I was in Beograd in the spring of 2017 about new ready-mix concrete equipment coming on-line for new large scale building projects. I remember the area where Tito's Blue Train was kept and it was just in the beginning stage of redevelopment back in 2017, it was a mess with the rail and highway systems just getting started. And the Beograd Waterfront project was still in the beginning stages of demolition of the old industrial structures. Now it amazing how fast things are happening in and around Beograd urban area. You can see the railyards, stations, platforms and rail beds have changed greatly since then plus the roadways have changed dramatically also. Couldn't be happier for everyone in and around Beograd.
Thank you for a great video. The numerous. tunnels emphasize the mountainous nature of the terrain. Not many tunnels hereabouts in the California desert.
The station Novi Beograd is not completely done, the station building (bus+train station in one) is yet to be built on the empty lot next to the tracks. Also, 4 tracks are planned from Beograd Centar to Batajnica, with new stations (such as Agostina Neta between Novi Beograd and Tošin bunar). This will all be done within the next 5 years
@@carick235 ohh nice, when I visited Belgrade in 2017 it was snowing and the station gave me like Soviet Union vibes lol. Nice to see improvements on the line to meet the European rail standards!
Спасибо за видео -очень интересно прокатиться по Белградским линиям метро. Очень хочется увидеть: когда закончат ремонт линии, прокатиться еще раз до Субботицы -сравнить с тем, что было (специально пересмотрю старую 2х-годичной давности запись поездки).
For me, it was a great educational video about Serbia. I've never been there and if given the opportunity I would like to visit and know more about that part of the world. Thank you..!!
Thanks, it was interesting. Please, shoot railway section Niš - Beograd. I miss a video with a view of this segment to drive all the way from Dimitrovgrad to Subotica.
Que coisa mais linda ❤️ Aqui no Brasil é tal Rouba mais Faiz Metrô de SP Brasil,, Dá vergonha políticos parabéns 💐👏 tava com saudades de ouvir 🚆🚆🚆 buzina abraço Jaú SP Brasil vou assistir ☺️ de pedaço
it will be very cool if you try to fix the camera on the side of some wagon, for example 5 from the beginning, or from the end, you get an interesting shooting angle and you get cool shots especially when cornering 👍
Fantastic views! I'm very excited to see these lines with infrastructure updates and real active repair works. I've actually used BeoVozm although it was a long time ago, and fall in love with the skyways between two tunnels, it was very surprising experience and very useful for daily commute (for a week stay, though). I hope, the tunnels under city center and fortress would see their repairs too, both because they are crucial for the S-Bahn function and because they have so unique joints. Are there plans for any new stations in these tunnels in the forseeable future? Thank you for the video!
Yes, new station is planned between Karađorđev park and Vukov spomenik called Makenzijeva. Metro line 2 will go above it and it will make a transit hub. All current stations (Karađorđev park, Vukov spomenik and Pančevački most) are to be reconstructed with adjustment to platform height (modern low floor trains can not use them now). Another new station "Karaburma" is also planned as a terminus station, and those unfinished tunnels before Pančevački most lead to that planned station. It will enable trains to terminate there and not go over the bridge where there isn't that much people.
@@ironfoxzone2252 Thanks for clarification! So they plan to build two independednt systems (metro and BeoVoz), or do they plan to temporarily suspend service between the Panchevo bridge and Central station and build a new station inside now-existing tunnel, transforming BeoVoz into something more like U-Bahn?
@@ntwwwnt They are 2 completely independent systems that will one day form the backbone of Belgrade transit. Metro is a new system, currently with no built infrastructure. 3 lines are planned and when it is build, it will be fully automatic, with new signaling and intervals of 3 minutes. BGvoz (S-Bahn) on the other hand already exists, but new lines and better frequencies are planned along with new stations. They plan to cover many suburbs with it and also more trains in the city center. The metro station "Makenzijeva" is above planned railway station "Makenzijeva" and is oriented 90 degrees from the current tunnels. Some temporary closures may ensue due to the complexity of the station construction. If you wish to know more about Belgrade Metro and BGvoz or railways in Serbia in general, I am your guy, feel free to contact me.
@@ironfoxzone2252 Wow! That seems to be great idea, both gaining new transportation system and preserving (not demolishing) the existing one. Thank you!
As far as i know, the station Makenzijeva will not be built due to short distance between Vukov Spomenik and Karađorđev park station. But the Karaburma station will be built, due to a stub tunnels to nowhere before Pančevački Most station.
Znate li slucajno da li ce novi most kod Vince (u sklopu buduce obilzanice) imati novi kolosijek do Panceva? Kada krene rusenje Pancevca" za koju godinu, svakako mora postojati zeljeznicka poveznica sa Banatom.
Imaće sigurno železnički kolosek jer je to planirana teretna obilaznica kako teretni vozovi ne bi išli kroz centralne tunele. Čak je moguće i provući BGvoz tu (tako mi je rečeno od strane stručnjaka). Što se Pančevča tiče još se ne zna kako će se to raditi da li će se rušiti ili temeljno rekonstruisati, bilo kako bilo to je za više godina.
I da se bude rušio Pančevac teško da će rušiti deo sa prugom, jer su delovi za drumski saobraćaj suštinski dodati na originalni železnički most, tako da je realnije da se odrade novi stubovi uz postojeći most i na njima urade nove konstrukcije za motorni saobraćaj a da se postojeći železnički renovira, varijanta da se komplet ruši i gradi novi most bi bila prilično iracionalna i više je komentar skroz nestručne osobe na čelu Puteva Srbije.
a zna li neko zasto voz ide samo do Ovce a ne i do Panceva ? Prica se da je sve to prekinuto zbog ovog kirmosa vlasnika Pantransporta da bi ljudi bili primorani koristiti auta ili autobuski prevoz . Ne vidim tehnicki razlog prekida veze , pruga postoji odavno i BEOVOZ je tuda isao godinama i odjednom utihnuo . Nekom se bas moze dok je budala medju nama . Bolje mozda i nismo zasluzili. Mozda ce "neko" moci sve to da objasni ljudima ili cemo morati da cekamo pad sadasnje vlasti pa onda i odgovore na mnoga druga pitanja kao i ovo ?
@@sergejkecman8499But if these tunnels will be finished, where would the fictional BG Voz line go? Probably to center, or Karaburma, or somewhere else?
Is this even legal in Serbia? When I was in Belgrade and tried to take a photo at Vukov Spomenik station, some man just came from nowhere and shout on me that taking a photo here is prohibited. Also on the Centar station there were "no photo" icons everywhere.
Those are some stupid laws they kept from Yugoslav era when it was forbidden to take a photo on key infrastructure, nobody really cares about it except some old people they kept in railway company, it was stupid law even back then. I think its not even forbidden anymore but they don't bother to remove those signs lol and those old folks actually believe its still valid.
What an interesting forward and return journey with clocks on all different times in places and I wish I knew what area this was? Maybe I know it under different names from way back? All the derelict rolling stock needs melting down for the reuse of scrap metal. Not to mention the total destruction of graffiti all over the place. Thanks for an interesting ride.
Lep snimak ali one napustene garniture u depou Zemun kvare utisak i trava kao i siblje. Mi se nikako necemo nauciti reda da cuvamo imovinu to saranje je prevrsilo svaku meru. Beograd-Valjevo-Uzice do granice sa Crnom Gorom a takodje i Beograd- Nis ceo snimak. To bi voleo da vidim . Do skorog vidjena na ovom kanalu pozdrav
Gradi se komplet novi depo i postrojenje za održavanje vozova u Zemunu. Moraju i železnice da pojačaju obezbeđenje tih vozova dok miruju jer do sada je to bilo nepostojeće pa su ti likovi lako ulazili i crtali ove grafite preko celih vozova a za to ti treba par sati. Generalno je taj problem sa grafitima bio isključivo sa garniturama Bg voza, dok su se one od ŽS dobro čuvale i nemaju grafite.
2 years ago, in "4K CABVIEW Resnik - Pančevo", there were Vsloworder=20 over the switches at Rasputnica and South of Rakovica. They are still present in this video. What work is needed before the Vsloworders can be removed? Thanks.
Već su napali sa grafitima,a nije još ni sve završeno,pored garnitura BG-voza,na udaru divljaka su i teretni i radnički vagoni,bageri,valjci... Mora se pod hitno uvesti kazna od minimum godinu dana zatvora za sve huligane,bez obzira da li su maloletni.
Ne bih uveo kaznu zatvora, već bih uveo jedno dve godine prinudnog rada na čišćenju grafita, tako bi shvatio koliku štetu nanosi i bilo bi korisnije dugoročno.
Mislim da će se makar što se tiče grafita na vozovima to značajno izmeniti kad se završi novi depo u Zemunu, jer će održavanje i zaštita vozova biti podignuti na daleko viši nivo.
Why are there almost no signals between Zemun and Beograd Centar? I guess it's due to the modernization and resignalling in progress, but how is the traffic regulated then? Written orders transmitted via radio?
Koje groblje beovozova u Zemunu, u Topcideru takodje masa vagona stoji i truli, pretuzno... Zar nije logicno da se to otera makar i za dzabe u Smederevo i pretopi, ako zeleznice nemaju nameru da ih dalje koriste?
Većina može da se remontuje i koristi, jer i onako nemaju dovoljno vagona, ali će verovatno biti bačeno u staro gvožđe jer što bi neki politički postavljen lik iz ŽS se uopšte i brinuo o železnicama, kao što ih nije bilo briga ni za gašenje stare železničke stanice, niti da uspostave krštenu liniju Bg-Pančevo na potpuno renoviranoj pruzi jer direktno rade u interesu autobuske firme iz Pa koju vodi SNS tajkun.
Basically, rulling party associate own the main bus company from Pančevo, which earn big money on Belgrade-Pančevo line, and normal railway connection would make bus line more expensive and less confortable option so they secured nobody in Serbian railway company do a thing to make it possible (although its in best interest of people). And btw in Bg-Pa section was invested big money few years ago to upgrade it for high speeds.
Debili nisu taj podvožnjak ubacili u projekat izgradnje pruge Bg-NS, bukvalno jedini na celoj pruzi koji su izostavili jer su nesposobni da se usklade između direkcije za izgradnju Beograda i ministarstva/železnica Srbije. Sada pitaj boga kad će se to raditi, a do sada je mogao da bude gotov da su ga uključili u projekat.
1:09:20 Ah it's sad to see that fuckall has been done for the preservation of the three 761 locos (basically Yugoslav V200s). Last time I saw them was in 2018 and they didn't have so much greenery around them. e: it's 761 apparently,ive always thought it's 762.
DuleVoz Ocekivao sam od tebe da ces prvi izbaciti snimak novog voza koji je dosao u srbiju za velike brzine od 200kmh,a vidim da jos nema nista?jel si snimao to dolazak i da nam prikazes unutrasnjost voza da se vidi kako izgleda?zbog cega jos nema nista?Inace ti je kanal super!
Odatle je trebala da dolazi pruga sa Karburme, tunel postoji i potrebno je samo da se očisti i postavi pruga ali to niko već godinama ne planira da uradi
@@sergejkecman8499 Da, jasan mi je taj deo da se uliva kolosek iz pravca Karaburme. Ali siguran sam da pravac iz Karaburme nema kolosek/stajalište za sebe, već bi ulivao u kolosek iz PA, a vidim na 59.50 prostor udesno, za drugi tunel, možda za centar grada, Trg Republike...
Sramota je da vidim huligane koji su isarali ove vozove,bahat narod kao i ova vlast,onaj crveni voz je dobar ovo ostalo je krs,secam se da sam se vozio 2 puta u vozu,cuje se kao avion od propalih lezajeva
I was in Beograd in the spring of 2017 about new ready-mix concrete equipment coming on-line for new large scale building projects. I remember the area where Tito's Blue Train was kept and it was just in the beginning stage of redevelopment back in 2017, it was a mess with the rail and highway systems just getting started. And the Beograd Waterfront project was still in the beginning stages of demolition of the old industrial structures. Now it amazing how fast things are happening in and around Beograd urban area. You can see the railyards, stations, platforms and rail beds have changed greatly since then plus the roadways have changed dramatically also. Couldn't be happier for everyone in and around Beograd.
Thank you for a great video. The numerous. tunnels emphasize the mountainous nature of the terrain. Not many tunnels hereabouts in the California desert.
Simon here
I love the Rakovica area. Those green hills are amazing.
Not if you are actually living there..
Great cab ride trip on the commuter rails around belgrade some of the stations in the city itself look very modern
Srdečne pozdravujem zo Slovenska 😃😃😃😃.
Prekrásne natočené video 😃😃😃😃.
Beautiful Serbia...Love from India
Simon here
Oh wow, I didn't know Novi Beograd got a total make over! It looks so modern and good! Such a huge contrast to the old, depressing stop.
The station Novi Beograd is not completely done, the station building (bus+train station in one) is yet to be built on the empty lot next to the tracks. Also, 4 tracks are planned from Beograd Centar to Batajnica, with new stations (such as Agostina Neta between Novi Beograd and Tošin bunar). This will all be done within the next 5 years
@@ironfoxzone2252 ooh cool!
It's part of project Belgrade-Budapest 200 km/h railway line upgrade, first section Belgrade-Novi Sad will open probably in february-march 2022
@@carick235 ohh nice, when I visited Belgrade in 2017 it was snowing and the station gave me like Soviet Union vibes lol. Nice to see improvements on the line to meet the European rail standards!
Metro comes also
Спасибо за видео -очень интересно прокатиться по Белградским линиям метро. Очень хочется увидеть: когда закончат ремонт линии, прокатиться еще раз до Субботицы -сравнить с тем, что было (специально пересмотрю старую 2х-годичной давности запись поездки).
For me, it was a great educational video about Serbia. I've never been there and if given the opportunity I would like to visit and know more about that part of the world. Thank you..!!
Love your videos, my friend. Best regards from Brazil.
Ух, спасибо! С удовольствием прокатился. А как преобразился Нови Београд. В 2018 там без слез смотреть нельзя было... Молодцы, сербы!
Хвала на дуго очекиваном путовању!Добро снимљено!Волим своју земљу!
I'm am soooo in love with the Zemun station official. She is so beautiful. She could stop my train anytime.
10:52 ..nice station chief and a very nice smile !
Прелепо путовање волим Сербие 💓🇷🇸🇵🇱
... volim Srbiju :)
Živela Polska💜🇷🇸💜🇵🇱💜
@@626XHG Greetings from Poland for Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
I love Serbian railways ❤
@@kubakaka 👍
Thanks, it was interesting. Please, shoot railway section Niš - Beograd. I miss a video with a view of this segment to drive all the way from Dimitrovgrad to Subotica.
Koliko je moćno!
Interesting Railway. Greatings from Germany
Belgrad kregt sogar ne U bahn
Brilliant trip! Thank you for the ride along
did not know there are tunnels, I have been on train from Belgrade to Novi Sad, nice vid Cheers from Australia
Excellent! - good to see so much new investment
Excellent views from the cabin
Lovely video show the country well
Keep it up! Great work!
Very nice cabview!
Great video, thanks
Que coisa mais linda ❤️ Aqui no Brasil é tal Rouba mais Faiz Metrô de SP Brasil,, Dá vergonha políticos parabéns 💐👏 tava com saudades de ouvir 🚆🚆🚆 buzina abraço Jaú SP Brasil vou assistir ☺️ de pedaço
Super! ...... pozz
it will be very cool if you try to fix the camera on the side of some wagon, for example 5 from the beginning, or from the end, you get an interesting shooting angle and you get cool shots especially when cornering 👍
Very good video!
Very nice♥️
Fantastic views! I'm very excited to see these lines with infrastructure updates and real active repair works. I've actually used BeoVozm although it was a long time ago, and fall in love with the skyways between two tunnels, it was very surprising experience and very useful for daily commute (for a week stay, though). I hope, the tunnels under city center and fortress would see their repairs too, both because they are crucial for the S-Bahn function and because they have so unique joints. Are there plans for any new stations in these tunnels in the forseeable future?
Thank you for the video!
Yes, new station is planned between Karađorđev park and Vukov spomenik called Makenzijeva. Metro line 2 will go above it and it will make a transit hub. All current stations (Karađorđev park, Vukov spomenik and Pančevački most) are to be reconstructed with adjustment to platform height (modern low floor trains can not use them now). Another new station "Karaburma" is also planned as a terminus station, and those unfinished tunnels before Pančevački most lead to that planned station. It will enable trains to terminate there and not go over the bridge where there isn't that much people.
@@ironfoxzone2252 Thanks for clarification! So they plan to build two independednt systems (metro and BeoVoz), or do they plan to temporarily suspend service between the Panchevo bridge and Central station and build a new station inside now-existing tunnel, transforming BeoVoz into something more like U-Bahn?
@@ntwwwnt They are 2 completely independent systems that will one day form the backbone of Belgrade transit. Metro is a new system, currently with no built infrastructure. 3 lines are planned and when it is build, it will be fully automatic, with new signaling and intervals of 3 minutes. BGvoz (S-Bahn) on the other hand already exists, but new lines and better frequencies are planned along with new stations. They plan to cover many suburbs with it and also more trains in the city center. The metro station "Makenzijeva" is above planned railway station "Makenzijeva" and is oriented 90 degrees from the current tunnels. Some temporary closures may ensue due to the complexity of the station construction. If you wish to know more about Belgrade Metro and BGvoz or railways in Serbia in general, I am your guy, feel free to contact me.
@@ironfoxzone2252 Wow! That seems to be great idea, both gaining new transportation system and preserving (not demolishing) the existing one. Thank you!
As far as i know, the station Makenzijeva will not be built due to short distance between Vukov Spomenik and Karađorđev park station. But the Karaburma station will be built, due to a stub tunnels to nowhere before Pančevački Most station.
This is an excellent video, please can you post more!? Svaka cast 😃
Thanks very much
Znate li slucajno da li ce novi most kod Vince (u sklopu buduce obilzanice) imati novi kolosijek do Panceva? Kada krene rusenje Pancevca" za koju godinu, svakako mora postojati zeljeznicka poveznica sa Banatom.
Imaće sigurno železnički kolosek jer je to planirana teretna obilaznica kako teretni vozovi ne bi išli kroz centralne tunele. Čak je moguće i provući BGvoz tu (tako mi je rečeno od strane stručnjaka). Što se Pančevča tiče još se ne zna kako će se to raditi da li će se rušiti ili temeljno rekonstruisati, bilo kako bilo to je za više godina.
I da se bude rušio Pančevac teško da će rušiti deo sa prugom, jer su delovi za drumski saobraćaj suštinski dodati na originalni železnički most, tako da je realnije da se odrade novi stubovi uz postojeći most i na njima urade nove konstrukcije za motorni saobraćaj a da se postojeći železnički renovira, varijanta da se komplet ruši i gradi novi most bi bila prilično iracionalna i više je komentar skroz nestručne osobe na čelu Puteva Srbije.
a zna li neko zasto voz ide samo do Ovce a ne i do Panceva ? Prica se da je sve to prekinuto zbog ovog kirmosa vlasnika Pantransporta da bi ljudi bili primorani koristiti auta ili autobuski prevoz . Ne vidim tehnicki razlog prekida veze , pruga postoji odavno i BEOVOZ je tuda isao godinama i odjednom utihnuo . Nekom se bas moze dok je budala medju nama . Bolje mozda i nismo zasluzili.
Mozda ce "neko" moci sve to da objasni ljudima ili cemo morati da cekamo pad sadasnje vlasti pa onda i odgovore na mnoga druga pitanja kao i ovo ?
great video bravo
love this
07:10 Cemu sluze ti napusteni vozovi ?
Predpostavljam ili za delove ili za mogući remont u budućnosti ili da cigani imaju šta da kradu
1:35:17 what are those two tunnels for?
Some unfinished project for BG voz from 90s
@@sergejkecman8499But if these tunnels will be finished, where would the fictional BG Voz line go? Probably to center, or Karaburma, or somewhere else?
Dule is the best,hvala
Dulevoz, can you try to do a cab view video or a 4k video off trains in macedonia?
Iff you cant, you dont have to.
Excellent 👍
Is this even legal in Serbia? When I was in Belgrade and tried to take a photo at Vukov Spomenik station, some man just came from nowhere and shout on me that taking a photo here is prohibited. Also on the Centar station there were "no photo" icons everywhere.
Those are some stupid laws they kept from Yugoslav era when it was forbidden to take a photo on key infrastructure, nobody really cares about it except some old people they kept in railway company, it was stupid law even back then. I think its not even forbidden anymore but they don't bother to remove those signs lol and those old folks actually believe its still valid.
What an interesting forward and return journey with clocks on all different times in places and I wish I knew what area this was? Maybe I know it under different names from way back? All the derelict rolling stock needs melting down for the reuse of scrap metal. Not to mention the total destruction of graffiti all over the place. Thanks for an interesting ride.
Hi Geoffrey
@@simonhawker282 Hi Simon did you put this one up? Fill me in on what area this is...maybe renamed old areas I am not familiar with?
This is Belgrade in Serbia
Nice video.
Subscrito a tu chanel
Super video!
Sehr gut Video
Lep snimak ali one napustene garniture u depou Zemun kvare utisak i trava kao i siblje. Mi se nikako necemo nauciti reda da cuvamo imovinu to saranje je prevrsilo svaku meru. Beograd-Valjevo-Uzice do granice sa Crnom Gorom a takodje i Beograd- Nis ceo snimak. To bi voleo da vidim . Do skorog vidjena na ovom kanalu pozdrav
Gradi se komplet novi depo i postrojenje za održavanje vozova u Zemunu. Moraju i železnice da pojačaju obezbeđenje tih vozova dok miruju jer do sada je to bilo nepostojeće pa su ti likovi lako ulazili i crtali ove grafite preko celih vozova a za to ti treba par sati. Generalno je taj problem sa grafitima bio isključivo sa garniturama Bg voza, dok su se one od ŽS dobro čuvale i nemaju grafite.
2 years ago, in "4K CABVIEW Resnik - Pančevo", there were Vsloworder=20 over the switches at Rasputnica and South of Rakovica. They are still present in this video. What work is needed before the Vsloworders can be removed? Thanks.
The best video
Lepa Destinacija, kada će biti do Valjeva, Barska Pruga?
TO i ja cekam BGD- Valjevo - do granice (po meni najlepsi deo pruge Bgd-Bar)
@@KuvDabGib Tako je! Čekam samo da Dule izbaci tako nešto, BGD-LAJKOVAC-VALJEVO…
1:43:25 Is it really a water sprinling down from the power wires?
Već su napali sa grafitima,a nije još ni sve završeno,pored garnitura BG-voza,na udaru divljaka su i teretni i radnički vagoni,bageri,valjci... Mora se pod hitno uvesti kazna od minimum godinu dana zatvora za sve huligane,bez obzira da li su maloletni.
Ne bih uveo kaznu zatvora, već bih uveo jedno dve godine prinudnog rada na čišćenju grafita, tako bi shvatio koliku štetu nanosi i bilo bi korisnije dugoročno.
@@carick235 Ja se plašim da takve budale nikada neće naučiti...
@@mihajloboric7889 Naučili bi prisilom, ovako kad prolaze nekažnjeno ceo život naravno da neće naučiti
Opet trava i grafitije na sve strane nikada se to neće ni promeniti
Mislim da će se makar što se tiče grafita na vozovima to značajno izmeniti kad se završi novi depo u Zemunu, jer će održavanje i zaštita vozova biti podignuti na daleko viši nivo.
От Москвы до Владивостока сможете видео сделать?
А за сколько дней одолеете его просмотр?
@@ЕгорЛогинов-ч7ы ну если каждый день по чуть чуть смотреть,то на полгода хватит))
Why are there almost no signals between Zemun and Beograd Centar? I guess it's due to the modernization and resignalling in progress, but how is the traffic regulated then? Written orders transmitted via radio?
Uradi dionicu Sarajevo Capljina po zimskom vremenu !
Koje groblje beovozova u Zemunu, u Topcideru takodje masa vagona stoji i truli, pretuzno...
Zar nije logicno da se to otera makar i za dzabe u Smederevo i pretopi, ako zeleznice nemaju nameru da ih dalje koriste?
Većina može da se remontuje i koristi, jer i onako nemaju dovoljno vagona, ali će verovatno biti bačeno u staro gvožđe jer što bi neki politički postavljen lik iz ŽS se uopšte i brinuo o železnicama, kao što ih nije bilo briga ni za gašenje stare železničke stanice, niti da uspostave krštenu liniju Bg-Pančevo na potpuno renoviranoj pruzi jer direktno rade u interesu autobuske firme iz Pa koju vodi SNS tajkun.
Why doesn't this commuter rail service continue all the way to Pancevo?
They are working on it, problem is administrative border and how would they split the costs. I hope that they will soon continue to Pančevo
Basically, rulling party associate own the main bus company from Pančevo, which earn big money on Belgrade-Pančevo line, and normal railway connection would make bus line more expensive and less confortable option so they secured nobody in Serbian railway company do a thing to make it possible (although its in best interest of people). And btw in Bg-Pa section was invested big money few years ago to upgrade it for high speeds.
Złomnik, wiem że to oglądasz. :)
Ima li govora kada će da spoje Bulevar Umetnosti i Crvene Armije. Koliko vidim, pruga je stavljena nova, a nasip nije probijen.
Propao tender, za sad nema nikakvih novosti.
Debili nisu taj podvožnjak ubacili u projekat izgradnje pruge Bg-NS, bukvalno jedini na celoj pruzi koji su izostavili jer su nesposobni da se usklade između direkcije za izgradnju Beograda i ministarstva/železnica Srbije. Sada pitaj boga kad će se to raditi, a do sada je mogao da bude gotov da su ga uključili u projekat.
Nice! In which country is that?
Serbia, capital city of Belgrade.
@@carick235 Ah ok! Cool!
Зашто се комерцијални део путовања завршава у Београд-центру а не на Новом Београду или Земуну?
is this a passenger or freight train?
A feliratok nagyon kicsik, beleolvadnak a háttérbe,lehetne mégegyszer ekkora és fekete háttérrel !!!! Viszont a tartalom szuper !!!!
You should do it again when rail is reconstructed.
1:09:20 Ah it's sad to see that fuckall has been done for the preservation of the three 761 locos (basically Yugoslav V200s). Last time I saw them was in 2018 and they didn't have so much greenery around them.
e: it's 761 apparently,ive always thought it's 762.
Those tracks look like they need holy water directly from Jesus.
DuleVoz Ocekivao sam od tebe da ces prvi izbaciti snimak novog voza koji je dosao u srbiju za velike brzine od 200kmh,a vidim da jos nema nista?jel si snimao to dolazak i da nam prikazes unutrasnjost voza da se vidi kako izgleda?zbog cega jos nema nista?Inace ti je kanal super!
Kad se zavrsava rekonstrukcija pruge Niš-Zaječar ?
Šta je na 59.50?
Ostavljen prostor za tunel za gde?
Odatle je trebala da dolazi pruga sa Karburme, tunel postoji i potrebno je samo da se očisti i postavi pruga ali to niko već godinama ne planira da uradi
@@sergejkecman8499 Da, jasan mi je taj deo da se uliva kolosek iz pravca Karaburme.
Ali siguran sam da pravac iz Karaburme nema kolosek/stajalište za sebe, već bi ulivao u kolosek iz PA, a vidim na 59.50 prostor udesno, za drugi tunel, možda za centar grada, Trg Republike...
Jel zavrsena pruga ili ne
Svska cast na videu
Sramota je da vidim huligane koji su isarali ove vozove,bahat narod kao i ova vlast,onaj crveni voz je dobar ovo ostalo je krs,secam se da sam se vozio 2 puta u vozu,cuje se kao avion od propalih lezajeva
Исписи се слабо виде јер је лош контраст!! Промените боју Слова и бројева
een trein met vierkante wielen
malo je prebrzo al dobro je
속도계를 GPS로 하였으면 합니다 엉터리 속도 이네요
seljak je rekao srbija