Aspects of Marriage - Chuck Missler

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 54

  • @benav07
    @benav07 8 лет назад +16

    wowow! !! finally a good word about Adam from a preacher!!! every single message I have heard is how it's always been Adams fault that Eve fell etc...etc...finally someone saying that Adam loved Eve so much that it was "insane" so to speak....well done Adam for loving your wife so much is said about the "fall of Adam"...this has changed my perspective of Adam forever :)

    • @bybeta9885
      @bybeta9885 Год назад

      Oh please. Stop it. Look around you and see how many men love their own wife to that level of selfishness. Please. This is another excuse from a man to try to justify when a man does something wrong.

  • @mamamarianovits9029
    @mamamarianovits9029 8 лет назад +3

    bless you Dr. Chuck!!!
    I find your lectures immensely moving and incredibly relevant. I pray to our Father right now that He would continue to bless you and continue using you in this way be it His will. I pray for renewed strength for you to continue the good work. these messages regarding marriage and it's inner workings could not have come at a more perfect time - God's time- as my marriage need prayer. rocky times but I trust God. I love the Lord and I love my husband. divorce is simply put..."not an option" for us.period.
    prayers please and thank you to anyone who can. bless you all

    • @thomasranjit7781
      @thomasranjit7781 5 лет назад

      If U r interested in beautiful Christian resources free please watch Zac poonen on RUclips and google Christian fellowship centre Bangalore for free Holy Bible study and free Holy Bible messages. All resources are free to download and watch. Zac ponnen also has free aap from playstore free download. God bless sister

  • @crecremew
    @crecremew 3 года назад +2

    That explains why there are passages in scripture that describe Christ as the second Adam!
    1 Corinthians 15:45 NLT
    The scripture tells us, "The first man, Adam, became a living person." But the last Adam - That is Christ- is a life-giving Spirit.

  • @markfurnell6748
    @markfurnell6748 5 лет назад +16

    Adam chose death with his wife rather than lose her. Jesus also.

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 4 года назад

      So your saying Adam was being romantic, and live concurs all so to speak? False. In Genesis 3:12, when God asks Adam why he ate of the fruit, he blamed "the woman" for it. Eve was deceived by the serpent. Adam was not deceived by the serpent, Adam made a poor sinful choice to go along with the crowd. And he regretted his decision. As I said, he even blamed Eve for his choice. Your taking the side of Sagan, justifying sin "in the name of love". The problem with your false explanation is that you do not understand the word "love" in the Hebrew. The word live did not mean a feeling. It ment obedience, an emotionless obedience. Adam was actually doing the opposite of love. Jesus said "if you love me, obey my commands". Did Adam obey the command of the garden? NO HE DID NOT! Therefore he was not showing live to God or Eve by disobeying. It is the devil that wants you to think the "romeo and juliet" story is romantic love. Adam didnt even know the consequence of eating the fruit, he didnt know he would be kicked out of the garden. Eve fully believed she WOULDNT DIE by eating the fruit. She was deceived. Adam went along with the sin, clearly he did not understand either. Your stance makes it seem like the greatest love of all is to disobey God, and that God will ultimately reward us anyways.

    • @justjan2576
      @justjan2576 3 года назад +1

      @@-kepha8828 I appreciate Chuck dearly, but could not agree with him on this. Your explanation helped me identify it, well done!

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 2 года назад

      I strongly disagree with your interpretation…see Adam didn’t “blame” her..your thinking in western vernacular.
      He said essentially the woman you gave me compelled me.
      Adam is a type of Christ.
      Listen to the presentation.
      How can you disregard Gods Word given to Paul? Listen to the presentation-it’s not my words or Chucks words it’s The Word! It’s what the Bible teaches.
      Don’t go off of your denomination doctrine-go from The Word.
      Pretty hard to miss the scripture presented here.
      In other words if this goes over your head it’s pretty much by choice to remain veiled-or your not catching it.

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 2 года назад

      Gods love for His bride is boundless
      It is the greatest love story ever told
      Jesus laid His life down for His Bride and as Adam lost eden Christ will forever be in our image a man who will bear the marks of His boundless love for us…
      Your trying to frame others understanding as juvenile while it is your understanding that is limited

  • @brettengelbrecht2167
    @brettengelbrecht2167 2 года назад

    What can I say about this man's brilliants GOD has given him such interpretation of HIS WORD and Chuck just diligently studied it to open up our eyes to the WORD OF GOD yes he is missed but he did a well good job and he must rest well he is with the ONE who he so admired and spoke so Beautiful of 😭🙌🙌🙌🙌✝️🇮🇱🕎

  • @nitrofreakmanho
    @nitrofreakmanho 5 лет назад +6

    That was beautiful!🙏🏻

  • @AndyG.G
    @AndyG.G 5 лет назад +4

    As much as his take on Eve story sounds very romantic, it is not what Bible suggests. It clearly states that Adam put all blame on her: " _The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat_ ". In no way it paints a picture of a man who choose to share her fault or who wants to cover for her.
    He DID NOT say " _Lord it was my fault I'm sorry_ " as would say a man who chose to join her in her trespass, wouldn't he? Or at least such a man would say nothing at all.
    But he said " _It's HER fault!_ ". For me it sounds that he was indeed ready to go without her rather than share her fault. I bet he would afterwards beg God for forgiveness and even push her out of Eden himself just to show that's " *not MY fault* ".
    His " *it's her fault* " answer suggest he was ready to plead with God to clean himself up of what has just happened, but then God got angry on them and so Adam didn't even dare to speak any more.
    Bible doesn't say that he choose to eat of it. It says that she gave it to him. He most likely didn't realise what it was what she just gave him.

    • @garytakvorian6204
      @garytakvorian6204 5 лет назад +1

      Praise the Lord for this, Mike. I think you have the Lord's take on this. I have seen Chuck teach this in other video, but he always adds he isn't endorsing Adam's disobedience, but just pointing out the type and shadow. Having read your post, I wouldn't utilize the fall of Adam as type and shadow of Jesus becoming sin and think Bro. Chuck here "overcooked" the text. Nice catch and praise the Lord

    • @mattbluh6903
      @mattbluh6903 5 лет назад +1

      Well, personally I think that you can take what Adam said more as a confession rather that something to blame Eve, because he says "I did eat" so that's just my take on it.

    • @AndyG.G
      @AndyG.G 5 лет назад +1

      But he didn't *only* said "I did eat". That would be a confession as you said.
      He said "she gave it to me and so I did eat". That's not a confession, it is a) *pointing to her guilt*, and b) *excusing himself*. The same she did btw. (pointed at snake and excused herself)
      Sure he admitted that he eat, and that only means he was honest (and perhaps innocent).
      So again *he did not say* "I did eat, my fault, I'm sorry" to cover for her, no he didn't. He in 15 words put all blame on her " _The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat_ ".

    • @pedroruiz3314
      @pedroruiz3314 2 года назад

      The thing is his thoughts were very different before he fall with Eve. Remeber, Adam was still perfect and holy before eating of the fruit. Once he ate it, his mind was subject to vanity as well as hers.

  • @ar660059
    @ar660059 4 года назад +3

    This was Amazing and ended beautifully 💛🥰

  • @workingken4268
    @workingken4268 3 года назад +1

    Amazing teaching

  • @True_prayer_True_Power
    @True_prayer_True_Power Месяц назад

    Remarkable.. Astonishing ❤❤❤

  • @jimminycricket1672
    @jimminycricket1672 9 лет назад +5

    Wow.. heart blown

  • @Cuvoastoh6321
    @Cuvoastoh6321 Год назад

    Ezer kenegdo, if you don't know what it means search it you will find very many articles by people who actually know the language

  • @mustardseedist
    @mustardseedist Год назад

    Does this guy ever get into the meat verses most pastors avoid (Luke16:14-18, Mark 10:2-12, 1 Cor. 7:10-16,39, Romans 7:1-3)?? Or does he avoid them and give the typical loopholes??

  • @gonebamboo4116
    @gonebamboo4116 5 лет назад

    Does the Bible tell us it's a sin to be deceived ?

  • @barbarza
    @barbarza 5 лет назад +1

    Boaz took Ruth BECAUSE SHE CONVERTED unlike Orpha, who also was married to a Jew but came back to her own way of believing this God of Jews.
    There are 2 KINDS of believers: Followers of Rome or Followers of Jerusalem.

  • @faithdugan49
    @faithdugan49 7 лет назад +1

    eve turned to Adam and offered the fruit so he was there for the whole incident..obviously he had compassion for her and wanted to be in full charge for her...but he did blame God for his reason he chose her after all you did give her to me..

  • @whisperingsage
    @whisperingsage 6 лет назад +1

    Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
    Adam was with her, Why didn't he butt in and stop this interaction?

    • @AndyG.G
      @AndyG.G 5 лет назад

      He was with her as in "being together" and not as "standing next to her".
      Say wife goes to another city and husband stays home. You still say "she is with him" even if they are physically away from each other.
      In Bible it doesn't say _"and gave also her husband standing next to her"_ does it?
      If he was standing next to her it would be mentioned that he also saw the tree was good for food etc, but it only says that *she* saw and *she* took.
      So he didn't stop her as apparently he wasn't there and haven't seen it.

    • @bybeta9885
      @bybeta9885 Год назад

      Because Adam was with her and he was supposed to protect the garden. He was more guilty then the woman. If Adam would have not eaten the fruit nothing would have happened to Eve. It was after Adam ate that SIN entered this world.

    • @bybeta9885
      @bybeta9885 Год назад

      @@AndyG.G Not true. If Eve had to look for Adam and she had already eaten the fruit why did she not become aware of her nakedness? It is either Adam was there and he ate the fruit a second after her, and therefore they immediately became aware of their nakedness', or she had to go look for him, and if that is the case, then Adam made the main error, because Eve did not know about her nakedness' while looking for Adam. And if that is the case, Adam was the cause of sin entering the world and not Eve. And then we can say that if Adam loved Eve he should have SAVED her from her error and have not eaten the fruit. Instead of eaten the fruit and send both of them into a fallen world.

  • @gonebamboo4116
    @gonebamboo4116 5 лет назад +1

    @12:11 How does Adam's sin create welfare for Eve?
    Please can somebody help me see this.

    • @richardteale8203
      @richardteale8203 4 года назад +1

      Hi GoneBamboo, I think the explanation is if Adam had not sinned with Eve, then she would be banished & rejected from the garden alone, lost & died on her own with no offspring & been eventually banished to hell for her sin. In a similar situation, Adam would have lived eternally in the paradise of the garden of Eden, as he was without sin, but he would have been alone forever, except for his creator God.
      Our saviour Jesus Christ is born of Adam & Eve's offspring, so it was necessary for Adam to join Eve in sin, to then have offspring to lead to our saviour being eventually born of Mary down the line. This gives Eve welfare, by not only being her husband, companion & provider, but mainly by providing her eventual salvation through her own offspring leading to Jesus! This is thanks to Adam joining her in sin, to have those children to lead to our common saviour Jesus Christ.
      It is written how those who were Godly who died before Jesus paid our penalty on the cross, went to paradise, a waiting place before heaven. It's expected that Eve would be one of the first there. When Jesus rose from the grave & took the keys of death & hell from the devil, he set free all those in paradise including Eve to go with Him to heaven to be forever with the Lord Jesus & the Father God. We Christians are also awaiting the same destination at death or rapture.
      Hope this helps & have a read of my comment I just left in the main field if you can? It should help you understand a lot more.

  • @mikegyver3193
    @mikegyver3193 5 лет назад +1

    A woman is like the ark of the covenant do not touch it unless you have the Father’s permission. This is because of Genesis 6 when the sons of God came into the daughters of man. The matrix 🧐. Why will nobody explain replenish the earth in Genesis 1:28 in the king James series it is not an accident, and this is directly parallel to Job being informed by God, when it was explain to him “where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth” 🤯🤯🤯. We need truth or people will suffer. 🙏🏽🙏🙏🏿🤓😇🤓🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏🏽

    • @garytakvorian6204
      @garytakvorian6204 5 лет назад

      Very sober stuff here, Mike, first about women. Then I find your highlight of the word "replenish" very meditation worthy as to the Lord's intent.

  • @SomethinAintRightHere
    @SomethinAintRightHere 5 лет назад

    Fascinating take on Adam/Eve.. so easy to insult Adam and blame Eve but this is a whole other way to view what happened. Altruistic even- though the prophetic element of the story does make sense.

  • @LeatherneckJoe133
    @LeatherneckJoe133 4 года назад

    You know I don't think Adam really knew the consequences of what his sin would do to him and the world....if he did he would of done what I would have done ....see ya....

  • @-kepha8828
    @-kepha8828 5 лет назад

    They did NOT take gentile brides. In each and every case, the brides, prior to marriage, converted to the wills of God. Making them grafted into the tree of life, making them adopted ok to the promises of God. We are lost Israel, we are to be adopted into the tree. We must also convert to the wills of god, which includes his laws and commands, as Jesus said "to show we love him". Grace is gods love for us. Obedience to Gods commands (which includes the law) involves obeying those commands

    • @danieljust295
      @danieljust295 4 года назад

      matty Ice Yet Paul says we can’t be obedient to the law when we are in the body, we can be obedient only in spirit, so :
      “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” Romans 7:23.
      “But now it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me.” Romans 7:17.
      "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself'" (Gal 5:13-14).
      John 13
      34 I give you a new law. That law is, "Love each other." As I have loved you, so you also love each other.
      35 This is how all people will know that you are my disciples.'

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 4 года назад

      @@danieljust295 not being able to be fully obedient to it means that we arent perfect, we will fail in certain things because we are not messiah. But that is not an excuse to openly disobey it like you Christian's teach, that is called lawlessness, and Jesus said no man of lawlessness will enter the kingdom.

    • @danieljust295
      @danieljust295 4 года назад +1

      matty Ice It wasn’t me, it was Paul who said so. Nobody said to enjoy the sin but that the body ALWAYS sins, so that we are all sinners, regardless what we do. That’s the teaching, don’t twist it.

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 4 года назад

      @@danieljust295 Paul said he delighted in the law. Paul said the law was good. Paul also said do as he does, as he does exactly what Jesus did. hmmmm, didn't Jesus say "Don't even think to abolish the law", AND "The law will remain until heaven and earth passes away". So I ask you simply, why did you even THINK IT? Why wouldn't you just obey Jesus and NOT EVEN THINK IT? Lastly, has heaven and earth passed away yet? If not, according to Messiah THE LAW MUST REMAIN! And Paul believed EVERYTHING Messiah said! yet you don't. wonder whos wrong? Heres a quote from God the father "my law is PERPETUAL". Perpetual means "never ending, never changing". Are you saying God is a liar? Was he wrong that his law would never end and never change? You are clearly deceived and a false teacher, God, Jesus and Paul disagree with you, do I need any more witnesses?

    • @danieljust295
      @danieljust295 4 года назад +1

      matty Ice I am not sure what’s your point. The law doesn’t change - that’s obvious, but Paul says since you are in physical body you are unable to keep the law, even if you want it. Your physical body is at war with your spirit constantly. Didn’t Jesus rise the sin to the thought level, to the extreme point when you sining by thinking ? Tell me was Abraham God’s friends because he kept the law or because he believe in God ? The law is given only so you know you are sinner and need Savior. It’s good the keep the Law, but the Law is burden and we are freed from the burden. And please realize that the law has stopped being the law (the iron rules) and became “love toward each other” this is the true fruit of Holy Spirit indwelling us, we are capable of showing love or mercy to the others, not because of the Law but because of the Spirit.

  • @tomstarling3905
    @tomstarling3905 6 лет назад

    Oh Chuck. You are trying to mix oil and water like the communists. Please think of physics, I know you do, and consider what this video could mean to our perception of time itself, maybe a mystery will unravel... 🌺