Binah Suppression made me lose my MIND in Lobotomy Corporation [Ep. 24]

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • I tried experimenting with something at the end of the video, it's probably kinda cringe- but I hope you stick until the end! (I wish I had more time to make it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I stayed up until 7 am agaaaaaaiiin
    Midnight E.G.O. Mod
    Perma Agent Mod
    Weapon Error Fix Mod
    Chainsaw Man Mod
    HP Bar Stacking Mod
    Today's Ordeal Mod
    The Lost E.G.O. Mod
    Supress Leveling Mod
    A Memory Eternal EGO Weapon (Mine)
    Blossoming Butterfly EGO Suit (Mine)
    All Consuming EGO Weapon (Mine (WIP))
    Detail Check Mod
    Infinite ReExtraction Mod
    Golex Facility Gifts Mod (Mine (also WIP)
    Optimization Mod
    Twitter: / golexusu
    Tumblr: / golexusu
    Tiktok: / golexusu
    Instagram: / golexusu
    Music Used:
    Gebura Suppression (Insignia Decay)
    Between Two Realms - Realm of Darkness
    A Scion's Journey
    #lobotomy_corporation #lobotomycorporation #vtuber #vtuberen #vtubers #envtuber

Комментарии • 82

  • @crazyknight5474
    @crazyknight5474 Год назад +26

    Ah, the sound of a person breaking down to Binah's Suppression, a classic if I may say 🍵.
    That aside, we did say you either restart to day 1 building up to safe abnormalities and doing the suppression or push through and then reset to day 1 to rebuild and actually make good decisions on abnormalities you will pick past day 45

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +3

      Yeahitsnotgoingthatgoosoverhere- I see that it's possible though. The plan is to attempt it a couple more times and see if I can make some magic happen, but if not, I'm going to have to restart.

  • @preoklenthe
    @preoklenthe Год назад +16

    That's why I said Gebura wasn't the hardest thing in this game.
    Binah gets exponentially harder the more clerk lovers abnormalities you have, also, not having the extraction team fully expanded so you can summon the rabbits is indeed quite a pickle, but not all hope is lost for you already have the best tool to fight against Binah in your facility.
    As you saw, the hardest thing about Binah is attending to all meltdowns at the same time while you focus on your killteam so they don't die, while also battling with any abno that has escaped.
    So what if I told you there was an abnormality in your facility which could solve every single meltdown in your facility and recontain most of the abnormalities prowling around? Just by using that abnormality you can stun Binah and lower her resistances and remove all waves and recontain most of your problems in one fell swoop, effectively skipping one of her phases as long as you can use your killteam to utilize that window of opportunity. It does have a cost of a single sacrifice, and can only be done once per day but it IS a very powerful tool for this suppression
    Wether you use it or not, if you still find yourself unable to clear Binah with the help of that abno and are planning to go back to day 1, I would recommend doing Hokma's suppression before going back since it will make things a lot easier.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +2

      Ah, the machiiiine. Using a level 5 employee would hurt thooough. Although if it comes to it, I can use one of the characters I made like the Chainsawman ones or the random ones I had before I took suggestions. Those would hurt less to use, but it's an extremely good idea that would likely net me only a singular loss. I'm going to- try to complete it without that method, but if I can't be bothered and need to complete it, then I'll have to use that one.
      Yeah- Gebura definitely isn't the hardest in the game, and I'd be really surprised if there is another that is harder than this because this is crazy but I'll keep on going and see what I must resort to.
      Thank you for the tip! This will really help and hopefully make the third phase so much easier.

  • @notbaconzzzzzzz
    @notbaconzzzzzzz Год назад +5

    One of the reasons so many people are dying is that the spikes spawn under random employees, so when you have a bunch of employees stack on each other attacking Binah they tend to take a lot of spikes to the face.
    A very easy way to cheese 3rd phase is as soon as you see her hp bar hit 0 and start to rise again, pause the game. Then send people to work on EVERY abnormality (with the exception of Big Bird (assuming he's not breaching), as he is simply built different and cannot meltdown).
    Also, it's so annoying that you can't use the rabbits because sending them as soon as the day starts is the to go to strategy, as her department can't meltdown during this core suppression.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +2

      I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MAIN ROOMS FOR A GOOD BIT UGH THAT SUCKS that's why someone else said to not stack too, man Huh that does sound pretty smart actually, I'm going to try that thank you for the info!

  • @kittycatgaming9116
    @kittycatgaming9116 9 месяцев назад +2

    by my knowlage Binah's supresion is just gerbruia's supression but on crack

  • @hakuno6568
    @hakuno6568 Год назад +8

    This is funny my first attempt, everything went well until I got to the third phase from there everything went wrong. Honestly, I was not mentally prepared for the fact that she took the pause button from me. My strategy that the discipline team and all my agents with aleph equipment go to suppress binah, and all the other agents took care of the other Qliphoth Meltdown. If I saw that Binah raised her hand, I would only move my agents behind her so that they would not receive the attack. all this was viable for me until the third phase XD

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +2

      uuughhh it was so STRESSFUL thank God I can still use the escape key to at least try to calm myself before going through hell. Aaaaa Yeah, that's pretty much what I did, too, but I had a couple of others from other departments to help. The only issue is if she slaps a pillar to crush every employee's skull, which can just be absolutely devastating if you don't have people in the right places. Welp, here's to trying again soon...

  • @RigzGrid
    @RigzGrid Год назад +4

    Hey hey hey remember when i said its gonna get worse welcome to one variation of that. Btw there be 2 things worse than this afterwards. So time for tips so i can preserve what lil sanity you have left
    Id say just get the abno done and researched for today and rewind. From that day forward upgrade record team to max only expanding that one and do that core suppression. It will help a lot with extractions core suppression. You got the rabbit part of the riddle right just you didnt fully expand the extraction team. Now for binahs marks do them in this order from most to least important in case things do get desperate and you cant do em all. White ( reduces all of her resistances ) > Gold ( stuns her ) > Purple ( gets rid of the waves ). Extra tips backwards clock would be amazing for phase 3 as you can insta skip it and have her be vulnerable right away, or if you do it all right and get the works done fast enough the rabbits will finish all of her phases. Finally ONLY HAVE PEOPLE RESISTED TO BLACK DAMAGE the spikes always attack ( why i also wanted everyone to get childs ego gift ) the healing a resistances to black allow them to power through. Also tip dont elevator stack cus well the spikes can stack as well and one shot peeps in the process, with your current facility its possible to beat binah but it will be super hard. I wouldnt blame ya if you wanted to remake it before facing her again.
    Other than that good luck you got this.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      I love crying and losing my mind, haha
      Hmm, if I do mem repo, though, I'd lose the apocalypse bird gift one everyooone that would suck. I could likely just do apocalypse bird again but I'll see how it goes with trying to do it again and hopefully not lose my mind.
      I'd rather not lose anyone, but if it comes to it 2 I can sacrifice one person to get this done. And like no abnormalities will be out with that so it would be such a great opportunity. With the black resist- really wish I didn't have a lot of non-black resist waw gear, I might have to resort to some HE EGO or reduce my facility size a little more. It's good to know what each do. Thank you for that! And thank you for the good luck! I hope for the best in my next few attempts.

  • @OSO-171
    @OSO-171 Год назад +5

    And this is why Binah is an absolute nightmare but we love her
    The only advice I can think of since it's something that kind of worked for me is downsizing your departments if you don't want to lose people
    Put good armors or armors for their respective escapable abnormalities on the three or so you keep in each department so they're a little more likely to live
    The first phase becomes a little easier since less spikes spawn and you're not having to mentally keep track of entire departments
    Though with your facility that.. might be a lot harder to do
    By the time I had finished Binah's suppression I had lost over half of my entire facility in a hail mary against her
    It was done but dam did it cost me
    Best part is this was right before repository day because I was dumb
    Do not stress yourself for our sake miss manager, do as you want and don't burn yourself out
    Also I absolutely love the little badge you made for my nugget, thank you! ; v;
    And the ending girl is really cute!
    Very well done with the ending bit as well!

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      Mmm, what sucks about my armors is that a lot of them (the WAW ones) don't have black resist, and it suuucks it really messes with the possibility of anyone actually living when it comes to the waves + spikes.
      I was doing the reducing department method, but I might need to downsize more, but at the same time, I don't really want to reduce the amount of firepower for killing her. That part makes me feel stuuuck.
      Thank you! I'll try not to stress myself out but if Binah keeps that up I might not be able to help it-
      Also thank you again! The fun fact button is real. I had fun making the end bit! Just wish I had more time with it, I didn't make the asset for the day on the top left.

    • @OSO-171
      @OSO-171 Год назад +1

      True, with your facility ending her third phase as fast as you can is better than trying to play it safe
      I went full circle from annoyed to stressed to "You know. This is a chance to make the facility safer for whatever hell the end of the game is going to throw at me." and started just taking advantage of the early days to train people up without worrying about ordeals and got to the final stretch with an entire facility of almost maxed characters and an extra 200+ lob points
      So yes it SUCKED
      But silver lining, I was more prepared
      Or at least that's what I keep saying to avoid reminding myself how Binah single handedly killed days of work in under a minute on her last phase.
      It's a coping mechanism and it works
      At this point I can't tell if my love for Binah is Stockholm Syndrome or not

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      Mmmmm restarting sounds so good when you say an extra 200 lob points. Still want to try going through the whole game without resetting once though, simply because I would be super cool and crazy if I did it like that (even though I have mods but we don't worry about that part)
      It's good that you were, at least, from what it seems somewhat more prepared for Binah! But heyy the last phase is simply chaotic. What can we do tbh lol. I don't know if I'll love or hate Binah after all of this, but I will see how my feelings go about her after I pass this painful experience.

  • @GolexCh
    @GolexCh  Год назад +3

    Note: All slots are currently full, however, things will be getting more dangerous as time goes on. Some may die so slots may open up. You can still submit but if you aren’t made here, you will be created in the next playthrough.
    EMPLOYEE APPLICATION (Post down in comments!)
    Prefer job:
    Background (Optional):
    I do not guarantee specific jobs or right hair colors (rgb is hard to get it right okay? ;((()
    *BOLD* - means lvl V employee
    *STAR** - means all stats V employee
    **2 STAR** - EX Employee
    🦋 - Team Leader (Or to be Team Leaders)
    (Note. I do need to still max max out the stats of some employees, some stats are EX but likely are so due to abno bonuses)
    🦋 *Otta*
    *Dies Irae*
    Clavis Aurea
    Bus Driver
    *Dies Irae*
    An Arbiter awakens.
    Sane Knight
    Removing EGO selections for now, but if there is an abno we recently received and you would like to have their EGO you may make the request.
    💀GRAVEYARD💀 (may their souls rest in peace :((() (P.S. if I forgot someone let me know)
    London - Died in Episode 1 (Playing Lobotomy Corporation for the First Time)
    Soma - Died in Episode 7 (The BEST way to SUPPRESS Abnormalities in Lobotomy Corporation)
    Jeff - Died in Episode 15 (Suppressing EVERY ALEPH Abnormality in my Lobotomy Corporation Facility)
    X - Died in Episode 18
    Firenze - Died in Episode 18
    Arang and Sinrei will probably come back (maybe?) - Episode 20 (Just Another Peaceful Day at Lobotomy Corporation)
    Dexter and Krizelix (will probably come back) - Episode 22

  • @haxra3656
    @haxra3656 Год назад +3

    Dont worry conductor a masterpieces can't be made in one day...
    Rest well, clear your mind , knowing that your melody will be everlasting and unstopable even if we get impale 10000 time Victory is the only outcome you can lead us too

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      Thank you Haxra! Somehow, and somehow, no matter how long it takes, we'll be able to make it through this.

  • @Micolash-Cage-of-Nightmare
    @Micolash-Cage-of-Nightmare Год назад +3

    Binah. If Geburah fought her fairly with ovewhelming might Binah uses every dirty trick she learned in her life and then some. In my experience it was the only core supression where I had people die, and not even to her but to one specfic abnormality. You'll best her though, I'm sure of it.
    p.s. since you've said gifts are on the table, can you give Mico something cage-related? Maybe like a few pieces sticking out of hair, or maybe or brooch or a glove. Would be a funny thing to have

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      I honestly think I have a strategy down for Binah in my head it's just that I need certain things to not just happen like for some reason, Binah delaying an attack or throwing a pillar across the screen. I'm curious how a fight between the two Gebura and Binah would be now would be nice if there was an option for Gebura to help... what abnormality was it by the way? It really can be the abnormalities that just fuck the entire run over it suuucks. Thank you! I'll try my best to take her down. Also hmm yeah sure I can give that to Mico! I'll see which one I can visualize better.

    • @Micolash-Cage-of-Nightmare
      @Micolash-Cage-of-Nightmare Год назад

      @@GolexCh Backwards Clock allows you to instantly clear meltdowns, which works on Binah, but in the process "kills" the agent who activate it because they get lost in the unwinded timeline. I used to on her second phase to minimise casualties. Yeah, Binah delivers a Facility Check (tm) the same way Geburah checks your stats and equipment

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      Facility check? And oh I thought you were supposed to use the clock on third phase but it makes sense to use it on second since nothing happens aside from the pillars on third (I think). I'm going to keep trying without the clock buuut I might just need to use it to be honest at this rate.

  • @Aveir_
    @Aveir_ Год назад +2

    Aveir:When i saw the girl at the end i thought it was Yosu.
    Manager Golex you are not a loser, otherwise CENSORED would never trust you.)

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      Thank you, Aveir. I don't think she is Yosu, she's off for today, actually. CENSORED has been good despite what I read in their abnormality log. I hope it continues to be that way.

  • @sudariabryan123
    @sudariabryan123 Год назад +18

    Binah best lady

  • @HateIsJustice
    @HateIsJustice Год назад +2

    Hello Manager! Are you ready for a Lobotomy?
    Welcome to Binah showing you a retelling of what happened to the original research facility out on the outskirts, similar to how Gebura's Suppression can be done by letting your Abnormalities gang up on her for extra cruelty since they do extra damage to her.
    Considering your facility and that noticeable delay, you're doing really well gradually getting through this Core Suppression. The farther you get, the more you'll probably see why many people give up on completing this game. It's especially harsh to those of us who get really attached to our characters lol...
    Definitely be sure to keep your health in mind, it's very understandable to take a break to recollect yourself! Such respite tends to help overcome difficult challenges when you've taken time to clear your mind and rest! After all, you've yet to reach this peak's summit, and many people believe in you seeing you make it this far!

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      I want a lobotomy after this
      Aaaaaaaa, this is so crazy but from a story perspective, I see that! She really makes everything so chaotic trying to destroy everything and let everything ravage the facility. This is agonnyyy. But I'm learning and getting there! Some tips really have me more prepared as well! This game is definitely very hard, I see why people give up factoring how much attention is needed for Binah.
      I should probably rest not gonna lie- but I really wanna finish this suppression, so I probably won't rest until then. But it'll be such a nice rest when I'm done. Thank you for believing! Hoping to make it happen in the next one!

    • @HateIsJustice
      @HateIsJustice Год назад

      @@GolexCh It is indeed, palpable agony.
      Good luck, you definitely got close these first few attempts! It will be a well deserved rest once overcame.

  • @psilimo
    @psilimo Год назад +3

    Binah. I can only really call her one thing that truly explains the horror she causes - Cynthia. She truly is the Cynthia of Lob. Corp. It would be fitting if before you even get to stage one, ‘The Piano Before Cynthia’ played. She is hell on Earth and she knows it.
    SoIbeatherwithmyworstenemy- Enemy of your enemy is your friend right? Yeah, so basically did that.. Holy Baby Fetus and His gang of Babysitters REALLY made the whole run for me work (for whenever you decide to fight this thing, his babysitters MOVE ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE). It took A FUCKTON OF PLANNING. To say it shortly, if Binah can’t get to the mastermind she won’t properly be able to take care of the rest. It took the best of the best, several sacrificial lambs, German Sharpshooter, Rabbits, and the Goat of the Playthrough: Hydrogen Bomb Baby.
    Also Dies going in and leaving? Chef’s kiss. I would too buddy. I would too.
    There’s a buzz on the screen, it’s hard to believe Dies Irae and Clavis Aurea had ANY time to record. The fight was still ongoing. No, it was impossible. A familiar figure appears, and with her appearance it feels like everything slows down. Everything in the Corporation stands still, as if frozen. Even Angela who often goes against most protocols.
    Everything is .
    “Hello, manager Golex so good to see you again. It must feel nice to think for a moment, right?”
    It’s Psi. Except instead of her manager attire, she’s wearing a masculine pirate attire with a captain’s hat with a feathery pinion.
    “Nothing is moving right now. Not even the City outside.”
    As an example, she drops a glass cup. The liquid in it spills out but not fully. It stays stationary in the air and so has the cup.
    “It’s neat we get this type of ability, right? Us managers. Time manipulation is something, alright. Though it’s nothing on distorting the very fabric of reality.”
    “Hmhm, anyways. How have been? Bad? Binah giving you a hard time?”
    “I see you’ve modified a couple of things. Interesting, all of these they’re pretty fantastic aren’t they? Some are funny, some give you more of a fighting chance.”
    “How are the weapons? Oh, not the normal EGO weapons, YOUR weapons? They seem strong. Why I know about them? Tsk tsk, it’s always important to watch your fellow managers closely. Everything is a lesson. You’ve taught me a couple things yourself.”
    She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
    “Anyways, you’re rather attached to your employees aren’t you? I would say that I’m the same. However, sometimes we *must* snuff out the lives of our beloved. You should know this well, right? A sacrifice must be made eventually.”
    She shrugs with a sigh.
    “That’s all I wanted to bother you with. Remember not all life must live to be useful, proper realization of that will make you stand unopposed.”
    Time unfreezes as she’s gone, however as soon as the cameras unfreeze the cross ‘Flesh Idol’ had been activated; however there was no one there to activate it. The doors of all abnormalities unlocking, it is carnage much seen before.
    It’s safe to say that Psi is as chaotic if not more, than Dies Irae and Clavis Aurea.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +3

      Binah. She sucks oh my GOD. I don't know the Piano before Cynthia, but I looked it up, and holy yes, that would 100% fit. It would be funny if the beginning of suppression music didn't play but something like that or Binah's own theme instead just to really ahow that she means business like you said.
      Huh, did you get the fetus fella to help you, or was it a devastating annoyance? That would be pretty crazy if you actually got them to help- I wanna see that. I understand some of what helped you-
      *But what is a hydrogen bomb baby huhwhat*
      Your runs of lobotomy sound very interesting...
      It really was a dreadful day, Binah suppression was really taking a toll on the manager. She really felt like she was about to lose herself along with the employees before her. That's just when everything came to a halt.
      "Huh..? W-Whats going on -" a screen came on display showing a familiar face. The parent of the two was sent to this facility. Psi was here, but how did she have the authority to do this? "How- why are you here right now? It does.. feel nice to be able to think now. Thank you..."
      Seeing the cup stick to the air, stuck in time, was confusing. The manager didn't really know the extent of pausing, assuming it would lay only within the confines of the facility. But for the outside to be affected? What was going in right now?
      "It's been bad Psi, seriously bad, Binah just makes everything go out of control- I have no idea what to do at times..."
      For this next bit, the manager was quite puzzled. "Mods..? What do you mean by mods? They're just things I made for the employees. I don't know what you're referring to here. My weapons? They're fine.. I'm not sure how you still peer in to my sector, but if it helps others like you, I'm glad you can see how it's going."
      "I don't really want to lose anyone, you're right. I probably have to sacrifice some people willingly eventually, but right now, I at least want to protect everyone I can... if I don't try that, then I can't call myself a good manager."
      "Wait- Psi-"
      The transmission cut off, and everything in the facility escaped. Huh, Psi is powerful, isn't she. But everything is lost now. There was nothing much the manager could do
      Its time to restart.

    • @psilimo
      @psilimo Год назад

      For me (because I am insane) I don’t like to win. *no*. I have to win with the stupidest most estranged plan possible. Winning normally? Never. We go nuts like N. Corp Faust.
      Can I win normally, you lose some you win some? Yes! *However, what if I made the AntiChrist kill her instead?* What if I gave my employees no EGO armor? Just weapons and balled from there? What if I had one person do it? Winning does not win for me. I WIN when I beat the game at insanity.
      Did I kill Apocalypse Bird with Whitenight and one employee while I got a bunch of randoms and let them be killed, yes! Do I know I could’ve done it with all my employees? Oh yes. I relished in that win. And you know what? It wasn’t even a core suppression day. I had to build up all my energy. With one person. With the Train. I still won.
      I know I can do it normally, I could if I wanted. I will not, however. For I am insaner than any man, more willed. More persistent.
      Angela cries when she sees me clock in. For there is sense of regulation here, just PsilimO.

    • @psilimo
      @psilimo Год назад

      Fuck the end was supposed to be so hard, and then I flubbed it up. I am my own downfall.
      *There is no regulation here, just PsilimO.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +2

      *huh yo are you okay?*
      You know, winning normally is also satisfying too. It's very nice.
      You really went through the pain with a singular employee and got all of the energy with one employee????
      I'm honestly surprised you don't make lobotomy challenge videos or something holy what?
      Props for doing things very unconventinally tbh. I don't even know what to say. Those all sound like they would take so many attempts or take way too long to do.
      People say that even 100%ing the game is crazy. You are going beyond that.
      I wish you luck in your next crazy endeavors, and I hope your Angela can deal with all of that chaos. 🙏

  • @mariogamer20
    @mariogamer20 Год назад +2

    Oh boy, Binah suppression! Are you traumatized yet? We’re all traumatized here!
    Definitely the hardest suppression imo, so don’t feel bad for having trouble with it. For me the pause removal caused so much death, I am an anxious soul and pause constantly to keep my bearings, so Binah removing my space bar really messed with me haha
    Was wondering if you’d be cool with me submitting another employee? I know I’ve already submitted one, so absolutely no worries if you’re against it, I want to give priority to the people who haven’t seen their characters get in yet. But I have to admit it’s fun seeing other people’s characters have their lore and I keep wanting to throw my hat in the ring haha
    Oh yeah btw, just wanted to say that your thumbnail art has been looking really cool! The recent suppressions have brought some very awesome looking action shots

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      Trauma... man, I hope it doesn't get worse than this-
      I like one taking the suppressions (in like a 10 hour session haha...) because it gets us closer to the library and limbus, but yeaaah, there sometimes have to be those delays that happen. It sucks but it is what it is. The content is hard, end boss stuff, just need to keep going at it and eventually I'll get there! Just wish, she didn't remove my space bar too...
      I do not mind at all if you submit another employee, it's allowed I still have a backlog of some additional employees people sent I need to add but yours is still more up there on the list to be added since most were mass drops people did of employees in case I didn't get any new ones. So yes! You can submit it. I'd love to see some more lore of others characters it's made the game a lot more fun!
      Also, thank you! I don't have as much time as I like with most of them, but I still make some solid pieces that work, and I'm really happy about it! Excited to draw the actual suppression of Binah out battle thumbnail, (if I can complete it haha)

    • @mariogamer20
      @mariogamer20 Год назад

      @@GolexCh I know how you feel, I swear my attempts on these suppressions end in like 2-3 hour sessions…If only I could apply this sort of dedication to my actual work. The real ALEPH Abnormality is the time sink that all the hours of our life drain into, never to be seen again.
      And thanks for the allowance! I may still wait a bit to officially put in a submission as…okay I’ll be honest I’m not 100% sure who to add yet hahaha
      But I’ll be sure to follow up eventually! In the meantime, may your Binah suppressions have good RNG, brave manager 🙏

    • @loos123
      @loos123 Год назад

      If you have the Department fully expanded this one is a joke since you just toss Rabbits at her and work on the Meltdowns meanwhile
      Her last Phase just passed me by before i even noticed, i think i only had one or two deaths

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      I WISH I COULD HAVE DONE THAT, but hey, I had to do it the old-fashioned way.
      Would have been so nice to like not have to worry about her at all but had to do what I had to do.

    • @loos123
      @loos123 Год назад

      @@GolexCh True! I honestly had a more or less easy time with her Suppression
      Did you finish the game btw? I was gonna say something but wouldn't want to spoil

  • @ShadowMaster7lp
    @ShadowMaster7lp Год назад

    Shadow nugget sips some alcohol while watching the recording of the manager struggeling in the: Binah/Arbiter suppression
    "I understand now why yaku is that strong, i mean she was there when the legendary red mist was coming, The apocalypse bird AND now an arbiter of A corp" He snacks on some saltsticks "I underestimated you Yaku, compared to me an ex-8th grade fixer, im just in your eyes a small little puppy strenght wise" He sighs and returns from the small hidden room to return to work.
    Soon i reach the new videos, and OH GOD SEEING BINAH SUPRESSION SCARES MEEE, to do the suppression myself when i get time, and i hope it was ok if i inserted some more nugget lore, i hope my nugget makes it past day 49, or at least brings you manager to your goal even if he dies. :D Great videos golex

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      "Yeah, Yaku has been through a lot here. You won't have those experiences under your belt, but you'll be plenty strong for when the end comes, Shadow."
      YEAH BINAH IS NUUUTTSS OH MY GOD I HATE HER but love her BUT HATE HER AAAAAAAAAAA. I hope you'll be able to defeat her- she's a real struggle... inserting lore is always fine! It's always nice to share our stories! Thank you for liking the videos! Hope they continue to be enjoyable

  • @Maxer4000
    @Maxer4000 Год назад

    No number of therapists going to fix this trauma

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      No therapist can help me all that can is saying "it is what it is" and crying myself to sleep

  • @KyronFoxx
    @KyronFoxx Год назад +1

    A Justitia cleaved through a training dummy, slicing it in half. Three Icicles found their target in the throats of three others, in quick succession.
    Ky lowered his hand and took a deep breath. That should be enough warming up for today. Or cooling down? He was unsure of the specifics, not that they mattered. His ears twitched, hearing someone enter the room behind him. Turning around he found the Manager, a weird bramble wrapped around their arm.
    "Heya, Manager. Come to train?" His eyes were unable to leave the frosty bramble. "What's that? New fashion choice, or something?"
    Holstering his Justitia, he approaches her. "How about a quick spar? You know our sparring rules here, yeah?" He points towards a poster hanging on the wall. It says 'No Killing, No Vital hits. Have Fun!'. Those certainly are rules...
    Ky gave the Manager a smile. "So? How about it?"
    (Nice ending! Also, Sleep is for the weak! The true Lob Corp experience!)

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      The manager walked into disciplinary, quite nervous, actually. Her eyes dotted around the place, and she held her hands together a bit, twiddling them together.
      She came in just in time to see Ky's display of power, and that did not help her anxiety out in the slightest. But she took a deep breath and kept her eyes forward. If her employees can fight such monstrous entities, then she's gotta have some courage on the field, right? Or, at least kind of in the field she realizes, this is only training after all. It only seems fair.
      "Ah- yeah, I am! Here for the spar, sir!" She put her hand up to her forehead in salute, having a little jest since Ky is the expert here. "Oh- the vine? Didn't you -" The manager had a puzzled look on her face. "I thought you gave it to me. Do we have another doppel situation in our hands? Well- let's focus on the spar first!"
      She took hold of her katana, unsheathing the blade to reveal it from its casing. Immediately, an air of dread filled the room. She actually hasn't really held onto it since it's purification. The blade looks very tattered and beaten, with various amounts of jagged edges. But what was very noticeable was the color, which definitely was the color of rich blood.
      As she held the blade, she realized what she was told when people held an E.G.O. Upon having it in their hands, they immediately know how to use it. She went from holding it with both hands to holding it with one, taking her stance ready for battle.
      The manager smiled along with Ky, it's not like her nerves were completely quelled, but holding this blade made her more comfortable with combat. "Alright, Ky, I get the gist. Let's have at it."
      (Thank you! I thought it would be fun to try that out and it was just wish I could make it more like the cutscenes in game wasn't able to with the time I had)

    • @KyronFoxx
      @KyronFoxx Год назад

      @@GolexCh Ky chuckled at the Managers antics. It was good that she was comfortable enough to crack some jokes, even though she was clearly nervous about fighting. Not that that would last long, something like that always slips ones mind when a battle starts. You get immersed in it faster then you think.
      Giving the Manager an encouraging pat on the shoulder, he walked a few meters away from her and took his position. Two Icicles formed in his hands in a reverse grip as he got low to the ground, his knees far apart and almost touching the ground. His ears perked up and his tails were completely unmoving. He waited for the Manager to make the first move and react accordingly, a smile on his face. "Let the dance begin."

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      The manager was able to ease up with the help of Ky. She fully felt ready to try this out. She didn't really have the experience, but she definitely had the capability.
      With a smirk she dashed forward, the orbs that were once used as a party trick formed as three orbs of blue light that she chucked towards Ky. In what seemed like an instant, they set themselves in certain positions. One above him, and two to his sides, these would be points that would trigger themselves and they would all bump themselves against Ky if he got any closer to them, disappearing after being destroyed or served their purpose. The manager took the frontal position to strike directly at Ky, mostly aiming for his weapon of choice.
      The manager did not really know how much force she should put into her blade for sparring, but she gave it a good effort since Ky is so strong, outputting a force that could shatter any regular human's bones. She figured this was something Ky could handle, and it could possibly shake his expectations.

    • @KyronFoxx
      @KyronFoxx Год назад

      @@GolexCh Observing the orbs with interest, Ky quickly disregarded them. Concentrating on the rushing woman, he held up one of the Ice daggers to clash with her.
      Upon impact the Ice cracked and he could feel it through his entire body. Damn, she didn't lie. She is stronger than the average guy.
      Good that he wasn't either. While he wasn't a powerhouse in strength alone, he had other ways of winning. Spell-blades are tricksters.
      "Pocket Snow!" Throwing some snow in his opponents face, he turned into his small fox form and rushed between her legs, triggering the orbs she cast. Using two of his tails to pull on her feet as he passed to try to trip her up. And hopefully make her tank her own attack. Now he simply had to test his luck that she fell in the right direction and not on him... or if at all.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      As soon as she broke one of the ice daggers, she set her eyes on breaking the next one and ending this battle quickly, although she suddenly wasn't really thinking of the fun aspect of it. Something inside of her simply wanted to feel victory.
      "Pocke-" She did not account for the good old pocket sand- snow in this case technique. She was effectively hit with the snow and was now locked out of her sight for now. She switched to a different sense, however, to feel what was going on. She knew that Ky went into his small fox form. She can feel that change in Ky, which forced her to make the decision to leap into the air in that time, unleashing a swarm of small blue orbs in Ky's general direction some actually manifesting into the form she wanted them to appear as which were purely blue butterflies that all launched towards Ky. On impact, they would only deal a decent blunt force, although the butterfly ones felt a lot more impactful.
      She didn't really know where she was landing, though it would be quite close to Ky. As soon as she lands, she'll rid herself of the snow on her eyes and prepare for Ky's next move.

  • @ManagerDamien
    @ManagerDamien Год назад

    Both the Manager D and Employee exhausted to the point their bodies on the floor laying down, Manager D is having a smoke on their head dealing with a certain railway of trying to get the turns below 120 while the tall employee themselves is frustrated and now realize the difference of the power of fixer and arbiter.
    "Curses..." Yaku muttered with the worried cyan blue butterfly on their shoulder. Apparently Binah is right in front of her now smiling wickedly. "How does it feel?" Yaku just groans. "A huge gap... It is not fair you tried to break out the abnormalities too." Binah kept her composure. "In this world, there is no fairness, you have to utilize everything that is offered to you, get up. You will be my assistant for a day, everyone will die including you, I would like some of your company." Yaku sweatdrop. "But-" Binah turns her back and motions to follow her. "I already told that red mist to borrow you for a day. In exchange she gets to train my employees. I will leave you behind." Yaku contemplates and confused despite they had a murder look before, looking at the butterfly which is just fluttering feels like nodding, though they have no choice but to follow her.
    In the Extraction team, Yaku prepares the tea as they got the hang of it and serve it to Binah. Binah inhaled and sips with a satisfied face. "As expected ever since you came to learn how to make this. Though I'm little hurt you tried the coffee from the blue bloke. Though there is no rule one can't have more than one." Yaku sips their tea also. "It is good too. I like to try new things." Binah just sips. "Like a curious child. How is the Twilight?" Yaku grip their hand and nodding. "I haven't got to used to it. It is like uncontrollable entities that is staying in your head." Yaku groans out of frustration.
    Binah sets her cup down. "That takes a lot of self-restraint, I doubt you could handle what I do here 1/10th of this extraction power." Yaku shakes their head. "I would go crazy already once I see it." Binah gives a clean organized paper to Yaku. "We can continue our conversation and duties, but for now, I would like you to give this to our dear manager here who keeps asking such otherworldly gifts, quite a lot if I say so." Yaku let out a small chuckles. "True, but our manager knows what is best for us, and of course. I will report it." They took the paper before heading to the Manager's current spot.
    "Before you go, you could just ignore my request and move on, why do you follow me, the one who will kill most of you?" The lady who knows the answer yet it doesn't hurt to question. Yaku thought for a second, if they even have such grudge even. "Maybe because I want to see everything. Since we are all going to die, including me, might as well live it best as much as I can without any worries and petty things and I trust others to move on." They smiled before going out. Binah quietly sips her tea in satisfied manner as the cyan blue butterfly shines even more.
    "Manager! How is the experience for you? I remember how Manager D screams to the moon and realize if this is just miss Binah's suppression, the final days would make manager D go even more feral, well they already did. Here is the report from miss Binah herself, so if anyone needs me, they can go through the extraction team. I hope you know the lessons by now." Yaku sets down the tea. "I made extra just for you so that you will be rejuvenated with the next try."

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      "Ah... hi Yaku. You guys are out there fighting the fight, but wow this really is a lot. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this or not but I've gotten a lot of support saying goodluck and that I can! So I'm hoping we'll be able to get it all done soon. I- hope the final days aren't worse than this. But if you say Manager D went feral, then I don't know what would happen to me. We'll see."
      "Thank you for the tea once again, Yaku!" The manager took a bit of a sip, holding a warm smile, feeling a bit refreshed. "I needed this energy... oh yeah, I saw you around Binah's place on the monitor. I hope you're doing fine down there. She's probably a lot to handle from my talks with her..."

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Год назад

      @@GolexCh Yaku looks nervous but manage to keep themselves. "She does give me the bad vibes, but I can't help learning new things from her especially even with the blood lust she has, she actually read a lot of Philosophy themes. Reminds me of my grandpa." They shake their head. "Thank you for the little fella here, I almost forgot to ask, what its name?" Yaku's finger signals the beautiful cyan butterfly to land on and both their golden eyes and cyan blue shines a bit more. "But I can't understand most of the themes when I was a child and I wish to know it to realize what is my grandpa's true beliefs." Their face starts to sullen a little bit with a bitter smile.

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      "Huh..." The manager looks down at her tea and rubs her chin. "I can understand that, I hope you learn more from her, just- not anything that would put you against us, haha... I doubt you would go against us, but be careful with her. Anything can happen down there, especially with the Twilight E.G.O. on things could take a toll on you."
      "It's nice to want to continue learning what your grandfather enjoyed. it must have been a great guy. Although that stuff for me is pretty complicated. I like it when I do understand the themes and concepts, though." The manager took note of Yaku's nervousness and wanted to help her out a little. She got up and placed a hand on Yaku's shoulder, but it was kind of awkward with the size difference. "W-Wow you got tall. When did that happen??? Ahem... anyway, get out of there if it gets dangerous with her, you never know what will happen. I'll be there with you in two ways, so there's no need to worry about anything happening."
      "Ah, a name. This one keeps coming to me, I'm not sure why I keep hearing it in my dreams or feel as if I resonate with it a lot, but we can call it Alinia. I hope it helps you out in the future!"

    • @ManagerDamien
      @ManagerDamien Год назад

      @@GolexCh "It is alright, Alinia helped me mitigate the pain. It's a beautiful name. Quite a dream and yes my old pops was a decent man among all the rats in the place." Seeing the manager flustered about the sudden change, Yaku question about it too, but they didn't think about it much while being patted on the shoulder, they grin. "Oh manager, since I'm this tall, would you like a carry in case you're tired?"

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      "Ah-" the manager felt her face flush from the comment. The thought of it felt pretty embarrassing, to be carried by one of her employees made her feel quite shameful since shes a person of authority, she immediately tried to put a stop to it. "Um- no I don't Yaku uh- Yaku I think a certain Sephriah needs their tea poured uhhh I'm very busy right now yes I need to work!" She rushed back to her desk and began looking through the report Yaku gave her while drinking down the tea exceptionally fast.

  • @CoinClever
    @CoinClever 24 дня назад

    Is that really how you pronounce that?

  • @CertifiedSsj
    @CertifiedSsj Год назад

    new golex vid

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад +1

      New golex vid 😳😳

  • @genericname2948
    @genericname2948 Год назад

    not suprising

    • @GolexCh
      @GolexCh  Год назад

      When the Binah kill