Sandra Tanner on Postmodern Trends in Mormonism

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • The LDS Church of today looks very different than the LDS Church of 40 years ago. In this video, Sandra Tanner and Dr. Ron Huggins explain some of the postmodern trends within modern Mormonism.
    In the past, Mormonism was built on strong truth claims-that it was the only true church, that it alone contained the fullness of truth, that all other Christian denominations were corrupt and apostate. The LDS Church taught that the Book of Mormon was a historical document, accurately reflecting events in the Americas.
    But in recent times, LDS apostles and prophets have downplayed the absolute truthfulness and overall significance of these claims. People care less and less about the factual historicity of the Book of Mormon, and instead focus on getting the "big picture" right.
    The draw of Mormonism in these days is less on factual truth, and more on the feelings and benefits of the LDS Church. Instead of a "Restoration" being the driving factor for growth, now the church focuses more on "eternal family." All in all - it seems like the LDS Church has become more postmodern with age.
    If you're in the process of leaving the LDS Church, consider watching through some videos in this playlist: • Gospel Basics for ExMo...
    This playlist is a collection of videos that may be helpful for ExMormons, or those leaving the LDS Church. They explain the basics of Christianity in contrast to the teachings of Mormonism.
    Part of our LIGHTHOUSE series; a series of clips from an interview we did with Dr. Huggins and Sandra concerning Dr. Huggins's new book "Lighthouse: Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Despised and Beloved Critics of Mormonism."
    Be sure to check out the Tanner Biography HERE:
    Sandra Tanner's Advice to those leaving Mormonism: • Sandra Tanner's Advice...
    Mormonism's history of hiding documents: • Mormonism's history of...
    LIGHTHOUSE Series Intro: • Upcoming Video Announc...
    Interview with Micah Wilder about his new book: • Video
    Interview with Eric Johnson about his new book: • Christian Apologist In...
    Allen Nielsen's Testimony: • INCREDIBLE STORY: Rais...
    The Changing Doctrines of Mormonism: • The Problem of Changin...
    #GodLovesMormons #lds #mormon #apologetics #ldschurch #christian #GLM #interview #mormonstories #exmo #exmormon

Комментарии • 37

  • @GLM
    @GLM  Год назад +9

    A lot of this postmodernism expresses itself in the form of "plausible deniability." Mormon prophets can say/teach almost anything-but because it's not considered "official doctrine," those statements are brushed aside as insignificant. Instead, we should focus on official doctrine and the "big picture." We actually made a video about that exact thing, and how that view of prophets wildly differs from the prophets found in the Bible. Check out that video on plausible deniability in the LDS Church here 👉👉видео.html
    > Here's the link to the Lighthouse Biography:
    > And here's the link to some other clips from this interview:

    • @hanichay1163
      @hanichay1163 Год назад +2

      The excuse we’ve heard from local leaders is that doctrine and policy are different. So they can label anything the church says or does that is contradictory or everchanging policy instead of doctrine.

    • @BrendonKing
      @BrendonKing Год назад

      @@hanichay1163 Which brings up the point that they haven't had real "doctrine" revealed in about 100 something years. About half the age of the group.

  • @keiths1913
    @keiths1913 Год назад +11

    This woman makes me proud to be an American.

  • @FromJosephtoJesus
    @FromJosephtoJesus Год назад +6

    Excellent points, Sandra and Ron.

  • @BNichols021
    @BNichols021 Год назад +15

    It is amazing how rapidly the culture can change, and even more amazing how quickly people can forget the way things were before they changed.

  • @lorineilson7529
    @lorineilson7529 Год назад +17

    It’s sad the way the church is so deceitful.

  • @le7262
    @le7262 Год назад +10

    I believed there were artifacts too-we were waiting for LDS archeologists to find and report on discoveries until the church stopped talking about the historical reality of the B of M right about at the turn of the 1990’s in Utah. My parents were expectant. My grand parents were too…I remember thinking we’d see great transformation in the “Lamanite” nations. Listening to Spencer W. Kimball was really emotionally moving…he used to tell about his visits to native groups…as if we would all see the change the Restored Gospel would make literally visible in people’s lives. Anyone else remember his prophetic messages? Where did his prophetic fervor go? This was in the late 1980’s-not just the 1880’s. Collective amnesia only takes a generation or two.

  • @lukewayne2953
    @lukewayne2953 Год назад +9

    Can't wait till the full interview drops!

  • @curedbytheonomy
    @curedbytheonomy Год назад +5

    Just today had a LDS tell me over 170 of the 200+ supposed anachronisms in the BoM have been proven true. Asked him to give me one example. His response: do your own research.
    Ok sir. I hear you. Loud and clear.

  • @ajgibson1307
    @ajgibson1307 Год назад +1

    God bless and Amen

  • @hollayevladimiroff131
    @hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад +4

    Thank you so much!!

  • @marilynadams349
    @marilynadams349 Год назад

    Thank you

  • @gundriver6439
    @gundriver6439 5 месяцев назад +1

    That's how Jim Jones operated: That is; manipulation by manipulating strong family family ties.

  • @kamilziemian995
    @kamilziemian995 8 месяцев назад

    You can learn a lot from Sandra Tanner and dr. Ron Huggins.

  • @brotherinchrist72
    @brotherinchrist72 Год назад +5

    I keep praying for all my Mormon friends I grew up with (as a former Mormon myself) and yes, back when I was heavily indoctrinated into Mormonism, it meant something, and we were very finite, sure of ourselves that we had the only true "restored" gospel, and we were taught very deep theological things in those times.
    I am baffled at the major facelift the LDS leadership is trying to create and sustain, when in reality, it is a a new and more robust sheep mask for their wolves who where them. The current first presidency is very familiar and knows the truth, that Mormonism is not true, but they are all in, and self convinced, because of pride and arrogance.
    I am really troubled because I do not want to see my kids who are still in Mormonism and all the people I grew up with, end up in Hell because they chose to believe in and place their salvation in the hands of a false prophet, over the actual word of God.

  • @brotherinchrist72
    @brotherinchrist72 Год назад +8

    All we can do, as those who were once Mormon and were blessed and had our eyes and minds opened and able to leave Mormonism, we have to understand, there are many who will hold tight to a false gospel because they have nothing else to hold on to.
    We know that the majority of Mormons that leave the church, end up becoming atheist, because they have lost all their faith, without realizing that God never left them, and if they would read the Bible with fresh mind and eyes, and not under the guidance of the Mormon church, you would find a true, living, loving God and get to know the one true God, who is eternal, who is the only God, who became flesh as Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and His precious blood covers are sins.
    Christ did all the work for our salvation, and all we have to do is believe in Him alone.
    Mormonism cannot save, they believe in a different God and Jesus that is not from the Bible, and none of these masonic rituals the Mormons created, many from Free Mason teachings, can never save.
    Learn the truth, no matter where it leads you, but put your faith in the one true God, and read your Bible, for all things, all revelations have been fully revealed to us. There is no mystery to uncover, we have everything we need in the Bible alone.

  • @1689-Cigars
    @1689-Cigars Год назад +6

    Thank for the great video

  • @catotheyounger2689
    @catotheyounger2689 Год назад +4

    Postmodernism has become more prevalent in the world today and especially among millenials and my generation. With that being said, not every young Latter-Day Saint ascribes to postmodernism, especially if you look beyond the United States and Europe. While serving my mission, I met a lot of missionaries who came from various places in the country who had different stances on aspects of the church. However, Preach My Gospel, PMG, perfectly outlines what our beliefs are in addition to the 13 articles of faith. Everyone that I know of believed in that doctrine.
    Ms. Tanner grew up in a different time in the church. From what I have pieced together, the church was not open about its history because it was not pertinent to the essentials of the gospel that was taught at church. Or it was simply something we don't have a lot of information on and God will reveal more on the topic at a later point. Anything that is recorded from the Journal of Discourses has to be taken with a grain of salt because it's a second hand account of sermons that were given.
    While some members have claimed the Book of Mormon happened in X place, the church has never substantiated their claims. They have never and may never confirm where the Book of Mormon occurred. And that's okay. We don't know where the land of Non was, we have no evidence to prove that Adam or the patriarchs were real. There's no evidence of the Tower of Babel or the Exodus account. Evidence can support faith, but should not be the foundation of it.
    Everyone is entitled to what they believe. Having been a missionary, I know that preaching what you believe comes with a lot of push back. While I feel that the claims GLM make (especially debunking the last three articles of faith) can be a little silly, I give them a benefit of a doubt. On one hand, some in the LDS community can come off as too hostile when we should be charitable as Christ was. On the other hand, groups like GLM and Apologia tend to make some disingenuous claims that don't really reflect what our church teaches. Now, I know that throwing my two cents here I am risking an internet argument. Something to know: I prefer to have conversations in person than online because I find them more productive and edifying. That's what I loved as a missionary, since I could better understand where someone was coming from. I remember when I was in my first area and I talked with some devout Christians and they were all cordial and respectful even though they would probably never convert to our church because of issues with Joseph Smith, the three kingdoms, the usual.

  • @littlebigband2010
    @littlebigband2010 8 месяцев назад

    It’s so sad how the early church fathers were so deceitful in changing the Bible.

  • @littlebigband2010
    @littlebigband2010 8 месяцев назад

    There is Artifacts etc for Book of Mormon. The Church has just been duped into believing the Book of Mormon happened in Meso America. The Book of Mormon happened in The United States of America mostly east of the Mississippi River parts of southern Ontario and as far south as Florida, Louisiana. The artifacts are in These regions and there is boat loads of artifacts here.

  • @AnnaBellaChannel
    @AnnaBellaChannel 6 месяцев назад

    We have not found Noah's ark or the bush that was the burning bush either. Does not mean that in the Old Testament these events did not happen. Welcome to religion.

  • @Marisa-yf1vc
    @Marisa-yf1vc Год назад +4

    EXCELLENT video 👏

  • @oceanview5616
    @oceanview5616 Год назад +2

    My cousin just got his mission call and all I could do is the eye roll 🙄

  • @jonathangatto
    @jonathangatto Месяц назад

    3:28 We do not teach that now or ever.
    11. Do Latter-day Saints believe they can become “gods”?
    Latter-day Saints believe that is God’s purpose to exalt us to become like Him. But this teaching is often misrepresented by those who caricature the faith. The Latter-day Saint belief is no different than the biblical teaching, which states, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” (Romans 8:16-17).
    12. Do Latter-day Saints believe that they will “get their own planet”?
    No. This idea is not taught in Latter-day Saint scripture, nor is it a doctrine of the Church. This misunderstanding stems from speculative comments unreflective of scriptural doctrine. Latter-day Saints believe that we are all sons and daughters of God and that all of us have the potential to grow during and after this life to become like our Heavenly Father (see Romans 8:16-17). The Church does not and has never purported to fully understand the specifics of Christ’s statement that “in my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2).

  • @briancrismonpetersen7885
    @briancrismonpetersen7885 Год назад +4

    Latter-day Saints still believe the doctrine of the Restored Gospel is true and provable. It comes down to our faith. Like anything else we have to prove with a God we have not seen. Like anything present in the Bible.
    Faith based on artifacts is not faith in God.
    Faith in the motivations and the teachings of the Tanners is not faith in God.
    “Being positive” without study is not the strategy. Missionaries “being positive” is not a way of diverting.
    “Bring the truth you already have” is to say: bring your faith in Jesus Christ, the need for repentance and salvation and to be guided by the Holy Spirit and we will show you what was revealed as to how these things work together.
    The point: This is the only Church that offers these tenants, in this order, similarly to what Christ gave originally:
    1. Faith unto repentance as recognized by our hearts being pricked by the Holy Ghost as the Apostles taught. Leading to… (Acts 2:36)
    2. Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins by those who were given the authority just as John the Baptist held. Making a covenant to always remember Him. An outward display by which others witness. Leading to… (Acts 2:38)
    3. The laying on of hands by those with authority for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. To guide in discerning truth and error. Leading to… (Acts 2:38)
    4. The partaking of the Sacrament each week in remembrance of Him. With the promise that we can become clean as we strive to keep the commandments and keep clean. (Luke 22:19,20)
    That’s the work! Always remembering Him “that we have His Spirit” with us as the promise and as stated in our Sacrament prayers.
    Those that follow believe this is the way Christ intended that we can be forgiven, be made clean and return to live with Him.
    This is the “work” that leads to Salvation.
    Joseph Smith would not have faked the Book of Mormon to teach this. If it was fake it’s the silliest kind of “long con” imaginable. To come up with all of the stories and all of the people’s dealings in past civilizations to illustrate the importance of these principles?
    Makes more sense that he was given them. And that it just so happens to illustrate God’s nature and relationship with His Son. That what we do as a people matters to each of us living together but to God also. That we can be blessed as we follow the straight and narrow as Jesus Christ defined it. That is the premise of the Book of Mormon. Of which we celebrate!
    It can be proven through the Holy Spirit. Over and over again.
    This doctrine has not changed. Nor will it change.
    For any searching… go to the source.
    If you are interested in buying a Ford, don’t talk to a Chevy Salesman. Unless you want to best know where they are threatened.
    I pray any reading this, so long as it is not removed, will pray about the Book of Mormon after reading it in its entirety and then asking to know, in the name of Jesus Christ, if it is true.

    • @GLM
      @GLM  Год назад +19

      I've heard Latter-day Saints explain to me that the reason there's no archaeological evidence is SO THAT we can exercise faith. If we saw the evidence in front of us, then we wouldn't need faith. But contrary to much of modern Mormon thinking, faith is GROUNDED on knowledge, not opposed to it. The foundation of genuine faith is a conviction of the truthfulness of truth claims.
      The New Testament doesn't see faith as a belief in the face of contrary or lacking evidence. When the Apostles preached the Gospel, they didn't say "you can't really know if Jesus was raised from the dead...and God made it that way so that you can have real faith."
      They said "Christ...was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me."
      The Bible has genuine evidences supporting its validity; archaeology and history both support its claims. I can literally get on a plane and fly to Jerusalem, or Jericho, or Bethlehem. While such evidences are not the sole grounds of our faith, they further strengthen the validity of our conviction. What we believe really does accord with reality!
      I agree - we ought to go to the source to look for truth... and God has definitively spoken to us in the Bible! It's precisely because of what God has said in the Bible that Christians cannot accept the teachings of the LDS Church.

    • @heathermcdougall8023
      @heathermcdougall8023 Год назад

      It's not true.

    • @senorblondie
      @senorblondie Год назад +8

      I prayed about the Book of Mormon being true and Holy Spirit confirmed it to be false. Since Holy Spirit told you it was true and He told me it was false let's now look at the evidence to see which backs up what we've been told to decipher who actually has the Holy Spirit and who is being led astray by a deceiving spirit...

    • @le7262
      @le7262 Год назад +1

      Your comment is carefully expressed and friendly. It also gives a summary of the second half of the primary tenets of the restored gospel.
      But it gives no attention to the core claims and doctrines that make a Restored Gospel necessary.
      We can not separate the entire LDS faith from its claims that somethings were lost and had to be found-or Restored.
      With all respect to you-I’d say this:
      The LDS faith doesn’t have any reason to exist without the pillar truths of a Restoration-which include these 3 core doctrines:
      1. The restored gospel is founded and stands in the truth claim that a Great Apostasy took place, making a RESTORATION necessary. The Restored Church stands or falls in the claim that a reformation did not go far enough. There was a church-then there was none to be found on the earth.
      This also begs the question-why was God not faithful in protecting his “Bride” (the Church)
      but allowed “wolves”to ravage and destroy her and even lose all authority necessary to keep the Bride alive and flourishing?
      2. The Restored Gospel stands in the assertion that the Bible was corrupted. If God was not able to provide a durable, reliable Word of God, the Bible is not enough and faith in Jesus’ perfect life, death and resurrection, along with repentance, baptism and the ordnance to receive the Holy Ghost are not enough to bring anyone into God’s face to face presence for eternity.
      The LDS Restoration of additional critical saving temple ordinances like the New and Everlasting Covenant of Celestial marriage were lost- lost from the Bible and the collective historical record and the collective memory of the world. These forgotten truths needed to be restored or JS did not tell the truth.
      3. Joseph Smith prophesied that the Book of Mormon contained “the fullness of the Restored gospel” and is a remnant record of real, historical nations-actual people groups who eventually spread across vast areas of the U.S.-including New York, Missouri, and the West, as well as Central America. He was absolutely clear that Lamanite nations-great literal civilizations literally existed and were lost in spiritual blindness and needed to be recovered by receiving their own historical records (in the B ofM) of faith in Jesus. Look at any edition of the book of Mormon printed in the 1990s or earlier and you’ll see that the title page clearly states this. Look at general conference talks up through the 1990s. Their assertions are very clear. You and I are still alive and so these teachings are still valid for current generations of believing Saints.
      If the Bible was corrupted and is missing essential “plain and precious truths” as Joseph prophesied, then other scripture and revelation ARE necessary to present the fullness of the restored gospel to all nations as latter-day prophets have revealed.
      At a minimum, these 3 essential claims make the Restored Gospel alive and necessary: Great Apostasy, Bible corruption, necessity of the book of Mormon.
      If one of these pillars of the Restored Gospel and Restored church is lost or proven false-there is no doctrinal reason for the restored church to stand.
      Without these pillars, the practices of faith, repentance, baptism, the ordinances of the church all fall because they are built on JS reclaiming lost authority, lost truth and lost nations.
      Faith, repentance, baptism and laying on of hands for the Holy Ghost are biblical ideas. But they are not all that is in the foundation of the Restored Gospel.
      I hope you will see that the LDS faith stands in truths Joseph Smith said were lost.
      But if these truths were not lost, all you need is Jesus. And if all you needed was Jesus’ righteous record, his death and resurrection to bring you back to God now and for all eternity-THAT would be simple news. It would be as simple as the Israelites, looking up to the brass serpent on the pole in the wilderness for salvation. If all we need is the person and total deity of Jesus, that would be the simplest news ever. But the Restoration exists because JS said that that was a keyboard missing essential keys.
      God bless you for joining the conversation.

  • @jodystimm2098
    @jodystimm2098 Год назад +3

    If Mrs. TANNER is going to JUDGE the
    Mormon Church she needs to come to
    the Modern. Zer's /Millennial World& stop
    living 40-50 yrs. ago& since she is
    SO obsessed with *Changes*.
    She just make herself sound silly& ignorant!!!!!!!!!

    • @rocithebest6520
      @rocithebest6520 Год назад +8

      Leave her alone.
      At least she Is honest not like the mormons

    • @le7262
      @le7262 Год назад +1

      Alternatively, the new LDS generations would be amazed at visiting the Church of 20, 30, 40, and 50 years ago to get insight that where you are standing is an incredibly evolved religion. Sitting down for some long conversation with someone who was there…could be a real revelation. God bless you to keep searching and hungering for truth.