The title is a good way to attract homophobic people who expect their argument/beliefs to be supported, just to educate them using rational thinking and logic.
Shane Sawyer I am amazed people still compare being gay to being black.. unlike the latter we are not debating whether or not people are born black or if people choose to be black.
Senora Divine Rachel Dolezal says hello ;-p Just because something's being debated, doesn't make it debatable. And if debate is the only criteria for comparison, do we need to start comparing homosexuality to flat earth?
Sorry if I scared you (I didn't lie though, so it's not clickbait). Also sorry about some focus issues in this video. I wish the best of luck to all of those planning to get married after the rest of the Western world welcomes Australia into the Twenty-First Century.
CosmicSkeptic But isn't a misleading tile still clickbait? Clickbait isn't the same as lies, it is usually a misleading truth. func IsClickbait(bool: isNotALie) { if isNotALie { return true } else { return false } }
I agree with you Alex, but someone I know makes the claim that Homosexual acts (not being homosexual per se, ex: deciding to have sex) is immoral for various reasons. How should I show him that Homosexual acts are not inmoral?
The well-being aspect is not relevant at all. The issue at hand is their is no cause of action. Secondly, marriage or contracts is not a privilege but a right that exists a priori as generally recognized by law in common law countries.
Diego Linares ... ask that person if he or she would forgo consentual and loving sex with the person they found attractive. Ask on what grounds would you expect any sane individual to do so.
For anyone still confused: NOT MORAL = Not subject to moral judgement; outside of the sphere of actions that could be deemed either 'moral' or 'immoral' IMMORAL = Something deemed bad/harmful/'wrong' according to one's moral code or intuition ^ Alex is (obviously) not saying that homosexuality is immoral
This guy sets himself up as the authority of logic and truth... quite hubris especially coming from a 22 year old... actually younger when this video was made.
@@marshalljobe1102 He never said he was the authority of logic and truth, but he uses logic and truth to set up his arguments which is much more than I could say for some of the religious assholes in this world who claim sexuality needs to have an assigned morality
@@davidkonevky7372 I don't know... if God exists, he design the way things should be and He defines morality. From a non-believer's perspective, they don't consider morality defined by absolutes and all morality is relative. You could call them assholes just as much for those things they deem immoral, it's all based on your perspective on who's being an asshole to whom. However, those that believe they don't have the right to define morality and that only God does, are not assholes, the blame would have to be placed on God, and I'd not go there.
@@marshalljobe1102 for that god would have to exist, and we don't know that, we shouldn't skip steps. But for the sake of the argument, let's say he exists: why did he give us the unchosen burden of living and then judge us when we do it our own way, he either is an incompetent god who doesn't know to design a paradise, or an evil god who just chose to make us suffer.
I read the title of this video and thought, "Oh, geez! Here we go again." But, after watching it I was very happy I did so. Your points are cogent and your reasoning is outstanding. Really well done, Alex. I am now inspired to view more of your programming.
His reasoning is wrong. While the state of homosexuality itself can not be judged, performing homosexual acts totally can. Two guys kissing in public is a conscious choice and it effects the wellbeing of other humans (some dumb homophobe will get upset if he sees them). So while I support lgbtq the reasoning in this video falls apart if you think about it some more.
@@Microcosm42 no because would 2 straight people kissing effect the wellbeing of the public? If not. Than 2 gay people doesn't either. It could bother people. But that's not on the gay men
That’s a question that stems from a misunderstanding of Christianity’s position on homosexuality. Contrary to what Alex might have you believe, Christianity never says, ‘you ought to be heterosexual’, it says, ‘you ought to refrain from homosexual activity’. A homosexual desire is not a choice, but a homosexual act is a choice.
@@henry2231 To which the reply is, 'If God is infallible, why did he make homosexual people that he then orders to never have sex???' Christianity is no different that Islam or any other screwed up 'morality' tale that is completely immoral on it's face!
Every hetero person? I see most conversations going like this: You: (your question) Hetero: huh? It just was You: So why do you assume being gay is a choice? Hetero: huh? Me? How did we get on this?
is it a conscious choice? You could argue acting on your homophobia by discriminating against gay people is immoral because you chose to act on it, but I always thought someone just was homophobic by upbringing or other factors beyond their control etc
@@bobthellama6988 good point. I've been thinking about how religion and choice mix together, essentially I don't think you can really CHOOSE what religion you believe in. Sure you can try to pursue evidence for a certain religion in an attempt to believe, but you can't fake true belief. I can't just today decide to be actively a Christian again because I don't believe, and no matter how hard I try, I can't change that. I wonder if being homophobic is like being religious in that sense. I don't know why anyone would choose to actively try to be homophobic, but I wonder if you really can. You can try to keep an open mind and research, but if at the end of the day all the evidence you find leads you to the conclusion that homophobia is justified, then I don't think you can just choose on a dime to stop being homophobic. If that makes any sense. You can be convinced you're wrong, but that's not much of a choice. Honestly that probably made 0 sense, but I'm gonna go with it.
Very inappropriate for you to be expressing such mixed-up feelings in so brazen a way. Alex O'Connor did a bad job here, his argument for why homosexuality is not an action which can be morally judged is flawed. He is an acclaimed intellectual but we still need to weigh his arguments against the light of reason and not elevate his opinions into oracles from the god of logic. He is a human being and his logic is only useful in so far as it enlightens whereas here it obscures. On both criteria he wrongly classifies homosexuality as an amoral action. First, it is an action which affects well-being by damaging one's true sexual capacity. Secondly, it is a conscious choice to indulge in sexually gratifying actions, even though it is not a conscious choice to be inclined towards them. You cannot judge me for being sexually attracted to someone else's wife but you can judge me for gratifying that attraction by gazing at her.
He has a point. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with morality. Any person can be moral or immoral depending on the way they conduct themselves around others. Simple as that.
+Meccarox I wouldn't say the attraction itself is immoral, but it does need to be dealt with and treated if possible, since sexual attraction is an extremely strong drive that most people cannot simply refuse to act upon.
I almost didn’t watch this video because of the title, then I had to remind myself that it’s good to listen to people you disagree with. The thing is, you tricked me and I actually agree with you on all of your points. Damn you!
He makes a fantastic point. There’s no reason why every human behaviour ought to be evaluated in moral terms, and there’s no reason why human psychology (in this case, the psychological attraction to people of the same sex) must also be evaluated in the same terms.
@@algarridm A lack of reason to do something isn't the same as a reason not to do something. There are no reasons for or against so doing so is irrational as it wastes time and resources.
@Marta Daniela Brandão Interesting notion. Do you think it is the person's desires, or their resultant actions, that are immoral in the case of such paraphilia? I'm not convinced that thoughts alone can be immoral.
God damn it your really going to make me defend homophobic people! The problem is that although you don't choose you taste in music you do choose what music you actively listen too in other word you conscious choice is not being homosexual but partaking in homosexual acts/relationships. Furthermore even though homosexuality of an individual does not effect me in anyway it does effect the well being the two or more people that are involved in the homosexual act. An act doesn't have to effect ones own we being to be immoral for example Rape is definitely immoral but someone getting raped in another country thousands of miles away does not effect me so it shouldn't matter that homosexuality does not effect me specifically. I'm only saying this because I believe there is a flaw in you logic not because I care who people are sexually attracted too.
@@number5582 the action is conscious and it is partaking in homosexual acts...I'm not suggesting that it's wrong or something I'm just saying that it is a conscious act. Although i see the distinction between a sexual preference that is not a conscious decision and then having a gay marriage is a choice for example
I appreciate your opinion and certainly agree. As gay man myself, my sexual orientation has been beyond my control.I didn't wake up one day and decide that this I was going to be gay. I don't understand why I'm gay but I do know that I did not consciensely to make the decision. Let's just agree to say that most people are heterosexual but some are gay through no actual fault of their own. I have never felt immoral because I'm gay. My sexual orientation has never effected anybody else in a negative way.
Nothing we do can be for certainity claimed to be absolutely consious, I'd even argue that for most people most of what they do in life is not completely consious, and it can be simply proved by asking any person questions about any of his deeds (and the related circumstances around it) which are claimed to be conscious by said person, like "why did you put it exactly here and not there? are you even sure you put it here and not there?" and the more specifics you dig out of this deed the more likely you will make the person just admit that he wasn't entirely aware of everything he did while doing the deed that is under question.. The definitive division of the mind and its activity into strict 2 categories of unconscious versus conscious is unscientific and there isn't any evidence to back it up, as far as the science of the mind goes - our mind is super complex and consist of many levels and divisions, some can be claimed to be more conscious and some are less, but the idea of an absolutely consious mind is more in the realm of Buddhism (and even there only few people in this entire franchise claimed to reach such level), and so is the idea of an absolutely UNconscious decision, even things you do in sleep are not completely unconscious, for example when you realise that you are dreaming it can be said that whatever you do in the sleep or in the dream (and sometime you can make real moves OUT of a sleeping state, especially if you're lunatic) is more conscious than sleeping while NOT realizing that this is a dream, but can it be said that it is AS CONSIOUS as something you do when you're not in sleep, that you should take the same responsiblity as if you did it awake? I doubt anyone would want to claim that, and then there is also the question which state of sleep? As sleep itself is divided into several phases, more or less consious, and moreover even the awaken state of a person is divided into various phases throughout the day, in which we are also more or less awake/consious. There is even a thing called day dreaming, how you should deal with that? "Honey I just undressed that woman in my mind, but that was day dreaming don't worry, I am not morally responsible for that more than I am during night dreaming"... Yeah sure, good luck having such "morally responsible" relationship with your wife, I am sure it will create a wonderful and "well being" of a relationship! Bottom line - when you claim your subjective mind to fall under ABSOLUTE categories such as consious/unconscious, when it clearly SHOULDN'T, while on the other hand taking morality in a relativistic way and saying that there isn't anything absolute about it - this is the definition of being an immoral moron. Now when it comes to homosexually or any sexuality - you can't claim that it is completely unrelated to our consious decisions!! On basis of what?? There are numerous studies that people are capable of consiously influence their sexuality! Following such logic any pedophile can say - "sorry that's not up to me, this is the sexuality of my body that I have no control over whatsoever!" Do you really want to follow that route?? Or same with incest - "Yeah I'm gonna jerk off at my sister what's the problem with that? it's my sexuality, I didn't decide that, that's at least what my father teached me..." good luck raising your kids with such understanding of sexuality. Just don't be surprised if one day you caught them having sex with each other. Also you are a moron if you think only about your own "well being". The most "well" state of a productive and prosperous society is when each person realizing his personal duty to multiply and make kids so that the society grows. Sexuality can be consiously influenced, at least according to my own experience, I am heterosexual and never ever experienced attraction to same sex even for a slight, but one time I decided to experiment with it and see if I can squeeze out of myself some arousal towards a guy, and to my surprise I could! It was very hard though, but on the next experiment I noticed it went a little easier, so I dropped the experiment out of fear of perverting and ruining my sexuality.
@@supayambaek The whole thing? no. only what comes after quoting an "immoral moron". If you fall under this category or not depends on what you would answer to your partner if let's say you day-dream about another person in a sexual way and she/he notices and asks you "what are you thinking about?". You basically have 3 options - you can lie to her/him - this would be immoral, especially when it comes to personal relationships with your significant other. (An argument can be made for morality of a lie when it comes to "lying to nazis about some jews that you hide in your closet " or something of this sort, but that's obviously not the case here). Or you can admit, but either you admit while being sorry (acknowledging that it is wrong on your side), or you can admit but justify it with the mind set from this video which brings arguments like "babe, this is day dreaming just some thoughts that pop up from my subconsciousness over which I have no responsibility (according to this video), for example I also was dreaming about f**king my ex last night when you was sleeping by my side, even came in my pants from that as you may have noticed, but don't worry babe it's all subconscious sexuality which I have no control over..", now commenting this without sarcasm - such a position of an immoral moron would lead to a failed relationship, and you SHOULD feel guilty about that. OR you may find another immoral moron like you who would be ok with f**king anyone around and won't demand any sexual dedication (what you'd call "open relationship") - but this is a case of 2 completely immoral morons who may some day even by a "mistake" get an innocent child involved inbetween such a f**ed up relationship, and in no way that "mistake" (a torn up condom) would justify what the child would have to experience growing up in a house of undedicated parents, or in orphan house, or experience getting cut into pieces (in case these morons would go for abortion). I may remind you that this video arguing a "well being for yourself or another one", a baby in a womb of a woman is another one, but what even the point of trying to argue that to a bunch of nihilists who have no distinct point that makes "me" as a subject another one in relation to him/her, as we are all bunch of meat with neural structures that came out of the same monkey pussy, with no absolute defining point between that monkey and our current form..
@fynes leigh I apologise for the content of my reply having nothing to do with your original message, but... It is unnecessary to have such large spacing. If you're trying to make a point, insulting someone's intelligence won't convince. If you are held up about grammar, perhaps split up your sentences. For clarity, after never mind there could be a full stop or punctuation like a colon to point to a new statement.
Please tell me you're joking Edit: Sorry, I misread it. I thought they said, "You cannot judge someone who is LGBT" when it said "You can't judge someone for being LGBT". I am sorry for this mistake. Maybe I need better glasses Also, who the fuck liked my original comment?!
@@demon_hawkeye5269 Well you can very easily judge someone just because you want to. Nothing to do with whether it is a moral question or not. I don't like when people pronounce "TH" as "T" unless they are Jamaican. That's not a moral dilemma. Not saying you should hate people because of who they like though (with some exception)
My (bisexual) mom would have loved your video. One thing she hated more than homophobia was being “approved” as a non-straight. And so do I as a straight.
indeed by almighty lord who raised heavens and spread earth he is brave lad preaching fpr athiesm and talking non sense is all ok till he trash our apostle muhammed indeed i have all glad tidings to you your blood is spilled
Clever title. It gets homophobes to click to validate themselves, and gets normal people to click either to dislike, leave a negative comment, or watch in order to listen to "your anti-gay viewpoint." However, both the groups will immediately notice that you actually aren't a homophobe. Nice job, Alex.
Zoomspilo I actually knew exactly what he was going to say and didn't even think he could be saying it was immoral. I don't know why; maybe because of how it was worded. Why would someone say "not moral" instead of "immoral"? But yeah, I knew it without thinking about it
To all the snowflakes out there, (on both sides) what he saying is this: being gay has got nothing to do with being moral or immoral. Same thing goes to straight, bi and lesbian people. It’s nature. (Nor is it a choice) Yours truly, a bisexual atheist man.
We are all equal, that means that if you cannot have your homosexual orgy in a sauna that means that I can't either, therefore we have equal rights because we are equally as incompatible with the same sex sexually :^)
It has exhausted me to constantly defend my right to exist. It feels it has consumed all my energy. No gay person I known ever have chosen it. Still straight people that know nothing on the subject are adamant stating "it is a choice". How arrogant. People are being bullied, shunned, imprisoned and executed for being gay. How would that be a choice?
In my view, neither of the absolute statements "it's a choice" or "it's not a choice" are true, but rather it depends on the specific case and the individual(s) involved.
Even if homosexuality was a choice, that isn’t an excuse to condemn it. I chose to watch this video. Is that an excuse to condemn me for watching the video? No. Just because something is chosen doesn’t make it wrong. That logic is just... illogical lol.
@Norbert Kas and it is such a wierd comparison. Sex, love, companionship between consenting adults is their matter and does not affect anyone else. Murder sort of does affect a non consenting adult in a very big way.
Actions such as denying someone a job would damage their well-being but we would not consider it immoral. Not all actions that affect well being are immoral, but denying people a right that other people have is evil just because a book told you too.
@@DomainAspect Yep, I'm a neutral in this whole situation. Although in my faith it is forbidden to have S-intercouse with the same gender (basically the same way as we see pre-marital S-intercourse), I still support the rights of those who have different beliefs. Basically, i see gay marriage like the consumption of pork. In Islam we can't eat pork but that doesn't mean I support the outlaw of Pork consumption.
I'm Skipping this video not because I think your argument is wrong rather that it's so obviously right that I cannot sit through almost 10 minutes of what should be basic common sense.
I usually just ask if penguin are immoral. Usually I'm told no or given a weird look. Then I tell them that there have been homosexual penguins. They take in the orphaned and abandoned children most times. Which saves them from having to fend on their own. Quite often the person gets mad or stops talking to me.
Penguins are obviously cuter than you are if you think they are gay looking. I don't mean your physical looks but inside, you are hideous. Change it before it's too late.
OK I'm not gonna argue with you because I could care less if someone is LGBT, it's their character that matters. But you're using what's known as the nature fallacy. Just because you see it in nature, you cannot use it as a form of evidence for your argument. For example, I can't justify cannibalism just because guinea pigs eat their own offspring lmao.
Well, is it considered a nature fallacy if it contributes to the survival and well-being of the species as a whole? Even if it is indeed a nature fallacy ( I prefer the term, deviant), again, if it means something good for the species, why not?
I've seen once two women in a Bus, one was sitting on other's lap, clearly homosexual, and they were just shining with happiness from being together, a true love, it was just pleasant to watch them. So I would say more; it is Immoral and childish to judge people by their sexual orientation.
@@TriggeredJelly yes, if they weren't doing nothing inappropriate for a public place which they didn't then what's the problem? Tell me what would you find more disturbing two men displaying true love, doing nothing inappropriate or a straight couple hating each other, being together only because of marriage and kids?
@@proximo1033 Ok. I wasn't trying to generalize here - just asking about your gut reaction to the bus situation with the people's sex reversed. Me personally, I'd feel uneasy if it were two men. Because I wouldn't want to be in a relationship like theirs, and so would feel uncomfortable empathizing with either of them.
The problem is that those condemn homosexuality have a completely different opinion regarding the two criteria of morality as applied to this question. They believe (or have been told to believe) that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice". And they believe that the presence of this phenomenon has a negative effect on society, perhaps similarly to extra-marital sex in general or gambling or drug use. It seems clear to me that while they have used scriptural references to assert this, it is really just a desire to maintain conformity in the society. (Mind you I'm not saying conformity is always bad, but, as Alex points out, if a person has no choice over the characteristic or behavior in question, it is wrong to condemn them for it.)
@@YoshiCh1ef-je6me😂😂he asked you for proof and you read him a passage from a book and offered no supporting facts on anything. So you just believe it to be true but that's not a Fact it's based off your own feelings and views
@ADAMK Anderson There is a difference between telling everyone you are gay when you are not and consciously choosing to become gay. During the time you pretended to be "gay", did you genuinely develop a crush on another man? Or simply started finding men attractive in a sense that you were attracted to the idea of being in a relationship with man? Most likely not because you are straight so you are only attracted to women.
To others, coming out as lgbt might sound like a sudden choice, but really it's more of a realisation that u either can't hide it anymore or are certain u aren't straight, probably both.
The closet is not owned by the gay person, it's the homophobe's jail. They own the closet, for they make it dangerous to be outside of it. It's a herding device preceding the closet.
To westerners it just because it popular nothings else. Don’t underestimate the ability of a westerners to want to be The Center of attention. When this phase past they I’ll come up with something else
@@nathanolson3135 What you're really saying is that I and my country are quite religious and this gay thing is icky. I don't like it. Whereas, science is done all over the world, based in only the factual and the endeavour to realise it in an accurate theory. Science is not regional, but what it achieves in all things can only be done in a society where religion is shoved into the ground enough. When people's belief fades and knowledge becomes known and not believed. Science knows enough that homosexuality is normal. A normal outcome for those who are and that's from birth. Statistical analysis shows this as does genetic studies thus far. The fact that these things have been shown to be set, is not a 'Western' thing, just that in the west, religion and belief have much less of an influence that blinds all of whom are into belief or in a combination of crazed dictatorship, over logic and investigation. There still are plenty of people here in these postings who are homophobic and from the west.
@@Mcfreddo you’re delusional in thinking The LGBTQ movement in the west has anything to do with science. If anything science is the one thing they run away from as far as possible. Also don’t confuse what comes Naturally to Normality, what “Normal “ is a subjective term , Society decide what normal, history proves that . Any practice have to stand against the test of benefiting the wider society or not in order to be considered part of Normalcy . read your own history this isn’t the first time normalisations of homosexuality in the west has been in full swing , but it always seem with every cultural reset in west it ended up being banned, why is that ? Are you going to say due to ignorance, or lack of knowledge ? or maybe the Bads outweighs the goods. Just look where the conversations were not even that long ago to now , where’s the science in that ? Sure , maybe it comes natural to want same sex love , well so is killing and many other things that we the Society have deem abnormal / detrimental .
"As soon as you start trying to make a link between homosexuality and morality, you've already lost the debate." This quote was needed more than ever! ❤
It's a weak argument. Weak because morality is not actually about legalism so the logic of legality does not suffice. It's about mechanics. Something is either mechanically viable or it is not. If it is then it is moral. If it is not then it is immoral. Humans assess what works for them as individuals, families societies, nations and the world then codify that wisdom into laws, rules and morals. But something is not moral because of a code, but rather what precipitated that code. The foundational question is not if homosexuality is moral according to the group code, but if it is actually mechanically viable/beneficial, neutral or detrimental. If it is detrimental then it is immoral. But actually, even some immoral things can be absorbed by individuals and society. Not everything has to be condemned.
By the same logic: the slightly different phrase “ as soon as you start trying to make a link between pedophilia and morality, you’ve already lost the debate” So pedophiles are suddenly okay now 🤷♂️ according to the same principle
@@ButterBabyyy amoral doesn't mean "okay" its just something that ppl can't control. But they can control whether they act upon it or not , according to the consequences or effects they might have to others, for example,there are lots of pedos in the world that have never do anything to kids, and psychopaths among us that have never killed, and gays that never came out.
Gia S. Eh, I honestly don't understand the point of the video. Most people arguing against homosexuality aren't arguing why he is arguing. They aren't saying the attraction is wrong per se, but acting on it is. They're arguing same sex acts are immoral and not the orientation.
It is the right point. As a gay, I always thought and think that it is not to be judged ethically, for it is just biology. To be a hedgehog or a fir-tree is not moral or immoral.
Left-handedness is a good analogy. Nobody really knows why some minority of people naturally prefer to use their left hand for complex motor movements, just as nobody really knows why some minority of people prefer sexual relations with their own gender. To judge homosexuality as a moral issue is as absurd as judging left-handedness as a moral issue. Neither are moral issues.
Yeah, its weird the number of people from my parent's generation (over 60s) who say that they remember being told that left-handedness was the sign of the devil, or something like that. But I've never seen any official documentation on that, just anecdotes.
The word "sinister" comes from latin "left handed" ("sin" being "left"). Additionally, here's a fun one, "sincere" comes from "sin cere" - "without wax," as late roman stone masons would put their name and "sin cere" to pledge they did not fill out mistakes in their sculpture with wax which, on hot days, would melt.
My grandmother is naturally left-handed and in school she was always forced to write with her right hand. They even hit her hand with a wooden stick if she dared to use the left hand! The reasoning behind this was exactly what you said: using your left hand for things like writing is a sign that the devil or some demon is trying to get hold of you. So those teachers probably really believed that they were saving her from the devil's influence by forcing her to write with her right hand. I'm left-handed too and when I broke my left arm, I had to write with my right hand for a few weeks and it was horrible. It just felt so unnatural! I know this is just some more anecdotal evidence, but to me personally, it's real evidence, because I know my own grandmother would never lie about something like this. She's turning 90 next year, so this happened between 1935 and 1945, in South Africa.
kunntakentay we voted Yes to Love, God is Love, so your lot say, so we voted for God. We did that in the face of the Christian churches who were determined to sow hatred and dissension. So which side do you think was doing God’s will?
This has managed to be one of the few videos made on this topic that has aged well. Well spoken and hopefully more people will be capable of thinking this rationally in the future
I think it is a good video, however it misses an important point. While your sexual desire is outside of conscious control, sexual activity is not. I'm not saying two men having sex is immoral, but it does fall within the moral sphere, as it is a conscious decision affecting well-being. Homosexuality as a sexual orientation is in the amoral sphere; homosexuality as an action is in the moral sphere. You can make a comparison to pedophilia. Attraction to minors is not a conscious decision. Acting on that attraction definitely is and deserves to be punished severely, as I'm sure we all agree. Same with homosexuality, except for the punishment part of course. All I'm saying is that the argument presented in the video is lacking, as the action itself is conscious.
@@hargeauxthat isn't what the person said. They said it's in the moral sphere as it's a conscious decision and affects wellbeing. Only in this case it's actually good for the wellbeing, which would make it moral I think.
fynes leigh Not like straights are not perverts. Most cases of child sexual abuse is straight people,straight people sexual abuse animals too a lot. Straight males. Lots of perversions come from straights you bitch
@fynes leigh "anti-natural perversions" yet here they exist in a world your God created. Failure by God as a creator? Or maybe just love is love? I'll let you decide 😊
I came back to watch some of Alex's old videos and I was wondering how many of the dislikes are from homophobes who watched it assuming he was going to be homophobic and were disappointed, and how many are from people who didn't watch it and disliked it because they thought is was homophobic.
@@makotoyuki345 what if someone believes it is a perversion... that it's sick even to think about a man putting his into another man's ? Is that 'antagonistic'? Are there things you think are perverse? that you don't like?, that you think are wrong or twisted? e.g. How do you feel about pedophiles? are they twisted and sick minded to you?
I clicked on this video ready fight someone but instead it's given me a good argument for why Bucky can't be held accountable for the Winter Soldier stuff
I feel like the only one who ever actually held him accountable was Tony, and that was purely because he couldn't get past his own mental anguish to see the simple truth.
@@rageoftyrael Oh. Who would have thought that seeing a video of somebody, who is standing next to you, murdering your parents while at the same time your friend knew about it and didnt tell you would make somebody flip out. Yes, everyone would behave rationally.
Actually this saying goes back long before the cosmic skeptic was even a gleam in his fathers eye. In fact I was telling people this 30 years ago and I have no idea where I got it.
People who believe it is immoral DO believe it is a choice. The best response to them is "why would anyone choose that?". If being homosexual leads to lower (institutional) social status, an inability to procreate and causes stress on a daily basis... why would you *choose* this? The answer is you wouldn't. Simply as you didn't *choose* to be born to a poor family or be born with 10 fingers and 10 toes. Sexual orientation is not black/white, but rather a scale/gradient and we all find ourselves along this scale. For all intents and purposes, it was a blind throw of a dart and we live with where it lands...for better or worse.
Ari Onassis-Sugen, you're oversimplifying the complexity of existence. None of the things you've listed as even partially equivalent and it is debatable "why" a person would do any of them. If you take the time to analyze why a person would do each, then you can decide if they are doing so of sound mind or if by some kind of mental illness. I suspect though you haven't thought through any of this and are just passing through with a silly thought never to return. With that in mind I just want others to realize that life is not simple. You cannot give simple prescriptions for complex problems.
Well considering you haven't at the very least mastered the usage of a period, I would say the complexities of life have definitely flown over your head.
Having noticed the luring title and being, by now, familiar with your thought processes I watched the video and found exactly what I'd hoped to. Thanks.
I'm gay and when I saw the title I thought: Ugh here it is again... But I clicked because I didn't mind listening to what this guy had to say, and it quickly took a turn I never would've expected. This literally gave me renewed faith. Thank you. Subscribing to you now. Also, I love your delivery and your accent! And you have a face that I think is a cross between Dane DeHaan and Freddie Highmore, so that's really interesting!
That question is very easy to answer. Probably when I understood the concept of sexuality and I realized that being gay would subject me to a lot of prejudice.
We've just now elected the first openly gay governor here in Colorado which precipitated an interesting discussion with someone I know who is Russian regarding the "morality" of being openly gay. It seems that the Russian mentality of homosexuality is pretty much back in the 1950s if she is at all representative. After many rounds of trying to get her to explain why being gay was wrong, she ended up by arguing that being gay was OK but that being a gay governor was not. She was unable to tell me how a governor's sexuality would adversely effect their performance in office, and after going round and round in circles, she ended the discussion. My point here is that so much anti-gay prejudice is irrational at its core, so attempting to use logic to displace it aims at a target that doesn't really exist. Still, that's no reason not to try.
@Eternal Justice Thanks for the response. I'm assuming of course that you mean "cease to exist," as "seize to exist" makes little sense. Thanks also for demonstrating the moral vapidness of religion, which is, indeed, a mental poison worth opposing.
@Melvin Carter Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. There is no valid evidence for the existence of hell, so it is unlikely that Hell exists.
I just spent the last hour binge watching your videos and when I saw the title of this one I was so shocked. Turned out to be one of my favourite videos of yours 😂
Satan With A Fiddle We cannot act in this manner endorsing satan and getting our morals switched will be the end of us all we have to worship the LORD Jesus Christ in every way that we can.
Jesusistheonlyway To salvation People can worship god and be gay at the same time. Why would god punish someone for something they can’t control? That’s just evil and god’s not evil
I always ask people in this debate who is harmed by homosexuality. Who does it hurt, and how? They'll certainly try to come up with an answer, but nothing that holds up to scrutiny. They'll either provide logical fallacies (a scenario that would be harmful even if homosexuality wasn't a factor), misinformation (like they never look up their claims to verify them), claim that their god is somehow harmed (which contradicts their own belief), or simply state that it makes them personally disgusted.
Really? Deep? Maybe nonsensical gibberish most atheist describe to. It doesnt take a genius to know that homosexuality is a choice, and is not a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, approving such a negative behavior affects our society, family, and marriage in a bad way.
CamoMGO Um yeah excuse me but homosexuality is not a choice, it's not even close. People are born with sexualities, just like they are born with eye colors and hair colors. Just because we haven't found out why people are gay vs straight doesn't mean people choose to like a certain gender. And really, homosexual relationships help the Earth. They adopt kids apposed to having them, which will slow overpopulation.
+CamoMGO Just repeating this answer for your benefit: It's true that to engage in a homosexual act is a choice, but not in the way that you assume. It is a choice between a) pursuing pleasure, and b) denying yourself from having what's attractive to you. To take the latter is a decison that creates psychologically uncomfortable cognitive dissonance - one want's something, put tells oneself not to pursue it, for likely externally originated reasons. (Like if you want to get rich, which is obviously appealing, and then taking actions to avoid that. If you perceived a chance to get rich, it would be uncomfortable to avoid it right?) What's NOT a choice, is that each of these actions has a psychological result - pleasure or psychological stress respectively. So by a simple 'if this then that' logical extension, a person in actuality is choosing between pleasure, and psychological stress, which is really not a choice at all. Also, it doesn't inherently have a negative effect on society. Do some research. There's a good TED talk on homosexuality and evolution.
Saw this and thought to myself: “Oh, Boy... This ought to be hilarious.” Turns out, this is exquisitely thought out. Mad props Boy’o! And I love how you brought up nature vs. nurture. Such a fun psychological debate route.
Tbh, this is really basic stuff. It's fuck all to do with anyone else, they're not hurting anyone, leave people alone. Some people really can't grasp it though and this vid did a brilliant job of spelling it out. I'm subbing
The RightStuff hi guys it's me, the guy you're replying too. I've had no internet for a while and i've just discovered this conversation. Just want to say hello and hope you both have a nice day
RyanBrown94 if we live in a society where we have natural, biological inclinations contrary to what we 'should' be doing, and are thus scrutinised under tyrannical leadership, we may as well be dead. I don't think homosexuality is damaging to the advancement of the human race, realisticly (if that's what you mean, i'm sorry if i've butchered what you meant). I believe in each to their own; if you're racist, don't hang around other races; if you're homophobic, stay away from gays. My problem is where freedom of speech is used to damage others on some delluded idea of morality. Which does happen. In terms of an absolute rectitude for people, homosexuality doesn't harm others directly and as long as men and women are still making more humans, we're fine. There's over 7 billion of us. I hope that answers that unless i've misunderstood you; in which case, just call me a twat
The RightStuff You speak about a god who condones and promotes rape, slavery, genocide, prejudice, and murder. That’s all okay. But when it comes to homosexuality, that seems to be the immoral aspect of life. What you’re saying is that people shouldn’t be given the right to be themselves and have to sacrifice their sexuality because of the beliefs of others? For example, I’m wrong, criticized, and demonized because I don’t believe in the god of the Bible, Quran, and Torah; and wish to be who I am and love a man as you would the opposite sex. That’s a threat onto your way of life and existence. However, you’re actively preaching that gays are immoral and worthy of death, that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’re supposed to nod are heads and say, Yeah you got a point. Seriously dude?
RyanBrown94 no probs. Firstly; as an athiest, i may not share your idea of meaning (assuming you're thiest) but i think we live in a chaotic reality that we assign meaning to (not saying there is no god but i just don't base my life on the assumption there is). I would just like humanity to continue to grow and expand and i don't think everyone being exactly the same is the way forward; rather, everyone is different and thus helps our race to progress through various, operational means (like a jigsaw puzzle). Bringing me on to the next point, if everyone was a homosexual; yes, we'd die out but i think that's hardly relevant as i have no reason to suspect we are all going to be gay. Again, we all play roles, small and large. Gay people can be good engineers, scientists or factory workers; they don't need to breed to be useful. As long as people are breeding, we're fine. For example, we don't all need to be doctors for medical care to be available. I'm not sure about your second point as i haven't really looked into it but i'm guessing you said it because you're concerned it's a cultural change that might; in time, set everybody to gay. I suppose that raises an issue whether a social force that keeps homosexuality at bay brings balance to humanity's survival. Hmm interesting. (I say rubbing my chin with a monicle in my eye, sipping my earl grey)
RyanBrown94 but the difference between killing someone and homosexuality is very different. Gay relationships and sex between two consenting adults doesn't harm people, killing someone does. We might have to agree to disagree i guess. I understand as a thiest, you're understanding is based on what a grand creator who knows better than us deams suitable for mankind and i don't particularly think that person necersarily exists. Therefore; i'm going to base my moral compass on what i see fit for the existence of my species, without the idea of a predetermined rule book. Has been an interesting one
Unfortunately I don't think you can get through to the alt-richt types. They aren't smart enough to understand logic and they don't really care if they are right or not. Hate isn't a rational emotion, it's a way of life that will take decades to deprogram.
@Luke Lemmon There's a lot of projection in your comment. You also seem to be defending something without actually coming out and stating what your point is. It seems like you are defending hate, and the implication is that you are defending hate of non-white people as a survival technique. I also read your second comment to Gareth Sheals and it seems pretty much the same. While Gareth was making the constructive comment about ignorance before malevolence, you reply with what seems to be an argument supporting the "art of destroying the human spirit and causing pain and death for its sake". It was the second post that confirmed my suspicion that you are either a drunk guy goofing on people or an unstable person who enjoys hate, like some of us may enjoy an ice cream or a day at the beach. Either way, I don't enjoy communicating with irrational people, so bye.
Fuck those lovephobic piece of shits. If they can't understand that LOVE IS LOVE, then they deserve to be killed. See you at the next Antifa protest. ❤️
"You want people to accept perversion" No, we want to live without fear and with the same human rights at the rest of the population. Its not that hard. Less people like you in the world is also a good thing to happen, but thats more difficult.
I know you'll never ever see this. I know this video is three years old. However I wanted to thank you anyway. Three years ago I hated myself for the gender dysphoria I was experiencing on a daily basis. I was seriously suicidal. I had this belief that what I was feeling was morally wrong. This way of analyzing morality helped me so much. It only took a couple days to realize that what I was feeling was perfectly ok. Since then I have come out as transgender to most of the people in my life. I may still have limited options due to living in Alabama but I now have love and support and the assurance that I am valid. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I genuinely think this video saved my life.
Sorry if this seems rude but may I ask how does the sensation of a specific gender feel? If you are transgender than you would supposedly of felt both genders as a sensation, also what is a gender?
@@voxsvoxs4261 I thought you should know this no matter how long ago you asked. The feeling of beeing wrong in your own body. You just cant stand your male (for transfemales) appearances as part of yours. It may cause fear, panic or horror. Sometimes its just the dislink i mentioned. A person can also learn to only concentrate on the task (like genital care/cleaning) without noticing the fear inducing part their working on (it becomes a very strong unconscious trait so you dont always have to experience Dysphoria). The term "Gender" applies to the "sex" of your mind in contrast to "sex" that either is meaning as Biological sex (Thats including genetic sex, hormonal sex, physiological/anatomical sex and maybe more) or just the assigned sex/gender at birth. I hope this helps a bit
@@celinematerzok6421 perhaps this a misinterpretation, if gender is the sex of a mind doesn't that mean that minds directly reproduce independent of the physical body? I don't think this what you mean so could you describe it more particularly. thankyou for responding, even in late consideration
@@voxsvoxs4261 I'll just skip the part that tries to explain that your mind can develop in a different direction than (for example) your pre determined Anxiety. Did you know that the female brain has around 19 billion neurons and the male brain around 21? This is most if the time Not true for transgender where transfem (born male) have the female number and for transmasc (born female) its around the male count. What i want to tell you with that is, that a Transgender actually has a brain similiar to the opposite AGAB. I cant tell you whether thats genetic or not. But i know Sex isnt just Male and Female. A girl (AFAB) can have male gonads (Testicles) and someone with XY (male chromosome pair) becomes completely female. Maybe its the same with the brain. That there is some influence that it doesnt develop to the same sex as the body will.
@@celinematerzok6421 I see, using sex was abit confusing then as it is a description of the reproductive function of a thing, what I think you're trying to describe is: There is a brain type which each sex normally develops, a transgender person develops the brain opposite to their sex (or at least significantly similar).
If he got hacked, I'd be disappointed in the hacker to see a title like this. I'd rather see something like "I've Officially Accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Saviour".
although i do accept your criteria for judging whether or not something exists in the moral sphere i still want to hold volcanoes morally responsible for erupting
@@jimmysthoughts8571 so is conspiracy to murder even if said murder isn’t carried out amoral too? Full disclosure I’m bisexual and an atheist so I don’t disagree with the video but I’m perhaps a little skeptical of your comment.
I totally agree with you - I grew up catholic, and within the religion people always asked me "do you think homosexuality is moral" I always answered why they were asking so, as there is no need to debate over a damn sexual orientation. Thank you for making this video, I will show it to everyone I want to spread this message to.
@@ContemplativeThinker If it is contrary to nature, then why was I born like that?? Since my early childhood, I've always felt I was different than other boys. WHY DID NATURE LET ME COME TO EARTH AGAINST ITS WILL OR ITS DAMN STANDARDS??? And since the BIBLE condems it, what do they suggest us to do to turn straight if we ever happen to be born that way??? And don't tell me ''conversion therapy'' because they don't seem to have a promising successful rate there...and I've tried to pray it away for years, that didn't help either...and don't tell me to celibate because I am already a lonely young man, I can't afford to live my life alone just because I was born broken. Whoever or whatever made me, they must certainly had used the wrong formula if we want to consider what the bible/nature says. They need to fix us themselves or else let us be, we shouldn't have to have the hassle of turning straight by ourselves. I am not the one who made myself. I don't even know who, how, what, when, or why I was made. Nobody does. Pregnancy and childbirth is still a miracle to our eyes which we'll never fully grasp. It's not my fault if they made me the wrong way. (And by ''they'' I don't only infer to my parents, I also am inferring to GOD/nature/or whatever supremely superior living being)
@@sebadbt7410It isn’t. Any act itself, wether it’s good or bad, is not the sin. The sin is judging the person for doing that act, i.e. playing God. It’s ok to see that the person is doing good or bad but not to love or hate them for it.
@@freshliving4199while I agree with you most conservative christians wouldn't see it that way. They would say the bible states what is a sin and what isn't. They would agree that you should not hate someone else for their sin. But you should confront them about their sin so they change their sinful ways. Now I wouldn't think a gay man would feel happy in a church if every person he meets always tells him to stop acting upon his sexuality. The only way to end this debate in christianity is to view the bible in a historic context and focus on the most important messages. Conservative christians tend to take every little sentence into account and forget other important messages. Or they care only about some little sentences and neglect others.
I must confess, I'm one of the countless individuals who fell prey to the deliberate click-bait title of this video. A few years ago, as a young gay person struggling to reconcile my identity with the dogmatic dictates of my faith, I stumbled upon this video in a desperate attempt to find justification for the self-loathing and repression that had become my constant companions. I for one am very thankful, that it was actually quite supportive as this was one step to accepting myself.
Ngl I relate to this a lot. I am bisexual, but I always tried to repress myself, tried to force myself to be unattracted to men. I got radicalised during the lockdown(thanks edgy memes and 4chan) bc I was an edgy teenager, and started maintaining alt right beliefs, which made me even more depressed and anxious than I previously was. It is only recently that I started thinking about it logically, and have been exponentially happier ever since. I hope you have a happy and joyful life. Peace 👍
This is probably one of the most clever uses of click-bait I have ever seen on YT. I bet a lot of haters tripped over themselves to watch this one. Excellent presentation.
Never seen this channel before, and just got another video from it in my recommended, and decided to take a look first at other videos to find out who this is. Saw this title, immediately thought “oh well, it’s another one of THOSE channels”, and was ready to leave a dislike and leave. Thank god I’d heard the first few seconds while I was moving the mouse over to the dislike button…
@@epicgamervallon3457 You can’t talk about God, angels, demons, heaven, hell, saints, sinners, love, hate,… the way Alex does. You need another kind of logic. Actually man’s brain isn’t made to fully grasp what heaven is, using normal worldly understanding. Once your eyes will open and you can see a part from what is happening. Saints saw much more than ordinary modern people, read some things about the dreams of Don Bosco and the miracles by Padre Pio and how they became the way they were.
@@josiahferrell5022 If it erupted nothing but oxygen, it likely wouldn't be harmful to anyone. It would be analogous to my response to someone desiring to eat chocolate and then eating chocolate. Why would I care? Actual volcano eruptions are harmful to the locals. This is true whether or not there's a volcano god that decides when eruptions happen. Bacterial infections don't have a will, and they probably aren't a punishment from the gods, but we still take antibiotics. The bacteria didn't "choose" to infect you, and they aren't morally culpable for infecting you, so they don't "deserve" to be killed, but you still take antibiotics to either kill them or limit their growth.
@@arielshutitdownowitz3267 I think you are still missing the point. Obviously, volcanoes do not spew oxygen into the air. They actually spew sulfur and molten rock which are deadly to most living things. If there is a way to stop their effects, we should be pursuing it. However the point is that people being homosexual AND acting on it has nothing at all in common with volcanoes. What they feel and do has no effect on me or you.
Being homosexual is not a conscious choice, but entering a homosexual relationship is. And in fact it checks the other box as well: finding a partner that fits you well is likely to have a huge positive impact on your wellbeing.
This takes clickbait to a whole new level
E.D.W 🤔
It does but for a good cause for once, so its quite moral i think :D
@@cubex2160 its not click bait
Its not clickbait cause he explains it so technically its not
Homophobes when they realise he doesn’t support them: We’ve been tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly bamboozled.
hence the 4k dislikes
"They had us in the first half, not gonna lie"
@Rizekrispy we as in multiple homophobes talking among each other
someone has watch RVB sarge forever
The title is a good way to attract homophobic people who expect their argument/beliefs to be supported, just to educate them using rational thinking and logic.
Well, I'm already well-educated and I don't need to get an agree from a topic I already know it's true.
That’s why you came isn’t it?
The only “moral” use of clickbait
I love rational thinking and logic
Came for a piece of satire, stayed for moral philosophy.
High quality comment
@@braydenkochut5998I second this
@@kat0na_cat I third this
SPoggaflag!!! fs
@@braydenkochut5998 I fucked this, I mean fourth this?
"of course being black isn't moral" -Alex O'Connor 2017
I am amazed that part hasn't been clipped and used out of context by people are don't agree with Alex haha
Shane Sawyer
I am amazed people still compare being gay to being black.. unlike the latter we are not debating whether or not people are born black or if people choose to be black.
@@senoradivine9082 But no one chooses to be gay either so its fair to make the comparison.
Hey, Mr. Captain obvious!
Senora Divine Rachel Dolezal says hello ;-p
Just because something's being debated, doesn't make it debatable.
And if debate is the only criteria for comparison, do we need to start comparing homosexuality to flat earth?
Sorry if I scared you (I didn't lie though, so it's not clickbait). Also sorry about some focus issues in this video. I wish the best of luck to all of those planning to get married after the rest of the Western world welcomes Australia into the Twenty-First Century.
But isn't a misleading tile still clickbait? Clickbait isn't the same as lies, it is usually a misleading truth.
func IsClickbait(bool: isNotALie) {
if isNotALie {
return true
} else {
return false
I agree with you Alex, but someone I know makes the claim that Homosexual acts (not being homosexual per se, ex: deciding to have sex) is immoral for various reasons. How should I show him that Homosexual acts are not inmoral?
The well-being aspect is not relevant at all. The issue at hand is their is no cause of action. Secondly, marriage or contracts is not a privilege but a right that exists a priori as generally recognized by law in common law countries.
Diego Linares ... ask that person if he or she would forgo consentual and loving sex with the person they found attractive. Ask on what grounds would you expect any sane individual to do so.
For anyone still confused:
NOT MORAL = Not subject to moral judgement; outside of the sphere of actions that could be deemed either 'moral' or 'immoral'
IMMORAL = Something deemed bad/harmful/'wrong' according to one's moral code or intuition
^ Alex is (obviously) not saying that homosexuality is immoral
This is, potentially, the greatest clickbait of all time. Nothing but sheer applause from me
This guy sets himself up as the authority of logic and truth... quite hubris especially coming from a 22 year old... actually younger when this video was made.
@@marshalljobe1102 He never said he was the authority of logic and truth, but he uses logic and truth to set up his arguments which is much more than I could say for some of the religious assholes in this world who claim sexuality needs to have an assigned morality
@@davidkonevky7372 I don't know... if God exists, he design the way things should be and He defines morality. From a non-believer's perspective, they don't consider morality defined by absolutes and all morality is relative. You could call them assholes just as much for those things they deem immoral, it's all based on your perspective on who's being an asshole to whom. However, those that believe they don't have the right to define morality and that only God does, are not assholes, the blame would have to be placed on God, and I'd not go there.
@@marshalljobe1102 for that god would have to exist, and we don't know that, we shouldn't skip steps. But for the sake of the argument, let's say he exists: why did he give us the unchosen burden of living and then judge us when we do it our own way, he either is an incompetent god who doesn't know to design a paradise, or an evil god who just chose to make us suffer.
@@davidkonevky7372 Assuming you can comprehend the extent of what God is or his uncomprehendable existance.
I read the title of this video and thought, "Oh, geez! Here we go again." But, after watching it I was very happy I did so. Your points are cogent and your reasoning is outstanding. Really well done, Alex. I am now inspired to view more of your programming.
His reasoning is wrong. While the state of homosexuality itself can not be judged, performing homosexual acts totally can. Two guys kissing in public is a conscious choice and it effects the wellbeing of other humans (some dumb homophobe will get upset if he sees them).
So while I support lgbtq the reasoning in this video falls apart if you think about it some more.
@@Microcosm42 no because would 2 straight people kissing effect the wellbeing of the public? If not. Than 2 gay people doesn't either. It could bother people. But that's not on the gay men
I'm still gay for you Alex
PfEMP1 shit, relatable
oh wait, i’m gay for everyone...
never mind then
FlanelFil That's impossible. No matter what, you cannot be gay for everyone. There will always be someone with a different gender than you.
Jason Skywalker you can. it’s called bisexuality.
One of the definition of gay is happy so yes you can be gay for everyone and not be wrong
Great question for every hetero person: "When did you consciously decide to be straight?"
@Ares Same, it's basically a question that destroys the idea that it's a choice
That’s a question that stems from a misunderstanding of Christianity’s position on homosexuality. Contrary to what Alex might have you believe, Christianity never says, ‘you ought to be heterosexual’, it says, ‘you ought to refrain from homosexual activity’. A homosexual desire is not a choice, but a homosexual act is a choice.
@@henry2231 Okay, but many people say it is a choice, so it's a nice counter argument to that claim
@@henry2231 To which the reply is, 'If God is infallible, why did he make homosexual people that he then orders to never have sex???'
Christianity is no different that Islam or any other screwed up 'morality' tale that is completely immoral on it's face!
Every hetero person?
I see most conversations going like this:
You: (your question)
Hetero: huh? It just was
You: So why do you assume being gay is a choice?
Hetero: huh? Me? How did we get on this?
Homophobia on the other hand IS immoral because it's a conscious choice that hurts people.
is it a conscious choice? You could argue acting on your homophobia by discriminating against gay people is immoral because you chose to act on it, but I always thought someone just was homophobic by upbringing or other factors beyond their control etc
@@bobthellama6988 good point. I've been thinking about how religion and choice mix together, essentially I don't think you can really CHOOSE what religion you believe in. Sure you can try to pursue evidence for a certain religion in an attempt to believe, but you can't fake true belief. I can't just today decide to be actively a Christian again because I don't believe, and no matter how hard I try, I can't change that. I wonder if being homophobic is like being religious in that sense. I don't know why anyone would choose to actively try to be homophobic, but I wonder if you really can. You can try to keep an open mind and research, but if at the end of the day all the evidence you find leads you to the conclusion that homophobia is justified, then I don't think you can just choose on a dime to stop being homophobic. If that makes any sense. You can be convinced you're wrong, but that's not much of a choice.
Honestly that probably made 0 sense, but I'm gonna go with it.
Lol a homophobe is triggered and ignored everything said in this video
@@sillscrimmager2533 What this man commented doesn't conflate with what was said in the video. Both things are true.
Homophobia isn't a conscious choice. It's a set of beliefs and attitudes- an ignorant and unfortunate sort
As a homosexual, I thought you was rlly cool and the title rlly scared me.
Homo as well. Alex was a crush for me back when this video was uploaded, and I still love him. 😍
I'm straight but i thought I was gonna become a professional Alex hater there for a second 😂😭
Very inappropriate for you to be expressing such mixed-up feelings in so brazen a way. Alex O'Connor did a bad job here, his argument for why homosexuality is not an action which can be morally judged is flawed. He is an acclaimed intellectual but we still need to weigh his arguments against the light of reason and not elevate his opinions into oracles from the god of logic. He is a human being and his logic is only useful in so far as it enlightens whereas here it obscures. On both criteria he wrongly classifies homosexuality as an amoral action. First, it is an action which affects well-being by damaging one's true sexual capacity. Secondly, it is a conscious choice to indulge in sexually gratifying actions, even though it is not a conscious choice to be inclined towards them. You cannot judge me for being sexually attracted to someone else's wife but you can judge me for gratifying that attraction by gazing at her.
He has a point. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with morality. Any person can be moral or immoral depending on the way they conduct themselves around others. Simple as that.
What about the case of pedofilia or necrofilia or zoofilia?
+don lll
Those are not sexual orientations... and they are immoral because they are actions that cause harm to the innocent.
But is the attraction immoral? E.g. a pedophile that never act on their attraction.
The attraction is still wrong and unhealthy. It should still be dealt with even if they don’t act on it.
+Meccarox I wouldn't say the attraction itself is immoral, but it does need to be dealt with and treated if possible, since sexual attraction is an extremely strong drive that most people cannot simply refuse to act upon.
I almost didn’t watch this video because of the title, then I had to remind myself that it’s good to listen to people you disagree with. The thing is, you tricked me and I actually agree with you on all of your points. Damn you!
He is an atheist, so he is much much less likely to be a moron.
@@lmccahill45 Not really
@@AnnoyingAllie3 I think the point is, that he is an agnostic atheist. So he knows how to doubt, which is a nice indication for thinking clearly.
@@fridolindumpfelhober1841 I love your name..
And that makes a lot of sense, but some atheist doubt the wrong things..
@@AnnoyingAllie3 What things are wrong to doubt?
"Morality doesn't even come into it"
Yeah, but other men do.
I- this made me laugh way too hard
Buttsex hurt when I did it and felt weird but for some reason I wanted it again ;)
Neon Lights and women
Don't you mean 'cum into it' 😄
He makes a fantastic point. There’s no reason why every human behaviour ought to be evaluated in moral terms, and there’s no reason why human psychology (in this case, the psychological attraction to people of the same sex) must also be evaluated in the same terms.
Why not?
@@algarridmwatch the video
watch the video@@algarridm
@@algarridm A lack of reason to do something isn't the same as a reason not to do something. There are no reasons for or against so doing so is irrational as it wastes time and resources.
"Sexuality has nothing to do with morality" - fixed it for you.
Well done. But the original is a valid click bait ;)
@Marta Daniela Brandão How so?
Exactly!! LOVE IS LOVE!! FUCK the nazis!!
@Marta Daniela Brandão Fuck off, lovephobe. We don't want your hate here.
@Marta Daniela Brandão Interesting notion. Do you think it is the person's desires, or their resultant actions, that are immoral in the case of such paraphilia? I'm not convinced that thoughts alone can be immoral.
Homophobes: “Wait a minute, I’ve been had!”
tell it to people in japan (who has demographic crisis) .. whether homosexuality brings well being for their existence as a nation ....hehehehehe
Politics is cringe go read some Aristotle.
God damn it your really going to make me defend homophobic people! The problem is that although you don't choose you taste in music you do choose what music you actively listen too in other word you conscious choice is not being homosexual but partaking in homosexual acts/relationships. Furthermore even though homosexuality of an individual does not effect me in anyway it does effect the well being the two or more people that are involved in the homosexual act. An act doesn't have to effect ones own we being to be immoral for example Rape is definitely immoral but someone getting raped in another country thousands of miles away does not effect me so it shouldn't matter that homosexuality does not effect me specifically. I'm only saying this because I believe there is a flaw in you logic not because I care who people are sexually attracted too.
@@morrobarry so what do these homosexual people do ? NOT partake in sexual activities or enter a relationship ? that makes zero sense bro .
@@number5582 the action is conscious and it is partaking in homosexual acts...I'm not suggesting that it's wrong or something I'm just saying that it is a conscious act. Although i see the distinction between a sexual preference that is not a conscious decision and then having a gay marriage is a choice for example
I’m a *homosexual™️* and I approve this message
so do I
I'm fucking dead
I am gay aswell 🥰🥰😊🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
@@NienNienNien happy pride month!!
I appreciate your opinion and certainly agree. As gay man myself, my sexual orientation has been beyond my control.I didn't wake up one day and decide that this I was going to be gay. I don't understand why I'm gay but I do know that I did not consciensely to make the decision. Let's just agree to say that most people are heterosexual but some are gay through no actual fault of their own. I have never felt immoral because I'm gay. My sexual orientation has never effected anybody else in a negative way.
I'm in mental pain because of you! *sarcasm*
Nothing we do can be for certainity claimed to be absolutely consious, I'd even argue that for most people most of what they do in life is not completely consious, and it can be simply proved by asking any person questions about any of his deeds (and the related circumstances around it) which are claimed to be conscious by said person, like "why did you put it exactly here and not there? are you even sure you put it here and not there?" and the more specifics you dig out of this deed the more likely you will make the person just admit that he wasn't entirely aware of everything he did while doing the deed that is under question..
The definitive division of the mind and its activity into strict 2 categories of unconscious versus conscious is unscientific and there isn't any evidence to back it up, as far as the science of the mind goes - our mind is super complex and consist of many levels and divisions, some can be claimed to be more conscious and some are less, but the idea of an absolutely consious mind is more in the realm of Buddhism (and even there only few people in this entire franchise claimed to reach such level), and so is the idea of an absolutely UNconscious decision, even things you do in sleep are not completely unconscious, for example when you realise that you are dreaming it can be said that whatever you do in the sleep or in the dream (and sometime you can make real moves OUT of a sleeping state, especially if you're lunatic) is more conscious than sleeping while NOT realizing that this is a dream, but can it be said that it is AS CONSIOUS as something you do when you're not in sleep, that you should take the same responsiblity as if you did it awake? I doubt anyone would want to claim that, and then there is also the question which state of sleep? As sleep itself is divided into several phases, more or less consious, and moreover even the awaken state of a person is divided into various phases throughout the day, in which we are also more or less awake/consious. There is even a thing called day dreaming, how you should deal with that? "Honey I just undressed that woman in my mind, but that was day dreaming don't worry, I am not morally responsible for that more than I am during night dreaming"... Yeah sure, good luck having such "morally responsible" relationship with your wife, I am sure it will create a wonderful and "well being" of a relationship!
Bottom line - when you claim your subjective mind to fall under ABSOLUTE categories such as consious/unconscious, when it clearly SHOULDN'T, while on the other hand taking morality in a relativistic way and saying that there isn't anything absolute about it - this is the definition of being an immoral moron.
Now when it comes to homosexually or any sexuality - you can't claim that it is completely unrelated to our consious decisions!! On basis of what?? There are numerous studies that people are capable of consiously influence their sexuality! Following such logic any pedophile can say - "sorry that's not up to me, this is the sexuality of my body that I have no control over whatsoever!" Do you really want to follow that route??
Or same with incest - "Yeah I'm gonna jerk off at my sister what's the problem with that? it's my sexuality, I didn't decide that, that's at least what my father teached me..." good luck raising your kids with such understanding of sexuality. Just don't be surprised if one day you caught them having sex with each other.
Also you are a moron if you think only about your own "well being". The most "well" state of a productive and prosperous society is when each person realizing his personal duty to multiply and make kids so that the society grows. Sexuality can be consiously influenced, at least according to my own experience, I am heterosexual and never ever experienced attraction to same sex even for a slight, but one time I decided to experiment with it and see if I can squeeze out of myself some arousal towards a guy, and to my surprise I could! It was very hard though, but on the next experiment I noticed it went a little easier, so I dropped the experiment out of fear of perverting and ruining my sexuality.
@@DavidTheKing100is this supposed to be sarcastic? I couldn't tell.
What if the bottom’s sore the next day?
@@supayambaek The whole thing? no. only what comes after quoting an "immoral moron".
If you fall under this category or not depends on what you would answer to your partner if let's say you day-dream about another person in a sexual way and she/he notices and asks you "what are you thinking about?".
You basically have 3 options - you can lie to her/him - this would be immoral, especially when it comes to personal relationships with your significant other. (An argument can be made for morality of a lie when it comes to "lying to nazis about some jews that you hide in your closet " or something of this sort, but that's obviously not the case here).
Or you can admit, but either you admit while being sorry (acknowledging that it is wrong on your side), or you can admit but justify it with the mind set from this video which brings arguments like "babe, this is day dreaming just some thoughts that pop up from my subconsciousness over which I have no responsibility (according to this video), for example I also was dreaming about f**king my ex last night when you was sleeping by my side, even came in my pants from that as you may have noticed, but don't worry babe it's all subconscious sexuality which I have no control over..", now commenting this without sarcasm - such a position of an immoral moron would lead to a failed relationship, and you SHOULD feel guilty about that. OR you may find another immoral moron like you who would be ok with f**king anyone around and won't demand any sexual dedication (what you'd call "open relationship") - but this is a case of 2 completely immoral morons who may some day even by a "mistake" get an innocent child involved inbetween such a f**ed up relationship, and in no way that "mistake" (a torn up condom) would justify what the child would have to experience growing up in a house of undedicated parents, or in orphan house, or experience getting cut into pieces (in case these morons would go for abortion). I may remind you that this video arguing a "well being for yourself or another one", a baby in a womb of a woman is another one, but what even the point of trying to argue that to a bunch of nihilists who have no distinct point that makes "me" as a subject another one in relation to him/her, as we are all bunch of meat with neural structures that came out of the same monkey pussy, with no absolute defining point between that monkey and our current form..
How can you not care if someone is gay? I care a lot!
Because I want to know if they would like me...
That's the only reason I want to know if a cute dude is gay
this is somehow one of the most adorable things ive seen today
Maximellow except people can like you (or each other) without getting sexual about it... :-B
fynes leigh bro what do you mean?
That’s subjective. So of course you care! Go get em, tiger!
You could be one hell of a lawyer
@fynes leigh it? Fucking clown
@@SurrealExposure12 lmaooo get em Vamsi! 😂
@@SurrealExposure12 period go TF off💅😂
@fynes leigh that's rich coming from someone that can't even identify a person's gender
@fynes leigh I apologise for the content of my reply having nothing to do with your original message, but...
It is unnecessary to have such large spacing.
If you're trying to make a point, insulting someone's intelligence won't convince. If you are held up about grammar, perhaps split up your sentences. For clarity, after never mind there could be a full stop or punctuation like a colon to point to a new statement.
Well, there you have it. You can't judge someone for being LGBT+ because it doesn't fall into the moral sphere.
Please tell me you're joking
Edit: Sorry, I misread it. I thought they said, "You cannot judge someone who is LGBT" when it said "You can't judge someone for being LGBT". I am sorry for this mistake. Maybe I need better glasses
Also, who the fuck liked my original comment?!
@@nkyfong why would they be joking? They're right...
@@nkyfong Unless you're a religous lunatic it has nothing to do with morality.
@@nkyfong I don't see how physical/romantic attraction to a specific sex has anything to do with morality unless you follow bizarre religious beliefs.
@@demon_hawkeye5269 Well you can very easily judge someone just because you want to. Nothing to do with whether it is a moral question or not. I don't like when people pronounce "TH" as "T" unless they are Jamaican. That's not a moral dilemma.
Not saying you should hate people because of who they like though (with some exception)
My (bisexual) mom would have loved your video. One thing she hated more than homophobia was being “approved” as a non-straight. And so do I as a straight.
Bisexual mom LMFAO
@@abdoonyt9049: You don’t know what bisexual means?
@@SimonFalkentorp i know what it means, it just sounds hilarious
@@abdoonyt9049Can’t lie it got a chuckle out of me too
@@abdoonyt9049 Literally what is so funny about that?
They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie.
HAHA. Wait, why is nobody laughing? It's a fucking reddit meme!
@@wpprodpyc9266 stfu
@Chris Whitty they can be used for anyone
indeed by almighty lord who raised heavens and spread earth he is brave lad preaching fpr athiesm and talking non sense is all ok till he trash our apostle muhammed indeed i have all glad tidings to you
your blood is spilled
@Chris Whitty dont criticize if you cant take someone criticising you back
Clever title. It gets homophobes to click to validate themselves, and gets normal people to click either to dislike, leave a negative comment, or watch in order to listen to "your anti-gay viewpoint." However, both the groups will immediately notice that you actually aren't a homophobe. Nice job, Alex.
Zoomspilo clever
Zoomspilo I actually knew exactly what he was going to say and didn't even think he could be saying it was immoral. I don't know why; maybe because of how it was worded. Why would someone say "not moral" instead of "immoral"? But yeah, I knew it without thinking about it
Swagalis Goodra Disgusting?
Disgusting, as in revolting, vile, sickening, distasteful, nasty, gross,etc.
Simple google search will give you the definition and synonyms.
jacob smith That not what I meant. I mean what is "disgusting" about gays?
To all the snowflakes out there, (on both sides) what he saying is this: being gay has got nothing to do with being moral or immoral. Same thing goes to straight, bi and lesbian people. It’s nature. (Nor is it a choice) Yours truly, a bisexual atheist man.
Cua 😉
DashingNative think Allah needs to relax and eat a bacon sandwich 😅😁😜
Lesbian was just a word coined to refer to gay women. You made it sound like they’re two different things.
JustNonSense does it matter anyway?
So basically, me being gay is not immoral but the conservative politician taking away my basic human rights is immoral.
We are all equal, that means that if you cannot have your homosexual orgy in a sauna that means that I can't either, therefore we have equal rights because we are equally as incompatible with the same sex sexually :^)
It has exhausted me to constantly defend my right to exist. It feels it has consumed all my energy. No gay person I known ever have chosen it. Still straight people that know nothing on the subject are adamant stating "it is a choice". How arrogant. People are being bullied, shunned, imprisoned and executed for being gay. How would that be a choice?
In my view, neither of the absolute statements "it's a choice" or "it's not a choice" are true, but rather it depends on the specific case and the individual(s) involved.
Even if it were a choice, so what? Anyone should be free to choose and live their life as they see fit.
Even if homosexuality was a choice, that isn’t an excuse to condemn it. I chose to watch this video. Is that an excuse to condemn me for watching the video? No. Just because something is chosen doesn’t make it wrong. That logic is just... illogical lol.
@Norbert Kas and it is such a wierd comparison. Sex, love, companionship between consenting adults is their matter and does not affect anyone else. Murder sort of does affect a non consenting adult in a very big way.
@@jacobscrackers98 no it is not a choice.
Some people thought this was pro-gay, some anti-gay.
Meanwhile I'm over here thinking this shit was a meme.
Another note - it is immoral to outlaw marriage equality etc, since it’s a conscious action that affects the wellbeing of lots of people.
ooo tea
Actions such as denying someone a job would damage their well-being but we would not consider it immoral. Not all actions that affect well being are immoral, but denying people a right that other people have is evil just because a book told you too.
@@DomainAspect Yep, I'm a neutral in this whole situation. Although in my faith it is forbidden to have S-intercouse with the same gender (basically the same way as we see pre-marital S-intercourse), I still support the rights of those who have different beliefs.
Basically, i see gay marriage like the consumption of pork. In Islam we can't eat pork but that doesn't mean I support the outlaw of Pork consumption.
@@DomainAspect Also, your name is hilarious
At first I thought Alex was too young, but his age wasn't his choice and he has one brilliant mind. Excellent! Thank you!
I'm Skipping this video not because I think your argument is wrong rather that it's so obviously right that I cannot sit through almost 10 minutes of what should be basic common sense.
Hear hear ol bean.
i can't tell if ur saying that based on the title or the actual video xd
How is homosexuality not a choice? Atheists are a jokeвидео.html
@@japexican007 are you joking?
@@Floki-D. is that a serious question?
I usually just ask if penguin are immoral. Usually I'm told no or given a weird look. Then I tell them that there have been homosexual penguins. They take in the orphaned and abandoned children most times. Which saves them from having to fend on their own. Quite often the person gets mad or stops talking to me.
This is genius. Can I steal that?
omg cute gay penguins yaaaaassssss
Penguins are obviously cuter than you are if you think they are gay looking. I don't mean your physical looks but inside, you are hideous. Change it before it's too late.
OK I'm not gonna argue with you because I could care less if someone is LGBT, it's their character that matters. But you're using what's known as the nature fallacy. Just because you see it in nature, you cannot use it as a form of evidence for your argument. For example, I can't justify cannibalism just because guinea pigs eat their own offspring lmao.
Well, is it considered a nature fallacy if it contributes to the survival and well-being of the species as a whole? Even if it is indeed a nature fallacy ( I prefer the term, deviant), again, if it means something good for the species, why not?
I've seen once two women in a Bus, one was sitting on other's lap, clearly homosexual, and they were just shining with happiness from being together, a true love, it was just pleasant to watch them.
So I would say more; it is Immoral and childish to judge people by their sexual orientation.
Would you be as comfortable if it was two men instead?
@@TriggeredJelly yes, if they weren't doing nothing inappropriate for a public place which they didn't then what's the problem? Tell me what would you find more disturbing two men displaying true love, doing nothing inappropriate or a straight couple hating each other, being together only because of marriage and kids?
@@proximo1033 Ok. I wasn't trying to generalize here - just asking about your gut reaction to the bus situation with the people's sex reversed.
Me personally, I'd feel uneasy if it were two men. Because I wouldn't want to be in a relationship like theirs, and so would feel uncomfortable empathizing with either of them.
@@TriggeredJelly No one is asking for either your permission or your blessing. We're asking you to shut up.
@@MrKit9 It was a civil discussion until you came here. Shut up yourself, honey.
The problem is that those condemn homosexuality have a completely different opinion regarding the two criteria of morality as applied to this question. They believe (or have been told to believe) that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice". And they believe that the presence of this phenomenon has a negative effect on society, perhaps similarly to extra-marital sex in general or gambling or drug use. It seems clear to me that while they have used scriptural references to assert this, it is really just a desire to maintain conformity in the society. (Mind you I'm not saying conformity is always bad, but, as Alex points out, if a person has no choice over the characteristic or behavior in question, it is wrong to condemn them for it.)
@@YoshiCh1ef-je6me How do you know God condemns it? How do you know there even exists a god?
Didnt the story of sodom end with lots daughters getting him drunk and trying to get pregnant in a threesome?
Why did he make people gay then? Maybe he has gay tendencies himself?
@@YoshiCh1ef-je6me😂😂he asked you for proof and you read him a passage from a book and offered no supporting facts on anything. So you just believe it to be true but that's not a Fact it's based off your own feelings and views
@@jacoboc2244 What is a "displayable act"?
"If it's a choice, try to be gay for a week." Who said that? Oh wait, it was you, brilliant!
Well that's exactly what Bruce Jenner did
@@kunntakentay Now she's straight!
@ADAMK Anderson you aren't supposed to pretend. You're supposed to be. Consciously choose to be gay for a while, not act gay.
@ADAMK Anderson try to fall in love with a guy
@ADAMK Anderson There is a difference between telling everyone you are gay when you are not and consciously choosing to become gay. During the time you pretended to be "gay", did you genuinely develop a crush on another man? Or simply started finding men attractive in a sense that you were attracted to the idea of being in a relationship with man? Most likely not because you are straight so you are only attracted to women.
Clickbait used right!!!
@@granitxhaka6148 I know you're having a bad day. But venting it out on strangers in RUclips won't help. Therapy is a better option. :)
@@granitxhaka6148 Projecting much?
@@granitxhaka6148 What does this mean I need to know
@@granitxhaka6148Unlike you, spewing shit out of that dirty mouth.
@@granitxhaka6148 a much better place to shit would be on your head
To others, coming out as lgbt might sound like a sudden choice, but really it's more of a realisation that u either can't hide it anymore or are certain u aren't straight, probably both.
For me, if I hid it another day I'd be dead at 13.
The closet is not owned by the gay person, it's the homophobe's jail. They own the closet, for they make it dangerous to be outside of it. It's a herding device preceding the closet.
To westerners it just because it popular nothings else. Don’t underestimate the ability of a westerners to want to be The Center of attention. When this phase past they I’ll come up with something else
@@nathanolson3135 What you're really saying is that I and my country are quite religious and this gay thing is icky. I don't like it.
Whereas, science is done all over the world, based in only the factual and the endeavour to realise it in an accurate theory. Science is not regional, but what it achieves in all things can only be done in a society where religion is shoved into the ground enough. When people's belief fades and knowledge becomes known and not believed.
Science knows enough that homosexuality is normal. A normal outcome for those who are and that's from birth. Statistical analysis shows this as does genetic studies thus far. The fact that these things have been shown to be set, is not a 'Western' thing, just that in the west, religion and belief have much less of an influence that blinds all of whom are into belief or in a combination of crazed dictatorship, over logic and investigation.
There still are plenty of people here in these postings who are homophobic and from the west.
@@Mcfreddo you’re delusional in thinking The LGBTQ movement in the west has anything to do with science. If anything science is the one thing they run away from as far as possible. Also don’t confuse what comes Naturally to Normality, what “Normal “ is a subjective term , Society decide what normal, history proves that . Any practice have to stand against the test of benefiting the wider society or not in order to be considered part of Normalcy . read your own history this isn’t the first time normalisations of homosexuality in the west has been in full swing , but it always seem with every cultural reset in west it ended up being banned, why is that ? Are you going to say due to ignorance, or lack of knowledge ? or maybe the Bads outweighs the goods. Just look where the conversations were not even that long ago to now , where’s the science in that ? Sure , maybe it comes natural to want same sex love , well so is killing and many other things that we the Society have deem abnormal / detrimental .
A quiet minute for all people, who didn't watch the video, because of the title.
"As soon as you start trying to make a link between homosexuality and morality, you've already lost the debate." This quote was needed more than ever! ❤
It's a weak argument.
Weak because morality is not actually about legalism so the logic of legality does not suffice.
It's about mechanics.
Something is either mechanically viable or it is not. If it is then it is moral. If it is not then it is immoral.
Humans assess what works for them as individuals, families societies, nations and the world then codify that wisdom into laws, rules and morals. But something is not moral because of a code, but rather what precipitated that code.
The foundational question is not if homosexuality is moral according to the group code, but if it is actually mechanically viable/beneficial, neutral or detrimental.
If it is detrimental then it is immoral. But actually, even some immoral things can be absorbed by individuals and society. Not everything has to be condemned.
I started going into the comments during the video. The second I started reading this comment, he started saying it.
and cucks are spamming like button because cant think for themselved
By the same logic: the slightly different phrase “ as soon as you start trying to make a link between pedophilia and morality, you’ve already lost the debate”
So pedophiles are suddenly okay now 🤷♂️ according to the same principle
@@ButterBabyyy amoral doesn't mean "okay" its just something that ppl can't control. But they can control whether they act upon it or not , according to the consequences or effects they might have to others, for example,there are lots of pedos in the world that have never do anything to kids, and psychopaths among us that have never killed, and gays that never came out.
I read the title and I was like "wot" then I realized it's cosmic skeptic so there's much more to it, lol.
honeslty same
Vayne Solidor or 34 people don't like clickbait
This guy is great at writing click-baity video titles.
Gia S.
Eh, I honestly don't understand the point of the video. Most people arguing against homosexuality aren't arguing why he is arguing. They aren't saying the attraction is wrong per se, but acting on it is. They're arguing same sex acts are immoral and not the orientation.
wschippr S I mean, most of them don't believe it's an orientation at all, they believe it's a choice
Is that a cardboard RUclips play button behind you? Haha love it
I know this is a year old comment, but I think it's wood.
@@EiferBrennan i know this is a month old comment, but i think it's birch hardwood.
I think its wood.
@@andysingh2730 *cork
@@andysingh2730 I know this comment is a month old, but I think it's cork
It is the right point. As a gay, I always thought and think that it is not to be judged ethically, for it is just biology. To be a hedgehog or a fir-tree is not moral or immoral.
I came expecting an anti gay rant, but was pleasantly surprised. You made some excellent points.
SpaceCat Scribbles Points that make no sense.
@@kingnevermore25 statements
I was like " this has to be clickbait. No way RUclips would allow this pop up in MY recommendations. "
yea, like 90% of what goes on on youtube. everything is turning rainbow colored and politically correct gay
Left-handedness is a good analogy.
Nobody really knows why some minority of people naturally prefer to use their left hand for complex motor movements, just as nobody really knows why some minority of people prefer sexual relations with their own gender.
To judge homosexuality as a moral issue is as absurd as judging left-handedness as a moral issue. Neither are moral issues.
Paul Gross And the church has judged both.
Yeah, its weird the number of people from my parent's generation (over 60s) who say that they remember being told that left-handedness was the sign of the devil, or something like that.
But I've never seen any official documentation on that, just anecdotes.
destroying religion one issue at a time.
The word "sinister" comes from latin "left handed" ("sin" being "left"). Additionally, here's a fun one, "sincere" comes from "sin cere" - "without wax," as late roman stone masons would put their name and "sin cere" to pledge they did not fill out mistakes in their sculpture with wax which, on hot days, would melt.
My grandmother is naturally left-handed and in school she was always forced to write with her right hand. They even hit her hand with a wooden stick if she dared to use the left hand!
The reasoning behind this was exactly what you said: using your left hand for things like writing is a sign that the devil or some demon is trying to get hold of you. So those teachers probably really believed that they were saving her from the devil's influence by forcing her to write with her right hand.
I'm left-handed too and when I broke my left arm, I had to write with my right hand for a few weeks and it was horrible. It just felt so unnatural!
I know this is just some more anecdotal evidence, but to me personally, it's real evidence, because I know my own grandmother would never lie about something like this.
She's turning 90 next year, so this happened between 1935 and 1945, in South Africa.
You will be glad to hear that Australia did vote yes for gay marriage.
Lol nice
They voted yes for sin
kunntakentay what a sadly petty religion..
@@deadby15 what religion?
kunntakentay we voted Yes to Love, God is Love, so your lot say, so we voted for God. We did that in the face of the Christian churches who were determined to sow hatred and dissension. So which side do you think was doing God’s will?
This has managed to be one of the few videos made on this topic that has aged well. Well spoken and hopefully more people will be capable of thinking this rationally in the future
I think it is a good video, however it misses an important point. While your sexual desire is outside of conscious control, sexual activity is not. I'm not saying two men having sex is immoral, but it does fall within the moral sphere, as it is a conscious decision affecting well-being. Homosexuality as a sexual orientation is in the amoral sphere; homosexuality as an action is in the moral sphere. You can make a comparison to pedophilia. Attraction to minors is not a conscious decision. Acting on that attraction definitely is and deserves to be punished severely, as I'm sure we all agree. Same with homosexuality, except for the punishment part of course. All I'm saying is that the argument presented in the video is lacking, as the action itself is conscious.
@@timangar9771 it's conscious but doesn't negatively affect the individuals involved - so it isn't immoral in any way?
@@hargeauxthat isn't what the person said. They said it's in the moral sphere as it's a conscious decision and affects wellbeing. Only in this case it's actually good for the wellbeing, which would make it moral I think.
saw the title: was reluctant to watch the video
watched the video: fully agree
@fynes leigh what?
@fynes leigh heterosexuals are immoral.
fynes leigh Not like straights are not perverts. Most cases of child sexual abuse is straight people,straight people sexual abuse animals too a lot. Straight males. Lots of perversions come from straights you bitch
@fynes leigh "anti-natural perversions" yet here they exist in a world your God created. Failure by God as a creator? Or maybe just love is love? I'll let you decide 😊
Vamsi G well said👏👏
I came back to watch some of Alex's old videos and I was wondering how many of the dislikes are from homophobes who watched it assuming he was going to be homophobic and were disappointed, and how many are from people who didn't watch it and disliked it because they thought is was homophobic.
I am an ex christian,yes its true most religious people are homophobes
Ha ha “schrodinger’s homophobia” moment
Explain what is a homophobe?
@@marshalljobe1102 someone who blatantly holds antagonistic feelings towards gay people. Always irrational, never justified
@@makotoyuki345 what if someone believes it is a perversion... that it's sick even to think about a man putting his into another man's ? Is that 'antagonistic'? Are there things you think are perverse? that you don't like?, that you think are wrong or twisted?
e.g. How do you feel about pedophiles? are they twisted and sick minded to you?
Brilliant lad, philosopher and great speaker. Succinctly presenting his fundamental thesis in a masterful delivery!!
I clicked on this video ready fight someone but instead it's given me a good argument for why Bucky can't be held accountable for the Winter Soldier stuff
I feel like the only one who ever actually held him accountable was Tony, and that was purely because he couldn't get past his own mental anguish to see the simple truth.
Imagine if people who disagree with you treated you the same way you treat them? Always ready to fight someone? Can't we just stop fighting?
Gert Bruwer, yes; give peace a chance. By the way, that was so smart, I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to use it.
@@rageoftyrael Oh. Who would have thought that seeing a video of somebody, who is standing next to you, murdering your parents while at the same time your friend knew about it and didnt tell you would make somebody flip out. Yes, everyone would behave rationally.
Actually this saying goes back long before the cosmic skeptic was even a gleam in his fathers eye. In fact I was telling people this 30 years ago and I have no idea where I got it.
David Whitfield yep
People who believe it is immoral DO believe it is a choice. The best response to them is "why would anyone choose that?". If being homosexual leads to lower (institutional) social status, an inability to procreate and causes stress on a daily basis... why would you *choose* this? The answer is you wouldn't. Simply as you didn't *choose* to be born to a poor family or be born with 10 fingers and 10 toes. Sexual orientation is not black/white, but rather a scale/gradient and we all find ourselves along this scale. For all intents and purposes, it was a blind throw of a dart and we live with where it lands...for better or worse.
PerfectPencil exactly.
They do appear to have a major cognitive problem with seeing anyone else's form of preferable choice.
Ari Onassis-Sugen, you're oversimplifying the complexity of existence. None of the things you've listed as even partially equivalent and it is debatable "why" a person would do any of them. If you take the time to analyze why a person would do each, then you can decide if they are doing so of sound mind or if by some kind of mental illness. I suspect though you haven't thought through any of this and are just passing through with a silly thought never to return. With that in mind I just want others to realize that life is not simple. You cannot give simple prescriptions for complex problems.
Well considering you haven't at the very least mastered the usage of a period, I would say the complexities of life have definitely flown over your head.'re........just...................trolling...
Having noticed the luring title and being, by now, familiar with your thought processes I watched the video and found exactly what I'd hoped to. Thanks.
I'm gay and when I saw the title I thought: Ugh here it is again... But I clicked because I didn't mind listening to what this guy had to say, and it quickly took a turn I never would've expected. This literally gave me renewed faith. Thank you. Subscribing to you now. Also, I love your delivery and your accent! And you have a face that I think is a cross between Dane DeHaan and Freddie Highmore, so that's really interesting!
Theme Fresh
Renewed faith in my sexuality. I feel more secure.
okay me too and now i can’t unsee the face comparison you’ve given fhhfbdbn
Just going to warn you that if you're religious in any way you're really not going to like the rest of his content lol. Just as a heads up.
Natasha Jayne I doubt any gay person is religious at all ...
Thank you for actually watching the video once you clicked on it.
You scared my little gay heart so much-
Vayne Solidor
Could you please calm down?
That Cup Of Dirt he's playing around
you are a funny girl, will you marry me?
Berserker Nobody cares about your opinion.
The title totally had my blood pumping, but I thought I'd hear you out. I'm totally glad I came across this and I'm totally sharing it.
Lol..What a snowflake
Lol. If you had been familiar with this channel then you would have realized that the title was soft clickbait.
Denying the rights of the individuals because they are a minority is what is immoral.
"Don't judge people by the color of their skin or by the shape of their ears"
Talkin' as if elves were real :D
but they are
They're NOT??????
Danny some people have free lobe ears while others have attached.
As someone with big pointy ears, I can tell you that the discrimination is real.
Danny does he not look like a Vulcan to you!?
So this is what a neutral aligned person looks like xD
True neutral.
My trick question in such a discussion is "when did you decide to like the opposite sex?".
When i decided two arms were better than one.
@@keithdon3313 and when was that in terms of time
@@nicholaslumbuyekasasa3718 explain
@@nicholaslumbuyekasasa3718 amazing trick question lol.
That question is very easy to answer. Probably when I understood the concept of sexuality and I realized that being gay would subject me to a lot of prejudice.
Excellent points!! Great video
We've just now elected the first openly gay governor here in Colorado which precipitated an interesting discussion with someone I know who is Russian regarding the "morality" of being openly gay. It seems that the Russian mentality of homosexuality is pretty much back in the 1950s if she is at all representative. After many rounds of trying to get her to explain why being gay was wrong, she ended up by arguing that being gay was OK but that being a gay governor was not. She was unable to tell me how a governor's sexuality would adversely effect their performance in office, and after going round and round in circles, she ended the discussion. My point here is that so much anti-gay prejudice is irrational at its core, so attempting to use logic to displace it aims at a target that doesn't really exist. Still, that's no reason not to try.
@Eternal Justice I'm not really clear on the point you're trying to make, if any. Perhaps you could elaborate.
@Eternal Justice Thanks for the response. I'm assuming of course that you mean "cease to exist," as "seize to exist" makes little sense. Thanks also for demonstrating the moral vapidness of religion, which is, indeed, a mental poison worth opposing.
Where's Christopher Hitchens when you need him? He would've Hitchslapped the homophobes so hard, they'd need wipe themselves off the floor.
@Melvin Carter There is no evidence for the existence of hell.
@Melvin Carter Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. There is no valid evidence for the existence of hell, so it is unlikely that Hell exists.
Well that title definitely caught my attention
I just spent the last hour binge watching your videos and when I saw the title of this one I was so shocked. Turned out to be one of my favourite videos of yours 😂
Satana With A Fiddle Same though.
Haha same. 😂
Satan With A Fiddle We cannot act in this manner endorsing satan and getting our morals switched will be the end of us all we have to worship the LORD Jesus Christ in every way that we can.
Jesusistheonlyway To salvation People can worship god and be gay at the same time. Why would god punish someone for something they can’t control? That’s just evil and god’s not evil
I always ask people in this debate who is harmed by homosexuality. Who does it hurt, and how? They'll certainly try to come up with an answer, but nothing that holds up to scrutiny. They'll either provide logical fallacies (a scenario that would be harmful even if homosexuality wasn't a factor), misinformation (like they never look up their claims to verify them), claim that their god is somehow harmed (which contradicts their own belief), or simply state that it makes them personally disgusted.
This is the deep stuff I subscribed for.
Really? Deep? Maybe nonsensical gibberish most atheist describe to. It doesnt take a genius to know that homosexuality is a choice, and is not a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, approving such a negative behavior affects our society, family, and marriage in a bad way.
CamoMGO Um yeah excuse me but homosexuality is not a choice, it's not even close. People are born with sexualities, just like they are born with eye colors and hair colors. Just because we haven't found out why people are gay vs straight doesn't mean people choose to like a certain gender. And really, homosexual relationships help the Earth. They adopt kids apposed to having them, which will slow overpopulation.
Asking when you chose to be heterosexual actually sounds like it might be warranted.
+CamoMGO Just repeating this answer for your benefit:
It's true that to engage in a homosexual act is a choice, but not in the way that you assume. It is a choice between a) pursuing pleasure, and b) denying yourself from having what's attractive to you. To take the latter is a decison that creates psychologically uncomfortable cognitive dissonance - one want's something, put tells oneself not to pursue it, for likely externally originated reasons. (Like if you want to get rich, which is obviously appealing, and then taking actions to avoid that. If you perceived a chance to get rich, it would be uncomfortable to avoid it right?) What's NOT a choice, is that each of these actions has a psychological result - pleasure or psychological stress respectively. So by a simple 'if this then that' logical extension, a person in actuality is choosing between pleasure, and psychological stress, which is really not a choice at all.
Also, it doesn't inherently have a negative effect on society. Do some research. There's a good TED talk on homosexuality and evolution.
CamoMGO So you're saying people _wanted_ to be prosecuted and discriminated against (as they so often were in the past)?
Saw this and thought to myself: “Oh, Boy... This ought to be hilarious.” Turns out, this is exquisitely thought out. Mad props Boy’o! And I love how you brought up nature vs. nurture. Such a fun psychological debate route.
I am a gay volcano
I shall say that you the gay volcano are immoral for “erupting” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@@jayjones5234 you beat me to it!
Well maybe I'll be tracer
@@Raquel-ic9tx. Don't. Please.
@@wonderingaround945 n o
Wow. Thank you!! Absolutely Brilliant!!
Tbh, this is really basic stuff. It's fuck all to do with anyone else, they're not hurting anyone, leave people alone. Some people really can't grasp it though and this vid did a brilliant job of spelling it out. I'm subbing
The RightStuff hi guys it's me, the guy you're replying too. I've had no internet for a while and i've just discovered this conversation. Just want to say hello and hope you both have a nice day
RyanBrown94 if we live in a society where we have natural, biological inclinations contrary to what we 'should' be doing, and are thus scrutinised under tyrannical leadership, we may as well be dead. I don't think homosexuality is damaging to the advancement of the human race, realisticly (if that's what you mean, i'm sorry if i've butchered what you meant). I believe in each to their own; if you're racist, don't hang around other races; if you're homophobic, stay away from gays. My problem is where freedom of speech is used to damage others on some delluded idea of morality. Which does happen. In terms of an absolute rectitude for people, homosexuality doesn't harm others directly and as long as men and women are still making more humans, we're fine. There's over 7 billion of us. I hope that answers that unless i've misunderstood you; in which case, just call me a twat
The RightStuff You speak about a god who condones and promotes rape, slavery, genocide, prejudice, and murder. That’s all okay. But when it comes to homosexuality, that seems to be the immoral aspect of life. What you’re saying is that people shouldn’t be given the right to be themselves and have to sacrifice their sexuality because of the beliefs of others? For example, I’m wrong, criticized, and demonized because I don’t believe in the god of the Bible, Quran, and Torah; and wish to be who I am and love a man as you would the opposite sex. That’s a threat onto your way of life and existence. However, you’re actively preaching that gays are immoral and worthy of death, that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’re supposed to nod are heads and say, Yeah you got a point. Seriously dude?
RyanBrown94 no probs. Firstly; as an athiest, i may not share your idea of meaning (assuming you're thiest) but i think we live in a chaotic reality that we assign meaning to (not saying there is no god but i just don't base my life on the assumption there is). I would just like humanity to continue to grow and expand and i don't think everyone being exactly the same is the way forward; rather, everyone is different and thus helps our race to progress through various, operational means (like a jigsaw puzzle). Bringing me on to the next point, if everyone was a homosexual; yes, we'd die out but i think that's hardly relevant as i have no reason to suspect we are all going to be gay. Again, we all play roles, small and large. Gay people can be good engineers, scientists or factory workers; they don't need to breed to be useful. As long as people are breeding, we're fine. For example, we don't all need to be doctors for medical care to be available. I'm not sure about your second point as i haven't really looked into it but i'm guessing you said it because you're concerned it's a cultural change that might; in time, set everybody to gay. I suppose that raises an issue whether a social force that keeps homosexuality at bay brings balance to humanity's survival. Hmm interesting. (I say rubbing my chin with a monicle in my eye, sipping my earl grey)
RyanBrown94 but the difference between killing someone and homosexuality is very different. Gay relationships and sex between two consenting adults doesn't harm people, killing someone does. We might have to agree to disagree i guess. I understand as a thiest, you're understanding is based on what a grand creator who knows better than us deams suitable for mankind and i don't particularly think that person necersarily exists. Therefore; i'm going to base my moral compass on what i see fit for the existence of my species, without the idea of a predetermined rule book. Has been an interesting one
This is exactly how we get through to the alt-right types: clever clickbait. Well done.
Yes. I remember you from that day!!!!!!
Unfortunately I don't think you can get through to the alt-richt types. They aren't smart enough to understand logic and they don't really care if they are right or not. Hate isn't a rational emotion, it's a way of life that will take decades to deprogram.
@Luke Lemmon There's a lot of projection in your comment. You also seem to be defending something without actually coming out and stating what your point is.
It seems like you are defending hate, and the implication is that you are defending hate of non-white people as a survival technique.
I also read your second comment to Gareth Sheals and it seems pretty much the same.
While Gareth was making the constructive comment about ignorance before malevolence, you reply with what seems to be an argument supporting the "art of destroying the human spirit and causing pain and death for its sake".
It was the second post that confirmed my suspicion that you are either a drunk guy goofing on people or an unstable person who enjoys hate, like some of us may enjoy an ice cream or a day at the beach. Either way, I don't enjoy communicating with irrational people, so bye.
Fuck those lovephobic piece of shits. If they can't understand that LOVE IS LOVE, then they deserve to be killed.
See you at the next Antifa protest. ❤️
Pedo McPedoson your comment is just making your name even worst lmaoo
I love how this is just a prolonged grammar lesson. I love it
I actually agree with this. Just because something is disgusting, doesn't make it NECESSARILY immoral by nature.
Of course it is immoral, would you put your pecker into a sewer? Wtf!? lol.
That is a high quality table
this was a very intelligent way of making clickbait
That's a good title, because ignorant prejudicial people will definetly click, and hopefully have their minds changed
SingStreet You say that thinking that ignorant people wouldn't click off the second he said "is not anti homosexuality"
What is your problem?
You truly are a walking punchline, aren't you?
My dad so happened to be straight. Nothing can change that. And also, you need to study the bible better
"You want people to accept perversion" No, we want to live without fear and with the same human rights at the rest of the population. Its not that hard.
Less people like you in the world is also a good thing to happen, but thats more difficult.
To quote Hitchens quoting Lillian Hellman "The forms of fucking do not require my endorsement."
I know you'll never ever see this. I know this video is three years old. However I wanted to thank you anyway. Three years ago I hated myself for the gender dysphoria I was experiencing on a daily basis. I was seriously suicidal. I had this belief that what I was feeling was morally wrong. This way of analyzing morality helped me so much. It only took a couple days to realize that what I was feeling was perfectly ok. Since then I have come out as transgender to most of the people in my life. I may still have limited options due to living in Alabama but I now have love and support and the assurance that I am valid. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I genuinely think this video saved my life.
Sorry if this seems rude but may I ask how does the sensation of a specific gender feel? If you are transgender than you would supposedly of felt both genders as a sensation, also what is a gender?
I thought you should know this no matter how long ago you asked.
The feeling of beeing wrong in your own body. You just cant stand your male (for transfemales) appearances as part of yours. It may cause fear, panic or horror. Sometimes its just the dislink i mentioned.
A person can also learn to only concentrate on the task (like genital care/cleaning) without noticing the fear inducing part their working on (it becomes a very strong unconscious trait so you dont always have to experience Dysphoria).
The term "Gender" applies to the "sex" of your mind in contrast to "sex" that either is meaning as Biological sex (Thats including genetic sex, hormonal sex, physiological/anatomical sex and maybe more) or just the assigned sex/gender at birth.
I hope this helps a bit
@@celinematerzok6421 perhaps this a misinterpretation, if gender is the sex of a mind doesn't that mean that minds directly reproduce independent of the physical body? I don't think this what you mean so could you describe it more particularly.
thankyou for responding, even in late consideration
@@voxsvoxs4261 I'll just skip the part that tries to explain that your mind can develop in a different direction than (for example) your pre determined Anxiety.
Did you know that the female brain has around 19 billion neurons and the male brain around 21?
This is most if the time Not true for transgender where transfem (born male) have the female number and for transmasc (born female) its around the male count.
What i want to tell you with that is, that a Transgender actually has a brain similiar to the opposite AGAB.
I cant tell you whether thats genetic or not.
But i know Sex isnt just Male and Female. A girl (AFAB) can have male gonads (Testicles) and someone with XY (male chromosome pair) becomes completely female.
Maybe its the same with the brain. That there is some influence that it doesnt develop to the same sex as the body will.
@@celinematerzok6421 I see, using sex was abit confusing then as it is a description of the reproductive function of a thing, what I think you're trying to describe is: There is a brain type which each sex normally develops, a transgender person develops the brain opposite to their sex (or at least significantly similar).
You won't believe how glad I am that there are still rational people on this planet
@Bluemonsoon Rawlings Thanks for the mountains of evidence, you've sure converted me into whatever religion you are.
@Bluemonsoon Rawlings Repent and believe in Muhammad!
@@deviladvocate21 police be upon him!
For a second I thought you got hacked or something by the title xD
If he got hacked, I'd be disappointed in the hacker to see a title like this. I'd rather see something like "I've Officially Accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Saviour".
Kudos on the catchy title. You reeled me in. Cogently argued. Well done, sir.
although i do accept your criteria for judging whether or not something exists in the moral sphere i still want to hold volcanoes morally responsible for erupting
do it
Excellent video again!
Human sexuality has nothing to do with morality, as long as it's safe, sane, and consensual.
Even a noncensual sexuality is amoral. It would be acting on such a sexuality that would be bad.
@@jimmysthoughts8571 so is conspiracy to murder even if said murder isn’t carried out amoral too? Full disclosure I’m bisexual and an atheist so I don’t disagree with the video but I’m perhaps a little skeptical of your comment.
@@Shittyrapper I'll answer your question with another question. Is it immoral to simply think about bad things?
@@jimmysthoughts8571 well you got me there. Good point.
@@jimmysthoughts8571 It is immoral to actively plan to carry out a homicide even if you ultimately fail at the task.
I totally agree with you - I grew up catholic, and within the religion people always asked me "do you think homosexuality is moral" I always answered why they were asking so, as there is no need to debate over a damn sexual orientation. Thank you for making this video, I will show it to everyone I want to spread this message to.
@@ContemplativeThinkeryou put it very nicely, thank you for representing the catholic faith clearly.
@@ContemplativeThinker But why would it be a sin to commit a homosexual act?
@@ContemplativeThinker If it is contrary to nature, then why was I born like that?? Since my early childhood, I've always felt I was different than other boys. WHY DID NATURE LET ME COME TO EARTH AGAINST ITS WILL OR ITS DAMN STANDARDS???
And since the BIBLE condems it, what do they suggest us to do to turn straight if we ever happen to be born that way??? And don't tell me ''conversion therapy'' because they don't seem to have a promising successful rate there...and I've tried to pray it away for years, that didn't help either...and don't tell me to celibate because I am already a lonely young man, I can't afford to live my life alone just because I was born broken. Whoever or whatever made me, they must certainly had used the wrong formula if we want to consider what the bible/nature says. They need to fix us themselves or else let us be, we shouldn't have to have the hassle of turning straight by ourselves. I am not the one who made myself. I don't even know who, how, what, when, or why I was made. Nobody does. Pregnancy and childbirth is still a miracle to our eyes which we'll never fully grasp. It's not my fault if they made me the wrong way. (And by ''they'' I don't only infer to my parents, I also am inferring to GOD/nature/or whatever supremely superior living being)
@@sebadbt7410It isn’t.
Any act itself, wether it’s good or bad, is not the sin.
The sin is judging the person for doing that act, i.e. playing God.
It’s ok to see that the person is doing good or bad but not to love or hate them for it.
@@freshliving4199while I agree with you most conservative christians wouldn't see it that way. They would say the bible states what is a sin and what isn't. They would agree that you should not hate someone else for their sin. But you should confront them about their sin so they change their sinful ways. Now I wouldn't think a gay man would feel happy in a church if every person he meets always tells him to stop acting upon his sexuality. The only way to end this debate in christianity is to view the bible in a historic context and focus on the most important messages. Conservative christians tend to take every little sentence into account and forget other important messages. Or they care only about some little sentences and neglect others.
I must confess, I'm one of the countless individuals who fell prey to the deliberate click-bait title of this video. A few years ago, as a young gay person struggling to reconcile my identity with the dogmatic dictates of my faith, I stumbled upon this video in a desperate attempt to find justification for the self-loathing and repression that had become my constant companions. I for one am very thankful, that it was actually quite supportive as this was one step to accepting myself.
Ngl I relate to this a lot. I am bisexual, but I always tried to repress myself, tried to force myself to be unattracted to men. I got radicalised during the lockdown(thanks edgy memes and 4chan) bc I was an edgy teenager, and started maintaining alt right beliefs, which made me even more depressed and anxious than I previously was. It is only recently that I started thinking about it logically, and have been exponentially happier ever since.
I hope you have a happy and joyful life. Peace 👍
Me: why would youtube suggest me this???? Why does it have 1 mill views?
Me, after reading the comments and getting through the disclaimer: oh.
*sees title*
*hears disclaimer*
This is probably one of the most clever uses of click-bait I have ever seen on YT. I bet a lot of haters tripped over themselves to watch this one. Excellent presentation.
Never seen this channel before, and just got another video from it in my recommended, and decided to take a look first at other videos to find out who this is.
Saw this title, immediately thought “oh well, it’s another one of THOSE channels”, and was ready to leave a dislike and leave.
Thank god I’d heard the first few seconds while I was moving the mouse over to the dislike button…
Now that is a new way to talk about morality and homosexuality.
3:55 As an Austrian, I can definitely think of a reason why you could be judged for lifting your hand.. (in a particular fashion tho)
haha.. I just got that.
In my opinion, it is important for people to recognize that many things are morally neutral.
Wow, that is such a good way to slip out from what God demands of you.
@@maxstrange7606 lol who cares what he says hes the last person id go to for advice about morality that genocidal dictator
@@maxstrange7606 god can blow me, I wonder what that would feel like
@@Persephone3.14well, I'd say *godly*
@@notyou8508 that's an *otherworldly* pun
This man thinks exactly how I think, but I can't put it into words, and he can.
Maybe the fact you can’t put it in words is an omen of this rubbish.
@@dragonmartijn Please clarify
@@epicgamervallon3457 You can’t talk about God, angels, demons, heaven, hell, saints, sinners, love, hate,… the way Alex does. You need another kind of logic. Actually man’s brain isn’t made to fully grasp what heaven is, using normal worldly understanding. Once your eyes will open and you can see a part from what is happening. Saints saw much more than ordinary modern people, read some things about the dreams of Don Bosco and the miracles by Padre Pio and how they became the way they were.
@@dragonmartijn Or I'm not practiced in formulating speeches. It ain't that deep.
@@epicgamervallon3457 Be happy to receive more time to think and less to chatter. 😄
The best clickbait ever, as a bisexual I love this video, thank you ❤
and you love him too
@@Knytz LOL
The production quality rises along with the stack of books in the background
Then it falls too in your terms
Hehe, gay man here. Saw the title, then the author, and immediately thought "oh boy that's going to piss some people off".
Holding a volcano accountable for erupting ... Best analogy ever
You wouldn't hold a volcano accountable for erupting, but if something could be done to stop the eruption from happening, you would still do it.
@@arielshutitdownowitz3267 if the volcano had a will, desired to erupt, and it erupted Oxygen, what would you say then?
If it erupted nothing but oxygen, it likely wouldn't be harmful to anyone. It would be analogous to my response to someone desiring to eat chocolate and then eating chocolate. Why would I care?
Actual volcano eruptions are harmful to the locals. This is true whether or not there's a volcano god that decides when eruptions happen.
Bacterial infections don't have a will, and they probably aren't a punishment from the gods, but we still take antibiotics. The bacteria didn't "choose" to infect you, and they aren't morally culpable for infecting you, so they don't "deserve" to be killed, but you still take antibiotics to either kill them or limit their growth.
@@arielshutitdownowitz3267 I think you are still missing the point. Obviously, volcanoes do not spew oxygen into the air. They actually spew sulfur and molten rock which are deadly to most living things. If there is a way to stop their effects, we should be pursuing it. However the point is that people being homosexual AND acting on it has nothing at all in common with volcanoes. What they feel and do has no effect on me or you.
@@arielshutitdownowitz3267 You say that like someone eating chocolate has no effect on anyone. Cows were tortured and indirectly killed for it.
Being homosexual is not a conscious choice, but entering a homosexual relationship is. And in fact it checks the other box as well: finding a partner that fits you well is likely to have a huge positive impact on your wellbeing.
Should be common sense, but it don't seem to be too common anymore.
Lifting a hand cannot be judged morally? Don't tell the Nazis!
Context matters