Exercises for Scapula Winging and Irregular Shoulder Movement - Pt. 2 | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @LarsRyeJeppesen
    @LarsRyeJeppesen Год назад +8

    Your channel is so underrated. Impressive and super valuable information. Finally got my scapula winging in under control thanks to this

  • @neuman_adventures
    @neuman_adventures Год назад +3

    You are by far one of the most technical physical therapists I have found on youtube; Thank you! Without people like you, I would probably have to be in pain for the rest of my life per the healthcare industry having no good model for motivation to transform their clients

  • @latobkk830
    @latobkk830 3 года назад +15

    Superb. I've been watching your channel for a few days now here in the U.S. One of the best, detailed, and comprehensive Physio specialists on RUclips.

  • @bitcoinforex6963
    @bitcoinforex6963 2 месяца назад +1

    So glad I found this video !

  • @lukedunn6107
    @lukedunn6107 Год назад +1

    You’re brilliant. Thank you for existing and sharing this knowledge

  • @arthurjwan176
    @arthurjwan176 2 года назад +7

    Oh my God!!! This is so good! After trying so many different things and watching tons of videos and trial & error, i do believe this exercise finally did good for my winged scapular! Woooo!

  • @agarwaldo
    @agarwaldo 2 года назад +2

    This is the best explanation I’ve seen on RUclips as well as during my residency training. Your channel is absolute gold thank you 💪🏾💪🏾

  • @jacain1234
    @jacain1234 2 года назад +4

    Great video. The scoop is just external rotation of the humerus. I would think working the external rotators like the infraspinatus and teres minor would definitely help with this too.

  • @brianshears8583
    @brianshears8583 3 года назад +3

    This guy knows his stuff. Love his vids. Great job bro 👍👍

  • @theenlightenedone5429
    @theenlightenedone5429 2 года назад +2

    Amazing exercise. Tried it out and it feels great. Thanks Doc!

  • @loriwilliamson5738
    @loriwilliamson5738 2 года назад +1

    Excellent info and demonstration. Supurb explanation. Thank you so much!

  • @gracema8631
    @gracema8631 Год назад +1

    so helpful !!!! thank uuu so much

  • @monpederson
    @monpederson 2 года назад +3

    I have been doing the part 1 exercise all week and it truly helps along with other strenthening for the scapula. I find it odd how this winging imbalance occured in the first place. i always thought I was good and hitting all body parts in a good way. Now here I am training basic function. Regardless of that, thank you for the video which is worth people's time.

  • @UndefinedLastName
    @UndefinedLastName 3 года назад +1

    Fantastic video! Thanks

  • @anilmarakkar8304
    @anilmarakkar8304 3 года назад +1

    Thanks, will try

  • @chriswalker7972
    @chriswalker7972 3 года назад +2

    Awesome this is great 👍

  • @sarah241lotus6
    @sarah241lotus6 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for the video ❤ please how many times a week should we be doing this to get a result within few months ?

  • @SnaqBreezy
    @SnaqBreezy 5 месяцев назад

    Hello Tim, first of all thank you for your valuable content you explain everything in depth but in an understandable way as well.
    I have a question for this exercice : when I do the scooping motion that you mentioned to stop the shoulder from going forward, I get a nerving sensation in the back of the shoulder near the teres minor muscle, that radiates in the thumb index and middle fingers. This prevents me from executing the exercise properly without that sensation. Do you have any suggestions on what it could be and/or how to change that?

  • @Daegusaram
    @Daegusaram 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for the good video! I think it's a Lu Raises transformation.I'll keep that in mind!

  • @IG1veUp2
    @IG1veUp2 2 года назад +5

    Hi Tim! Question: in pt 1 you referenced the possibility of having one scapula winging while the other is normal. This is exactly what I have. Should I be doing these exercises on the weak side only? Or for both?
    Thank you so much for such helpful videos!

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      The good side helps you learn for the weak side so do both

  • @philosopher4393
    @philosopher4393 3 года назад +1

    Thank you. This is cool

  • @aprilhassell1747
    @aprilhassell1747 2 года назад +1

    I need that same band your using.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Online shop coming soon! 😄

  • @naid08
    @naid08 2 года назад +1

    Awesom video! Should one worry about shoulder elevation in the upmost position or should it just feel natural?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Natural but make sure there is some elevation!

  • @Awkwardfruitfly
    @Awkwardfruitfly 3 года назад +3

    Hi Tim. Do you have any more exercises for neck problems? I have pains in my neck a lot, I’ve started doing chin tucks which help but I think I need others, thanks

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  3 года назад

      Yep have a look back at the neck videos

  • @samedge8854
    @samedge8854 3 года назад +1

    great. nothing was hitting the spot. this is way better.

  • @LisaMcloughlin
    @LisaMcloughlin Год назад +1

    Hi, These are great! My husband has developed a long thoracic nerve palsy that has taken out his Serratus Anterior (after excessive repetitive movements taping boxes for parents moving house). I used to be a physio and am trying to help him through it. He no longer has pain and he can get a flicker of SA forward-leaning and a slight push through arms on a table and in supine (scapula plane of the arm with slight push). He cannot recruit SA in four-point kneeling. I am making sure relevant muscles are stretched (like pec minor, Levator Scap, etc, and ROM is maintained and working rotator cuff IR and ER with band and arm by side and forward lean rows, etc, lots of posture correction, and taping of the scapula). Are your exercises for scapula winging suitable for recovering palsy (I know the one above may be too advanced right now)? Do you recommend an order to work through them or have a link to assist with weakness due to nerve injury? It is hard to get the right physio promptly in the NHS at moment and private treatment is not a possibility right now. I would really appreciate any 'signposting' as I think your videos and ways of teaching are of a high standard and really clear. I have not been a physio for 10 years now so feeling rusty but can 'step up' with a little light guidance. Thank you.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  Год назад +1

      Physiorehab.com for the shoulder programs

  • @andrewriggi7489
    @andrewriggi7489 10 месяцев назад +1

    What kind of band are you using? Looks very light? I'd like to buy one.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  10 месяцев назад

      It’s a theratubing - Head to shop.physiorehab.com

  • @BcroG11
    @BcroG11 2 года назад +2

    In part 1 you mentioned that the upper trap and the rhomboid also play a part in the position and movement of the scapula. Are we going to see a video about exercises for those muscles as well?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад +2

      Shoulder press and rows videos are already on the channel

  • @theenlightenedone5429
    @theenlightenedone5429 2 года назад +1

    So you have any videos for anterior instability of GH joint?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Have a look at the labral tear videos

  • @TheGalacticIndian
    @TheGalacticIndian 2 года назад +1

    This is way more useful for humanity that yet another Minecraft video👌 THANK YOU!!

  • @inflewenzers.8460
    @inflewenzers.8460 2 года назад +2

    omg...i have done this yesterday...and today at work my full upper back cracked.but ii think in the right way.....did i have to do this everyday...or one day pause?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Try every second day and see how that goes

  • @hannahmontana1752
    @hannahmontana1752 2 года назад +2

    What r someScapular workouts 2 Build up

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Have a look at my shoulder rehab programs at physiorehab.com

  • @mark4lev
    @mark4lev 2 года назад +1

    What do you think of bill Hartman etc. they seem to think nowadays that the problem is the thoracic ribcage being compressed a-p, rather than the actual scapula winging.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Not totally sure what you’re talking about. I have not heard of Phil Hartman. Should I have?

  • @ottovonneumann4018
    @ottovonneumann4018 3 года назад

    Do you have something for herniated discs in neck and upper back pain? Any exercises or stretches for relief?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  3 года назад

      Yep have a look a bit further back in time

  • @juanmaguire6482
    @juanmaguire6482 7 дней назад

    what do you think about rolling your shoulders, like swimming forward and backward but obviously not in water for this injury

  • @k2vaja00
    @k2vaja00 3 года назад +1

    So, it's better to start with this one rather than the one done against the wall? Then progress to the wall exercise?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  3 года назад

      Best to try wall first, hence this is part 2

    • @k2vaja00
      @k2vaja00 3 года назад +1

      @@physiorehab Heh, makes sense! Thanks for the reply! This exercise really feels effective and after doing the exeecise the shoulder plates feel... well, different and better.

  • @khalidshoukry33
    @khalidshoukry33 3 года назад +2

    What is the solution for overactive pec minor ?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  3 года назад

      Do less aggravating exercises, more mobility and more activation of antagonists

  • @Melody-iy9bw
    @Melody-iy9bw 2 года назад

    i tried this one, but my elbow is hyperextension which prevent me to feel my aimed muscle, when i do this i feel pain in my elbow, how do i fix this? thank you very much

  • @tetricko
    @tetricko 2 года назад

    Does this resolves the pain and wakes up the serratus eventually?
    Or this is just a way to cope with the injury. Because i have injury to my long thoracic nerve.
    My nerve is bruised but not cut. Will it heal itself with these exercises or do i need surgery because its been almost 1 year.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      Those recoveries can take a long time. Keep going with as many exercises as you can

    • @xXLethalxSpAzXx
      @xXLethalxSpAzXx 2 года назад

      Happend to me, except it’s been 3 years and I recently got surgery

    • @tetricko
      @tetricko 2 года назад

      @@xXLethalxSpAzXx which kind of surgery?

    • @xXLethalxSpAzXx
      @xXLethalxSpAzXx 2 года назад

      @@tetricko decompression of the LTN

    • @tetricko
      @tetricko 2 года назад

      @@xXLethalxSpAzXx is it successful 100% no complications?

  • @ginny177
    @ginny177 2 года назад +1

    If i have a lateral winged scapula? IS IT propriate?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      You mean is it ok to have? Ideally if you are playing sport, getting older and doing weights - then no. However some people can get through life totally ok

    • @ginny177
      @ginny177 2 года назад +1

      @@physiorehab nope .i mean if there is a different exercise for medial and lateral winging scapula.thanks

  • @mountainhouse8134
    @mountainhouse8134 3 года назад

    Wouldn’t it still be better to do this in wall? That way pressure into wall fires serratus ant while you activate lower trap.. it’s ok that upper trap fires (since it’s an upwards rotator) just as long as UT/LT ratio is in favor of the lower trap since it’s harder to train than upper trap. All 3 need to be working in unison

  • @nazzfitness2341
    @nazzfitness2341 3 года назад +3

    Have you seen anyone get rid of scapular winging by doing these exercise?

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  3 года назад +4

      Yes it all helps. But this is just one - have a look at the scapula press exercises

  • @adds8235
    @adds8235 Год назад

    Wonder if the missus will mind me wrapping it around her ankle while she's doing the dishes 😆

  • @populigaudeamus6299
    @populigaudeamus6299 3 года назад +3

    Tim, first of all thanks for your hard work & dedication. Secondly, I need a calendar of you doing different stretches. Third, @ 1:22 in the reflection 👀🍑😏🔥

  • @GadgetyMV
    @GadgetyMV 2 года назад +1

    Interesting and it would be easier to see the correct action without the shirt.

    • @physiorehab
      @physiorehab  2 года назад

      So short off next time ? 😂

    • @GadgetyMV
      @GadgetyMV 2 года назад

      @@physiorehab Haha, not unless wearing a body suit. I'm trying to find the correct alignment of the scapula and it's easier the more visible it is. For side lying down external rotation with the elbow bent, I've yet to find a video of the back with showing the position of the scapula. Everyone shows it from the front, but that's like the no brainer part.

  • @apolyedapolyed7524
    @apolyedapolyed7524 2 года назад

    6 minutes.