To answer your question about why he stripped nude in the beginning, law-enforcement cannot shoot you if you’re nude unless you’re charging or physically attacking them. Other than that, they have no reason to shoot they immediately have to stand down.
This is the 3rd reaction video I have seen for this movie and none knew why he got naked. I don't know why this is frustrating to me. I'm probably a bad person or something.
I think the irony in this whole plot is that in order for Clyde’s plan to work to the end, is for the system to play by the rules like he wants it to, just for his plan to fail when the system breaks the rules like they always do.
I love a good Vigilante film... the fact that he planned for 10y and made sure he had the ability to freely survey their moves. He killed his cellmate after making sure he was bad enough to deserved it. killed the judge with the cell phone probably because he listened in on them talking about breaking the law to get results. the fact his murders are not about revenge, but the failures of the justice system makes you want the bad guy to win. I think when he got arrested he was naked as to imply un armed and none resistant one cop with itchy trigger finger can mess up 10y of planning.
A great one guys. to answer a couple of questions. How did he know where they would collect when he made his threat to kill everyone? Everything used to execute that plan are fully mobile. He just needs to make them congregate in 1 place. So imagine if the lawyers had all gotten together at the city library?!? Now for the BIG question. Why was he naked? There are several cars worth of ARMED cops driving towards you & need to guarantee your safety to get to jail. Him being naked automatically shows he isn't a threat of any sort & won't fight or resist arrest. So he can move to the next stage of his plan. Hope everyone has an amazing week & much love to everyone from here in the UK
Im curious what your thoughts are on Clyde. Would you take his side or are you with Nick and his way of doing things? I feel like I know the general answer, but I would love to hear your thoughts!
First as someone that actually had to deal with the legal system. Under completely false nonsense read my comment about for basic details. I side with the father an real Justice that is people being punished for things that they actually did. Regardless of who does the punishing because as this movie shows. That sometimes the "Justice department " doesn't do their job for whatever reason. So if they won't do it like in this movie they basically let a murder walk free. Someone has to do it it also makes the people that helped the murder walk free. Basically in a way makes them accomplices to the crime. Because they don't even try to punish them for their actions so basically its a case of what they call Guilty By Association. The lawyers knew he murdered his family but they let him walk free for it. For a sur thing on his accomplice he was also guilty of it by the same reasoning. He didn't even try to stop him from killing the guys wife and child.
if im being honest the father is in the right especially because despite having the death penalty the majority of jurors in such cases are disgusting cowards who cant bear having the death of someone on their conscience despite the crimes committed and so we end up with bs like 100 +year sentences and people pretend its the same thing just cause their gonna die in jail but its not its just more weakness and greed same as usual after all prisons do make money off their prisoners so yeah
I side with the father the justice system in this country is so fd up it's ridiculous you get more time doing the right thing than murderers do it's f-ing stupid
When it comes to him being naked when he was arrested. He knew the legal system an how people are shoot because someone thought they seen a weapon. So him just standing there naked removed that possibility because if he's naked he is clearly not. Holding or hiding any weapons so they could not claim they seen him with any weapon. Then unjustifiably shoot him when they went to arrest him. Then about killing his cell mate an the other incident by standards. He was already a trained killer he like that one person said. He just killed people without needing to be in the room but they were. Specific targets for specific reasons but at this point he knew there was going to be as they call it collateral damage. He knew he was going to be killing innocent people from the start to prove a point about a flawed legal system. That an he already lost his family an as the old saying goes something like. There's nothing more dangerous then someone with nothing left to lose. Because they have nothing to live for so you can't take anything away from them. So there is nothing holding them back from doing anything they want. So basically he lost everything when his family got killed. So he didn't give a F about any one else especially if they were involved in any way with letting the murder get away with it. Then his cell mate he was in jail for a crime so it was just a criminal that he had to kill. So basically after his family was murdered an the killer got away with it. People became just numbers to him. If they lived or died he didn't care anymore he didn't even care if he died. Now when it comes to the subject of the movie. That being "Justice " I put it like that for a specific reason. Because that's just a name that some people give it. Let's start with what it should be it should be someone being punished for their actions. That simple someone does something then they get punished for their actions. Now one name it goes by is Justice that is if the government says its okay to punish that person. Then if someone out side of the government punishes that person it's called revenge an its a crime an they are punished for it. So basically Justice and revenge are the same thing its someone getting pushed for their actions. But with different names an consequences for the people doing it. To avoid any misunderstandings or naming any specific legal systems. I will use a two groups from the Elder Scrolls Univers. But it's still a good comparison so bare with me. In those games an lore there is two groups let's call one group A that one has legal permission to do things. Then group B that group doesn't have legal permission to do things. Then let's say person C they commit a crime or something or let's just say they did nothing wrongat all. If group A dose anything to person C like imprison them or torture them or kill them. Even if it's in the middle of the day an in the middle of the town or city. All they need to do is show a piece of paper will the seal of the people in charge of that area. Then it's perfectly legal an nothing happens to them. Now if someone from group B does the same things to person C that. The person from group A did to person C. That's a hole other story the person from group B is called a criminal an a murder because. Group B even though they do the exact same things as group A. But group B does not have permission from the government to do it. When it comes to killing people if group A dose it it's called something like legal executions. But if group B does it its called just murder the only difference is group A has permission from the government to kill person C. But group B does not have permission from the government to kill person C so it's murder and a crime. Is the same action but with different names all of a sudden. It's killing someone but if group A dose it it's a legal execution an its okay. But if group B does it its murder and a crime. Even though both groups were going to kill person C it has a different name an outcome for the person doing it depending on who does it first. Does that make any sense to you if one person kills person C it's a legal execution an perfectly acceptable because the law says so. But if anther person bets them to it its called murder and its a crime. To the point that group A puts warrants out for people in group B an the reason put on it. Is they are a member of unlawful assassins. When group A are assassins themselves but they work for the government. Basically group A are used to punish who ever the government wants to punish or kill. Think of them as that universes SIA. Now take that stuff about an go into the movies subject and the real world. You have group A who the government gives permission. To punish or do whatever to people like person C who may or may not of cimited a crime. Then group A can choose to go about it any way they want with no real repercussions. Put person C in jail let them walk free or execute them. It doesn't matter they are free to do whatever they want from a government standpoint in those regards. Now if someone from group B goes to punish or whatever person C. Its a crime an they charged as a criminal. In this case it's a perfect example of the hypocrisy of that system. Because in this movie person C killed someone's family. Both groups A an B knew it but group A didn't care about doing their job. That is punishing someone for their actions. So group B had to step in to punish them an the people that let him get away with it. So it's called revenge but if the government did it it would be called Justice. That's why to avoid specifics I used the stuff about the Elder Scrolls Univers. Because it's a fictional univers but it's similar with the two assassin groups. Because one of them group A is free to do whatever it wants because it's backed by the government. Like the legal systems in the real world. Then group B that is not backed by the legal system so they are criminalized. Like the man character in this movie he knew as soon as he. Went to kill the killer of his family he was going to be a criminal wanted for murder. Even him changing that one drug that killed the guy that they were legally executing made him a criminal even though the government was killing him themselves. That's why I used it because in both of my examples group A in the real world an in. The Elder Scrolls Univers have the backing of the government to do things. However they see fit to go about it regardless if there are clear an simple rules. The rules are treated more like guidelines most of the time. I can kinda confirm this because several years ago. I was wrongfully charged with something. I really mean wrongfully because all they had was two people that said they seen a dark figure in the. Middle of the night an I believe an that apparently was enough for that person to bring charges against me. Literally an figuratively just those two things a dark figure in the middle of the night an I believe. Then once it got to court an five hundred dollars was paid to them. Everything was dropped an erased from my record like it never happened at all. So I can confirm that the rules when it comes to the legal system. Are used as just guidelines from time to time because no where does it make sense to bring any kind of charges against. Someone simply an purely based on a dark figure in the middle of the night an I believe. Because no where does that give any clear description of a person. So if you have no clear description clearly it could be anyone so how can you bring charges. In that case with nothing literally and figuratively to go off of. But they didn't care about the facts in my case. That's just one case then I had to go to court for some other separate things. Basically all you need to know is in those cases is that the people that represented. The state run agency openly lied to the judges right in front of their faces. Because it served them in some way they didn't fallow any of the rules that they where supposed to. In any way shape or form so yea the rules put in place are often just used as guidelines. To be thrown away if they don't serve their purpose in favor of that person.
Wow, it sucks that you had to go through that. Your personal story really goes to show just how fallible the legal system can be at times, though. I also like your comparison between the Morag Tong and Dark Brotherhood from Elder Scrolls. It always felt weird to me that the Tong could pretty much kill anyone as long as they had a contract. It was a system with massive potential for corruption, and I believe that was actually a plot point in the games as well. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
@@CocktailFlicks Put it this way in Eder Scolls 5 Skyrim in the official Dragonborn DLC. A character literally says that the Morag Tong are low life fechers. Basically he calls them low life killers or murders so basically he literally says they are just the same as the Dark Brotherhood. Wich is what they are basically in every single way they kill people for the exact same reasons. Like the Dark Brotherhood because someone just wants them dead that's it no other reason. The only difference is the contracts come from the ruling body for the Morag Tong. The contracts for the Dark Brotherhood come from anybody it doesn't matter. That is the only key difference between the groups. That an since the Morag Tong work for the government they feel like they are above the Dark Brotherhood. They can also get away with it scot free.
I love how he asked for a porterhouse. Every porterhouse comes with that bone. Anyone that’s ever ordered one has had to cut around one of those daggers 😂
I LOVE a good Revenge story! (Maybe a little TOO much?) And this is one of my favorites! I truly believe that Clyde's 10-year plan was like a metaphorical, trap-filled corridor with "doom" at the end. But the corridor is LINED with doors marked "Exit". IF his "opponents" ever did the "right thing" (at least according to him), they would have walked through one of those doors. My FAVORITE moment (which is easy to overlook) is when he is 1st being interrogated by Nick & is mocking him for not "having enough" to convict him & Nick says, "What do you want?"! Look at Clyde's eyes & the evil smile that comes to his face. THAT was the moment Nick unwittingly "entered" Clyde's "corridor of doom"! I TRULY believe, if he had NEVER offered that initial deal, Clyde would have STOPPED with killing those two people who killed his family. ("maybe" the lawyer too) Maybe I am being optimistic/ naive/ wrong, but I really think that Nick trying to offer that initial deal is what set everything else in motion. And if he had simply TRIED (and probably failed) to just convict Nick without making a deal, Clyde would have believed he had 'changed" and just moved on.
John Kramer aka. Jigsaw is the only one, the OG, who will punish Ben Rice, break him, make him admit his guilt and make him suffer for what he did 10 years ago out of selfishness, ignorance, hypocrisy, and inconsideration for getting a high conviction rate and not helping an innocent man like Clyde Shelton to get justice for him and his family. But he will never kill him.
You're probably right. He seems the type of person to put Ben through a gauntlet of life and death choices. However it would be his colleagues and people he works with that he would be forced to judge against. This would have been a perfect crossover movie for John Kramer.
The whole getting arrested naked scene was to show the police that he is unarmed and surrendering. That is so he doesn't get shot by a trigger happy officer and undo years of planning 🤔
Yea as always in cases like this I like to use neutral non real groups. That way it really doesn't matter the names of the real life center parts. But in this particular case the Morag Tong an the Dark Brotherhood come to my mind right away. Because its basically the same in the way that the Morag Tong are like the governments justice department. Because they are the only one's aloud to deal out justice or to punish people for their actions. An it in theory an in reality it only kinda works because. Legal system like the Morag Tong basically can fallow the rules as they see fit. With no real consequences if they want to make a deal with a killer no one can stop the legal system from doing it. Then the killer gets away with murder like how the Morag Tong can openly killer or torture people an no one can do or say anything about it. In both cases its clearly wrong but the government for the legal system say they have the power to do it. The Morag Tong can do it because the ruling body says they can do it. Then in the real world if anyone else does what the legal system should be doing. They are called criminals an treated as criminals an its called revenge not justice. Like how the Dark Brotherhood literally and figuratively does the exact same things as the Morag Tong. Minus the ruling bodys permission but they are called criminals an murders. Just because they don't have the ruling bodys permission. So I thought comparing the two real life groups to the Morag Tong an the Dark brotherhood. Would be a good comparison because it shows how one group regardless of it's name. Can do whatever it wants just because the ruling body gives them permission. Wich means its open to people using those groups for personal gane instead of actually. Serving it's real purpose that is in the real world the legal system actually punishing the real criminals for their actions. They can ignore the rules an just do things to go up the job latter by making deals an getting wins. Well letting killers an other criminals go for easy wins in court. Then with the Morag Tong the ruling bodys can an its official in lore. That the ruling familys use them just to kill other ruling families members. For any reason they want they looked at them funny they get the Morag Tong to kill them. They want to move up in their family they just get the Morag Tong to kill a cousin or something that's above them. Then they take their dead cousins place so both. Groups the real world an the Elder Scrolls Univers both use these legal systems for their own advantage from time to time. Even though thats not what those systems are meant for. But if anyone else tries to do similar things in the real world or Elder Scrolls Univers. Their actions suddenly have different names an they are called criminals to be punished for braking the law. All because they don't have permission from the government or ruling bodys. So two worlds with a similar systems for punishing people. With both being misused for peoples own goals over the original purpose. Instead of them using them for actually punishing criminals people use them for their own selfish reasons. Not to help the people that they are supposed to be serving. But if someone else outside of the law tries to punish the criminals that they won't punish. Then its suddenly a crime to punish the actual criminal. That's why I love this movie because it points this stuff out. Because you can literally and figuratively have someone dead to rights on video killing someone. But if the legal system decides to make a deal with that person an they just walk free. There is nothing legally anyone can do about it because. The legal system is the one that made the deal an let them walk free. But then they go to everyone else you can't do anything to punish that person. Because if you do your a committing a crime an your a criminal. How does that make any sense in any logical way or logical world. The answer is it doesn't make any sense.
Loved everything about this movie except for the end. Hate it because Nick would now be spending the rest of his life in prison instead of at his girl's show. He'd be nailed for both murder and for setting a bomb in a prison. Probably at least half a dozen charges they would hit him with. Yes, there is a lot of logic that was thrown out the window on this movie. Being put in solitary does not mean the guards never check on you so you have plenty of free time to run all over town. You know you have to throw some logic out the window for a film like this. But that ending was just a step too far.
My only problem is the ending. 1. A man that prepared doesn't have surveillance, alarms or booby traps on his base? 2. Clyde already planted the bomb and left. How did Nick beat him back to the jail? 3. We never saw Nick really learn his lesson. Nick needed a real redemption arc where we see that he seeks justice, not a promotion. As to the cellmate, he threated to split Clyde's head in two for not sharing. Does that sound like an innocent man jailed unjustly?
Enjoying the content, Here just some recommendations on short season animes that will definitively build your channel up with more subscribers and you can post one at a time each day. Short animes: 2 seasons or less with 20+ episode -That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime -Mashle -Hells Paradise -one punch man -jujutsu Kaizen -Fire force Little longer animes but definitely worth it: -Black clover -My hero Academia
Jamie Foxx forced a script change after they started filming so his character "wins". This is not how the movie was supposed to end. Jamie Foxx is just a dirt bag and has on several occasions forced script changes to look better in movies.
@@CocktailFlicksHe waited until they filmed a certain amount. So he couldn't be recast and then threatened to walk off the movie. If he didn't get his way
Meh personally speaking I thought the Movie seemed very Fictional in a few Places for Instance I’m pretty sure Judges can’t just do whatever they want and Lawyers wouldn’t work with Detectives in the Field also there’s no way that Nick gets away with putting a Bomb in prison and doesn’t go to Trial honestly speaking This Movie is more Frustrating than anything else also a lot of times it makes no sense to the point of anger. 28:50
To answer your question about why he stripped nude in the beginning, law-enforcement cannot shoot you if you’re nude unless you’re charging or physically attacking them. Other than that, they have no reason to shoot they immediately have to stand down.
This is the 3rd reaction video I have seen for this movie and none knew why he got naked. I don't know why this is frustrating to me. I'm probably a bad person or something.
@wmckinney4530 it seems obvious to us, so when people consistently don't get it, it's maddening
@wmckinney4530 i hear ya i say it all the time!😂😂😂
Is it because they know for a fact that he doesn’t have a Weapon on him.
I think the irony in this whole plot is that in order for Clyde’s plan to work to the end, is for the system to play by the rules like he wants it to, just for his plan to fail when the system breaks the rules like they always do.
If the system played by the rules and gave justice, his plan would fall apart.
Honestly the Ending could have been way worse but I think overall it was a bit Mediocre but also stuck with the lesson of the movie. 26:58
This is one of the rare movie I don't think the "good guy" won. Clyde should've won
That's so true. Him not wining entertains the current reality that things will never change, and Justice will never be served. Thanks for stopping by!
Clyde did win, getting Nick to not make deals with murders was the plan.
The funny thing is that Nick thought he had the upper hand 🖐🏼 on Clyde 😂 he never did. 13:19
I love a good Vigilante film... the fact that he planned for 10y and made sure he had the ability to freely survey their moves. He killed his cellmate after making sure he was bad enough to deserved it. killed the judge with the cell phone probably because he listened in on them talking about breaking the law to get results. the fact his murders are not about revenge, but the failures of the justice system makes you want the bad guy to win. I think when he got arrested he was naked as to imply un armed and none resistant one cop with itchy trigger finger can mess up 10y of planning.
A great one guys. to answer a couple of questions. How did he know where they would collect when he made his threat to kill everyone? Everything used to execute that plan are fully mobile. He just needs to make them congregate in 1 place. So imagine if the lawyers had all gotten together at the city library?!? Now for the BIG question. Why was he naked? There are several cars worth of ARMED cops driving towards you & need to guarantee your safety to get to jail. Him being naked automatically shows he isn't a threat of any sort & won't fight or resist arrest. So he can move to the next stage of his plan.
Hope everyone has an amazing week & much love to everyone from here in the UK
No he didn’t he does realize that his Choice is what started all of this right? 19:10
There's nothing like a movie where people fight the powers that be. Do you have any favorites that fit that description? let us know!
Easy V for Vendetta no question hands down.
Not necessarily fighting the system, I mean a little bit, but "Enemy Of The State" with Will Smith is a good one to check out
Runaway Jury, Rosewood, Thank you for Smoking, Spartan with Val Kilmer.
Men Of Honor
Im curious what your thoughts are on Clyde. Would you take his side or are you with Nick and his way of doing things? I feel like I know the general answer, but I would love to hear your thoughts!
First as someone that actually had to deal with the legal system. Under completely false nonsense read my comment about for basic details. I side with the father an real Justice that is people being punished for things that they actually did. Regardless of who does the punishing because as this movie shows. That sometimes the "Justice department " doesn't do their job for whatever reason. So if they won't do it like in this movie they basically let a murder walk free. Someone has to do it it also makes the people that helped the murder walk free. Basically in a way makes them accomplices to the crime. Because they don't even try to punish them for their actions so basically its a case of what they call Guilty By Association. The lawyers knew he murdered his family but they let him walk free for it. For a sur thing on his accomplice he was also guilty of it by the same reasoning. He didn't even try to stop him from killing the guys wife and child.
if im being honest the father is in the right especially because despite having the death penalty the majority of jurors in such cases are disgusting cowards who cant bear having the death of someone on their conscience despite the crimes committed and so we end up with bs like 100 +year sentences and people pretend its the same thing just cause their gonna die in jail but its not its just more weakness and greed same as usual after all prisons do make money off their prisoners so yeah
I side with the father the justice system in this country is so fd up it's ridiculous you get more time doing the right thing than murderers do it's f-ing stupid
When it comes to him being naked when he was arrested. He knew the legal system an how people are shoot because someone thought they seen a weapon. So him just standing there naked removed that possibility because if he's naked he is clearly not. Holding or hiding any weapons so they could not claim they seen him with any weapon. Then unjustifiably shoot him when they went to arrest him.
Then about killing his cell mate an the other incident by standards. He was already a trained killer he like that one person said. He just killed people without needing to be in the room but they were. Specific targets for specific reasons but at this point he knew there was going to be as they call it collateral damage. He knew he was going to be killing innocent people from the start to prove a point about a flawed legal system. That an he already lost his family an as the old saying goes something like. There's nothing more dangerous then someone with nothing left to lose. Because they have nothing to live for so you can't take anything away from them. So there is nothing holding them back from doing anything they want. So basically he lost everything when his family got killed. So he didn't give a F about any one else especially if they were involved in any way with letting the murder get away with it. Then his cell mate he was in jail for a crime so it was just a criminal that he had to kill. So basically after his family was murdered an the killer got away with it. People became just numbers to him. If they lived or died he didn't care anymore he didn't even care if he died.
Now when it comes to the subject of the movie. That being "Justice " I put it like that for a specific reason. Because that's just a name that some people give it. Let's start with what it should be it should be someone being punished for their actions. That simple someone does something then they get punished for their actions. Now one name it goes by is Justice that is if the government says its okay to punish that person. Then if someone out side of the government punishes that person it's called revenge an its a crime an they are punished for it. So basically Justice and revenge are the same thing its someone getting pushed for their actions. But with different names an consequences for the people doing it.
To avoid any misunderstandings or naming any specific legal systems. I will use a two groups from the Elder Scrolls Univers. But it's still a good comparison so bare with me. In those games an lore there is two groups let's call one group A that one has legal permission to do things. Then group B that group doesn't have legal permission to do things. Then let's say person C they commit a crime or something or let's just say they did nothing wrongat all. If group A dose anything to person C like imprison them or torture them or kill them. Even if it's in the middle of the day an in the middle of the town or city. All they need to do is show a piece of paper will the seal of the people in charge of that area. Then it's perfectly legal an nothing happens to them. Now if someone from group B does the same things to person C that. The person from group A did to person C. That's a hole other story the person from group B is called a criminal an a murder because. Group B even though they do the exact same things as group A. But group B does not have permission from the government to do it. When it comes to killing people if group A dose it it's called something like legal executions. But if group B does it its called just murder the only difference is group A has permission from the government to kill person C. But group B does not have permission from the government to kill person C so it's murder and a crime. Is the same action but with different names all of a sudden. It's killing someone but if group A dose it it's a legal execution an its okay. But if group B does it its murder and a crime. Even though both groups were going to kill person C it has a different name an outcome for the person doing it depending on who does it first. Does that make any sense to you if one person kills person C it's a legal execution an perfectly acceptable because the law says so. But if anther person bets them to it its called murder and its a crime. To the point that group A puts warrants out for people in group B an the reason put on it. Is they are a member of unlawful assassins. When group A are assassins themselves but they work for the government. Basically group A are used to punish who ever the government wants to punish or kill. Think of them as that universes SIA.
Now take that stuff about an go into the movies subject and the real world. You have group A who the government gives permission. To punish or do whatever to people like person C who may or may not of cimited a crime. Then group A can choose to go about it any way they want with no real repercussions. Put person C in jail let them walk free or execute them. It doesn't matter they are free to do whatever they want from a government standpoint in those regards.
Now if someone from group B goes to punish or whatever person C. Its a crime an they charged as a criminal.
In this case it's a perfect example of the hypocrisy of that system. Because in this movie person C killed someone's family. Both groups A an B knew it but group A didn't care about doing their job. That is punishing someone for their actions. So group B had to step in to punish them an the people that let him get away with it. So it's called revenge but if the government did it it would be called Justice.
That's why to avoid specifics I used the stuff about the Elder Scrolls Univers. Because it's a fictional univers but it's similar with the two assassin groups. Because one of them group A is free to do whatever it wants because it's backed by the government. Like the legal systems in the real world. Then group B that is not backed by the legal system so they are criminalized. Like the man character in this movie he knew as soon as he. Went to kill the killer of his family he was going to be a criminal wanted for murder. Even him changing that one drug that killed the guy that they were legally executing made him a criminal even though the government was killing him themselves.
That's why I used it because in both of my examples group A in the real world an in. The Elder Scrolls Univers have the backing of the government to do things. However they see fit to go about it regardless if there are clear an simple rules. The rules are treated more like guidelines most of the time.
I can kinda confirm this because several years ago. I was wrongfully charged with something. I really mean wrongfully because all they had was two people that said they seen a dark figure in the. Middle of the night an I believe an that apparently was enough for that person to bring charges against me. Literally an figuratively just those two things a dark figure in the middle of the night an I believe. Then once it got to court an five hundred dollars was paid to them. Everything was dropped an erased from my record like it never happened at all.
So I can confirm that the rules when it comes to the legal system. Are used as just guidelines from time to time because no where does it make sense to bring any kind of charges against. Someone simply an purely based on a dark figure in the middle of the night an I believe. Because no where does that give any clear description of a person. So if you have no clear description clearly it could be anyone so how can you bring charges. In that case with nothing literally and figuratively to go off of. But they didn't care about the facts in my case.
That's just one case then I had to go to court for some other separate things. Basically all you need to know is in those cases is that the people that represented. The state run agency openly lied to the judges right in front of their faces. Because it served them in some way they didn't fallow any of the rules that they where supposed to. In any way shape or form so yea the rules put in place are often just used as guidelines. To be thrown away if they don't serve their purpose in favor of that person.
Wow, it sucks that you had to go through that. Your personal story really goes to show just how fallible the legal system can be at times, though.
I also like your comparison between the Morag Tong and Dark Brotherhood from Elder Scrolls. It always felt weird to me that the Tong could pretty much kill anyone as long as they had a contract. It was a system with massive potential for corruption, and I believe that was actually a plot point in the games as well.
Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
@@CocktailFlicks Put it this way in Eder Scolls 5 Skyrim in the official Dragonborn DLC. A character literally says that the Morag Tong are low life fechers. Basically he calls them low life killers or murders so basically he literally says they are just the same as the Dark Brotherhood. Wich is what they are basically in every single way they kill people for the exact same reasons. Like the Dark Brotherhood because someone just wants them dead that's it no other reason. The only difference is the contracts come from the ruling body for the Morag Tong. The contracts for the Dark Brotherhood come from anybody it doesn't matter. That is the only key difference between the groups. That an since the Morag Tong work for the government they feel like they are above the Dark Brotherhood. They can also get away with it scot free.
Like Clyde said if He just tried him and his Family at least wouldn’t have been brought into this. 20:43
"Well, he's not screaming."
*Aimes starts screaming*
"I stand corrected".
I love how he asked for a porterhouse. Every porterhouse comes with that bone. Anyone that’s ever ordered one has had to cut around one of those daggers 😂
I LOVE a good Revenge story! (Maybe a little TOO much?) And this is one of my favorites!
I truly believe that Clyde's 10-year plan was like a metaphorical, trap-filled corridor with "doom" at the end. But the corridor is LINED with doors marked "Exit". IF his "opponents" ever did the "right thing" (at least according to him), they would have walked through one of those doors.
My FAVORITE moment (which is easy to overlook) is when he is 1st being interrogated by Nick & is mocking him for not "having enough" to convict him & Nick says, "What do you want?"!
Look at Clyde's eyes & the evil smile that comes to his face. THAT was the moment Nick unwittingly "entered" Clyde's "corridor of doom"!
I TRULY believe, if he had NEVER offered that initial deal, Clyde would have STOPPED with killing those two people who killed his family. ("maybe" the lawyer too) Maybe I am being optimistic/ naive/ wrong, but I really think that Nick trying to offer that initial deal is what set everything else in motion. And if he had simply TRIED (and probably failed) to just convict Nick without making a deal, Clyde would have believed he had 'changed" and just moved on.
Fun fact they were supposed to play each other’s characters but Gerard butler wanted to play the bad guy and it worked out great
Yup. I heard about that, too.
John Kramer aka. Jigsaw is the only one, the OG, who will punish Ben Rice, break him, make him admit his guilt and make him suffer for what he did 10 years ago out of selfishness, ignorance, hypocrisy, and inconsideration for getting a high conviction rate and not helping an innocent man like Clyde Shelton to get justice for him and his family.
But he will never kill him.
You're probably right. He seems the type of person to put Ben through a gauntlet of life and death choices. However it would be his colleagues and people he works with that he would be forced to judge against. This would have been a perfect crossover movie for John Kramer.
What other choice did he think he had? 22:28
I think at the beginning when he stripped down he wanted to make sure the cops didn't shoot him so he showed he wasn't armed
The whole getting arrested naked scene was to show the police that he is unarmed and surrendering. That is so he doesn't get shot by a trigger happy officer and undo years of planning 🤔
Yea as always in cases like this I like to use neutral non real groups. That way it really doesn't matter the names of the real life center parts. But in this particular case the Morag Tong an the Dark Brotherhood come to my mind right away. Because its basically the same in the way that the Morag Tong are like the governments justice department. Because they are the only one's aloud to deal out justice or to punish people for their actions. An it in theory an in reality it only kinda works because. Legal system like the Morag Tong basically can fallow the rules as they see fit. With no real consequences if they want to make a deal with a killer no one can stop the legal system from doing it. Then the killer gets away with murder like how the Morag Tong can openly killer or torture people an no one can do or say anything about it. In both cases its clearly wrong but the government for the legal system say they have the power to do it. The Morag Tong can do it because the ruling body says they can do it.
Then in the real world if anyone else does what the legal system should be doing. They are called criminals an treated as criminals an its called revenge not justice. Like how the Dark Brotherhood literally and figuratively does the exact same things as the Morag Tong. Minus the ruling bodys permission but they are called criminals an murders. Just because they don't have the ruling bodys permission.
So I thought comparing the two real life groups to the Morag Tong an the Dark brotherhood. Would be a good comparison because it shows how one group regardless of it's name. Can do whatever it wants just because the ruling body gives them permission. Wich means its open to people using those groups for personal gane instead of actually. Serving it's real purpose that is in the real world the legal system actually punishing the real criminals for their actions. They can ignore the rules an just do things to go up the job latter by making deals an getting wins. Well letting killers an other criminals go for easy wins in court. Then with the Morag Tong the ruling bodys can an its official in lore. That the ruling familys use them just to kill other ruling families members. For any reason they want they looked at them funny they get the Morag Tong to kill them. They want to move up in their family they just get the Morag Tong to kill a cousin or something that's above them. Then they take their dead cousins place so both. Groups the real world an the Elder Scrolls Univers both use these legal systems for their own advantage from time to time. Even though thats not what those systems are meant for.
But if anyone else tries to do similar things in the real world or Elder Scrolls Univers. Their actions suddenly have different names an they are called criminals to be punished for braking the law. All because they don't have permission from the government or ruling bodys.
So two worlds with a similar systems for punishing people. With both being misused for peoples own goals over the original purpose. Instead of them using them for actually punishing criminals people use them for their own selfish reasons. Not to help the people that they are supposed to be serving. But if someone else outside of the law tries to punish the criminals that they won't punish. Then its suddenly a crime to punish the actual criminal. That's why I love this movie because it points this stuff out.
Because you can literally and figuratively have someone dead to rights on video killing someone. But if the legal system decides to make a deal with that person an they just walk free. There is nothing legally anyone can do about it because. The legal system is the one that made the deal an let them walk free. But then they go to everyone else you can't do anything to punish that person. Because if you do your a committing a crime an your a criminal. How does that make any sense in any logical way or logical world. The answer is it doesn't make any sense.
Loved everything about this movie except for the end. Hate it because Nick would now be spending the rest of his life in prison instead of at his girl's show. He'd be nailed for both murder and for setting a bomb in a prison. Probably at least half a dozen charges they would hit him with. Yes, there is a lot of logic that was thrown out the window on this movie. Being put in solitary does not mean the guards never check on you so you have plenty of free time to run all over town. You know you have to throw some logic out the window for a film like this. But that ending was just a step too far.
It’s my favorite movie personally and it’s crazy how underrated it is or how many people have never even heard of it
My only problem is the ending.
1. A man that prepared doesn't have surveillance, alarms or booby traps on his base?
2. Clyde already planted the bomb and left. How did Nick beat him back to the jail?
3. We never saw Nick really learn his lesson. Nick needed a real redemption arc where we see that he seeks justice, not a promotion.
As to the cellmate, he threated to split Clyde's head in two for not sharing. Does that sound like an innocent man jailed unjustly?
He got naked to let the police see he had no weapons on Him so they would have no reason to shoot him
Enjoying the content,
Here just some recommendations on short season animes that will definitively build your channel up with more subscribers and you can post one at a time each day.
Short animes: 2 seasons or less with 20+ episode
-That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
-Hells Paradise
-one punch man
-jujutsu Kaizen
-Fire force
Little longer animes but definitely worth it:
-Black clover
-My hero Academia
Exactly Clyde has the guys Shaking in there Boots 21:26
Clive is my hero
No one took the fight to the corrupt system like Clive. I wish I knew more movies with characters like him!
It's funny how America has forgot what justice means. That statue of liberty should be torn down until they realise what it means.
No. Everyone mean everyone involved nd not involved. Bcos till moments he been killing only those involved.
Awesome reaction/ can you please watch a movie called ANY GIVEN SUNDAY.
That's a good sports movie!
Dammit - you guys cut out the best part of the torture scene - ".... and this is for your penis"
Jamie Foxx forced a script change after they started filming so his character "wins". This is not how the movie was supposed to end. Jamie Foxx is just a dirt bag and has on several occasions forced script changes to look better in movies.
Maybe they should have found someone other that Jamie Foxx to play the role if it was gonna go down like that.
@@CocktailFlicksHe waited until they filmed a certain amount. So he couldn't be recast and then threatened to walk off the movie. If he didn't get his way
They should have recast him anyway and used the plastic surgery angle after the parking lot explosions. lol @@zackstoner4523
Meh personally speaking I thought the Movie seemed very Fictional in a few Places for Instance I’m pretty sure Judges can’t just do whatever they want and Lawyers wouldn’t work with Detectives in the Field also there’s no way that Nick gets away with putting a Bomb in prison and doesn’t go to Trial honestly speaking This Movie is more Frustrating than anything else also a lot of times it makes no sense to the point of anger. 28:50
This Judge was a Smug jerk this entire Movie😡😤 17:20
Interesting that you’re making threats Mr Law man also what will you do if he does think about it tough guy. 18:14