It is true, Africa cannot achieve development unless it takes control of its resource! However, this is a very challenging mission. Not because it is difficult, but because Colonial powers will never allow a truly nationalist leader to be in the lead. They know how to play their dirty games in order to obstruct any genuine attempt towards realisation of sovereignty.
But ....then there are more of US than there are of them...right? So eventually their systems and beliefs become obsolete because there are not sufficient numbers to buy in and ...they need us more than we need them. We can do this...together!!
Abu Lombe Don't be pathetic giving power to 3% of the world's population who God's (SUN) is currently extinction due to their incompatibility to live in peace with Hue-mans.
We must all free ourselves from the psychological traps of the european (Lower Case e on purpose). We must no longer be emotionally attached to them. WE, the African, have thrived for eons without the albino. If you believe the archaeologists, that everything emanated from Africa, then logic dictates that WE had the first true GOD(S). We are the original; REMEMBER THIS FACT. A society of 1.6 billion people on the African continent in contemporary times doesn't just appear out of nowhere. We have a long history on this planet; EONS before the albino. Albinism is a genetic mutation, and is the only way that non-melinated humans (caucasians, Asians, etc...) can be created. THEY ARE NOT OUR ANCESTORS, WE ARE THEIRS. BE AWARE AND RECOGNIZE the covert and overt psychological operations orchestrated by others, specifically the albino, that make you feel inadequate. TO FREE AFRICA WE NEED: 1. Free education for all, at all stages. THE AFRICAN UNION MUST MAKE IT A REQUIREMENT FOR MEMBERSHIP. Let DJ Focus (Kevin Doe) from Sierra Leone affirm the genius potential of the African youth, how many genii have we lost in our slumber. 2. All official and national languages in Africa must be African, starting with the educational system. 3. Reintroduction of African God(s) as a viable non-stigmatized means of worship, (THIS IS WHERE THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ENSLAVEMENT ENDS). 4. FORM A STRONGER STRATEGIC MILITARY AND ECONOMIC ALLIANCE WITH CHINA TO SECURE OUR COMPLETE AUTONOMY. 5. The reunification of African kingdoms broken apart during the colonial years. This may mean redrawing borders. (This is a most difficult task, but the actions of the europeans must be undone). 6. After reestablishing precolonial African kingdoms, unite Africa as a nation of kingdoms, called the United Kingdoms of Africa (UKA) using the current format of the African Union as the unifying governing PARLIAMENTARY body, and establishing the following branches of governments, the EXECUTIVE led by an Emperor or Empress and ministers, the JUDICIARY Supreme Court of Lords and Counselors, and finally the Council of Military Affairs (those who would die for us on a moments notice should have a say in making decisions), 4 equal branches of government. 7. WE MUST NEVER AGAIN DEFER TO THE UN, ICC, IMF OR WORLD BANK WHEN DEALING WITH INTERNAL AFRICAN AFFAIRS (Not impossible with private sector financing because we have much to trade with, young people for manufacturing, unprocessed natural resources, and finished goods when we start processing our natural resources in Africa. 8. NATIONALIZE ALL AFRICAN NATURAL RESOURCES FOR PROCESSING IN AFRICA, GIVING CHINA PRIORITY ACCESS TO THESE RESOURCES IN EXCHANGE FOR MILITARY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT.
Why are the inconvenient colonies never discuss for example Ireland Colonise for 700 years experience multiple families and wars And broke away from the British empire in the 20th Century It had a pretty similar start to most African countries and it’s a decent western republic
That was brilliant Fatou. I tell this to my older friends who do not agree with me that until Africa takes control of its own programming it will be a perpetual source of resources as legally designed by the colonisers, who I call "domesticators" of other human beings for their own benefit. I will use their definition of "domestication" as "to adapt an animal or plant to life in close association with and to the advantage of humans". Animals are humans and you have Africans having been "domesticated" and continue to be, as providers of Labour, a crucial factor of production in the "domesticator's" economic system, which was your first point.
A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace. ― Kwame Nkrumah
this was a very good presentation, well thought out and delivered in a strategical manner well done Fatima. l enjoyed it and was well educated in the process
We must question the labels put on Africa. Like any label, the ones who crafted them had an ill intention that negatively impacted not only Africans but the crafters too thus the always redefinition of their excuses. Thank you Fato
"Before you can distribute money like a socialist you must first collect money like a capitalist"- Shimon Peres In other words,socialism won't work without capitalism to fund it. That's what socialist leaning African leaders didn't understand.
point of correction : The oil wealth is ran mostly by the Yorubas and the Hausas. The Igbos were emerging from a civil war, lost all their resources, human and property and did not partake in the scramble for the oil wells. Check Nigerian history, the same Yorubas and the Hausas are the ones ruling and running Nigeria. The Igbos have mainly survived by trading. That's why you see them all over the world. They too have been marginalized. Reason why they seek for a sovereign state. 2. Most of the minority tribes are even more educated than the Hausas, especially, those that are predominantly Christians. Nice presentation, though.
Angelica kweku you see an African will never be honest.She is Fulani so she wants to put every body on their mis rule. Hausa and Yoruba are responsible for the oil wealth
Can someone help me understand the take away? To me, it sounds like her point is essentially that individuals eventual biases about the african continent is holding its development back? If so, what is the actual proof of this?
The underdevelopment of Africa is not the effect of Africans not being those who deal with African affairs. The tragedy of Africa is the result of a predatory ideology which, as such, has neither morals nor ethics, does not see in the angle of the just and ignores hope. In this perspective, the development of Africa is in the hands of all the good will, that is to say, men and women inhabited by seriousness and who have a moral and ethical dimension, whatever the origins, that they are African or come from elsewhere.
You claimed that one of the negative post-colonial influences on regions such as Nigeria was one of tribal or ethnic conflict. Was there no conflict in Africa before the colonial period? And if there was, was it also tribal in nature, meaning ethnic? Meaning that the specific negative consequence of colonialism you have 'identified' was indeed always pervasive within Africa before any foreign invaders landed? Making the attribution of ethnic conflict on colonialism is a false conflation meant to further modern social justice narratives, not accurately describe the tribal realities of Africa both pre and post colonial periods.
+navylaks2 White folks always blaming Arabs for everything wrong with this system of corruption, when its the ruling elites within their culture is the main ones responsible. All those so called terrorist are mercenaries for hire.
Cunning Cat You all just don't get it! African people are not like you! Stop going into Africa taking resources and leave Africa alone! If that means you give up your flat screen tvs, cell phones and your sports cars, then so be it! Africa for Africans! Africans First!
Colonialisem brought colonised places our of balance somehow and now they need to find a new balance in some way. That is quite some work and its normal that it takes time. That might as well include the relationship between different ethnic groupes. Imagine someone would have cut europe in weird sections with made up borders. That would have stirred up things for decades.
Not accurately correct when you say, African countries were doing " pretty well" under single party and those Utopian ideological structures. To suggest that IMF came in solemnly to loan struggling African economies, is also misleading. Colonial legacy properly defined; doesn't by any means make colonial struggle leaders helpless victims of the west. Barring in mind that not only Africa was colonised by these countries. So we should approach this topic, with liberty from pity and or hate. An objective assessment is required all the time. Its been 6 decades since colonialism fell; we should approach this conversation within the contemporary context of maladmistratiin that started just as colonialists lenses back to their original countries.
Please talk about why Africa’s can’t get vise for their families to come and visit them in Europe well theirs can afford their families stay in Europe 😭😭😭🪐🌎
How can any modern government, provide all their citizens with education, clean water, health care and jobs when they insist on multiplying at the rate that they do? Having children to provide for an old age is cruel. It condemns the younger generation to poverty.
Mabutu? Lumumba? Azikiwe? Did she mention any African leader since decolonization or did I miss something? She bounced from the Congo free-state and Berlin Conference to the 1970s with IMF loans. She didn't give any details about decolonization legislation as Britain relinquished its colonies. Are we to act like African leaders and dictators have had no involvement in the history of these countries for the past 70 years? This is the equivalent of talking about modern-day Europe without even mentioning the world wars 1 and 2 in the Cold War.
@ Laddie Pepke , I urge you to expand your research & read about the the confession of economic hit man’s job, anyway let me save your time to research. The economic hitmen is a special enforcement set and imposed on most president around the world to accept and sign conditional loans agreement that opens up and constrain the country to share its sovereignty and mineral resources as collateral to the Western Bankers (imf )especially countries with spectrum of resources and if the president doesn’t corporate or accept the loans the jackal assassins are sent to assassinate the him and that fails sanctions or uprising are set and exarcibgated by European bankers to over throw the president making another regime change of the next passive subservient president.
Waking up with Western Education not denied to you...The Western World has been happy to educate you in their Universities...they didn't close these doors did they ??? So with this education fix the problems of embezzlement and what is widely discussed by Africans on youtube...take care of each other among africans !!! As a starting point !!!
75 years ago, most of Europe was in ruins. There are multi national companies extracting bauxite and diamonds from Western Australia, so what is this woman's problem? Nation states were formed in Africa that were multicultural. Isn't multiculturalism supposed to enrich a country? All that lovely diversity!
Africa the riches resource continent on the Planet] y"all shouldnt be Poor at all!] that's why Oboma President &his father from Africa= World! resources] Africans CAN START THEIR OWN MONEY CURRENCY backed by esp GOLD, OIL,diamond, rubber, balsite ect] all y'all resources, the ENTIRE WORLD MUST HAVE if they want to develope!] They Need ur resources you dont need anything from them] God gave y'all the riches continent] do w/ ur resources what the World is doing w/them]
who killed that African president (gadaffi)] it was another African president= oboma!!!!] i think he doing that africom war shit setting up military bases] thay can make africans kill each other for centuries] extinct ur Own self smh] it might be a ww3 over africas resources, w/ china, ect moving in] play y'all hand intelligently smart] not killing exterminating each other] i dont think insects, ect do that]
The Congo sits on an estimated $23 TRILLION US worth of mineral and natural resources. Every citizen should be living like Saudi's. But don't blame the decades of deeply corrupt and murderous leaders, don't blame the local ethnic warfare, don't blame the near total ignorance of even basic public sanitary measures. The Congo has nearly the highest mortality rate for children under 5 on Earth. But Western Civilization and White oppression.
First of western civilization was able to get to where it is today by the massive amount of resources that they stole from African countries. Second yes western civilization is to blame. They came to a land where they found kingdom, empires and culture. Then stole it and after a century of killing and looting they left. Since you used Congo I will too. When Congo first became a country there were 16 educated people in the whole country. Congo was not setup to be a country it was made to have it goods and resources stolen shipped out
@@nathanomotayojohnson8945 Kingdom, empire and culture? all that was left of those kingdoms and empires when European explorers arrived were crumbling ruins and myths. Kingdom, empire and culture? Why is there not a single enduring city in Africa today? The Roman empire left us Rome, the Norse left us Stockholm and Copenhagen. The Anglo-Saxon left us London. The Franks left us Paris, the Greeks Athens. The Chinese left us Peking (Beijing), and the Slavs Warsaw, Moscow and Prague. Even the Moors left us Istanbul. And all of those languages are still spoken today. The best Africa can do is tell legends of such things tens of centuries ago. Kingdom, empire and culture? Then why didn't they display their might by defeating the Europeans and Arabs, or even ever embark on foreign conquest of their own? Everyone else did, why not Africa? Why was Africa so easily subjugated? Why was the rest of the world developing technologically, while Africa remained at little more than stone age development, even up to much of the 20th century?
jj john there are still cities from these civilizations if you do a basic google search but I will tell you there is ile ife that is easily over a thousand years old there is old Oyo that is also around the same age. these kingdoms were not crumbling som were still growing and expanding. second, they were not easily subjugated some kingdoms fought for years and decades before they were defeated. for some, they were not conquered through war some times the colonizers would install people loyal to them in a position of power and rule from behind the scenes. if you want to talk about colonialization Ethiopia was never colonized and defeated the Italian in war. And why was the world developing well in the 20th century some countries had been colonized for up to 300 years at that point and they were not set up to be countries they were meant to be places where resources could be extracted and shipped to the colonial masters they did not care about developing the continent. A correction the Moors did not build Istanbul those were the Turks, the Moors were in Spain.
@@nathanomotayojohnson8945 The great Mali Empire lasted less than 400 years, finally falling after years of disunity and conflict. The greatest and richest of all African empires, the Songhai, barely lasted 140 years, finally succumbing to civil war and political instability in 1591. It was followed by the Dendi Kingdom, a weak and ineffectual entity which began as a puppet state of the Saadi Arabs in Morocco. The Benin Kingdom (Edo people) of present day Nigeria was more successfull, ruling over the tribes of the Niger Delta. They did develop a system of writing, and artifacts indicate a culture of accomplished artisans, skilled with bronze copper and Ivory. Their first contact with Europeans waas in about 1500. Significant trading developed between England and Benin based on the export of ivory, palm oil, and pepper, however the Edo soon realized that their most profitable commodity were slaves, which commanded payment in Manilla (bronze rings used as currency) and guns. Benin began to decline about 1700, and by about 1850 it was gone. Those three examples are Africa's greatest historical legacy. The Maya of Meso-america alone made a far better showing than any African empire, and for far longer.
The western powers took only dirt from Africa. It is the ingenuity of western civilization that turned dirt into resources. Japan learned to turn dirt into resources by, at first, copying the west, then developing its own research and technology. China is doing the same thing now - poaching intellectual property from the west and also developing its own.
Whilst you make a good point regarding the colonial legacy, your criticism of Structural Adjustment Programs is superficial. African states only accepted these programs because they were unable to develop in an economically sustainable way and they would not have if they were doing 'pretty good' as you suggest. Look at disintegration into military and single party rule, incompetence, corruption and the patronage system. These are also legacies of colonialism but Africa is not always the victim
This is full of errors. The young lady doing the presenting left out some crucial difficulties. Starting with Belgium abusing Congo. OK, Belgium is now gone but she said something like "the west is still extracting..." That, young lady, is mental confusion. Mainly, nobody is extracting anymore. Congo is exporting since it is a free country now. And she noted that Congolese are suffering from bad things like rights abuses. Same same, look to the Congolese government for blame and surrounding Gov's for some blame in not trying to reform the bad-boy Congolese Government that's doing such a bad job. With that bad start, she went downhill.
DevilDocNowCiv she's actually right. As a Congolese ( don't know about your ethnicity btw), everyone and barely each of our neighbors ( Rwanda, Burundi etc..thanks to Kabila) are extracting our wealth in our land especially in the Katanga area by killing countryside people. And as you may not know, Belgian people didn't left the country they are mostly owning companies and working with Congolese which is another form of colonization since they own most of the companies in Kinshasa and other areas. So yes, we are suffering from rights abuses.
Gee. That's corruption these governments allow to take place, to blame any foreign entity, especially the whole of any foreign people for what one entity does alongside African governments, is racism. Pure and simple.
You speak as if you know more than the people who are affected .you adopt systems of divide and rule. If you are not winning,you fuelled war,like in Libya, Congo, Sudan,etc. All cos of crude oil and other mineral resources.
seven years later and i'll be showing this to my global dev class. thank you!
Thank you very very much, you are 1000% right.
We thank you from GHANA for your Powerful video.
Great! Finally we Africans are waking up! We melanated people are and have always been people of greatness.
Now act like it and take responsibility for your own actions, including faults.
Hahahahahahaha 'greatness'
12gorman34 your point?
Johan Sterk what faults blacks aren't a collective how can we have faults
Garrett who is asking for reparations. Me and all of the blacks I know aren't asking for reparations.
It is true, Africa cannot achieve development unless it takes control of its resource! However, this is a very challenging mission. Not because it is difficult, but because Colonial powers will never allow a truly nationalist leader to be in the lead. They know how to play their dirty games in order to obstruct any genuine attempt towards realisation of sovereignty.
But ....then there are more of US than there are of them...right? So eventually their systems and beliefs become obsolete because there are not sufficient numbers to buy in and ...they need us more than we need them. We can do this...together!!
Abu Lombe Don't be pathetic giving power to 3% of the world's population who God's (SUN) is currently extinction due to their incompatibility to live in peace with Hue-mans.
Abu Lombe the lady speaking does she look like African? The answer is no that is where the water is entering the boat.
People, do not fall for this psychological ploy to get you emotionally engaged. Enjoy this forum without the baiting of the evil ones.
We must all free ourselves from the psychological traps of the european (Lower Case e on purpose). We must no longer be emotionally attached to them. WE, the African, have thrived for eons without the albino. If you believe the archaeologists, that everything emanated from Africa, then logic dictates that WE had the first true GOD(S). We are the original; REMEMBER THIS FACT. A society of 1.6 billion people on the African continent in contemporary times doesn't just appear out of nowhere. We have a long history on this planet; EONS before the albino.
Albinism is a genetic mutation, and is the only way that non-melinated humans (caucasians, Asians, etc...) can be created. THEY ARE NOT OUR ANCESTORS, WE ARE THEIRS.
BE AWARE AND RECOGNIZE the covert and overt psychological operations orchestrated by others, specifically the albino, that make you feel inadequate.
1. Free education for all, at all stages.
Let DJ Focus (Kevin Doe) from Sierra Leone affirm the genius potential of the African youth, how many genii have we lost in our slumber.
2. All official and national languages in Africa must be African, starting with the educational system.
3. Reintroduction of African God(s) as a viable non-stigmatized means of worship, (THIS IS WHERE THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ENSLAVEMENT ENDS).
5. The reunification of African kingdoms broken apart during the colonial years. This may mean redrawing borders. (This is a most difficult task, but the actions of the europeans must be undone).
6. After reestablishing precolonial African kingdoms, unite Africa as a nation of kingdoms, called the United Kingdoms of Africa (UKA) using the current format of the African Union as the unifying governing PARLIAMENTARY body, and establishing the following branches of governments, the EXECUTIVE led by an Emperor or Empress and ministers, the JUDICIARY Supreme Court of Lords and Counselors, and finally the Council of Military Affairs (those who would die for us on a moments notice should have a say in making decisions), 4 equal branches of government.
7. WE MUST NEVER AGAIN DEFER TO THE UN, ICC, IMF OR WORLD BANK WHEN DEALING WITH INTERNAL AFRICAN AFFAIRS (Not impossible with private sector financing because we have much to trade with, young people for manufacturing, unprocessed natural resources, and finished goods when we start processing our natural resources in Africa.
youre amazing...African is indeed in need of its own people
I truly loved this video. She is brilliant.
After 11yes I’m still watching this Fatoumata is proudly a Gambian🇬🇲 sister and an African woman
Saw it in class... Fantastic points made!!!
Social justice class?
Why are the inconvenient colonies never discuss for example Ireland Colonise for 700 years experience multiple families and wars And broke away from the British empire in the 20th Century It had a pretty similar start to most African countries and it’s a decent western republic
Teach my sister teach
That was brilliant Fatou. I tell this to my older friends who do not agree with me that until Africa takes control of its own programming it will be a perpetual source of resources as legally designed by the colonisers, who I call "domesticators" of other human beings for their own benefit. I will use their definition of "domestication" as "to adapt an animal or plant to life in close association with and to the advantage of humans". Animals are humans and you have Africans having been "domesticated" and continue to be, as providers of Labour, a crucial factor of production in the "domesticator's" economic system, which was your first point.
Fafa you are the best teacher teaching Africa
you're my hero!
A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.
― Kwame Nkrumah
very informative, thank you
Bravo !!! Fantastically Brilliant.
this was a very good presentation, well thought out and delivered in a strategical manner well done Fatima. l enjoyed it and was well educated in the process
Womderful!!great report
Liked the evidenced based approach,rather than just rhetoric.Thank u for sharing your research .
Carl Lammy
We must question the labels put on Africa. Like any label, the ones who crafted them had an ill intention that negatively impacted not only Africans but the crafters too thus the always redefinition of their excuses. Thank you Fato
Thank you guys for the exposure. I would like more info on what can we do tangibly to help aside from changing our perception.
I'm wondering the same thing.
WE, the YOUTH, need to step up to the plate and reform Africa to its rightful place of GREATNESS
God bless you! You are the true African lady
By the grace of God Africa will flourish :)
Great job miss Waggeh.
good job sister keep up the good work in you
Bravo !!! Fantastically Brilliant! really proud of YOU MY HERO!!!!
"Before you can distribute money like a socialist you must first collect money like a capitalist"- Shimon Peres
In other words,socialism won't work without capitalism to fund it. That's what socialist leaning African leaders didn't understand.
point of correction :
The oil wealth is ran mostly by the Yorubas and the Hausas.
The Igbos were emerging from a civil war, lost all their resources, human and property and did not partake in the scramble for the oil wells.
Check Nigerian history, the same Yorubas and the Hausas are the ones ruling and running Nigeria.
The Igbos have mainly survived by trading. That's why you see them all over the world. They too have been marginalized. Reason why they seek for a sovereign state.
2. Most of the minority tribes are even more educated than the Hausas, especially, those that are predominantly Christians.
Nice presentation, though.
They don't control it on a global scale,they also have to answer to the Arab or the caucasian or both.
Perceived power not the kind that will enable them to "BUCK THE SYSTEM"so to speak!
Angelica kweku you see an African will never be honest.She is Fulani so she wants to put every body on their mis rule. Hausa and Yoruba are responsible for the oil wealth
Whatbettywore the oil is in Yoruba and Hausa. How many Igbo Head State idiot
Well done, Fatoumata
Can someone help me understand the take away? To me, it sounds like her point is essentially that individuals eventual biases about the african continent is holding its development back? If so, what is the actual proof of this?
Fatoumata did a outstanding job of telling how Africa got into a bad state.
God bless you
Who is here in 2024?
This video needs a to go vital.
Wonderful Africa we need each other. Think big! Politics and president. Need care about Africa people. Don't be selfish and greedy
I like it ❤
Detail facts how we have been screwed for centuries
Such a touching story.
Ii really enjoy this
Enjoying 👎🏿sorry pain but that to tell the truth
Anyone know the name of the scholar she mentioned around 3:14? "Samien Amine" or something?
That guy used to cut off our men's man hoods and today they open their mouth to say we should forget and forgive them that it's in the past.
wow what a nice speech
The underdevelopment of Africa is not the effect of Africans not being those who deal with African affairs. The tragedy of Africa is the result of a predatory ideology which, as such, has neither morals nor ethics, does not see in the angle of the just and ignores hope.
In this perspective, the development of Africa is in the hands of all the good will, that is to say, men and women inhabited by seriousness and who have a moral and ethical dimension, whatever the origins, that they are African or come from elsewhere.
Why was Africa underdeveloped by the time Europeans arrived?
it was not.
Err, yes it was
Flabber Ghast read history okay.
It wasn't. You obviously have never studied african history
@@africanodyssey4805 So if your countries were not underdeveloped then how did we colonize you so easily?
Anyone else here for school
I loved your talk!!! Great stuff
You claimed that one of the negative post-colonial influences on regions such as Nigeria was one of tribal or ethnic conflict. Was there no conflict in Africa before the colonial period? And if there was, was it also tribal in nature, meaning ethnic? Meaning that the specific negative consequence of colonialism you have 'identified' was indeed always pervasive within Africa before any foreign invaders landed? Making the attribution of ethnic conflict on colonialism is a false conflation meant to further modern social justice narratives, not accurately describe the tribal realities of Africa both pre and post colonial periods.
U speak the truth 🇬🇭
Where are we heading Africans? They make us their friends because of our resources and intelligence
har har harhar har har harhar harhar, har har harhar, har har harhar
Arica is still colonized in the North by the Arabs
White folks always blaming Arabs for everything wrong with this system of corruption, when its the ruling elites within their culture is the main ones responsible. All those so called terrorist are mercenaries for hire.
And 4. The African mind.
So the reason different African ethnic groups inside Africa don't cooperate on anything is the fault of colonialist of the past.
Cunning Cat You all just don't get it! African people are not like you! Stop going into Africa taking resources and leave Africa alone! If that means you give up your flat screen tvs,
cell phones and your sports cars, then so be it!
Africa for Africans! Africans First!
Colonialisem brought colonised places our of balance somehow and now they need to find a new balance in some way. That is quite some work and its normal that it takes time. That might as well include the relationship between different ethnic groupes. Imagine someone would have cut europe in weird sections with made up borders. That would have stirred up things for decades.
Not accurately correct when you say, African countries were doing " pretty well" under single party and those Utopian ideological structures.
To suggest that IMF came in solemnly to loan struggling African economies, is also misleading.
Colonial legacy properly defined; doesn't by any means make colonial struggle leaders helpless victims of the west.
Barring in mind that not only Africa was colonised by these countries. So we should approach this topic, with liberty from pity and or hate. An objective assessment is required all the time.
Its been 6 decades since colonialism fell; we should approach this conversation within the contemporary context of maladmistratiin that started just as colonialists lenses back to their original countries.
Saying that all the three major groups in Nigeria are benefit from oil revenue is rather misinformed and misleading.
Hi Sis I want to talk to you.
Please talk about why Africa’s can’t get vise for their families to come and visit them in Europe well theirs can afford their families stay in Europe 😭😭😭🪐🌎
How can any modern government, provide all their citizens with education, clean water, health care and jobs when they insist on multiplying at the rate that they do? Having children to provide for an old age is cruel. It condemns the younger generation to poverty.
Mabutu? Lumumba? Azikiwe?
Did she mention any African leader since decolonization or did I miss something? She bounced from the Congo free-state and Berlin Conference to the 1970s with IMF loans. She didn't give any details about decolonization legislation as Britain relinquished its colonies.
Are we to act like African leaders and dictators have had no involvement in the history of these countries for the past 70 years? This is the equivalent of talking about modern-day Europe without even mentioning the world wars 1 and 2 in the Cold War.
Violently exploiting and exracting is THE business model of capitalism.
It is me Jahara
There is no post-colonial development...only underdevelopment
And stop taking their loans.
@ Laddie Pepke , I urge you to expand your research & read about the the confession of economic hit man’s job, anyway let me save your time to research. The economic hitmen is a special enforcement set and imposed on most president around the world to accept and sign conditional loans agreement that opens up and constrain the country to share its sovereignty and mineral resources as collateral to the Western Bankers (imf )especially countries with spectrum of resources and if the president doesn’t corporate or accept the loans the jackal assassins are sent to assassinate the him and that fails sanctions or uprising are set and exarcibgated by European bankers to over throw the president making another regime change of the next passive subservient president.
Good Life we are all dumber for having read this
Why didn't the Sub Saharan Africans invade Europe? And don't talk about the Moors who were Arabic speaking Berbers and only got as far as Spain.
Waking up with Western Education not denied to you...The Western World has been happy to educate you in their Universities...they didn't close these doors did they ??? So with this education fix the problems of embezzlement and what is widely discussed by Africans on youtube...take care of each other among africans !!! As a starting point !!!
mOvendiOmnivisiOn cOnvergence African leaders are CRIMINALS greedy and selfish
75 years ago, most of Europe was in ruins. There are multi national companies extracting bauxite and diamonds from Western Australia, so what is this woman's problem? Nation states were formed in Africa that were multicultural. Isn't multiculturalism supposed to enrich a country? All that lovely diversity!
my history teacher sent me here i dont like school that much
Africa the riches resource continent on the Planet] y"all shouldnt be Poor at all!] that's why Oboma President &his father from Africa= World! resources] Africans CAN START THEIR OWN MONEY CURRENCY backed by esp GOLD, OIL,diamond, rubber, balsite ect] all y'all resources, the ENTIRE WORLD MUST HAVE if they want to develope!] They Need ur resources you dont need anything from them] God gave y'all the riches continent] do w/ ur resources what the World is doing w/them]
+Urban Elegance because we clearly at war
who killed that African president (gadaffi)] it was another African president= oboma!!!!] i think he doing that africom war shit setting up military bases] thay can make africans kill each other for centuries] extinct ur Own self smh] it might be a ww3 over africas resources, w/ china, ect moving in] play y'all hand intelligently smart] not killing exterminating each other] i dont think insects, ect do that]
5annent Africans are their own greatest enemy
shop keepers sell..ok? arms industry sells to are very stupid.
the quality of African leaders are low
Milo Savage corrupted and blackmailed by the western elites
Great message, but she stammers too much compared to others.
She should practice public speaking and delivery.
And history.
One of you misses the point, the other wants to deny the point.
the video was not intended for you if this is all you can say after watching, js...
Hey. I have an idea for you. How about thinkingingink about your Chinese future.
And not allow yourselves to be distracted by 500 year old stories.
The Congo sits on an estimated $23 TRILLION US worth of mineral and natural resources. Every citizen should be living like Saudi's. But don't blame the decades of deeply corrupt and murderous leaders, don't blame the local ethnic warfare, don't blame the near total ignorance of even basic public sanitary measures.
The Congo has nearly the highest mortality rate for children under 5 on Earth. But Western Civilization and White oppression.
First of western civilization was able to get to where it is today by the massive amount of resources that they stole from African countries.
Second yes western civilization is to blame. They came to a land where they found kingdom, empires and culture. Then stole it and after a century of killing and looting they left.
Since you used Congo I will too. When Congo first became a country there were 16 educated people in the whole country. Congo was not setup to be a country it was made to have it goods and resources stolen shipped out
@@nathanomotayojohnson8945 Kingdom, empire and culture? all that was left of those kingdoms and empires when European explorers arrived were crumbling ruins and myths.
Kingdom, empire and culture? Why is there not a single enduring city in Africa today? The Roman empire left us Rome, the Norse left us Stockholm and Copenhagen. The Anglo-Saxon left us London. The Franks left us Paris, the Greeks Athens. The Chinese left us Peking (Beijing), and the Slavs Warsaw, Moscow and Prague. Even the Moors left us Istanbul. And all of those languages are still spoken today. The best Africa can do is tell legends of such things tens of centuries ago.
Kingdom, empire and culture? Then why didn't they display their might by defeating the Europeans and Arabs, or even ever embark on foreign conquest of their own? Everyone else did, why not Africa? Why was Africa so easily subjugated?
Why was the rest of the world developing technologically, while Africa remained at little more than stone age development, even up to much of the 20th century?
@@jjjohn4493 well first of there were still many of those kingdoms, empires, and cultures when the European
jj john there are still cities from these civilizations if you do a basic google search but I will tell you there is ile ife that is easily over a thousand years old there is old Oyo that is also around the same age. these kingdoms were not crumbling som were still growing and expanding.
second, they were not easily subjugated some kingdoms fought for years and decades before they were defeated. for some, they were not conquered through war some times the colonizers would install people loyal to them in a position of power and rule from behind the scenes. if you want to talk about colonialization Ethiopia was never colonized and defeated the Italian in war.
And why was the world developing well in the 20th century some countries had been colonized for up to 300 years at that point and they were not set up to be countries they were meant to be places where resources could be extracted and shipped to the colonial masters they did not care about developing the continent.
A correction the Moors did not build Istanbul those were the Turks, the Moors were in Spain.
@@nathanomotayojohnson8945 The great Mali Empire lasted less than 400 years, finally falling after years of disunity and conflict. The greatest and richest of all African empires, the Songhai, barely lasted 140 years, finally succumbing to civil war and political instability in 1591. It was followed by the Dendi Kingdom, a weak and ineffectual entity which began as a puppet state of the Saadi Arabs in Morocco.
The Benin Kingdom (Edo people) of present day Nigeria was more successfull, ruling over the tribes of the Niger Delta. They did develop a system of writing, and artifacts indicate a culture of accomplished artisans, skilled with bronze copper and Ivory. Their first contact with Europeans waas in about 1500. Significant trading developed between England and Benin based on the export of ivory, palm oil, and pepper, however the Edo soon realized that their most profitable commodity were slaves, which commanded payment in Manilla (bronze rings used as currency) and guns. Benin began to decline about 1700, and by about 1850 it was gone.
Those three examples are Africa's greatest historical legacy.
The Maya of Meso-america alone made a far better showing than any African empire, and for far longer.
The western powers took only dirt from Africa. It is the ingenuity of western civilization that turned dirt into resources. Japan learned to turn dirt into resources by, at first, copying the west, then developing its own research and technology. China is doing the same thing now - poaching intellectual property from the west and also developing its own.
i dont know i hardly see that development just look how many africans die in the mediterraeo
Whilst you make a good point regarding the colonial legacy, your criticism of Structural Adjustment Programs is superficial. African states only accepted these programs because they were unable to develop in an economically sustainable way and they would not have if they were doing 'pretty good' as you suggest. Look at disintegration into military and single party rule, incompetence, corruption and the patronage system. These are also legacies of colonialism but Africa is not always the victim
Graham West Africans are always the victim.
we Africans always moaning about the past, we are each others worst enemy,
This is full of errors.
The young lady doing the presenting left out some crucial difficulties. Starting with Belgium abusing Congo. OK, Belgium is now gone but she said something like "the west is still extracting..." That, young lady, is mental confusion.
Mainly, nobody is extracting anymore. Congo is exporting since it is a free country now. And she noted that Congolese are suffering from bad things like rights abuses.
Same same, look to the Congolese government for blame and surrounding Gov's for some blame in not trying to reform the bad-boy Congolese Government that's doing such a bad job.
With that bad start, she went downhill.
DevilDocNowCiv she's actually right. As a Congolese ( don't know about your ethnicity btw), everyone and barely each of our neighbors ( Rwanda, Burundi etc..thanks to Kabila) are extracting our wealth in our land especially in the Katanga area by killing countryside people. And as you may not know, Belgian people didn't left the country they are mostly owning companies and working with Congolese which is another form of colonization since they own most of the companies in Kinshasa and other areas.
So yes, we are suffering from rights abuses.
Gee. That's corruption these governments allow to take place, to blame any foreign entity, especially the whole of any foreign people for what one entity does alongside African governments, is racism. Pure and simple.
You speak as if you know more than the people who are affected .you adopt systems of divide and rule. If you are not winning,you fuelled war,like in Libya, Congo, Sudan,etc. All cos of crude oil and other mineral resources.
Learn about the pact for the continuation of colonization by France, then come back with an honest comment
Fatoumata Waggeh is the sickest name
This is a core tenant of CRT. Buyer be ware
We wuz kangs an shiet?
Lets start actioning
Bravo !!! Fantastically Brilliant.
Ii really enjoy this