7 Best Chess Opening Traps in the English Opening
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will be sharing with you the 7 best chess opening traps in the English Opening, which happens after White’s first move 1.c4. Some of the victims of these traps include the top grandmasters (and also world champions) such as Anatoly Karpov, Sergey Karjakin, etc.
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#GMSmirnov #EnglishOpening #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #ChessOpenings
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3.48 i think Karjakin lose like this 😂😂
Igor you are just awesome. We are improving our chess and having fun with these traps thanks to you :)
That evil laugh is such a good idea. Definitely gonna do that to my friends 😂😂😂
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@Hassan Harrison definitely, I've been watching on instaflixxer for months myself :D
@Hassan Harrison Definitely, been watching on instaflixxer for since december myself :)
@@hassanharrison3986 are U guys bots
@@joshkulkz1217 obviously yes
13:46 black knight takes knight - white queen takes black queen - knight triple forks the white king queen and rook taking the queen
This is the best move imo. Nc2+ forces a sequence which results in a queen trade and Black being up a rook, but after a knight exchange, Black gets doubled pawns and a trapped a1 knight, while White gets a strong position for his knight on d3.
"On the next move, you will capture one of blacks pieces and it's time to resign"
800 rated players: we don't do that here
A queen blunder is just a small mishap.
A queen blunder is just what we want them to think is the wrong move
This is amazing
Before I watch this vedios, I rated 1700 lichess but When I understand this openning and play 20 games I rated 1900. This is a really story.
Bro upload a video on how stockfish thinks and how to improve by playing against stockfish please . Love you ❤❤
Please make an in-depth video on the opening and different lines with it love the way you teach keep up the good work
:30 the way he said "However" was dope. Love bro love
At 8:40 if black moves their knight in D5 you don't take the bishop, Qxf7# instead
In trap number 2, you didn't mention that after pawn takes b7, black can think that he is able to put the rook in b8 pinning the pawn to the queen... The funny thing is that after pawn captures the bishop it promotes and it is a check, so the rook has to take it anyway 😂😂😂
The video is so awesome by the way
13:46 I think it`s Nc2+ Forking the King and Rook and when Kd1 we trade the queens and take the rook on the next move!
Nxe4 is the move, after queen takes queen, Nc2+ wins the queen back and you are up a piece
@@EAGLEFANish Nc2 is guaranteed to win you a rook, whereas Ne4 just gets you a knight
I think Nc2 is better, but I am not a good player so feel free to humble me
@@flygoes_ Nope. In your line the knight wont get out & eventually will be lost, which means you not up a rook clean but rather only the exchange vs in my line you win a piece (the knight) clean and easy.
Also one last tip, be very hesitant to go for a rook in the corner so early in the game when your opponent already have all their pieces out and ready while you (black) only have one piece out (the knight on f6) i would never go for that rook even if i could get my knight out safely..
black is severely under developed.
The Ne4 line, is much better cuz you have some presence in the center of the board with a knight standing strong on e4 and another on c4 which are monster pieces
@@EAGLEFANish ohhh okay, that makes sense
Tbh I feel like both are good but you got a point. Shame there isnt any answer in the comments pinned or smth like that.
Thank you! Yes, more English opening.
this is one of the most beautiful traps I´ve ever seen. Great!
Wow, thanks!
You got yourself a subscriber man
Nc2! White Queen is pinned and cannot capture, so White King must move somewhere. Then Qxe2 and after White King recaptures, Nxa1
Thats also a good move. I think that Nxe4 Qxb4 Nc2+ forking the queen and king also works, since then white just has a clean advantage and a winning position. Either way white is far from winning that game
Clever tips - thanks for sharing!
Thanks for watching!
Excellent instructive stuff with nice commentary. Thank you...... Expecting more.....
Thank you very master, keep safe always
This moves are insane, thanks for the traps
Thanks a lot.
Wow that's great , I will subscribe.
Best chess video I e ever watched
I feel like Nc2 is best, if white goes Kd1 then black Qb2, white takes knight on c2 with queen, black takes rook on a1 check, white moves queen to block or moves king, then black goes Qa1 to Qe5 taking the knight. End up taking a pawn, rook, and knight losing a knight. Alternatively if white moves Ke2 after black Nc2 then black still goes Qb2, white could move Qc1 to protect the rook, then black Qe5 taking the knight and pins the second knight, then depending whether white takes the knight on c2, black can take rook in a1, if white doesn't take the knight on c2 then black can move the knight back to e4 check, white moves king and then black can take the second knight e4 with either the queen or it's knight on f3.
I love this video
this is so good
at 6:30 "... but you kick it away anyway ..."
since the knight can't move, it seems a knights trade can be offered by pawn to e3.
Yes black would get a pawn advantage, but won't be able to checkmate immediately
Nice traps
Ke4, queen exchange, Kf1 knight fork 🍴 check
Around 11:00, I can't imagine why black played ...Nd4. Yes, it's a forward move, but I don't see a threat or purpose for it (never mind that e3 shuts it down easily.)
There is a purpose when you have a knight in a advanced post it controls more squares and make it harder to opponent develop so they have to kick your knight the idea probably was that after pawn e3 and knight goes to f5 the way he opponent would kick the knight would be with g4 which weakens your king side dark squares and also the pawn on e3 makes harder to rotate your dark bishop to the king side
Kf6x Ke4
Qd2x Qb4
Black plays Nxe4, threatening mate in 1. Since the White Queen is absolutely pinned to the White King, it can only take the Black Queen (i.e. Qxb4). Black plays Nc2+ and, because the Knight cannot be blocked or taken, White must move the King to d1 or e2. Next Black plays Nxb4, winning the Queen back with a full piece material advantage. Black's position is superior as the White King is stuck in the open center under active attack and White's remaining pieces are almost entirely undeveloped.
can you do video about english openning
Very nice 👍🙂🆗👌☺️😊
I like this video... thanks!
Glad you liked it!
Okay I got it on 13:39 black to move so knight takes the knight on E4 then then white queen will take the black queen then black knight to C2 forking the king and the queen. ending black is up with one material.
what ever happened to the promised follow up to this video? NEED MORE TRAP IDEAS! thanks Igor.
13:46 Nxe4!! if Qxb4 then Nc2+ family fork
yes this really best video
what ab?out botvinnik system in english opening Sir? is that very effective?
I love the English. Although i find a fair few just leave or let the timer go down and abort as soon as c4 is played
I enjoy your commentary, especially that evil laugh.
1:41 why doesn't black play Ng6 or Bg6. Sure, white will recapture the pawn and can trade but material will be equal won't it? What am I missing?
Theres refutations in these positions, then whites peices end up on awkward squares. I checked the lines on lichess openings board.....black has to play like stockfish though.
5:03 Rb8
Nf7 is the best move
So funny!😂
N-c2 looks best but after K moves: QxQ ...KxQ: NxR the knight will be trapped so you only win the exchange. But Nxe4 will win a piece. white captures the Q then N-c2 wins it back.
13:40 - was it a fork with the knight?
13:40 probably Nxe4 since there is a fork if the queen is captured
what about Nc2? Queen cannot capture. King moves, and then trade queen + get the rook
Nc2 does look better than Nxe4 for Black; however Stockfish interestingly rates Nxe4 about three points better than the former. As you say, grabbing the rook would have a material advantage, and so it’s instructive to try and explain such a big difference in rating for less material! In the Nc2 line White retains his two free knights which are free to inflict damage to Black’s king-side pawn structure with Nxf6 and also the potential to capture a pawn. While Black would have no developed pieces for counter play. The line I’m using is 11…Nc2+ 12.Kd1 Qxd2+ 13.Kxd2 Nxa1 14.Nxf6+ gxf6 15.Ng4.
I think it's queen takes queen then knight check. Now wherever the king go, there will be a fork with rook by either knight
7:36 what if queen a4?
N x e4. If queen takes then Nc6 ch forking queen and rooj
At 7:24, why can't the White move their Queen to Qa4#, then create space for their king to move, and next capture Qxb4, save the day...
I think the winning move for black is Qxd2+. White has two options here either to take the black Queen with the King or Knight. Taking with the Knight is a better option coz taking with the King will leave the Knight hanging. So after white does Kxd2, black will follow with Nc2+ will result in white losing his Rook. No doubt black will eventually lose the Knight but I think black is in a stronger position with two Rooks and a Knight.
I think Nc2+ is the best move. I read other comments with many alternatives but Nc2+ is the most forced sequence for black for exchange queens and win a Rook
knight to C2 is a winning move
13:39 so what is the winning move here?
White will play Nxe4 and after Qxb4 then Nc2+ when's the queen back
How to download the png files of these games?
the download link is not working!
“…and now it’s time to resign.” 🤣
8:40 : the knight cant go away or you'll take the bishop... **Or** queen f7 checkmate........
ᑕ4,E5 nc3,nf6 nf3,g(e4)?.
5:03 , hmm. Free pawn for black. Q is pinned can't capture. Instead BxG2.
Pawn capture bishop and check at the same time , Q can't be pinned
@@timmyaz7112 it's a wrong comment on a wrong game. 😂
3:50 what if black just pushed to e4?
Ng5 counter attacks the pawn and it will fall
5:04 Is it just me or can the rook move to b8 at put you in bad position.
You take the bishop, promoting the pawn to queen with check so the xray from Rook d8 is ineffective.
Pawn takes c8 check
In the first game you said tha Nd5 then what about Nb4 ??
Nxe4 is the move
why queen to d4 at 2:53, just move knight to f6 and end the game
The Bishop you didn't take will stop the attack
Nc2 simple
at the 9:00 mark of the video, why can't black just retreat the bishop, rather than moving the queen to protect it?
Which square should Black retreat to? Also...If Black retreats the Bishop, then what happens after Bxd5?
At 10.15 black resigned. How? Can anyone tell..
Nd5 protects your queen.
QxQb4, Nc2+ plus forks rook and queen and then white rage quits
Knight takes e4. If Queen takes Queen then knight to C2. Am I right?
3:18 i would be like oh no my queen anyways
Kc2 ?
Knight to C2
he played Nc2+ on the third trap
13:42 the move Winning for black is Knight c2 because it’s winning the rook
At 5:06 if black moves rb8 you wouldn’t be able to capture the bishop unless you’re willing to give up your queen.
You take the bishop and promote.
The opponent gets to choose which queen to take.
3:16 😂
It’s physically impossible for anyone but an Eastern European to laugh like that
Nxe4 Qxg4
Nc2 Ke2
Is no one seeing the check winning the bishop at 6:32??
knight c2 forks the queen and the king lol
Knight to c7
Sorry e7 my bad eyes
wow a lot of wrong answers, i only see one other person with the correct answer at this point...
the highest value move is Nc2, the black knight checks the king, forking the rook. the white queen cannot capture due to pin. after king moves, black queen take white queen. after white recaptures the black queen, the knight can take the rook. this is the biggest gain in material from the position.
Don't you eventually lose the knight on a1 though? After Nxa1 white goes Be2/Bd3 and the knight can't escape, yeah? Nxe4 is just a free knight. So from purely a material advantage it's better, you just win a free piece rather than trading.
Nc2+ traps the Black knight on a1, and a knight exchange results in center control for White and doubled kingside pawns for Black. Nxe4 results in a safer king and +3 material rather than +2 once the knight is taken.
3:16 You scared me af
Admiral Ackbar would be proud
K to c2 fork king & rook
Watching this, i feel like now, I'm going to win every game with English😇
Min 5:04 you wont get an advantage
Why not ! Up one Bishop !
@@timmyaz7112 Black move rook to B8?
@@Kupubapa Pawn capture Bishop and check
I agree with Jakub. The black Rook will pin the white Queen. And if the white Queen decides to take the black pawn on f3, then black will Bxb7 pinning the white Queen and Rook! Black's position is definitely playable, so I don't understand why black resigned!
White does win a piece. If Black plays Rb8, then White plays bxc8=Q+. The Rook can't take both Queens and, in fact, must go with Rxc8 to remove the check as the only other option is to block with the Black Queen and immediately lose her with check again...definitely not preferable. Hence, White loses a promoted pawn after gaining a Bishop if Black plays Rb8 from this position. This is why Black resigns...being down the whole piece.
5:05 well you can't capture those pieces because he just moves the rook and you can't capture th3 bishop because his rook pins your queen
No even with pins the pawn capture bishop with a check because of the tempo the pin didnt matter because the black king is checked
@@jamesocta4756 oh, yeah, missed that part where the pawn gets promoted lol. He should have shown it.
4:48 there is no check if black doesn't move their queen to defend the bishop that has to move anyway... even so, black should probably capture the promoted queen with their queen allowing white a move to bring their real queen to safety, although it does give black some tempo.
Nobody in my games ever plays pawn G6
Why 29 guys disliked I think the dont know how to play chess