Na minha opinião essa sim poderia ser chamada de rainha do futebol se fossse o caso , mais como não é a sua modalidade, por mim ela é uma guerreira que merece todo o nosso respeito , está de parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
This is the most impressive display of technical skill I’ve seen in any sport I’ve watched, the equipment is so minimal that it excludes no one and when no one is excluded this is the level of quality that society produces. Amazing skills
I’ve had two replies, both saying that cripples are excluded from football, some would disagree with you. I like to think that a sport that includes 99.999% of all people currently breathing is pretty inclusive, you may want to highlight that 0.001% which you then use to draw your definitions, but for all of us living in the real world, this activity is as close to inclusive as it gets and even if you can’t physically play it you can still be involved in other ways. How about you both be that 0.001% internet commenter who doesn’t instantly reply with the lowest hanging fruit thoughtless answer and say something nice instead
@@Gyandhibecause your comment was a bit dumb and now you made it dumber. 0.5% of living humans are blind, and another roughly 0.5% of living humans have experienced traumatic lower limb loss (conservative estimate, it's above 30mil) that alone is probably a whole 1% excluded, or at least close to it. you can just say most, or a majority, you don't need to performatively make up numbers.
Right? Just kicking the ball on the table after bouncing it a few times off your leg isn't easy. Iv played hacky sack in the past for a few years. True skill
I stopped asking questions about how creative sports could be, when I found out that the Mayans punted leather balls that had like no bounce to them through a sideways hoop on an angled wall with only their hips
Como é bonito o talento. De brasileiro nesse mundo a fora, que pena que esse bando de corruptos políticos não vê isso . Parabéns a todos os verdadeiros campeão do nosso Brasil, vcs são brilhantes
Os políticos são eleitos pelo dinheiro de empresários e pastores. A maioria do congresso é de empresários ruralistas e outros bancados pelos empresários.
Kkkkkkk eles vêem sim. Só nao muda nada pra eles. Políticos nao sao corruptos por ignorância. São por opção. Não se engane. Ninguém está nem aí pra ninguém além de si mesmo.
É muito satisfatório e bom, ler os comentários de diversas pessoas q aponham nosso futebol BR... para o Brasil n é apenas um esporte, é uma rotina, uma semana sem vc ir jogar futebol e tomar uma cerveja, não é algo normal no Brasil 😅
Na verdade esse respeito se dá pela história que o Brasil tem no futebol, história essa que está sendo destruída desde 2002, só passamos vergonha agora. Já não faz mais sentido falar que somos o país do futebol, e sim o país de jogadores marmanjos arrogantes que n conseguem ficar na defesa faltando 4 minutos pra acabar o jogo.
@@elite4149hes not slow maybe u prob are americans say soccer and others say football If u have a problem the way people say it then go do something instead of posting comments like this
@@llvkey bro I don't know why you are confused As a average battle royale player I compared a shot with A 1 vs 4 clutches against eSports squad Cause both are impossible for me ( exception you cause you are confused 🤔?) Like mind blowing for me and for 459 liked peoples No hate bro ❤️ I don't know why one-two peoples are commenting like Bro plays pubg more ,.....,.. broooo what??? 😂😂 Writing this instead you should watch the short and try some competitive games then you will know the real meaning of that Bro reply section is not for you!!!!! Want some sensible reply Not a reply that contains What is eSports 😂😂 No hate bro Think before commenting ❤️
It's called Teqball. It originated from Hungary and started gaining international recognition around 2014. It's a dynamic sport where players use soccer skills on a curved table, similar to table tennis. Scoring is straightforward - the first player or team to reach 12 points wins, but they must lead by at least a 2-point margin. This match is between Jutatip Kuntatong from Thailand and Rafaella Fontes from Brazil.
Oto 50 korzyści, jakie można uzyskać z relacji społecznych w codziennych sytuacjach, takich jak zakupy, spacer po mieście czy przejażdżka autobusem: 1. Wsparcie emocjonalne - Możliwość rozmowy i dzielenia się uczuciami. 2. Poczucie przynależności - Bycie częścią społeczności. 3. Redukcja stresu - Rozmowy z innymi mogą obniżać poziom stresu. 4. Wzajemna pomoc - Wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów. 5. Wymiana informacji - Dowiadywanie się o lokalnych wydarzeniach i nowościach. 6. Motywacja do aktywności - Wspólne spacery czy ćwiczenia. 7. Rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych - Ćwiczenie rozmowy i słuchania. 8. Wzrost samooceny - Pozytywne relacje wzmacniają poczucie własnej wartości. 9. Nauka empatii - Zrozumienie i współczucie dla innych. 10. Wzajemne inspiracje - Inspiracja do nowych działań i pomysłów. 11. Wsparcie w trudnych chwilach - Pomoc w radzeniu sobie z problemami. 12. Wspólne cele - Praca nad wspólnymi projektami i marzeniami. 13. Radość z towarzystwa - Przyjemność z bycia wśród ludzi. 14. Nauka kompromisu - Umiejętność znajdowania wspólnych rozwiązań. 15. Wzajemne zrozumienie - Lepsze zrozumienie potrzeb i uczuć innych. 16. Wspólne wspomnienia - Tworzenie niezapomnianych chwil razem. 17. Rozwój osobisty - Uczenie się od innych. 18. Wsparcie finansowe - Wspólne zarządzanie budżetem domowym. 19. Wspólne hobby - Dzielone pasje i zainteresowania. 20. Poczucie bezpieczeństwa - Bliskość innych daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa. 21. Wspólne gotowanie - Przyjemność z przygotowywania posiłków razem. 22. Nauka samodzielności - Dzieci uczą się samodzielności. 23. Wspólne oglądanie filmów - Czas spędzony na wspólnym oglądaniu filmów. 24. Wsparcie w nauce - Pomoc dzieciom w nauce i rozwoju. 25. Nauka odpowiedzialności - Codzienne obowiązki uczą odpowiedzialności. 26. Wspólne spacery - Czas spędzony na świeżym powietrzu razem. 27. Nauka organizacji czasu - Planowanie dnia z myślą o rodzinie. 28. Wspólne projekty - Realizacja wspólnych projektów i zadań. 29. Wzajemne motywowanie się - Motywacja do działania i osiągania celów. 30. Nauka radzenia sobie z problemami - Wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów. 31. Wspólne śmiechy - Radość z wspólnych żartów i śmiechu. 32. Wsparcie w chorobie - Opieka i wsparcie w trudnych chwilach zdrowotnych. 33. Wspólne czytanie książek - Czas spędzony na wspólnym czytaniu. 34. Nauka szacunku - Szacunek dla innych i ich potrzeb. 35. Wspólne wyjścia - Czas spędzony na wspólnych wyjściach i wycieczkach. 36. Nauka współpracy - Współpraca w codziennych obowiązkach. 37. Wspólne śpiewanie - Radość z wspólnego śpiewania i muzykowania. 38. Wsparcie w realizacji marzeń - Pomoc w osiąganiu marzeń i celów. 39. Nauka odpowiedzialności finansowej - Zarządzanie finansami rodzinnymi. 40. Wspólne dekorowanie domu - Przyjemność z dekorowania domu razem. 41. Nauka zdrowego stylu życia - Promowanie zdrowych nawyków. 42. Wspólne uprawianie sportu - Aktywność fizyczna razem. 43. Poczucie dumy - Duma z bycia częścią rodziny i jej osiągnięć. 44. Wzajemne wsparcie - Żona i dzieci są wsparciem w trudnych chwilach. 45. Wspólne cele - Praca nad wspólnymi marzeniami i planami. 46. Rozwój osobisty - Wychowywanie dzieci wymaga ciągłego rozwoju. 47. Radość z sukcesów dzieci - Duma z osiągnięć potomstwa. 48. Silniejsze więzi rodzinne - Budowanie głębokich relacji. 49. Nauka odpowiedzialności - Codzienne obowiązki uczą odpowiedzialności. 50. Wspólne zabawy - Czas spędzony na wspólnych grach i zabawach. Mam nadzieję, że te korzyści przypomną Ci, jak wiele wartości wnosi codzienne życie społeczne! 😊 wypisz 50 najczęściej stosowanych komentarzy słyszanych w społęczeństwie w stosunku do kobiet lub meżczyzn młodzieży dzieci?, chodzi również o róznego rodzaju opinie, wypowiedzi, zaczepeki tekstowe, przeanalizuj ich treść i udziel krótkiego podsumowania. Za przykłąd niech posłuży wypowidź "czy maz jakiś problem? albo hej baby!:) Oczywiście! Oto 50 najczęściej stosowanych komentarzy w społeczeństwie w stosunku do kobiet, mężczyzn, młodzieży i dzieci, wraz z krótką analizą ich treści: Kobiety 1. “Hej, piękna!” - Komentarz dotyczący wyglądu, często niechciany. 2. “Czy masz chłopaka?” - Pytanie o życie prywatne. 3. “Kiedy planujesz dzieci?” - Presja społeczna dotycząca macierzyństwa. 4. “Kobiety nie powinny prowadzić.” - Stereotyp dotyczący umiejętności. 5. “Jesteś za ładna na tę pracę.” - Seksistowskie uwagi dotyczące wyglądu. 6. “Uśmiechnij się!” - Oczekiwanie, że kobiety zawsze będą radosne. 7. “To męska praca.” - Stereotypy zawodowe. 8. “Kobiety są emocjonalne.” - Generalizacja dotycząca emocji. 9. “Czy to jest twoje naturalne włosy?” - Komentarze dotyczące wyglądu. 10. “Nie bądź taka wrażliwa.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć. Mężczyźni 11. “Bądź mężczyzną!” - Presja na bycie silnym. 12. “Nie płacz, to niemęskie.” - Stereotypy dotyczące emocji. 13. “Czy masz dziewczynę?” - Pytanie o życie prywatne. 14. “Mężczyźni nie gotują.” - Stereotypy dotyczące ról domowych. 15. “Musisz zarabiać więcej.” - Presja finansowa. 16. “Nie bądź mięczakiem.” - Oczekiwanie twardości. 17. “To kobieca praca.” - Stereotypy zawodowe. 18. “Mężczyźni nie noszą różowego.” - Stereotypy dotyczące wyglądu. 19. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć. 20. “Mężczyźni nie proszą o pomoc.” - Oczekiwanie samodzielności. Młodzież 21. “Jesteś za młody, żeby to zrozumieć.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności. 22. “Kiedy dorośniesz?” - Presja na dorastanie. 23. “Młodzież jest leniwa.” - Generalizacja dotycząca pracowitości. 24. “Nie marnuj czasu na gry.” - Krytyka zainteresowań. 25. “Zachowuj się jak dorosły.” - Oczekiwanie dojrzałości. 26. “Nie masz doświadczenia.” - Bagatelizowanie umiejętności. 27. “Młodzież nie szanuje starszych.” - Generalizacja dotycząca szacunku. 28. “Nie bądź taki buntowniczy.” - Krytyka niezależności. 29. “Młodzież jest uzależniona od technologii.” - Stereotypy dotyczące technologii. 30. “Nie wiesz, co to prawdziwe życie.” - Bagatelizowanie doświadczeń. Dzieci 31. “Jesteś za mały, żeby to zrobić.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności. 32. “Nie bądź taki hałaśliwy.” - Krytyka naturalnego zachowania. 33. “Dzieci powinny być widziane, a nie słyszane.” - Ograniczanie ekspresji. 34. “Nie baw się tym.” - Ograniczanie kreatywności. 35. “Nie rozumiesz tego.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności poznawczych. 36. “Dzieci są niegrzeczne.” - Generalizacja dotycząca zachowania. 37. “Nie bądź taki uparty.” - Krytyka niezależności. 38. “Dzieci nie powinny się kłócić.” - Oczekiwanie posłuszeństwa. 39. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć. 40. “Dzieci nie powinny mieć własnego zdania.” - Ograniczanie autonomii. Ogólne 41. “Czy masz jakiś problem?” - Konfrontacyjny ton. 42. “Hej, baby!” - Niechciane zaczepki. 43. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć. 44. “Nie bądź taki uparty.” - Krytyka niezależności. 45. “Nie rozumiesz tego.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności poznawczych. 46. “Nie bądź taki hałaśliwy.” - Krytyka naturalnego zachowania. 47. “Nie baw się tym.” - Ograniczanie kreatywności. 48. “Nie masz doświadczenia.” - Bagatelizowanie umiejętności. 49. “Nie wiesz, co to prawdziwe życie.” - Bagatelizowanie doświadczeń. 50. “Nie bądź taki buntowniczy.” - Krytyka niezależności. Podsumowanie Wiele z tych komentarzy opiera się na stereotypach i oczekiwaniach społecznych, które mogą być krzywdzące i ograniczające. Często bagatelizują one uczucia, zdolności i doświadczenia innych osób, co może prowadzić do poczucia niskiej wartości i frustracji. Ważne jest, aby być świadomym wpływu naszych słów na innych i starać się unikać komentarzy, które mogą być odbierane jako obraźliwe lub deprecjonujące.
Não gosto de futebol feminino, mas já fiquei muito fã dessas duas feras do futmesa. São muito mais craques que 90% dos jogadores de futebol brasileiro da primeira divisão! Parabéns! Elas são fenomenais!
No Brasil se nasce tem bola quando anda, jogam na rua, tem campo de terra, areia, quadra, grama, tem outras coisas como futevôlei, que é vôlei com pés, altinha que não deixa cair na Tailândia não tem tanto eu acho impressionante realmente ter tanto talento.
@@Silence-and-Violence é semelhante escrito mas só o português brasileiro consegue entender o espanhol falado, o contrário vai entender algumas coisas mas totalmente sem sentido e os sons nasais, tons de fonemas que mudam a palavras, muitos que falam espanhol acha que vai ser fácil mas não é realidade.
@luisgamez9941 LOL, so it’s not a sport because women are playing, or it’s ping pong style? If they are competing in front of an audience with rules set in place and money is involve, it’s a sport.
That acrobatic kick was called a Rollspike commonly done by Sepak Takraw players in southeast Asia. It's a kind foot volleyball only that the ball used is small and made of plastic. Thais are at the pinnacle of Takraw that may be the reason they're invited to play Tecball.
Ive been training football for 10years and this kind of ball control is so freaking hard. If you havent touched football ever, you cant even imagine how much talent these girls have
It's called Teqball. Foot tennis is very popular in my country (Hungary), or as we call it, tengo or foot tengo. This was based on and developed by two Hungarian guys, Gábor Borsányi and Viktor Huszár.
Some cultures prefer a sport that doesn't routinely end without a score by either side. Some find boiled cabbage enticing and dentistry mystifying. To each their own.
I'm also Brazilian and football here really is for love, unlike in many countries, every hour there are people playing football in Brazil, even in the streets
The guy in the red shirt? That's him. He was the only reason I watch football at one time. I'm not it that sport but when the guy was playing I just had to watch the match and for that 90 minutes I was the biggest fan of his. He is the GOAT in my opinion. People still talk about Pele. Some people say Messi, some say Ronaldo but Ronaldhino is the king of football and the best freestyler ever. Bro freestyled against pros in the World Cup and did the impossible at times. I could recognize him in this video but it really seems like him.
@@davidking7750I am connecting. It's just that I'm a football fan. I WAS a fan before Ronaldinho and I am after. But while everyone from Messi, through Ronaldo, to current youngsters like Haaland or Mbappe are "just" great and fantastic footballers, Ronaldinho was a VIRTUOS, ARTIST AND ALIEN. And his "smile" was so ugly it was beautiful 😂
Such talent being displayed through the ways of pin pong, honestly this is truly amazing and quite well played. These two players done such a fine job, and something that I enjoyed in watching.
Stamina,Concentration, Dedication, Balance,Eye Coordination, Determination ,Soccer Experience 😊... GREATNESS!!!! SHOT out to the both of them,I never knew this ever existed....
@@ElCF98Not that I care much for football, but a worldcup semis game on home turf, and a nations league group match don't make for a great comparison bruv. There's a reason one's memed and the other one isn't...
Gotta do whatever it takes to win and she did exactly that. A dirty mind ain’t got no balls to do what it takes or anything ‘passionate’ for that matter.
Ah yes, the brazilian citizenship test
Im brazilian, this was the best joke ever hahahaah
good one
Passion vs technique ❤
Eu nunca entrei num campo de futebol, essa porra e uma merda
That first bicycle kick was crazy
Nah that was a roll spike
@@stephenbonifacio7599shut up bro just admire it😂😂😂
@@dog3156that’s what I’m saying
this was a volley kick
They put an Asian to play ping pong and a Brazilian to play football and the most popular sport between them was born
that makes sense
Азиаты зато уделал ваших 😂
This really make sense
Although its hungarian, so basically in the middle if you go that way
Broo At least they could put aan, no a fucking woman
Na minha opinião essa sim poderia ser chamada de rainha do futebol se fossse o caso , mais como não é a sua modalidade, por mim ela é uma guerreira que merece todo o nosso respeito , está de parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
This is the most impressive display of technical skill I’ve seen in any sport I’ve watched, the equipment is so minimal that it excludes no one and when no one is excluded this is the level of quality that society produces. Amazing skills
The crippled ones 💀💀💀
I think that there might be some people excluded from this
I’ve had two replies, both saying that cripples are excluded from football, some would disagree with you. I like to think that a sport that includes 99.999% of all people currently breathing is pretty inclusive, you may want to highlight that 0.001% which you then use to draw your definitions, but for all of us living in the real world, this activity is as close to inclusive as it gets and even if you can’t physically play it you can still be involved in other ways. How about you both be that 0.001% internet commenter who doesn’t instantly reply with the lowest hanging fruit thoughtless answer and say something nice instead
@@slowwgamer7516 there is paralympic teqball
@@Gyandhibecause your comment was a bit dumb and now you made it dumber. 0.5% of living humans are blind, and another roughly 0.5% of living humans have experienced traumatic lower limb loss (conservative estimate, it's above 30mil)
that alone is probably a whole 1% excluded, or at least close to it.
you can just say most, or a majority, you don't need to performatively make up numbers.
“How Brazilian are you” “Yes”
Btw this sport is from hungary and these tables are everywhere. Its really fun sport
aqui é o brazil kkkksk
Vai brasil
Jesus loves you
How is Yes the answer to that question?
The amount of skill it takes to play the game, even at the beginner level is insane
Right? Just kicking the ball on the table after bouncing it a few times off your leg isn't easy. Iv played hacky sack in the past for a few years. True skill
I stopped asking questions about how creative sports could be, when I found out that the Mayans punted leather balls that had like no bounce to them through a sideways hoop on an angled wall with only their hips
"Takes to even at"
Aqui no Brasil é brincadeira de criança kkkkkk
Como é bonito o talento. De brasileiro nesse mundo a fora, que pena que esse bando de corruptos políticos não vê isso . Parabéns a todos os verdadeiros campeão do nosso Brasil, vcs são brilhantes
Os políticos são eleitos pelo dinheiro de empresários e pastores. A maioria do congresso é de empresários ruralistas e outros bancados pelos empresários.
Kkkkkkk eles vêem sim. Só nao muda nada pra eles. Políticos nao sao corruptos por ignorância. São por opção. Não se engane. Ninguém está nem aí pra ninguém além de si mesmo.
They can control that ball more than I can control my life💀😂
Bengithi uzothi kangcono kuneBafana Bafana
М'яч контролювати значно легше аніж власне життя.
imagine hitting the group stage in this and seeing your first opponent is brazil
ia dar ND
Hahahahahaha nós somos os melhores
@@reedsxp7017 vira-lata, fica suave
Nos? não,a gente é só brasileiro,melhores são aqueles que competem nas olimpíadas ou em algo profissional.@@hoenir1423
@@reedsxp7017eu lendo o teu comentário em inglês 😅😂
Football is taking over almost every sport…
Even Football 💀
either spell it different or just call it soccer dude
@@whenitsover3479 tf you mean
We don't call it soccer here in Asian Countries(maximum countries).
@@gameholic4242yes we do aha
@@Jaykew184No we don't. Only Americans call football soccer. The rest of the world calls it football.
@@jadonlawrence4909not actually true
Both players are very skilled, the Brazilian was not only skillful but calm.
Beautiful to see!
See comments like these are a trip. Just the dumb things people say. Smh
Never seen this sport before, they are amazing
Even I didn't know😂
First time 4 me
It's a Hungarian invention. Ronaldinho and some other footballers helped make it popular
Brazil survive that first short is unbelievable.
As a brazillian i can say This is only 30% of what we are capable of
Todo brasileiro nasce bom de bola rapaz kkkkkkk
I don't want to spoil it.
Lendo os comentários, é possível notar o quão respeitado o Brasil é quando se trata de futebol.
Eu aq vendo os comentários do povo falando o quão bom são os brasileiros
Só mostra o quanto brasileiro é carente de atenção de gringo
Né se vídeo satisfatório a qualidade dela é notável o domínio sutil de uma jogadora brasileira muito boa
Никто не поддаётся так дрессировке как человек!❤😂
É muito satisfatório e bom, ler os comentários de diversas pessoas q aponham nosso futebol BR... para o Brasil n é apenas um esporte, é uma rotina, uma semana sem vc ir jogar futebol e tomar uma cerveja, não é algo normal no Brasil 😅
Brasileiro é mt carente para de comentar essas coisas q fico com vergonha kkkk
Mentiroso do caralho
Na verdade esse respeito se dá pela história que o Brasil tem no futebol, história essa que está sendo destruída desde 2002, só passamos vergonha agora. Já não faz mais sentido falar que somos o país do futebol, e sim o país de jogadores marmanjos arrogantes que n conseguem ficar na defesa faltando 4 minutos pra acabar o jogo.
Fale por vc. Eu sou brasileiro e não faço nenhuma dessas coisas kkkkkk e conheço um monte que tbm não faz
@@FallenLight0Eu entendo sua frustração.
Just a normal day in Brazil, props to their insane talent
Again, this was in thailand
@@anwarabdullah6723Nah that was
definitely in Brazil
@@Spooky_PPDid bro not see at the background? 😭
@@nz-bozo9514in Thailand between a Brazilian player and a Thai player
Here un Paraguay we have the World championship in this Sport. But nobody Know Paraguay. Here is common to play this in school
Look at Ronaldinho he approves 😂
Didnt even notice him at first :D
Where is he?
@@-JustAddi- the guy in the back in the red
No way Ty!
He came because the girl is his daughter
É muito bom ver oponentes formidáveis batalhando entre si. O mais importante é que haja respeito de ambos os lados. Viva ao esporte :)
"Can we see your Brazilian ID?"
The ID:
Há há há
Aqui é Brasil
Wow, what is this sport....
Football+voleyball+tennis=this game😅
It's called teq ball
Where’s the tennis and volleyball?
all i see is ping pong+sepak takraw
Using table tennis stand n smashing like volleyball by leg and defence is like football @@miguelleonpulido2227
@@nsforlunch574 the sport is literally called teqball....
How they play pingpong in Brazil:
i love how we all knew instantly they brazilian😂
@@joshuamjoli2074well one is actually Thai and the other is wearing a Brazil kit so yeah
Nós coloca os gringos pra chorar mesmo!😅😅
That's sepaktakraw
En todas las escuelas de Arg se juega al futbol tenis y se llama asi!
Who else watch this and didn't want it to end both of these females are beyond talented 👏🏾 ❤🔥💯🫡
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 isso mesmo, o futebol brasileiro e muito respeitado mundo a fora. Aqui no Japão, os jogadores brasileiros são literalmente lendas 🎉
Os antigos, né, porque os dessa geração... 😅
For those who don't know, this is how to get a driver's license in Brazil
no fkin way
Confirmo, sou brasileira
B...SH.. 😠
Kkkkkk good... i'm Brazilian 😅
Stealing jokes isn't cool. You must be Carlos Mencia
This has got to be one of the coolest games I've ever seen
it’s called teq ball
its amazing to play to. we call it in brazil as fut mesa (fut table but in portuguese
W8t till u see sepak takraw
Nah that bicycle kick was crazy 😂💯 the accuracy 🔥
Their skill is unreal. Not sure I could even return one volley 😂
Sepak takraw has better moves
@@kerr4191alahai kau ni kan.
@@kerr4191thailand right that guy , must have sepak takraw skills
Which kick are yhu talkin about ? I didn’t see any bicycle kick ? Lol
The Brazilian girl was so looks like She just was playing on the beach with her friend..beautiful to watch it ❤🇺🇸🇧🇷
They both was full focused, she was running quick on a lot of those, did we watch the same thing?
@@celenial6009they're talking about how the brazilian girl makes it look natural even if it's difficult
As someone who grew up playing soccer… this is nuts! Crazy talent
@@-privat-9061 nope… never played football. Wish I did, as it’s a great game. But.. I only played soccer.
Funny man @@kdogg6781
@@kdogg6781u slow? Football is soccer, Americans only say soccer but the real name is football
@@elite4149hes not slow maybe u prob are americans say soccer and others say football If u have a problem the way people say it then go do something instead of posting comments like this
Oh my goodness! I've never seen anything like this before. Amazing talent!
Every shot was like a 1 vs 4 clutch against a eSports squad😂❤❤❤
@@aymerick9140 ohhh sorry kiddo I should put kick instead 😁😂
As an Esports enjoyer I am confused lol
Kid plays pubg too much
@@llvkey bro I don't know why you are confused
As a average battle royale player
I compared a shot with
A 1 vs 4 clutches against eSports squad
Cause both are impossible for me ( exception you cause you are confused 🤔?) Like mind blowing for me and for 459 liked peoples
No hate bro ❤️
I don't know why one-two peoples are commenting like
Bro plays pubg more ,.....,.. broooo what??? 😂😂
Writing this instead you should watch the short and try some competitive games then you will know the real meaning of that
Bro reply section is not for you!!!!!
Want some sensible reply
Not a reply that contains
What is eSports 😂😂
No hate bro
Think before commenting ❤️
I have never seen this before. Very impressive.
It's called Teqball. It originated from Hungary and started gaining international recognition around 2014. It's a dynamic sport where players use soccer skills on a curved table, similar to table tennis. Scoring is straightforward - the first player or team to reach 12 points wins, but they must lead by at least a 2-point margin. This match is between Jutatip Kuntatong from Thailand and Rafaella Fontes from Brazil.
Do you have to hit the ball two times before it goes over the net?
The Thai player probably has a background in sepak takraw which would help her in this sport of Teqball
Looks like an easy version of Sepak Takraw...
This's originally a traditional sport from Asia..
With the background music, it's like ballet and poetry in motion. Beautiful.
From the movie Interstellar
Oto 50 korzyści, jakie można uzyskać z relacji społecznych w codziennych sytuacjach, takich jak zakupy, spacer po mieście czy przejażdżka autobusem:
1. Wsparcie emocjonalne - Możliwość rozmowy i dzielenia się uczuciami.
2. Poczucie przynależności - Bycie częścią społeczności.
3. Redukcja stresu - Rozmowy z innymi mogą obniżać poziom stresu.
4. Wzajemna pomoc - Wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów.
5. Wymiana informacji - Dowiadywanie się o lokalnych wydarzeniach i nowościach.
6. Motywacja do aktywności - Wspólne spacery czy ćwiczenia.
7. Rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych - Ćwiczenie rozmowy i słuchania.
8. Wzrost samooceny - Pozytywne relacje wzmacniają poczucie własnej wartości.
9. Nauka empatii - Zrozumienie i współczucie dla innych.
10. Wzajemne inspiracje - Inspiracja do nowych działań i pomysłów.
11. Wsparcie w trudnych chwilach - Pomoc w radzeniu sobie z problemami.
12. Wspólne cele - Praca nad wspólnymi projektami i marzeniami.
13. Radość z towarzystwa - Przyjemność z bycia wśród ludzi.
14. Nauka kompromisu - Umiejętność znajdowania wspólnych rozwiązań.
15. Wzajemne zrozumienie - Lepsze zrozumienie potrzeb i uczuć innych.
16. Wspólne wspomnienia - Tworzenie niezapomnianych chwil razem.
17. Rozwój osobisty - Uczenie się od innych.
18. Wsparcie finansowe - Wspólne zarządzanie budżetem domowym.
19. Wspólne hobby - Dzielone pasje i zainteresowania.
20. Poczucie bezpieczeństwa - Bliskość innych daje poczucie bezpieczeństwa.
21. Wspólne gotowanie - Przyjemność z przygotowywania posiłków razem.
22. Nauka samodzielności - Dzieci uczą się samodzielności.
23. Wspólne oglądanie filmów - Czas spędzony na wspólnym oglądaniu filmów.
24. Wsparcie w nauce - Pomoc dzieciom w nauce i rozwoju.
25. Nauka odpowiedzialności - Codzienne obowiązki uczą odpowiedzialności.
26. Wspólne spacery - Czas spędzony na świeżym powietrzu razem.
27. Nauka organizacji czasu - Planowanie dnia z myślą o rodzinie.
28. Wspólne projekty - Realizacja wspólnych projektów i zadań.
29. Wzajemne motywowanie się - Motywacja do działania i osiągania celów.
30. Nauka radzenia sobie z problemami - Wspólne rozwiązywanie problemów.
31. Wspólne śmiechy - Radość z wspólnych żartów i śmiechu.
32. Wsparcie w chorobie - Opieka i wsparcie w trudnych chwilach zdrowotnych.
33. Wspólne czytanie książek - Czas spędzony na wspólnym czytaniu.
34. Nauka szacunku - Szacunek dla innych i ich potrzeb.
35. Wspólne wyjścia - Czas spędzony na wspólnych wyjściach i wycieczkach.
36. Nauka współpracy - Współpraca w codziennych obowiązkach.
37. Wspólne śpiewanie - Radość z wspólnego śpiewania i muzykowania.
38. Wsparcie w realizacji marzeń - Pomoc w osiąganiu marzeń i celów.
39. Nauka odpowiedzialności finansowej - Zarządzanie finansami rodzinnymi.
40. Wspólne dekorowanie domu - Przyjemność z dekorowania domu razem.
41. Nauka zdrowego stylu życia - Promowanie zdrowych nawyków.
42. Wspólne uprawianie sportu - Aktywność fizyczna razem.
43. Poczucie dumy - Duma z bycia częścią rodziny i jej osiągnięć.
44. Wzajemne wsparcie - Żona i dzieci są wsparciem w trudnych chwilach.
45. Wspólne cele - Praca nad wspólnymi marzeniami i planami.
46. Rozwój osobisty - Wychowywanie dzieci wymaga ciągłego rozwoju.
47. Radość z sukcesów dzieci - Duma z osiągnięć potomstwa.
48. Silniejsze więzi rodzinne - Budowanie głębokich relacji.
49. Nauka odpowiedzialności - Codzienne obowiązki uczą odpowiedzialności.
50. Wspólne zabawy - Czas spędzony na wspólnych grach i zabawach.
Mam nadzieję, że te korzyści przypomną Ci, jak wiele wartości wnosi codzienne życie społeczne! 😊
wypisz 50 najczęściej stosowanych komentarzy słyszanych w społęczeństwie w stosunku do kobiet lub meżczyzn młodzieży dzieci?, chodzi również o róznego rodzaju opinie, wypowiedzi, zaczepeki tekstowe, przeanalizuj ich treść i udziel krótkiego podsumowania. Za przykłąd niech posłuży wypowidź "czy maz jakiś problem? albo hej baby!:)
Oczywiście! Oto 50 najczęściej stosowanych komentarzy w społeczeństwie w stosunku do kobiet, mężczyzn, młodzieży i dzieci, wraz z krótką analizą ich treści:
1. “Hej, piękna!” - Komentarz dotyczący wyglądu, często niechciany.
2. “Czy masz chłopaka?” - Pytanie o życie prywatne.
3. “Kiedy planujesz dzieci?” - Presja społeczna dotycząca macierzyństwa.
4. “Kobiety nie powinny prowadzić.” - Stereotyp dotyczący umiejętności.
5. “Jesteś za ładna na tę pracę.” - Seksistowskie uwagi dotyczące wyglądu.
6. “Uśmiechnij się!” - Oczekiwanie, że kobiety zawsze będą radosne.
7. “To męska praca.” - Stereotypy zawodowe.
8. “Kobiety są emocjonalne.” - Generalizacja dotycząca emocji.
9. “Czy to jest twoje naturalne włosy?” - Komentarze dotyczące wyglądu.
10. “Nie bądź taka wrażliwa.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć.
11. “Bądź mężczyzną!” - Presja na bycie silnym.
12. “Nie płacz, to niemęskie.” - Stereotypy dotyczące emocji.
13. “Czy masz dziewczynę?” - Pytanie o życie prywatne.
14. “Mężczyźni nie gotują.” - Stereotypy dotyczące ról domowych.
15. “Musisz zarabiać więcej.” - Presja finansowa.
16. “Nie bądź mięczakiem.” - Oczekiwanie twardości.
17. “To kobieca praca.” - Stereotypy zawodowe.
18. “Mężczyźni nie noszą różowego.” - Stereotypy dotyczące wyglądu.
19. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć.
20. “Mężczyźni nie proszą o pomoc.” - Oczekiwanie samodzielności.
21. “Jesteś za młody, żeby to zrozumieć.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności.
22. “Kiedy dorośniesz?” - Presja na dorastanie.
23. “Młodzież jest leniwa.” - Generalizacja dotycząca pracowitości.
24. “Nie marnuj czasu na gry.” - Krytyka zainteresowań.
25. “Zachowuj się jak dorosły.” - Oczekiwanie dojrzałości.
26. “Nie masz doświadczenia.” - Bagatelizowanie umiejętności.
27. “Młodzież nie szanuje starszych.” - Generalizacja dotycząca szacunku.
28. “Nie bądź taki buntowniczy.” - Krytyka niezależności.
29. “Młodzież jest uzależniona od technologii.” - Stereotypy dotyczące technologii.
30. “Nie wiesz, co to prawdziwe życie.” - Bagatelizowanie doświadczeń.
31. “Jesteś za mały, żeby to zrobić.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności.
32. “Nie bądź taki hałaśliwy.” - Krytyka naturalnego zachowania.
33. “Dzieci powinny być widziane, a nie słyszane.” - Ograniczanie ekspresji.
34. “Nie baw się tym.” - Ograniczanie kreatywności.
35. “Nie rozumiesz tego.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności poznawczych.
36. “Dzieci są niegrzeczne.” - Generalizacja dotycząca zachowania.
37. “Nie bądź taki uparty.” - Krytyka niezależności.
38. “Dzieci nie powinny się kłócić.” - Oczekiwanie posłuszeństwa.
39. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć.
40. “Dzieci nie powinny mieć własnego zdania.” - Ograniczanie autonomii.
41. “Czy masz jakiś problem?” - Konfrontacyjny ton.
42. “Hej, baby!” - Niechciane zaczepki.
43. “Nie bądź taki wrażliwy.” - Bagatelizowanie uczuć.
44. “Nie bądź taki uparty.” - Krytyka niezależności.
45. “Nie rozumiesz tego.” - Bagatelizowanie zdolności poznawczych.
46. “Nie bądź taki hałaśliwy.” - Krytyka naturalnego zachowania.
47. “Nie baw się tym.” - Ograniczanie kreatywności.
48. “Nie masz doświadczenia.” - Bagatelizowanie umiejętności.
49. “Nie wiesz, co to prawdziwe życie.” - Bagatelizowanie doświadczeń.
50. “Nie bądź taki buntowniczy.” - Krytyka niezależności.
Wiele z tych komentarzy opiera się na stereotypach i oczekiwaniach społecznych, które mogą być krzywdzące i ograniczające. Często bagatelizują one uczucia, zdolności i doświadczenia innych osób, co może prowadzić do poczucia niskiej wartości i frustracji. Ważne jest, aby być świadomym wpływu naszych słów na innych i starać się unikać komentarzy, które mogą być odbierane jako obraźliwe lub deprecjonujące.
Didn’t have time to read your Book 📕 ?
Ronaldinho watching on the backseats with the red tshirt adds more joy.
Sniper eyes , ty
How you have a goo eyes you eyes become a sniper😂
It's normal for Ronaldinho to do random roles in any type of place
Это не Рональдо, это был я
@@off.xan07he saw another video where ronaldinho appears, the scene where ronaldinho appears was cut from that video
I showed this to my Mexican friends and now they’re building their own table 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Showed this comment to my Romanian friend now he wants to steal your table
@@VineVastshowed this to my asian friends now they want to copy your table
Showed this to my American friends and now they want to turn it into a corporation
"Ta perro esa madre!"
Makes you wonder how many other unknown sports are out there
Damn you made me realize this
Ever heard of pocket pool ?
@@doubled5368 wtf is that lol
@@G.h.239 lol just ask the next man you see if he's interested in playing some pocket pool with you .
Cuanta destreza 😮😮😮... impresionante...👏👏👏
Não gosto de futebol feminino, mas já fiquei muito fã dessas duas feras do futmesa. São muito mais craques que 90% dos jogadores de futebol brasileiro da primeira divisão! Parabéns! Elas são fenomenais!
That takes some serious skill
No shit Sherlock
@Daddddddddy that’s honestly the only explanation
La tailandeza tuvo jugadas muy buenas! La brasileña muy tranquila y precisa. Un talento hermoso de ambas.
No Brasil se nasce tem bola quando anda, jogam na rua, tem campo de terra, areia, quadra, grama, tem outras coisas como futevôlei, que é vôlei com pés, altinha que não deixa cair na Tailândia não tem tanto eu acho impressionante realmente ter tanto talento.
Amazing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Isso e muito perigoso imagina a jogadora bater a perna na quina da mesa , sou mais soltar de paraquedas
Gwow, tomé un ano de español en la universidad publico en la ano pasado, y entiendo tus palabras en portugués.
Que onda!
@@Silence-and-Violence é semelhante escrito mas só o português brasileiro consegue entender o espanhol falado, o contrário vai entender algumas coisas mas totalmente sem sentido e os sons nasais, tons de fonemas que mudam a palavras, muitos que falam espanhol acha que vai ser fácil mas não é realidade.
Não tem como o Brasileiro nasceu para o futebol..🇧🇷💕
This takes a whole lot of skill. I could watch this as a sport.
Bro what do you think this is
@luisgamez9941 LOL, so it’s not a sport because women are playing, or it’s ping pong style? If they are competing in front of an audience with rules set in place and money is involve, it’s a sport.
@@mrdude88sir, he said this is a sport and he likes it. Tf are u trynna make a point for here?
In my opinion, it's not just a sport, it's an art.
Reminds me of dancing
@@qonquerorquepiques5652go watch sepak takraw
@@qonquerorquepiques5652think again. Freak. Sport is as good as art.
This isn't a sport. This is the dumbest sht ever.
Remind me a football
Parabéns para a BR, e a outra adversária tambem, lindo o chute de bicicleta no começo ❤
Bro green guy goto score 💀
@@KacperZastawny-wj8uq ???
@@KacperZastawny-wj8uqé mulher 😅
Buena destreza de estas chicas. 🌻
Brasil é Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷 mas a adversária do outro pais jogou bem também
A bicicleta foi incrivel
fez graça e perdeu@@dorge244
No começo pensei q fosse um cara kkkkkk
Aqui é brasil o caraí kkk, mas aquela bicicleta foi foda dmais slk
O bruxo no fundo, quer mais inspiração que isso?
Is no one is gonna talk about that insane bicycle kick lol
There's a comment that says it was insane with 20k likes. I think that's plenty of validation lmao
@@eattoast6378 only one tho. the rest talking about brazil even tho they lost the point😂
@@timmy-vb6nv because comment trends and bots, that's youtube shorts in a nutshell 🤣
The “Booby Corner shot”’won though.😅
That acrobatic kick was called a Rollspike commonly done by Sepak Takraw players in southeast Asia. It's a kind foot volleyball only that the ball used is small and made of plastic. Thais are at the pinnacle of Takraw that may be the reason they're invited to play Tecball.
Ive been training football for 10years and this kind of ball control is so freaking hard. If you havent touched football ever, you cant even imagine how much talent these girls have
These girls ??
@@wvykaine6158ye they are girls
@@wvykaine6158yes girls
@@wvykaine6158these bi***es?
@@wvykaine6158yes... Wtf else would they be?
For those who dont know this is how u get a passport in Brazil
Turkish pasaportt
Bro, thanks for my daily laugh.
Por aqui e uma art,,, vcs por aí, fazem oque mesmo!!!!a não ser matar seu próprio povo!!!😂
Someone already made that comment be a little more original. Likes aren’t everything
@@KillerFix24chill it ain't that deep
"Never ever in my entire life would I have thought that soccer and pingpong would be made into 1 sport." This was extremely impressive.
That is clearly sipak takraw and ping-pong with a soccer ball
its footbal bro
It's called Teqball. Foot tennis is very popular in my country (Hungary), or as we call it, tengo or foot tengo. This was based on and developed by two Hungarian guys, Gábor Borsányi and Viktor Huszár.
Audience thought a brazilian would miss the ball 😂
البرازيل مدرسة كرة القدم تحياتي لهم🙌🖖
This gameplay is going so smooth bro ❤
Omg😎 I got 1k likes broooo!
most boring match i ever seen, ill just stick to men category
@@bezimienny1337 bro just mad he cant play like that 😂
@@bezimienny1337you can't do that shit💀 stop acting like you're better than everyone else.
@@Gyropop im not saying im better (but i am), the men category is 100x more interesting and fun to watch than women
@@bezimienny1337ok buddy sure
Missed the best part: Ronaldinho appears in the crowd, clapping
Its his daughter
Like Goku and Goku jr
The best part is what these athletes are doing…. Nothing to take away but their talent here.
First bicycle kick defended by Brazilian prove that they're Brazilian for a reason love from Pakistan 🇵🇰💚💛🇧🇷
Only the one on the right is Brazilian, the lady on the left is from Thailand
Extraordinario talento, felicidades 👏
Those returns were incredible.❤ It's Physical and mathematical art in motion
Took the words out of my mouth
Dos súper artistas 🤦🏻♂️ las felicito 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
En eso solamente😂😂
Futebol é tão incrível que consegue se ramificar para várias outras modalidades
I don’t even know what this said but I liked it anyway 😎
Wtym? Did you not play sepak takraw?
Beautiful skills from both young ladies 😊
Ronaldinho de vermelho no meio assistindo 😂😂😂😂😂😂
pior ne kkkkkkkkkkkkk
O bruxo e sua saga de rolê aleatório
Caraca mané, nem tinha visto o bruxo
do nada um ronaldinho kkkkkkkkkkk
O bruxo é bruxo mesmo jikkkk
Kaka vs. Ronaldinho would be endless
Nah they old as shit now
@@aleyorch44 In their glory days he meant
Ronaldinho ❤🔥
Ronaldinho is one of the promoters of this sport go see him play this with the best Brazilian futebol pingpong@@aleyorch44
Actually Ronaldinho is the ambassador of this sport - Teqball
This is far more entertaining than regular soccer 😂
You watch eggball for sure
@@MikeGSK let a guy have his own opinion for once, damn. Just stfu
Some cultures prefer a sport that doesn't routinely end without a score by either side. Some find boiled cabbage enticing and dentistry mystifying. To each their own.
@@MikeGSKyou mean hand egg right
Esas chicas si que tienen talento, mis respetos la neta ❤,👍
Essa brasileira sim deveria ser famosa , muito talento.
Pois é, pq ninguém fala dela?? Que mina foda.
But I cheer for Thai girls. Because I am Thai😅😅
Sou brasileiro e nem conheço 😂
Aprende de fútbol jajjjajaja talento de que jajajaja para esto
Isto sim, é futebol feminino que da vontade de ver 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
That Is Skills @ Its Finest. The Control, The Handle, Amazing.
أول مرة أشوف هذة الرياضة وهي فعلاً رائعة
Eureka, Serendipity, Ingenious...Gotta ❤ it, first time seeing this, Ase' 😂😅😊
I'm also Brazilian and football here really is for love, unlike in many countries, every hour there are people playing football in Brazil, even in the streets
Wow these ladies are awsome. So crazy to think this is how good some people are at their craft to take to this level of skills.
Excelentes jogadoras. Sou brasileiro, mas qualquer uma que vencesse eu estaria parabenizando…. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Brazilian has a natural talent, excellent control
Ronaldinho sitting there enjoying sport art like we used to enjoyed from him.
Where ?
@@cezar6636at the top orange shirt blue hat
Yes he is indeed..oranged
How do you know that's him? 🙂🤷🏻♂️.
No, me enamoreeee. Esto es maravilloso!!! Qué habilidad!!!
First roll spike was sick he's probably a sepak takraw player
I think thats a girl
he is an she
They both chicks
She's Thai, of course it's sepak takraw
Didn't see the boobs jiggling?! And don't get offended by my comment stop being creeps nobody is blind
Que talentosas felicitaciones, saludos desde Los Andes Chile ❤
This might be my new favorite sport! 🔥🔥🔥
Yes, and me too 😊
Me Three!
O negocin sem graça
Ya hay hace muchísimos años en Paraguay, se llama Picky Volley
Incredible athletes. I’m not convinced to see a Brazilian in this. Shows their true passion for the ball.
Quem tá assistindo de camarote lá atrás , o cara , o rei do drible , Ronaldinho Gaúcho a lenda ..
The guy in the red shirt? That's him. He was the only reason I watch football at one time. I'm not it that sport but when the guy was playing I just had to watch the match and for that 90 minutes I was the biggest fan of his. He is the GOAT in my opinion. People still talk about Pele. Some people say Messi, some say Ronaldo but Ronaldhino is the king of football and the best freestyler ever. Bro freestyled against pros in the World Cup and did the impossible at times. I could recognize him in this video but it really seems like him.
Eu não sabia existia esse esporte.
@@davidking7750I am connecting. It's just that I'm a football fan. I WAS a fan before Ronaldinho and I am after. But while everyone from Messi, through Ronaldo, to current youngsters like Haaland or Mbappe are "just" great and fantastic footballers, Ronaldinho was a VIRTUOS, ARTIST AND ALIEN. And his "smile" was so ugly it was beautiful 😂
Provavelmente estava ansioso pra acabar a partida, pra juntar suas habilidades 😏
Such talent being displayed through the ways of pin pong, honestly this is truly amazing and quite well played.
These two players done such a fine job, and something that I enjoyed in watching.
Gratificante ver o esporte q amo ter seu devido reconhecimento😁
But remember, it’s soccer ping-pong
This is the most impressive thing I’ve seen in at least a month
What was the more impressive thing you saw more than a month ago?
@@mudbuffThat’s what I’m saying! 🤨 what we missing⁉️
You have low standards
It must not take much to impress you.
I like it
O bruxo e seus rolés aleatório, Ronaldinho assistindo a partida na arquibancada, vestido de vermelho 😂😂 o cara é um mago. 😅
Caraca é ele mesmo!!!!😮 Esse vídeo ficou 300% melhor Hahaha
KKKKKKKKKK, olhei pro video umas 4 vezes e só percebi ele pelo comentário, cara aleatório demais
Caraí, tu tem um olho bom, nem prestei atenção. Se tem Ronaldinho, então o negócio tava bom
É ele mesmo mano
Caraca, como que consegue perceber um detalhe desses? Bom demais 👏🏻
Show de bola literalmente. Elas são boas mesmo
É maravilhoso ser Brasileiro!!!!! Eu amo esse país, principalmente no que envolve o futebol!!!!
شما عاشق فوتبال ما عاشق کوناش فرق ما اینه
Muito top mesmo
pega aqui então 😂😂😂
País de merda 😂😂
Stamina,Concentration, Dedication, Balance,Eye Coordination, Determination ,Soccer Experience 😊... GREATNESS!!!! SHOT out to the both of them,I never knew this ever existed....
And thickness
Jogaram muito, parabéns pelo talento da duas e principalmente da campeão Brasileira👏👏
I'd love to see CR7, or Neymar, or any other players left with flair try this vs one of these guys doing this for a living ❤
Lần đầu tiên thấy cách chơi này, rất ấn tượng, rất khéo léo và tài năng. Tặng 1 đăng ký. 👍👍👍
Not big fan of football but this was awesome! all of two players have a good game i wish to be there to watch this competitions.
Futebol ping pong foi foda kkkkkkkkk
Ok, I am utterly impressed. Wow, just wow.
That teqball...bro
Futemesa leigo
Wow, these ladies have amazing skill, I could watch this all day.
Imagine trying to beat a Brazilian at a game that involves controlling a football, that’s like having a street fight with Jon jones.
I don't care about soccer at all but somehow my german genes still force me to answer 7:1
@@Aleex7m Spain beat you guys 6-0 in 2020, more recent than the Brazil game in 2014, I’m not Brazilian or Spanish either js.
@@ElCF98Not that I care much for football, but a worldcup semis game on home turf, and a nations league group match don't make for a great comparison bruv. There's a reason one's memed and the other one isn't...
@@RealBufu e o Brasil é meme com 5 copas do mundo?
Here in Brazil only Ronaldinho Gaúcho (wizard) 😅
imagine how intense it must be a br trying to win a futbol juggling game and a asian person trying to win a ping pong game 💀
Doooooope ass comment. So funny and def true. Awesome perspective 😂😂
Haha that’s good observation 😂
@@jimmydee935 hi
Girly was PASSIONATE about them head bonks 😂
Gotta do whatever it takes to win and she did exactly that. A dirty mind ain’t got no balls to do what it takes or anything ‘passionate’ for that matter.
There was nothing dirty about their comment 😂
@@Seballer22 bro capitalized passionate like he really wanted to get a point across plus a ‘😂’ after HEAD BONK is crazyy
@@Point_01 delusional woMen😂😂
@@Peace0155 just trynna get a point across that a BUM can’t be out here judging is all. 🤷🏾♂️
Brasileiros tem um dom especial para futebol, a habilidade é impressionante
saludinhos desde brasil
No les sale ganar finales igual
@@santiagomomo8378mais títulos de copa do mundo? Mais títulos de futsal? Mais titulos futebol de areia?
@@santiagomomo8378 pues son el país con mas copas del mundo, tu dirás
That was ridiculously entertaining. I'm a fan of Tekball.
They should get the millions
I would so much rather watch this than slap fighting.
Hmmm, then come tickle mine, I got ✌️
@@Greg042869This is a bloody FACT!!
Lembro que a uns 5 ou 7 anos atrás testaram a mesa com Neymar pra propaganda dela, olha aí o sucesso