LEGO The Hobbit: Azog's Battle Plan

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • POTENTIAL SPOILERS: I haven't seen the movie yet, I'm just guessing based on my knowledge of the book. So it's not a REAL spoiler....but my theories are probably right ;)
    When it comes to military tactics, Azog prefers the simple approach...KILL EVERYONE NOW!!!! This time it doesn't work out for him.
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    / brotherhoodworkshop

Комментарии • 556

  • @zacharymille3885
    @zacharymille3885 8 лет назад +663

    "should have waited man,
    should have waited!"
    this cracked me up so bad

  • @Aagerds
    @Aagerds 9 лет назад +776

    So some goblins and orcs actually aren't that stupid. Makes you wonder how Azog ever became a commander.

    • @goblinRa2a
      @goblinRa2a 9 лет назад +10


    • @Hiperforteca
      @Hiperforteca 9 лет назад +105

      He iz da biggest and da strongest, of course.

    • @kieslingsfilms
      @kieslingsfilms 9 лет назад +3

      Hiperforteca yes cuz he go him a whaaaaaa!!!!!!!! :D

    • @Bigbabki
      @Bigbabki 9 лет назад +16

      +Hyper Come on Boyz ! it iz time for zi WAAAAAAGH!!!

    • @adrenochromejunkie
      @adrenochromejunkie 8 лет назад +14

      If you pay attention, most goblins and orcs really aren't that stupid - just incompetent fighters (depending on their leader).

  • @reptileman2582
    @reptileman2582 9 лет назад +530

    These Lego Hobbit figures are all designed so well! Who agrees?

    • @TheLetterbomber
      @TheLetterbomber 9 лет назад +16

      Definitely! Only thing is Dain's done a bit lazily (Rehash beard on a guy with a distinct one, and reuse of Gloin's head) But he's still mega-awesome!

    • @reptileman2582
      @reptileman2582 9 лет назад +18

      That is true, but Lego had 13 dwaves to design, so I don't really mind if one or two ar'nt amazing.

    • @Sairky
      @Sairky 4 года назад +1

      They are amazing

    • @philipmartin3411
      @philipmartin3411 4 года назад +2

      @@TheLetterbomber they reuse Dwalin's beard and change the colour, not Gloin's

    • @TheLetterbomber
      @TheLetterbomber 4 года назад +3

      @@philipmartin3411 (wow old comment) that's true he does have Dwalin's beard, but the Dain figure *also* reuses the same head print that's done for Gloin. Both the beard and head are reused.

  • @jargostudios2746
    @jargostudios2746 9 лет назад +246

    Yeah, orcs are really smart, the only problem is their boss ;)

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад +3

      Your right except for the fact that they are goblins. Not orcs. Goblins are in the Hobbit book, while Lord of the Rings has orcs

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад

      Orcs are oversized goblins

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад

      Hmmm, I guess you're right. When I read the book, I imagined them to be small

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад

      Maybe I'm just imagining things

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад

      In the movies, there is only Orcs

  • @Vikingr4Jesus5919
    @Vikingr4Jesus5919 3 года назад +50

    Goblins: "How about this tactic?"
    Azog: "Look, Hollywood said I could get the lead role if we attack at dawn. So we attack at dawn!"
    Goblins: "...You serious?'

  • @Kumagoroo23
    @Kumagoroo23 9 лет назад +82

    "Shouda waited man"
    Too epic hahahha!!!

  • @doit-thesenate1727
    @doit-thesenate1727 9 лет назад +43

    The jumping Orc at 1:04 Looks very like a Gentleman!

  • @elijahsellers3727
    @elijahsellers3727 5 лет назад +27

    That's hilarious. I love listening to the Orcs talk.

  • @legofreak86
    @legofreak86 9 лет назад +258

    Its ironic cause Azog's battleplan in the movie is flawless, clever and strategic. If it weren't for some unforeseen factors he would've been almost guaranteed victory. Your right though, in the book it plays out like this, without Azog and with no military coordination whatsoever. Funny vid though. :)

    • @Caarnji
      @Caarnji 9 лет назад +43

      legofreak86 But it played out the same in the movie, he was observing the armies nearly clashing, but than signaled and started the attack before the 2 armies obliterated themselves.
      This was still a little less worse than the dragon scene in which the dragon somehow doesn´t really want to light the tower with the idiot and son on fire while burning down everything else..just not the most obvious and big building with a guy and giant spear on it...yah sure^^
      Than to make it even worse the next super obvious plot armor going on when he prepares to fire the arrow for 10 minutes with the dragon in front of him...I so fucking hate plot armor like that^^ :p

    • @legofreak86
      @legofreak86 9 лет назад +31

      Yeah but that would never have worked, there weren't nearly enough dwarves to stand against the elves and men, the elves would have come out on top and there would just a be one less army to worry about. I was talking in regards to his battle coordination in the actual battle, not the buildup. He engaged the main force, but then sent a huge contingency to attack the poorly defended dale, knowing that the eleves and men would defend it and leave the dwarves to defend erebor alone, therefore whilst the elves and men were occupied and outnumbered in the city, the dwarves would be utterly spread thin and outnumbered on the battlefield, meaning Azog gets to his goal, the mountain and can therefore take that killing his greatest enemy and securing that position, then bolg's forces would arrive and the combined forces would raze dale to the ground and kill everyone left, orcs would then win. Azog didn't count on thorin uniting the disorganised forces under one banner but still made it work to his advantage by luring thorin to ravenhill and trapping him and the main dwarves there in an inescapable ambush and then bolg's forces would join the battle, cut off thorin's escape and then join the main force and kill everyone else. If it hadn't been for the eagles then Azog would've won either way. I was a flawless battle plan. As for smaug he was angry and boastful, he didn't see the people of lake town as a threat, they are helpless and beneath him, he was mocking at the idea of someone challenging him, so he wanted to play with bard as he fired his pathetic arrows at him, he did not expect bard to even be able to use the black arrow as the windlance which is usually the only thing that can fire a black arrow in film continuity was destroyed during his first pass of the city along with the town hall, he saw it more of an annoyance and he soon headed for bard once he had aimed it, the sequence is in slow motion so smaug was actually going quite a bit faster before he got hit. Smaug was cocky and egotistical and so sure of his victory, this fits smaug's persona but it is also his main weakness, bard used that to his advantage simple as, no plot armour at all, smaug just didn't want to kill him straight away, he wanted to mock him a bit and play with him showhim how futile he was and then kill him for daring to challenge him, make an example out of this so called hero.

    • @Caarnji
      @Caarnji 9 лет назад +13

      legofreak86 Oh please, the talkative cocky villain that does crap until the hero can turn the table is very much a plot armor...a pretty overused one. And that the hero prepared the weapon that can hurt him in sight made it even worse.
      That was like Bond taking his gun which is in pieces out in front of Goldfinger and assembling it, while Goldfinger is being all: "Blahblahblah, I will kill you now Mr. Bond. Are you really assembling that gun? Mr. Bond are you even listening? Shouldn't I kill you already? Wait, the script says no. Blahblahblah"...gets shot. No plot armor indeed^^ :p
      Also good that you mention the eagles, they were not just "bad luck" for the orcs plan, they were typical deus ex machina of arriving "superweapon" in the last second, so another plot armor on top of the plot armor...for double plot armor protection. =)

    • @legofreak86
      @legofreak86 9 лет назад +11

      ***** The book is exactly the same... blame Tolkien for using them as deus ex machine for every problem that can't be solved by Gandalf.

    • @fantasywind3923
      @fantasywind3923 7 лет назад +23

      In the book the supreme commander was of course Bolg of the North, son of Azog, and he seemed quite competent both as individual warrior and captain. In general the Orcs/Goblins showed remarkable level of sophistication and organization in both preparation and the battle itself. In truth though they could not know of or use the strife between the Dwarves, Elves and Men to their advantage because their troops hoping to use of the element of surprise (which largely they did achieve and it was in their favour) arrived precisely at the moment when the amassed armies were almost at each other's throats and Gandalf used the shock of arrival of new force (from the North which also aided to their secrecy of approach), to held a truce and hastily summon a council between the leaders. Dain, Elvenking and Bard made a quick and improvised plan of action but they had very little time before the assault started. The Orc intelligence was mentioned but the situation was changing rapidly :).
      "Ever since the fall of the Great Goblin of the Misty Mountains the
      hatred of their race for the dwarves had been rekindled to fury.
      Messengers had passed to and fro between all their cities, colonies and
      strongholds; for they resolved now to win the dominion of the North.
      Tidings they had gathered in secret ways; and in all the mountains there
      was a forging and an arming. Then they marched and gathered by hill and
      valley, going ever by tunnel or under dark, until around and beneath
      the great mountain Gundabad of the North, where was their capital, a
      vast host was assembled ready to sweep down in time of storm unawares
      upon the South. Then they learned of the death of Smaug, and joy was in
      their hearts : and they hastened night after night through the mountains, and came thus at last on a sudden from the North hard on the heels of Dain. Not even the ravens knew of their coming until they came out in the broken lands which divided the Lonely Mountain from the hills behind. How much Gandalf knew cannot be said, but it is plain that he had not expected this sudden assault."
      The prelude was like this, Dwarves of Dain arrived and were moving round the eastern spur of the Mountain, the allied forces of Lake-men (their remaining military/militia and volunteers, since most of civilian refugees, women and children and elderly remained in makeshift camp made thanks to Thranduil's help on green shore of the Lake) and Wood Elves were preparing to deal with them (after the usual meeting of envoys :)):
      "Suddenly without a signal they sprang silently forward to attack.
      Bows twanged and arrows whistled; battle was about to be joined. Still
      more suddenly a darkness came on with dreadful swiftness! A black cloud
      hurried over the sky. Winter thunder on a wild wind rolled roaring up
      and rumbled in the Mountain, and lightning lit its peak. And beneath the
      thunder another blackness could be seen whirling forward; but it did
      not come with the wind, it came from the North, like a vast cloud of
      birds, so dense that no light could be seen between their wings.
      “Halt!” cried Gandalf, who appeared suddenly, and stood alone, with
      arms uplifted, between the advancing dwarves and the ranks awaiting
      them. “Halt!” he called in a voice like thunder, and his staff blazed
      forth with a flash like the lightning. “Dread has come upon you all!
      Alas! it has come more swiftly than I guessed. The Goblins are upon you!
      Bolg of the North is coming. O Dain! whose father you slew in Moria.
      Behold! the bats are above his army like a sea of locusts. They ride
      upon wolves and Wargs are in their train!” Amazement and confusion fell
      upon them all. Even as Gandalf had been speaking the darkness grew. The
      dwarves halted and gazed at the sky. The elves cried out with many
      “Come!” called Gandalf. “There is yet time for council."
      As for the Eagles well they are not miraculous solution to every problem even though it may seem sometimes like that, the Great Eagles that joined the Battle of Five Armies were for long observing the movements of the Orcs, their troops amassing (though even they could not follow them all the time, since Orcs also transported their forces through underground tunnels). The gathering of Eagles also took some time before they were able to sweep down, their arrival was what tipped the scale but I'm certain it's only because the opportune moment of their arrival not to mention that they were able to drive off the force of Orcs that scaled the Mountain slopes (Goblins wisely divided their troops to attack the defenders from both sides, unlike in the movie, the Elves, Dwarves and Men were closely cooperatin and were focused on keeping to the high ground on both spurs of the mountain sides to pin the arriving forces (that still outnumbered the defenders greatly) from two directions.
      So it's far more complex than people imagine hehe. The orc army was able to surround take the defenders from two sides, also in the center they kept their elite troops, including the bodyguards of Bolg, great warriors themselves (Bolg and his personal guard were responsible for death of Thorin which means they were tough enemies).
      "Day drew on. The goblins gathered again in the valley. There a host of
      Wargs came ravening and with them came the bodyguard of Bolg, goblins of huge size with scimitars of steel."
      "His flanks were unguarded. Soon the attackers were attacked, and they
      were forced into a great ring, facing every way, hemmed all about with
      goblins and wolves returning to the assault. The bodyguard of Bolg came
      howling against them, and drove in upon their ranks like waves upon
      cliffs of sand. Their friends could not help them, for the assault from
      the Mountain was renewed with redoubled force, and upon either side men
      and elves were being slowly beaten down."

  • @BrickGalaxycreatives
    @BrickGalaxycreatives 9 лет назад +5

    The rate you put your videos out is incredible and it's not like you cut corners or scrimp on sets, animation or effects everything is top notch, my hats off to you sir!

  • @silversaberstudios8173
    @silversaberstudios8173 4 года назад +12

    You’re are amazing BotherhoodWorkshop, you’ve always been a role model to me. All of your animations are outstanding, you have fantastic voice acting and they are always funny. Keep up all the terrific work!!

  • @joelbaumgarten8436
    @joelbaumgarten8436 7 лет назад +38

    1:19. Gimli is dead and it doesn't even make sense!!!!!

    • @conortague5410
      @conortague5410 5 лет назад +1

      Joel Baumgarten It’s really a random Dwarf. They just put him there as an extra. It’s really because of his helmet, right?

    • @blitzcrieg101
      @blitzcrieg101 4 года назад

      I saw that too!

  • @grobytill4302
    @grobytill4302 9 лет назад +37

    I watched the hobbit, this is accurate actually xD

  • @HarryAndBillyBrick
    @HarryAndBillyBrick 9 лет назад +14

    The last seconds were EPIC! :)

  • @XX-sp3tt
    @XX-sp3tt 3 года назад +3

    Bilbo, "What happened?"
    Dwarf, "We, won." *falls over dead*

  • @iansin7722
    @iansin7722 7 лет назад +4

    Although Azog might've wanted to delay the Attack, he just couldn't. He could not possibly signal his underground army from Ravenhill in like a few hours. Plus, originally (b4 the orcs went underground) he thought they were teaming up against him anyway.

    • @finnmcg73
      @finnmcg73 6 лет назад +2

      oh its just a bit of fun calm down

    @COMMANDERFOX31 9 лет назад +54

    Amazing! When will you release the lighting tutorial? And how do you deal with dust on your sets?

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +15

      Probably mid way through January. I was gonna post it this month, but decided to make Hobbit vids instead.
      I don't really have an issue with dust.

    • @legobanananerd1087
      @legobanananerd1087 9 лет назад +1

      BrotherhoodWorkshop hey, if you could answer that would be great!, In your latest HISHE video with the sand people, why did you use yellow mini=figs?

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +3

      lego banana nerd Cause I didn't have the newer versions :) simple as that.

    • @FynnSpider
      @FynnSpider 9 лет назад

      ***** I love your stop motion videos!!!!

    • @legobanananerd1087
      @legobanananerd1087 9 лет назад

      who dozent?!

  • @executionerairsoft8055
    @executionerairsoft8055 9 лет назад +2

    Kind of accurate to the movie so good guessing. Although agog didn't actually fight in the main battle, he just fought four of the dwarfs that went up to ravenhill. I haven't finished the book yet (don't have a copy, so I borrowed it a few years ago but had to turn it in before I finished it) but I probably would of guessed the same thing. Great videos, I love your animations.

    • @NachoDaMan
      @NachoDaMan Год назад

      I know this comment can go to second grade now, but I really wanna say it. Wait was dead before the hobbit took place. He was killed in moria by dain after thror was killed.

    • @NachoDaMan
      @NachoDaMan Год назад +1

      Azog* not wait. I hate autocorrect

  • @solitarysurreal3652
    @solitarysurreal3652 2 года назад +1

    The dialogue's brilliant 😂😂😂 I love these.

  • @LukeWarmStudios
    @LukeWarmStudios 9 лет назад +65

    Awesome! How come there's like four Gimlis?

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +17

      They just have his armor. They have different beards and faces.

    • @LukeWarmStudios
      @LukeWarmStudios 9 лет назад +1

      BrotherhoodWorkshop Oh. Hey how long did it take you to make this?

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +10

      Luke Warm Studios 30ish hours.

    • @captainericwinklebrown2887
      @captainericwinklebrown2887 9 лет назад +7

      BrotherhoodWorkshop where do you get these amazing ideas from???
      I love them so much
      The orcs are so cute in what they do!:-D

    • @LukeWarmStudios
      @LukeWarmStudios 9 лет назад +1

      BrotherhoodWorkshop wow!

  • @DragonGunzs
    @DragonGunzs 9 лет назад +4

    im kinda new to stopmotion making so id love another toutorial. so far your other viddeos have helped me as well. keep up the good work

  • @chrisjohnson7039
    @chrisjohnson7039 Год назад +1

    I love how Gandalf is like everyone’s parent in this😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @mirkodiego171
    @mirkodiego171 8 лет назад +8

    Yeah actually i never realized how dumb azog's plan was... Then again, its kinda hard to disguise an orc and send him as a spy

  • @edwardhuff72
    @edwardhuff72 9 лет назад +3

    Great work once again! Nice snowfall effects btw

  • @LegoLogicalWithJosh
    @LegoLogicalWithJosh 9 лет назад +1

    I love this animation! Well done BrotherhoodWorkshop you guys have once again upped the lego animation!

  • @benedictkiswanto4692
    @benedictkiswanto4692 3 года назад +1

    Azog's not only cruel, he's stubborn as well

  • @wyattarment9557
    @wyattarment9557 6 лет назад +1

    your theories ARE correct. I love this video, it is probably my favorite

  • @kroyatful
    @kroyatful 9 лет назад +2

    Can you guys make like all the battle scenes from Battle of Five Armies? You guys are amazing.

  • @EligioEmes
    @EligioEmes 9 лет назад +1

    Cool animation, good idea and nice work.

  • @ChenfengBao
    @ChenfengBao 9 лет назад +1

    So witty and funny! My love for this channel is growing as each new video comes out XD

  • @elijahsuarez3619
    @elijahsuarez3619 9 лет назад +1

    Amazing Video as Always! You are such an inspiration to me!

  • @JordanDeanGoT
    @JordanDeanGoT 9 лет назад +2

    That was great! Nicely done.

  • @sebastian_dohnal
    @sebastian_dohnal 9 лет назад +6

    This is FANTASTIC!!

  • @swankycinema3604
    @swankycinema3604 9 лет назад +1

    Great video! Stop animation is difficult to master, and you guys do a great job at it. Plus picking Middle-Earth as your subject is a total home run! I'll definitely be checking out the rest of your stuff that I haven't seen yet. :)

  • @MoonlightWalnut
    @MoonlightWalnut 9 лет назад +1

    It came out in the UK on Friday...I watched it at the cinema, yeah that was pretty much what happened but on a larger scale as the orcs had two massive armies, not just one.

  • @rydermcneal2025
    @rydermcneal2025 9 лет назад +1

    Wow! That was AMAZING! Thank you for being one of the biggest inspirations in my life! You certainly have a bright future!

  • @RC5108Gaming
    @RC5108Gaming 9 лет назад +1

    Im in awe on how you did this!

  • @Ohlevar
    @Ohlevar 9 лет назад +1

    This is frickin awesome man! I love all your videos! :) MORE PLEASE!:)

  • @SecretSpyStudios
    @SecretSpyStudios 9 лет назад +1

    Sweet! Can't wait until it comes out.

  • @tommyfox854
    @tommyfox854 4 года назад +8

    Who's here willing to bet that this actually happened in the film; two orcs saw the stars alline and Azog didn't. That'd be funny if so. =)P

  • @jumbocatstudios7239
    @jumbocatstudios7239 6 лет назад +2

    So, what kind of clay do you use to make your ground work? I’ve wanted to try your technique out, but I don’t know what you use.

  • @mrpobear
    @mrpobear 9 лет назад +1

    Love these vids, always looking forward to your films.

  • @DeadpoolAndFriends
    @DeadpoolAndFriends 9 лет назад +2

    Best Commercial for the movie Yet!

  • @ryanramnarine4843
    @ryanramnarine4843 9 лет назад

    I wish he listened to the battle plan lol great stop motion brotherhood workshop

  • @markguardiana600
    @markguardiana600 6 лет назад +4

    Those orcs are smarter than Azog

  • @batcoolstudios4236
    @batcoolstudios4236 5 лет назад +1

    You’d think that was a hishe. Don’t get me wrong here. This was hilarious 😆

  • @jackalhead7433
    @jackalhead7433 7 лет назад +4

    Lol Orcs sound like Queen Mab from 1998 Merlin miniseries

  • @randomboaz4890
    @randomboaz4890 9 лет назад

    Man your videos are getting so good

  • @affogatoplays
    @affogatoplays 9 лет назад +1

    Loved the vid! Quick question, how did you make the snow on the rocks so realistic? Whipped cream? Nail polish? A reply would be amazing!

  • @bagglesstudio
    @bagglesstudio 9 лет назад +1

    Great job, loved it

  • @cameronhodgetts920
    @cameronhodgetts920 3 года назад +1

    But if Azog had waited instead of striking at dusk, there's a good chance someone else would've killed Thorin, so there would be no point. The orcs aren't there to take Erebor, they are only there because Azog wants revenge.

  • @ClassicCharco
    @ClassicCharco 9 лет назад +1

    Awesome! Do you put any video effects like colour filters or anything into your animations or is it all done in camera?

  • @mysterioussunshine2026
    @mysterioussunshine2026 4 года назад +1

    How do you know how to speak orc for Azog while the other orcs speak clear English?

  • @bowmanruto
    @bowmanruto 9 лет назад

    ive tried making stop motion video's so many times but after i made no progress in my eyes i stopped... your video's and especially your verry first animations video really inspired me to pick up lego stop motion animation again... (btw i found you becurs off HISHE and am so glad i did)

  • @Downzy2019
    @Downzy2019 3 года назад +1

    That's what was going through my head when I watched the movie, if the orcs had of held off the attack till say dusk there would of probably been a a victor of the Dwarf/Elf battle and they would of been weakened plus they would have the cover of darkness advantage as orca have decent night vision.

  • @GamingAngryNinja
    @GamingAngryNinja 9 лет назад +5

    "Shoulda waited man. Shoulda waited."

  • @paulav7961
    @paulav7961 4 года назад

    If only Dysentery could make movies as awesome as this :)

  • @logan.weisberg
    @logan.weisberg 7 лет назад +7

    Everyone was laughing so hard, 71 people missed the like button

  • @pugmaster490
    @pugmaster490 9 лет назад +1

    This is hilarious!!! Amazing job!!

  • @marcoarcamone8409
    @marcoarcamone8409 9 лет назад

    this is a hobbit videom we know....but your creativity is the best in the world!! congratulations

  • @gazda69
    @gazda69 9 лет назад +1

    Hey, brotherhood Workshop. Question: do you think you will ever do a video together with Forrestfire101?
    Btw, looks like you are gonna compete against Forrest in round 2 of Battle of the Brick Flicks.

  • @iasimov5960
    @iasimov5960 4 года назад

    Like Capt. Ahab, Azog allowed obsession to cloud his judgement.

  • @idiotbrickdoctor
    @idiotbrickdoctor 9 лет назад

    Film was awesome. My 2nd fave out of the six after the fellowship of the ring

  • @TheGeneralMoe114
    @TheGeneralMoe114 9 лет назад

    Great mouth movements!

  • @jayblade2000
    @jayblade2000 9 лет назад +1

    Should have waited man.... should have waited....

  • @rodrigopenaloza521
    @rodrigopenaloza521 9 лет назад +1

    worms couldnot stop digging up, its pretty difficult recieving orders from underground, earthquakes, and miles away, without walkie-talkie, plus Azog didnt know about dwarf army... send orcs back plus kilometers of tunnels and stop those worms... K.O. xD (look momy ive killed lots of trolls at youDale) by the way the video was funny.

  • @PedroVictorPegoPego
    @PedroVictorPegoPego Год назад +1

    1:13 Gimli? Is that you?

  • @mysterioussunshine2026
    @mysterioussunshine2026 4 года назад +1

    0:46 nobody heard that?

  • @vladranta2858
    @vladranta2858 9 лет назад

    Man I like very much your videos!
    You're awesome!

  • @lettuceprime4922
    @lettuceprime4922 9 лет назад +1

    To be fair, Azog probably did the tactically sound thing by attacking at dusk.
    After all, whoever won the battle between the Elves and the Dwarves would have won the Mountain - and lord knows tearing that thing open with either an army of Dwarves or Elves inside would be insane. I think Azog just intended to steamroll through both of them and hit Erebor directly, but Idk. He also sent a large contingent of his army to attack civilians in Old Laketown for reasons that aren't readily apparent. :/

    • @GuukanKitsune
      @GuukanKitsune Год назад

      Dale, and because orcs are douchebags who delight in suffering and death and love to have slaves.

    • @chadpeterson5698
      @chadpeterson5698 Год назад +1

      It’s because he’s evil.

    • @GuukanKitsune
      @GuukanKitsune Год назад

      @@chadpeterson5698 Well put.

  • @olavsveras5415
    @olavsveras5415 9 лет назад

    Great vid as always

  • @SecretSpyStudios
    @SecretSpyStudios 9 лет назад

    This is one of your best!

  • @idiotbrickdoctor
    @idiotbrickdoctor 9 лет назад

    You should do another epic battles episode with shelob vs tree beard.

  • @bricko1136
    @bricko1136 9 лет назад

    This is so great! You make the best videos!!! :)

  • @Rubencollazohalo12fan117
    @Rubencollazohalo12fan117 9 лет назад +1

    Will you do a big battle of five army's stop motion ??

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +6

      Maybe. I really want to, but I'm not sure if my schedule will allow it. Currently I already have 3 unfinished videos in the works, 4 more that are finished but not posted, a 2 week vacation in January, and 2 commissioned jobs from LEGO that will keep me booked up through the Summer when I get back.
      Whew! I'm swamped! But be excited for the LEGO gigs ;) They aren't hobbit, but they are very cool.

    • @MarimbaMaurice
      @MarimbaMaurice 9 лет назад

      Really looking forward to those videos! This was great ^^

  • @islayhaters7787
    @islayhaters7787 9 лет назад +11

    BW, you are pretty good! Your stop motions are great, but forrestfire101 is better at stop motions. No offence, just my opinion. Once again, great work ;)

    • @amazenick8801
      @amazenick8801 9 лет назад +1

      Yeah, the quality of Forrest's videos is better. His videos are more enjoyable and they focus more on humor and action.

    • @bumblebee7195
      @bumblebee7195 9 лет назад

      Sorry, BW. You are a great animator, but Forrestfire101 will always be superior to everyone.

    • @iamawesomeandsoareyou1940
      @iamawesomeandsoareyou1940 9 лет назад +2

      Really? I think they are both equaly good

    • @keralisfanclub7652
      @keralisfanclub7652 9 лет назад

      I kinda have to agree. Hope Forrest wins Battle of the Brick flicks!

    • @AustinNooe
      @AustinNooe 9 лет назад +1

      Then go watch his videos.

  • @MrSporeGamer
    @MrSporeGamer 9 лет назад +1

    How do you make the orc voices? It sounds so cool :D
    also the premiere was today not 17th, where did you get that from? (00:03 for me)

  • @peachesandcream8851
    @peachesandcream8851 9 лет назад

    In Norway, the new hobbit movie came out 10.desember i saw the movie yesterday.

  • @robinhoodworkshop9379
    @robinhoodworkshop9379 9 лет назад

    Thats the best video you've ever did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @cinematicstudios2185
    @cinematicstudios2185 9 лет назад

    Nice job, I liked the orc talking :)

  • @hp3126
    @hp3126 9 лет назад

    I really like the end when azog died and the orcks are werry funny

  • @one-armedwampa5864
    @one-armedwampa5864 9 лет назад

    When changing focus mid-shot do you change the focus, take a picture, change the focus more, take another picture, ect. or do you refocus in one go?

  • @JinxJJ9
    @JinxJJ9 3 года назад

    I remember this as a kid this was soo funny.

  • @KikeRorschach
    @KikeRorschach 9 лет назад

    I just came back from watching the movie (I'm from Mexico,we got it before some places), it's really great, and for me is the best of the Hobbit trilogy

  • @enigmaticvaran6597
    @enigmaticvaran6597 4 года назад

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing as I watched the movie (and rolling my eyes)

  • @bawshafft4881
    @bawshafft4881 5 лет назад

    This makes my day everytime...

  • @oleandreasteistedal8401
    @oleandreasteistedal8401 9 лет назад

    Can you do some lego back to the future? I saw that you have the lego car in a behindescenes video.

  • @cdavis4111
    @cdavis4111 9 лет назад

    nice job making the elk

  • @xenomorph_636
    @xenomorph_636 4 месяца назад

    We need to name the 2 smart orcs.

  • @Legocityandmore
    @Legocityandmore 9 лет назад

    Great video. Very funny stuff! :)

  • @Rostro27
    @Rostro27 9 лет назад

    New sub here! You have great material so far, keep it up. :)

  • @motion-movies
    @motion-movies 9 лет назад

    you should make the clip where thorin fights azorg. your vidios are great!

  • @itzakhywell7668
    @itzakhywell7668 8 лет назад

    Another great vid keep it up.

  • @traianfilip616
    @traianfilip616 3 года назад

    How him had Dain minifigure,because the video was posted in 2014 and the film was made in 2015...

  • @xx235ti5
    @xx235ti5 9 лет назад

    Your videos is awesome! can you make barrel Escape in lego?

  • @TheKarlStudios
    @TheKarlStudios 9 лет назад

    Awesome video (again!) :D Do you have a suggestion where to buy good green/bluescreens?

  • @sateda
    @sateda 9 лет назад

    I am so glad we get the film tomorrow :)

  • @Raving_Rando
    @Raving_Rando 9 лет назад

    1:12 How did Dylan get his hands on an Uruk-Hai blade?

    • @BrotherhoodWorkshop
      @BrotherhoodWorkshop  9 лет назад +8

      He has a night job working in the Isengard forges.

    • @markB.Heffner91
      @markB.Heffner91 8 лет назад

      +BrotherhoodWorkshop Ah I remember this when this came out So Cool. I See Two Future Goblin Leaders if Of Course They Didn't Get Killed Though. Sorry for the Very late entry / reply. Just EPIC Man. Hope You Make More of These Soon. Awesome Video and Keep Up the Great work ;-)

  • @simonicle222
    @simonicle222 9 лет назад

    What do you like the most about animating

  • @HollywoodLego
    @HollywoodLego 9 лет назад

    00:13. Gandalf: Stop it!