Yeah, this meant the producer and the writer was a genius. "first let's hoard a lot of money by making this amazing anime... But let's put in some spice in it by preparing it for our next production that will also fish in a lot of money
I recommend you watch a let’s play of the visual novel version of this arc. The anime left out ALOT. The VN shows the very moment she comes up woth he name Bernkastel
I saw this scene as the good ending where Rika realizes that it’s best for her to live as a human among humans to enjoy her life growing up. When she was in the “perfect” fragment, she felt distress from the knowledge of two worlds, from the lives of other “Rika’s” she’s overwritten, and how her journey has skewed her morality. When the club members of the “perfect” fragment offer their friendship to her, she struggles between choosing them - happy but not reliant on Rika - and the Matsuribayashi club members - happy because of Rika and her character growth. She also cries for her mother, someone who she saw as doomed from the very beginning. Witches have no place in Hinamizawa (or Higurashi for that matter). Rika has already learned to see her fellow club members and villagers not as pawns, but as friends. And she realizes that although the other fragments are very real, her current fragment is the only one her friends know, so from now on, she will take care of her one life and the people in it.
It's not like that though, she was contemplating things while in the other world and named herself Bernkastel cause that was the wine she was drinking that she stole from her dad's delivery. With context it's got nothing to do with Umineko's Bernkastel at all. But fans jump on it anyway even though Ryukishi doesn't have the balls to connect the two universes together.
I disagree. Now that Gou, Sotsu and Meguri exist, Higurashi and Umineko are officially connected together, and even directly at that. Ciconia, as well.
It's a shame that Rika's suffering and pain became a separate being who is even more of a monster than Takano. Imagine a normal, good Rika with Bernkastel's powers on Umineko's story. Story would have ended by the third game.
@Psywriter Wrong. If you have read Umineko, at the end, when Bern and Lambda are speaking (sewing Lambda's body) Bern admits she had "played" the role of the bad guy. Actually there is so poor answers of Bern at all, even in Umineko
Witches do anything to escape boredom, because when they are bored they remember their logic error, Bern basically becomes evil to forget about what happened to her in the Hinizawa kakeras
Rika: Only a superhuman existence, capable of seeing the contents of each box, can worry about which hand will bring a better future. Me: *COUGH Featherine COUGH!!!!!!*
@@agsmashups It doesn't make the story pointless. For the Witches,beings that live in a Meta World, where they can alter the concepts as we know them, the story was just a game. For the characters of Higurashi it was their lives. They made their decisions and they achieved their endings.
Even after Higurashi GOU and SOTSU; Rika and Bernkastel are still bound tightly together while LambaDelta has released her clutches on what's left of Satoko. I see more bitterness setting in with Rika and have a sinking feeling about Featherine coming back with a vengeance.
@@DragonicFang This is an old comment but I’ll just tell you if you don’t get it, you need to read Umineko THEN see the last 7 minutes of Higurashi Sotsu, Episode 15. It will make more sense then. TL:DR if you don’t want to though, Lambda says that the human Satoko can “have Satoko Houjou back” meaning that she’s left the world altogether. More context on what that means is implied in the scene after she says that.
wow forgot about this scene. over a decade ago. good times. good times. don't even remember my reaction to this scene, but it must've been so mind-blowing given that it's a huge confirmation of several aspects of the relationship between higurashi and umineko!
"I must return to being Furude Rika, rather than the witch Bernkastel..." Me: ....Wait hold it!? What did you just say!!! Are you seriously admitting!? *intense breathing* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
As on the nose as this is. Rika knows nothing about Umineko. She's referencing something she monologed to herself earlier in the arc about her being the wine she drinks. Bernkastel happens to be the brand of wine she drinks. She knows nothing about a literal Witch who's true name is Bernkastel.
@@KIN1311Bernkastel for Rika is how she perceive herself as a witch that keeps jumping into world after world, in Higurashi Rei she started to see herself as that witch she invented. But in the end she choosed to be "Rika Furude".In other words, she accepted death and choose to live normal life. It has nothing to do directly with Umineko(I didn't read umineko yet, but that's what she meant in Higurashi Rei. If that's other reason behind It, i don't know yet.)
Really? I think Satoko's method of execution was actually the correct one. Sacrafice few, get result. On other hand, Rika/Bern while hesistating to sacrafice anyone in her current world for better results in next one, created a 100 year old history of tragedies. Who is the real villian here?
@@SonicSonedit It seems you didn't get what rika wanted obv the thing rika wanted was to get as far in the world WITHOUT sacrificing anyone she wanted to live her life with everyone alive not sacrifice ppl so that if she dies she can figure out a way to survive she wanted everybody to survive and how can she do that if she's sacrificing them understand satako didn't want that she only wanted rika while rika wanted everyone
If someone is confused: There is another anime/manga hidden under Higurashi but with a different name. SPOILERS!!! During the events of Higurashi Berncastel is inside of her body and created a miracle so Bernkastel and Rika can escape the death&revived-cycle. Bernkastel is trapped in her world but tries to ecape. If Rika survives the events, Bernkastel wins the "board game". However, her opponent made everything difficult so escaping was somehow futile. That's why Bernkastel stepped in to give Rika the power to change the future and live a life without getting killed again. If you read the manga, you might have seen Bernkastel. For some reason she has similarities with Rika. Both look alike. Both like spicy food and wine. Both have speers. It's said that Bernkastel was born from Rika's despair and suffering and seperated from her so she could live somewhere else. What's why Bernkastel has a twisted personality. And if it isn't weird enough, Bernkastel's first name "Frederica" has "Rika" in it (in German "Rica" is pronounced like "Rika". It doesn't matter if you replace the "c" with "k" in "Frederica").
no, actually, Bernkastel is just meta Rika who remembers everything-as opposed to Rika in each separate timeline, who had her memories blocked for the sake of game. In time Bernkastel started dissociating from every single of such "Rikas" more and more, as she grew different and different, and eventually called herself a different "person"-just like Shannon and Kanon are different people. So you can say, from a certain philosophical point of veiw, that at the very beginning Rika and Bernkastel were same person and they diverged, or that Bernkastel was born out of Rika, or Rika was born out of Bernkastel, this is the same kinda philosophical point of view that leads to the answer of Umineko.
no they were one until the end of higurashi, at the end of rebirth, Bernkastel realized she's a being of kakera and went on to live in the realm of gods, while "Rika", with her memories cut, went on to live a happy life beyond june 1983 as a normal human in one of the fragments so she left a happy "Rika" in one of the fragments, but knew she can not live like that there, because she was changed too much by 100 years of looping, not just psychologically and emotionally, she became accustomated to the world of gameboards and fragments and chest pieces and alternative timeliness, and essentially became a god herself you can say that Rika was born from Bernkastel, not Bernkastel from Rika. Countless dead Rikas were born out of meta-Rika(Bernkastel), but only one of these countless Rikas survived and went on to live her life beyond June 1983. But that Rika is not the one who was narrating Higurashi to us and looping through the different scenarios.
I disagree with your RUclips handle, how else will they fund your desired Umineko anime remake if they don’t utilize their cash cow ‘Higurashi’ to its fullest potential.
@@GouAndSotsuWereMistakes Yeah, you’re right. After the disaster that was the Umineko anime, I don’t see them remaking it and potentially upsetting fans once again.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Spoiler Alert: If you haven't read Higurashi & Umineko you shouldn't scroll down: Higurashi is just a gameboard between witches, one of them is Lambdadelta, the other Idk who. Rika was the MC just like Battler was in Umineko. After Rika's suffering in an Endless June, Bernkastel was born from her. That's why she's the witch of miracles, cause only a miracle what made Rika win the fight at the end against Takano (the piece that was picked by Lambdadelta) Then, after Bernkastel was born, she transcended into an Endless Witch (just like Beatrice did) and now she's able to move from a fragment to the other.
@@teslamid9923 Yeah thats right, was a game between Lambda and Hanyuu, but if u read umineko manga on EP6 Lambda tells to Erika: "Bern's Master was a bad one (Hanyuu), she comited a Logic Error and forget the Game, she counted the days and that broke. Her, and when she won the game by a miracle, Bern born like a bad Witch"
Nah the person LD was facing was still Bernkastel, I believe. Thing is, the witches metaverse exists beyond spacetime and dimensions. My theory proposes that Bernkastel is a Rika who won the witches game, eventually became Bernkastel, and eventually played the game of Higurashi against Lambdadelta, using her past self, Rika, as her primary gamepiece, knowing that the impossible situation created by the witch of certainty, would be inevitably broken, as she did so herself.
_Lady Bernkastel, the universe has many values. There is no one single path. The future can't be determined. Nor can the past. Therefore you are free to choose..._
Josue Rangel Yeah kinda. Higurashi is a game of the witches from Umineko. The witches are known as Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. -Won't tell you more, it mind be spoilers ;)-
endless worlds of crystals... the cat has finally achived his dream. bernkatel is inside furude rika, which means she can control her, and lambdadelta is inside satoko too, the higurashi and umineko world are in the same year, i belive battler is inside keiichi Edited: im almost wrong, i ended reading umineko question arcs.
@@frenkiekaki7948 also technically impossible because battler's "vessel" is a human from the future, even after the rokenjima events. Plus Battler isn't a creator unlike Featherine
@@AzoSBear featherine isn't a creator it's a mistranslation. She touched the last boundary but didn't go farther so she's at the highest peak possible where she Can remain "herself".
@@danielpeckham5520 Spoilers Actually, the God that the Culprit of Umineko believes in is the Christian one, because she was raised in the Gospel House.
If I remember correctly it was in this moment when Rika and Bern became two separate beings. That implies Rika lost her world travelling magic and become a mere human. And that's whats this whole scene about.
No, or at least not in the Anime. Earlier in this arc Rika gave herself the name Berkastel after the wine brand she drinks to differentiate herself from the hypothetical Rika that would have existed in the absence of timeline shenanigans. The existence of a literal seperate entity called bernkastel would be news to her.
@@norton7954 nice trolling, have you seen new interviews? satoko's VA said she knew it was a sequel after all because ryukishi07 told her before it even started.
Basically the first time I saw this scene I didn't know who Bernkastel was because I never watched or read Umineko at the time but after knowing the plot and characters I now understand the impact of this scene
Finally. I swear I'll always pretend that all gousotsu shit is just a dream of Satoshi when he's in coma. And dreams are not real,so rei is a perfect ending^^
In Umineko sense? Maybe so. In this arc, Rika refer herself as Bernkastel (from wine bottle she drunk) because she separated herself from Furude Rika of Saikoroshi. Furude Rika of that world is completely different person and living completely different life. Now that Rika come back to Matsuribayashi world, she is "returning" as Furude Rika.
because the visual novel exists and this scene doesn't make sense (if you only watched the anime) it only actualy makes sense once you understand why the entire umineko concept exists and what is the way you should handle it Spoiler: (because umineko has 2 endings based on these choices). Truth, or Magic.
@@AzoSBear thanks for replying. 1 - ok fine i guess it makes sense. i still think the anime is better than nothing. i haven't read any of the VNs or manga and probably wouldn't have even bothered to know anything about umineko if it weren't for the anime. but of course i'm not gonna argue that the anime is a bad adaptation or whatever. 2 - not sure only 1 line between the spoiler and the word 'spoiler' is best but anyhoo i already spoiled myself a few months ago because i just wanted to know already like after a decade since i watched the umineko anime
@@andreworders7305 I feel like they should have abused that ability more often. Like, that should allow her to definitively prove the existence of the supernatural on the spot to anyone they feel like. Also it should let Hanyuu teleport, which would have been useful towards the end.
After I read visual novel version of Saikoroshi-hen, I thought Rika (who already have gone to a lot of fragments) only used Bernkastel's name to distinguish herself with Furude Rika of Saikoroshi-hen's world since she states that she can't live in that world without wine. In the very end, she decided to be Furude Rika and stopped 'playing' as Bernkastel. I think she still have some memories of what happened before she won the game. But in the meta world(?), Bernkastel just splitted like Rika said and how Lambdadelta told Erika about how Bern escaped the logic error.
So Bernkastel chose Rika to be her temporary vessel during the events of Higurashi , and Lambdadelta chose Takano to challenge Bernkastel in this game of murders, paranoia and mystery so both witches could define their own possibilities to succeed in the game, and just like Beato, Lambdadelta gave her opponent countless opportunities to repeat the same course of the game, that means the only way both Lambdadelta and Beato could win was to let Bernkastel and Battler, respectively, to give up and admit defeat.
Bernkastel is Rika Bernkastel and Lambdelta plays Higurashi cause the world of Higurashi is just a Game board or a Kakera Umineko is about finding the truth about the murders is it a Witch or is it a Human
Help: I watched Higurashi(s1 and s2). I'm assuming there is more to it. Umineko, I believe? So should I watch the anime or read VN? Also, by VN you mean the umineko game on steam right????
@Omega Zero thanks a lot for the direction. I'm not really well versed in "Virtual Novels", so I'm assuming your are referring to the Umineko game on steam, right??
So what should I watch first in chronological order? Because I heard there’s Higurashi and then there’s another series or something to read or watch. I’m looking to get back into it
I need to rewatch Higurashi and Umineko back to back because this confused me a bit. And I watched Umineko only 2 years ago, but haven't seen Higurashi since high school. Maybe I'll do that this summer. Also, the animation is stiffer than I remember. Or maybe it's because I study animation that I notice these things more.
There's some full playthroughs on RUclips if you don't want to buy the game. Just be warned, the game took me over 100 hours to complete, but it was well worth it.
Fredrica bernkastel was her third side that who play lambdedalta's game board..... With one body... Hanyuu is more powerful she can rika back again in the game board .... And escape again the game board But some one said .... To lambdedalta ..... I want to be god .... Behind rika's death before she says that.... Thanks to hanyuu ..... Rika is living in the perfect world..... But bernkastel is one who..... That live in rika's body.... Three sides..... One body.... If one kill rika ..... Hanyuu was back her again in the Board game thing and escape again ...... As hanyuu help rika, rika was living in 1,000 years now...... Hanyuu can back the time ..... Or past ..... That her power can do.... To protect rika....
Both replies are wrong. Umineko is the broader picture in which witches play around game boards against each other. Higurashi is just a "game board" where two witches; Bernkastel (Rika) and Lambdadelta (Satoko) are playing against each other. Lambdadelta and Bernkastel almost always play against each other.
LOL, other than the one line she spouted too, I knew that she went back to "normal", her first response was just going to be "Nipah!". XD Typical Rika. :p
I couldn't understand Higurashi, as it was too mind boggling for me. I still enjoyed it, but I would've probably liked it even more if I understood some of the boggling parts.
they're just OVA's. typically, OVA's are in the same world, but has no relevance to the plot. they're like alternative universes that don't change the canon
1:01 Okay, that smile did NOT have the right to be as smoothly animated as it was
their entire budget goes for that animation
I refuse
@@stranger9061 Only the game master can dos that
@@sebastianswan7975 wait got permission from Lambda- oh hell no Featherine
I can say it in purple if you like.
First time i watched Higurashi, I didn't get what Rika meant. But after reading Umineko, now I understand the bomb this scene was meant to.
Yeah, this meant the producer and the writer was a genius. "first let's hoard a lot of money by making this amazing anime... But let's put in some spice in it by preparing it for our next production that will also fish in a lot of money
And what exactly ;-;?
same berniastel first time i see like who is this girl so when i see rika it was like same thing bernkastel was witch inisde rika
I recommend you watch a let’s play of the visual novel version of this arc. The anime left out ALOT. The VN shows the very moment she comes up woth he name Bernkastel
@@GxGNoir where can i find it and do i need to watch the VN of umineko or can i just watch the anime
I saw this scene as the good ending where Rika realizes that it’s best for her to live as a human among humans to enjoy her life growing up. When she was in the “perfect” fragment, she felt distress from the knowledge of two worlds, from the lives of other “Rika’s” she’s overwritten, and how her journey has skewed her morality. When the club members of the “perfect” fragment offer their friendship to her, she struggles between choosing them - happy but not reliant on Rika - and the Matsuribayashi club members - happy because of Rika and her character growth. She also cries for her mother, someone who she saw as doomed from the very beginning.
Witches have no place in Hinamizawa (or Higurashi for that matter). Rika has already learned to see her fellow club members and villagers not as pawns, but as friends. And she realizes that although the other fragments are very real, her current fragment is the only one her friends know, so from now on, she will take care of her one life and the people in it.
*Sees Rika actually admit being Bernkastel*
....... *deep inhale* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
I can hear Rika scream
It's not like that though, she was contemplating things while in the other world and named herself Bernkastel cause that was the wine she was drinking that she stole from her dad's delivery.
With context it's got nothing to do with Umineko's Bernkastel at all. But fans jump on it anyway even though Ryukishi doesn't have the balls to connect the two universes together.
I disagree. Now that Gou, Sotsu and Meguri exist, Higurashi and Umineko are officially connected together, and even directly at that. Ciconia, as well.
@@KenNywithriceIt’s clearly obvious that they’re connected. Blatantly so.
Meanwhilehile Satoko beside is like : looks like I have to become the witch after all
It's a shame that Rika's suffering and pain became a separate being who is even more of a monster than Takano. Imagine a normal, good Rika with Bernkastel's powers on Umineko's story. Story would have ended by the third game.
Bern isn't evil, she just play the role of a villain.
@Psywriter People who oppose the protagonists I guess lol. They don't necessarily have to be evil.
@Psywriter Wrong. If you have read Umineko, at the end, when Bern and Lambda are speaking (sewing Lambda's body) Bern admits she had "played" the role of the bad guy. Actually there is so poor answers of Bern at all, even in Umineko
Witches do anything to escape boredom, because when they are bored they remember their logic error, Bern basically becomes evil to forget about what happened to her in the Hinizawa kakeras
@@damiester1 that's an antagonist, villains are evil
virgin miko Rika : worries about the other worlds that she left behind
chad Satoko : *tick*
Best comment ^^
Rika = Bernkastel
Satoko = Lambdadelta
Hanyuu = Featherine
Takano isn't Lambda tho'
@@latiaos11 Lambda is not Takano Myo, the name is, but not the same person
@@AlexanderCruzTetopentenson Takano is Lambda piece and also her other self, in the letter from Bernkastel in the prologue of Hotarubi its explained.
Yes Lambdadelta is Miyo Takano And Satoko the creator is agree references.
Rika: Only a superhuman existence, capable of seeing the contents of each box, can worry about which hand will bring a better future.
Me: *COUGH Featherine COUGH!!!!!!*видео.html
Like that Devil Encarnate cares about anything other than her own Amusement!
Higurashi is simply a “story” inside of Umineko...its all a game to the Witches...
It was a Game created by the Witch self of hanyu, Featherine Augustus Aurora and the players were bernkastel and lambdadelta
Yep so idk who lambleda who is inside
I hate that story line tbh. It makes me feel like everything that happens in higurashi is just pointless. I like to pretend that part doesn’t exist.
It doesn't make the story pointless. For the Witches,beings that live in a Meta World, where they can alter the concepts as we know them, the story was just a game. For the characters of Higurashi it was their lives. They made their decisions and they achieved their endings.
I loved higurashi already. Do i need to watch umineko as well?
Love the work the fan sub group put on the subtitle. Each of the character have their own color on their subtitle. Good time
And suddenly it’s 2008 all over again. Great times for anime.
Higurashi/Umineko Multiverse is one messed up secret within a secret.
I like how I found this in my recommended a day after episode 17 of Gou, these types of occurrences happening in this episode and its crazy.
Even after Higurashi GOU and SOTSU; Rika and Bernkastel are still bound tightly together while LambaDelta has released her clutches on what's left of Satoko. I see more bitterness setting in with Rika and have a sinking feeling about Featherine coming back with a vengeance.
And bang! There is Higurashi 2022.
Wdym by ΛΔ realeasing her clutches kn what's left of satoko? I don't really get any of this.
@@DragonicFang This is an old comment but I’ll just tell you if you don’t get it, you need to read Umineko THEN see the last 7 minutes of Higurashi Sotsu, Episode 15. It will make more sense then.
TL:DR if you don’t want to though, Lambda says that the human Satoko can “have Satoko Houjou back” meaning that she’s left the world altogether. More context on what that means is implied in the scene after she says that.
Keiichi's laugh always gets me
i personally think its adorable- 😭
wow forgot about this scene. over a decade ago. good times. good times. don't even remember my reaction to this scene, but it must've been so mind-blowing given that it's a huge confirmation of several aspects of the relationship between higurashi and umineko!
and over a decade later we're finally getting a higurashi/umineko bridge with gou and sotsu, too
@@priscillavonvanaheim4230 light yagami: omoidoori x3
My favourite scene from higurashi rei💜
"I must return to being Furude Rika, rather than the witch Bernkastel..."
Me: ....Wait hold it!? What did you just say!!! Are you seriously admitting!? *intense breathing* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
As on the nose as this is. Rika knows nothing about Umineko. She's referencing something she monologed to herself earlier in the arc about her being the wine she drinks. Bernkastel happens to be the brand of wine she drinks.
She knows nothing about a literal Witch who's true name is Bernkastel.
@@Nuclearburrit0 "I must return to being Furude Rika, rather than the w i t c h Bernkastel" are you sure about that?
@@KIN1311Bernkastel for Rika is how she perceive herself as a witch that keeps jumping into world after world, in Higurashi Rei she started to see herself as that witch she invented. But in the end she choosed to be "Rika Furude".In other words, she accepted death and choose to live normal life. It has nothing to do directly with Umineko(I didn't read umineko yet, but that's what she meant in Higurashi Rei. If that's other reason behind It, i don't know yet.)
Funny, Satoko comes to the same conclusion, but wow... her method of execution fucked up.
Really? I think Satoko's method of execution was actually the correct one. Sacrafice few, get result. On other hand, Rika/Bern while hesistating to sacrafice anyone in her current world for better results in next one, created a 100 year old history of tragedies. Who is the real villian here?
@@SonicSonedit It seems you didn't get what rika wanted obv the thing rika wanted was to get as far in the world WITHOUT sacrificing anyone she wanted to live her life with everyone alive not sacrifice ppl so that if she dies she can figure out a way to survive she wanted everybody to survive and how can she do that if she's sacrificing them understand satako didn't want that she only wanted rika while rika wanted everyone
1:32 ここの『はぅ〜』好き
If someone is confused: There is another anime/manga hidden under Higurashi but with a different name.
During the events of Higurashi Berncastel is inside of her body and created a miracle so Bernkastel and Rika can escape the death&revived-cycle. Bernkastel is trapped in her world but tries to ecape. If Rika survives the events, Bernkastel wins the "board game". However, her opponent made everything difficult so escaping was somehow futile. That's why Bernkastel stepped in to give Rika the power to change the future and live a life without getting killed again. If you read the manga, you might have seen Bernkastel. For some reason she has similarities with Rika. Both look alike. Both like spicy food and wine. Both have speers. It's said that Bernkastel was born from Rika's despair and suffering and seperated from her so she could live somewhere else. What's why Bernkastel has a twisted personality.
And if it isn't weird enough, Bernkastel's first name "Frederica" has "Rika" in it (in German "Rica" is pronounced like "Rika". It doesn't matter if you replace the "c" with "k" in "Frederica").
also Frederica and Furude Rika are pretty much the same
no, actually, Bernkastel is just meta Rika who remembers everything-as opposed to Rika in each separate timeline, who had her memories blocked for the sake of game. In time Bernkastel started dissociating from every single of such "Rikas" more and more, as she grew different and different, and eventually called herself a different "person"-just like Shannon and Kanon are different people.
So you can say, from a certain philosophical point of veiw, that at the very beginning Rika and Bernkastel were same person and they diverged, or that Bernkastel was born out of Rika, or Rika was born out of Bernkastel, this is the same kinda philosophical point of view that leads to the answer of Umineko.
no they were one until the end of higurashi, at the end of rebirth, Bernkastel realized she's a being of kakera and went on to live in the realm of gods, while "Rika", with her memories cut, went on to live a happy life beyond june 1983 as a normal human in one of the fragments
so she left a happy "Rika" in one of the fragments, but knew she can not live like that there, because she was changed too much by 100 years of looping, not just psychologically and emotionally, she became accustomated to the world of gameboards and fragments and chest pieces and alternative timeliness, and essentially became a god herself
you can say that Rika was born from Bernkastel, not Bernkastel from Rika. Countless dead Rikas were born out of meta-Rika(Bernkastel), but only one of these countless Rikas survived and went on to live her life beyond June 1983. But that Rika is not the one who was narrating Higurashi to us and looping through the different scenarios.
Good thing you explained it. I'm interested to check out both mangas and games.
Lucinafan1847 ת don't forget erika furudo.
Me reacting to the Thumbnail: “Tell that to Satoko”.
you mean tell it to Lambdadelta?
I hope they'll make a good umineko anime
They NEED to remake it
There already is, but they should remake it and continue it.
They already make only half of it (Ep 1 - Ep 4 in Vn), but yeah they need to *remake* it.
*They will unlikely ever reboot Umineko as a full anime adaptation, this is the sad red truth*
@@twistedsword8612 how bout I use blue lol
I really love the animation style of Rei
by comparison rika's bang not as corny as the 1/2 but not as polished and ditched like gou/sotsu
i love rikas bang this way
Remember kids don't judge an anime by it's cute animation style
この頃に戻りたい by:沙都子
Those wild days where pupils didn't exist.
I disagree with your RUclips handle, how else will they fund your desired Umineko anime remake if they don’t utilize their cash cow ‘Higurashi’ to its fullest potential.
@@deredere-sama5995 I wish that is true, but we all know it's advertisement for Ciconia.
@@GouAndSotsuWereMistakes Yeah, you’re right. After the disaster that was the Umineko anime, I don’t see them remaking it and potentially upsetting fans once again.
@@deredere-sama5995 so Gou and Sotsu would be for a new Umienko?
Correct me if I'm wrong:
Spoiler Alert: If you haven't read Higurashi & Umineko you shouldn't scroll down:
Higurashi is just a gameboard between witches, one of them is Lambdadelta, the other Idk who. Rika was the MC just like Battler was in Umineko. After Rika's suffering in an Endless June, Bernkastel was born from her. That's why she's the witch of miracles, cause only a miracle what made Rika win the fight at the end against Takano (the piece that was picked by Lambdadelta)
Then, after Bernkastel was born, she transcended into an Endless Witch (just like Beatrice did) and now she's able to move from a fragment to the other.
The other witch who was playing against lamda is most likely hanyuu
@@teslamid9923 Yeah thats right, was a game between Lambda and Hanyuu, but if u read umineko manga on EP6 Lambda tells to Erika: "Bern's Master was a bad one (Hanyuu), she comited a Logic Error and forget the Game, she counted the days and that broke. Her, and when she won the game by a miracle, Bern born like a bad Witch"
@@unhuracan3812 No, the other witch was Featherine
@@unhuracan3812 it was aurora(hanyu was her piece)
Nah the person LD was facing was still Bernkastel, I believe. Thing is, the witches metaverse exists beyond spacetime and dimensions. My theory proposes that Bernkastel is a Rika who won the witches game, eventually became Bernkastel, and eventually played the game of Higurashi against Lambdadelta, using her past self, Rika, as her primary gamepiece, knowing that the impossible situation created by the witch of certainty, would be inevitably broken, as she did so herself.
That Bernkastel is just a metaphor.
Frederica Bernkastel = Wine Name
Did you know that Bernkastel is also a small town in Germany?
It's called "Bernkastel Kues"
ferederica = furude rika
well duh she named herself after the drink
I get chills from this every time.
Freezing Moom 🤘
Nipah! This is why you should never mess around on your bike~
This scene is always the best.
_Lady Bernkastel, the universe has many values. There is no one single path. The future can't be determined. Nor can the past. Therefore you are free to choose..._
Is umikeno and higurashi the same universe? I'm confused
Josue Rangel Yeah kinda.
Higurashi is a game of the witches from Umineko.
The witches are known as Bernkastel and Lambdadelta.
-Won't tell you more, it mind be spoilers ;)-
Erjon Ramusholli dont care explain everyrhing pls
Holy sh#t spoilers no affect me
Oh and also i knew rika is bernkastel because of her apperance
Don't get run over anymore Rika-chama.
Satoko laughing right now
simplemente la voz de bernkastel es seductora e impecable
I cant believe Bernkastel came inside of her
Hentai? Hmmmnn
So,Bernkestel lost to Shion when she stabbed her head herself?
endless worlds of crystals... the cat has finally achived his dream.
bernkatel is inside furude rika, which means she can control her, and lambdadelta is inside satoko too, the higurashi and umineko world are in the same year, i belive battler is inside keiichi
Edited: im almost wrong, i ended reading umineko question arcs.
Battler is a different person of Keichi and Umineko happened in 1986, not in 1983.
@@norton7954 oh, i forgot the years.
@@frenkiekaki7948 also technically impossible because battler's "vessel" is a human from the future, even after the rokenjima events. Plus Battler isn't a creator unlike Featherine
@@AzoSBear featherine isn't a creator it's a mistranslation. She touched the last boundary but didn't go farther so she's at the highest peak possible where she Can remain "herself".
All answers will hopefully be found in higurashi sotsu hehe, gonna go by my Rika->Bern Satoko->Lambda theory
In other words... She's a Fallen Angel.
*Yohane appears*
Huh? Thats Christian mythology and has nothing to do with the world of this anime, which is a weird meta universe.
@@danielpeckham5520 Spoilers
Actually, the God that the Culprit of Umineko believes in is the Christian one, because she was raised in the Gospel House.
5 year old me: Bernkastel? Lady? Person? What?
5 year old you watched Higurashi? That must’ve been rough
@@goten1089 Lol i watched short-ass clips of Higurashi at 6/7
Anytime now, Rika. Would be really nice considering another witch is acting up now
ベルンカステルの魔女かぁ( ்▿்)
This is slightly confusing. Obviously Bernkastel is aware of Rika’s existence, but does this imply that Rika is aware of Bernkastel’s existence?
If I remember correctly it was in this moment when Rika and Bern became two separate beings. That implies Rika lost her world travelling magic and become a mere human. And that's whats this whole scene about.
No, or at least not in the Anime.
Earlier in this arc Rika gave herself the name Berkastel after the wine brand she drinks to differentiate herself from the hypothetical Rika that would have existed in the absence of timeline shenanigans.
The existence of a literal seperate entity called bernkastel would be news to her.
Who's here after watching 21 episode of Higurashi Gou
5 years later
Satoko: I must stop being Satoko Houjo and become the witch LambdaDelta.
Gou not is sequel of this serie.
@@norton7954 It actually is.
@@soul6733 not is it.
@@norton7954 nice trolling, have you seen new interviews? satoko's VA said she knew it was a sequel after all because ryukishi07 told her before it even started.
She's WHAT!?
I mean, at least take her to dinner first.
After finally seeing Umineko, I GET IT NOW thats good stuff
Can you explain a bit plz
Basically the first time I saw this scene I didn't know who Bernkastel was because I never watched or read Umineko at the time but after knowing the plot and characters I now understand the impact of this scene
This was a great ending. Unfortunately, in Higurashi Sotsu, they forgot one rule of storymaking and that is don't ruin your own series with a sequel
Lets pretend Sotsu didnt happen and series ended with Saikoroshi of Rei. I refuse to accept GouSotsu.
Finally. I swear I'll always pretend that all gousotsu shit is just a dream of Satoshi when he's in coma. And dreams are not real,so rei is a perfect ending^^
Is this the moment Bernkastel seperated from Rika?
In Umineko sense? Maybe so. In this arc, Rika refer herself as Bernkastel (from wine bottle she drunk) because she separated herself from Furude Rika of Saikoroshi. Furude Rika of that world is completely different person and living completely different life. Now that Rika come back to Matsuribayashi world, she is "returning" as Furude Rika.
Oh wow, she mentioned Bernkastel? I don't remember that.
If I’m remembering right in the novel Rika called herself Frederika after the wine she drank through her loops so I find the difference interesting
ok so many people didn't like the umineko anime but come on better than nothing. how do we have this scene without the anime?
because the visual novel exists and this scene doesn't make sense (if you only watched the anime) it only actualy makes sense once you understand why the entire umineko concept exists and what is the way you should handle it
(because umineko has 2 endings based on these choices). Truth, or Magic.
@@AzoSBear thanks for replying. 1 - ok fine i guess it makes sense. i still think the anime is better than nothing. i haven't read any of the VNs or manga and probably wouldn't have even bothered to know anything about umineko if it weren't for the anime. but of course i'm not gonna argue that the anime is a bad adaptation or whatever. 2 - not sure only 1 line between the spoiler and the word 'spoiler' is best but anyhoo i already spoiled myself a few months ago because i just wanted to know already like after a decade since i watched the umineko anime
I need orgin to Frederica so I can understand how Rika obtained an adult voice
Rika named her alter-ego "Frederica Burnkastel" after the wine she drunk
@@christianjudeberbano3134 thx :)
Wait didn't hanyuu took on a physical form in the world? Why did she become a spirit again? Someone help please.
beril şevval bekret in the VN ITS shown that she can switch back and forth between her human form and spirit form
It’s left out of the anime but she can swap back and forth
@@andreworders7305 I feel like they should have abused that ability more often.
Like, that should allow her to definitively prove the existence of the supernatural on the spot to anyone they feel like. Also it should let Hanyuu teleport, which would have been useful towards the end.
I feel like this was a spoiler for the Reboot. Daam you YT algorithm.
nah, this is from rei
if you've read/watched higurashi, it shouldn't be a spoiler
Aah, so that heavy and scary sound of Rika's is the witch's?
@Omega Zero Aah I get it
@Omega Zero Bernkastel is the manifestation of Rika's suffering. She is Rika, but Rika isn't her.
satokos laughing she knew what she caused
1:33 rena is cute
0:00 Kaeokososhi-hen.
wait before Beatrice appear in Sotsu
Don't think so.
Where was it confirmed that Rika retains no memory of what happened after the split with Berkanstel? 🤔
I feel like the rika of this timeline does retain her memory
After I read visual novel version of Saikoroshi-hen, I thought Rika (who already have gone to a lot of fragments) only used Bernkastel's name to distinguish herself with Furude Rika of Saikoroshi-hen's world since she states that she can't live in that world without wine. In the very end, she decided to be Furude Rika and stopped 'playing' as Bernkastel. I think she still have some memories of what happened before she won the game. But in the meta world(?), Bernkastel just splitted like Rika said and how Lambdadelta told Erika about how Bern escaped the logic error.
@@someoneelseee_ yes I believe Rika retains her memories but let’s go of her grudges which in turn manifests into a meta being.
@つよちゃんスペシャル こんなことは聞いたことないけど...それは継続ですか?はい。私は猫が箱を望んでいるかどうかはわかりません。
Gonna watch it on 2021
Edit : Done
So Bernkastel chose Rika to be her temporary vessel during the events of Higurashi , and Lambdadelta chose Takano to challenge Bernkastel in this game of murders, paranoia and mystery so both witches could define their own possibilities to succeed in the game, and just like Beato, Lambdadelta gave her opponent countless opportunities to repeat the same course of the game, that means the only way both Lambdadelta and Beato could win was to let Bernkastel and Battler, respectively, to give up and admit defeat.
No, Bernkastel is born FROM Rika. Like Lambdadelta is born from Satoko.
@@soul6733 Exactly, Bernkastel was born from Rika and the same could be for Satoko and Lambdadelta, kinda what happened with Eva and Eva-Beatrice.
@@soul6733 Exactly, Bernkastel was born from Rika and the same could be for Satoko and Lambdadelta, kinda what happened with Eva and Eva-Beatrice.
@@fernandocuauhshihuacarbaja3094 Exactly but it works with umineko because of the reason why umineko (stories) exist in the first place.
@@AzoSBearThen who is Featherine or Eua?
omg Rena reminds me of my mom being a tsundere. No wonder I adore her and want to "Omochikaeri ". :P
Yo what is that title
I need context on who this bernkastel is and what umineko's story is about please ? And what do u guys mean by higurashi is just a " game "?
Bernkastel is Rika
Bernkastel and Lambdelta plays Higurashi cause the world of Higurashi is just a Game board or a Kakera
Umineko is about finding the truth about the murders is it a Witch or is it a Human
watch the umineko Visual novel on youtube, it is too hard to explain.
Bernkastel or Frederica Bernkastel is the witch self of Rika. If you have seen Sotsu you know who also has a witch-side.
How do you mean season 3?
Wich ep is this,i forgot completely about this
where i can find the original anime with this high quality?
This is the Rei, the OVA between Kai and Gou. That's why it has so much quality
@@fernandocuauhshihuacarbaja3094 i know, buddy.... i want to watch HD quality, i only found low image quality
Help: I watched Higurashi(s1 and s2). I'm assuming there is more to it. Umineko, I believe? So should I watch the anime or read VN?
Also, by VN you mean the umineko game on steam right????
@Omega Zero thanks a lot for the direction. I'm not really well versed in "Virtual Novels", so I'm assuming your are referring to the Umineko game on steam, right??
So what should I watch first in chronological order? Because I heard there’s Higurashi and then there’s another series or something to read or watch. I’m looking to get back into it
Rena kills the blackpill
I need to rewatch Higurashi and Umineko back to back because this confused me a bit. And I watched Umineko only 2 years ago, but haven't seen Higurashi since high school. Maybe I'll do that this summer. Also, the animation is stiffer than I remember. Or maybe it's because I study animation that I notice these things more.
Read the novel of Umineko. The anime was too rushed and skipped many details. Also the anime covered only half of Umineko.
Soul6 I definitely want to
There's some full playthroughs on RUclips if you don't want to buy the game. Just be warned, the game took me over 100 hours to complete, but it was well worth it.
Konati Konoe i definitely want to play it. Especially since summer is coming up
Fredrica bernkastel was her third side that who play lambdedalta's game board.....
With one body...
Hanyuu is more powerful she can rika back again in the game board ....
And escape again the game board
But some one said ....
To lambdedalta .....
I want to be god ....
Behind rika's death before she says that....
Thanks to hanyuu .....
Rika is living in the perfect world.....
But bernkastel is one who.....
That live in rika's body....
Three sides.....
One body....
If one kill rika .....
Hanyuu was back her again in the
Board game thing and escape again ......
As hanyuu help rika, rika was living in 1,000 years now......
Hanyuu can back the time .....
Or past .....
That her power can do....
To protect rika....
I didn't understand.
what is unemiko?
Alternative World/Route
umineko is another story in the when they cry franchise written by Ryukishi.
Both replies are wrong. Umineko is the broader picture in which witches play around game boards against each other. Higurashi is just a "game board" where two witches; Bernkastel (Rika) and Lambdadelta (Satoko) are playing against each other. Lambdadelta and Bernkastel almost always play against each other.
@@Anthony-op5ju ooh, thank you for your explanation even i still dont understand-
@@bubble4797 this is basically e-sports murder edition
damn, i like the voice Mion here... kind of hot!!
i guess its high type voice, cause its not high pitch, nor deep one...
LOL, other than the one line she spouted too, I knew that she went back to "normal", her first response was just going to be "Nipah!". XD Typical Rika. :p
como puedes matar a una bruja.
ten una cita con ella y matala del aburrimiento.
"Lady Bernkastel is inside of Rika"...
Ayo pause 🤨?
I couldn't understand Higurashi, as it was too mind boggling for me. I still enjoyed it, but I would've probably liked it even more if I understood some of the boggling parts.
So are all the main series of higurashi considered canon, I mean like season 1, kai, and gou would be considered canon but what about rei and kira?
they're just OVA's. typically, OVA's are in the same world, but has no relevance to the plot. they're like alternative universes that don't change the canon
This arc of Rei is canon.
That's one sus title