Thank you, Dr. Weiss for your expertise and wisdom. I am absolutely in shock that Dr. Ho is not able to see that porn is an addiction. She must be living under a rock and not dealing with marriages or men.
Porn can be an addiction. When you say porn is an addiction it makes it sound like your saying if anyone watches it once they're automatically addicted. That's not true. If someone drinks alcohol once they are not addicted. But alcohol can be addictive but it's not always an addiction. Not everyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it just like not everyone who watches porn is addicted to it. Some might just watch it once in a while and others might watch it every day. But it comes down to whether it effects the person's life in a negative way and whether they are in control. Another way to say it is porn addiction is a real problem.
@outsidethebox-u7d Thanks. I often feel like I have the unpopular opinion but I try not to let that discourage me. You made good points. It's about logic. I don't think porn is inherently bad. I corrected my mistake. :)
My husband has ruined our marriage with sex and porn addiction and we tried to find a therapist and could find NO ONE to help us. We are in rural area and there is no one in our area that specializes in this type of problem. The closet to us with a qualified professional was 3 hours away and had a one year waiting list to even see them. It was sad and devastating. I was floored when I found all this out and attempted suicide. I felt so hopeless and lost . Thank God I am a Christian and God has helped me and restored my sanity although , I still grieve the loss we have suffered . We have separated and are waiting on divorce finalization. I could no longer endure the trauma. I feel we probably could have made it and lived the rest of our lives together had we been able to acquire some help. But, without it , it was impossible to stay in the marriage.
This was a fantastic discussion. Both practitioners have valid concerns. All the more reason to address this issue as soon as possible, especially for the sake of our children.
Its definitely an addition. I've witnessed someone I love loose everything due to his addiction to porn. His porn addiction led to an affair that ended his 25 year marriage. It's sad that folks risk everything for a fantasy.
Porn can be an addiction. When you say porn is an addiction it makes it sound like your saying if anyone watches it once they're automatically addicted. That's not true. If someone drinks alcohol once they are not addicted. But alcohol can be addictive but it's not always an addiction. Not everyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it just like not everyone who watches porn is addicted to it. Some might just watch it once in a while and others might watch it every day. But it comes down to how weather it effects the person's life in a negative way and weather they are in control. Another way to say it is porn addiction is a real problem.
Dr Ho comes at this strictly from a mental health perspective while Dr Weiss comes at it from a sociological perspective. I don’t think anyone is saying that claiming you have an addiction gives you a free pass for bad behaviors, they don’t have to be mutually exclusive which is what it sounds like she is arguing.
For sure. My husband is 61 years old and is ruining his LIFE. I am divorcing him. I can not deal with the DAILY pain and trauma of it. It was killing me. We have no support groups of any kind like this on our area.
Hey, great video it helped! So, have you finally been able to see Zeke Vikalen's website on stopping it? It's an exhilarating read, and JUST by reading it, unconsciously you will be 99% there.
Thank you, Dr. Weiss for your expertise and wisdom. I am absolutely in shock that Dr. Ho is not able to see that porn is an addiction. She must be living under a rock and not dealing with marriages or men.
Porn can be an addiction. When you say porn is an addiction it makes it sound like your saying if anyone watches it once they're automatically addicted. That's not true. If someone drinks alcohol once they are not addicted. But alcohol can be addictive but it's not always an addiction. Not everyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it just like not everyone who watches porn is addicted to it. Some might just watch it once in a while and others might watch it every day. But it comes down to whether it effects the person's life in a negative way and whether they are in control. Another way to say it is porn addiction is a real problem.
@outsidethebox-u7d Thanks. I often feel like I have the unpopular opinion but I try not to let that discourage me. You made good points. It's about logic. I don't think porn is inherently bad. I corrected my mistake. :)
My husband has ruined our marriage with sex and porn addiction and we tried to find a therapist and could find NO ONE to help us. We are in rural area and there is no one in our area that specializes in this type of problem. The closet to us with a qualified professional was 3 hours away and had a one year waiting list to even see them. It was sad and devastating. I was floored when I found all this out and attempted suicide. I felt so hopeless and lost . Thank God I am a Christian and God has helped me and restored my sanity although , I still grieve the loss we have suffered . We have separated and are waiting on divorce finalization. I could no longer endure the trauma. I feel we probably could have made it and lived the rest of our lives together had we been able to acquire some help. But, without it , it was impossible to stay in the marriage.
The question is why don't those states ban porn
This was a fantastic discussion. Both practitioners have valid concerns. All the more reason to address this issue as soon as possible, especially for the sake of our children.
Porn kills everything.
The real issue. Government hasnt banned porn
The governments job isn't and shouldn't be to solve the issue between your ears... that's your responsibility.
Fuck you. Ban porn
Then there's the demonic content that they haven't discussed. That definitely contributes to the whole violence against women and children today.
Its definitely an addition. I've witnessed someone I love loose everything due to his addiction to porn. His porn addiction led to an affair that ended his 25 year marriage. It's sad that folks risk everything for a fantasy.
Porn can be an addiction. When you say porn is an addiction it makes it sound like your saying if anyone watches it once they're automatically addicted. That's not true. If someone drinks alcohol once they are not addicted. But alcohol can be addictive but it's not always an addiction. Not everyone who drinks alcohol is addicted to it just like not everyone who watches porn is addicted to it. Some might just watch it once in a while and others might watch it every day. But it comes down to how weather it effects the person's life in a negative way and weather they are in control. Another way to say it is porn addiction is a real problem.
@@DarkAntiCretin2012 porn is a supra stimulus. It is like heroine. It’s it at all the same as the beer theory.
Dr Ho comes at this strictly from a mental health perspective while Dr Weiss comes at it from a sociological perspective. I don’t think anyone is saying that claiming you have an addiction gives you a free pass for bad behaviors, they don’t have to be mutually exclusive which is what it sounds like she is arguing.
It may not be about watching 10 hrs a day , but may be thinking about it 10 hrs a day
Dopamine machine
Porn viewing is a horrible character flaw. Porn objectifies women really badly. A pornified brain is an immortal character flaw.
This is the episode where Dr. Ho should have been removed from the panel permanently.
Not just a young person issue.Trust me
For sure. My husband is 61 years old and is ruining his LIFE. I am divorcing him. I can not deal with the DAILY pain and trauma of it. It was killing me. We have no support groups of any kind like this on our area.
Hey, great video it helped! So, have you finally been able to see Zeke Vikalen's website on stopping it? It's an exhilarating read, and JUST by reading it, unconsciously you will be 99% there.
Weiss disagrees because he has books to sell women