SUNNAH OF DRINKING WATER 1. Firstly, Say Bismillah. 2. Then See and drink. 3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing 4. Drink it with your right hand. 5. Drink water-in three breaths at least. 6. Finally say Alhamdulillah. please share it with others. Jajakallahu khairun. Allah gives you and your family Baraqah. My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
Jesus saves from Hell. “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;” - John 11:25 (NIV)
@@joshiated8597 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all are one religion it is not a matter to choose one of them, its the matter to follow what did the prophet of your times and the prophet of our times is mohamed peace be upon him, if i was present at the times of jesus i then must follow up his message and one of christian. got it?
I was extremely extremely sad and my face turned red becuz of crying. But when I opened my phone, this video was in my notifications. SubhanAllah Allah hu akbar. And this video helped me sooo much Jazakallah khair may Allah bless you for posting videos like these to make other people feel better and to remind us that Allah S.W.T is always with us♥️
I’m not a Muslim and I won’t pretend I understand everything to do with the religion but after watching this was like a lightbulb being switched on🤯
Find out the purpose why do you hear these why this brings u peace ... there's always a sign for believers for wisers... you're so lucky you're one of them.
Today my heart is breaking, I can’t stop crying, but I am listening to this and I am getting some relief and I am grateful for you my brother, Allahamdula to you
Masha Allah.. Be happy that Allah is guiding you through this video.❤.. Allah knows the pain we go through 🌼just be happy and do sabr ❤May Allah solve all your problems 🙂..Insha Allah ❤
Jesus saves from Hell. “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;” - John 11:25 (NIV)
I can without a doubt say this video opened my heart to Islam. I had never thought of Islam and was nervous around Muslim men in particular. I was sad and RUclipsd “motivational video when sad”. This video came up and I wanted to see what this bearded man had to say. I can’t describe how I felt listening to the Quran for the first time. It was such a powerful feeling that I threw my phone after the video, as my family is super islamphobic and the was-was of m shaitaan came. SubhanAllah, Alhamdulilah, 2 years since my Shahada. I have no idea how I survived before Islam❤ Indeed, the truth stands clear from error
Before I listening I was crying and I was about to commit suicide but thanks that I found this video it helped me a lot alhumdulliah 😭😭😭😭 still alive pray for me my friend I'm in very bad condition🙏🙏
I am from Hindu background but after a couple of days I have been listening to the Allah teaching it encouraging me gives confidence in life, thankyou for the Mohammed teachings. 👍
I m suffering from depression after this video ....i m blessed that it realised me this duniya is temporarily a test from allah...we must pray our salah n read Qur'an everyday insallah allahukbar ❤
There is more to Islam than just praying 5 times a day, and reciting the holy book. Do you not understand this? Where is your zakat? Where is your deeds? Where is your hajj?
I can't believe how calm I got after watching this video! I have been depressed for many weeks and I just never feel happy I just cry for no reason. The only thing that makes me happy is me praying 5 times a day,reading Qur'an, making dua for those people who have been going through tough times or are homeles. God is great! ALLAHU AKBAR!
Pray for me brother. I am 14 years . My mother was died when I was only 6 . But my father loves me very much . But my step mother is jealous for that . Even , she has no child. But I think my father's love to me is decreasing day by day . Sometimes she tries to brainwash too. My study is hampering too. I am so sad too .What should me do ?? I can't underground. Pray for me please!!
Relax, talk with your father in private with love and tell him that " I feel you don't love me anymore did I done something wrong. Please papa don't leave me alone in this world I have only you and I love you so much that my heart is hurting now I feel you don't live me anymore." Say this to your father will love. Talk with him In shaa Allah, Allah will help you Ameen
I am Christian but read the Surahs and listen to Mufti every day he is intelligent and great All praises to God fir giving not only Muslims but all mankind this great man
Jesus saves from Hell. “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;” - John 11:25 (NIV)
@Missy Mossy Im not a person tp read history of hazrat Husssoin and Hussan... ask me anything about them that i answer for you . im a debater !!! not a reader .
Born christian and planning to revert this year,stil reading and doing my research and tomorrow i get myself a Qur'an 😭😭this is a very emotional process for me and i feel soo overwhelmed especially because i dont have the support of my family,may Allah guide me🙏
@areeb sajid yes it puts your heart at ease and if you put complete trust in Allah he will open doors and find solutions for you the most wise always have faith!
Totally true, works everytime Alhumdulillah I ask for something and Allah gives. Oh Allah how merciful, beautiful, loving, forgiving you are. I thank Allah to the number of his creation from beginning to the end of his creation and even that would not be enough for all the blessings he has given us.
"When Allah loves you more, He tests you more." This line have miraculously washed my sadness away today. I've heard of it before but it hits different when you are in a very low position. Indeed Allah is the Turner of hearts. Whenever I look at my problems now, I'll be reminded that it's His way of loving me even more for my own growth. Alhamdulillah for Islam
SUNNAH OF DRINKING WATER 1. Firstly, Say Bismillah. 2. Then See and drink. 3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing 4. Drink it with your right hand. 5. Drink water-in three breaths at least. 6. Finally say Alhamdulillah. please share it with others. Jajakallahu khairun. Allah gives you and your family Baraqah. My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
SUNNAH OF DRINKING WATER 1. Firstly, Say Bismillah. 2. Then See and drink. 3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing 4. Drink it with your right hand. 5. Drink water-in three breaths at least. 6. Finally say Alhamdulillah. please share it with others. Jajakallahu khairun. Allah gives you and your family Baraqah. My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
I am Hindu and my name is Rishi, I got your channel today and tell the truth, this video is great for everyone and I am very happy that today I got this video 💖
Recently scientists discovered that a small insect lives above the mosquito, this insect is too small to see with the naked eye. But the Holy Quran told us this insect centuries ago. God said in Quran ۞ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَن يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَّا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا ۚ Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it. And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient The Story of French Marine Scientist Jacques Cousteau On one of his trips, he discovered that salty and sweet water did not mix! What's inconsistent with the current science! And talk about this discovery. A Muslim scientist assured him that this was mentioned in the Koran for thousands of years! Jack pronounced his Islam 3 months before he died! مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ (19) بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَا يَبْغِيَانِ ( 20 ) . He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses. Sourate AR-RAHMAN | Sourate 19_20 21 févr. 2023 à 8:05 AM life is short Realize yourself before it's too late Music, women, luxury cars, all pleasures are instantaneous pleasures, and I challenge you that distress, melancholy and anxiety do not come to you. The secret lies here. Your soul needs her medication, real treatment, permanent and non-temporary happiness. The proof is what God said in Quran وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ ( 124 ) And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind." مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُم بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ ( 97 ) Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do. قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاء Say, “For those who believe, it is guidance and healing.
Yes I'm Catholics but I'm Always listening surah baqara morning to night and I feel from my heart relax even I have any problem but when I listen surah baqara I forgot every pain going away Alahamdullaha
Alhamdulillah... im just Become Muslim by sad about What happenings to my health since pandemic..pray for my recovered my brothers & Sisters here..Ahmad from Malaysia
Read durood all the time. May Allah give you good health. Give sadaqa no matter how small it is . And try to stay in wudhu always . What sickness you have?
Find out the purpose why do you hear these why this brings u peace ... there's always a sign for believers for wisers... you're so lucky you're one of them.
Literally someone told me the other day not to pray because prayer does not solve problems. Only action does. I was shocked. I just pondered it over a night. Thank you, Mufti Menk.
I am suffering from Backbiting and All my neighborhood is talking bad about me; the reality that no one know the truth. I was extremely sad and and depressed from 1 year; but i regularly offer Salah and i feel no sadness, but when i left salah for 2 weeks, i got depressed and sad. Then i figured; to Eliminate sadness is to offer prayer. but when i see this video, my faith towards Allah becomes more stronger than before and now i will also Recite Quran .... Thanks for this video
@Margaret Kpeh Sorry but we don't believe in that. Spreading influence from the bible in the comments section of a video that's related to the teachings of Allah is incredibly disrespectful to the Muslim community and haram overall. But in the end, you are invited to Islam if you are so interested in going on these videos.
I'm a Christian but I love listen to your messages cause they teach more about how to get close to God .thank you for your time to share your messages to the world.
As I was listening to this speech, tears rolled down my eyes. I could realise that how I became so distant from Allah swt . I can’t describe how guilty I am feeling. Perhaps this is the reason why there is a constant sadness within me no matter how much I try to be happy, or pretend to be. I hope Allah forgives me for all the sins I’ve committed knowingly or unknowingly.
This is exactly how I feel as well, I always complain about how terrible my life has been but I never use to turn to Allah, today I will make a change it may not happen immediately but I know my Allah SWT loves me and he will guide me Ameen, and to the person who posted this comment Allah SWT is all forgiving, May Allah take away everything that makes you unhappy Ameen
Please pray for me! I'm preparing for an exam. But I am equally confused and stressed. I'm struggling to decide what to do, Go to university for the course I got which I'm not that interested or to try the exam again to get into the medical field or to withdraw this time and do the exam next time. I feel like i didn't prepare much this time. But I really love to become a doctor. But I couldn't do well in some subjects. I lack in some parts. So I'm scared and I'm really struggling. I'm the eldest in my family, and my family has high hopes on me. They dont pressure me, but I want to make them proud. I want to take care of them this time. They took care of me very well. Now its my turn to care for them. Make them proud and happy. That's my dream insha allah. Please pray for me to feel at ease. May Allah guide me on what to do and help me to achieve my dream to become a doctor insha allah. Aameen!
May Allah grant you success and bring clarity in your life. May Allah remove your stress and fulfill your dreams. May Allah guide all of us to the straight path.
I lost my best friend a few days ago and I’m grieving, everytime I wake up I cry and I miss him but After watching this video I realised how much Allah loves me that he wants to call me back to him, I’ve started praying 5 times a day after he passed away inshallah my pain gets ease and Allah has a better plan for me
This is so helpful to me because I’m in sad for long time. I lost my business and money 💰 by some peoples cheated on me. Al hamdo lillah. That Allah had blessed and gave me and my family food 🥘 without starving for that now I’m searching a job in sha Allah. I will be fine again. It’s all temporary
I've been sad for more than 8 month..I really don't know why but I felt the sadness..then today suddenly this video pops up..after watching the video, I know why I'm sad..bcz I pray my Salah in such a hurry and I read Qur'an without melody to quickly finish from now on I'll try my best to improve myself..thnx for the video💗
Alhamdulillah that you are going to more careful about your salah and Quran recitation. May Allah removes you pain with ease and comfort your life with Iman.
I promised to myself during in this new years no feel sad. .. I am very happy. .i know my Allah sure will take care of me with the best love from Jannah. ..🌹
I have been dealing with really bad anxiety :(. Can you guys plz make Dua for me . May Allah bless you guys and your family and forgive all our sins . Ameen
Ive been dealing with anxiety and depression for years till i have thought to kill myself everyday with one fail attempt! Allah bless me. I lost my way to Allah for 7 years. Till this day i deal with this situation. But now i remember Allah. I pray and read quran. I dont feel really depress and anxiety anymore. I feel those sometimes but it doesnt affect my health unlike before. Because i know Allah always with people who are patience. Now i take those sadness as blessing from Allah. Now i always feel calm. Still dealing with these things till today. But i can fight it by remembering Allah. May Allah bless u and us all. . May Allah cure our heart amiin.
@@rie6181 keep doing what u doing Insha allah and anytime u feel again that anxiety and depressed , go quiet room And cry for Allah ask help believe me u will feel much better and better remember that . I will make u dua and others and my self too.
Thank you for this. I suffer from depression and have been thinking of ending my life. I watch your videos for strength and inspiration despite not being muslim
I'm feeling the same as u...but when everyone seems to hate me...even my own parents!....Allah n Only Allah! my last refuge😭😭😭 I know I'm not worthy of His mercy .....but still I know in my heart ....He will help me go through this pain!...Ameen
Be happy that Allah is guiding you through this video.❤.. Allah knows the pain we go through 🌼just be happy and do sabr ❤May Allah solve all your problems 🙂..Insha Allah ❤
*Every time when I'm sad I do dhikir and in 2 seconds it gones....Allahu Akbaru ALHAMDULILLAH now make me make dhikir every time bcs i know that sad will be away from me*
I used to listen and watched videos like this. With Quranic recitation whenever i feel low and sad. Allah is the giver and taker of everything in this Dunya.
today I was so sad because i felt what i've been praying for for years is yet to manifest to the extent of crying out to Allah. after 5hrs I saw this lecture online and I felt ease after watching. subhanallah it's just like my prayer has been answered. jazakallahu Khairan sheik make Allah s.w.t continue to increase your Iman and also continue to make me happy (Ameen)
You know what? Whenever Im feeling sad and down, it is like Allah is listening to me. Wallahi, ths kinda video will appear out of nowhere. I didnt even talk that Im sad. I was wondering is our phone intelligent enough to read our mind? But unfortunately, no! It is indeed, Allah is listening and He guides us 😭
I was troubled n stressed up. During sholat...when it came to recitation..the part when I recited Allahu Akbar my tears just fell as I continued reciting Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah..felt btr n refresh after the sholat. Aamiin3🤲🤲🤲
I was saddened with debts. I didn’t even realize getting into this problem. I’ve had suicidal thoughts this morning. After watching this I feel much better. And I know I’ll come out of this. I’ll be fine Insha Allah
I must say this video is so amazing. I was sad since 2 days I was crying like mad I couldn't think what to do how to overcome this sadness something very bad happened my heart was broken very badly but today I opened my phone and saw this video it gave me motivation now I'm going to do Qur'an tilawat Thank you so much for making this amazing video
I have a bad nervous system due to anxiety and stress 😃 i stopped praying and was depressed and anxious now im ready to return i will recover InshAllah
But if smone gives up totally,after facing constant multiple shocks,tragedies,lost family,kids,Bank Vp grade job,home,wealth,,etc,,fallen frm top to zero,,practically these lectures work if you remain little normal,but if you are alone n no one is taking care then Practically you need a true strong caring person to take you out from this situation when u r stuck in room for a year,can,t change,can,t manage anything,can,t go in day light,health going worse,always live n die every second,no hope,no goal,no one comes to c u,then Even Doctors Counsellers say that you need a strong caring guardian to recover you....Respected Bro..Will you truly help,, ... Can u take me away,keep me along for few days to follow ur normal routine...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Waiting 4 ur Positive replTrue. Ve been praying,reciting much But when continuous shocks make u a mental patient,depression,anxiety takes u away from life,everyone leaves u alone,become totally helpless,hopeless,then only miracle,any angel f God can help. Otherwise, u always pray for death only,our mental health caring centres make u more worsr but such life is the most worse horrible life on earth,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Will anyone truly help,take me along to lookafter for few time ...
@@malikzafar7232 ..Don't worry brother 🌼Everything will be fine soon ❤ Just be strong because you are stronger than you think ❤And try to be happy and enjoy your life and appreciate every little things which make you happy... You just have to stop thinking all the negativity going around you and try to focus on positive things 🌼..And Our Prophet SAW❤ said "if you are feeling sad about your situation then look at the people who are at worst situation than you" Pray to Allah... May Allah bless you with everything and Make things easy for you ❤🙂...Insha Allah ❤
Mashaalah it's a wise step that u r taking may Allah make it easy for us all . Read surah Al Dhuhaa n you will overcome the anxiety inshallah if Allah wills
Mashallah. Listening to Mufti Menk I become so relieved as if my problems are finished. Mashalla u quench my thirst. U extinguish the fire burning in my life in my sadness. When iam lonely and abondoned crying I listen to u I feel like a visitor came to my house. I smile. Jazakallahu kaeran. May the Almighty Allah guide u and bless u abundantly.
My mother passed away Allah yeerhamha, but it’s so hard to stop crying, she always in mind, when I cook or I take her shopping food, or I take her to doctors appointment, etc I see her, Not one day tears come to my face, I try to be strong, put it very hard sometimes , I do Dua, for Allah, forgive me from my sadness and pain for my mom, May Allah ease my sadness, and May Allah give highest level Jannah Ameen 🤲🏻
Allah will comfort you inshaAllah it's hard but take it easy no one can replace a mother but eventually you will heal slowly may Almighty Allah give you strength Amin
Allah yerhamha and grant her jena inshallah Be patient sister I’m like you taking my mother everywhere shopping all doctors appointments cleaning up for her basically everything she is quite ill at the moment pray for her health inshallah
Brother remember that it is Allah’s plan and we cannot do anything. And we will all go, so dear, prepare well for the reunion with Allah and your mother, she your mother but for us Muslims she is also a sister. Be strong, pray more, and inshallah we will all meet for tea with your mother in paradise. May Allah bring our parents and us to paradise without punishment. Ameen
Wow I’m really surprised. I was feeling very tensed about school because I wanted to drop two of my courses and I was crying because I didn’t want the stress. Allah really is listening to me. I love you Allah
'Hadees no.189видео.html Subscribe To #HadeesNabviOfficial For More Videos . ''حدیثِ نبوی سننے کیلیے چینل کو سبسکراِئب کریں''
I don't care what others think about me, as long as I believe I'm not alone I have Allah with me, all my pain and suffering goes vanishing and makes me believe that I can smile tomorrow again
Alhamdulilahi Ala Kulli Khair. Jazakallahu Khair to our mufti menk. I am at my low phase then i saw this. I’m so tired with the dunya and i need someone to comfort me but nobody can comfort me but only Allah SWT. I’m literally crying listening to this then after that MasyaAllah Allah gives me relief. SubhnaAllah. To Every words Mufti Menk saying he got the point. May Allah grant Mufti Menk Jannah Amin 🥲🤲🏻
God is the greatest!!! I have been sad since yesterday.... Struggling.... But your words hit me hard and I felt,God wants me back 😭 . Indeed God is love.i appreciate you brother and coach ,may God continue to bless you with wisdom and knowledge to be a Giant for him 🙏. "I am a Christian though" But I believe the spirit of God in you and through the holy words you spoke is my creator . Thanks in million sir .
Assalamu Alaikum whoever is reciting this dua please pray for me n my family we r in huge debt may Allah grant us wealth n peace in life n may grant my parents a good health.
Am a Christmas at this moments am at lowest i have lost job my children needs my support am hopeless i always listen mufti menk dua its lift my heart and i feel peace inside me may Allah listen my inner cry 😢😢 Allahu Akbar
I am a Christian but Islam touches my heart. It makes me almost break down in tears. The Quran is powerful.
Don't waste time so revert before it's too late you are welcome to Islam
Anytime ur welcome to islam
Welcome to islam
Wellcome brother ❤
Ok?? Wanna learn?
Alhamdulillah i am a Muslim.. May allah guide us in right path & forgive everyone in this ramadan (2024)
Ameen 🤲🤲
im christian , but inshallah i will be muslim, allahuakar🤲🏻
May Allah make it easy for you
Allah bless you my sister...hug from me ...❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🤲
In sha Allah try to walk around with muslim
May Allah j bless you. with this beautiful religion
In Shaa Allah
I was born as Muslim I never practiced my parents were devoted but listening to you has made me want to practiced
May Allah guide you
I'm Buddhist and I reverted to Islam recently Alhamdulillah 🇧🇩❤
Masha Allah.
Many Congratulation !!! Alhamdulilah, Masha Allah , May Allah make u Emaan firm nd Accept ur our prayers.
Alhamdulillah.. welcome to islam brother and may ALLAH bless you Aaminn
ماشاء اللہ ماشاء اللہ ۔
Ma sha allah..Alhumdulillah...keep on doing good deeds n following as much as u can
Iam a Christian too, but listening to the recite of Holy Quran gives me happiness. ALLAHAKBAR
Love you
Brother keep it up
I’m a Muslim Alhamdulillah.
Allah is my Lord
Islam is my religion
Quran is my guide
Muhammad (PBUH) is my role model
Jannah is my ultimate goal
1. Firstly, Say Bismillah.
2. Then See and drink.
3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing
4. Drink it with your right hand.
5. Drink water-in three breaths at least.
6. Finally say Alhamdulillah.
please share it with others.
Jajakallahu khairun.
Allah gives you and your family Baraqah.
My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
@@shohelnetworld811 very true
Masha Allah
Alhamdulillah me too
I'm a Christian but his prayers and teachings changed my life, Amen and Amen 🙏
Jesus saves from Hell.
“Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;”
- John 11:25 (NIV)
Same here!
@@joshiated8597 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all are one religion it is not a matter to choose one of them, its the matter to follow what did the prophet of your times and the prophet of our times is mohamed peace be upon him, if i was present at the times of jesus i then must follow up his message and one of christian. got it?
@@MohamedMagdy-yi3gsIslam better
I was extremely extremely sad and my face turned red becuz of crying. But when I opened my phone, this video was in my notifications. SubhanAllah Allah hu akbar. And this video helped me sooo much Jazakallah khair may Allah bless you for posting videos like these to make other people feel better and to remind us that Allah S.W.T is always with us♥️
@Balkhi Show same,what what hapened to you now its happened to me now
@@realizeyourpotential6540 Alhamdulillah great⚘Jazakallah khair 🌸🌷
Born the age of 24th, I converted to Islam.. There were lots of tests...but I'm staying strong because I have ALLAH S.W.T with me.
May He ease your journey
I'm a christian before, but now i'm proud and a happy muslim now alhamdulilah❤
Me also sis..b4 I'm a Christian
Also my daughter..we embrce Islm..Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah. Me too ❤️ hope I have imam someday to teaching me.
im in a very bad position. my heart is breaking and aching every day but this really helped me. elhamdulillah for everything.
@@sarahkim3542 elhamdulillah 💜
I m christianity but i find myself wanting to listing to every words this man have ever said!!!
Actions are more imp.
Come to Islam religion of Truth and Peace
May Allah guide you and ease you always~
May Allah open your eyes more to see the truth way
I was catholic but I have converted to Islam 🩷 Allah make me strong for this journey
Allah make easy for your journy
May Allah make it easy for you insha'Allah
Make Allah Make easy for us ❤
Inshallahhh ameen
I’m not a Muslim and I won’t pretend I understand everything to do with the religion but after watching this was like a lightbulb being switched on🤯
sister try to listen This Man vidios.then u get aloot of peace in your life
Find out the purpose why do you hear these why this brings u peace ... there's always a sign for believers for wisers... you're so lucky you're one of them.
Am not a Muslim,but this one is the best.thank you
@@christinemuthoni6273 are you christian
@@muhammadabdur-rahman2126 yes,am a Christian
Subhanallah, all of the comments are people who have reverted to islam. Welcome to our religion dear brothers and sisters, a religion of peace.
*I post Quran recitations but most of the people are busy with movies and songs* 😔😔😔😔😔😔 May Allah guide all of us
Ameen . Brother I am Alhamdulillah ex music addict
dont gv up...ماشاء الله تبارك الله❣️
Sadly true
Today my heart is breaking, I can’t stop crying, but I am listening to this and I am getting some relief and I am grateful for you my brother, Allahamdula to you
Same here with me dear sister. I can’t stop crying.
Thank you so much
Alhamdolillah e Rabb il Aalameen
Same here recite la thazan inama ala allahu may Allah give you relaxation insha allah
I was feeling sad . Whole night not slept comfortably. Today morning I woke up and saw this . I am feeling so light in my heart. JazakAllah khair ❤️
Masha Allah.. Be happy that Allah is guiding you through this video.❤.. Allah knows the pain we go through 🌼just be happy and do sabr ❤May Allah solve all your problems 🙂..Insha Allah ❤
Jesus saves from Hell.
“Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;”
- John 11:25 (NIV)
I can without a doubt say this video opened my heart to Islam. I had never thought of Islam and was nervous around Muslim men in particular. I was sad and RUclipsd “motivational video when sad”. This video came up and I wanted to see what this bearded man had to say. I can’t describe how I felt listening to the Quran for the first time. It was such a powerful feeling that I threw my phone after the video, as my family is super islamphobic and the was-was of m shaitaan came.
SubhanAllah, Alhamdulilah, 2 years since my Shahada. I have no idea how I survived before Islam❤
Indeed, the truth stands clear from error
Give thanks to Allah SWT, Allah shows you the straight path, may you be Istiqomah in carrying out Allah's commands
Before I listening I was crying and I was about to commit suicide but thanks that I found this video it helped me a lot alhumdulliah 😭😭😭😭 still alive pray for me my friend I'm in very bad condition🙏🙏
Almighty Allah end all of ur bad conditions nd turn all of them in good conditions.
May allah bless u with all the goodness of this world and the hereafter
@@tanveerbilgrami Aameen summa Aameen
@@salmaiqbal9016 Aameen
@@tanveerbilgrami Aameen brother
I’m a depression patient but this video always ends up helping me tysm may ALLAH Bless us all brothers and sisters ❤️
May Allah help you and relieve you from the illness
may Allah make it easy for you
I will remember you in my prayers, may you always find peace in and outside of you. Can you drop your WhatsApp number with your country code
May Allah SWT make it easy for u
May Allah help you amen
I am from Hindu background but after a couple of days I have been listening to the Allah teaching it encouraging me gives confidence in life, thankyou for the Mohammed teachings. 👍
Good to know there is people like u from india.
You are invited to Islam❤️
I'm inviting YOU to Islam. It’s the true Religion in the world.
@@farhanimthiaz9999fr I never knew that either 😂😂😂
I m suffering from depression after this video ....i m blessed that it realised me this duniya is temporarily a test from allah...we must pray our salah n read Qur'an everyday insallah allahukbar ❤
There is more to Islam than just praying 5 times a day, and reciting the holy book. Do you not understand this? Where is your zakat? Where is your deeds? Where is your hajj?
I can't believe how calm I got after watching this video!
I have been depressed for many weeks and I just never feel happy I just cry for no reason.
The only thing that makes me happy is me praying 5 times a day,reading Qur'an, making dua for those people who have been going through tough times or are homeles.
God is great! ALLAHU AKBAR!
Same here
Pray durood shareef and astaghfaar it will help you a lot inshaa Allah
Pray for me brother. I am 14 years . My mother was died when I was only 6 . But my father loves me very much . But my step mother is jealous for that . Even , she has no child. But I think my father's love to me is decreasing day by day . Sometimes she tries to brainwash too. My study is hampering too. I am so sad too .What should me do ?? I can't underground.
Pray for me please!!
Relax, talk with your father in private with love and tell him that " I feel you don't love me anymore did I done something wrong. Please papa don't leave me alone in this world I have only you and I love you so much that my heart is hurting now I feel you don't live me anymore." Say this to your father will love. Talk with him In shaa Allah, Allah will help you Ameen
Allahu Akbar what a strong individual u are. Alhamdullilah. May Allah SWT protect us in this world and hereafter
I am Christian but read the Surahs and listen to Mufti every day he is intelligent and great All praises to God fir giving not only Muslims but all mankind this great man
Jesus saves from Hell.
“Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;”
- John 11:25 (NIV)
Please follow our channel for recitations for marriage problems, anxiety issues depression and for acceptance of your dua
JESUS IS SLAVE OF ALLAH AND HE IS OLSO MUSLIM ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤@@joshiated8597
As I am listening this, I was a bit sad but it gaves me hope and happiness. Thank you so much. May Allah s.w. bless you abundantly.
Please support us spread Islam to the whole world
Hope for what ?
@Missy Mossy Im not a person tp read history of hazrat Husssoin and Hussan...
ask me anything about them that i answer for you .
im a debater !!!
not a reader .
Rf@.#@?#4c38wkajaaam a bar or oats ab
Born christian and planning to revert this year,stil reading and doing my research and tomorrow i get myself a Qur'an 😭😭this is a very emotional process for me and i feel soo overwhelmed especially because i dont have the support of my family,may Allah guide me🙏
Make allah Make easy for you
Ameen sum ameen
You have over 1.5 billion brothers and sisters with you. You are loved. ❤❤
May ALLAH show you the right path
May Allah help you. Aameen
One of the best feelings ever is crying in sujood sincerely, everyone needs to try it, seriously
ye me tooвидео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
Very true
@areeb sajid yes it puts your heart at ease and if you put complete trust in Allah he will open doors and find solutions for you the most wise always have faith!
Totally true, works everytime Alhumdulillah I ask for something and Allah gives. Oh Allah how merciful, beautiful, loving, forgiving you are. I thank Allah to the number of his creation from beginning to the end of his creation and even that would not be enough for all the blessings he has given us.
"When Allah loves you more, He tests you more." This line have miraculously washed my sadness away today. I've heard of it before but it hits different when you are in a very low position. Indeed Allah is the Turner of hearts. Whenever I look at my problems now, I'll be reminded that it's His way of loving me even more for my own growth. Alhamdulillah for Islam
Where are you live sister?
1. Firstly, Say Bismillah.
2. Then See and drink.
3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing
4. Drink it with your right hand.
5. Drink water-in three breaths at least.
6. Finally say Alhamdulillah.
please share it with others.
Jajakallahu khairun.
Allah gives you and your family Baraqah.
My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
1. Firstly, Say Bismillah.
2. Then See and drink.
3. Sit down and then drink. don't drink water standing
4. Drink it with your right hand.
5. Drink water-in three breaths at least.
6. Finally say Alhamdulillah.
please share it with others.
Jajakallahu khairun.
Allah gives you and your family Baraqah.
My writing will be successful only if it is implemented
Alhamdulillah ×3
That caught my attention, I was listening, but that stopped me , had to play again x
The fact that this popped up on my playlist when I was sad is a sign that Allah loves me & reminded me of the beauty in even the pain we feel!
الله ولي التوفيق
thats because allah has the power to change the youtube algorithm and also recently bought youtube for 5 billion dollars
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
@@emmaschmidt4774 لكم دينكم و لي دين you have your religion and i have mine
-surat al kafiron 109:6
I am Hindu and my name is Rishi, I got your channel today and tell the truth, this video is great for everyone and I am very happy that today I got this video 💖
Mashallah Islam invites you 🫂
Recently scientists discovered that a small insect lives above the mosquito, this insect is too small to see with the naked eye. But the Holy Quran told us this insect centuries ago.
God said in Quran
۞ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَن يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَّا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا ۚ
Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it. And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient
The Story of French Marine Scientist Jacques Cousteau
On one of his trips, he discovered that salty and sweet water did not mix! What's inconsistent with the current science! And talk about this discovery. A Muslim scientist assured him that this was mentioned in the Koran for thousands of years!
Jack pronounced his Islam 3 months before he died!
مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ (19) بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَا يَبْغِيَانِ ( 20 ) .
He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses.
Sourate AR-RAHMAN | Sourate 19_20
21 févr. 2023 à 8:05 AM
life is short Realize yourself before it's too late
Music, women, luxury cars, all pleasures are instantaneous pleasures, and I challenge you that distress, melancholy and anxiety do not come to you.
The secret lies here. Your soul needs her medication, real treatment, permanent and non-temporary happiness.
The proof is what God said in Quran
وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ
( 124 ) And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُم بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
( 97 ) Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.
قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاء
Say, “For those who believe, it is guidance and healing.
Yes I'm Catholics but I'm Always listening surah baqara morning to night and I feel from my heart relax even I have any problem but when I listen surah baqara I forgot every pain going away Alahamdullaha
♥️ Allah loves you. That's the reason u listen to his words . You r really blessed
Alhamdulillah... im just Become Muslim by sad about What happenings to my health since pandemic..pray for my recovered my brothers & Sisters here..Ahmad from Malaysia
Ma Allan make it easy for u,n u give quick recovery
Read durood all the time. May Allah give you good health. Give sadaqa no matter how small it is . And try to stay in wudhu always . What sickness you have?
Praying for youuuuu
Be patient always..He will help you.
🙏 for u 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
Im a christian but i love to hear this my heart comes feel better and my minds come peace...
Thank u for this message i always make sad i dont know..
Find out the purpose why do you hear these why this brings u peace ... there's always a sign for believers for wisers... you're so lucky you're one of them.
@@Khushbakhtsiddiqui1996 where are you live sistre?
@@samsulislam7513 why are you asking for her address
Convert (if u want)
Please turn to allah he will surely help you out come to the right path may allah give us all peace and save us from his anger and jahannum ❤️❤️
Literally someone told me the other day not to pray because prayer does not solve problems. Only action does. I was shocked. I just pondered it over a night. Thank you, Mufti Menk.
👆👆Molana saab se rabta Kare
I am suffering from Backbiting and All my neighborhood is talking bad about me; the reality that no one know the truth. I was extremely sad and and depressed from 1 year; but i regularly offer Salah and i feel no sadness, but when i left salah for 2 weeks, i got depressed and sad. Then i figured; to Eliminate sadness is to offer prayer. but when i see this video, my faith towards Allah becomes more stronger than before and now i will also Recite Quran .... Thanks for this video
@Margaret Kpeh Sorry but we don't believe in that. Spreading influence from the bible in the comments section of a video that's related to the teachings of Allah is incredibly disrespectful to the Muslim community and haram overall. But in the end, you are invited to Islam if you are so interested in going on these videos.
Do not allow people's opinions to define how you feel my brother. live only to please Allah swt
@Margaret Kpeh umm k?
@Margaret Kpeh it’s sad Your religion forces others to join you where as Islam respects all religions and doesn’t force others to convert to Islam
I am exactly in your page brother i am feeling very broken and depressed. After watching this video it feels relief 🥲
I'm a Christian but I love listen to your messages cause they teach more about how to get close to God .thank you for your time to share your messages to the world.
This helped me so much with anxiety,pray for me guys im in a very bad situation.may Allah bless us all
How are you now? Has been standing firm in your Deen helped? And how much?
The beautiful thing is that if we always remember Allah we won't be sad, and when we are sad and we remember Him the sadness goes away! SubhanAllah
As I was listening to this speech, tears rolled down my eyes. I could realise that how I became so distant from Allah swt . I can’t describe how guilty I am feeling. Perhaps this is the reason why there is a constant sadness within me no matter how much I try to be happy, or pretend to be. I hope Allah forgives me for all the sins I’ve committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Allah forgives everyone don’t ever lose hope
And Allah loves those come back to him,and know that he will forgive them! May Allah guide us.
This is exactly how I feel as well, I always complain about how terrible my life has been but I never use to turn to Allah, today I will make a change it may not happen immediately but I know my Allah SWT loves me and he will guide me Ameen, and to the person who posted this comment Allah SWT is all forgiving, May Allah take away everything that makes you unhappy Ameen
Am on my way to Islamic faith becoz of your teachings.may Allah grant u whatever u are praying for and jannah in the here after.
I'm just 12 and I love watching these, they make me feel happy
Masha Allah,how lucky u r
Mashallah and alhamdullilah
you are going to be somthing great in the futuer inshaallah
and iam 14,i love watching these videos too
Please pray for me! I'm preparing for an exam. But I am equally confused and stressed. I'm struggling to decide what to do, Go to university for the course I got which I'm not that interested or to try the exam again to get into the medical field or to withdraw this time and do the exam next time. I feel like i didn't prepare much this time. But I really love to become a doctor. But I couldn't do well in some subjects. I lack in some parts. So I'm scared and I'm really struggling. I'm the eldest in my family, and my family has high hopes on me. They dont pressure me, but I want to make them proud. I want to take care of them this time. They took care of me very well. Now its my turn to care for them. Make them proud and happy. That's my dream insha allah. Please pray for me to feel at ease. May Allah guide me on what to do and help me to achieve my dream to become a doctor insha allah. Aameen!
May Allah grant you success and bring clarity in your life. May Allah remove your stress and fulfill your dreams. May Allah guide all of us to the straight path.
Ameen sum ameen
Salah removes sadness and brings happiness🥰
SubhanAllahi wabihamdihi
I lost my best friend a few days ago and I’m grieving, everytime I wake up I cry and I miss him but After watching this video I realised how much Allah loves me that he wants to call me back to him, I’ve started praying 5 times a day after he passed away inshallah my pain gets ease and Allah has a better plan for me
Keep praying as often as possible, not just when you're sad. Inshallah your days will get better!
Inshallah!! Allah is with us dont worry ❤
This is so helpful to me because I’m in sad for long time. I lost my business and money 💰 by some peoples cheated on me. Al hamdo lillah. That Allah had blessed and gave me and my family food 🥘 without starving for that now I’m searching a job in sha Allah. I will be fine again. It’s all temporary
In shaa Allah
It happed to me as will
Sorry to hear that. I can help you with the job side. I run a business and looking for a team.
@@speaknoworforeverholdyourd1493 thanks bro I got a job for lead the company. In shaa Allah this month 10th I will join with that company
@@Humanity572 All the best
Alhamdolillah for everything I am Christian but I like listening his preaching❤ the words from Allah❤
I've been sad for more than 8 month..I really don't know why but I felt the sadness..then today suddenly this video pops up..after watching the video, I know why I'm sad..bcz I pray my Salah in such a hurry and I read Qur'an without melody to quickly finish from now on I'll try my best to improve myself..thnx for the video💗
Alhamdulillah that you are going to more careful about your salah and Quran recitation. May Allah removes you pain with ease and comfort your life with Iman.
@@jakiasultana5601 Ameen💓 and thank you for good wishes
@@S-E-L-E-N-O-P-H-I-L-E Ameen💓 may Allah bless all💗
See a doctor a Dua can not help and never will help .
@@mohamadfazli5575 Shifaa is in Allah swts hands. Dua & Doctor.. use both.
I'm a Christian, I was feeling so sad and had given up onmy prayers, thank u Mufti#🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼❤️❤️❤️
I promised to myself during in this new years no feel sad. ..
I am very happy. .i know my Allah sure will take care of me with the best love from Jannah. ..🌹
Ammen sister. ❤❤
@@zaraejaz9007 amiin
@Thasni 566 Shukran i will See your vídeo
@@noblechild5652 May Allah blessing you
I found myself crying everytime when i'm listening this preacher man Mufti Menk 😭😭😭 Alhamdulillah for everything yah Rabbi
I love everytime Mufti menk recites any ayah from the quran.. Its sounds so beautiful. Maa shaa Allah..
I have been dealing with really bad anxiety :(. Can you guys plz make Dua for me . May Allah bless you guys and your family and forgive all our sins . Ameen
Ameen. May Allah Taala protect us all. Ameen. Pray for my kids please. Thank u.
Ive been dealing with anxiety and depression for years till i have thought to kill myself everyday with one fail attempt! Allah bless me. I lost my way to Allah for 7 years. Till this day i deal with this situation. But now i remember Allah. I pray and read quran. I dont feel really depress and anxiety anymore. I feel those sometimes but it doesnt affect my health unlike before. Because i know Allah always with people who are patience. Now i take those sadness as blessing from Allah. Now i always feel calm. Still dealing with these things till today. But i can fight it by remembering Allah. May Allah bless u and us all. . May Allah cure our heart amiin.
I’ll keep u in my duas my brother
May Allah make it easy for ypu
@@rie6181 keep doing what u doing Insha allah and anytime u feel again that anxiety and depressed , go quiet room And cry for Allah ask help believe me u will feel much better and better remember that . I will make u dua and others and my self too.
May Allah swt ease your pain and grant you the strength to get through whatever hardships you're going through... Aameen 🤲
Thank you for this. I suffer from depression and have been thinking of ending my life. I watch your videos for strength and inspiration despite not being muslim
I'm feeling the same as u...but when everyone seems to hate me...even my own parents!....Allah n Only Allah! my last refuge😭😭😭
I know I'm not worthy of His mercy .....but still I know in my heart ....He will help me go through this pain!...Ameen
Be happy that Allah is guiding you through this video.❤.. Allah knows the pain we go through 🌼just be happy and do sabr ❤May Allah solve all your problems 🙂..Insha Allah ❤
@@rizwanarahman4078 gorgeous kitty you are strong
Go online and listen to Quran it will sooth your heart ❤️
Leaving my comment here, so that when someone likes it, it will remind me to watch this reminder again and be free from anxiety. In sha Allah
Listening to the message of Islam of Religious Scholars tightens our emaan, Alhamdulillah
I'm at my lowest right now and I needed this thank you
Me too bro 😞
Hard times will pass🙏🏽🙏🏽
I will pray for you and all the brothers and sisters out there
May Allah give you relief from whatever's burdening you sis and replace it with happiness and peace of mind. Ameen
Dear Mufti .Your word helps me to heal my sorrow .Thanks a lot
Alhamdulillah I am read daily Quran now 💖💖
This made me cry and gave me hope at the same time. Allah is the best! I’m so glad I listen to mufti. Thank you! My soul feels much better.
i am increasingly finding myself watching his videos. im not muslim but i like his words .
May Allah guide you to the right way! Ameen
I was crying few minutes ago for mental peace but now feeling good 😊 SUBAHANALLAH
I was feeling empty today and saw this brings you calrity
May Allah continue strengthen you and using you bringing His people back to Him and grant you also Al Jannah(SWT)
*Every time when I'm sad I do dhikir and in 2 seconds it gones....Allahu Akbaru ALHAMDULILLAH now make me make dhikir every time bcs i know that sad will be away from me*
Wow wow wow Im so happy that I’m a Muslim I will try my best to do more good deens and make Allah swt happy🤲
Please everyone pray for me I lost my happiness since last year 😭😭💔💔
InshaALLAH you will be happy❤ don't be sad...ALLAH is with you❤and always remember "verily,with the hardship there is relief"🌸💖 now smile...!😊
praying for you ❤ pray for me as well
Smiling 😊
@@poppy9705 Good♥️
@@poppy9705 sure🌸
Alhamdulillah i was feeling sad and depressed.But when I listened to this video I felt relaxed
Mashallah that’s nice to hear my dear sister
Mansha Allah sister
I was really sad before hearing this but now I feel so relaxed. I must say Alhamdulillah.
I used to listen and watched videos like this. With Quranic recitation whenever i feel low and sad. Allah is the giver and taker of everything in this Dunya.
Am a Muslim and proudly love Allah and his last messager
Oh GOD, help me overcome my grief. Ya Rabb protect everbody from harm, I do not want YOU to punish the ummah we all are sinners. Forgive the sinners.
@Margaret Kpeh
My spirt is"ALLAH"!
Brothers sisters pray for me. Do duas I have corona..
today I was so sad because i felt what i've been praying for for years is yet to manifest to the extent of crying out to Allah. after 5hrs I saw this lecture online and I felt ease after watching. subhanallah it's just like my prayer has been answered. jazakallahu Khairan sheik make Allah s.w.t continue to increase your Iman and also continue to make me happy (Ameen)
May Allah continue to allow you to bless us with the Teachings of the Quran! Love you
I'm Muslim and Alhamdulillah.Thank you so much
Please dua for me that Allah give me health, life & happiness of my family n myself Ameen 😢
Ameen insha'Allah
Brother support us spread Islam
Ameen 🙏🙏
Don't be afeared ALLAH is with you
آمین یا رب العالمین
You know what? Whenever Im feeling sad and down, it is like Allah is listening to me. Wallahi, ths kinda video will appear out of nowhere. I didnt even talk that Im sad. I was wondering is our phone intelligent enough to read our mind? But unfortunately, no! It is indeed, Allah is listening and He guides us 😭
Same here!🥺🥺 This was much needed for me right now! SubhanAllah
This thing happened to me alot ....i always get..the exact video that will help me fight the issues and sadness am going through😭😭😭
@@classiclifestyle7573also me Walai
I was troubled n stressed up. During sholat...when it came to recitation..the part when I recited Allahu Akbar my tears just fell as I continued reciting Allahu Akbar
Alhamdulillah..felt btr n refresh after the sholat. Aamiin3🤲🤲🤲
Call me molana sahab.+917339910881.
At any moment of our life we should have faith only in Almighty Allah, He will give us what is good for us.
I was saddened with debts. I didn’t even realize getting into this problem. I’ve had suicidal thoughts this morning. After watching this I feel much better. And I know I’ll come out of this. I’ll be fine Insha Allah
Insha Allah 🙂❤
Get close to Allah and your depressed will ease..remember everybody got problem and pray to Allah and He will help to anyone who dua to Him
I must say this video is so amazing. I was sad since 2 days I was crying like mad I couldn't think what to do how to overcome this sadness something very bad happened my heart was broken very badly but today I opened my phone and saw this video it gave me motivation now I'm going to do Qur'an tilawat Thank you so much for making this amazing video
I have a bad nervous system due to anxiety and stress 😃 i stopped praying and was depressed and anxious now im ready to return i will recover InshAllah
This is so calming to my heart. I have been sad and down lately. But now I have away out. Thanks so much.
@@babybumpy5841 good it helped you
But if smone gives up totally,after facing constant multiple shocks,tragedies,lost family,kids,Bank Vp grade job,home,wealth,,etc,,fallen frm top to zero,,practically these lectures work if you remain little normal,but if you are alone n no one is taking care then Practically you need a true strong caring person to take you out from this situation when u r stuck in room for a year,can,t change,can,t manage anything,can,t go in day light,health going worse,always live n die every second,no hope,no goal,no one comes to c u,then Even Doctors Counsellers say that you need a strong caring guardian to recover you....Respected Bro..Will you truly help,, ... Can u take me away,keep me along for few days to follow ur normal routine...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Waiting 4 ur Positive replTrue. Ve been praying,reciting much But when continuous shocks make u a mental patient,depression,anxiety takes u away from life,everyone leaves u alone,become totally helpless,hopeless,then only miracle,any angel f God can help. Otherwise, u always pray for death only,our mental health caring centres make u more worsr but such life is the most worse horrible life on earth,😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Will anyone truly help,take me along to lookafter for few time ...
@@malikzafar7232 ..Don't worry brother 🌼Everything will be fine soon ❤ Just be strong because you are stronger than you think ❤And try to be happy and enjoy your life and appreciate every little things which make you happy... You just have to stop thinking all the negativity going around you and try to focus on positive things 🌼..And Our Prophet SAW❤ said "if you are feeling sad about your situation then look at the people who are at worst situation than you" Pray to Allah... May Allah bless you with everything and Make things easy for you ❤🙂...Insha Allah ❤
Mashaalah it's a wise step that u r taking may Allah make it easy for us all . Read surah Al Dhuhaa n you will overcome the anxiety inshallah if Allah wills
Mashallah. Listening to Mufti Menk I become so relieved as if my problems are finished. Mashalla u quench my thirst. U extinguish the fire burning in my life in my sadness. When iam lonely and abondoned crying I listen to u I feel like a visitor came to my house. I smile. Jazakallahu kaeran. May the Almighty Allah guide u and bless u abundantly.
My mother passed away Allah yeerhamha, but it’s so hard to stop crying, she always in mind, when I cook or I take her shopping food, or I take her to doctors appointment, etc I see her, Not one day tears come to my face, I try to be strong, put it very hard sometimes , I do Dua, for Allah, forgive me from my sadness and pain for my mom, May Allah ease my sadness, and May Allah give highest level Jannah Ameen 🤲🏻
Allah will comfort you inshaAllah it's hard but take it easy no one can replace a mother but eventually you will heal slowly may Almighty Allah give you strength Amin
Allah yerhamha and grant her jena inshallah
Be patient sister
I’m like you taking my mother everywhere shopping all doctors appointments cleaning up for her basically everything she is quite ill at the moment pray for her health inshallah
Brother remember that it is Allah’s plan and we cannot do anything. And we will all go, so dear, prepare well for the reunion with Allah and your mother, she your mother but for us Muslims she is also a sister. Be strong, pray more, and inshallah we will all meet for tea with your mother in paradise. May Allah bring our parents and us to paradise without punishment. Ameen
she is with Allah, she will forever be happy
Wow I’m really surprised. I was feeling very tensed about school because I wanted to drop two of my courses and I was crying because I didn’t want the stress. Allah really is listening to me. I love you Allah
What I like about you Sheikh you bring Allah’s words to cool our hearts
Im hindu but i love happy to hear Quran
I hope you find peace in islam mash'allah
@@berrymuch6970 yeh 👍
May Allah guide you to the right way! Ameen
@@sarahkim3542 insha allah
when u said for allah "this is just a test" i got a smile on my face i will always remember this line :D
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''حدیثِ نبوی سننے کیلیے چینل کو سبسکراِئب کریں''
I don't care what others think about me, as long as I believe I'm not alone I have Allah with me, all my pain and suffering goes vanishing and makes me believe that I can smile tomorrow again
Alhamdulilahi Ala Kulli Khair. Jazakallahu Khair to our mufti menk. I am at my low phase then i saw this. I’m so tired with the dunya and i need someone to comfort me but nobody can comfort me but only Allah SWT.
I’m literally crying listening to this then after that MasyaAllah Allah gives me relief. SubhnaAllah. To Every words Mufti Menk saying he got the point. May Allah grant Mufti Menk Jannah Amin 🥲🤲🏻
I am Muslim Allahu Akbar I was crying to hear this khutbah now thanks I found this video
Brothers n sisters.. Please pray for me.. May Allah grant you the Jannah.
God is the greatest!!! I have been sad since yesterday.... Struggling.... But your words hit me hard and I felt,God wants me back 😭 . Indeed God is love.i appreciate you brother and coach ,may God continue to bless you with wisdom and knowledge to be a Giant for him 🙏. "I am a Christian though"
But I believe the spirit of God in you and through the holy words you spoke is my creator . Thanks in million sir .
Come to Islam sister
Love your comment andvselection of words Sister.
Assalamu Alaikum whoever is reciting this dua please pray for me n my family we r in huge debt may Allah grant us wealth n peace in life n may grant my parents a good health.
Am a Christmas at this moments am at lowest i have lost job my children needs my support am hopeless i always listen mufti menk dua its lift my heart and i feel peace inside me may Allah listen my inner cry 😢😢 Allahu
Allah (swt) says: I am in giving mercy, help and support to my servant when they remember me.
Wow! I can’t begin to describe how stress relieving was this whole video. Alhamdoulillah for this amazing reminder🙏🏽
Same hereвидео.html
Same here ! All glory to God
We all need happiness, may Allaaaah make it happy in our life 🤲
Indeed, faith in Allah’s wisdom and love and His remembrance and closeness is a remedy for sadness