The Woman and the Dragon: Blessed Hope with W. Robert Godfrey

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @ligonier
    @ligonier  Год назад +6

    This message is from Dr. Godfrey’s 24-part teaching series Blessed Hope: The Book of Revelation. Watch the entire series:

    • @tomulrich8010
      @tomulrich8010 Год назад


    • @emmyty
      @emmyty Год назад +2

      Loving this- so edifying! Thank you!!!

    • @hc911013
      @hc911013 Год назад


  • @abaker4692
    @abaker4692 Год назад +2

    I'm blessed by this. Thanks.

  • @mikemccormick9667
    @mikemccormick9667 Год назад +2

    Thank you sir!🙏♥️🙏

  • @franciscoavila8724
    @franciscoavila8724 Год назад +2

    It is not the church! With all respect, this is agustinian theology, before Agustín the church fathers waited for a literal kingdom, its unfortunate that the middle ages church was not reformed schatologically speaking,

  • @tomulrich8010
    @tomulrich8010 Год назад

    Speak you peace 1st

  • @OlgaMariaCarmenForsythSanc-w1v
    @OlgaMariaCarmenForsythSanc-w1v Год назад +2

    .🙏 Amen ! 🙏.

  • @karenbeardwilson
    @karenbeardwilson Год назад

    Oh yes, this verse. Who is she I asked myself. The Child is the Messiah of the Covenant People. The Church, the Dragon. The counterfeit, picture power, this conflict in Heaven - we cannot see. Who will Rule. Symbolic of how God protects Christ. It is the Church exile suffering, the symbolism.
    Michael and His Angels fighting satan. God in charge- can’t fight against God. satan and the angels thrown down to earth, defeated. We are in Heaven rejoicing, oh Hallelujah. Two levels of existence‼️🕊️12:13-17 - the Center. The woman thrown down, protected. The church protected 31/2 years. Can’t wait, next Sermon. Someone brought the symbolism scripture to me 3 or so days ago and basically said, when this happens and be scared. I said, thank you, knowing full well neither of us had a clue. It is the Ligonier Masters that not just preach, they teach. I have never been taught this way and Revelations was passed over. Since a young girl in church, trying to, what does this mean? I did learn of Jesus, who is my Master. He loves me, I love him because other Masters at Ligonier Preached and Taught me. The late R.C. Sproul then the annual conferences, there are others like him. Nichols, MacArthur, Lawson, Godfrey, more and more. I learned how to know the Character of God so you actually love the supreme the Highest on heaven and earth. Riveting, every one of you. I will open Ligonier acct. go to Godfrey and click on Teaching Sermons. These events leading me are not accidents. It is the Lord leading me. All the Glory to God. Amen. ♥️✝️🙏☮️🕊️🌏

  • @michaelmariah1354
    @michaelmariah1354 Год назад

    With much respect Rev 12, 13 and 14 is parenthesis. Rev 11 followed chronologicaly the Protestant Reformation of chapter 10.

  • @MattieDianeMunson
    @MattieDianeMunson Год назад

    What is a Kia sim (as you can see I don’t know how to spell so I can’t research ??

    • @barbarafriedenberger6205
      @barbarafriedenberger6205 Год назад

      That's okay, my son can't spell that well either,

    • @thecrew777
      @thecrew777 Год назад

      I think it's spelled "chiasm".

    • @pixxip1
      @pixxip1 Год назад

      A chiasm (also called a chiasmus) is a literary device in which a sequence of ideas is presented and then repeated in reverse order. The result is a “mirror” effect as the ideas are “reflected” back in a passage. Each idea is connected to its “reflection” by a repeated word, often in a related form.

  • @leslieladyhawke
    @leslieladyhawke Год назад +1

    It’s the 3.5 years the first part of the Tribulation after the Rapture?

    • @wallysmet5076
      @wallysmet5076 Год назад +1

      That Trib is only 3 1/2 years.
      Dan 9:27 "in the Middle.."

    • @leslieladyhawke
      @leslieladyhawke Год назад

      @@wallysmet5076 yes then another 3.5 year. 7 total

    • @wallysmet5076
      @wallysmet5076 Год назад +1

      @@leslieladyhawke My reading of Daniel 9:27---And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week; and in the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and will replace the sacrifice and the oblation with abominations of the desolator, even until the complete destruction that has been determined is poured out upon the desolator.---is that Antichrist breaks covenant with Israel, then Israel's suffering begins, at the middle of the last seven years. Not at the start of the last seven years.

  • @piptaac101
    @piptaac101 7 месяцев назад

    The reality is that a third of the heavenly host believed Satan and were cast out with him. This war is as real as war gets. We are living in a war torn world but have our citizenship in heavenly places which physically comes at the return of Christ. 1 Thess 4:16-18 & 1 Cor 15:50 onward.

  • @piptaac101
    @piptaac101 7 месяцев назад

    Just to touch a bit on the dragons tail taking one third of the stars from heaven. The dragon is represented as satan (Rev 12:9) and his tail (of deception Isaiah 9:15) drew one third of the stars (angels Rev 12:9) out of heaven through his cunning deceptions regarding the character of God and wanting Christs position in heaven. Satan deceived one third of the angels of heaven and they were cast to the earth for there was no more place found for them in heaven.
    God bless my friend.

  • @maureensurdez7841
    @maureensurdez7841 10 месяцев назад

    Way over my head with chasms and combinations of theories and I don't get it

  • @RevSKasar
    @RevSKasar 6 месяцев назад

    Very interesting teachings
    But, Sir,
    Woman could not be the Church. If so who is the son and also her children?
    Church didn't give birr the Son, Jesus, its the opposit.
    Secondly, The church is the body of Christ meaning children of God, the believers.
    I believe, the woman is the nation of Israel from whom the the Son of God came, subsequently children of faith, as grafted vine.
    Israel will be in tribulation 3.1/2 years but God will protect them and deliver them.
    Its.just my undeestanding

  • @kengreene5212
    @kengreene5212 Год назад


  • @piptaac101
    @piptaac101 7 месяцев назад

    I apologize. There is so much meat here that is not being chewed on. Yes the woman is the church of Christ and she is driven into the wilderness for 1260 Days/years where she is nourished and fed. We need to use the day for a year principle when studying prophecy. (Ezekiel 4:6 & Numbers 14:34) Jesus himself used this principle in Luke 13:32 when he said "Go tell that fox(Herod) that i do cast out devils and do miracles today, tomorrow and the third day i will be perfected. He said this 6 months into His ministry. He didnt just minster three more days, He ministered three more years. Christ Himself used the day for a year principle when speaking prophetically.
    The 1260 years of wilderness experience of the church started in 538 AD to 1798 AD. This was the Papal rule called the dark ages. Speaking of counterfiting Christs ministry of 3 1/2 years the Anti Christ power is here for 1260 "days" or 3 1/2 years doing the same. He even receives a deadly would and is healed. Rev 13

  • @clivejames5058
    @clivejames5058 Год назад

    I thought the woman was Israel? If it's the Church, then you're saying the Church gave birth to Christ? That doesn't add up to me.

    • @ntadomsamuel6438
      @ntadomsamuel6438 Год назад

      When he says the Church, I think he is referring to the select people of God. Before Jesus' sacrifice, the church was just made of Israelis. I think this is what he is trying to emphasize.

    • @richardrisner921
      @richardrisner921 Год назад

      The Church is Israel. Ephesians 2

  • @adddaniel2479
    @adddaniel2479 Год назад

    I see it as the nation of Israel (which had twelve tribes) who is portrayed as a woman and Jesus comes (is birthed) from this nation. God is the Father of Jesus, but Jesus did come from the tribe of Judah.

    • @wallysmet5076
      @wallysmet5076 Год назад

      And she brought forth a son, a man-child, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place there prepared by God so that they might nourish her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels went to war with the dragon. And the dragon warred and his angels. Revelation 12:5-7.
      Does that mean to you that 12:5 ends with Jesus Christ's ascension, around AD 33, and 12:6 is yet to begin, when the woman flees and the 1,260 days (3 1/2 years) commences?

  • @abaker4692
    @abaker4692 Год назад

    Isn't the Queen of Heaven an idol?

    • @thecrew777
      @thecrew777 Год назад

      Yes. I hope he misspoke.

  • @stuartjohnson5686
    @stuartjohnson5686 Год назад +3

    Queen of Hearven was a pagan concept, it was a title given to Istar or Isis. Not a Biblical title.

    • @BrentLeVasseur
      @BrentLeVasseur Год назад +1

      Who do you think is responsible for creating all those pagan religions, gods and goddesses? All false religion originates from Satan and his demons. They have been running around masquerading as various pagan gods and goddesses for thousands of years. Satan’s #1 goal is to replace God with a counterfeit version, and he doesn’t care if people worship him directly or indirectly. That’s why Satan’s anti-Christ will be a counterfeit Jesus. People will think they are worshipping God, but will actually be worshipping Satan. That’s why Satan is known as the great deceiver of mankind. He is the master at deception. So don’t you be fooled too.

    • @turtleneckferret
      @turtleneckferret Год назад +2


    • @AnnetteBird-bz3mw
      @AnnetteBird-bz3mw Год назад

      True, good comment
      Unless we are being raised from the dead or changed in the blink of an eye and meeting the Messiah in the air
      1 Thes 4:16-17 1 Cor 15:51-53 It's NOT the Messiah!

  • @tomulrich8010
    @tomulrich8010 Год назад

    Do date ❤❤❤

  • @tomulrich8010
    @tomulrich8010 Год назад

    How many does do you need mate❤❤❤❤

  • @tomulrich8010
    @tomulrich8010 Год назад

    Ha ha🎉😂❤

  • @dannymccarty344
    @dannymccarty344 Год назад

    If satan was cast out of heaven (with 1/3 of the angels). Then why would God put man here with satan?
    Putting us here with satan, doesnt sound much like love.
    If someone (satan) was so bad that you throw them out your house...would you make your children live with with them?(in satan's house)
    What am I missing here?

    • @gogogus1
      @gogogus1 Год назад

      A lot

    • @jordon628
      @jordon628 Год назад +1

      I have contemplated before on these things you have mentioned here. There was a spiritual battle in Heaven. Lucifer (Satan) tried to overthrow, impeach God and unfortunately took a third of the Heavenly Host with him as he was cast down to the earth.
      God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Our Creator gave us the choice of FREE WILL from the very beginning. That is how much he loved us and wanted us to obey him and his laws. Remember, GOD knew the beginning from the end just as knows every
      strand of hair on our head. The rest is up to us, the choice of good or evil.
      The spiritual battle is ongoing, good verses evil as Satan walks to and fro upon the earth to consume as many souls as possible.
      Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

    • @dannymccarty344
      @dannymccarty344 Год назад +2

      @@gogogus1 Obviously is why I asked. Make it make sense. Or did you already win with that lame response?

    • @rebeccaowusu-ntow914
      @rebeccaowusu-ntow914 Год назад +1

      Hello, First I pray that your understanding is enlightened. Are you saved? I mean repented of your sins and desire to have Christ as Lord of your life? If your answer is no...this may be the reason for your not understanding. This ministry has lots of information that is most useful. Did this help.

    • @dannymccarty344
      @dannymccarty344 Год назад

      @@rebeccaowusu-ntow914 no, that didn't help at all.
      Why did he create man, in a place where he just put satan?
      Its ok, if you say you don't know. I've never met anyone who has an explanation. It makes zero sense...