the screencap on this video drew me here. "Seeking Integrity" for sure. That fits my life long struggle between my sexual desires and my faith. Feeling the tug of each all my life has kept me confused and locked in bad habits. This phrase ... definitely opening my eyes... Love at first sight? LOL Maybe.
the screencap on this video drew me here. "Seeking Integrity" for sure. That fits my life long struggle between my sexual desires and my faith. Feeling the tug of each all my life has kept me confused and locked in bad habits. This phrase ... definitely opening my eyes... Love at first sight? LOL Maybe.
Hello 👋 is there any links to these sites please 🙏 thanks:)
Can you do one on narcissism and sex addict. Sometimes people think narcism but the. Realize it’s sex addiction. Are they intertwined?