*HUGE UPDATE! SAD NEWS FOR OUR CHANNEL* OUR CHANNEL HAS BEEN DEMONETIZED by RUclips recently and sadly we can no longer sustain this channel properly without your help. We tried to contact RUclips to resolve this issue but as always, they ignored us. We're in a situation where if we don't get minimum support, our channel may eventually die slowly. WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THEN EVER! To keep this channel alive. We have set up a membership page for our channel at (www.patreon.com/LA328) where your support can allow us to continue making videos here daily or regularly like this. We don't need anything huge, we're simply asking help for the price of a coffee just to keep the channel running for basic things like licensed footage, images, audios, paying our editor...etc. Brothers and sisters, I'm sure you spend $10's of dollars or more each day, a week or a month on trivial things and worldly matter (such as Netflix and other entertainment service) but can you not support a cause that helps 100,000 people a day spiritually and gets them to love Allah even more? Alhamdulillah we get 100,000 views a day on our videos, if only 10% of our active viewers were to support us, we'd reach our goal within few hours. Right now we are at 16% of our target goal to run this channel. ❱ Support us as much as you can here: www.patreon.com/LA328 ❱ If you can't support monthly, you can do one-time donation: www.gofundme.com/LA328
LoveAllah328 AllahuAkbar ,.. Brothers, may Allah’s blessings and support be with you all always, Let us know how to support you please, We need more of these good lectures but unfortunately these Kuffar do not want the truth to be in the open even to invite them to the only truth that they know about but their PRIDE are hurt, Shame on RUclips!!!!
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
I am a revert i just took my shahada today and I'm facing distress from my family , in talking to Allah, i decided to look up for duas to reveal the truth. I came across this video And in just saying hasbunallahi , I started to cry, this confirmed that I've made the right decision subhan Allah
Salam inshallah the journey ahead of you is easier and I hope this video provides benefit it is one that I came across maybe it can aid you in a way ruclips.net/video/RHS097FaPj8/видео.html
Asalam aleykum i lost a baby girl after birth. I cried coz i am himan and most of all a mother. I never erased that day from my heart. Never had a chance to even breast feed my baby 😭😭😭i had named her mariam. It was on 20 th of august yaumul ahad. On sunday after eid prayers my baby left this world. I said alhamdulillah n i asked Allah to bless me one day with a child. After so many years Allah finally blessed me with a baby boy. He was born on 20th of august on sunday. I named him imran . Father of mariam in the quraan. 😭😭😭if u put ur complete trust in Allah wallah He will fulfill all ur needs.
Congrats and thts very true!Alhmdulilah Always put yur trust in Allah!i lost my very first baby last year full term but was stillborn.i was diagnosed with preclampsia. Pls pray for me tht i give birth to a healthy baby insha Allah. Ameen
May Allah accept your pains and patience . I too lost my baby fetus of 4.5 month old on 1 Ramadan 2019 after month of pains and struggles and Alhundullilah what Allah plans is best
@1000 GAMING huh? Well I didn't intend to post on facebook as I don't even have one but even If I did... I still think its way better than posting memes and other idle celebrity nonsense.
Fun fact: When you are seeing a post or video or anything about Islam, Allah is just guiding you. That post or video or any source of information was meant to come to you! Stay Blessed Ameen Sumameen Rabilalameen ❤️💋✨
Indeed reciting "HasbunAllahu wa nemal wakeel" has saved me from an extremely difficult situation of a complicated labour.....when neither doctors nor my family were there to console me.....nor saving me was in their hands. Alhamdulillah Allah listened to me n blessed me with a baby.
1. Hasbunnallahu wa ni’mal wakeel 2. Laillaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazhwalimeen May ﷲ eases our hardships and accepts our duas. Ameen ya Rabbul Alameen
Do pray for my son. He is a small child only 22 months and suffering from cancer. Do make a dua for him Allah give him a healthy life and complete cure ameen
I am going through a hard time now and that is breaking me every moment.Only a miracle from Allah can help me.Its been a tough time for my family.Please pray for us.
I have strong faith in these duas. My problems always gets resolved like I couldn’t even think of Alhamdulilah Mashallah, May Allah guide us to the right path and keep our emaan strong ameen
Two important Duas are as follows: 1. Hasbunallah wa niyamal Wakil. 2. Lailaha inna anta Subhanaka innikuntu minazzalimeen. I love and practice above two Duas always in my life. Ameen.
I was crying and feeling low and Alhamdulilah, Allah is giving me the ability to trust Him and showed me this video. I lost everything in a fire years ago and Allah replaced all my possessions with much better than I had before. Subhan Allah! Today, I am sick, unmarried (I am afraid of men), jobless (my boss hated that I had to go to the hospital and bullied me then stopped paying me) and without the support of my siblings (Alhamdulilah, they have been blessed with these things so they don't spend time with me but I make dua for them). I believe Allah will take care of me even when people look down on me and laugh. My mum is worried about me and cries but I know that Our Lord, Our Rabb, Our Allah is The Most Powerful, The Most Merciful, The One Who is Capable of All Things Great, The Best of Providers and The Best of Protectors. I pray Allah strengthens our imaan, grants us goodness, answers our duas, protects us and provides for us all. Please make dua for me brothers and sisters. I know it is hard but please don't give up hope!
May Allah swt ease your pain my sister and bless you with a righteous spouse and righteous children. May Allah grant you rizk and replace everything you’ve lost with much more and better, ameen. 💕
I will surely make dua for you. And I understand you.....you are afraid of men..... actually I am too.......I don't have any bad past or something but I don't know ......I am just simply afraid of men.
Please remember me in your prayers, I’m going through the most painful days, please pray for my heath Edit: thank you so much for all the replies from Muslim sisters & brothers. Means a lot to me, thanks for standing with me. Edit: Wallah i can’t thank you guys enough, today i’m doing so much better with my physical health when i thought i wouldn’t recover soon, it’s you guys praying and Allah listened to y’all. i sincerely pray May Allah give you all the good health and a beautiful life here and hereafter Ameen. you guys made me so in love with our religion Islam
I am going through a difficult test. My husband leaving with 3 children. No support from him for years but for Allah we waited. Make duas for my children and myself to have patience peace and happiness. A very good halal way to provide for us and help the needy Aameen ya rabbul aalameen
By Allah grace I hope he makes it easy for you and gives you and your children all the happiness in this world and hereafter. A man who leaves his wife and kids without support is not a man.
This is so true,Ma Sha Allah. When you leave everything to Allah after you do all the things you could do,Wallahi, Allah answers your prayers in the most unexpected time and place.this had happened to me numerous times, including today. My daughter was hungry and I remembered only having a little amount of money to probably only buy a portion,just for her. I myself was fasting today. So I called the little restaurant up and asked how much altogether,he said 35k +2k for delivery, so I checked my wallet, Ma Sha Allah there was it,the money,which I thought was only 10 k, suddenly become 40 k. Not only that,they gave us plenty,so much so that I still have more than enough for my sahoor for tomorrow's fasting Alhamdulillah. I was only worried at the beginning that I don't have enough money to buy food for my daughter,but Allah gave us more than enough. Even my husband got a treat from his friend. Allah knows our financial problem yet He sustains us Alhamdulillah. May this be a kind of hope for those of you who are also experiencing difficulties. may Allah bless all of us with His Rahmah and Raheem and may we always be amongst those who are always grateful to Him. Amin ya robbal alamiinnn 😇 😇
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
@@redlilly2584 my dearest sister,Never ever think that Allah hates you. Be careful with what you say because He mentioned that He is what His slaves think of Him,so if you think He hates you then He'll hate you. Is that what you really want? No,right? Wallahi you misunderstood Him big time,sis. When Allah loves a servant,He tests him, SAW said and this hadiths is shohih. That is His way of increasing this person's level in His eyes amongst other humans. In Qur'an QS: Al- Ankabuut( 29:2) : Do humans think that when they say" I believe ( in Allah)", they will not be tested? Again in QS 47:31 verily We will test amongst you to find who are steadfast. QS 3:186 verily you will be tested with yourself and wealth. QS 2:155 and we will be testing you with a bit of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, soul and fruits. So give Glad tidings to all who are steadfasts. QS 8:28 and know that your wealth and children are tests for you and only by Allah's side is a great reward. There are so many ayahs in Al-Qur'an that show that we will be tested: 1. Because we claim that we believe in Allah. 2. Whether we're muslim or not,every single living thing will be tested. With us humans,some are tested with difficulty be it in wealth, descendants or health while some other people are tested with pleasure be it fame,wealth or health. Whichever one is tested on you,Wallahi, Allah knows best and He knows that you can pass through this test. That's tests about humans. What about animals and plants? They do get tested too. If only we could hear their voice,the animals would probably envy humans because they can live peacefully,no constant threat of being eaten by say,a snake or something bigger. Same thing with plants. They can be small and struggle to get enough sunlight to produce enough food while being covered (partially or completely) by the foliages of bigger plants,they have to struggle to find nutrients from the same ground, etc but at the same time those hovering tall trees are also jealous of us because we can run,they can't,so we can avoid danger,find water and food,they can't,they can only stay there, completely relying on Allah to give them rain or draught, some of smaller ones are "given" more strength to survive in a flood for example or can escape and easily multiply by wind such as dandelions while others take years to grow. If each one of those could utter a word we could hear, they'll probably say they are extremely jealous of us humans. Therefore QS: 17: 70 And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference. 3. This life and world is just a test for all the believing Muslims. QS :2: 212 Beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world, and they ridicule those who believe. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account. QS Al-An'Am:32,And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah, so will you not reason? QS 3:185 the life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception. There are so many ayahs in the Qur'an constantly reminding us not to focus on the world and its business,rather,focus on bettering yourself as His ummah, because your aim is not this world,sis, it's the hereafter, Paradise. I can tell you endless complaints about my life just to make you feel better because it would seemed to you like Allah hates me too,but nope,He doesn't. He loves His servants so much He tests them. Ever wondered why? Because He knows that you can. Say,if you have someone who is capable of doing anything,a handy guy,who is also very patient, trustworthy,isn't money oriented,loving person,care about others, wouldn't you trust that person with everything? I mean,you would feel comfortable asking help or advice from that guy,right? But,why? Because he is kind and generous,he doesn't mind helping others,and views difficulty as a challenge instead of a problem, therefore,you feel like this person can do anything, therefore gaining your trust,honor and respect and love. Same thing here with what Allah is doing to us. In order for us to be the handy guy,we first must learn how to be the handy guy. How? By hardships,lots of blood,sweat and tears,endless trials and tribulations,endless prayers to ask for miracles to happen,right? Which is also applied to us at school,we learn day by day from something simple to something slightly harder and more difficult and as time goes by,our knowledge increases,but it doesn't stop there,we continue our study to first,pass our exams, graduate, get a good job and have a happy life. Isn't this the same thing? Each test Allah gives us is to increase our iman and knowledge. Once we past this test,another test already awaits,so we have to face yet another hardships because we want to graduate with great grades so that we can obtain happiness: Paradise. This life is only here for you to prepare you for your long long trip in the Hereafter. Just like with any trip,you will want to prepare your clothes,your personal needs,etc,right? Well.... This life IS where you prepare all that, because this trip is a very very long one and you need a lot of " supplies"( good act of kindnessto get His blessings) for the hereafter. All our prophets were tested with a lot of difficulties,with heir( Noah as, Zakaria as), with wealth ( Ayoub as, Joseph as, Muhammad SAW) and health ( Ayoub as) in fact prophet Ayoub as is found to be the most sabr because no matter what tests Allah gave to him( losing all his wealth, children and even inflicted with disease so much so that he could barely step out if his bed and famine) he only repent and repent and repent to Allah. So after what seemed to be endless time of hardships, Allah finally gave him everything that he had had and double it all. So really....when we ask: Why me? The answer is: because Allah knows you can. And be happy that you amongst billions of people are the chosen one to experience and gain Allah's blessings and mercy and be given the opportunity to be on the same rank as our prophets. Doesn't that make you feel happier now that you know that Allah loves you so much,sis? Check this link below, I hope I have given you some thoughts to help you feel better. ruclips.net/video/jOZx0qTs8V8/видео.html ruclips.net/video/zwBbVWYO-0E/видео.html May Allah bless all of us always and forgive us of our shortcomings. Ameen 😇
May Allah pak show you all that he is doing for you and may he ease your worries . Trust Allah and make Dua for dua is the openers of treasures. Read Salah. 5 times each day and make dua in sajood . InshaaAllah Allah pak will accept your duas and relieve your worries and depression. Ameen
May Allah forgive our sins, and give you peace of mind... Amen. Salah (prayers) cool and settle the emotional state, and they work wonders on anger because truly anger is the shaytan. I've learnt that life is about perception and how we see a situation... and our Deen works on giving us a healthy perspective. Our deen teaches us that this dunya and all it's dramas really don't matter; what matters is our relationship with Allah. Islam is the truth in all things and maters. Look for the truth... Insha Allah... Look for Allah. Also don't forget that sadness and depression has always been around, and it's not some new age disease. So, there must be a cure. the Quran is the cure to sadness and depression because the truth puts things into the right perspective. May Allah make it easy for you and us. Amen.
I really needed this reminder. I have experienced a really rough decade and have prayed continously for relief. It's been one trial after another and I have only prayed to Allah for relief. I have experienced, finanicial hardship, being a caretaker to a sick parent, etc. I have got to the point where I fear I might be impacted mentally if my trials continue. As a child I had such strong faith that making dua was a magical experience for me. I used to wish for anything and have such strong belief that it may as well unfold in front of my eyes as I wish it. Allah's power was limitless in my mind. But since I became an adult my life experiences have put me in such a helpless state that I pray and still feel defeated. I still wish for change everyday and pray that Allah eliminate all my worries as only he can. Recently I experienced an injury to my face and I pray that someone with more faith than my current state of mind reads this and prays from their heart that Allah restore me fully and I recover me without any consequence. May Allah restore my place of injury to its natural state as it was before any damage. JazakAllah in advance.
Innallaha ma assabireen . Stay strong ,this life is short and will be over soon ,no matter how good / bad it is. May Allah heal your face and all your hardships.stay strong Allah is seeing everything and Allah will reward every hardship you have ,inshaAllah
True this is very powerful dua.its is proven when I was in trouble in my work automatic Allah SWT replied to me just a seconds.to all my brothers and sisters trust him and believe in him..
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
@@billthomas6432 Assalamu alaikom in this dunya ( world) we cannot force you to who you believe.its our choices I was a Christian before Roman Catholic but my heart says I need no partner in worship only ONE GOD.
Alhamdulillah for this dawah, it is just what i need at this time that Allah is testing me. Hasibunallah wanima wakeel 😭. May Allah reward the person behind this lecture. Thank you for the reminder, barakallah fik.
Haqq...ameen this dua is powerful weapon on its own...i had to go through hardships beyond my control....alihamdulillah Allah is good listener...yes He is the disposer of our affairs.....i love you Allah❤❤❤❤❤
Listening to this burst me into tears. Because of the depression I have. Please keep me in your dua that in shaa Allah i can get what I am asking for. Shukran will use these duaas 😢
*I'm looking for job ! Dropped last year by just a decimal. I'm so worried , I'm in need . My parents are Growing old , I have two younger sisters . Responsibilities are on my shoulders . Please and please Pray for me.*
Please make Duaa for me😭😔 May Allah give shifa to all our pains. Update: Thank you all for your kind duaas. Alhamdulillah my heart is at peace but please keep making duaa for me. May you all be granted the highest level of Jannah Inshallah. Have a blessed Ramadan everyone❤️❤️❤️
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
Alhamdulillah I am saying these two dua s since two years every night before I sleep , it feeling good to know it was these two dua which is actually accepted by Allah ❤️️
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
How big our problem is, just remember His power is far greater than our problems. This du'a is powerful. I recited this when I feel so sad/stressed. It really helps.
Brothers & sisters do isteqhfar 100 times after every fard Salah for every difficulties & hardship inshallah everything will be all right. Our messenger (peace be upon him) use to do it.
When this video popped up. I was in distress and pain, I was scared and supplicating "Hasbunallahi wan aimal wakeel" and asking Allah to guide me and i just clicked on this video. Allah is the one who guides the heart. JazakAllah khair
Graduated 3 years ago as an Electrical and Electronics Engineer. And I did a lot of online programming courses. Still, I haven't got a permanent job. Please brothers/sisters, make prayers for me :'( :'(
Brother may Allah Almighty grant your efforts and lead you to a permanent job which will bring halal rizq and contentment with respect in your workplace and success in the hereafter. May Allah give you according to His Shaan Ameen ya Rabbul Alameen
First of all am converted muslimah now and still learning to pray Quran so im asking for help am in dificulties problem into my family specially for my son Please make Duaa for us😭😔 May Allah give shifa to all our pains. Thnk u and may Allah bless us all
A thing all muslims should do(but nowadays most muslims not do):Never show any one your face without hijab, so if you are a muslim, you should change your picture. This is not allowed in Islam.I hope we all will keep doing this
Assalamu alaikum. Ive been an idiot my whole life but my Allah has always forgiven me and granted me so many chances. Ive realized this fact that every single human being has the ability to hurt u but guess what Allah will never ever leave your side. Hes like always there. I used to be a very good student like straight A but I lost some very important people of my life and a lot of people btrayed me. So for the last 3 years I've been a shit to Allah and my family....even myself. My grades have fallen like from top to bottom. I had stopped praying and believeing in Allah. But some stuffs happened recently which made me love Allah to a different level. I want to reform my ways of living and I want to come back to my old healthy life. I want all of you to pray for me. And id say that may Allah bless all of us with love, peace and light.may he always stands for us with light on our paths. May he helps us and forgives us for all of our sins. And one more thing, I'm just feeling soo light hearted thinking about the fact that all of us are brothers and sisters. So eeven if someone betrays me Ill know that there are people praying every day for their this mumin sister. Love u all.
Takwa is important part of dua ...if u fully trust Allah n ask dua with no doubts in heart ...in Sha Allah we hope from Allah to answer all duas we ask
Exactly today I was in a situation that made me thinking what could be the most effective dua and here is the reply to my request. Jazakallah khairan sheikh and I’m grateful to Allah for His blessings.
I was really distressed about my future & my career. I even lost my trust in Allah Astaghfirallah! I thought Allah was punishing me for my sins.. I called upon Him and asked Him to gain back my trust in Him. I asked Him to remove me from this distress. Prove it to me, that what I've been believing since my childhood was true. Now I feel like Allah wanted me to see this, He wanted me to realise how wrong was I. Allah is all Greatest, & if He wills something.. No one can change it. I trust Allah that a miracle will happen with me, and You as well My dear brothers & sisters. *In Sha Allahu Ameen💕*
Has allah ever answered your prayers? Give Jesus a try, he's answered my prayers so many times since I came to him. He saved me. And I hope you are saved too.
if you see this, please find it in your heart to pray for me, my success, and protection from difficulties inshallah. I would really appreciate it. Jzk khair.
I Will pray but in exhage pls pray for me i have not gone to shool for 2 years beause my dad cant pay and then the court decided to ban us from all schools untill my dad can pay all feeces he has just gone jail and came out and now he has no job pls pray my dad and my mom get job so they can pay for our needs love u alot if u pray
Masha ALLAH.. I have experienced the last dua of HAZRAT YOUNUS R.A. when I was at physical test of army and I just received this and I have passed the physical test even I don't have much practice.. Masha ALLAH
I Will pray but in exhage pls pray for me i have not gone to shool for 2 years beause my dad cant pay and then the court decided to ban us from all schools untill my dad can pay all feeces he has just gone jail and came out and now he has no job pls pray my dad and my mom get job so they can pay for our needs love u alot if u pray
Guys, I'll pray for you but can u pray for me too? I also have a lot of exams coming up ( A levels ). Please pray that Allah gives me good health and i am able to study for my exams and get good grades. I can't let my parents and family down.
Subhanallah been feeling so low with my imaan but this video gave me hope. Thanks a lot may Allah grant us all a good life here and in the hereafter Amen.
1) Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel👍 2)la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntum minaz zalimeen 👍 Allah forgive me allah grant mercy up on us ameen ❤️ Allah dunya aur akhirat dono jaha me izzat aur kamyabi se nawazo ameen ❤️ humare baccho ko nekh hidayat do ameen
Thank you for your dakwah. I will memorized those dua's when I prepare to go through many difficulties. May Allah takes care of us till the Judgement Day.🤲
Al salaamu aleykum. I'm going through my most difficult time ever in my life. I'm heartbroken, my soul is shattered. I'm praying my salaat every single day and say many dua'a daily but it's really hard, I get panic attacks. Don't know to do. Im trying to have sabr but it's a very disgusting feeling that I may have lost this person, the love of my life, for ever. Al-hamdulillah for everything, I know there's people in the world who are suffering more than me, things could be better but they could also be worse. But still I cry myself to sleep every night, my salaat are more sincere. I can not explain the pain. I would'nt wish it upon anyone, not even my enemy. Ya Allah. I look forward to ramadhan, I hope I will find peace in my heart and in my soul. Because this is unbearable. May Allah help us all.
Assalamualaikum @DNA, may peace be upon you my brother/sister whoever you may be. I truly understand what you're going through right now, as I myself is experiencing it as well. I truly hope that time will heal you. Use this time to do a thorough soul-searching in ourself, improve our relationship with Allah Swt, and cherish the moments that we spend with our remaining loved ones because we may not know when will be the last time we will be seeing them, wallahu alam. At the same time, try to find something that will keep you occupied so as not to think too much of it. I know it is not easy for you, and I feel you as well my brother/sister, but in sha Allah, with the Doa and the efforts that we put in, Allah will reward us for our deeds. In sha Allah, amin ya rabbal alamiin.
I am also going through of this heart broken situation, i gets panic attacks and can't sleep in nights.i cant do anything except praying almighty to heal me 😢😢
Ahamdulilllah, I just came across these two Duas when am in a very difficult time.. I feel so much releaved after this Dua Alhamdulilla.. HASBUNALLAH WANI MAL WAKEEL..
I am going through hardship with mental illness. Im 25 and this is my fourth time going through a mental health episode. Please pray for me and my sister. Im trying to stay strong.
Jazakallah kher brother ❤️❤️💗💗💕🙏🙏 may Allah grant you in jannah and all of us all muslims around this world 🌎 jazakallah kher brother for your time this is amazing speech 💕💕❣️❤️❤️🙏
OUR CHANNEL HAS BEEN DEMONETIZED by RUclips recently and sadly we can no longer sustain this channel properly without your help. We tried to contact RUclips to resolve this issue but as always, they ignored us. We're in a situation where if we don't get minimum support, our channel may eventually die slowly.
WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THEN EVER! To keep this channel alive. We have set up a membership page for our channel at (www.patreon.com/LA328) where your support can allow us to continue making videos here daily or regularly like this.
We don't need anything huge, we're simply asking help for the price of a coffee just to keep the channel running for basic things like licensed footage, images, audios, paying our editor...etc. Brothers and sisters, I'm sure you spend $10's of dollars or more each day, a week or a month on trivial things and worldly matter (such as Netflix and other entertainment service) but can you not support a cause that helps 100,000 people a day spiritually and gets them to love Allah even more?
Alhamdulillah we get 100,000 views a day on our videos, if only 10% of our active viewers were to support us, we'd reach our goal within few hours. Right now we are at 16% of our target goal to run this channel.
❱ Support us as much as you can here:
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LoveAllah328 AllahuAkbar ,..
Brothers, may Allah’s blessings and support be with you all always,
Let us know how to support you please,
We need more of these good lectures but unfortunately these Kuffar do not want the truth to be in the open even to invite them to the only truth that they know about but their PRIDE are hurt, Shame on RUclips!!!!
Its really heart breaking for a viewer like me
Nauzibillah. They can't destroy The Truth. Islam is not going away. Allahu Akbar.
Two Duas.. memorize them;
1. Hasbunallahi wani mal wakeel
2. La ilaha illah anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimin
Thank you, 13 min is a bit too much!
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
شكرا جزيلا
JazakAllah khair
These are two prayers that have worked miracles for me in my dark times...Alhamdulillah.
Apny es dua ko kasey perha kitny din tak ? Aur apki hajat Pori hoi kitny din mein ?
how do you use them, do you read them at night and how many times
Adav Talib Assalamu Allikum brother , what are those two prayers ? Can you pls let me know ? Thanks
@@mohamedhusmimohamedhussain4724 1) hasbunallahi wani'mal wakeel. 2) LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA SUBHAANAKA INNII KUNTU MINAZH ZHAALIMIIN ...
Same with me.
I am a revert i just took my shahada today and I'm facing distress from my family , in talking to Allah, i decided to look up for duas to reveal the truth. I came across this video And in just saying hasbunallahi , I started to cry, this confirmed that I've made the right decision subhan Allah
You searched this video up or it was put in your recommended?
When all doors seems closed, dont stop asking from Him and have faith in Allah swt. ❤
Salam inshallah the journey ahead of you is easier and I hope this video provides benefit it is one that I came across maybe it can aid you in a way
Remember you’re not alone, welcome sis/brother
Sending you love may Allah give you strength sis ❤
Two Duas are......
1. Hasbunallahu wani amal waqil
2. La ilaha illa anta subhanka inni kuntu minz zalimin
@Trevor Noah sure brother I will pray for you
Actually I want to tell u something
F.F kings Allah bless you.. keep me n my husband in your prayers brother
Asalam aleykum i lost a baby girl after birth. I cried coz i am himan and most of all a mother. I never erased that day from my heart. Never had a chance to even breast feed my baby 😭😭😭i had named her mariam. It was on 20 th of august yaumul ahad. On sunday after eid prayers my baby left this world. I said alhamdulillah n i asked Allah to bless me one day with a child. After so many years Allah finally blessed me with a baby boy. He was born on 20th of august on sunday. I named him imran . Father of mariam in the quraan. 😭😭😭if u put ur complete trust in Allah wallah He will fulfill all ur needs.
Subhan allah
Congrats and thts very true!Alhmdulilah
Always put yur trust in Allah!i lost my very first baby last year full term but was stillborn.i was diagnosed with preclampsia.
Pls pray for me tht i give birth to a healthy baby insha Allah.
May Allah accept your pains and patience . I too lost my baby fetus of 4.5 month old on 1 Ramadan 2019 after month of pains and struggles and Alhundullilah what Allah plans is best
@@rafia.k may Allah give u patience and another child soon isA
Never stop asking! Allah can change any situation! Hope, patience, prayer and trust in Allah can change your life for the better! ALLAHU AKBAR!
Thankyou for this🥺
3:28 "He who has everything except Allah has nothing."
Best line I've heard all day.
May Allah Guide, Bless and Protect us all. Ameen.
@1000 GAMING huh? Well I didn't intend to post on facebook as I don't even have one but even If I did... I still think its way better than posting memes and other idle celebrity nonsense.
Super Shadonic Subhan Allah
Super Shadonic ameen
I feel like allah wanted me to see this video
me too😍
This is such an adorable comment ❤️
LiL_BlaXX me too!
me too
me too
Fun fact: When you are seeing a post or video or anything about Islam, Allah is just guiding you. That post or video or any source of information was meant to come to you!
Stay Blessed
Indeed reciting "HasbunAllahu wa nemal wakeel" has saved me from an extremely difficult situation of a complicated labour.....when neither doctors nor my family were there to console me.....nor saving me was in their hands. Alhamdulillah Allah listened to me n blessed me with a baby.
@@ayshamwinyi901 jazakumullahu khaira ❤️
May you be reaping your reward, life is good.
Subhaanallah...Mashallah..God Bless u..Allahpaak toh raheem hai kareem.
1. Hasbunnallahu wa ni’mal wakeel
2. Laillaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazhwalimeen
May ﷲ eases our hardships and accepts our duas. Ameen ya Rabbul Alameen
Ameen ❤️
Do pray for my son. He is a small child only 22 months and suffering from cancer. Do make a dua for him Allah give him a healthy life and complete cure ameen
May ALLAH grant him complete shifa and healthy life.Ameen
How is your baby dear sister?
May Allah heal him from illness and heal your heart inshAllah
May allah heal him insallah
Please make Du'a for my mother she Died a month ago. May Allah S.W.A forgive her sins and grand her jannah.
May Allah grant her jannah
May Allah Grant her to jannah amiin
In sha Allah my dear bro /sis ameen and make dua for my mother she is sick may allah give her long life and healthy life in sha allah
Allahuma amiin yarabbi
I am going through a hard time now and that is breaking me every moment.Only a miracle from Allah can help me.Its been a tough time for my family.Please pray for us.
Remember that this life is a very short time and you will certainly face tests. The bigger the test the bigger the reward
I have strong faith in these duas. My problems always gets resolved like I couldn’t even think of Alhamdulilah Mashallah, May Allah guide us to the right path and keep our emaan strong ameen
Jesus is God
Masha Allah
Could you share with us the prayer, the duas and supplications you made before asking what you wanted it will be much appreciated thanks alot..
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
I hv always recite Aayate karima when I m surrounded by many problems and believe me My ALLAH has done many miracles for me Alhamdulillah shukrALLAH
100% correct
Alhumdulilla Allah has answered my dua
I have done this after my tahjuud namaaz
this 2 beautiful and powerful wazifaa
Allah has answered my dua
These dua's are worked like a miracle
I witnessed it
MashaAllah Tabarakallah
Please dua for me.
Can anybody advice how many times can I read these as once an aalim told me always consult before reading excessively
I need miracle in my life plz pray for me
In how many days do the miracle took place
Trust Allah and include these prayers everyday..definitely he will bring miracles....!!!
Believe me... definitely u will experience miracles..!💯💯💯
Two important Duas are as follows:
1. Hasbunallah wa niyamal Wakil.
2. Lailaha inna anta Subhanaka innikuntu minazzalimeen.
I love and practice above two Duas always in my life. Ameen.
Lailaha illa antha....... Bro.
I was crying and feeling low and Alhamdulilah, Allah is giving me the ability to trust Him and showed me this video.
I lost everything in a fire years ago and Allah replaced all my possessions with much better than I had before. Subhan Allah!
Today, I am sick, unmarried (I am afraid of men), jobless (my boss hated that I had to go to the hospital and bullied me then stopped paying me) and without the support of my siblings (Alhamdulilah, they have been blessed with these things so they don't spend time with me but I make dua for them). I believe Allah will take care of me even when people look down on me and laugh. My mum is worried about me and cries but I know that Our Lord, Our Rabb, Our Allah is The Most Powerful, The Most Merciful, The One Who is Capable of All Things Great, The Best of Providers and The Best of Protectors. I pray Allah strengthens our imaan, grants us goodness, answers our duas, protects us and provides for us all. Please make dua for me brothers and sisters. I know it is hard but please don't give up hope!
May Allah swt ease your pain my sister and bless you with a righteous spouse and righteous children. May Allah grant you rizk and replace everything you’ve lost with much more and better, ameen. 💕
I will surely make dua for you. And I understand you.....you are afraid of men..... actually I am too.......I don't have any bad past or something but I don't know
......I am just simply afraid of men.
May Allah swt ease your pain. Allah will surely bless you with ease and happiness. Remember after hardship their is ease💕💕💕💕
May Allah ease your pain and grant you happiness
At least u have a loving mother. May Allah help and protect us! Amen X
Please remember me in your prayers, I’m going through the most painful days, please pray for my heath
Edit: thank you so much for all the replies from Muslim sisters & brothers. Means a lot to me, thanks for standing with me.
Edit: Wallah i can’t thank you guys enough, today i’m doing so much better with my physical health when i thought i wouldn’t recover soon, it’s you guys praying and Allah listened to y’all. i sincerely pray May Allah give you all the good health and a beautiful life here and hereafter Ameen. you guys made me so in love with our religion Islam
May Allah take care of you and you leave your worries to Him. May you get better soon
May Allah SWT bless you with good health
Saima my dear sister may Allah swt relieve you of your pain and may he grant you aafia may he bless you and your loved ones ameen .
May Allah ease your pain and hardship
Allah aapko sehat de...
I am going through a difficult test. My husband leaving with 3 children. No support from him for years but for Allah we waited. Make duas for my children and myself to have patience peace and happiness. A very good halal way to provide for us and help the needy Aameen ya rabbul aalameen
Allah face you brain. Use it. Take him to court.
File with court.
May Allah tala bless u with all the happiness in world ...ameen
By Allah grace I hope he makes it easy for you and gives you and your children all the happiness in this world and hereafter. A man who leaves his wife and kids without support is not a man.
May god give you strength inchallah
These dua’s helped me through some really tough times! Allhamdullilah!
I am a teacher........Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
This is so true,Ma Sha Allah. When you leave everything to Allah after you do all the things you could do,Wallahi, Allah answers your prayers in the most unexpected time and place.this had happened to me numerous times, including today. My daughter was hungry and I remembered only having a little amount of money to probably only buy a portion,just for her. I myself was fasting today. So I called the little restaurant up and asked how much altogether,he said 35k +2k for delivery, so I checked my wallet, Ma Sha Allah there was it,the money,which I thought was only 10 k, suddenly become 40 k. Not only that,they gave us plenty,so much so that I still have more than enough for my sahoor for tomorrow's fasting Alhamdulillah. I was only worried at the beginning that I don't have enough money to buy food for my daughter,but Allah gave us more than enough. Even my husband got a treat from his friend. Allah knows our financial problem yet He sustains us Alhamdulillah. May this be a kind of hope for those of you who are also experiencing difficulties. may Allah bless all of us with His Rahmah and Raheem and may we always be amongst those who are always grateful to Him. Amin ya robbal alamiinnn 😇 😇
Sijit Ola salam where are you from
@@yasminahmed862 I'm from Indonesia,my dear ukhti😘😘
@@83lamcha im jealous allah is good wd other girls but he hate me
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
@@redlilly2584 my dearest sister,Never ever think that Allah hates you. Be careful with what you say because He mentioned that He is what His slaves think of Him,so if you think He hates you then He'll hate you. Is that what you really want? No,right? Wallahi you misunderstood Him big time,sis. When Allah loves a servant,He tests him, SAW said and this hadiths is shohih. That is His way of increasing this person's level in His eyes amongst other humans.
In Qur'an QS: Al- Ankabuut( 29:2) : Do humans think that when they say" I believe ( in Allah)", they will not be tested?
Again in QS 47:31 verily We will test amongst you to find who are steadfast.
QS 3:186 verily you will be tested with yourself and wealth.
QS 2:155 and we will be testing you with a bit of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, soul and fruits. So give Glad tidings to all who are steadfasts.
QS 8:28 and know that your wealth and children are tests for you and only by Allah's side is a great reward.
There are so many ayahs in Al-Qur'an that show that we will be tested:
1. Because we claim that we believe in Allah.
2. Whether we're muslim or not,every single living thing will be tested. With us humans,some are tested with difficulty be it in wealth, descendants or health while some other people are tested with pleasure be it fame,wealth or health. Whichever one is tested on you,Wallahi, Allah knows best and He knows that you can pass through this test. That's tests about humans. What about animals and plants? They do get tested too. If only we could hear their voice,the animals would probably envy humans because they can live peacefully,no constant threat of being eaten by say,a snake or something bigger. Same thing with plants. They can be small and struggle to get enough sunlight to produce enough food while being covered (partially or completely) by the foliages of bigger plants,they have to struggle to find nutrients from the same ground, etc but at the same time those hovering tall trees are also jealous of us because we can run,they can't,so we can avoid danger,find water and food,they can't,they can only stay there, completely relying on Allah to give them rain or draught, some of smaller ones are "given" more strength to survive in a flood for example or can escape and easily multiply by wind such as dandelions while others take years to grow. If each one of those could utter a word we could hear, they'll probably say they are extremely jealous of us humans. Therefore QS: 17: 70 And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.
3. This life and world is just a test for all the believing Muslims.
QS :2: 212 Beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world, and they ridicule those who believe. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account.
QS Al-An'Am:32,And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah, so will you not reason?
QS 3:185 the life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.
There are so many ayahs in the Qur'an constantly reminding us not to focus on the world and its business,rather,focus on bettering yourself as His ummah, because your aim is not this world,sis, it's the hereafter, Paradise.
I can tell you endless complaints about my life just to make you feel better because it would seemed to you like Allah hates me too,but nope,He doesn't. He loves His servants so much He tests them. Ever wondered why? Because He knows that you can. Say,if you have someone who is capable of doing anything,a handy guy,who is also very patient, trustworthy,isn't money oriented,loving person,care about others, wouldn't you trust that person with everything? I mean,you would feel comfortable asking help or advice from that guy,right? But,why? Because he is kind and generous,he doesn't mind helping others,and views difficulty as a challenge instead of a problem, therefore,you feel like this person can do anything, therefore gaining your trust,honor and respect and love. Same thing here with what Allah is doing to us. In order for us to be the handy guy,we first must learn how to be the handy guy. How? By hardships,lots of blood,sweat and tears,endless trials and tribulations,endless prayers to ask for miracles to happen,right? Which is also applied to us at school,we learn day by day from something simple to something slightly harder and more difficult and as time goes by,our knowledge increases,but it doesn't stop there,we continue our study to first,pass our exams, graduate, get a good job and have a happy life. Isn't this the same thing? Each test Allah gives us is to increase our iman and knowledge. Once we past this test,another test already awaits,so we have to face yet another hardships because we want to graduate with great grades so that we can obtain happiness: Paradise.
This life is only here for you to prepare you for your long long trip in the Hereafter. Just like with any trip,you will want to prepare your clothes,your personal needs,etc,right? Well.... This life IS where you prepare all that, because this trip is a very very long one and you need a lot of " supplies"( good act of kindnessto get His blessings) for the hereafter.
All our prophets were tested with a lot of difficulties,with heir( Noah as, Zakaria as), with wealth ( Ayoub as, Joseph as, Muhammad SAW) and health ( Ayoub as) in fact prophet Ayoub as is found to be the most sabr because no matter what tests Allah gave to him( losing all his wealth, children and even inflicted with disease so much so that he could barely step out if his bed and famine) he only repent and repent and repent to Allah. So after what seemed to be endless time of hardships, Allah finally gave him everything that he had had and double it all.
So really....when we ask: Why me? The answer is: because Allah knows you can. And be happy that you amongst billions of people are the chosen one to experience and gain Allah's blessings and mercy and be given the opportunity to be on the same rank as our prophets. Doesn't that make you feel happier now that you know that Allah loves you so much,sis?
Check this link below, I hope I have given you some thoughts to help you feel better.
May Allah bless all of us always and forgive us of our shortcomings. Ameen 😇
I lost my mother last month , it is the most difficult situation we have faced as a family . Please pray for her that may Allah swt grant her Jannah .
May allah grant her jannah 😔😔😔
@@laylamahamed7444 Ameen
sooooooooo Sad 😔😭
These two duas really does miracles inshaAllah
I believe in ALLAH. I know one day ALLAH will solve all my problems..ya ALLAH plz.....😢😢😢😢
Amin ya Rabb
These days have become an emotional roller coster for me. Pls makw dua for my sadness and depression. May allah bless you Ameen
Sara Asif will do ❤️❤️
May Allah swt strengthen you!
May Allah pak show you all that he is doing for you and may he ease your worries . Trust Allah and make Dua for dua is the openers of treasures. Read Salah. 5 times each day and make dua in sajood . InshaaAllah Allah pak will accept your duas and relieve your worries and depression. Ameen
May Allah forgive our sins, and give you peace of mind... Amen.
Salah (prayers) cool and settle the emotional state, and they work wonders on anger because truly anger is the shaytan. I've learnt that life is about perception and how we see a situation... and our Deen works on giving us a healthy perspective.
Our deen teaches us that this dunya and all it's dramas really don't matter; what matters is our relationship with Allah. Islam is the truth in all things and maters. Look for the truth... Insha Allah... Look for Allah.
Also don't forget that sadness and depression has always been around, and it's not some new age disease. So, there must be a cure. the Quran is the cure to sadness and depression because the truth puts things into the right perspective. May Allah make it easy for you and us. Amen.
I really needed this reminder. I have experienced a really rough decade and have prayed continously for relief. It's been one trial after another and I have only prayed to Allah for relief. I have experienced, finanicial hardship, being a caretaker to a sick parent, etc. I have got to the point where I fear I might be impacted mentally if my trials continue. As a child I had such strong faith that making dua was a magical experience for me. I used to wish for anything and have such strong belief that it may as well unfold in front of my eyes as I wish it. Allah's power was limitless in my mind. But since I became an adult my life experiences have put me in such a helpless state that I pray and still feel defeated. I still wish for change everyday and pray that Allah eliminate all my worries as only he can. Recently I experienced an injury to my face and I pray that someone with more faith than my current state of mind reads this and prays from their heart that Allah restore me fully and I recover me without any consequence. May Allah restore my place of injury to its natural state as it was before any damage. JazakAllah in advance.
May Allah heal yu. We can pray for u. But it's better Yu continue praying for your self. ALLAH hears your dua
Stay strong dear sister/brother 🌹 God has planned something bigger and better for you🙏
Innallaha ma assabireen .
Stay strong ,this life is short and will be over soon ,no matter how good / bad it is. May Allah heal your face and all your hardships.stay strong Allah is seeing everything and Allah will reward every hardship you have ,inshaAllah
Ameen SumAmeen May Allah bless you with best in life and best in afterlife
True this is very powerful dua.its is proven when I was in trouble in my work automatic Allah SWT replied to me just a seconds.to all my brothers and sisters trust him and believe in him..
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
@@billthomas6432 Assalamu alaikom in this dunya ( world) we cannot force you to who you believe.its our choices I was a Christian before Roman Catholic but my heart says I need no partner in worship only ONE GOD.
suleman bilquish per of n
Alhamdulillah for this dawah, it is just what i need at this time that Allah is testing me. Hasibunallah wanima wakeel 😭. May Allah reward the person behind this lecture. Thank you for the reminder, barakallah fik.
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
Haqq...ameen this dua is powerful weapon on its own...i had to go through hardships beyond my control....alihamdulillah Allah is good listener...yes He is the disposer of our affairs.....i love you Allah❤❤❤❤❤
I liked that Dua very much..
I heard that dua for the first time from brother Mufti Menk..
I am in love with that Dua*
Listening to this burst me into tears. Because of the depression I have. Please keep me in your dua that in shaa Allah i can get what I am asking for. Shukran will use these duaas 😢
May Allah give grant you what us good for you ameen
*I'm looking for job ! Dropped last year by just a decimal. I'm so worried , I'm in need . My parents are Growing old , I have two younger sisters . Responsibilities are on my shoulders . Please and please Pray for me.*
May Allah remove your problems. Take sabr and ask Allah in deep night Allah will provide you what you need.
May Allah direct u dear to the good job an fullfill your nids🙏🙏🙏
May Allah bless you :(
May Allah give u a good job
Wow i cried i don't know why
Ramadan mubarik
A sign of acceptance by Allah.
A single tear of a repentant Muslim is more valuable than the blood of a martyr.
Please make Duaa for me😭😔 May Allah give shifa to all our pains.
Update: Thank you all for your kind duaas. Alhamdulillah my heart is at peace but please keep making duaa for me. May you all be granted the highest level of Jannah Inshallah. Have a blessed Ramadan everyone❤️❤️❤️
Farieda Khanzaman,
Hasbun Allah hu Naamal vakil,
Allah will do ease for you in shaa Allah,
Aameen Ya Rab.
Ameen ya rabb Al Alameen
Farieda Khanzaman amin
May allah cure your pain inchaallah
@@fatimakassi784 Ameen ya rabb Al Alameen
We will support your channel.. For sure.. This is a charity man.
And RUclips can't stop us.
Inshallah our Deen will spread in entire world soon
Masha Allah. May Allah accept our duas
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
I believe Allah would help me through my difficult times . May Allah help all of us through our difficult times and thanks for the video ❤❤
Maryam Barry u are right
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
Alhamdulillah I am saying these two dua s since two years every night before I sleep , it feeling good to know it was these two dua which is actually accepted by Allah ❤️️
Mashaa Allah !!
May Allah reward you with all good !!
@Rashmi Hazarika Ameen
@@akhirah7806 Ameen
Quran 3 64 that will never happen tawheed is the core or islam john 10 30 ISA is God in the flesh John chapter 16 is not Muhammad he is not the spirit of truth i love you trying to help
😭😭✌️ making these duas from the depth of hearts are certainly being answered... 😢
May Allah solve all our problems 😭
Fatima Khan Allahuma Ameen
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
Allah hu Akbar Allah hu Akbar Allah hu Akbar
How big our problem is, just remember His power is far greater than our problems. This du'a is powerful. I recited this when I feel so sad/stressed. It really helps.
which one?
Brothers & sisters do isteqhfar 100 times after every fard Salah for every difficulties & hardship inshallah everything will be all right. Our messenger (peace be upon him) use to do it.
I will do . ❣️💖💞❣️💖💞
13 mins just pass so quickly listening to this. Love it ❤️
When this video popped up. I was in distress and pain, I was scared and supplicating "Hasbunallahi wan aimal wakeel" and asking Allah to guide me and i just clicked on this video. Allah is the one who guides the heart.
JazakAllah khair
Graduated 3 years ago as an Electrical and Electronics Engineer. And I did a lot of online programming courses. Still, I haven't got a permanent job. Please brothers/sisters, make prayers for me :'( :'(
Read Surah Waqiah every night after Esha and Inshaa Allah, Allah will help you to get a job...
@@Cheekyalona Jazak Allah Khair!
Brother may Allah Almighty grant your efforts and lead you to a permanent job which will bring halal rizq and contentment with respect in your workplace and success in the hereafter. May Allah give you according to His Shaan Ameen ya Rabbul Alameen
Did you get job
First of all am converted muslimah now and still learning to pray Quran so im asking for help am in dificulties problem into my family specially for my son Please make Duaa for us😭😔 May Allah give shifa to all our pains.
Thnk u and may Allah bless us all
May Allah bless you sister
A thing all muslims should do(but nowadays most muslims not do):Never show any one your face without hijab, so if you are a muslim, you should change your picture. This is not allowed in Islam.I hope we all will keep doing this
Inshallah! I will make Dua for you and your son. Be patient and stay strong. Amin
ruclips.net/video/RHS097FaPj8/видео.html Salam sister I hope this video still holds usefulness to you and your journey to paradise is one’s of ease
Please Read Bismillah 21times before sleeping. Every breathe you take in sleep will count as good deed.
Saima Bhuiyan thank so much for sharing 🙏🏼
Djazakalahou Khairan
Ben Mohamed Lingani Everyone is my brother & sister and I want to meet you in heaven. May Allah SWT forgive all our sins and grant us Jannah Ameen
Jazakallah Khair dear sister... May Allah Grant you Shifa as fast as possible...!!! Inshallah Ameen
Source? ❤️❤️
Assalamu alaikum. Ive been an idiot my whole life but my Allah has always forgiven me and granted me so many chances. Ive realized this fact that every single human being has the ability to hurt u but guess what Allah will never ever leave your side. Hes like always there.
I used to be a very good student like straight A but I lost some very important people of my life and a lot of people btrayed me. So for the last 3 years I've been a shit to Allah and my family....even myself. My grades have fallen like from top to bottom. I had stopped praying and believeing in Allah. But some stuffs happened recently which made me love Allah to a different level. I want to reform my ways of living and I want to come back to my old healthy life. I want all of you to pray for me. And id say that may Allah bless all of us with love, peace and light.may he always stands for us with light on our paths. May he helps us and forgives us for all of our sins. And one more thing, I'm just feeling soo light hearted thinking about the fact that all of us are brothers and sisters. So eeven if someone betrays me Ill know that there are people praying every day for their this mumin sister. Love u all.
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Mujeebu Ya Wahhabu Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
Am starting these duas today May Allah swt grant answers to my duas😢
Takwa is important part of dua ...if u fully trust Allah n ask dua with no doubts in heart ...in Sha Allah we hope from Allah to answer all duas we ask
Naseer Zubair , My brother in Islam, PLEASE watch my playlists
Exactly today I was in a situation that made me thinking what could be the most effective dua and here is the reply to my request. Jazakallah khairan sheikh and I’m grateful to Allah for His blessings.
May Allah make it easy for you
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
I lost my job and I feel My Iman is so weak piz Pray for me Inshaallah
Inshallah your situation is better now. Host you brother?
May allah bless you with ease in job
R u ok now
I was really distressed about my future & my career. I even lost my trust in Allah Astaghfirallah! I thought Allah was punishing me for my sins.. I called upon Him and asked Him to gain back my trust in Him. I asked Him to remove me from this distress. Prove it to me, that what I've been believing since my childhood was true.
Now I feel like Allah wanted me to see this, He wanted me to realise how wrong was I.
Allah is all Greatest, & if He wills something.. No one can change it.
I trust Allah that a miracle will happen with me, and You as well My dear brothers & sisters.
*In Sha Allahu Ameen💕*
Pessimistical Optimist I used to think the exact same but not anymore
Aameeen... ya Allah bless us all ya Allah u only can
We are in need of Allah, the Everlasting, the Self-Sufficient.
Let us make Tauba and seek His favor
Has allah ever answered your prayers? Give Jesus a try, he's answered my prayers so many times since I came to him. He saved me. And I hope you are saved too.
May Allah Forgive My Parent And Granted Them Al-Jannah Firdausi Amin
Amin inchAllah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I sincerely appreciated this piece of enlightenment because these two prayers have been my common and usual prayers.
if you see this, please find it in your heart to pray for me, my success, and protection from difficulties inshallah. I would really appreciate it. Jzk khair.
I Will pray but in exhage pls pray for me i have not gone to shool for 2 years beause my dad cant pay and then the court decided to ban us from all schools untill my dad can pay all feeces he has just gone jail and came out and now he has no job pls pray my dad and my mom get job so they can pay for our needs love u alot if u pray
Omrz from where you are
Omrz can I help you
@@ameersulthan2622 ❤❤❤
Masha ALLAH..
I have experienced the last dua of HAZRAT YOUNUS R.A. when I was at physical test of army and I just received this and I have passed the physical test even I don't have much practice..
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
I don't think it is R. A but it is A. S
This dual has also worked for me when all doors seemed closed. SubhanAllah!
which one?
I can’t forget these reciting two Duas InshaAllah May Allah save us all. Jazakhallah khair.
Guys please pray for me that I should pass in my maths exam. Inshallah. Allah will make me pass. 😢😢
I Will pray but in exhage pls pray for me i have not gone to shool for 2 years beause my dad cant pay and then the court decided to ban us from all schools untill my dad can pay all feeces he has just gone jail and came out and now he has no job pls pray my dad and my mom get job so they can pay for our needs love u alot if u pray
@@Omrz. INSHAALLAH will include you in may prayers
Diacope i encourage u to say "Astagferollah" several times everyday and put your trust in Allah for surely something good will happen insha Allah.
Guys, I'll pray for you but can u pray for me too?
I also have a lot of exams coming up ( A levels ). Please pray that Allah gives me good health and i am able to study for my exams and get good grades. I can't let my parents and family down.
ipboyzz. Did you pass the test
Subhanallah been feeling so low with my imaan but this video gave me hope. Thanks a lot may Allah grant us all a good life here and in the hereafter Amen.
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Mujeebu Ya Wahhabu Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel👍
2)la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntum minaz zalimeen 👍
Allah forgive me allah grant mercy up on us ameen ❤️
Allah dunya aur akhirat dono jaha me izzat aur kamyabi se nawazo ameen ❤️ humare baccho ko nekh hidayat do ameen
I do this prayer every day without knowing how powerful it is. Alhamdulillah.
I love your comment so much,your voice has so much purity and truth.i want to listen you again and again
Best 13 mins of my life
Please remember my family in your prayers.. we have tough days right now.. mashaallah... inshaallah
The story and the dua's are so perfectly read by you. Thanks and may Allah reward.
I ask Allah Azawajal Karim to continue to bless me abundantly and unlimited with this noble Dua!!!
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Mujeebu Ya Wahhab
Thank you for your dakwah. I will memorized those dua's when I prepare to go through many difficulties. May Allah takes care of us till the Judgement Day.🤲
Al salaamu aleykum.
I'm going through my most difficult time ever in my life. I'm heartbroken, my soul is shattered.
I'm praying my salaat every single day and say many dua'a daily but it's really hard, I get panic attacks. Don't know to do. Im trying to have sabr but it's a very disgusting feeling that I may have lost this person, the love of my life, for ever.
Al-hamdulillah for everything, I know there's people in the world who are suffering more than me, things could be better but they could also be worse. But still I cry myself to sleep every night, my salaat are more sincere. I can not explain the pain. I would'nt wish it upon anyone, not even my enemy. Ya Allah.
I look forward to ramadhan, I hope I will find peace in my heart and in my soul. Because this is unbearable.
May Allah help us all.
It'll get better inshallah. It takes time. Use this ramadan to heal. I understand how it feels.
Assalamualaikum @DNA, may peace be upon you my brother/sister whoever you may be. I truly understand what you're going through right now, as I myself is experiencing it as well. I truly hope that time will heal you. Use this time to do a thorough soul-searching in ourself, improve our relationship with Allah Swt, and cherish the moments that we spend with our remaining loved ones because we may not know when will be the last time we will be seeing them, wallahu alam. At the same time, try to find something that will keep you occupied so as not to think too much of it. I know it is not easy for you, and I feel you as well my brother/sister, but in sha Allah, with the Doa and the efforts that we put in, Allah will reward us for our deeds. In sha Allah, amin ya rabbal alamiin.
I am also going through of this heart broken situation, i gets panic attacks and can't sleep in nights.i cant do anything except praying almighty to heal me 😢😢
Believe me just hang on to Allah n he'll make it easy to get through inshaAllah
Trust Allah n everything will be fine dear..
Pray just before breaking Fast , just before Azan for Mahgrib good time to make dua always answered
This dua helped me to heal my broken heart when I lost my dear husband .he passed away last year.allah u akbar
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all....
Alhamdulillah after listening to this my heart feel free...I'm happy and learn something
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
MashaAllah. Summa Ameen. Jaza'akAllahu Khairan brother Shaykh Yasir Qadhi.
I'm crying hard in the each word you mentioned about Allah subhana wa tala . Ma Sha Allah ❤ I'm thankful for these informations
I am a teacher........Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
jajakallahu al khaer brother for your wonderful soothing lecture on 2 great dua, may ALLAH be merciful on us.
I am a teacher...
...Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
Ahamdulilllah, I just came across these two Duas when am in a very difficult time.. I feel so much releaved after this Dua Alhamdulilla.. HASBUNALLAH WANI MAL WAKEEL..
Facing a difficult situation...and suddenly this video came like a medicine...... waiting for the best to happen having the faith in Allah swt....
*I Love ur channel...bcoz it is connected with allah*
Welcome to True path.Peace be upon on you.
Welcome True Path.PEACE BE UPON ON YOU.
I am going through a divorce right now but I put my trust in Allah that’s he will heal me soon inshaAllah
Inshallah He will ❤ May Allah Make it Easy for you Ameen
1- hasbun allah wa niyamal wakeel - by prophet Ibrahim A.S
2 - la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazwalimeen - By prophet Yunus A.S
MashaAllah thank you so much!. May Allah guide and protect us all. Ameen ya rabbul alamin
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
Allah is enough for us. ya Allah u are the only last and fast hope . always bless your mercy with me and all muslim ummha.ameen
I am a teacher........Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
Muslim is the best,Allah bless all sheikh that are teaching us dua
Jazak Allah for this video I really needed this dua ,am in great difficulty pls remember us in your dua....Allah bless you !
Well explained with power and confidence which will not only make one luv these duas but will luv you too as you made them love Allah
Nilofer Kabir well said.
Alhamudulillah 😢 ya Allah I believe one day you will make the person I want to be😢.
If you read this please make Du’a that Allah reunites me with my fiancé in jannah as husband and wife . He passed away and I’m so broken
@SweetGinger SubhanAllah! She got the Prophet, her question was so eloquently answered...There is no Might nor Power But Allah.
My beloved sister in deen… May Allah forgive us ALL our sins and May He give you what your Heart desires and more... Amen Ya Rabi...
aameen Ya Allah
bi Rehmatika Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
This true.
please pray for me to finish early my loan. Pray for me and my family and for all Muslims. allah
Grand us jannathul firdause.
I am a teacher.....Please support me for my channel...Your one click can help....May Allah bless you all
Allah has gave me way by this video ,alhamdulila
Masha Allah sheikh beautiful reminder may Allah SWT forgive us all ameen
I am going through hardship with mental illness. Im 25 and this is my fourth time going through a mental health episode. Please pray for me and my sister. Im trying to stay strong.
May Allah heal you and give you a good health always.Ameen
Please remember me in your prayers I am going through pain and upset. May Allah SWT accept your duas
jazakhallah khair, I needed to hear this ❤
Jazakallah kher brother ❤️❤️💗💗💕🙏🙏 may Allah grant you in jannah and all of us all muslims around this world 🌎 jazakallah kher brother for your time this is amazing speech 💕💕❣️❤️❤️🙏