Chaos is a Ladder... But To Where? Q&A (The Littlefinger Q&A)

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • #asongoficeandfire #windsofwinter #asoiaf
    Patreon 😸
    Buy Me A Coffee ☕
    Here it is! The not so long awaited Q&A for the Littlefinger series!
    Thanks to everyone for the questions, hope I was able to provide some answers and clarity though, this probably only raises more questions...
    If you want you can throw money at me with the Thanks button.. (there will be a proper Patreon and Membership on youtube soon, just gotta do a video that requires some IRL shit and then stop being lazy and set those up... Then I too can be like Preston and you can hand me money for this nonsense XD)
    If you want to talk to me more there is the discord so come and check that out if you like discords
    / discord
    There will be some mini episodes on random shit and then in the new year we will start our new series on Varys and Illryio... "A Game For Two Players"...
    Hope to see you all there!
    You may notice I reused an old thumbnail cuz I liked it and I felt it worked better for this one than the first video lol

Комментарии • 116

  • @randominternetguyoffical
    @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +9

    So there was a dagger question that I worded really bad, pretty sure it was about who owned the dagger like during the times of The Mad King or something? Just to clear up my terrible rewording of it XD

  • @Human-zx4rb
    @Human-zx4rb Год назад +3

    So ye i actually love the idea that LF is gonna die in a trial by combat since it would go back to him challenging brandon. Like he realised he cant do that anymore so he doesnt fight anyone anymore and him being forced to try and save himself with fighting would go back to that.

  • @jessesturgeon5327
    @jessesturgeon5327 Год назад +18

    Catelyn was supposed to be spared during the Red Wedding. I wonder if Littlefinger had something to do with that detail, he wasn't in on the plan, but maybe he impressed upon Tywin the importance of sparing her as part of his ascension to lord of Harrenhal.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +7

      Ive thought about it but ive never seen a tangible connection and I think its much more likely that LF has fallen out of love with Cat and is not really capable of love the way most of us conceive of it, hence the psycho projections on to her daughter. But idk, id be curious to see LF x Red Wedding evidence 🤔

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 8 месяцев назад

      Sorry, my replies from other threads keep getting plastered all over YT.

  • @curtiswfranks
    @curtiswfranks Год назад +10

    I do not think that this will happen at all, but I kinda want Stoneheart to be a perpetual figure at Winterfell, with future generations of Starks just nonchalantly taking her for granted, perhaps calling her something like "Old Granny Stoneheart", but having it be an extremely (and comedically) uncomfortable moment whensoever they have to introduce any of their friends or betrothed partners to her for the first time.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +4

      This would be top teir creepy and fun. Like I agree not likey but still that would be quite an ending for her.

    • @curtiswfranks
      @curtiswfranks Год назад +3

      @@randominternetguyoffical: Yeah! A boy can dream!

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +2

      @@curtiswfranks Sweet Greendreams

    • @eric2500
      @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +2

      Creep factor of 25, humor factor of 10 or 15...

  • @daboos6353
    @daboos6353 Год назад +7

    the hour long q&a... based, gonna watch this later

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +2

      I tried to answer every question that I got given because I felt like I could and like if someone made it this far in this series what's another hour 😂

  • @keirangrant1607
    @keirangrant1607 Год назад +23

    Little Finger reading Karl Marx is a great visual. I can def see him using that "opiate for the masses" line on people

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +12

      I would love to see a 1800s era Littlefinger running all over Europe XD

    • @kingofcards9516
      @kingofcards9516 Год назад +1

      Littlefinger is too smart to be a communist.

    • @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment
      @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment Год назад

      @@kingofcards9516 Littlefinger is literally a lower-class guy - who doesn't seem to have any real lust for amassing wealth - pulling an elaborate revenge fantasy against a broken system of upper-class lords, who he despises for wielding their privilege's against him. Half of what he actually seems to do is meritocratically place people of lower birth into positions of power. He's running a debt scheme to bankrupt most of the noble houses while stockpiling grain in the vale for winter. The whole depth of the social analysis of ASOIAF is in the reality that all the characters you like are, by your own standards, intensely socially regressive. They are feudalists. Ned is a high Lord who acts honourably not ethically, (like Tyrion) all his actions consider his household or his king - never the small folk- he's a nice guy but he's not really a good guy. It's through characters like Arya, Stannis and Davos, ygritte or Littlefinger that we see progressive attitudes challenging the fundamental corruption of the system and often running foul of it.
      TL;DR 🤓

    • @kingofcards9516
      @kingofcards9516 Год назад

      @@NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment challenging feudalism doesn't make him a communist though.
      If anything those others are meritocratic and liberal.
      And littlefingers plans, unlike communism, actually works.

    • @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment
      @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment Год назад +5

      When I responded, I didn't think you really wanted to have this conversation. I just thought it was silly that you where crying about the evil communists who are hiding under your bed in an asoiaf theory youtube thread.
      Littlefinger most certainly isn't a liberal lol I don't think he particually cares about social contract theory but if anything he's probably a Maoist. (As long as he gets to be Mao)

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson Год назад +7

    Tyrek 🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴

  • @eldonte7775
    @eldonte7775 Год назад +4

    15:15 the starkgaryens shippers cry in pain as Jon Snow gets a Ice-elf/necromancer GF in the next book

  • @peterwindhorst5775
    @peterwindhorst5775 Год назад +11

    As for Ned to the wall - ask why the hired assassin (faceless man) was among the people going to the wall? Littlefinger hired him to Merk Ned before he arrived north of the Neck, in order to guarantee the war between 5 kings. The faceless man now without a target decided to recruit his successor instead.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +8

      Have you heard the idea the facelessmen have been hired to kill blood raven??

    • @ThePooper3000
      @ThePooper3000 Год назад +1

      @@randominternetguyoffical To that I ask: Why get yourself imprisoned in the deepest, darkest of King's Landing's dungeons just to get to the Wall? It's not like the Night's Watch doesn't take volunteers. Just show up, and say "Hey, I'm a poor man with no home and no future. Can I join you guys?"

    • @peterwindhorst5775
      @peterwindhorst5775 Год назад +1

      @@randominternetguyoffical no, but it is a new one. But why would they kill him then? He was at the wall and missing and presumed dead. But targeting ned would be a way to ensure a war - if you don't make it look like an accident.

    • @jomckellan
      @jomckellan Год назад +1

      Ned also knew too much. Littlefinger outright betrayed Ned.

    • @shayanlostflash
      @shayanlostflash Год назад

      Neither of theory dont answer why was jaqen in prison?you could kill your dad and night's watch take you in

  • @AlexOfTheRhoynar
    @AlexOfTheRhoynar Год назад +10

    The thought of Marwyn reanimating a pickled Maester Aemon is the level of horrific I would expect from a Euron chapter. Thank the old gods and the new that isn't remotely on the cards.
    (This being a theory I've never heard and see no reason for Marwyn to do so)

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +2

      I think if Qybern got ahold of the body it might be something we'd have to worry about 😳

    • @AlexOfTheRhoynar
      @AlexOfTheRhoynar Год назад

      @@randominternetguyoffical If Qyburn gets ahold of anyone we should worry!

    • @Mj_Jetson
      @Mj_Jetson Год назад +2

      Who taught Qyburn how to turn Gregor into a zombie? Who taught Mirri to do the same to Drogo? Qyburn and Mirri have very little in common, apart from healing/Frankensteining and studying under Marwyn... At this point, I'd be seriously disappointed if Marwyn doesn't turn SOMEONE into a zombie... and if he's trying to get into Dany's good graces, a family reunion with her great-great-uncle might be just the thing he needs?

    • @AlexOfTheRhoynar
      @AlexOfTheRhoynar Год назад +1

      @@Mj_Jetson i just dont see the need for it... but the more i protest the more im like... but is this a Chekhov's Barrel?
      Side note, did Marwyn take the candle with him? I can never remember.
      Feels like he would have much more help to offer from that

    • @Mj_Jetson
      @Mj_Jetson Год назад

      @@AlexOfTheRhoynar yeah I thought it was crazy too; but it does kinda seem to be Chekhov's Barrel... or at the very least grrm seems to be leaving that possibility open for himself.
      As for the glass candle, yeah he leaves that behind. One of the most valuable items in the world, that would give him godlike powers... he weirdly just gives it up. maybe the candle is immobile, or he can use it remotely, or he's got another one he plans to take with him? i dunno.

  • @jessesturgeon5327
    @jessesturgeon5327 Год назад +4

    The connection in Question 2 between Littlefinger and the Titan of Braavos is really cool.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      I thought so too, even tho I dont think he has that much to do with Braavos its still quite a fun lil thing

  • @silverstorm3729
    @silverstorm3729 Год назад +2

    Personally, I've always liked the idea of Littlefinger trying to end feudalism and transition into capitalism - not out of any benevolent revolutionary desire to help the peasants or anything, but just because it is a system where Littlefinger would dominate. His family already has ties to Bravos and via Bravos, the Iron Bank, he was Master of Coin before, and this winter is going to massively destabilize feudalism, so I find it plausible for him to come up with a sort of baby's first capitalism built on buying and selling land from lesser lords, "loaning" land temporarily (rent) and so forth.
    I suppose it seems credible to me because of how George steals from history; the way the Black Death and it's mass labor shortage led to the collapse of feudalism, and the significance of the Magna Carta taking power away from kings and into the hands of merchants.
    In the show (which as awful as it was likely did loosely follow George's ideas) we see an aristocratic class take over in a sort of messed up Republican Democracy, so maybe in the books something similar will happen, but it will have been the string-pulling of Littlefinger. The show fucked up by pretending this new aristocratic democracy was something more egalitarian than before, but the books would likely make it super clear that this is a terrible system with clear exploits - like how whoever has the majority of food and populace would basically outvote everyone else immediately. Seeing as Littlefinger has been hoarding food in the well-protected Eyrie, and the Arryns are basically the only unspent force in Westeros, we can see the clear endgame there for him.
    Of course this is all rabid speculation but it always made a lot of sense to me, for this self-made man to be the one to try and take down the system of lords and ladies that screwed him over - the replace the overly rigid world of monarchy with the chaotic world of capitalism.
    I say all this with the addendum that George himself generally is pretty negative on capitalism, so Littlefinger would not be the hero here - just a unique kind of villain.
    The best part is though, this all still accommodates Littlefinger as a petty little loser who is obsessed with revenge, in my opinion. In pragmatic terms, his grand master plan may be to surplant kings and put himself at the top, all the while never needing to put himself at risk or responsibility that kings bear. He can become an Illyrio, a rich man with immense infleunce and no one to be beholden to. However, on a personal level, it's all about proving himself, proving how those assholes in high school were wrong, and making them all pay by basically burning down the high school. Throwing out the board game in order to really and conclusively "win". Everyone else is playing Risk but Littlefinger wants to be playing Monopoly, basically. So he's gonna make them play Monopoly. A socioeconomic revolution fuelled by one man's spite and ego.

  • @Jakeabe
    @Jakeabe Год назад +4

    For the Varys series a big question I have is why he wanted Ned alive and tried to keep the peace for so long, when surely starting a war and making mayhem would better suit Westeros for Aegon taking over? (And it’s what he seems to be doing know so why did he wait so long?)

    • @eldonte7775
      @eldonte7775 Год назад +2

      *puts on the tin foil hat*
      Maybe he wanted Aegon to have more support when he returned, instead of just Dorne and the GC. Convincing Honorable Ned that the Baratheon experiment was a failure and just jump back to the dragons boat. Or maybe he wanted Ned alive for something else.

  • @itkenreiza9841
    @itkenreiza9841 Год назад +4

    Great to hear you enjoying yourself while reading the questions my guy. Fun qna

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I had a great time doing it. Might try to do an AMA or another Q&A coming up at some point 🤔

    • @itkenreiza9841
      @itkenreiza9841 Год назад +1

      @@randominternetguyoffical sounds tops, would love a live one at some point preferably around this time or slightly earlier, you yanks and your time schedules make it difficult for me to watch haha

  • @wibly6476
    @wibly6476 Год назад +3

    Man you deserve way more subscribers :)

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      Thank you! That means a lot to hear. I think I've certainly earned a place in the ice and fire theory pantheon 🙂
      Hopefully the word will spread and I'll get that Preston Jacobs bread 🍞 😂

  • @J3nniff3rWinterwolf
    @J3nniff3rWinterwolf Год назад +1

    Just came here from Interesting Nerd Club. You guys made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      Those guys are absolutely hysterical XD
      I love doing episodes with them, hopefully well have our Battle Of The Bastard soon where we debate who Jon's parents are lol

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson Год назад +2

    "What little peace and order the five kings left us will not long survive the three queens" (Alayne II AFfC)
    Who is the third queen? Has LF cast his net wide enough to know about Dany, and to believe she's coming west soon? (that's what Illyrio believed in Tyrion II ADwD, which takes place about 3 months earlier... would LF's news really be that much out of date?) Or does he know about Arianne's Queenmaking, and anticipates a Queen Myrcella or Queen Arianne? (The Queenmaker is also about 3 months prior to Alayne II). Odd that he would know about Dornish schemes but not Varys' plans with King Aegon.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      Personally I always thought he was referring to Cersei, Margery and Myrcella.. like theres speculation that hes heard about Dany in detail but I think thats just speculation(?)
      I find it more likely that he'd hear Dorans propaganda about a failed Queenmaking and assume that more shenagans was to come than that he has anything concrete on Dany(?)
      But its most likely that its GRRM giving characters info they'd just never ever have. Like its weird that in the Davos chapter in White Harbor that anyone knows any of the information they know and the parts that they get wrong are thing they should have a much better chance of knowing XD XD XD

  • @jaymenjanssens720
    @jaymenjanssens720 Год назад +3

    Gf2P hype. Good job, quality series, will rewatch with the other hits.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I'm glad that you got something good out of the series and hopefully I'll have another series started in the new year 🙂

  • @jessesturgeon5327
    @jessesturgeon5327 Год назад +2

    I can't remember most of the series (that's the problem with video series I suppose), but I think Littlefinger is still plotting. I think there is more to his plans than revenge on the Tullys and capturing Sansa.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +3

      I think its all down to escaping with his gains and head in tact 0_0 But who knows what Winds Will bring!

  • @basileusbasil4041
    @basileusbasil4041 Год назад +3

    thank you for the video series very interesting

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I'm happy you got something out of it! There will be a new series soon along with some other random videos.

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson 5 месяцев назад

    Is it on LF's to-do list to destroy the castle of Riverrun?
    Its the location of all those bad memories for him... the ultimate symbol of House Tully's destruction... plus there's imagery in the text about the castle being destroyed (weak evidence, I know, but its something):
    Its on the *Tumblestone* river;
    "Through the stone, she could hear the faint rush of the Tumblestone." (Catelyn VII ACoK);
    "hard black rain pounded against the stones of Riverrun" (Catelyn III ASoS);
    "I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins" (Jaime VI AFfC).
    Castles have been destroyed before, including via water (Castamere, Tarbeck Hall, Tower of Joy, possibly Whitewalls, kinda Harrenhal)

  • @zacmccollum7144
    @zacmccollum7144 Год назад +1

    I thought it was established that Joffrey was the one who tried to have Bran killed? Not Littlefinger. I mean he has the knife, but hell, he didn't know Bran would get chunked from the window

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      Seems likely the cats paw was there to stab someone regardless, so bran being yeeted is just a coincidence. Which is probably why the cats paw even needs to finish the job, its about pinning the blame on the Lannisters. Cant have the Starks thinking it was just an accident lol

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +1

    LF wants power and money. And Sansa. I think Sansa will at last get rid of him after he offs SR. She's been getting more and more creeped out by him.

  • @basileusbasil4041
    @basileusbasil4041 Год назад +2

    little figner's standing for himself

  • @ArthurianHistorian
    @ArthurianHistorian Год назад +2


  • @dasdexus3889
    @dasdexus3889 Год назад +2

    Good picks

  • @jessejohnson8365
    @jessejohnson8365 Год назад

    4:00 i have always felt it was obvious that Catalyn and Maester Luwin were the ones that hired the cats paw. Cat gets the Lysa letter says its encrypted but burns it so no one can read it aka ned. Luwin then tells how Jon wants to join the watch and and catlyn seems to think how much better that plan is in securing her childrens succession. I believe when Bran falls Catlyn then choose to have Bran put out of his misery and then likely changes her mind but cant then call it off. Which is why she is terrified that if she falls asleep Bran will die because she knows that the Cats paw which she and luwin paid off will be coming at some point and she needs to be there and awake to call it off. The cats paw tells her that she wasnt suppose to be there. Says its a mercy. Like hes trying to explain she made the right choice and that he will do it quick. Its clear after saying this and her telling him no that he feels set up. He whispers something in her ear which is super suspect. Also liturally the night he strikes luwin tells Catalyn that they will need to name a master of horse she then starts screaming to kill the horses kill the wolves to silence them. Rob says the next day he will apoint master of horse which will then leave the assassin without a spot to hide so they have no further choice then to move up the timeline luwin leaves shortly after the library fire and then then man strikes. With how far the fire is i believe luwin will have needed to start the fire.
    But the biggest proof is Catlyn not believing Bran is more or less at risk for death once she falls asleep and wakes. Which is because the true risk to Brans life as been taken out of the equation. Also she tells jon that he should be the one essentially dead when he comes to see bran likely being the original target before bran was hurt and jon chooses the nights watch.
    The whole story of Luwin destroying a box because of getting a box with a lense is idiotic. The letter is also sealed with the Arryn sigil so why could that not have been a letter for Ned. The whole scene was set up before hand between Catlyn and Luwin to manipulate Ned she was expecting the Knock on the door and it was all planned to get Ned to accept being Roberts hand.
    Last bit of evidence is a bit less obvious but if you look at the conversation between her and varys if i remember right is subtle jab at cat for being responsible the cut on her hand. He also tells her that the free cities have the best healers in the world and he could send for one. Clear hes talking about assassin because Maesters of the Citadel are world renown as the best healers and the free cities are known for assassins aka Bravos Catlyn seems to get the hint at this points says no she has a maester looking after Bran.
    I would suggest anyone thats not thought of this to think of this being whats going on and rereading the book up to when she meets little finger and Varys and this becomes the only reasonably explaination that fits everything else going on. She also has some greater plan with little finger that little finger basically shuts her up from saying outloud when she ask if verys knows about. He cuts her off says varys knows everything moments later varys arives on scene clearly he didnt want him to know what she was going to say and knows he has ears everwhere.
    Side note the fact that in Brans vision of the fall before flight he sees his mother on a ship with a bloody dagger ? Wtf this comes off as being a real time view of things in some viewings but if so why is there blood on the dagger . And if its metaphorical blood and shes holding the knife its because she essentially weilded the blade and cut her own hand by hiring the man that cut.her . Again varys seems to rub it in as well that she cut herself. Which she did cause herself to be cut by hiring this guy that fails to complete the job so varys tells her he can send for someone that can get the job done.
    Sorry about the rambling

  • @rodin9882
    @rodin9882 Год назад +1

    Missed this opinion on Stannis and how will his story end? Also what do you think was GRRM's purpose with this character

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +2

    Stoneheart will want to die if she knows her daughters are alive.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  8 месяцев назад

      I think something similar too this as well is likely,, like she will be able to move on after the encounter or something

  • @honkeykong4049
    @honkeykong4049 Год назад +1

    Your voice and cadence are a mashup of The Spoony One and Razorfist, which leads me to believe you must be from Arizona. 😂

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I was born in Cali so not terribly far but still a ways off, tho I spent my very early years in Saipan so idk if that affected my speech at all 🤔

  • @umwha
    @umwha Год назад +1

    Come to think of it isn’t a plot hole, that when the cats, Paul wrestled with Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn grabbed the dagger to hold it off from harming brown, but we like to learn that this is a valerian, steel, dagger, and valerian steel slices through muscle bone, even metal like butter. Therefore, Kaitlyn should’ve immediately lost her fingers, and should not have been able to hold a knife at all.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I think the wound was quite bad like her hand didn't work right afterwards 🤔 but yeah its a fair point that no fingers were removed..
      Suppose it comes down to how the gripping was(?)

    • @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment
      @NewscorpPhoneHackingDepartment Год назад

      Tbf it’s possible (even easy) to hold a regular knife by the blade without cutting yourself at all. (Just from the pressure of your palm and fingers squeezing against the flat)

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hoster would have died years before.

  • @ZendikarMage42750
    @ZendikarMage42750 Год назад +1

    I agree that Varys and Ilyrio aren't nearly as interesting as the Faceless Men. It's pretty much just logistical stuff that we don't know about them at this point. Though, if you have anything to add about them, I'll still be interested in hearing it.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      Yeah I'm not exactly sure how I'm gonna approach it but I might be able to come up with something new and interesting I'm certainly going to take a look at the general thoughts about them and try to piece out what makes sense

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +1

    Harry will die, but he might marry and impregnate Sansa first. That could change the power balance.

  • @zacharyrihner4825
    @zacharyrihner4825 Год назад +1

    Can’t believe I missed this

  • @Mj_Jetson
    @Mj_Jetson Год назад

    How do you see LF's trial playing out??? Everything we know about Stoneheart suggests that there's no way any justice she dispenses will be just. LF can probably talk his way out of any charges, if its actually a fair trial that listens to his defense? If the Old Gods compel him to confess, I don't really like the mechanics of that on a thematic level.

  • @herbertschulz4313
    @herbertschulz4313 Год назад +1

    For some reason this did not Show up in my recomendations

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      Yeah youtube don't like me very much 😂
      Tbh the algorithm may have already doomed the channel based on things I've learned from limited research... but that won't stop the videos!
      Hope you like the wacky answers to all the great questions!

  • @eldonte7775
    @eldonte7775 Год назад +1

    (T)Aegon is going to ride rhaegal, and after he dies, Jon is going to hop on rhaegal.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      How do you think Aegon will manage that? Im curious cuz im thinking he'll likely die in dragon fire rather than mount one 😳

    • @eldonte7775
      @eldonte7775 Год назад +1

      *puts tin foil hat*
      Meeting Dany, either she will challenge him or Aegon will go after Rhaegal, he will get the dragon. Dany will freak out, the second dance is on.
      Rightful king vs Mad Queen.(thanks Tyron for that nickname, it would likely be the spiteful little freak that will make Dany the mad queen, encouraging her to go 'Fire&Blood' after their meeting)
      The one that I think would die by trying to tame a dragon will be Tyron, during his time with Dany he'll look back to the rumours of him being Aerys's bastard and actually buy it. And when Viseryon is free during the Dance, he will try to tame it, only to get burn alive
      Or maybe I wrong and Aegon is just another blackfyre dying for an ugly chair

  • @vanessaamesty6739
    @vanessaamesty6739 Год назад +1

    Do you think Sansa will inherite the money, food and Lands as Alayne?

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад

      Not as Alayne, but I think it is likely she will gain power as Sansa in the end of the series

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +1

    I think that Harry and Sansa will marry, and that LF will get him killed somehow.

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  8 месяцев назад

      I lean on Harry bein popped off personally... last min appearance of a non pov character whos about to joust in a tourney where littlefinger is overseeing the event and there's jousts and littlefinger has a reason to boot the guy... that sounds both familiar and like someone who can die
      But im sure Winds will keep us guessing for a min till it all unfolds

  • @eric2500
    @eric2500 8 месяцев назад +2

    I don't think that LF loves.

  • @faisalkamal4319
    @faisalkamal4319 Год назад +2


  • @basileusbasil4041
    @basileusbasil4041 Год назад

    Little finger WANTS to call the shots in the bed, too much of a beta to do it.

  • @jessecook4466
    @jessecook4466 10 месяцев назад +1

    Small PP

  • @harrybarber3255
    @harrybarber3255 Год назад +1

    “You weren’t supposed to be here” repeatedly, really suggests the cats paw was a total idiot and the plan to distract Brands guards wasn’t his. “It’s a mercy” being the wildling way backs Manse manipulation of an idiot into taking the job. Preston has a real point with this one

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +2

      I think that's a reeeeally huuuge stretch... like the "evidence" if you want to call it that for Mance is functionally non existent.
      It relies on the idea that wildlings kill children for mercy but like a fuck load of people kill people for mercy I mean like you could literally just be like "house of black-and-white" and you'd have the same level of quality in argument.
      I don't think there's any reason to think that the plan to distract brand's guards wasn't the cat's paws plan.
      " You weren't supposed to be here" Implies that the cat's paw thought that bran would be unguarded and that's really all that we can pull out of that.
      I think if you rewatch that video it's pretty obvious that Preston Jacobs has a very solid case for the initial argument and that argument ties into who brought the lens in the 1st place, It was all the cat's paw and he was sent by littlefinger which makes sense.
      The Mance part he was like high or some shit XD

    • @harrybarber3255
      @harrybarber3255 Год назад

      damn you might be right, it’s real sketchy. I suppose I just love Manse’s character so any theory that bigs up his role lives rent free in my brain

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      I mean I could be way off base, like I smoke a bunch of weed.. so im no less high XD
      I too love Mance, thats why I really hope he comes to some kind of power again, like a second rise of the King Beyond the Wall would be dope AF

    • @harrybarber3255
      @harrybarber3255 Год назад +1

      @@randominternetguyoffical I hear you, might be that wildness in theories aren’t likely but they make more entertaining ideas for all the toasted viewers

    • @randominternetguyoffical
      @randominternetguyoffical  Год назад +1

      @@harrybarber3255 So random question, you think Mance will die in the books?? Or make it till the end??