Chess - Cruisin' to a win on with a DGT e-Board

  • Опубликовано: 16 май 2024
  • Once again using the ChessConnect extension to connect my e-Board to the website to play online matches on a tournament size board. This one was my first match of the day and was a good warm up for me. rated my move accuracy at 84.1% (1050) with no blunders. To be fair, I should mention, my opponent while winning the past 5 of 6 games has only played a total of 10 matches on
    [Event "Live Chess"]
    [Site ""]
    [Date "2024.05.17"]
    [Round "-"]
    [White "withheld"]
    [Black "Hamilton53"]
    [Result "0-1"]
    [CurrentPosition "5rk1/5ppp/8/Q7/5q2/P2P2KP/P7/r4q2 w - -"]
    [Timezone "UTC"]
    [ECO "C44"]
    [ECOUrl ""]
    [UTCDate "2024.05.17"]
    [UTCTime "15:11:50"]
    [WhiteElo ""]
    [BlackElo ""]
    [TimeControl "1800"]
    [Termination "Hamilton53 won by checkmate"]
    [StartTime "15:11:50"]
    [EndDate "2024.05.17"]
    [EndTime "15:29:49"]
    [Link ""]
    [WhiteUrl ""]
    [WhiteCountry "2"]
    [WhiteTitle ""]
    [BlackUrl ""]
    [BlackCountry "2"]
    [BlackTitle ""]
    1. e4 e5 2. d3 Nc6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Be2 a5 5. Bd2 b6 6. Nd4 $4 exd4 $6 7. Na3 Bxa3 8.
    bxa3 O-O 9. O-O d5 10. exd5 $6 Nxd5 11. Re1 Re8 12. f3 Rb8 13. g3 Nce7 14. h3 Qd6
    15. Bf4 $6 Nxf4 16. gxf4 Qxf4 17. Kg2 $6 Qg5+ 18. Kf2 $6 Qf5 $6 19. Bf1 Bd7 20. c3
    dxc3 21. f4 Qxf4+ 22. Kg2 Nd5 23. Qf3 Rxe1 24. Qxd5 $6 Rxa1 25. Qxd7 Qxf1+ 26.
    Kg3 c2 27. Qxc7 Rf8 28. Qxb6 c1=Q 29. Qxa5 $6 Qcf4# 0-1
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