I needed this today. 😭 I’m 32, have never been in a relationship, and deeply desire marriage to a godly man. I will not settle and I tell other single Christians the same. God has His best for us. We just have to keep trusting and waiting on Him!
This is very encouraging message. I have been single for more than 2 decades after I broke up with my first & last boyfiend . I am saving myself and waiting for God's right time to fulfill his promise in my life. Nevertheless I am happy serving the Lord faithfully.
This really touched me about Melissa. I actually had a boyfriend die this year and I thought we were going to be married. It's encouraging to know that I don't have to settle for crumbs either!
Poet The-Xtra wow me to. my boyfriend died 2 years ago an I'm celibate waiting on God to send my husband. but while I waiting I'm productive in this season I Embrace every season God places me in. I owe it to God to wait. I encourage u to wait to God will bless u with his best
Unfortunately we all won't marry some of us will some of us won't ... In the end it's not about me it's about God and pleasing him. My heart wants to please him if he wants me to marry it will happen until then I'm on battlefield for the lost and my love ones . God can do beyond what we think he knows our desires and wants until then rest in him and his will... I hope that encourages someone ... Don't get caught up with the things of this world its distraction ... Get busy for God .... That's way more important
Why is it "unfortunate"? It isn't. Contrary to 24/7 propaganda, there isn't one best or right way to live. Given how women are treated in marriage, I say good riddance that it is on the decline.
Well said! “It’s not about me, it’s about pleasing God,” amen to that, I needed to be reminded of this! Was just pressured by a friend of mine asking why I’m not married yet (I’m 26) and I know if it’s God’s will for me, it will happen, but until then, my life is all about serving and glorifying the Lord
I tell myself to keep trusting God and another thing,God doesn't work with age,Look at the great men and women in the Bible No matter one's age in life whether young or old,God will still do His works and miracle
To add to my previous comments after reading other people's comments, you guys I just want to say Well done! and please don't give up,God is still on the Throne and still in control and Ive been through a lot of challenges but God helped me through them all and I'm still standing. Yes,I miss and crave for companionship but it doesn't mean One has to settle for less,Oh No! I will not I'm going to do what one of the commentators wrote to pray and live my life,travel and go on adventures and get out of my comfort zone. I know its not easy being or living alone but we are not alone. god is here and I believe God will give us the grace to be alone till He brings the right or suitable partner for His children. So in the mean time,its to relax and enjoy life,be kind to others and keep trusting and praising God,worshipping God who knoweth all things and makes everything beautiful as His own time
I've read Wendy's book and loved it! I need to step up my faith and trust God in this area of my life. I'll be 30 in a few weeks Lord willing, and I wonder if I'll ever become a wife to a loving husband.
Ugh...I'm over 30 and just want God to remove this desire for a Christian husband, if the answer is "no". God is first in my life and the only men I ever come across who love the Lord like I do, aren't even in the same state as I am. I don't want to long for a Christian husband if it's God's will for me to be alone forever.
Jesus is the truth hey! So someone once told me if you have a desire in your heart, God will fulfill it. Obviously not bad things or harmful things. Just have to be patient and remain faithful. I don’t think you’d have this desire for God not to fulfill it. He’ll find you soon ❤️
That is how I feel too. I am turning 43 at the end of the year and beyond concerned it may just not happen for me. When you go years at a time without a decent relationship its makes you wonder. I will just leave it in God's hands. What is meant to be will be.
30 year old virgin male here burning with passion for years and I feel it would be absolutely wrong of me if I didn't marry a woman who was also a virgin. I hold out all hope that there's a woman out there who has managed to hold out and do the same!
There are women out there like that but if that’s what you prioritize you probably wont find a loving, long term relationship. We typically don’t find love with the person we build up in our head.
Melissa story is similar to mines. my boyfriend died as well an at first I said I never want to date again then now I'm at the point where i miss companionship an I want to be married. I'm celibate now an I'm waiting on God. I'm gonna stay pure until my wedding night. But during my wait I'm very productive God has shown me my purpose in life an I'm keeping busy.
all well and good, ladies, but don't be so strict that you pass up a good guy because you can't see the forest for the trees - past 40, the statistics are you only have a 5% chance of getting married - if that is important to you, then think very hard before dismissing a nice guy because you are too persnickity - none of you are perfect ...
Wow God bless all the single ladies,parents out there;if he did it for Melisa he is able and Mighty powerful to do it for me and any sister or Brother;trust believe agree yes waiting is worth it for God knows what's best for me and has the best for me your past is the past what matters is how far you have come and how God our Lord Jesus christ have bring us throu it all,he has saved me heald me,redeemed me,purified me and santify me and I must say his still working on me,for what he started he will fenish for the Glorry of our Everlasting father Almighty Lord God king of kings,Lord of Lords Jesus lover of my soul Amen.
So many decent Christians will never get married sad but true. This story has a happy ending that will not be a reality for too many good people. Prolonged singleness can be a very bad thing in life. At what point do you give up so much of your life to singleness that when it comes to marriage you settled for crumbs anyway?
If you are lonely for your entire adulthood and finally marry after seventy you only have crumbs of life left as far as marriage goes. Even if it's a fulfilling, happy marriage. (At fifty I don't think that's likely.) Old age is real. So is death. Why aren't we focused more on Heaven? That's our true home where true love waits. Our true happy ending.
@@RachelNichols-writer Singleness does not necessarily mean that you have more time on your hands than married people. I run a small business and for the last twenty years I’ve been a care giver to sick family members. I assure you I am very focused on God but that doesn’t mean that it’s been good never having had a companion in life. I feel ready for Jesus to remove me from this world anytime He’s willing to take me.
🙏“Padre, sé que he violado tus leyes y mis pecados me han separado de ti. Realmente lo siento, y ahora quiero alejarme de mi vida pecaminosa pasada hacia ti. Perdóname y ayúdame a evitar volver a pecar. Creo que su hijo, Jesucristo, murió por mis pecados, resucitó de entre los muertos, está vivo y escucha mi oración. Invito a Jesús a convertirse en el Señor de mi vida, a gobernar y reinar en mi corazón desde este día en adelante. Por favor envía tu Espíritu Santo para ayudarme a obedecerte y hacer tu voluntad por el resto de mi vida. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén "
Met my husband at 40. Would I have liked to have met him earlier? Absolutely. But I am grieving that part that may not be able to be able have kids and I grieve the amount of time I've waited. Its still painful to think how long I waited and its okay to admit that it's painful, because not even my husband will ever truly understand how painful it was to wait that long. So it's okay to admit that it can cause pain and sometimes anger.
I am a Christian. I am not sure if true women of the LORD have given up on their search for the person they pray to marry; nonetheless, my perspective on dating is based on Christian living. Also, I do not believe in fornication, nor shaking up. I do not drink, nor smoke. I made my decision about the kind of girlfriend, fiance, wife, mother of my future children (One Christian woman) that I want to marry; and I've been praying for a Christian wife since I was in high school and college. Today I am still praying...
Dear God🙏♥️💕 in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.
This is a wonderful story. There is a problem for Christians because of the low ratio of Christians to non-Christians. Remember Isaac needed a wife and Abraham had to send his servant back to his original home place to find the right woman and what a story without end that has become. Single Christians should be more pro active and prayerful, seeking God and seeking a soul mate. We all know it is not good to live alone. Please look for your new life partner and may God bless everyone who opens their eyes to what God is saying.
The real problem is that we singles usually have no support from our married "brothers and sisters". Churches are more into "closing the deal" via marriage. Rather than "opening negotiations" by helping singles meet other singles. How can one NOT settle for crumbs when that is all that seems to be the only available option for most older singles? When I use to attend church, looking at the bulletin was torture. I felt that there was a hierarchy of ministerial priorities that idolized couples and families. To me, it was like a potluck where the families went first. By the time we single got our turn, there was oftentimes nothing left for us. Just whatever crumbs were leftover.
same its a dream of mine to be married one day and also to become a mother and know that i tournd 24 i struggled so much with this desire but i want God to remove it because i'm not ready i want to work on myself become the woman he wants be to be and take time to heal, growth, learn......
Honestly, does anyone else just want to get married and have kids? Wish there was no dating stage. Maybe I’ll marry a close guy friend but I have none right now.
The Gospel of salvation of our souls: 💜💕💜💖💞💜💕For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,
Two failed relationships back to back after 13 & half years of being single. Now 35. I'll admit. I don't like being single. It doesn't suit me. I just don't want it. I just want a husband & children & always have.
You aren't entitled to either. You need to accept the fact you chose to be single, and then deal with it. A fantasy about Prince Charming and little kiddies is just that-a fantasy. It has nothing to do with reality. You don't need a husband and you don't need kids to be a full human being.
God is love, God has a plan for you. put your trust and faith in him and watch your life transform.. he will bring that person to you in the right season. until then, pray, live your life, travel, start a business, go on an adventure, do things that scare you, live outside of your comfort zone because god has given you a gift so you should use that gift while you wait... Someone reading this needs to know God loves them.. x
Querido Deus🙏no céu, venho até você em nome de Jesus. Reconheço-te que sou um pecador e sinto muito pelos meus pecados e pela vida que tenho vivido; Eu preciso do seu perdão. Eu creio que o seu filho unigênito Jesus Cristo derramou Seu sangue precioso na cruz no Calvário e morreu por meus pecados, e agora estou disposto a abandonar meus pecados. Você disse na bíblia que se confessarmos o Senhor nosso Deus e crermos em nossos corações que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos, seremos salvos. Agora mesmo eu confesso Jesus como meu Senhor. De coração, acredito que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos. Neste exato momento eu aceito Jesus Cristo como meu Salvador pessoal e de acordo com Sua Palavra, agora estou salvo. Um homem.
So is it settling if the guy is ugly but he loves you to the moon and back...he is christian loves the Lord has a good job but he is just not appealing to the eye
Yes, because women are *all* the same in that they follow the *LAMPS* model without equivocation. Looks Athleticism Money Power Status Even so-called Christian women abide by that modality above godliness, ethics, morals, and integrity - *especially* if they are considered in most social circles to be *attractive.* There is no distinction between saved and unsaved women in this regard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is insulting your intelligence and lying to your face.
This is good. I always hear that I need to trust God. I have a friend that has been texting me and calling me but he stopped texting and calling me and he said that we have to wait too. It is hard to do but I am trying.
no, he did not - you are taking things out of context and we don't care what 'Paul' has to say, we care about what the Holy Spirit said THRU Paul, who was a servant, mortal, imperfect sinner like all of us
Marriage takes more responsibility and Jesus even tells us to be single and focused if we can. Marriage is a vow and promise from God that is expecting you to honor so don't rush into it anyways
Evangelio para la salvación de tus almas💞💕💜💕❤💞💕💜 Porque ante todo les transmití a ustedes lo que yo mismo recibí: que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados según las Escrituras, que fue sepultado, que resucitó al tercer día según las Escrituras, y que se apareció a Pedro, y luego a los doce. Después se apareció a más de quinientos hermanos a la vez,
O Evangelho: 💜💕💜💖💞💜💕Pelo que recebi, passei a vocês como de [primeira importância]: que Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados segundo as Escrituras, que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia de acordo com as Escrituras, e que ele apareceu a Pedro e depois aos Doze. Depois disso, ele apareceu para mais de quinhentos irmãos e irmãs ao mesmo tempo,
You should not listen to anyone who tells you “don’t settle for crumbs” this is a unGodly comment and speaks of riches and material things. God might bring a crumbs person in a person life then bless it afterwards. That’s a comment from Hell
Crumbs as in someone who doesn't even meet the minimum essential requirements. I don't believe in divorce so I can't just accept anyone that comes along.
Past their prime is not biblical. God specializes in dealing with people past their prime. Look at Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth. Why gloat over peoples misfortune!
But what to do? I was just dating this fine young christian guy and we were getting into bed when I realized he had some serious skid marks all over this underpants. He saw my concern, just laughed and said, "There's more where that came from". I said "Well Praise Jesus" and he answered, "Yeh sure!!" A total back-entry kinda guy!
this is my what'sapp number ... +923039612365 contact me ... i am 26 year old .. strong and healthy and have ability to stand with you... Contact me ... i am single ...
@@chudarytv1081 I've been trying to contact you but the number you gave is not going through. I would like to get in touch with you if you wouldn't mind.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend. If she don't have purely boyfriend for long term relationship so she contact with me. I'm looking serious partner for long term life
I needed this today. 😭 I’m 32, have never been in a relationship, and deeply desire marriage to a godly man. I will not settle and I tell other single Christians the same. God has His best for us. We just have to keep trusting and waiting on Him!
Hi, my name is Ahsan and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm single & 29 years old
Same! I’m 33
At the age of 35.....I can honestly say....i don't won't to settle NO MORE! HAVE YOUR WAY GOD 🛐❤😊
"Step up your faith" I needed to hear that today.
I'm single and I'm 29 years old. I'm looking one care loving girlfriend.
This is very encouraging message. I have been single for more than 2 decades after I broke up with my first & last boyfiend . I am saving myself and waiting for God's right time to fulfill his promise in my life. Nevertheless I am happy serving the Lord faithfully.
this is my what'sapp number ... +923039612365 contact me ... i am 25 year old .. strong and healthy and have ability to stand with you...
My name is Ahsan and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm single .
This really touched me about Melissa. I actually had a boyfriend die this year and I thought we were going to be married. It's encouraging to know that I don't have to settle for crumbs either!
Poet The-Xtra
wow me to. my boyfriend died 2 years ago an I'm celibate waiting on God to send my husband. but while I waiting I'm productive in this season I Embrace every season God places me in. I owe it to God to wait. I encourage u to wait to God will bless u with his best
I would like to know you more, feel free to call me or what's up at +254704192536
My condolences, nothing is impossible with GOD reach out to other men
Traci neal I’m so sorry for your lost how can I contact you
ms prayer warrior I’m sorry
Nothing is impossible for God
This was AMAZING!! Melissa is phenomenal and her story is inspiring
Unfortunately we all won't marry some of us will some of us won't ... In the end it's not about me it's about God and pleasing him. My heart wants to please him if he wants me to marry it will happen until then I'm on battlefield for the lost and my love ones . God can do beyond what we think he knows our desires and wants until then rest in him and his will... I hope that encourages someone ... Don't get caught up with the things of this world its distraction ... Get busy for God .... That's way more important
Why is it "unfortunate"? It isn't. Contrary to 24/7 propaganda, there isn't one best or right way to live. Given how women are treated in marriage, I say good riddance that it is on the decline.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 year old.
Well said! “It’s not about me, it’s about pleasing God,” amen to that, I needed to be reminded of this! Was just pressured by a friend of mine asking why I’m not married yet (I’m 26) and I know if it’s God’s will for me, it will happen, but until then, my life is all about serving and glorifying the Lord
I tell myself to keep trusting God and another thing,God doesn't work with age,Look at the great men and women in the Bible No matter one's age in life whether young or old,God will still do His works and miracle
This was so timely and encouraging especially in the time of Corona and how hard finding quality people in 2020 is.
To add to my previous comments after reading other people's comments, you guys I just want to say Well done! and please don't give up,God is still on the Throne and still in control and Ive been through a lot of challenges but God helped me through them all and I'm still standing. Yes,I miss and crave for companionship but it doesn't mean One has to settle for less,Oh No! I will not I'm going to do what one of the commentators wrote to pray and live my life,travel and go on adventures and get out of my comfort zone. I know its not easy being or living alone but we are not alone. god is here and I believe God will give us the grace to be alone till He brings the right or suitable partner for His children. So in the mean time,its to relax and enjoy life,be kind to others and keep trusting and praising God,worshipping God who knoweth all things and makes everything beautiful as His own time
I've read Wendy's book and loved it! I need to step up my faith and trust God in this area of my life. I'll be 30 in a few weeks Lord willing, and I wonder if I'll ever become a wife to a loving husband.
I know and strongly believe that God does not forget anybody no matter your past or what you've been through over the years
Lord, thank you for renewing and strengthening my faith once again. Please help me to continue to wait well on you. In Jesus’ name, amen!!
i had a vision from God about my future. ive been waiting and still am for years now. don't give up!
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
Ugh...I'm over 30 and just want God to remove this desire for a Christian husband, if the answer is "no". God is first in my life and the only men I ever come across who love the Lord like I do, aren't even in the same state as I am. I don't want to long for a Christian husband if it's God's will for me to be alone forever.
Jesus is the truth hey! So someone once told me if you have a desire in your heart, God will fulfill it. Obviously not bad things or harmful things. Just have to be patient and remain faithful. I don’t think you’d have this desire for God not to fulfill it. He’ll find you soon ❤️
Sheslie101 Thank you very much for the uplifting message. ❤
God bless!
That is how I feel too. I am turning 43 at the end of the year and beyond concerned it may just not happen for me. When you go years at a time without a decent relationship its makes you wonder. I will just leave it in God's hands. What is meant to be will be.
all things delightful amen hopefully we'll both end up with a-man lol
Hey, don't ask the LORD to remove that desire for your Christian husband, for His will is higher than your request.
30 year old virgin male here burning with passion for years and I feel it would be absolutely wrong of me if I didn't marry a woman who was also a virgin. I hold out all hope that there's a woman out there who has managed to hold out and do the same!
There are women out there like that but if that’s what you prioritize you probably wont find a loving, long term relationship. We typically don’t find love with the person we build up in our head.
Melissa story is similar to mines. my boyfriend died as well an at first I said I never want to date again then now I'm at the point where i miss companionship an I want to be married. I'm celibate now an I'm waiting on God. I'm gonna stay pure until my wedding night. But during my wait I'm very productive God has shown me my purpose in life an I'm keeping busy.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old.
all well and good, ladies, but don't be so strict that you pass up a good guy because you can't see the forest for the trees - past 40, the statistics are you only have a 5% chance of getting married - if that is important to you, then think very hard before dismissing a nice guy because you are too persnickity - none of you are perfect ...
Wow God bless all the single ladies,parents out there;if he did it for Melisa he is able and Mighty powerful to do it for me and any sister or Brother;trust believe agree yes waiting is worth it for God knows what's best for me and has the best for me your past is the past what matters is how far you have come and how God our Lord Jesus christ have bring us throu it all,he has saved me heald me,redeemed me,purified me and santify me and I must say his still working on me,for what he started he will fenish for the Glorry of our Everlasting father Almighty Lord God king of kings,Lord of Lords Jesus lover of my soul Amen.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
So many decent Christians will never get married sad but true. This story has a happy ending that will not be a reality for too many good people. Prolonged singleness can be a very bad thing in life. At what point do you give up so much of your life to singleness that when it comes to marriage you settled for crumbs anyway?
If you are lonely for your entire adulthood and finally marry after seventy you only have crumbs of life left as far as marriage goes. Even if it's a fulfilling, happy marriage. (At fifty I don't think that's likely.) Old age is real. So is death. Why aren't we focused more on Heaven? That's our true home where true love waits. Our true happy ending.
@@RachelNichols-writer Singleness does not necessarily mean that you have more time on your hands than married people. I run a small business and for the last twenty years I’ve been a care giver to sick family members. I assure you I am very focused on God but that doesn’t mean that it’s been good never having had a companion in life. I feel ready for Jesus to remove me from this world anytime He’s willing to take me.
🙏“Padre, sé que he violado tus leyes y mis pecados me han separado de ti. Realmente lo siento, y ahora quiero alejarme de mi vida pecaminosa pasada hacia ti. Perdóname y ayúdame a evitar volver a pecar. Creo que su hijo, Jesucristo, murió por mis pecados, resucitó de entre los muertos, está vivo y escucha mi oración. Invito a Jesús a convertirse en el Señor de mi vida, a gobernar y reinar en mi corazón desde este día en adelante. Por favor envía tu Espíritu Santo para ayudarme a obedecerte y hacer tu voluntad por el resto de mi vida. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén "
Met my husband at 40. Would I have liked to have met him earlier? Absolutely. But I am grieving that part that may not be able to be able have kids and I grieve the amount of time I've waited. Its still painful to think how long I waited and its okay to admit that it's painful, because not even my husband will ever truly understand how painful it was to wait that long. So it's okay to admit that it can cause pain and sometimes anger.
I am a Christian. I am not sure if true women of the LORD have given up on their search for the person they pray to marry; nonetheless, my perspective on dating is based on Christian living. Also, I do not believe in fornication, nor shaking up. I do not drink, nor smoke. I made my decision about the kind of girlfriend, fiance, wife, mother of my future children (One Christian woman) that I want to marry; and I've been praying for a Christian wife since I was in high school and college. Today I am still praying...
Keep on praying Good to know there are still men like you around. God bless
@@terrymusalia8999 Thank you for your compliment.
@@fabianmcintyre5901 you are welcome I am praying for the same thing
@@terrymusalia8999 A-Men. It is good to know there are still women like you who pray for the same thing.
Terry Musalia How long have you been praying?
I got no faith In getting married 35 single and have no prospects in marriage
Nothing is impossible to GOD, ur blessed
Just grow up and accept it. There is NO Prince Charming who is going to bail you out of whatever funk you are in.
Have faith in God!
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
Same only I am 24.
Very encouraging
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
Very inspiring...😊
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
Dear God🙏♥️💕 in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.
This is a wonderful story. There is a problem for Christians because of the low ratio of Christians to non-Christians. Remember Isaac needed a wife and Abraham had to send his servant back to his original home place to find the right woman and what a story without end that has become.
Single Christians should be more pro active and prayerful, seeking God and seeking a soul mate. We all know it is not good to live alone. Please look for your new life partner and may God bless everyone who opens their eyes to what God is saying.
The real problem is that we singles usually have no support from our married "brothers and sisters". Churches are more into "closing the deal" via marriage. Rather than "opening negotiations" by helping singles meet other singles. How can one NOT settle for crumbs when that is all that seems to be the only available option for most older singles? When I use to attend church, looking at the bulletin was torture. I felt that there was a hierarchy of ministerial priorities that idolized couples and families. To me, it was like a potluck where the families went first. By the time we single got our turn, there was oftentimes nothing left for us. Just whatever crumbs were leftover.
well not everyone wants to marry
this is my what'sapp number ... +923039612365 contact me ... i am 25 year old .. strong and healthy and have ability to stand with you...
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
Rebecca was a preteen or teen, not 30 something
Powered testimonies ✌🏽✌🏽very encouraging
Awesome video, never settle for bread crumbs 🎯👍😀
same its a dream of mine to be married one day and also to become a mother and know that i tournd 24 i struggled so much with this desire but i want God to remove it because i'm not ready i want to work on myself become the woman he wants be to be and take time to heal, growth, learn......
Honestly, does anyone else just want to get married and have kids? Wish there was no dating stage. Maybe I’ll marry a close guy friend but I have none right now.
Lindsthestudent let this bless you
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
@@planerwar2353 where are you located?
The Gospel of salvation of our souls: 💜💕💜💖💞💜💕For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,
Two failed relationships back to back after 13 & half years of being single. Now 35. I'll admit. I don't like being single. It doesn't suit me. I just don't want it. I just want a husband & children & always have.
You aren't entitled to either. You need to accept the fact you chose to be single, and then deal with it. A fantasy about Prince Charming and little kiddies is just that-a fantasy. It has nothing to do with reality. You don't need a husband and you don't need kids to be a full human being.
Laura Voyce, I am touched by your comment. May the will of God be done in your life.
this is my what'sapp number ... +923039612365 contact me ... i am 27 year old .. strong and healthy and have ability to stand with you...
It is well
So touched story
God is love, God has a plan for you. put your trust and faith in him and watch your life transform.. he will bring that person to you in the right season. until then, pray, live your life, travel, start a business, go on an adventure, do things that scare you, live outside of your comfort zone because god has given you a gift so you should use that gift while you wait... Someone reading this needs to know God loves them.. x
Why lie about it? Nobody is entitled to a relationship, let alone marriage, and why in the world would any self-respecting woman want it?
There's hope.....😁
Any advice for single men that aren't over 6ft tall and rich?
Yes. Quit using Tinder.
@@RachelNichols-writer what's the alternative?
Querido Deus🙏no céu, venho até você em nome de Jesus. Reconheço-te que sou um pecador e sinto muito pelos meus pecados e pela vida que tenho vivido; Eu preciso do seu perdão.
Eu creio que o seu filho unigênito Jesus Cristo derramou Seu sangue precioso na cruz no Calvário e morreu por meus pecados, e agora estou disposto a abandonar meus pecados.
Você disse na bíblia que se confessarmos o Senhor nosso Deus e crermos em nossos corações que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos, seremos salvos.
Agora mesmo eu confesso Jesus como meu Senhor. De coração, acredito que Deus ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos. Neste exato momento eu aceito Jesus Cristo como meu Salvador pessoal e de acordo com Sua Palavra, agora estou salvo. Um homem.
I'm 42...
More Americans are just not bothering with it at all. Marriage is on the way out, gradually evolving out of existence. It is not a bad thing.
So is it settling if the guy is ugly but he loves you to the moon and back...he is christian loves the Lord has a good job but he is just not appealing to the eye
C M Yes, that is why people cheat...you can't just have Jesus in common-physical attraction is very important!
Latoya WithanR I'm sorry but this is the most ignorant advice ever!!! God should ALWAYS be the common denominator!!!
Yes, because women are *all* the same in that they follow the *LAMPS* model without equivocation.
Even so-called Christian women abide by that modality above godliness, ethics, morals, and integrity - *especially* if they are considered in most social circles to be *attractive.* There is no distinction between saved and unsaved women in this regard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is insulting your intelligence and lying to your face.
Am single here searching for a serious partner and ready to do business
Me too am just waiting
Can we link up on Whatsapp now +233551972969
I hope you're doing much prayer in your knees and seeking the face of God
@@womanofgod2948 can we chart on Whatsapp +233551972969
@@farminginafrica5220 No we can't, sorry.
Don't settle for crumbs and bums
This is good. I always hear that I need to trust God. I have a friend that has been texting me and calling me but he stopped texting and calling me and he said that we have to wait too. It is hard to do but I am trying.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
If we want to be religious about being single, Paul says that it's better not to marry.
no, he did not - you are taking things out of context and we don't care what 'Paul' has to say, we care about what the Holy Spirit said THRU Paul, who was a servant, mortal, imperfect sinner like all of us
30 , single, happy and not interested! Stop telling me that I have to be married to be happy 🙄
Wesley Lewis But life will be much harder
No it won't.
Don't watch videos on singleness if you are so happy...I am happy there are people out there willing to share from their experiences.
Marriage takes more responsibility and Jesus even tells us to be single and focused if we can. Marriage is a vow and promise from God that is expecting you to honor so don't rush into it anyways
Iffy Beauty ^
Evangelio para la salvación de tus almas💞💕💜💕❤💞💕💜
Porque ante todo les transmití a ustedes lo que yo mismo recibí: que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados según las Escrituras, que fue sepultado, que resucitó al tercer día según las Escrituras, y que se apareció a Pedro, y luego a los doce. Después se apareció a más de quinientos hermanos a la vez,
O Evangelho: 💜💕💜💖💞💜💕Pelo que recebi, passei a vocês como de [primeira importância]: que Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados segundo as Escrituras, que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia de acordo com as Escrituras, e que ele apareceu a Pedro e depois aos Doze. Depois disso, ele apareceu para mais de quinhentos irmãos e irmãs ao mesmo tempo,
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend for long term life. I'm 29 years old
You should not listen to anyone who tells you “don’t settle for crumbs” this is a unGodly comment and speaks of riches and material things. God might bring a crumbs person in a person life then bless it afterwards. That’s a comment from Hell
Crumbs as in someone who doesn't even meet the minimum essential requirements. I don't believe in divorce so I can't just accept anyone that comes along.
I love to tap dance naked on the dining room table especially when I'm drunk! Dinner guests just love it😝
Wow past their prime and wall hitting women not settling for crumbs aka I'm not attracted to jerks and I just want a meal ticket (provider) 🤣
Past their prime is not biblical. God specializes in dealing with people past their prime. Look at Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth. Why gloat over peoples misfortune!
@@misss7758 yes because anecdotal subjective opinion and basing of those 3 names are the real indicator 🙄🙄
@@armandobroncas4276 Have you healed friend?
I am never going to find love because women don't want me because I am just a ugly piece of trash and garbage that women don't want
Psalm 139:14, you are fearfully and wonderfully made ...this is the truth and this should give you the right kind of identity.
Work on yourself. Be proactive. You will find someone!
But what to do? I was just dating this fine young christian guy and we were getting into bed when I realized he had some serious skid marks all over this underpants. He saw my concern, just laughed and said, "There's more where that came from". I said "Well Praise Jesus" and he answered, "Yeh sure!!" A total back-entry kinda guy!
thats wrong on multipule levels
this is my what'sapp number ... +923039612365 contact me ... i am 26 year old .. strong and healthy and have ability to stand with you... Contact me ... i am single ...
@@chudarytv1081 I've been trying to contact you but the number you gave is not going through. I would like to get in touch with you if you wouldn't mind.
I'm single and I'm looking girlfriend. If she don't have purely boyfriend for long term relationship so she contact with me. I'm looking serious partner for long term life