today I thought ''why am I alone,I dont have any friends,and I remembered Hadith of our Beloved Muhammad SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salam,where he said ''it's better to be alone than to have bad company'' in my town all of my ex friends smoke weed and drink alcohol and do terrible things,and then I thanked Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala for being alone,I have Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala,He is enough for me
Adnan Kaukovic Prophet Muhammad (saw) advised us to have good company. They remind you and correct you. They protect you and help you. So Allah (swt) provided His prophet with the Sahaba (ra). And remember, believers are bothers. May Allah keep us all in good company. And guide us to be good role model for the world. Ameen. Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
drug bug Assalamu Alaikum brother,I know,that why I said ''I am quite happy to be alone,If I dont have friends who can get me closer to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala I don't need friends at all
This reminder has changed my life . I am a Muslim and had never done anything for my religion. I was always celebrate in clubs and drank a lot of alcohol every week. I was very bad in school and almost dropped out of school. My condition was always sad and Allah had always punished me. I cried every night in my bed and was helpless. After this reminder, everything changed. I have seen this reminder about 20 times. I have now completely stopped with the alcohol and the celebrations and pray every day now 5 times. I have finished my A-levels and will study civil engineering. Alhamdullilah!!!!
i dont know but check out if GC-MATH treatment is any good for your bi polar disorder. I remember a documentry from british guy made nameing this GC-MATH to be good very good for a few issue's ie cancer ....British guy on youtube has vidzs MIGHT BE HELP-FULL FOR THIS ISSUE YOU HAVE, ASH SHAFEE 391 TIMES ALLAH AZ A WAL GAL 99 NAMES 1st then also look into the treatment side as well. hope you get your shafa, INSHALLAH.
They say I have Bipolar disorder too since I was like 12 years old and some people before told me I'm smart and creative and stuff and sometimes I can get really high and imaginative but I end up crashing and burning so I just take my medications, use my coping skills, keep to myself, have healthy boundaries, and avoid all negative people and conflict / drama and pray / study / focus on God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Hare Krishna, the Universe, The Jade emperor, Eternal energy and the hereafter / eternity / heaven / Jannah / Paradise Thank You end comment what Allah can give you even an ounce of it is better than all the riches / attention / power / and pleasures of the world Thank You praise to Allah
May ALLAH lift that pain and change it into joy my brother in humanity. And may ALLAH guide you and give you peace and tranquility in your Heart. I love you brother for the sake of ALLAH.
I lost the love of my life, my angel , my beautiful wife after she gave birth a month ago . I came across your video and it gave me a little peace alhumdulillah. May Allah SWT reunite me with my wife and son in the after life. Amen
I hope Allah makes it easier for you brother insha'Allah. You must be going through alot of pain. I have lost my little son. He is still alive but feels like he is dead. Wife left with my son and i haven't seen him in months. I don't know where he is
Everytime im feeling sad i listen to this a d remind myself that Allah is calling me closer to him! Ya'Allah you are the greatest, only with you will i find peace!
I am so happy, blessed, excited, loved, honored, special, levitating, jumping up and down that I was gifted with ISLAM and so enlightened that I was born a Muslim THANK YOU YA ALLAH I am forever grateful.
Yassine Sabri I am happy to know that your happy :) ALL Thanks is for ALLAH the Lord and Majesty of the Worlds May ALLAH always bring our Ummah happiness amen Wa alaikoma salam
This really is a powerful reminder. I feel like I am with Allah again. I broke my ankle and kept slipping on it afterwards and I kept thinking to myself, why me, what did I do that was so horrible that Allah is making me suffer. This really reminded me and brought me back to reality. Thank you.
+Cybil017 May Allah swt guide you to islam my dear brother/sister.. Watch videos on Merciful Servant Prophets Path Talk Islam I love Allah and from my favorite person to listen is Mufti Menk.. Please hit me up or any muslim if you have any questions.. Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones..
By Allah ISLAM is never what the media explode to kill its beautiful essence... may Allah choose to guide u n open ur heart to kep listening... ameen 😍😍😍
it's not only impact on muslim , but impact on me too. i'm not muslim but i believe Allah is the only one God. i hv with family problems, my father is racist islam. a lot things happened on me back then untill now... after watching this video i feel glad now ,all i hv been tested by Allah, He want me learn through these life with patience until i join u brothers and sisters and till end........ in sha Allah.... thank you so much for this video..... sorry for terrible english grammar.....
I was once experiencing hardship...I didn't know what to do I am so ashamed but I was actually losing hope in Allah because there was never a response but then I thought does a teacher talk during a test. I made dua during my taffakur everyday asking Allah to send me a sign that would strengthen my belief and iman. Then subhanallah Allah had sent me many signs and had blessed me till this very moment. When you make dua for something there isn't going to be a response straight away. What u are asking for may be bad for u so Allah finds an alternative...He also makes what u ask for even better. Subhanallah Alhambra I'll ah I have never been so strong in my iman. Never lost hope in Allah s.w.t
I lost my father 10 yrs ago and at the time a sister sent me this video n subhan Allah my heart was so content in regards to what my dad was going through. He passed away as a non Muslim 😢 there Allah’s Qader. Al hamdulilah for everything ❤
killing innocent people nt islam !! if u will open quran and read it u ll find Allaah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allaah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)." [Quran 17:33] Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of any crime. At this point, we would do well to remember the distinction between the Quran and Sunnah, and the Muslims. Only the Quran and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and the action cannot be claimed to have been committed "in the name of Islam." i hope this will help u inshallah!!
Jack Robins killing innocent people nt islam !! if u will open quran and read it u ll find Allaah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allaah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)." [Quran 17:33] Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of any crime. At this point, we would do well to remember the distinction between the Quran and Sunnah, and the Muslims. Only the Quran and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and the action cannot be claimed to have been committed "in the name of Islam." i hope this will help u inshallah!!
May Allah bless whoever made this video and may whoever watches this video be blessed tremendously. One of the most powerful Islamic videos Ive heard!! May Allah grant us patience and guidance brothers and sisters and let us REJOICE in our trials, for we are being purified and refined by Allah (swt) Himself! All praise is due to Allah!
I used to be a sinner, and now still. But after I read the Quran and watched so many videos about Islam, it feels like my problems become easier. I believe Allah is watching over me and I will never go back to the old me.
I can't stop crying hearing this video. I've been through a lot in my life and every struggle I've been told "it's a test from Allah" that I am ashamed to say that I resented my religion. I would think "why am I being punished so many times? Why me?" but I am so happy that I came across this video it made me realize I need to wake up and accept Islam into my life completely. I've been lost without it. The only reason I fear of getting close right now is because my parent's don't want me to become religious, we live in America and they've come from a country that they had to leave because of religious fundamentalists and war. They always said they fear to see us become religious and wear a hijab. I don't understand them, what's more beautiful and calming than to see your own children believe in Allah?? How do I get them not to be afraid?
May allah reward you for your strong Iman we don't get to see many people who see the light like you. Insha allah you will be fine and try hard not give up on your parents and you will be fine.
Try to calm them down, that there is a difference between islam and extremists. Try to widen their perspective, iknow exactly how these families are becuase of their past and political diffrences. They are simply ignorant, and need to know better. You need to show them the real mercy side of religious people and muslims. That becoming more religious doesnt mean you become judgemental or extreme but more understanding, tolerant, strong and respectfull towards other. Never give up, in the end of the day, we can never guide people, only be kind to your family, and Allah (sw) guides whom he wants.
With hardship is ease, tonight my test from Allah swt have been set, I got into a terrible car accident and Alhamduilliah I'm fine. I wanted to go pray at masjid, but Allah swt wants me to be even closer to him. :'( Alhamduilliah
Assalamu Alaikum Akhi,I had a terrible accident also,but Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala wanted only to get us closer to Him and not to punish us,Allah Almighty saved my life with that accident,I was drinking alcohol and doing other stuff,you know what I mean,Allahu Akbar,Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is Greatest,La Illaha Ill'Allah,Muhammad RasoulAllah,may Allah Almighty grant you success in this life and in Next,Ameen
I loved this video. Such an important message to always remember no matter how tough life gets. The harder the trial the sweeter the reward will be. Jazakallah for posting this video
I've been through so much.....from being bullied to being molested to being ignored and accused and I feel like this video brings joy to me. I love Allah and I hope for justice on the Day Of Judgement!!! Comment below if the same happened to you.
Merciful servant helps me understand the world, hardship will occur in everybody's lives and Allah sends tribulation to erase pain and make the person pure.
Sorry for the bad sentences, the only way I can type is by voice recognition software and the mistakes because I am using now A new microphone Which I have to train more To improve the accuracy. I am quadriplegic as a result of a traffic accident 20 years now so such videos Are very encouraging May Allah reward you
+Malik Al Kindy May Allah make it easy for you and like the video said, you will find out why such things in this world happened to you. Be patient brother.
Aslamu-alekum sheh Malik, I am sorry for the situation you are in now! You also touch my heart that you still remember ALLAH in this situation ALLAHU-AKBER!! May ALLAH make our eman strong like you!! Inshallha we will make dua for you ALLAH will send you cure for you inshallha!!!
almost same situation regarding writing here. Oh my brother, how blessed you are!!! you're being protected!!! ALLAH love you don't ever doubt this! This world is temporary and very short. It's so clear.
This video needs to be downloaded and shared on all social media platforms, this video can help change millions of people just like it has done to me, may Allah makes it easy for us😭
Made me realize alot about Allah & the trials from Allah... bcz i go through alot of hardship in my life. I am lost I am weak, I am trying to stand up,,, this video has gvn me courage... May Allah bless you all and grant you Paradise for all the help you do for people like me through videos like this........
Subhan'Allah, loved this reminder. May Allah swt raise the emaan of the believers and give them the ability to understand that pain and hardships are a blessing in disguise, Ameen. Alhamdulillah
Subhanallah, Brought tears in my eyes we really need to realize everything that happens in life is Allahs decree and its for our own good. With hardship and trials you become close to Allah swt. May allah (swt) give patience (sabr) to every muslim going through hardtimes. Never lose hope in bad and good times say Alhamdulillah and feel blessed that he picked you for the hardship, test and trials because he loves you the most. He tests the one's he loves the most. May allah give us imaan, taqwa and patience. Ameen
May Allah grant all the speakers of this lecture Janaatul Firdus! This piece of knowledge has removed my fears,my anxieties,my lonliness, my depressing moments.This piece of invaluable knowledge is part of my everyday life! The comfort I get from it is Heavenly! May Allah grant all the believers Janaatul Firdus!,without having to give any account on that dreadfull and terriffing day! Aameen!
I woke up today and I was feeling low and I opened RUclips and found this … it’s like one of the greatest videos ever it’s like a message from Allah and so even the next chapter of my life still not clear and I feel somehow lost and all doors are closed but I believe Allah’s plan and his doors .. I just hope I become better and closer …اللهم اني اشهدك اني امتك ابنة عبدك وامتك ناصيتي بيدك ماض فيا حكمك عدل فيا قضائك اسألك بنور وجهك الذي اصلح عليه حال الدنبا والاخرة ان تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي ونور صدري وان تقربني لك وتحسن خاتمتي ❤
watched this video, after a haram relationship that broke. felt like a burning sensation in my heart and couldnt get over this person fro a long time. Alhamdulillah i feel better listening to this video. I pray that I Passed this test in Allahs Eyes, and grants me Patience because i need it.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this video Mashallah.. I been through a lot I kinda give up on everything but getting back my iman.. May Allah give everyone a place in paradise..
may sabar to all of us brother and sister in pain and feeling lonely infront of Allah.and all of us should says thanks whatever Allah gives to us but what we donot have no regrets.
My family is drowning in debt and it feels like the entire world is chasing after us. I was constantly feeling anxious and sad . After listening to these beautiful words, I know I have to have patience and find peace in prayer. My heart already feels at peace alhamdu lillah.
Every person got test hardship but just need believe and trust to Allah never lost to faith everything's going to be OK In Sha Allah... Alhamdulillah for everything Allah is great..
i have been tested by Allah where someone that i loves who has betrayed me. this happened for two times with different person and both situation really made me feel lost. i was buffling and figthing with myself to know the answer why was all these happening to me... i have isolated myslef and kept distance from people to find out what is in me. i try to collect the broken pieces but i was not strong enough.. after all, i found the answer that only Allah be able to cure and mend what has broken inside of me. By asking guidance from HIM, i believe HE will give lights and show me a correct direction. it was not easy but i believe that everything happens for best reason. i dont know what Allah knows. Allah knows what i dont know.
I am so sad right now. I am asking for Allah to forgive me and bring me to paradise soon because i dont want to deal with this world anymore. I feel so tired already.
Dear brother/sister, it is human who needs Allah, and needs Him very badly. All of your sadness, tiredness is a sign that your body and your nafs craves to be near Allah. Our soul is made of nur so it gravitates towards Allah. It is our fitra. But the body is made of clay which gravitates towards dunya. Dunya being unsatisfying, we become unhappy. Let your soul go freely where it wants to go, don't trap it or hold it back. Fall in sajda and tell Allah that you are grateful for this test, which is really like a coach putting hardship on his athlete, to make him succeed. The test is that of sifting the wheat from the chaff, the truthful humans from the hypocrites. Take small, very small steps. Right now only sajda, and as your nafs craves more, give it a salah, give it a few verses of the Qur'an. Then let it pull you to Allah more and more. The only one whispering in your ear not to continue is Shaitaan. But he can do nothing for you, give you no comfort now or later. Remember that shaytan is all about a mind game. Much of our modern world tells us things about islam that are simply not true. Listen to the Rabb, who envelopes you in love as you thank Him and seek Him!
This video is very helpful and I'm not a Muslims but I make Muslims Allah bless because your video my self make Muslims and my friend will make Muslims
So good to hear today. I live with sciatica back pain, and for four years it has been with me. Sometimes I have a good attitude, and sometimes not. But hearing this lecture really brought me wisdom and healing, thank you. All is not without hope. It surely is a testing to dig in deeper in my faith, to safe guard being close to Allah, by which I love.
The simplest way to understand why pain is actually good is to just go and practice martial arts. At first you will suffer a lot of pain and injuries but after that your body becomes stronger and able to fight.
Muzamel sadat I don't need martial arts to determine my beliefs in ALLAAH. I believe pain and calamities are good for me because the Messenger Muhammad peace and blessings of ALLAAH be upon him told us so. That's all I need. جزاك الله خيراً
Allahu Akbar! I just returning from my Dr. Received Report a CT scan which shows changed in the parotids. This video made me more patience. I have 3 children and they had no families except me in Australia. May Allah grant me shifa Ameen Ya Rabb...
You have the right to be sad about that. You saw someone die! This video is just a bit misleading. They are not saying sadness is bad because being sad is part of human nature.
i am in sever hardship fmly probs yes am sad cuz i cnt see ma fmly sad bt i get closer to Allah i ask dua from Allah to take this hardship away.. i am holding ma sabr i belive Allah has given me and my family this hardship because there is something wonderful waiting for me and ma fmly.. ill nvr stop asking Allah till he respond me Ill be nagging Allah i kw he will answer me surely very soon... Al hamdu illaha... I am happy cuz wtevr the hardship i hv i am still alive i hv a place to live and um nt starving i hv have food to eat Allah is gr8 he is Ar Rahman!!!
This is the eye opener for me because I had bad friends and company and opens my eyes for me today that to this RUclips Chanel today I am better man and I am sure Allah will help you all thank you
Alhamdulillah, these are wonderful reminders, I can't stop listening to them. To those atheist and anti Islamic forces out there, just know that we love you to be with us praying shoulder to shoulder as Muslims. That's the only way to attain infinite happiness.
tearful up my eye ty for the motivation i felt i lost my hope and not being a good muslim but now i felt that i didn't lost my hope to become good muslim ty
I´ve just converted (reverted) to Islam. I know that all the pain and suffering of many years, have helped to make me come to Islam. Thanks to Allah.
Mansha Allah I'm soo happy for u.
Hamdoulillah :)
the greater the pain the greater the reward
ahmad azraei right :)
today I thought ''why am I alone,I dont have any friends,and I remembered Hadith of our Beloved Muhammad SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salam,where he said ''it's better to be alone than to have bad company'' in my town all of my ex friends smoke weed and drink alcohol and do terrible things,and then I thanked Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala for being alone,I have Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala,He is enough for me
Adnan Kaukovic .....stay strong brother....inshy Allah you will have good company.
IH S Assalamu Alaikum,thank you very much for advice,but I don't need noone,I am quite happy alone,may Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala reward you with success
Adnan Kaukovic Prophet Muhammad (saw) advised us to have good company. They remind you and correct you. They protect you and help you. So Allah (swt) provided His prophet with the Sahaba (ra). And remember, believers are bothers. May Allah keep us all in good company. And guide us to be good role model for the world. Ameen. Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
drug bug Assalamu Alaikum brother,I know,that why I said ''I am quite happy to be alone,If I dont have friends who can get me closer to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala I don't need friends at all
Brother can i be ur friend?
This reminder has changed my life . I am a Muslim and had never done anything for my religion. I was always celebrate in clubs and drank a lot of alcohol every week. I was very bad in school and almost dropped out of school. My condition was always sad and Allah had always punished me. I cried every night in my bed and was helpless. After this reminder, everything changed. I have seen this reminder about 20 times. I have now completely stopped with the alcohol and the celebrations and pray every day now 5 times. I have finished my A-levels and will study civil engineering. Alhamdullilah!!!!
MashaAllah. Alhamdulilah
Alhamdulilah may Allah bless us and grant us to Jannah.
Arabia Sillah Ameen
Masha Allah. wish you all the Best
Hamdoulillah do your best brother and Allah is with you
I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I am thankful ALHAMDULILLAH for this video. I cried while watching it. Allah knows best
i dont know but check out if GC-MATH treatment is any good for your bi polar disorder. I remember a documentry from british guy made nameing this GC-MATH to be good very good for a few issue's ie cancer ....British guy on youtube has vidzs MIGHT BE HELP-FULL FOR THIS ISSUE YOU HAVE, ASH SHAFEE 391 TIMES ALLAH AZ A WAL GAL 99 NAMES 1st then also look into the treatment side as well. hope you get your shafa, INSHALLAH.
They say I have Bipolar disorder too since I was like 12 years old and some people before told me I'm smart and creative and stuff and sometimes I can get really high and imaginative but I end up crashing and burning so I just take my medications, use my coping skills, keep to myself, have healthy boundaries, and avoid all negative people and conflict / drama and pray / study / focus on God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Hare Krishna, the Universe, The Jade emperor, Eternal energy and the hereafter / eternity / heaven / Jannah / Paradise Thank You end comment what Allah can give you even an ounce of it is better than all the riches / attention / power / and pleasures of the world Thank You praise to Allah
I feel lots of pain these days. I hope Allah will guide me to his path inshallah
O Allah Subhanahu wa ta 'ala without you we would not be here, bless our lives with goodness and protect us from all evils. Ameen
mocro555 same for me but because of
May ALLAH lift that pain and change it into joy my brother in humanity. And may ALLAH guide you and give you peace and tranquility in your Heart. I love you brother for the sake of ALLAH.
I lost the love of my life, my angel , my beautiful wife after she gave birth a month ago . I came across your video and it gave me a little peace alhumdulillah. May Allah SWT reunite me with my wife and son in the after life. Amen
MASH ALLAH NEVER GIVE UP BROTHER ALLAH IS ALWAYS WITH YOU 💕💕💕💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚💚💚
Ameen brother. Inna la Allah wa lay Allah rajioon
I hope Allah makes it easier for you brother insha'Allah. You must be going through alot of pain. I have lost my little son. He is still alive but feels like he is dead. Wife left with my son and i haven't seen him in months. I don't know where he is
Sabr bro I had similar experience u will meet again In Sha Allah
Islam is very true n I'm proud to say I converted..
May Allah forgive our sins..n grant us a Jannath ul firdose..Aameen
make much DUWA as you have a clean slate to do so for anything you need. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY. ASSALAM. An to all non muslims my brother in creation.
Im happy also even if im sad somtimes cos of my sins and my non muslim family..... alhamdulillah....
AL HAM DU LILLAH❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Everytime im feeling sad i listen to this a d remind myself that Allah is calling me closer to him! Ya'Allah you are the greatest, only with you will i find peace!
I am here after my mother's death I can't explain how much pain I suffered when I lost my mother... may God have mercy on you mom. Ameeeen
This video make me feel cry i love allah from my heart....
same i love Allah Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I love you Allah SWT..please forgive all my sins and evry muslims in the whole world..
Ameen hirabb al Aalamiin
Sofea Farhana ameeen !
I listen to this every day .
It helps to hear what is close to our pain as in comfort isn't it ? Good idea to listen to often, so will too. :)
I was feeling very down when I found this. It shows how much Allah loves me and understands me an my pain...:'(
I am so happy, blessed, excited, loved, honored, special, levitating, jumping up and down that I was gifted with ISLAM and so enlightened that I was born a Muslim THANK YOU YA ALLAH I am forever grateful.
Yassine Sabri I am happy to know that your happy :) ALL Thanks is for ALLAH the Lord and Majesty of the Worlds May ALLAH always bring our Ummah happiness amen Wa alaikoma salam
Subhan Allah Subhan Allah Subhan Allah !!!!
i am going through such a tought time in my life.. bt i Trust HIM.. He s sufficient for me
alhamdulillah ❤
Stay strong.
This video is like my secret weapon, Alhamdulillah! :)
Glad to hear that brother :)
You're alive?
This really is a powerful reminder. I feel like I am with Allah again. I broke my ankle and kept slipping on it afterwards and I kept thinking to myself, why me, what did I do that was so horrible that Allah is making me suffer. This really reminded me and brought me back to reality. Thank you.
I am not Muslim but this brought great comfort. Looking forward to more videos.
+Cybil017 May Allah swt guide you to islam my dear brother/sister..
Watch videos on
Merciful Servant
Prophets Path
Talk Islam
I love Allah
and from my favorite person to listen is Mufti Menk..
Please hit me up or any muslim if you have any questions.. Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones..
By Allah ISLAM is never what the media explode to kill its beautiful essence... may Allah choose to guide u n open ur heart to kep listening... ameen 😍😍😍
Subhan Allah
May Allah reward you and all your loved ones with Islam, peace and paradise. Ameen 🤲❤️😍☝️👍👋
it's not only impact on muslim , but impact on me too. i'm not muslim but i believe Allah is the only one God. i hv with family problems, my father is racist islam. a lot things happened on me back then untill now... after watching this video i feel glad now ,all i hv been tested by Allah, He want me learn through these life with patience until i join u brothers and sisters and till end........ in sha Allah.... thank you so much for this video..... sorry for terrible english grammar.....
Then what are you waiting for to Convert my dear? :P
you should covert as soon as you can cause if you die before convert you'll go to hellfire.
Kaiser Adam Convert while you can, maybe if you convert you can change your fathers mind.
Yonis Abdirahman Dont say that... You arn't supposed to! Im muslim too
Kaiser Adam may Allah bless you
I was once experiencing hardship...I didn't know what to do I am so ashamed but I was actually losing hope in Allah because there was never a response but then I thought does a teacher talk during a test. I made dua during my taffakur everyday asking Allah to send me a sign that would strengthen my belief and iman. Then subhanallah Allah had sent me many signs and had blessed me till this very moment. When you make dua for something there isn't going to be a response straight away. What u are asking for may be bad for u so Allah finds an alternative...He also makes what u ask for even better. Subhanallah Alhambra I'll ah I have never been so strong in my iman. Never lost hope in Allah s.w.t
?SU_SU? Brother never ask Allah swt for a sign. Your Life is the sign. May Allah swt guides you inshallah.
Ya allah bless all my revert Muslim brother and sister!
Yummy Shop ameen
I lost my father 10 yrs ago and at the time a sister sent me this video n subhan Allah my heart was so content in regards to what my dad was going through.
He passed away as a non Muslim 😢 there Allah’s Qader. Al hamdulilah for everything ❤
lol im from ny too lol
Jack Robins y would we do dat??
hafsa raoof for 72 virgins in the afterlife
killing innocent people nt islam !! if u will open quran and read it u ll find
Allaah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allaah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)." [Quran 17:33]
Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of any crime. At this point, we would do well to remember the distinction between the Quran and Sunnah, and the Muslims. Only the Quran and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and the action cannot be claimed to have been committed "in the name of Islam."
i hope this will help u inshallah!!
Jack Robins killing innocent people nt islam !! if u will open quran and read it u ll find
Allaah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allaah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)." [Quran 17:33]
Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of any crime. At this point, we would do well to remember the distinction between the Quran and Sunnah, and the Muslims. Only the Quran and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and the action cannot be claimed to have been committed "in the name of Islam."
i hope this will help u inshallah!!
May Allah bless whoever made this video and may whoever watches this video be blessed tremendously. One of the most powerful Islamic videos Ive heard!! May Allah grant us patience and guidance brothers and sisters and let us REJOICE in our trials, for we are being purified and refined by Allah (swt) Himself! All praise is due to Allah!
I used to be a sinner, and now still. But after I read the Quran and watched so many videos about Islam, it feels like my problems become easier. I believe Allah is watching over me and I will never go back to the old me.
I cried through all of this mashallah made my life better
I can't stop crying hearing this video. I've been through a lot in my life and every struggle I've been told "it's a test from Allah" that I am ashamed to say that I resented my religion. I would think "why am I being punished so many times? Why me?" but I am so happy that I came across this video it made me realize I need to wake up and accept Islam into my life completely. I've been lost without it. The only reason I fear of getting close right now is because my parent's don't want me to become religious, we live in America and they've come from a country that they had to leave because of religious fundamentalists and war. They always said they fear to see us become religious and wear a hijab. I don't understand them, what's more beautiful and calming than to see your own children believe in Allah?? How do I get them not to be afraid?
I pray and hope Allah (SWT) gives you and your family help and guidance in shaa Allah
May allah reward you for your strong Iman we don't get to see many people who see the light like you. Insha allah you will be fine and try hard not give up on your parents and you will be fine.
Maybe your family has a possession problem, it makes them nuts when you talk to them about Religion.
Fear Allah and i say confidently,Allah will help you :) stay strong heheh
Try to calm them down, that there is a difference between islam and extremists. Try to widen their perspective, iknow exactly how these families are becuase of their past and political diffrences. They are simply ignorant, and need to know better. You need to show them the real mercy side of religious people and muslims. That becoming more religious doesnt mean you become judgemental or extreme but more understanding, tolerant, strong and respectfull towards other. Never give up, in the end of the day, we can never guide people, only be kind to your family, and Allah (sw) guides whom he wants.
With hardship is ease, tonight my test from Allah swt have been set, I got into a terrible car accident and Alhamduilliah I'm fine. I wanted to go pray at masjid, but Allah swt wants me to be even closer to him. :'( Alhamduilliah
Assalamu Alaikum Akhi,I had a terrible accident also,but Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala wanted only to get us closer to Him and not to punish us,Allah Almighty saved my life with that accident,I was drinking alcohol and doing other stuff,you know what I mean,Allahu Akbar,Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is Greatest,La Illaha Ill'Allah,Muhammad RasoulAllah,may Allah Almighty grant you success in this life and in Next,Ameen
"For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." Surat Ash-Sharĥ (The Relief) - سورة الشرح 94:5
Mashaalah for everything,whenever i'm at the middle of My struggle i sometimes doubt for give Me subhannallah ..... Cant stop cying at the mOment....
I loved this video. Such an important message to always remember no matter how tough life gets. The harder the trial the sweeter the reward will be. Jazakallah for posting this video
I have watched this video so many nights when I was at my lowest in life... I love Allah ... subhanallah
Subhan'Allah.... 👍👍👍👍
" Verily with every hardship comes ease "
I've been through so much.....from being bullied to being molested to being ignored and accused and I feel like this video brings joy to me. I love Allah and I hope for justice on the Day Of Judgement!!! Comment below if the same happened to you.
It happened to me so you are not alone. The best is to forgive and leave the rest to Allah!!!!!!!!!
Same that's the only hope
Merciful servant helps me understand the world, hardship will occur in everybody's lives and Allah sends tribulation to erase pain and make the person pure.
:( Allah make our journey easy and give strength.
one of the best video in RUclips
A breakup with my boyfriend made me turn to allah swt.
same with my gf..
Insyirah Shahrin
Why u broken up
Bilal Mir he left.
Can I get ur number
may god bless all the scollors that gave us this beautiful leture
Please use "G" a capital letter for "God". :P
Sorry for the bad sentences, the only way I can type is by voice recognition software and the mistakes because I am using now A new microphone Which I have to train more To improve the accuracy. I am quadriplegic as a result of a traffic accident 20 years now so such videos Are very encouraging May Allah reward you
+Malik Al Kindy May Allah make it easy for you and like the video said, you will find out why such things in this world happened to you. Be patient brother.
Aslamu-alekum sheh Malik,
I am sorry for the situation you are in now! You also touch my heart that you still remember ALLAH in this situation ALLAHU-AKBER!! May ALLAH make our eman strong like you!! Inshallha we will make dua for you ALLAH will send you cure for you inshallha!!!
Munir Feyisel Ameen
You have a blessing from Allah now. In Islam, du'a from a weak/tested believer will be ijabah..
almost same situation regarding writing here. Oh my brother, how blessed you are!!! you're being protected!!! ALLAH love you don't ever doubt this! This world is temporary and very short. It's so clear.
This video needs to be downloaded and shared on all social media platforms, this video can help change millions of people just like it has done to me, may Allah makes it easy for us😭
Made me realize alot about Allah & the trials from Allah... bcz i go through alot of hardship in my life. I am lost I am weak, I am trying to stand up,,, this video has gvn me courage... May Allah bless you all and grant you Paradise for all the help you do for people like me through videos like this........
How r u now?
May Allah help you
May Allah make us all truthful muslims. A powerful reminder indeed!
This made me cry so much and opened up all my senses !!
I cried a waterfall, but this helped me get myself together and stand up on my feet again alhamdulellah 😅
Subhan'Allah, loved this reminder. May Allah swt raise the emaan of the believers and give them the ability to understand that pain and hardships are a blessing in disguise, Ameen. Alhamdulillah
Subhanallah, Brought tears in my eyes we really need to realize everything that happens in life is Allahs decree and its for our own good. With hardship and trials you become close to Allah swt. May allah (swt) give patience (sabr) to every muslim going through hardtimes. Never lose hope in bad and good times say Alhamdulillah and feel blessed that he picked you for the hardship, test and trials because he loves you the most. He tests the one's he loves the most. May allah give us imaan, taqwa and patience. Ameen
13:05 is beautiful! "a diamond comes out of coal, from heat and fire into something beautiful and invauable"
May Allah grant all the speakers of this lecture Janaatul Firdus! This piece of knowledge has removed my fears,my anxieties,my lonliness, my depressing moments.This piece of invaluable knowledge is part of my everyday life! The comfort I get from it is Heavenly! May Allah grant all the believers Janaatul Firdus!,without having to give any account on that dreadfull and terriffing day! Aameen!
Subhhan Allah, it is powerful that it makes me cry and cry when I listen to it .... Jazakallah Sheikh..
I woke up today and I was feeling low and I opened RUclips and found this … it’s like one of the greatest videos ever it’s like a message from Allah and so even the next chapter of my life still not clear and I feel somehow lost and all doors are closed but I believe Allah’s plan and his doors .. I just hope I become better and closer …اللهم اني اشهدك اني امتك ابنة عبدك وامتك ناصيتي بيدك ماض فيا حكمك عدل فيا قضائك اسألك بنور وجهك الذي اصلح عليه حال الدنبا والاخرة ان تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي ونور صدري وان تقربني لك وتحسن خاتمتي ❤
Jazakoumallah khair for this reminder. This reminder helped me to get more motivated towards Allah SWT. And i hope it motivates you aswell, inshallah!
Before watching I was crying, From one seconde to the one I smile while listen your words. May Allah bless you and all our muslim sisters and brothers
Beautiful mashallah!
Brings tears subhanallah what a beautiful video and powerful message it opens my eyes im so grateful for everthing Allah has given to me.
i need to watch this video evry day to keep my iman up..........because allah want you to come back to him it's very powerful reminder
watched this video, after a haram relationship that broke. felt like a burning sensation in my heart and couldnt get over this person fro a long time. Alhamdulillah i feel better listening to this video. I pray that I Passed this test in Allahs Eyes, and grants me Patience because i need it.
I love you my LORD just you my LORD
Thank you so much to everyone who made this video Mashallah.. I been through a lot I kinda give up on everything but getting back my iman.. May Allah give everyone a place in paradise..
I know now my friends I know..May Allah guide you all the right path
may sabar to all of us brother and sister in pain and feeling lonely infront of Allah.and all of us should says thanks whatever Allah gives to us but what we donot have no regrets.
Please give dua for me I am going through emotional pain and suffering. I just want a better life and want Jennah..
Sam Emma May Allāh grants you ease and May He grants you Jannatul firdaous for your patience upon your trials and hardships. Aamiin.
My family is drowning in debt and it feels like the entire world is chasing after us. I was constantly feeling anxious and sad . After listening to these beautiful words, I know I have to have patience and find peace in prayer. My heart already feels at peace alhamdu lillah.
Salaam brother, have thing got better in the last 2 year. MAY ALLAH GIVE YOU GOODNESS IN THIS WORLD AND IN THE NEXT...AMEEN.
Alhamdulliha this is inspiring so beautiful May Allah forgives us all Ameen.
*All praise to Allah for His wisdom and guidance. 📖🤲 Alhamdulillah! 🌟*
Every person got test hardship but just need believe and trust to Allah never lost to faith everything's going to be OK In Sha Allah...
Alhamdulillah for everything Allah is great..
Wonderful explanation. Thank you!!! jazzak Allahu khairoon
i have been tested by Allah where someone that i loves who has betrayed me. this happened for two times with different person and both situation really made me feel lost. i was buffling and figthing with myself to know the answer why was all these happening to me... i have isolated myslef and kept distance from people to find out what is in me. i try to collect the broken pieces but i was not strong enough.. after all, i found the answer that only Allah be able to cure and mend what has broken inside of me. By asking guidance from HIM, i believe HE will give lights and show me a correct direction. it was not easy but i believe that everything happens for best reason. i dont know what Allah knows. Allah knows what i dont know.
How are you now sis?
@@nursabrinanadiabintialias9085 never mind she is fine hhh
@@nursabrinanadiabintialias9085 happy ramadan sister was kidding
Alhumduallah I have been though so much. I am so thankful Allah loves me and has never left my side.
I am so sad right now. I am asking for Allah to forgive me and bring me to paradise soon because i dont want to deal with this world anymore. I feel so tired already.
Dear brother/sister, it is human who needs Allah, and needs Him very badly. All of your sadness, tiredness is a sign that your body and your nafs craves to be near Allah. Our soul is made of nur so it gravitates towards Allah. It is our fitra. But the body is made of clay which gravitates towards dunya. Dunya being unsatisfying, we become unhappy. Let your soul go freely where it wants to go, don't trap it or hold it back. Fall in sajda and tell Allah that you are grateful for this test, which is really like a coach putting hardship on his athlete, to make him succeed. The test is that of sifting the wheat from the chaff, the truthful humans from the hypocrites. Take small, very small steps. Right now only sajda, and as your nafs craves more, give it a salah, give it a few verses of the Qur'an. Then let it pull you to Allah more and more. The only one whispering in your ear not to continue is Shaitaan. But he can do nothing for you, give you no comfort now or later. Remember that shaytan is all about a mind game. Much of our modern world tells us things about islam that are simply not true. Listen to the Rabb, who envelopes you in love as you thank Him and seek Him!
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin.. 😢
So powerful!!!...Thank you so much for sharing, may Allah reward you in the hereafter!
Alhamdullilah a great reminder to All
Lesson to be learnt Be Patient and have Faith in Allah swt
Jazakumullahu khayran
This video is very helpful and I'm not a Muslims but I make Muslims Allah bless because your video my self make Muslims and my friend will make Muslims
MashaAllah love the lecture and me feeling stronger..barek Allah feekoum to whoever made this video :)
Hapi ramadan to all ( 30/may/ 2019 ) muslim ... keep sharing ! its more better than paracetamol and antibiotic.... 😍😍😍
So good to hear today. I live with sciatica back pain, and for four years it has been with me. Sometimes I have a good attitude, and sometimes not. But hearing this lecture really brought me wisdom and healing, thank you. All is not without hope. It surely is a testing to dig in deeper in my faith, to safe guard being close to Allah, by which I love.
Ma shaa Allah great video!
May Allah grant us all patience and get us all closer to him SWT..
Thanks a lot for sharing :)
Subhanaallah i always cry when i listen to this lecture May Allah make our daily difficulties easy
May Allah grant you jannah firdaus
I was actually sad when came back from my job. This powerful video touched my heart. May Allah(SWT) reward you .
The simplest way to understand why pain is actually good is to just go and practice martial arts. At first you will suffer a lot of pain and injuries but after that your body becomes stronger and able to fight.
Muzamel sadat
I don't need martial arts to determine my beliefs in ALLAAH. I believe pain and calamities are good for me because the Messenger Muhammad peace and blessings of ALLAAH be upon him told us so. That's all I need.
جزاك الله خيراً
+Bob sapp you have my respect man. I'm just trying to explain the mechanics of how bad can result in good to our other friends who fail to understand.
Muzamel sadat
Ok brother love you for the sake of ALLAAH. Hope you all the best in this life and the next life. Ameen
Allahu Akbar! I just returning from my Dr. Received Report a CT scan which shows changed in the parotids. This video made me more patience.
I have 3 children and they had no families except me in Australia. May Allah grant me shifa Ameen Ya Rabb...
No matter what, Alhamdullilah.
Jazakallahu Khairan! This video has changed who I am! MAY ALLAH (swt) BLESS YOU WITH JANNAH AL-FIRDOUS!!
:') thank you. I really need this right now.
We have to patient because Allah is with us in every situation
I saw someone dying in front of me I can't help him it keeps me reminding Allah
You have the right to be sad about that. You saw someone die! This video is just a bit misleading. They are not saying sadness is bad because being sad is part of human nature.
SubhanAllah i love this channel its educative and always has a way of raising my iman when i feel lost.....
i am in sever hardship fmly probs yes am sad cuz i cnt see ma fmly sad bt i get closer to Allah i ask dua from Allah to take this hardship away.. i am holding ma sabr i belive Allah has given me and my family this hardship because there is something wonderful waiting for me and ma fmly.. ill nvr stop asking Allah till he respond me Ill be nagging Allah i kw he will answer me surely very soon... Al hamdu illaha... I am happy cuz wtevr the hardship i hv i am still alive i hv a place to live and um nt starving i hv have food to eat Allah is gr8 he is Ar Rahman!!!
This is the best Dawa I ever heard mashAllah
Thanks for the video, it helped me a lot.
This is the eye opener for me because I had bad friends and company and opens my eyes for me today that to this RUclips Chanel today I am better man and I am sure Allah will help you all thank you
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! For posting this! Its changing my life! May God bless you and all the muslims out there! ☝🏼️😔
Alhamdulillah, these are wonderful reminders, I can't stop listening to them. To those atheist and anti Islamic forces out there, just know that we love you to be with us praying shoulder to shoulder as Muslims. That's the only way to attain infinite happiness.
Please pray for me. I am pregnant and I seek refuge in Allah from miscarriage. I've had 2 painful miscarriages already. Please pray for me 😭😭😭😭😭
Salam sister may Allah reunite you and your kids in jannah ❤️❤️❤️❤️
tearful up my eye ty for the motivation i felt i lost my hope and not being a good muslim but now i felt that i didn't lost my hope to become good muslim ty
Thank you for the video..
brother/sister... :)
im not strong but now i feel better a bit, thanks you for your reminder... :)
Subhan allah, alhamdo lellah for blessing me to be a Muslim.
if this world was great and fun then no1 would want paradise! thats the point of pain and suffering, 2 put our gaze on the hereafter