TEDxUFM: Magatte Wade - Disruptive Brands as Cultural Innovation
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Magatte Wade was born in Senegal and educated in France. Her first company, Adina World Beverages, was founded in her home kitchen and was originally based on indigenous Senegalese beverage recipes using organic ingredients.
The company is now the most widely distributed U.S. consumer brand founded by an African entrepreneur. The World Economic Forum named her one of their Young Global Leaders for 2011, and she is currently launching her second company, Tiossano, producing luxury organic skin-care products based on indigenous Senegalese skin care recipes.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Just came from watching her on Jordan Peterson's RUclips. What a phenomenal woman.
Me too. She is to be admire
I pray we all find the purpose which she has found
I just did the same. I feel deeply in love of her drive and zeal
same she blow my mind
An extremely great talk from 12 years ago and still relevant. Thank you ❤
Fast forward to today and this Warrior is going to move the continent of Africa to economic and cultural power!
she's a real leader!!!
You have no idea how badly I needed to hear this as i m thnking of starting my own business. It s so inspiring.
Love her take on how to actually make a difference, in a humble, realistic manner.
wow if you ever see this i want you to know that it resonated with me on such a high level. I’m so grateful africa has people like you to work on its behalf and i hope to meet you one day
ps: i almost cried myself
This is a confirmation of my purpose ☺️
Such a brilliant young lady ❤️
Terrific. I hope this gets a lot of views. It needs to be heard.
Magatte Wade, I wish I could work with you. You are on the right track. Continue on your journey and be blessed!
Hi Magatte,
You are welcome! Please take a look at what we are doing and be inspired. My Website is: www.BlackBusinessNetwork.com/halliehughes (Feel free to join, it's FREE!)
Magatte Wade Hi Dear,
I hope you are doing well, it been 2 years that I have been looking to get in touch with you but I don't know where to start and how I can reach you there you are, I would like to invite you as speaker for our programmes of promoting youth entrepreneurship and women's entrepreneurs called global entrepreneurship conference programme which will be held in DR Congo in Kinshasa, please if you see this message feel free to contact me on my email : renedieukipoyi58@gmail.com or rennedieu@connectxglobal.fr
I'm looking forward to hear from you once again thank you.
Your sincerely!
Renedieu Kipoyi
I hope maybe you have crossed paths by now.🙏
I don't know adequate adjectives to describe this. Just another amazing sister being great.
Thank you so much my dear Magatte Wade. Africa needs more inspiring women like you. I hope many of us will learn from you. Together, let us EMPOWER mama AFRICA; she truly deserves it. Thus, CHANGE is imminent.
👏Existem várias histórias de superação ao redor do mundo. Vejo nela todas as expectativas e as adversidades para trás, superando todas as dificuldades. Talvez até você mesmo seja essa pessoa, senão, conhece uma. O mundo está repleto de exemplos de superação. E isso é ótimo, pois mostra neste video mostra uma habilidade que qualquer um pode adquirir, mas nem todos fazem questão de contar com ela. Pura realidade e resiliência. 👏👏👏Parabêns!!!
Marvelous, I am delighted to hear you concern and learn of your passion. I too am deeply concerned about what is happening to Africa and her people. Keep the good work up.
Magatte really flows well on this subject-critical to success
Wonderful! Dream big for Africa. I would love to visit.
WOW!...this definitly goes to my favourite list!..
Very Smart, Motivated and Motivating Woman.
I am impressed. Well done. And congratulations. African has a lot to offer.
good lord i was just thinking the other day about how africa needs a marketing campaign and good branding.
i loved this video! great message and motivation!
heard her on Jordan Peterson too. She is inspirational. The meek will inherit the earth.
She s amazing...
Excellent !
Great talk!! I want to add to the ideas: We should sell the culture (not only brands) of Africa to the USA. This means selling a healthier culture and lifestyle to that of the Culture in the USA. Unfortunately we have some work to do on the Africa culture to be cooler than that of the USA.
This is amazing Magatte Wade. I truly enjoy this presentation. Would you be my mentor please?????
"Instead of being the subject of ´how are we gonna fix things´, we become the solution to problems in America"...simply brilliant. :D
Good stuff.. lofty goal
This inspired me to question myself : how can I make Guatemala (my country) an economic and cultural power?
Ana Lucía Solórzano Support the microfiance movement and get your goods exported so Western tourists know about it
Very true indeed.
very true , I really like your accent
Some people totally misunderstood her message.
I recommend that they watch the interview between her and Dr. Jordan Peterson.
It makes me have hope that something will be worked out in Africa.
+Wilson Kubwayo Nothing will change. Unless you change it yourself buddy :) We cant keep expecting others to change the status quo for us!
Amazing 😉
Now here is a positive and audacious example of a black woman
Magatte, please look into the ministry of Rolland and Heidi Baker in Mozambique. I think you and them will have wonderful synergy!
+clemente miranda Good point. We first need to develop a brand worthy to be consumed there. Some work to do still.
+Julian Hibbert
+clemente miranda Cool idea!
Julian Hibbert ...THANKS MAN.
She is not Dambisa Moyo. Dambisa Moyo is the economist. Magatte Wade is an Entrepreneur
no veo los subtitulos en español...
@12:57 Thank you!! It'll only make things worse. Think first.
Youths are right to think about going America because we do not have nothing to offer, those would say that Africa is rich and they would be right but the way we lead ourselves is not at all appropriate for this modern life. If our government leaders give them what they are looking for they wouldn't have to go anywhere.
Africa needs a brand... umm... there is something you could do.. it worked before....
The "hookup culture" is one in which females hookup as means to developing a relationship??
So what's the hookup culture called in which females aren't "playing a man's game" and instead are just wanting to hookup on the same superficial level?
I believe we shouldn't copy the Capitalist ways of the USA! That's not who we are! I am also African. Africa is so beautiful, rich and the start of all humanity.
We need to find a new way.
We have the chance to restart humanity, and this time without the evils of what a capitalist society brings. Money is killing the African culture and spirit of abundance. As Africans we need to build a unique culture, that works for us!!
We have never needed soda pops in the billions of years that Africa has been here. Only advertising and the USA say we need soda pops!
Let's figure out a new way. A way the rest of the world will love and want to be a part of. That's the only way we can get the USA kids to want to come to Africa! A place free from Capitalism, artificial happiness and old regime ways!
love this, love you!
50 Hertz hurts.
She needs to travel more before making blanket statements about a group of people. smh Someone let her know that everything you see on TV is not true.
Naivete can be very, very dangerous, more so than ignorance.
Really good points, but, a couple of minutes over time, and probably twice as long as it needed to be.
So, u think Africa would do well and be well without money? I'm really sorry, but that's the way it goes my friend... from what I've heard u kinda doing pretty well in Brazil, right? It ain't all about the money, right? Idealist utopia shall save no one, in the world as we know it. Sad? Deal with it and quit hypocrisy... or maybe u should give a better TED talk!
I think she is only thinking about money, money, money.... it's all about money...
Maria Jose Stopa yes it’s all about money
Whe you ask to any senegalese young person bla bla... Bullshit! What you've said about seeking for american passports conerns nobody but you. You pretend having mastered other african people's thought. You spend most of your time to depreciate yourself as african without been truthfull toward those people whom you talk to. Yes of curse you about great job with yours projects okay, but it doesn't mean you've got the right to disrespect your natural community as you do.
Tu es complètement parano. Elle a donné sa vie et son énergie pour l'Afrique, elle mérite du respect.
Tu es fier d'être Africain, bien. Mais que fais-tu tout les jours pour que l'Afrique soit fière de toi ?
elle merite le respect certainement de ta part mais pas pour moi! du moins, tant qu'elle n’arrêtera pas de rabaisser les africains pour hisser son business. C'est faux et archi faux qu'elle ait prétendu connaitre le reve de tout africain qui selon elle est d'avoir un passport americain c'est faux c'est son reve à elle et à sa famille ouais MAIS elle n'a pas à parler pour tous les africains. chui un parano peut etre but I'm not a follower!
Tu crois qu'elle pense vraiment que TOUT les africains rêvent de partir ?
Je suis moi même africain et ce n'est pas le cas.
Mais ne nous voilons pas la face, tellement d'Africains partent chaque jour, et c'est normal. L'Afrique est tellement dure à vivre. Il suffit de regarder les candidats à l'émigration.
"follower" ou pas, ce n'est pas le problème. Après sa mort, on pourra dire : Magatte Wade a rendu l'Afrique plus agréable et les Africains plus fier. C'est la seule chose qui compte, aujourd'hui, la médiocrité na plus sa place chez nous.
Tu interprètes mal ses propos.
N'essais pas d'etre l'avocat du diable voyons! elle a bien dit "when you ask ANY senegalese young person and pay attention guys young person" Je ne crois pas mal interpreter ses propos. Afin si on s'en tient à l'anglais conventionnel.
L'afrique est dure à vivre comme partout. Je ne devrais même perdre mon temps à te repondre du moment que sais que tu es afro-pessimiste. N'y a t-il pas aujourdhui des portuguais qui rêvent de décrocher un emploi en engola? N'ya t-il pas des francais qui plaquent tout en europe pour venir faire leur vie à Dakar ou à ABIDJAN? Ben alors!
C'est tout à fait naturel qu'il y ait des africains qui aspirent à tenter l'immigration et à vivre ailleurs. Les en empêcher serait leur priver de l'un de leurs droits les plus fondamentaux qu'il est la liberté de mouvement.
Je redit encore que le fait qu'elle ait arrivé à construire un concept qui marche sur le plan international en tant qu'africaine ne peut que nous rendre fiers. Elle n'a qu'a suivre le chemin qu'elle s'est si bien tracé jusque là mais en se gardant déprécier la valeur de toute la jeunesse africaine avec ses fausses affirmations! je dis non!
Et puis comment elle a rendu l'afrique plus agreable à vivre dites moi? A t-elle établie ses company en afrique? A t-elle crée des emplois en afrique? Paye t-elle ses impots en afrique? lol Quels sont les africains impactés directement par l'activité de Magatte wade? repondez dabord à ces questions apres on verra si le debat merite d'etre poursuivi!
***** Je ne pense pas qu'on est entrain de parler le même language. Si je te comprends bien donc sous pretexte que l'afrique est un continent en developpement que maintenant il est permis à qui veut de cracher dessus et de se justifier ensuite par la vieille chanson de la pauvreté dont on nous a tant timpanisé les oreilles et se livrer à la comparaison de données économiques passe temps favori des apprentis économistes. Il ne s'agit pas de cela. Du tout!
S'il y'a tres peu d’européens qui viennent en afrique, n'empeche que c'est un fait patent
Et même encore que les Japonais dont tu fais allusion, ils se sont appuyé sur qui pour reconstruire leur pays en un temps records de 10ans apres avoir fait les frais de Hiro et naga en 45? se sont-ils appuyés sur les americains? ou sur les europeens? Non justement ils ont cru en eux pour partir de rien et arriver aujourd'hui à avoir un tel GDP. Ils auraient pu pourtant choisir la voie de l'immigration parce que d’après vous quand rien ne marche faut plier bagage. On se retrousse pas les manches en encourageant l'immigration sous pretexte que rien ne marche.
Etre realiste c'est bien mais pour moi y'a pa de frontiere entre l'imaginaire et le reel. Il suffit juste d'oser affronter l’état reel des choses et essayer de les tourner à son avantage. Chaque peuple a sa propre histoire, mais ya pas de pays primitivement développé. Nous africains notre destin n'est pas naturellement forclos. Et notre avenir ne sera que ce qu'on en fera. Et peut etre qu'on devra certainement commencer par croire en nos capacités et arreter de s'autodeprecier! En afrique il y'a tellement de brillants entrepreneurs qui font de tres bons CA avc tout ce cela engendre comme retombé positive,mais qui ne fléchissent pas pour autant devant un parterre d'europeens ou d'americains pour manquer de respect à la jeunesse africaine comme elle l'a fait.