What Does The Bible Say About Misinterpreting Scripture?

  • Опубликовано: 29 июл 2024
  • Everyone has their own interpretations for the Scriptures and how it relates to our lives, but changing & misinterpreting them based on selfish intentions is completely different. Keep watching to learn more about what the Bible says about misinterpreting Scripture and why we're so lucky to have The Book Of Mormon in addition to the Bible today!
    Free Bible
    Free Book of Mormon
    Key Moments In This Episode
    00:00 Intro & Summary
    00:31 How Only Some People Are Called To Interpret Scriptures
    01:02 Importance Of Truly Understanding Scriptures
    01:32 What We Can Do If We Can't Understand The Scriptures
    02:08 How Prophets Record The Word Of God Truthfully
    03:00 How People Changed & Misinterpreted The Scriptures
    04:04 How Selfish People Took Away The True Meaning Of The Scriptures
    05:13 Benefits Of Having The Book Of Mormon
    06:07 Learn More About What The Bible Says

Комментарии • 137

  • @daughtersofdeborah9532
    @daughtersofdeborah9532 Месяц назад +15

    Book of Mormons is not from God ❤

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад +1

      I appreciate your opinion, but for you to say that, you clearly haven’t read it.

    • @AlexBlas215
      @AlexBlas215 Месяц назад

      Everything in the Bible has pointed to there being a restoration. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is meant to be proof that God has not given up on His people the House of Israel, neither on the world! He will not not fulfill His covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His successors. The Book of Mormon is a sign of the fulfilling of that covenant. I know Jesus and His mission, I know that he has a purpose for me and you. This Kingdom is rock solid my friend, no matter what you say. Shall the standard of truth not be erected in such a lost and dying world! That’s why we have our Apostolic and Prophetic Authority to rightly divide the word and expound the scriptures unto the people and give us new revelations today. It’s a normal process. Test these things. I know the Spirit of the Book of Mormon, it’s one of peace and hope and Joy. It’s one of new beginnings, it’s one of bringing back together mankind to God through Christ’s Atonement. I have felt such inexpressible joy at the age of 13 when I gained that testimony of the Book of Mormon, nothing else in this word matters to me, please try living our teachings with real intent. It’s important to learn from the past but we’ve got problems today that are bigger than you and me, there are people out there that need us. God is really the source of true joy.

    • @GplusGains
      @GplusGains Месяц назад

      @@WhatBibleSay Lord Jesus confirmed the OT and Apostle Paul stated the full Gospel have been revealed.
      1800 years later the Book of Mormons pops out and we learn that the Mormons believe the God the Father was once a man but later was elevated to Godhood. If so then that means he is not the God of the Bible.

    • @vincentetelles5272
      @vincentetelles5272 Месяц назад +7

      what about thr book of mormon saying dark skin is a curse
      I don't think that would've came from Jesus

    • @vincentetelles5272
      @vincentetelles5272 Месяц назад +6

      what about all of joseph smith false prophecy
      thr bible says is a prophet is wrong even once they are a false prophet

  • @sharonrodriguez9592
    @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +1

    I don't want to be one of those that Jesus will say "get away from me. I never knew you."

  • @sharonrodriguez9592
    @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +7

    Lots of cults misinterpret the Scriptures . They will answer to God.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад +4

      Yes, certainly. Every denomination interprets some verses very differently. What do you think the answer is?

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +2

      @@WhatBibleSay Jesus
      The Bible says we must come to a "life saving knowledge" of the truth

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +1

      God wants us to have a personal relationship with him.

    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 Месяц назад

      ​@WhatBibleSay your confusion of The JST just being different interpretations
      Protestants hold to similar interpretations on the CORE saving doctrines.
      You R confusing intentional corrupted Mormon interpretations from the Book of Mormon.
      Nothing was lost from the New Testament: your indoctrinated statements are pathetic ignorance.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      The hardest task you and I have is learning to recognize the voice of the Holy Ghost. It’s a life long process that I’m still developing, however one thing I’ve learned for certain, and that I know to be true in my bones, is that the Book of Mormon verifies the truth of the Bible.
      Before you make such claims, I encourage you to sincerely read the Book of Mormon with a soft heart. You’ll find your relationship with Jesus Christ and your understanding of your dependence upon Him will deepen.

  • @sharonrodriguez9592
    @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +5

    We are to worship in Spirit and truth

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад +1

      I agree. What does this mean to you?

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад +1

      @@WhatBibleSay to me it means to really study the Scriptures asking the Holy Spirit for discernment. He never disappoints.

    • @rewindseventyseven-en6iv
      @rewindseventyseven-en6iv Месяц назад +1

      The highest and true worship must have a sacrifice. Worship with sacrifice was not only done by the Jews in the Old Testament. Pagans also made sacrifices when they worshiped their idols. For the Jews, they used lambs as sacrifices in their worship of God. But for Christians, Jesus is the sacrifice. He is the perfect sacrifice for the true worship. When you preach, pray, sing, or dance only, you are not yet worshipping in the highest way.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  21 день назад

      The Jews sacrificed lambs or other animals as a symbol of Jesus Christ.

  • @icecoolguita
    @icecoolguita Месяц назад +4

    If I may be blunt, why do you believe 1 Nephi is included in the Canon?
    Neither the Jewish canon nor the Septuagint include it. Protestants, Catholic and Orthodox Christians do not consider this a Holy Book.
    If we objectively do the research, we'll find the Book of Mormon was written in the 1800's.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      Thanks for asking. I’ll try to answer. I believe in Amos 3:7 as a pattern that began with Adam, and has never changed. God calls prophets to speak His word.
      The Bible itself references many other writings of prophets that have been lost to time.
      At the similar time as the prophets Isiah and Jeremiah, there was a prophet named Lehi that lived in Jerusalem. God commanded him to take his family and a few others, and leave. They traveled on land, and after 8 years God instructed this people to build a ship.
      These people became some of the ancestors of the ancient inhabitants of the americas. God continued calling prophets among that people until 400 AD.
      Any written word we have from a prophet is called scripture. When a modern day religion decides to claim the Bible is the only truth, that’s when we have a problem. It’s as if they are telling God, sorry, but you can’t call any more prophets. No man has that power, obviously.
      When God calls someone as a prophet. It’s our job to discern whether they are a true or false prophet. I’ve studied the Book of Mormon deeply and find it certainly written by prophets of God who testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
      I follow Jesus Christ.

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita Месяц назад

      My friend, I really want you to know the truth so I'm posting some things to think about.
      You wrote: I believe in Amos 3:7 as a pattern that began with Adam, and has never changed. God calls prophets to speak His word.
      I understand you believe new revelation can still happen after Jesus death and resurrection brought in the New Covenant. You also believe there can be new Holy Scripture after Revelation was written.
      I believe Prophecy can still happen, as you said we cannot put God in a box-but Prophets of God will also never contradict Scripture. There are plenty of contradictions in the Book of Mormon to the New Testament. If you want more information, I can get into this.
      I also believe we don't need any more Holy books after the New Covenant had been established. We already have all the instruction we need, remember that Jesus has sent the Helper, the Holy Spirit to us.
      You wrote: The Bible itself references many other writings of prophets that have been lost to time.
      Which passages say that?
      I really want to warn of the dangers of how we decide which books are Scripture, for example what is the reasoning that the Gospel of Thomas or the Shepherd of Hermas should not be included in Scripture?
      We cannot judge by our own feeling what should be Scripture and what shouldn't. We know the early church fathers followed Christ, the writings of the early church fathers are reliable on determining what is Scripture.
      You wrote: At the similar time as the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, there was a prophet named Lehi that lived in Jerusalem. God commanded him to take his family and a few others, and leave. They traveled on land, and after 8 years God instructed this people to build
      a ship. These people became some of the ancestors of the ancient inhabitants of the americas. God continued calling prophets
      among that people until 400 AD.
      I'm wondering how could this be when we know Jesus said in Matthew 15:24 "He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
      You wrote: Any written word we have from a prophet is called scripture. When a modern day religion decides to claim the Bible is the only truth, that’s when we have a problem. It’s as if they are telling God, sorry, but you can’t call any more prophets. No man has that power, obviously.
      I think we can both agree there are false prophets. So how does one discern which Prophet is from God? We must keep in mind 2 Corinthians 11:14 says: "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
      The early church father's listed which books are Scripture and they studied under the disciples of Jesus. We have great confidence that none of the books are lost(from the codexes we found from the early church age, finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls is hard proof the Jewish Old Testament has been unchanged for over 2000 years, we can reconstruct 99% of the New Testament from the writings of the early church alone.)
      We know that what we have in Scripture are God's words. If there are any contradictions then we know it is not from God but from the Devil. The Devil will use something that is mostly correct but slightly wrong to deceive us from the Truth.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      Many of the above claims you make above just aren’t true. There used to be a list of over 100 supposed “contradictions” but do you know how many of them have actually been crossed off that list?
      I’ve studied the Book of Mormon deeply and have learned the pattern for recognizing truth. James 1 is a great example. So is Alma 32.

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 29 дней назад

      @@WhatBibleSay I want to respond but I have to ask why my first reply is not here anymore.

    • @ameyers67
      @ameyers67 29 дней назад +1

      @@Rand_War what about all the fulfilled prophecies? He was right about so much. I can tell that you have heard a bunch of controversial things about Joseph Smith, but have you honestly sought truth? You should look at Don Bradley. He knows Joseph Smith better than almost any living person. He left the church, but came back because he couldn't deny that Joseph was a man of God

  • @andrewmorgensen326
    @andrewmorgensen326 Месяц назад +5

    1 Nephi is not in the bible....
    This viedo title is "what does the bible say..."
    Seems to be a big problem here. Lol
    The bible says "do not go beyond what is written" (1st Cor 4:6) [This includes later writings...]
    And some have wandered away from [love, a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith] turning to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers but they do not know what they arw talking about or what they so confidently affirm." (1Timothy 1:5-7(
    "Many will have a form of godliness but denying its power... Have nothing to do with them" (2nd Tim 3:5)
    "There are many rebellious people, merw talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcized group (ie. A religious idenity group). They should be silences bc they are ruining whole households by teqching things they ought not to teach." (Titus 1:9-11)
    They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him... Pay no attwntion to them... But hold firmly to the message that was taught [IN the BIBLE, by the true APOSTLES of days of Jesus Christ].
    Jesus Christ said "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30) That the Father is in him and he is in the Father" (John 17:20)
    John the Apostle says that "Jesus is the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, he was with him in the beginning" (John 1:1-3)
    Matthew says Jesus is called "Immamual" which means God with Us.
    Paul says in (Colossians 1:15-19)
    That Jesus is the image of the invisible God. That all things were created by him and for him. That He is before all things and in him all things hold together... the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form"(*see Col 2:9)
    The author of Hebrews says Jesus is the radience of God's glory and the exact representation/manifestation of his being(hypostasis). Hebrews 1:3
    Lastly Jesus says "Go and makes disciples, baptizing them in thr name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:20) Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded."
    [Not teaching Mormonism, Clavinism, Catholicsem, Lutheranism, or any other -ism men will come up with later down thr line...]

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      The Bible is a record of Gods word revealed to prophets. I know you’ve been told that the Bible is a closed book, but it’s a collection of many small books written by gods spokesperson.
      God has always spoken for us through prophets, and I’m so grateful!

    • @andrewmorgensen326
      @andrewmorgensen326 Месяц назад +3

      @@WhatBibleSay the Bible is God's word. It is a "library" of documents written by different men in the ancient world. Those documents floated around along with other very similar documents, like the Epistle of Barnabus, The Shepherd of Hermas, 1st and 2nd Clement. There were also other documents that were talked about but not very similar to the core documents, these are like Maccabees, Tobith, Judith, the Martyrdom of Perpetual and Felicitas, The book of Enoch, ect.
      And then there were stait dubious books like the Gosple of Thomas, the Gosple of Mary Magdalene, or Gosgla of Judas. (What the Davinci Code was partly encouraged by)
      The early Christians knew quiet well what documents were the good and best, which ones were ok and close but not the core ones, which ones were ok and not secondary but tertiary, and then which ones were strait dubious.
      These early Christians knew this and talked about it as early as 100ad. Then they got together and roughly all agreed to Muratorian Cannon in 170ad, then a handful of additional councils over the next 200year. These councils only officiated/verbally/collectively declared/approved that the books they had all separately already parsed out into the different levels were indeed all shared across the ancient world.
      The early Christians knew the best and core texts were from the core disciples of Jesus Christ in the first century.
      All other works by Christian leaders, disciples of the disciples, philosophers and sect leaders were to be understood as "not scripture" but as secondary, tertiary, or dubious works.
      The book of Mormon falls somewhere in those categories... But it is not Scripture in the slightest, by any historic, academic, council, or otherwise affirmation.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      I’m very grateful we have those records.And I’m also grateful for the writings of other ancient and modern prophets.

    • @AlexBlas215
      @AlexBlas215 Месяц назад +1

      @@andrewmorgensen326 My friend, the Bible you could say is a collection of it being “added to” and receiving more love and joy and peace from God because of Revelation. Through the Holy Ghost is God’s love shed in our hearts and where we are sanctified by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, cleansed and purified.
      Without revelation, you don’t have the Gospel, am I right in saying that? Without revelation, this is no power, no healings, no miracles, spiritual manifestations, etc. We teach the original Gospel spoken of by Christ’s original apostles. Acts 2:36-44 is a good example while the early Christian Church is being birthed. All this is made possible because of the Atonement. I thought the Bible mentioned other Books of scripture also that we do not have yet.
      If God’s the original source for these things, why not go to Him and pray about the Book of Mormon on whether or not it’s scripture. It’s a matter of seeing who the Lord’s servants are and the fruit they’ve borne. Christ’s being abundant and never-ending life.

    • @andrewmorgensen326
      @andrewmorgensen326 Месяц назад +1

      @@AlexBlas215 Thank you for the thoughtful and well-voiced reply. 😄And It is soo good to see the Gospel (as you shared from Acts 2:36-44) declared! That is amazing and such a joy to see! Well done! So cool!
      On Revelation and Bible:
      Yes, some books/letters of the Bible do mention other texts, and topics of the ancient world. books like Enoch, and the War Scroll of the Essens are among that. but luckily the early Christians knew quite well which ideas, and letters, and resources were the "best" and "core" and which ones were secondary, and which ones were tertiary, and which ones were straight dubious.
      In the Christian church, there are not "additions" or "adding too," for Jesus Christ was the prophesied one of the OT, and he is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last. So all of the OT prophesies and various books were leading up to God coming in the flesh. That is what all the OT prophesies are about, the Messiah, Immanuel, God with us.
      The NT is those men who saw the God-Man: Jesus Christ, who suffered under Pontius Pilate on the Cross.
      So the bible of 66 books as it stands OT and NT. Was understood from the earliest days as those "core" books/letters about Jesus specifically.
      Other books and resources like Maccabees, Judith, Tobith, etc were highly regarded but secondary texts. and then some texts like the Shepherd of Hermas, Epistle of Barnabas, Letters of Clement 1 and 2, The Martyrdom of Felicitus and Perpetua etc were also highly regarded and read by lots of early Christians as supplements to their faith but they knew and were very clear these too were secondary or tertiary texts, and not "core" scripture and then there were also dubious writings, like the Nag-hammadi texts; like the Gospel of Mary Madalene, Gospel of Judas, Gospel of Truth. etc. (the things movies like the Davinci Code was based on).
      The early Christians and Christians now are very clear on these different levels of distinctions. 😄
      God Bless!

  • @pmmorales831
    @pmmorales831 Месяц назад +2

    Also the Book of Mormon came after the Bible not before

    • @ameyers67
      @ameyers67 Месяц назад +1

      The Book of Mormon takes place from 600 BC to 400 AD. 😊

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад


    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      It’s both. Most of it was written in the centuries leading up to the ministry of Christ when the New Testament was written. But some of it was written in the centuries after Christ’s Resurrection.

    • @GplusGains
      @GplusGains Месяц назад

      @@ameyers67 If true then it still means it was hidden until the 19th century by the Mormon god (not Jesus but the Father) who was once a man but later was elevated to Godhood.

    • @andrewmorgensen326
      @andrewmorgensen326 Месяц назад

      There is not a single Manuscript of the Book of Mormon before ~1830ad.
      We have thousands of New Testament and Old Testament manuscripts dated to the 1st and 2nd century ad. (See dead sea Scrolls and other Manuscript collections held in Academic institutions)
      *and even back in the first century sects of pseudo-Christianity were writing their documents and starting their groups. (See the Nag-Hammadi Library manuscripts. Or any of the early "heresy's" and their leaders documents. Arian, Nestorian, Mani, or other Gnostic writers, ect. )

  • @kevinyono5210
    @kevinyono5210 Месяц назад +3

    It’s not up to you to interpret the Scripture that’s why Jesus established a Church. When the early Church had an issue they formed an Ecumenical Council.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      Thanks for commenting… so what do you think about all the verses I shared in this episode that say otherwise?

    • @kevinyono5210
      @kevinyono5210 Месяц назад +1

      There is a clear difference between reading the Bible and trying to understand it. There is basic interpretation. But if your interpretation goes against Church authority and what they determined to be doctrine. For example you can’t just read John 6 and say that Jesus is speaking figuratively about Holy Communion. But all Protestant denominations differ on their opinions. Or let’s say Baptism. Most Protestant Christians at least pastors say that when a person is Baptized no miracle occurs it’s just a symbol. Problem is Jesus gave authority to individual teachers to protect the Word of God. If Jesus doesn’t establish one Church which He did than there’s no reason to be Christian. The entire ancient not just in Rome but all over the Middle East. Never interpreted ever that these things were just symbols. So who is a real Prophet that can interpret big issues. We can interpret the Bible as far as we don’t transgress go against Doctrines on Faith and Morals that have there root Sacred Scripture. But all these Protestant groups all differ on serious issues that can lead to hell. For example the sexual sin of Contraception, Divorce and Remarriage, the sin Pornography Masturbation etc…. Many now which are excepted in Protestant Churches and at one point weren’t but they changed with culture of death. Jesus has and Must establish a Church that’s why he does in Matthew 16 regardless of individual corruption of people the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church cannot be changed or altered not even by the Pope himself. If it’s True it’s always true. God Bless you.

    • @jexodustalks
      @jexodustalks Месяц назад

      ​@kevinyono5210 didn't even need to finish reading your comment to tell you were a Catholic, I pray you test anything taught to you, and that you come out.of your false doctrine and idol worshipping cult that worships the heavenly Father like pagans worship.their gods.

    • @Icemario87
      @Icemario87 Месяц назад

      ​@@kevinyono5210The Catholic Church is the most anti-Biblical organization known to man. The "Dark Ages" were so called due to Catholic activity.

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад

      @@kevinyono5210 that's why we have the Holy Spirit. He will help you to interpret the Scriptures.

  • @tcatt222
    @tcatt222 Месяц назад +3

    That Second Witness, produced by a whole string of Prophets, clarifies many misinterpreted Bible verses and fills in many of the plain and precious things left out when the Bible was compiled some 300-400 years after Christ. If only all in the world could read God's whole word, the gospel would make a lot more sense. Unity will come only when people are willing to learn more about Jesus Christ and desire a deeper personal relationship with Him.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      Thanks for commenting!

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 Месяц назад

      WELL, until you prove there is a god the bible is just a book about controlling
      humans, with the threat of hell if you do not believe the fairy story!
      This god stoops to the depravity of butchering Jesus to fix his sloppy work,
      just another fairy story!

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  21 день назад

      So you are saying you have proof there isn't a God. Of course I have proof that God exists. I wouldn't be foolish enough to worship a being who doesn't exist.

    • @gknight4719
      @gknight4719 21 день назад +1

      @@WhatBibleSay Yes, you can not prove or disprove a negative! but the
      burden of proof is on the one that makes the claim there is one,
      so why are you told to use "faith" if you have proof? please present your proof.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  21 день назад

      @@gknight4719 Interesting challenge to prove faith. But there is a way. If you read James 1:5-6 you'll get a clue. If you read Alma Chapter 32, starting in verse 21. This chapter is a gold mine of wisdom. This is the teaching from the prophet Alma from 74 BC. www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/alma/32?lang=eng

  • @dangerclose191
    @dangerclose191 Месяц назад +1

    The Bible says not to misinterpret what it says. This is impossible. The only way to accomplish not misinterpreting the Bible is to ask the author "what exactly did you mean"? For example, song lyrics are often misinterpreted by the individual listeners understanding of what the song writer is trying to convey. The only true interpretation is that of the person whom created the original thought. Therefore their is no possible way to get the true meaning of the Bible because the original authors are dead. Asking them is the only way.

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      Good point. Do you see this as a good thing or bad thing?

    • @cleaningupforfive
      @cleaningupforfive Месяц назад +1

      Sort of but you are missing two important points. 1.Scripture interprets scripture and cannot be divided (say two different things or mean two different things, they must be in harmony. This requires much study, original language translation that is faithfully translated) and 2. The Holy Spirit. Nothing, not even our salvation is accomplished without the Holy Spirit and we need to walk humbly before our Father and seek Him for clarification and wisdom. We will get it wrong sometimes but there’s a difference between misunderstanding that can be corrected by those wiser (like Peter who was corrected by Paul) and those who willfully lead others astray for their own glory and status (false teachers)

    • @dangerclose191
      @dangerclose191 Месяц назад

      As far as being a good or a bad thing it depends on the person reading it. If it makes the reader find fulfillment in their life it is a good thing and I find nothing wrong with that. However, if the reader uses it as infallible proof in order to push their beliefs onto others it is bad. I personally do not believe that the Bible is the word of any god. In the old testament the Isrealites are God's chosen people, where does that leave everyone else? Does this mean that all of the people that come before the "word of god" are doomed to he'll for all eternity? In my opinion the gospel of Thomas is the only one that holds any value for our modern world.

    • @dangerclose191
      @dangerclose191 Месяц назад

      ​​@@cleaningupforfive if the scriptures are the word of god given to the disciples why would one need to correct the other? This does not make sense to me. Please elaborate on this. Is it not possible that the earliest Christians manipulated scriptures for the betterment of their religion they were trying to establish?

    • @cleaningupforfive
      @cleaningupforfive Месяц назад

      @@dangerclose191 they don’t need to correct each other. That’s not what I said. What I said is that all of scripture is in perfect harmony with itself. Our interpretation must also not go against any other scriptures.
      Paul correcting Peter was not a scripture issue but Peter was lead astray by false teachings and influences of the time. You can read about it in scripture. Paul corrects him and he repents. I brought that up as a point between our misunderstanding scripture and in our best efforts, we don’t get it right or we are influenced by a false teacher (like Peter) vs someone who deliberately picks and chooses scripture to make their point.

  • @missys7823
    @missys7823 Месяц назад +1

    The scripture does not say prophet. It says holy men of God

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      What would you say is the difference between a prophet and holy man of God?

    • @missys7823
      @missys7823 Месяц назад

      @@WhatBibleSay you could say that every prophet is a holy man, but not every holy man is a prophet

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      @@missys7823 ooh. I like that! Yes I agree!

  • @sharonrodriguez9592
    @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад

    😢 Revelation says false prophets and their followers will fall in the pit

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад +1

      Yes, i've met a couple false prophets. It's sad to see other people convinced and follow them. These false prophets take the focus away from Jesus Christ, or they mix half truths with lies.

    • @ameyers67
      @ameyers67 29 дней назад

      What's the opposite of false prophets?

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  22 дня назад

      A prophet is either a true prophet or a false prophet. Either he is a spokesperson chosen by God and authorized to speak for Him, or he is not.

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 20 дней назад

      @@WhatBibleSay I think the key word here is authorized.
      By whose authority are they preaching?

  • @robertputt7794
    @robertputt7794 Месяц назад

    What are your thoughts on the Quran?

    • @WhatBibleSay
      @WhatBibleSay  Месяц назад

      I have not read it. Throughout history God has regularly called prophets as His spokesperson. This began with Adam, and continues today. There have been many times of apostasy when the people become wicked and kill the prophets. So God calls more prophets.
      While I don't know much about the Quran, it's very possible that God called a prophet that lead to the writings in the Quran. But modern day prophets who quote heavily from the Bible and Book of Mormon, very rarely if ever quote anything from the Quran. So I haven't felt directed to learn from it myself.
      Have you read it? What are your thoughts?

    • @sharonrodriguez9592
      @sharonrodriguez9592 Месяц назад

      @@robertputt7794 a religion by man and for men. Nothing about love and grace. Violent