so much quota. And that won't change since their ships, like the one shown in the clip, are registered in the UK. For the quota to be recovered, they will have to be renationalised, i.e. the state has to disown the current holders. Under a Corbyn government, that was not unthinkable, but under the Tories?

  • @mal6232
    @mal6232 3 года назад +1

    Thank you France24 for producing a report on a contentious issue without a single example of bias. quite refreshing actually.

    • @michaellear3276
      @michaellear3276 3 года назад +5

      Really how about them stating that the British don't eat fish so basically what's the fuss.
      Reality the majority of British people used to eat fish on a Friday before they gave our fish to France Spain etc
      Who then caught our fish and gave it to there own people whilst whole communities who relied on the British fishing industry were completely decemated never to recover.
      And the price of fish here in the UK skyrocketed so it became a luxury or special treat.
      Take most fish and chips shops when you buy a fish it's just a sliver of fish you get.
      In supermarkets if you can get a cod stake you will find it was caught in British waters processed in Europe then sold at a price higher than most British meat so only the few yet again can afford to purchase our fish.
      That's fact not fiction

  • @englishmastiff100
    @englishmastiff100 3 года назад +1

    Not anymore lol

  • @stanislavcoros
    @stanislavcoros 3 года назад

    go find another job, deal is deal. U know u are in not your waters anymore after brexit. U will find another job, no worry

  • @TakeItFromMe.
    @TakeItFromMe. 3 года назад +2

    Show me a typical British fishing boat . It won't look like that one. Perhaps in five years time when UK boats get a fair deal. UK boats will look like that.

  • @rodeolo1
    @rodeolo1 3 года назад

    The "International Fish Conference" has reacted with disgust to the news that the British navy is going to protect its Economic Maritime Zone against EU fish-boats. They believe they should be allowed to swim freely in any sea they'd like. A small contingent of rebellious sharks is considering severe actions on the British shores next summer. The
    "department of peaceful activities" led by Madame "Delphine the Dolphin" has initiated a "fact finding mission" to ensure safe seas in these times of heightened tensions...

    • @Trevor_Austin
      @Trevor_Austin 3 года назад +1

      I don’t care what the International Fish Conference thinks or says. I think we should shoot at any fishing boat illegally fishing in UK waters.

    • @rodeolo1
      @rodeolo1 3 года назад

      @@Trevor_Austin Man Western Europeans are NATO allies...we're friends...never mind of politics...cheers from France

    • @johnpotter4750
      @johnpotter4750 3 года назад

      Still say "NUTS"

  • @stevecaptin007
    @stevecaptin007 3 года назад +3

    Greedy frogs, give us back our waters, and fish your own, and sell your boat to the uk , we give you good price.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      Why don't you also ask for your land back? It's being taken from multibillion international companies from all over the world. That's where the real profits are. Fishing is small chips compared to that.
      But be also aware that there are British corporations abroad, exploring international markets and international resources. For every action there's a reaction of equal and opposite force.

  • @marineboy1964
    @marineboy1964 3 года назад +2

    Them two brothers reminds me of
    Forest Gump there could be good times ahead
    For them (bubba srimp)

  • @rodsimmons9337
    @rodsimmons9337 3 года назад +4

    *40,000 jobs at risk in Belgium alone...* there are more than 100,000 jobs generated by our fishing waters that should be for the United Kingdom.

    • @ogribiker8535
      @ogribiker8535 3 года назад +3

      You deluded fool !

    • @mickyfinn613
      @mickyfinn613 3 года назад

      I’ve come around to the concept of sovereignty, fish rights included. But how is 40,000 Belgian jobs at risk a good thing? They are still our friends and allies...

    • @drsnova7313
      @drsnova7313 3 года назад +1

      Ah yes, just like barring those pesky foreigners to take all those british farm helper jobs worked so great in providing jobs to the British. Spoiler alert: It didn't, because no-one wants to work a physically tough job on a farm. Just like no-one these days wants to be on a fishing boat at 3:00 in the morning.
      If there were more British willing to fish, they could have done that a long time ago, instead of selling their quotes to other countries.

  • @christopherosborne9277
    @christopherosborne9277 3 года назад +1

    That's not the UK problem just get a license no problem just abide by UK rules

  • @royalnavyveteran3164
    @royalnavyveteran3164 3 года назад

    Bye bye French fisherman 😂😂😂😂

  • @AK-ru3sg
    @AK-ru3sg 3 года назад +3

    Fish in your own waters, EU. And to us Brits - this is down to us. We also sold our licences. We voted to leave, we won't be able to sell our fish the same way we can now so as an island nation, we need to change and eat more fish to save all this. Calling all adults...

    • @ogribiker8535
      @ogribiker8535 3 года назад +2

      Good luck with that idea, I wont hold my breath !.

    • @drsnova7313
      @drsnova7313 3 года назад +3

      I mean, I'm glad you at least see the glaring problems with that plan to keep your fish no matter what, and screw your whole economy in the process.
      Sure, everyone in Britain needs to eat more british fish. Except that's not going to happen, because people are people, and won't change what they like to eat. Hoping for anything else is just wishful thinking yet again.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      Ah those brexit benefits. Can't wait to eat British fish everyday.

  • @mrcmaths4613
    @mrcmaths4613 3 года назад

    So why are the Belgians allowed to catch fish in our waters when they have such a small coastline themselves. Bloody joke.

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      Why are the English allowed to have companies all over the world when they're just an island?

  • @kennethphillips4000
    @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад +4

    Our waters , our fish....simple🐡🐟🐡🐟🐡🐟🔚🚫👋😁

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      Its simple for a simple mind.

    • @kennethphillips4000
      @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад +1

      @@sorh sorry was it to hard for you to understand ?

    • @sorh
      @sorh 3 года назад

      @@kennethphillips4000 no, but its seems to be for you. How's that any different from what the UK does abroad, in land and sea?

    • @kennethphillips4000
      @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад +1

      @@sorh history is history there's not an independent nation who's waters are not treated as such who do the EU think they are to demand access when no other country in the world would agree to such a thing

    • @kennethphillips4000
      @kennethphillips4000 3 года назад +1

      @@sorh any decision is the UK's to make not the EU

  • @Frank75288
    @Frank75288 3 года назад +3

    we don't care what happens to eu fishermen

    • @samhartford8677
      @samhartford8677 3 года назад +2

      Absolutely. I wonder if you care about what happens to UK fishermen, given that they want a deal...?

    • @Frank75288
      @Frank75288 3 года назад +1

      @@samhartford8677 they want to be able to sell their goods to the eu , the eu want to take fish out of our waters for free , that's not trade

    • @samhartford8677
      @samhartford8677 3 года назад

      @@Frank75288 If you get access to a market of 445m people and we get access to a market of 65m plus fishing grounds that sounds like a lousy trade from the point of view of the EU.

    • @Frank75288
      @Frank75288 3 года назад +1

      @@samhartford8677 we're a rich country that's why we've got a £79,000,000,000 trade deficit , they should be grateful we only want a straight swap

  • @samhartford8677
    @samhartford8677 3 года назад

    Jesus christ, 'cheese on top'... Why not effing dip it in vinegar... Brits have no pallet.