[v2] DIFFICULT HUSBAND & GOSSIPING WIFE | Christian Woman, Wife, & Homemaker

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2022
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    #BiblicalWomanhood #Proverbs31 #Femininity

Комментарии • 435

  • @alieurey
    @alieurey Год назад +77

    As a 29 year old married woman, mother of 3 young girls, you are helping me learn things about marriage that I was never taught.. or had the privilege to see in my own childhood upbringing. I have vowed to raise my daughters in a peaceful house and your videos are helping me give my husband and children a better version of myself .. the one they deserve . Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help women like me . God bless you❤

    • @altheabelcher1516
      @altheabelcher1516 10 месяцев назад

      I would not like it. I would feel betrayed, etc.... true.... with many women, it's where we are coming from. That's the environment. And many come to God, and it's not being taught.... But it's time. Some women also don't have an outlet at home. they have a spouse who don't talk or won't, and in the desire to talk and find solutions, we do this without finding responsible people with GODLY counsel in their mouth.

    • @amakam1884
      @amakam1884 9 месяцев назад


  • @kimora7964
    @kimora7964 Год назад +7

    I stopped speaking badly of my husband. It didn't feel good, and I won't ever do it again.

  • @sherylrieves3108
    @sherylrieves3108 Год назад +36

    Once again you have knocked it out of the park. I rode horses with a bunch of women that were married except one. They complained continuously about their husbands and it drove me crazy. One day the unmarried woman said "I would give anything to have any one of their husbands and I can't stand how ungrateful they are!" I would add that if they had shown more thankfulness, maybe their husbands would have shown THEIR thankfulness for a loving wife. ❤

  • @ksmith6119
    @ksmith6119 Год назад +197

    The spirit sure does confirm itself. I was just talking to my husband about this as we were reading Titus 2. I felt convicted because I bash people. In the early part of our marriage, I bashed him to my "friends" even though I willingly married him while he was in a tough situation. I realized this comes from the culture of women in my family who bond by bashing people.
    Over time, I repented, changed friends, and learned to have more grace with him. We've been married 13 years, and now I mostly brag on him all the time. We've both grown up a lot. Now, I'm looking at the same change toward how I bash other people. Thank you for sharing your heart on this. This is an easy trap for young wives to fall into.

    • @mamabear8401
      @mamabear8401 Год назад +1

      do you know if the contact on telegram was real or a scam? i dont remember her mentioning a drawing? i figured id ask someone else if it was good before i click the link 🤷‍♀

    • @ksmith6119
      @ksmith6119 Год назад +1

      @@mamabear8401 I think it's a scam. I didn't respond

    • @Mamaisthesource
      @Mamaisthesource Год назад +5

      Thank you for shedding light on this. I myself am in a similar situation. I use to resent my husband in the early parts of our marriage. Things were tough even though I willingly married him while he was in a tough situation as well. I yearned for friends and a bond out of desperation. And bonding rooted in trauma, bashing and shame erupted.
      We've been married almost 9 years and my have things xhamged once my devotion to God became my forefront. My family and role as a Mother and Wife became my guiding light and I had to learn and understand how I carried myself represented what I attracted.
      It takes a great deal of surrender to meet yourself and feel at home 💜

  • @magalyquintana2882
    @magalyquintana2882 Год назад +12

    Bindi!… I am another woman GUILTY of this. I’ve done it. I have bashed my husband. Not knowing I was going down with him.
    You have a gift of communicating God’s truth to us wives.
    Honestly, Jesus just brought me to my knees! Just now, in repentance of speaking ill of my husband.
    Thank you sister.

  • @danilaroche1156
    @danilaroche1156 Год назад +12

    This is life changing. All 7 women I know who divorced...they all tore their men down in public! It took me decades to get this. My mother often humiliated my father. Its encouraged in our culture as well. I was upset with my man over something insignificant. I didnt rip him a new one. I ripped him 5 new ones! I just didn't know any better. My man left me! I learned the hard way. I pray he forgives me and we can marry. Pray for us. Great job Bindi!!!

  • @betsycruz
    @betsycruz Год назад +73

    So good.
    The first example floored me. I can’t imagine the humiliation of that kind of situation.
    We had a marriage counselor (husband and wife) who were so raw and real and would often hold that mirror in front of us. They were so wise and gentle but when they had to show us the ugly it was so painful! We honor them and are so grateful for their courage to tell it like it was and rebuke us when we needed it.
    You remind me of my one on ones with her.
    She taught me how to cover my man and pray for his downfalls, his weaknesses and his faults.
    I am still a work in progress but you’ll never catch me badmouthing my man to anyone.
    Iron sharpens iron. Good work sis
    **the comment about the good looking man and his non good looking wife**
    We know a couple who has this situation, however, the not so great looking partner is an AMAZING humble, meekful, noble character. They’re are so in tune, down to earth and Godly that we understood the first time we sat and spent time w them. We were so attracted by the non attractive one, their words like honey, their kindness and genuine personality, it was easy to see why. The looks had zero to do with what they felt about themselves, instead they chose such an amazing partner that it even made them good looking. That non attractive spouse was encouraging, hilarious too and made us want to be better people. We actually had conviction about our initial judgement. Also one is very fashionable and the other the absolute opposite, from the outside it was easy to judge but once you sat and got to know them we were like wow..
    just wanted to mention that because it’s not always as your husband may have picked up, it could be that she was a gem and like no one he’s ever met. Who knows, food for thought.

    • @hmmhuh1222
      @hmmhuh1222 Год назад +7

      love your comment and totally agree with you about partner pairings and making snap judgements based on outer appearance. it makes me sad that even Christians can make such harsh evaluations on a couple they don't even know. also not everyone has the same preferences! that "unattractive" person was still knit together by the Most High. Definitely something I continue to remind myself of.

    • @shysheyannashockley844
      @shysheyannashockley844 10 месяцев назад +1

      I am absolutely guilty of this but thank you for this reminder! I knew a similar couple and although the husband was the more physically attractive one, it was almost crazy to think that anyone could deserve his wife who was an embodiment of a quiet and gentle spirit, mighty in word and righteous in deed!

  • @carolinelunn3862
    @carolinelunn3862 Год назад +23

    Who else loves how Bindi loves us daughters of God? I know I dooooo ✋✋✋✋. Being truthful and kind at the same time is true love ❤️. God bless, Bindi! Blessed to have you as our sister! Xx

  • @lilacsbloom9428
    @lilacsbloom9428 Год назад +127

    This happened to me recently, I was talking about another woman negatively in front of my husband- and immediately felt ashamed at the ugly words that where coming out of me. I really struggle with gossiping out of bitterness or anger towards "frenenies". I would love to see more videos on this topic from you Bindi, I know it's something many of us are guilty of. Bless you and your amazing content!

  • @Summer-sc1ph
    @Summer-sc1ph Год назад +8

    I have struggled with gossip all my life, but when I was saved I immediately saw venting for what it truly is. I believe very strongly now that there is no such thing as "venting". Venting is gossip. Venting is when you want to talk "just to get something off your chest" but if you're not seeking guidance or advice on the issue from the person you're venting to, there is no reason to share it. Our posture should always be to take the plank out of our own eye and when you come to a third party just to talk about someone for the sake of it, you are only being destructive.
    And I always get so much push-back from women when I say this.

  • @mamabear8401
    @mamabear8401 Год назад +23

    Thank you for this, this is one of the reasons why I’ve taken up journaling. Sometimes I just get so frustrated or mad at a certain situation and yes I was one of those women who would bashed my husband at one time or another. I’ve also experienced first hand what it’s like when he found out. Not a proud moment when you see the hurt in their eyes. When we’re angry or going through a situation it’s so easy to just vent to the first person we see, don’t do that. So now what I do instead of talking about it with others, I journal all my anger and frustration on to paper, reflect on it, and then burn it or shred it. That way you get the relief of venting and then maybe come up with a solution after the reflection or bring your husband in for discussion. Plus once it’s burned, no one else needs to know. I don’t know if this’ll help anyone else but it has done a lot for me. God bless you all.

  • @jackiebedward2249
    @jackiebedward2249 Год назад +42

    "Not every man goes after the woman he wants, a lot of men go after the woman they feel like they deserve". This is very profound.

    • @incognito3599
      @incognito3599 Год назад +19

      And this is a cautionary tale for women to realize that they shouldnt marry down. They should marry a good guy that will provide and protect them. Cause once a man improves himself and gets enough money to marry the woman, that he truly wants! He will leave his starter wife in a heartbeat for his true preference.

  • @nyisha3962
    @nyisha3962 Год назад +60

    I absolutely understand why you took down the first one. I completely thought to myself “holy moly what if one of the ladies watches this?” I would feel so embarrassed myself. i’m glad you revised it and still kept all of the meat and beautiful self reflecting moments. i’ve come to know more that I really enjoy the hard truth as my relationship with Jesus deepens I want the truth no matter what and no more beating around the bush. God‘s discipline is so beautiful when you know it is because he loves you! thank you for all you do! truly inspirational and uplifting to me! your videos have helped change my life and I know God is using you through them!

    • @LuckyKunene1
      @LuckyKunene1 Год назад +3

      I didnt watch the first one, but was it really bad? I enjoyed this one quite a lot!

    • @nyisha3962
      @nyisha3962 Год назад +12

      @@LuckyKunene1 no, the first video was not really bad at all… it was really good actually. her videos are always on point. But just on a personal relationship level, i trust she wanted to protect the integrity of individual women even more, but still drive the point home. Which I believe was done gracefully.

    • @LuckyKunene1
      @LuckyKunene1 Год назад +4

      @@nyisha3962 I thought so, her videos always touch deeply , i still enjoyed this one. THanks for the explanation :)

  • @provingpossible
    @provingpossible Год назад +4

    THIS is what I've been praying for... a woman who isn't willing to placate me but rather spur me on to be a better woman of God. Thank you.
    And thank you for this subject... it was illuminating and held the mirror right in front of my face and told me to remove that disgusting mess from my face. I pray that I can continue on and STOP before I open my mouth.

  • @tashabell1904
    @tashabell1904 Год назад +42

    Sis I agree with everything you said except the part about the couple. There are some couples that appear to be an odd match but maybe there’s something deeper that they love about that individual. It’s not all about the outside. There’s a beauty that’s deeper than what appears on the surface. I don’t know the appearance of the couple, if she was slovenly or appropriate in appearance , but if she was appropriate in presentation and had the spirit of God reflecting in her … he found his good thing…❤

    • @hmmhuh1222
      @hmmhuh1222 Год назад +3

      aww amen!! love your comment♡

    • @MamiChula4eva
      @MamiChula4eva Год назад +2

      I honestly loved that point she made. Many men do pick women based on their esteem and it was a very eye opening comment. I don't think she meant it rudely, but honestly it is human nature to be with someone equally as attractive as you. When it's obviously not, I do get the same thoughts like... How?

  • @Nahnie-jb8wo
    @Nahnie-jb8wo Год назад +14

    I received this message. My husband got angry because I posted on Reddit. I thought it was a safe place to vent. Thank you for doing this message. I really appreciate your candor. 🙏🏼

    • @U_neekliss
      @U_neekliss Год назад +2

      Perhaps he got angry because of the title

  • @MeghanStJohn-yt5kk
    @MeghanStJohn-yt5kk Год назад +21

    You're videos have changed my complete approach to my marriage, and with it my husband is more affectionate and appreciative of my efforts. This is what is missing in our society, "self responsibility". I cannot thank you enough for these videos!! They have even changed the way I look at myself and how to improve myself to be the best version of what God wants me to be. These are things that every mother should teach their daughters. Instead of encouraging them to be boys, she them the beauty that is being a woman and how to appreciate and embrace that. Thank you and God Bless you!! You truly are helping alot of women!!!

  • @jasminkelley934
    @jasminkelley934 Год назад +7

    Some women who express these ideals do it from a place that it’s very clear that they hate women. But the way you bring it out, it’s clear that it’s from a place of love. Thank you!

  • @shortdancingnae
    @shortdancingnae Год назад +10

    I came to a realization about this a few years back. I was so bad I would make my husband the butt of jokes while he was right there. If he got angry I would accuse him of being sensitive. One time he didn't get angry. He simply asked me what the point of saying those things was. What did I get for pointing out his failures and insecurities to others? I have been working on it ever since. I have found two other woman to go to for advice concerning marital and homemaking issues. I will speak with my husband about it first, and if I feel as though I am still missing something or need additional guidance I will speak with those women. I make sure to explain the situation with as much grace as possible and listen critically to what they have to say. This has helped me tremendously. I still struggle from time to time, but I have made progress and grown a lot.
    Please pray for me ya'll.

  • @AerynRichelle
    @AerynRichelle Год назад +7

    I wish I had realized all this when I was still young.....I'm 40 and regret letting myself be that woman you're describing 😔 thank you for trying to reach others before it's too late for them 😊❤

  • @samanthasmorong7519
    @samanthasmorong7519 Год назад +106

    I loved version 1, but this was just as powerful. Every woman needs to hear this.

    • @leighm
      @leighm Год назад +16

      I was looking for this comment! I loved the first video too. But I understand if it was too real for some. I feel blessed I was able to watch both… lots of wisdom and gems to pick up and loved the delivery.

    • @baus7
      @baus7 Год назад +10

      AGREE. I needed this so much. I am guilty and I have so much to work on. Please give us more of this!!!!!

    • @alihaweb9288
      @alihaweb9288 Год назад +4

      @@leighm wish I seen the first

    • @keawanahoward4059
      @keawanahoward4059 Год назад +3

      Where is Version 1 ?

    • @May-tai
      @May-tai 2 месяца назад

      ​@@leighm Wow! I wanna hear it...😊

  • @shysheyannashockley844
    @shysheyannashockley844 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is another perfect example of why I just love this lady!! What a blessing you are sister, and I hope that the Lord will put sisters around me physically that are as convicted as you!

  • @TKLee
    @TKLee Год назад +8

    Whew !! This was a HEAVY one and not just for our husbands but GOSSIP IN GENERAL. I literally just spoke on the scripture of “ a woman without discretion is like a gold ring in a pigs snout”
    It shows how disgusting this behavior is. My goals now is to not even allow gossip around me. Like you said to urgently shut it down. So good and such a confirmation

  • @TeoshaWade
    @TeoshaWade Год назад +19

    This is what we need women telling women when we're doing wrong. I have been guilty of this with my mother and sister. Outside of them two I have one I can vent to. As I think of how this makes me look as the one who picked my kids father it makes be look bad. I will repent and do better to never do this again it will be a learning curve for me.

  • @tajayatomlinson5298
    @tajayatomlinson5298 11 месяцев назад +2

    Ok, I was very convicted watching this and honestly Gossip has been something that I’ve been wanting to take control of recently. I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, my issue with gossip is that I haven’t quite figured out what the difference is between “gossip” and venting is. Because sometimes people do things and I feel angry and I’m pent up with emotion or I may be giving a story that requires me to talk about people as they really are and I feel that somehow crosses over into gossip - though not intentionally. I’ve decided that maybe the best thing for me to do is possibly to not talk about people at all. If I can’t find anything to say within the conversation or whatever is being discussed is going to head in that direction- I need to learn how to get comfortable with not saying anything.
    Maybe I should include that if I’m going to say anything, if I can’t find anything nice to say about the situation/person I probably should be quiet, either that or focus on my behavior because at the end of the day I can’t control what anyone else does or say, only what I do and say. What do you think?

  • @easypeasyhealthymeals2758
    @easypeasyhealthymeals2758 Год назад +20

    God has chosen you to share your life experiences to help us be better women and wives in Christ. I pray you will allow Him to continue leading you through this ministry. Your wisdom and real life examples, have helped me to be a better person. I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m heading in the right direction. Please continue to share this type of content! God bless.

  • @tarisotzendera6758
    @tarisotzendera6758 Год назад +8

    Wisdom overload, loved this as a young wife. My husband and l are one team!!!

  • @jacklynbriseno6586
    @jacklynbriseno6586 Год назад +36

    Wow girl !! First video was awesome enough, but this one really knocked it out of the ball park even better!! Amen amen amen!!!!
    I understand better why you took down the first one, thank you so much for all you do and holding to your convictions!! 💝👏🙏

  • @jenn1730
    @jenn1730 Год назад +25

    Thank you for this
    I, personally, needed this. It reminds us all to be more positive and humble

  • @mercjen1714
    @mercjen1714 Год назад +13

    Bindi, love your channel. And amen to what you said! Thankfully, I learned several years ago not to talk negatively about my husband to my friends/family. One common thing I saw prior to having a similar realization as yourself, is when I spoke negatively about my husband to others, very rarely did they ever hear the positive outcome or the resolving of whatever situation I had spoken of. Consequently, my friends continued to carry a negative image of my husband in their mind, while my husband and I had moved on and grown. Having this realization made me a lot more willing to take my struggles to the Lord, and I've loved seeing Him work in my husband, and then sharing with my friends how He had blessed my life and my marriage. And then I feel like I can also encourage them in their struggles to do the same because God is the Master Healer!

  • @berniceariana6530
    @berniceariana6530 Год назад +1

    WOW when you said that when you gossip about your spouse, you sling mud at them.
    I realized that gossip is especially harmful when it is your spouse because you two are ONE FLESH. So if you hurt them, you are essentially hurting yourself.
    Husbands are called to love wives as themselves, so if they are harsh with their wives, it’s a form of self hatred.

  • @susane8166
    @susane8166 Год назад +6

    I’m praying hard for my marriage and I needed to hear this today. I need to remember that I want my nose to stay in its place. Thank you so much.❤

  • @tosha904
    @tosha904 7 месяцев назад +2

    You figuratively and thoroughly snatched my wig with this one. Thank you for this video. As someone guilty of this, I witnessed my mother do it and always hated it. Now Im repeating the same pattern. I will work to correct this to be more pleasing in the eyes of God and in my marriage. Thank you for this❤❤❤❤

  • @Mmolesy
    @Mmolesy Год назад +29

    I am concerned that sometimes we place too much emphasis on being gentle. And not just speaking plain truth in order to satisfy some self righteous Karen's. Loved the first video. Will watch this one later hopefully before Karen attacks.🤣

    • @ksmith6119
      @ksmith6119 Год назад +9

      You are so right. My friends and I were talking last night about how there's all this new language to silence truth tellers. They say they're "triggered," or being "gas lit" or whatever, when someone could be just giving them tough love like this video.

    • @Mmolesy
      @Mmolesy Год назад +3

      @@abramthegamingguy9016 yes, she could of. What I got from the original video was Bindi was describing the way the woman portrayed themselves in a non flattering manner. I took it as an observation. And Bindi respectfully didn't expand on juicy details. (To her credit.) Her observation from an outsiders perspective was one of reflection and self examination and she was encouraging other women to do the same. I didn't think she was gossiping or trying to elevate herself. I appreciate Bindis thoughtfulness though.

    • @liorajimenez3085
      @liorajimenez3085 Год назад +1

      @@abramthegamingguy9016 Hush. Just ... 🤐

    • @dumfriesspearhead7398
      @dumfriesspearhead7398 Год назад +3

      @@ksmith6119 What's the obsession with "tough love"?

  • @christ_ministries
    @christ_ministries Год назад +10

    Glory to God for using you to deliver this message. It's so important, Gossip is so toxic and sad. I have been guilty of it and I glad God delivered me from it. May God continues to bless you abundantly. Thank you and Love you all the way from South Africa.

  • @brendamoya8650
    @brendamoya8650 Год назад +10

    Thank you bindi. I'm guilty and very convicted thank GOD I heard this video I will not allow my self to bash my husband or anyone else again. Thank you GOD bless you for this

  • @red_edj
    @red_edj Год назад +8

    This was good and I received the correction. I have shared with my sister from time to time the difficulties I've had in my marriage and she understood b/c she witnessed some of the issues first hand. But there were things I shared that my husband was doing that I should have kept to myself. She never treats him any differently but the fact that I exposed the details was wrong. I am that girl that went against her better judgement, married unwisely and paying dearly for it😞

  • @AAMtruthteller
    @AAMtruthteller Год назад +6

    God has been dealing with me and my attitude toward my husband intensely for the past few days. The fact that you have posted these vids is nooo coincidence. Thank you so much.

  • @sherriholcombe5428
    @sherriholcombe5428 Год назад +12

    I am divorced, but this message rebuked me and confirmed some things God has been reminding me of. We females use our words as weapons and we're good at "taking others out" with them-especially husbands. Thanks for sharing this...💖

  • @Irene.Shalom
    @Irene.Shalom Год назад +2

    As a young woman raised a Jehovah witness and with the marriage to a beautiful godly man ruined, I can definitely say that talking about your personal, marriage issues is terrible, ugly and destructive. It destroys your man, yourself and your union. Unfortunately, as a jw you're taught to scurry to your pastors to tell any little thing that's wrong with your husband. They're people. They talk. They'll change the way they look at your man (and you!)and it'll hurt him. Great advice Bindi 💕

  • @---wu3qj
    @---wu3qj Год назад +8

    If you really need advice about your husband, go to ONE person who is mature and trustworthy, and will hold your words in strict confidence!

  • @Be1New2You3
    @Be1New2You3 Год назад +7

    This brings much more piercing clarity to this subject. Like changing my bad language because I have a toddler, I can word my views less harshly, for starters. Not necessarily about my husband, but to my husband about other people. This video feels like a hug.

  • @denieshiataylor9486
    @denieshiataylor9486 11 месяцев назад +2

    This video and so many more of her videos have help me I am 34 Aug 8 2020 is when I got married and it will be 3 years comming up. When I tell you this subject is what I need to hear thank you so much. I know better I am also a Christian woman and as a wife and a Christian woman I will do better and repent. Also I just started listening to your video on Sunday and I am connected to you thank you for sharing and continue to share your journey with me as I learn 😊. May God continue to bless you and your family .Thank you for being my sis in Christ ❤❤😊

  • @lovemor794
    @lovemor794 Год назад +14

    I am so thankful that you reposted about this topic because so many of us clearly need deliverance in this area. Thank you ❤

  • @____TheBody
    @____TheBody 8 месяцев назад +1

    This blessed me and my marriage!! I repent and will walk better!!

  • @kalembriseno7582
    @kalembriseno7582 Год назад +17

    Absolutetly wonderful, best content concerning biblical womanhood that I have ever found on RUclips so far. You've been greatly encouraging to both my wife and I. Thank you.

  • @EarCandyAsmr
    @EarCandyAsmr Год назад +3

    After people gossip to me they always end up apologizing for the word vomit or saying something like “but it’s her business I don’t really care” like it felt good to release that but it’s met with instant regret. Not everyone but most people, that’s how you know it’s wrong.

  • @GemsOfGrace
    @GemsOfGrace Год назад +11

    Girl I love you for your honesty!! Shows that you truly care. We need to be challenged as women, it’s not always “aww poor us”. We are women of the kingdom like you said. Thanks girl 🙏🏼 💪🏼

  • @feediefarouq159
    @feediefarouq159 Год назад +40

    Am a single Muslim woman but love watching your channel to better myself
    Thank you 💞😊

    • @TeeAhhhna
      @TeeAhhhna Год назад +3

      One the Holy Trinity can better us. Anything out of that is Vanity and pride. My sister you are better off seeking Christ than the self-titled prophet muhammad.
      John 14:1
      Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
      John 14:6
      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      John 14:14-16
      If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
      If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

    • @godislove1602
      @godislove1602 Год назад +3

      @@feediefarouq159 Hey there 👋🏽 yes keep watching, learning and growing.

    • @anisa6328
      @anisa6328 Год назад +1

      @@feediefarouq159 stick with islam sister :) it's the last true religion

    • @laarazain9449
      @laarazain9449 Год назад +4

      @@TeeAhhhna I don’t think prophet Jesus would have read this message that is filled with insult to the prophet Mohammed.
      But read your Bible before you say this :
      *Jesus is a prophet like the other before him.*
      ‘My father is greater than all.’ (John 10:29)
      ‘he continued all night in prayer to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
      ‘Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve’ (Matthew 20:28)

    • @TeeAhhhna
      @TeeAhhhna Год назад +2

      @@laarazain9449 where did Jesus says I Am a prophet. I’ll wait
      Also where in the Quran did Al’lah says he is God? I’ll wait. If Al’lah never said he is god then Muhammad(police be upon him) is a false prophet…. Sorry not sorry

  • @RoselleJROTC
    @RoselleJROTC Год назад +2

    I agree with the point you brought out about saying your husband is stupid, or whatever you may say, he's toxic etc. That speaks a lot about yourself because you are married to them.

  • @U_neekliss
    @U_neekliss Год назад +5

    This was really good and I've made the same mistakes early on in my marriage. Nothing seriously private like the example you gave but ugly just the same.
    It made me think of my boys when they fight and name call. I always tell them that when they tear down the other (especially to friends), it makes them look bad because they are family and we should be unified. The example of having waste on your face is good.

  • @thepuffinpanda9139
    @thepuffinpanda9139 Год назад +3

    I completely agree. We were staying with some friends and she did constantly was rag on her husband and it made her so unbearable to be around. She went from being a woman I respected to be a woman that I almost loathed and it was so sad.

  • @Jesussfavouriteone
    @Jesussfavouriteone Год назад +3

    Hard pill to swallow but I had to swallow it my sister God bless you for speaking this truth, it’s only knowing the truth that we experience totally freedom

  • @mercifullove8246
    @mercifullove8246 Год назад +8

    pray for me, not because I do this anymore God showed me this a few months again but pray for me to pray harder for him

    • @liorajimenez3085
      @liorajimenez3085 Год назад +3

      Add some fasting, too, M.L. Praying for you.

    • @mercifullove8246
      @mercifullove8246 Год назад

      ​@@liorajimenez3085 I have added fasting 🥰bless you

  • @crystalliving993
    @crystalliving993 11 месяцев назад

    I have told a similar message to 2 people in the past, before I was a Christian. My angel was- I don't want to listen to a one-sided vent about your man. It doesn't help anyone and pit you in a perpetual state of being a validated victim. Instead, either try to work it out with them, or leave. The first person took offense and was so upset with me. The other took it to heart and never dragged her man in front of me again. We are still friends to this day.

  • @snowymountainmama
    @snowymountainmama Год назад +2

    Version two was another fantastic take on this topic! Thank YOU!

  • @Amgirl03
    @Amgirl03 11 месяцев назад +1

    I do appreciate this very much! ❤ I was taught this type of thing and although it isn't something I did all the time the generational curse would creep up under stressful moments and situations but I am praying on it and The Most High is correcting me in love and how to handle things his way instead of my own way....

  • @soniamugeni9195
    @soniamugeni9195 Год назад +2

    Your videos have helped me so much! My gosh, I didn't even know what it meant to be a wife or even a woman. God is truly working through you. Please don't stop. We are really learning so much from these videos.

  • @gloria-pk2pk
    @gloria-pk2pk Год назад +4

    I LOVE this video! So helpful since we all can struggle and see others struggle with patterns of behavior that don’t help us❤

  • @avriell8051
    @avriell8051 Год назад +6

    I have witnessed such tooo,,, its really self destructive. And thank you for providing options in cases of one needing help!

  • @pearlynina7597
    @pearlynina7597 Год назад +4

    wow!!! Nobody told it to me this way. I'm an introvert, don't talk much plus live abroad but I've done this in some way shape or form in the name of venting. With maturity and Bible study, I currently choose to be me... quiet to avoid sin. Watching this has opened my eyes how bad I made me look. My husband and I are intelligent and reasonable but I was busy running my mouth!!! Surely only Jesus saves us even from ourselves. Thanks Bindi. I do appreciate your work. I pray every woman to have a woman or women like you around them!!

  • @teviitev4971
    @teviitev4971 Год назад +1

    Yikes! The conviction is real. Too real. Thank you❤

  • @prettynaturaltresses2475
    @prettynaturaltresses2475 Год назад +1

    I love everything about this message. This couldn't have came at a better time. I needed to hear this. Thank you so much!

  • @estherezeani5773
    @estherezeani5773 Год назад +4

    I listened to the first episode and am listening to this one... It just dawned on me bindi.... It's actually not just that u've been on the listening end to realise this.... Its actually that the spirit of God gave u wisdom to discern this as very evil. Cos I ve witnessed this kind of thing and never realised it I didn't see it this way until u turned the table... I screamed over here... NOO I WOULD RUN OUT THE ROOM!! ITS SO BAD! .
    ur a blessing to me bindi. I wish to meet u someday.. Keep enriching our lives and may the good lord bless u and ur family.

  • @AsiaMarie233
    @AsiaMarie233 Год назад +2

    I love this message!!! Thank you Sis!!!

  • @caceysedona6487
    @caceysedona6487 Год назад +2

    Oh you said a word!!! This is sooo true and makes me think about the things I share even more.

  • @TheseSignsShallFollow
    @TheseSignsShallFollow Год назад +6

    Thank God for your wisdom and ability to convey pure honest truth without trying to sugar coat it like every other person online. We women NEED more Godly women like you - and quite frankly we Godly women need to act and behave with this level of conviction. Me included.
    Your content has helped me take action on so many character flaws I was struggling with after being born again. I never had a mom to show me how to clean or behave nor do I have friends who live the Godly lifestyle. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for you being brave enough to put this out there.

  • @oodlesofdoodles8389
    @oodlesofdoodles8389 Год назад +1

    Amen! Go in. So much TRUTH! Love it Bendi. It may hurt cut deep but it’s the TRUTH!

  • @baus7
    @baus7 Год назад +2

    Tell it!!!!! Love this, and again, much needed. More please!!!!

  • @SG-yv3fy
    @SG-yv3fy Год назад +1

    Thank you, Sis. This topic and video is truly appreciated. Convicting and awakening, but needed. God's continual blessings be with you and bestowed upon you!

  • @AkosuaHephzibah
    @AkosuaHephzibah Год назад +2

    Thanks Bindi, this really hit home. I've never seen it that way.

  • @alyjahflakes
    @alyjahflakes Год назад +1

    Bindi you’re the friend that every wife and mother needs! Grateful for your videos.

  • @annettebunch7984
    @annettebunch7984 Год назад +4

    Thank you for this word and message ..I had to repeat for doing this same thing...God is working on me about doing that..My marriage should be private and taken to God

  • @jkplester8917
    @jkplester8917 Год назад +1

    Thank you for this... even though I have started down this journey of being convicted for this, this REALLY OPENED my eyes even further. The nose example just stabbed it home even further. Again, thank you.

  • @rachelpowers7939
    @rachelpowers7939 Год назад +3

    I appreciate your wisdom. It reflects the wisdom of Esther, the Queen. I believe every woman should pursue true conduct of a Queen which embodies so much more than beauty and all the shallow things this world dictates to being a "boss". May God bless you for your honesty and the truth you share! I have made it my mission with this marriage (my former husband passed away and I since remarried) to never speak in a negative light of my husband, never even considering the reflection of myself! I just don't believe that Christian women should speak negatively of their husbands- not even jokingly! Keep it sweet without regret!

  • @yola927
    @yola927 Год назад +1

    Bindi, I absolutely love this video ❤️❤️ You’re so wise and honest, I’m grateful to have come across your channel 🥰🥰

  • @soshedanced6716
    @soshedanced6716 Год назад +2

    Bindi, I am so grateful to have found you. Thank you for your work.

  • @LindsayAmelia
    @LindsayAmelia Год назад +5

    This breakdown is Ah-mazing! You’re so gifted. And we’re so blessed to receive it. Thank you from us all ❤

  • @sofiagonzalez4224
    @sofiagonzalez4224 Год назад +1

    Wow I never thought about gossip in that way. I needed to hear this, thank you 🙏

  • @theparttimehomemaker
    @theparttimehomemaker Год назад +12

    Yay!!! The teachings of this video are much needed, so I'm glad you re-uploaded with the core bits left in.

  • @daniellelenyear8448
    @daniellelenyear8448 Год назад

    Girl! This thang sliced and diced me but it was sooo good and sooo necessary!!! 😭😭 whew!! Thank you! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

  • @sarahk758
    @sarahk758 Год назад +3

    Thank you for being honest. I appreciate you taking the time to give illustrations that will remind me before I open my mouth.

  • @TanieBaker
    @TanieBaker Год назад +4

    ONE OF THE REALEST VIDEOS ON RUclips!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Excellent content!!!

  • @ninap1076
    @ninap1076 Год назад +1

    So true. So well spoken. God bless you.

  • @tianaj5699
    @tianaj5699 Год назад +1

    So much wisdom thank you! I would love to see a video of how you prioritize yourself, family and faith without losing your mind. I'm finding it to be very overwhelming at times.

  • @MaricelysGonzalez
    @MaricelysGonzalez Год назад +1

    I absolutely love your videos . I needed this. Trying to restore a relationship and realizing now through your videos I was more of a problem than he was. 🧡 thank you so much I appreciate you.

  • @alexandriaelesky6720
    @alexandriaelesky6720 Год назад +1

    Thank you for bringing up this hard topic, it was eye opening.

  • @Sobermama927
    @Sobermama927 Год назад +2

    Wow wow wow !!!! This is mind blowing! Thank you Bindi

  • @JennyGaston
    @JennyGaston Год назад +2

    New subbie. This was timely as I have recently been betrayed by my husband. We need to share with a trusted friend but sharing the details with the world may feel good at the moment but is giving that injury too much power.

  • @lbee8247
    @lbee8247 Год назад +3

    As old as I feel. As long as I been married. And being horrible wife. Women in my family weren't wives. And the last one before me I was very young when she stop being a wife. All I can do is warn my young adult daughters with this video so they won't have the years of regret I have to live with.

  • @ladyshia3
    @ladyshia3 Год назад +3

    Great message and perspective. Thank you.

  • @Victory9919
    @Victory9919 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for this video. Your wisdom was convicting and MUCH needed. I just found you and I am so thankful I did.

  • @goldengrace2833
    @goldengrace2833 Год назад +3

    A realization that I have made about gossip since giving it up years ago as part of my walk with Jesus, is that women are rewarded for victimizing themselves by sharing their hardships- it's a bazaar kind of superiority that we have to heal within sisterhood.
    I'm so glad that you redid the video, because it is so important. This is another aspect of the sanctity of marriage. And well done using such harsh metaphors to ensure that we all remember the seriousness of gossip.

  • @olich23
    @olich23 Год назад +1

    Love your message! God bless you and your family!

  • @Vic_Torii
    @Vic_Torii Год назад +2

    Well spoken. Am really learning and glad you are the voice of truth in my life. God bless you.

  • @noelcarter2100
    @noelcarter2100 Год назад +5

    I always love your honesty and bluntness . I’ve learned so much by listening to you.
    I am a Christian & been married for almost 5 years .
    I’ve struggled with this very topic because when my husband did something to upset me, I would tell people.
    I didn’t understand why it hurt my husband but I do now. So thank you 😊

  • @annettebunch7984
    @annettebunch7984 Год назад +3

    🙏 Amen That was well said 👏 I'm learning a lot and I'm a Christian but this was my biggest weakness and sin...I'm soooo happy God had you share this testimony and message ❤️ 💖

  • @leferventtheenthusiast5276
    @leferventtheenthusiast5276 Год назад +1

    You spoke truth DIRECTLY from the Throne Room beautiful Sister!! God BLESS YOU!🥰💜🙏🏾 Thsnk you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!

  • @RachyRooM
    @RachyRooM Год назад +1

    I regret telling people about issues in my marriage, no one gave me good advice and now I just feel ashamed and embarrassed by my choice to forgive and work things out, 3 years later. Even though it was the right decision, for me.

  • @coralhahn3389
    @coralhahn3389 Год назад +4

    Hi Bindi, I'm totally new here, but having learned about Narcissistic Personality Disorder from the book called "men who hate women and the women who love them", your similar title caught my attention. People with a Personality disorder do need to be verbalized clear boundaries and held to those boundaries calmly stated because the whole thing is the narcissist will emotionally drain their intended victim because they do not nor will they ever have a healthy emotional cup. Your right to be careful of disgust, however we are capable of walking uprights before the Lord and its OK to be disgusted or angry with injustice. Be angry but do not sin, as scripture itself says.