This Is normally done with actual robots built by highshcoolers (125bl, human sized, semi autonomous), this is done as a sort of joke. (Sorry if you already know what FRC is)
The Red player that just flopped onto the charge station like he was doing a tilt balance was amazing. Would have been better if the middle guy sat on his arms or something, at least lightly for comedic effect.
The last second climb from blue is incredible
wow the robot designs just keep getting more and more realistic
Man robots are still missing that preload auto cone
i truly love when the algorithm brings me to a
This Is normally done with actual robots built by highshcoolers (125bl, human sized, semi autonomous), this is done as a sort of joke. (Sorry if you already know what FRC is)
The Red player that just flopped onto the charge station like he was doing a tilt balance was amazing. Would have been better if the middle guy sat on his arms or something, at least lightly for comedic effect.
it has just occured to me how silly FRC games look when there's people playing it instead of robots