I enjoyed the talk by Dr Murali Thummarakudi and his responses during the Q&A. He made several insightful points, and I agree with his concluding observation about the need to upskill our people to use technology in all they do. The important thing is to see that the solution to our problems is in our hands, but that we all, as citizens have a part to play.
I enjoyed the talk by Dr Murali Thummarakudi and his responses during the Q&A. He made several insightful points, and I agree with his concluding observation about the need to upskill our people to use technology in all they do. The important thing is to see that the solution to our problems is in our hands, but that we all, as citizens have a part to play.
Wow !!. Great experience in south Sudan. And a really informative Q&A
Excellent discourse Muralee