This video is for 1st~4th moves of French defense 0:26 white 1st move e4 1:39 black 1st move e6 (French defense) 4:50 white 2nd move d4 6:00 black 2nd move d5 7:35 white 3rd move e5 8:10 black 3rd move c5 9:12 why white dxc5 is bad. 9:37 white 4th move Nf3 9:44 black 4th move Nc6 and to the Part2
I would recommend just developing your knight to c6. As you can imagine the game will have a little different feel but I really like black in this spot. Your next move can be d6. If white then responds with d4 then you can take at e5 and if he exchanges then you will be able to exchange queens but force him to move his king. If he takes on d6 then you can capture with bishop and have the adv in development. Hope this helps.
Hello. french defense is my best and only weapon to counter e4. It's my friend that helped make it 1700+ elo. I realized it's simpler than e5 and has a lot less potential to "hang something". It usually gives the lead to black. I have lot more to say in my mind. But i just want to thank you and make you consider about making a way more detailed tutorial about the french. Lot of people think it's trash just because your bishop is blocked. People need to see this beauty. thank you again. (sorry if if there's already a video that i'm missing)
I enjoy your in-depth analyses of Chess openings. However, I ask that you flip the board (for any openings concerning black) so that viewers can learn more effectively.
+Marrx I believe he meant the opening move for black, not of the game itself. Doesn't matter to me, but I can see how viewing it from the perspective you'd see it from would help
jongib369 Let us say that it would help, that's the perspective that "you'd see it from"/would like to see it from (arguably, someone else might want to see it from the opposite perspective making your request inconsiderate), there is no chess video that you can watch or opening you can analyse and say it only concerns one side... When you study an opening, you're technically learning how to play it for both sides, even if you never intend to play it as both white and black. P.S. I understand what he meant, I was purely interested in finding out whether that's something a newbie would say (I think it is).
This is a video about black's defense. The guy in the video say "we" when he is talking about the black pieces, which means that he is pretending to play black. And when you play chess, your pieces are on the bottom part of the board, so it makes more sense that the board is flipped that way. Also I think that this video is mostly for newbies, unless you play chess for years but still don't know the French defense ?
Absit Reverentia Vero #1 Yes, this video is about black's defense; No, this video is not only about black's defense (nor could any video about an opening be, just use logic, you'll come to the right conclusion), it is a video about an opening called "French defense". I didn't even say he wasn't "pretending" to play black or from black's perspective, that still doesn't change the meaning of any of the things I wrote and in your carelessness you missed the entire purpose of my comment - re-read my previous reply and then (re-?)read the title of the video. #2 "Also I think that this video is mostly for newbies, unless you play chess for years but still don't know the French defense ?" - You are either slightly stupid or have a horrendous character judging by your attempt to attack my person with such a sleezy question; in what universe does me visiting this channel or watching (or not) a (this) video about French defense implicit that I don't know French defense... If you want, we can play a friendly game?
im a caro kann player but im trying to change to the french because i have recently found the light squared bishop to bhe really a game winning piece towards the end of the mid game, this is great thankyou so much im glad you kept it simple not 20 moves deep and not 100 variations just the main few the best moves and to a depth just enough to remember and give black a decent game , thankyou
New to the serious study of chess. Watched this a few times. Played a few variations vs the computer, and then beat a higher rated human. The lengthy explanation helped. Nf6 d7 would never have occurred to me. Thanks.
Love your tutorials. Been popping into your channel for years, I like it how you just get right into and don’t waste time. Great work, love your channel brother
In the advance variation you go over c3 in reply to c5 is in no way a mistake. This is white's best and only good move in this position. It doesn't matter that it stops the night from going onto that square. The reason people play the tarrasch variation and put their night on d2 on their second move is so they don't block their c pawn. This square is meant only for the pawn and nothing else.
I would say across the board, most of the top players have this defense in their bag of tricks. Many top players do prefer some variation of the sicilian as the main defense against e4 by white but the French Defense is still seen very often by some of the best players.
well i was saying that he would capture on d4 after we play b3 so our bishop would not be out yet. That way he is attacking the square before we get there. As far as what to do with Qb6, you can simply move pawn to a3, then develop your bishop to d3, then castle and you should be fine.
if black got his bishop to a3? If that is what you are asking, his pawn will first have to move and you are attacking a3 three times so black probably won't put his bishop there. if you are asking for white, how would white get his bishop to a3?
1:50 mark in the video. When I see black's first move as e6, immediately that signals to me french defense. This might seem different but I like fighting that center control with C2-C4. What I like about it is that any french defense plans black had in mind are thrown out the window and they have to change strategy. They can't go D7-D5 because I'll gladly trade pawns using my pawn from C4 and maintaining center control. Plus I am one d2-d4 move away from more center control protected by the Qn
Devin no I don’t why do you need to put a comma after saying a reaction? It’s not an introductory word so I don’t need to put one. Learn how to use commas, before talking it just makes you look uneducated.
yeah i mean black could just capture on d4 and his bishop would be attacking the a3 square. Not a terrible move but doesn't do much I don't think for development.
I’m still learning the basics of chess and I’m really confused. What happens if white takes pawn at D4 (6:04), I know that black would take d4 but is there a better way to react against that?
after 3. e5, the game is not equal, nor has white given up tempo, despite moving the same pawn twice in the opening. In fact, white gains an advanced pawn that will both act as a wedge in black's position and hampers the development of both the king side bishop and knight. This is why in many games, black will try to exchange off the strong e5 pawn by playing f6 at some point in the game. Overall, I think you've provided a good intro to the french defense for beginning chess players
he'd act like he's fianchettoing his bishop (b3), but after c5, he moved to a3. it also cuts off the Qxb2 threat. Another b3 does is support the knight if he wants to go to a4 to attack black's queen.
Hi Kevin I love Chess as others. but was not doing good. a friend was at a tourney and posted a pic. I asked what was her opening move as black? She responded the French defense. so I wanted to know more about it and came across your site. great explanation, so I watched both parts. I had a good understanding of what the pieces where to do, and if my opponent doesn't understand the opening. they didn't and third move was Qf3. the other moves were basic which set up the French defense. when coming to some candidate move I came in an checkmated on the thirteenth move.
Yeah that is a pretty weak move from white and it weakens his whole kingside without really giving an advancement in space or development. I would continue to respond as before with d5, attacking the e4 pawn. Even with your normal development you should have a very comfortable game as you can focus on white's kingside. Also you can put a bishop on the a7-g1 diagonal that would just be brutal for white to deal with and would keep him from castling.
I was surprised when I heard Jeremy Camps "there will be a day" in the opening. It is one of my favorite songs. But thank you for the video. You have clear and good voice and your advise's are easy to understand.
Yes, that's what I'm doing (or at least trying to do). The problem I face with the openings right now is that there's no clear target. I understand the principles - develop your pieces, don't move a piece twice if possible, castle so you king is tucked away safely etc. But I hear commentators say during games - 'Oh, white is certainly not worse here' or 'black has now definitely equalized' and these sort of things are hard for me to evaluate exactly.
Oh, well I ment to do it earlier. Probably after he brings his knight out (after we bring ours), so then after he moves his queen, we can move our bishop. you could also transpose into the Redi gambit if you do b3 earlier.
I started playing chess on the amateur level and I almost always use the Van’t Kruijs opening. It’s so uncommon that players are usually unfamiliar, and (at least against amateurs) you can probe with the queen early and see if the opponent gives you anything. Edit: the competition I’ve faced has been relatively weak. In a professional setting the Sicilian defense is normal, but on the amateur level my opponents were almost always thrown off with my opening
3...C5 is the classic attack when one uses 3. E5, named the advanced variation in the French defense. The advanced variation isn't so great for white as the game progresses. The main focus of the game centers around the d4 pawn and whether white is able to appropriately defend it.
You mentioned that playing Nf3 is not the best move for white. Yet, I see it quite a bit. Can you make mention of how to handle Nf3 in the French defense?
I got a question, in the move sequence, 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.nc3 nf6 A move I keep running into is 4.bb5+ Whats a good way to respond to this with black, cuz I basically keep getting my pawn structure wrecked by this move and I can't seem to think through any good lines.
@BMac7773 After 4.Bb5, you just play 4...c6, white just lose time with is bishop, and you will be able to play c5 later to undermine the center. 4.Bf5 is a weak move move after which white has no advantage.
I've always struggled against the French as White. I'm not a very good player (about 1600) but I tend to like open games and the French leads often to closed positions which stifle me. I'd love a video about how to attack the French as White if you like to open things up. Thanks in advance!
I like playing 1. e6 as a response to 1. d4. If white plays e4, then you transpose into the French. If white plays c4, then f5 and you have the Dutch and have avoided your typical Staunton gambit
c3 is not a mistake. c3 is the main line and it's a better move than nf3 because if white has to re-capture with a piece other than a pawn, e5 will become very weak. not a good idea to defend with nf3 before c3. c3 is what should be played.
I often get confused with openings. Say I want to play the french defense, but my opponent uses moves not a part of the line and I have to adapt to that...where do i go from there?
if he does knight to f3 then takes the pawn you've thrusted to d5, the entire french defense mainlines are ruined right? seems like then you're king is really exposed and you haven't developed anything much... great video showing other lines btw.
cont... Also in the related videos, he has a video called, "Spicing up the Exchange French". He shows a system to make the French Exchange more exciting to play.
sorry u didn't like. I wanted to make videos that explained stuff and didn't just show the moves but I can see where you are coming from if you just wanted to see the moves.
Forgot to add, c3 is NOT a mistake and is the actual main line in the Advance, not Nf3. Why waste about five minutes discussing on just two moves from both sides?
Middle games and endings have definite/measurable goals and that's easier for me to understand. I can calculate but I'm not so good at evaluating positions I guess.
if you don't want to waste that much time about basic concepts (basically that the FD prevents attacks on the a2-g8 diagonal and your light squared bishop will be cramped in the backranks for a while..) and see the actual opening explanation just fast forward 7 minutes, duh........
I prefer the Pirc defense, it's wildly unpopular so most people don't know a counter to it and lots of the time I win with it. It's also a very solid defense which imo is much harder to break through
How do you respond when white's second move is f3? In the video you say its not the best move for white, but I'm not sure the best way to respond when it happens. Thanks.
@acebulf And Houdini 1.5 x64 suggests 2.d4 thinking 24 half moves deep. And when i play Houdini against Rybka Houdini always slightly wins so i would sugest you go with Houdini instead of Rybka. Unless its Deep Rybka 4 in which i have no knowledge of how good it is.
When they were fighting from the controll of middle, why white just didin't move Bishop to E3, than it would protect the D4 and it would make it possiple to attack on E5. Becose after moving Be3 he could move to E5 and black couldin't counterattack him. And sorry my bad English writing skills :S
So let’s say the opponent doesn’t move in any of the predicted movements that would allow the French defense to work optimally, so you still use the same moves or do I need to learn other openings so I can be prepared for what they show me?
Well if hey takes d4, then we take his (good) bishop, and he has to take it with his king, so he can't castle. Or else Bxg7. And how do you respond to Qb6?
@Olliek94 idk if u playing as white i would just bring out knightc3 instead of advancing that pawn like he does.overextending in the opening has never gone well for me
yeah, it's almost equal i personally think that the advance variation is the WORST way for white to play against the french I'm a french defense player and i love playing the french, because now you have a weakness on d4 and once that falls, a weakness on e5. it's funny how people disrespect the french so much, and get beaten by it go watch Superchess GURU's on the french videos and you'll know what I'm talking about.
@arandomperson240 well here's my best bet...when he starts with the pesty e6 try the Nf3 do the research and you'll have at least even chances with black...^^...or 3.e5 the advance variation, trying to cling to the advanced pawn or do away with central lane attacks....just be very careful though and don't forget the f4 pawn, it helps sometimes....
Hi Kevin. I'm a new player. Can you run through blacks options in the French defence if white plays 2.e5? Thanks for your videos. I'm learning a lot quickly.
I don't think it's the ideal way to play. White has all their pawns lined up on the kingside of black and the fianchetto on the kingside would put the pawn on g2 and try to control the light squares, targeting the queen side. It's not awful but I do think it's suboptimal.
the fact that you still respond to comments on an 11 year old video is awesome
If people are going to take the time to comment (which means the world to me) I want them to know that I will read it. I appreciate the shout out.
I’ll subscribe to your channel, just for that fact... and it’s an interesting channel.
@@chesswebsite 🙌🏼🙌🏼👌🏼
@@chesswebsite just earned a sub my man
I didn't even read the comment and agree!
thanks for the kind words. glad to hear that what i'm doing is helping.
I liked the video
This video is for 1st~4th moves of French defense
0:26 white 1st move e4
1:39 black 1st move e6 (French defense)
4:50 white 2nd move d4
6:00 black 2nd move d5
7:35 white 3rd move e5
8:10 black 3rd move c5
9:12 why white dxc5 is bad.
9:37 white 4th move Nf3
9:44 black 4th move Nc6
and to the Part2
See, this guy writes down moves. He doesn't talk against anon moving screen
who's waiting for him to do the next move for white and scrolling down the comments
Me lol
hahaha you got me xD
Me lol
I am. He is taking forever.
Or you could listen to him as he explains the important themes.
I would recommend just developing your knight to c6. As you can imagine the game will have a little different feel but I really like black in this spot. Your next move can be d6. If white then responds with d4 then you can take at e5 and if he exchanges then you will be able to exchange queens but force him to move his king. If he takes on d6 then you can capture with bishop and have the adv in development. Hope this helps.
Hello. french defense is my best and only weapon to counter e4. It's my friend that helped make it 1700+ elo. I realized it's simpler than e5 and has a lot less potential to "hang something". It usually gives the lead to black. I have lot more to say in my mind. But i just want to thank you and make you consider about making a way more detailed tutorial about the french. Lot of people think it's trash just because your bishop is blocked. People need to see this beauty. thank you again. (sorry if if there's already a video that i'm missing)
half the way through the video and white still hasnt played his second move
norman no Not exactly couple seconds off :)
ty i was waiting for 10 years
Your the Best you’re the only reason i’m so interested in chess and your videos are amazing i’ve never seen such good chess videos
I appreciate that, Jackson!
I enjoy your in-depth analyses of Chess openings. However, I ask that you flip the board (for any openings concerning black) so that viewers can learn more effectively.
+Jainil Ajmera For any openings concerning black? You must be a chess newbie...
+Marrx I believe he meant the opening move for black, not of the game itself. Doesn't matter to me, but I can see how viewing it from the perspective you'd see it from would help
Let us say that it would help, that's the perspective that "you'd see it from"/would like to see it from (arguably, someone else might want to see it from the opposite perspective making your request inconsiderate), there is no chess video that you can watch or opening you can analyse and say it only concerns one side... When you study an opening, you're technically learning how to play it for both sides, even if you never intend to play it as both white and black.
P.S. I understand what he meant, I was purely interested in finding out whether that's something a newbie would say (I think it is).
This is a video about black's defense.
The guy in the video say "we" when he is talking about the black pieces, which means that he is pretending to play black.
And when you play chess, your pieces are on the bottom part of the board, so it makes more sense that the board is flipped that way.
Also I think that this video is mostly for newbies, unless you play chess for years but still don't know the French defense ?
Absit Reverentia Vero
#1 Yes, this video is about black's defense; No, this video is not only about black's defense (nor could any video about an opening be, just use logic, you'll come to the right conclusion), it is a video about an opening called "French defense". I didn't even say he wasn't "pretending" to play black or from black's perspective, that still doesn't change the meaning of any of the things I wrote and in your carelessness you missed the entire purpose of my comment - re-read my previous reply and then (re-?)read the title of the video.
#2 "Also I think that this video is mostly for newbies, unless you play chess for years but still don't know the French defense ?" - You are either slightly stupid or have a horrendous character judging by your attempt to attack my person with such a sleezy question; in what universe does me visiting this channel or watching (or not) a (this) video about French defense implicit that I don't know French defense... If you want, we can play a friendly game?
im a caro kann player but im trying to change to the french because i have recently found the light squared bishop to bhe really a game winning piece towards the end of the mid game, this is great thankyou so much im glad you kept it simple not 20 moves deep and not 100 variations just the main few the best moves and to a depth just enough to remember and give black a decent game , thankyou
French defense? I didn't know you could surrender in chess.
Andrew Durand lol
Andrew Durand France still exists, yes? Thus is the point of the play in chess...
Ha ha. A stupid joke.
lol isn't Durand a french name?
New to the serious study of chess. Watched this a few times. Played a few variations vs the computer, and then beat a higher rated human. The lengthy explanation helped. Nf6 d7 would never have occurred to me. Thanks.
Love your tutorials. Been popping into your channel for years, I like it how you just get right into and don’t waste time. Great work, love your channel brother
I appreciate that!
In the advance variation you go over c3 in reply to c5 is in no way a mistake. This is white's best and only good move in this position. It doesn't matter that it stops the night from going onto that square. The reason people play the tarrasch variation and put their night on d2 on their second move is so they don't block their c pawn. This square is meant only for the pawn and nothing else.
I mean third move
+Phoenix When I'm white I love the French Defence Advanced Variation, most of the time I have a very good game turning it into a KIA.
is the kings Indian only for d4?
I would say across the board, most of the top players have this defense in their bag of tricks. Many top players do prefer some variation of the sicilian as the main defense against e4 by white but the French Defense is still seen very often by some of the best players.
well i was saying that he would capture on d4 after we play b3 so our bishop would not be out yet. That way he is attacking the square before we get there.
As far as what to do with Qb6, you can simply move pawn to a3, then develop your bishop to d3, then castle and you should be fine.
great tutorial only started around 2 weeks ago and am currently at 350elo, trying to push 500 semi soon, great tutorial
Thanks for the video, I like how you talk about the general strategy of the opening at the beginning of the video.
if black got his bishop to a3? If that is what you are asking, his pawn will first have to move and you are attacking a3 three times so black probably won't put his bishop there.
if you are asking for white, how would white get his bishop to a3?
1:50 mark in the video. When I see black's first move as e6, immediately that signals to me french defense. This might seem different but I like fighting that center control with C2-C4. What I like about it is that any french defense plans black had in mind are thrown out the window and they have to change strategy. They can't go D7-D5 because I'll gladly trade pawns using my pawn from C4 and maintaining center control. Plus I am one d2-d4 move away from more center control protected by the Qn
God stop complaining he is such a good teacher with his knowledge
When did God ever complain about his teaching ?
Tareq Nash ure probably 5 yrs old for not understanding the sentence idiot
@@joemacaraeg2522 you need a comma
Devin no I don’t why do you need to put a comma after saying a reaction? It’s not an introductory word so I don’t need to put one. Learn how to use commas, before talking it just makes you look uneducated.
You say God then you pause lol
yeah i mean black could just capture on d4 and his bishop would be attacking the a3 square. Not a terrible move but doesn't do much I don't think for development.
i like the in-depth full coverage of these videos!
I’m still learning the basics of chess and I’m really confused. What happens if white takes pawn at D4 (6:04), I know that black would take d4 but is there a better way to react against that?
after 3. e5, the game is not equal, nor has white given up tempo, despite moving the same pawn twice in the opening. In fact, white gains an advanced pawn that will both act as a wedge in black's position and hampers the development of both the king side bishop and knight. This is why in many games, black will try to exchange off the strong e5 pawn by playing f6 at some point in the game.
Overall, I think you've provided a good intro to the french defense for beginning chess players
Took a very long time to get to the actual opening, but good video anyway.
he'd act like he's fianchettoing his bishop (b3), but after c5, he moved to a3. it also cuts off the Qxb2 threat. Another b3 does is support the knight if he wants to go to a4 to attack black's queen.
Hi Kevin
I love Chess as others. but was not doing good. a friend was at a tourney and posted a pic. I asked what was her opening move as black? She responded the French defense. so I wanted to know more about it and came across your site. great explanation, so I watched both parts. I had a good understanding of what the pieces where to do, and if my opponent doesn't understand the opening. they didn't and third move was Qf3. the other moves were basic which set up the French defense. when coming to some candidate move I came in an checkmated on the thirteenth move.
Good job explaining Kevin, making it easy enough to understand.
I think Petrosian and Botvinnik liked this opening. Was one of their favourites along with the Indian System defences.
For your playlist the part 2 of the french defense is before part one..
Great videos! ty!
The black queen is also there attacking D4 (including after he moves it to B6).
Yo love your channel straight to the point and very informative been playing the past you and watch your stuff on the reg
Thanks John.
it sounds like a lot of people are learning. Many people learn differently but I'm just trying to share stuff with everyone. Sorry if you didn't.
Yeah that is a pretty weak move from white and it weakens his whole kingside without really giving an advancement in space or development.
I would continue to respond as before with d5, attacking the e4 pawn. Even with your normal development you should have a very comfortable game as you can focus on white's kingside. Also you can put a bishop on the a7-g1 diagonal that would just be brutal for white to deal with and would keep him from castling.
You can also try Knight to d7 before the crucial c5 as a reinforcement.
I was surprised when I heard Jeremy Camps "there will be a day" in the opening. It is one of my favorite songs. But thank you for the video. You have clear and good voice and your advise's are easy to understand.
Yes, that's what I'm doing (or at least trying to do). The problem I face with the openings right now is that there's no clear target. I understand the principles - develop your pieces, don't move a piece twice if possible, castle so you king is tucked away safely etc. But I hear commentators say during games - 'Oh, white is certainly not worse here' or 'black has now definitely equalized' and these sort of things are hard for me to evaluate exactly.
Oh, well I ment to do it earlier. Probably after he brings his knight out (after we bring ours), so then after he moves his queen, we can move our bishop. you could also transpose into the Redi gambit if you do b3 earlier.
What do you reccomend in case white take d5 pawn with his pawn?
Some people play that also
The “Scholar’s Mate” attackers hate the French Defense.
I started playing chess on the amateur level and I almost always use the Van’t Kruijs opening. It’s so uncommon that players are usually unfamiliar, and (at least against amateurs) you can probe with the queen early and see if the opponent gives you anything.
Edit: the competition I’ve faced has been relatively weak. In a professional setting the Sicilian defense is normal, but on the amateur level my opponents were almost always thrown off with my opening
have you watched the two videos? It should answer the question
3...C5 is the classic attack when one uses 3. E5, named the advanced variation in the French defense. The advanced variation isn't so great for white as the game progresses. The main focus of the game centers around the d4 pawn and whether white is able to appropriately defend it.
You mentioned that playing Nf3 is not the best move for white. Yet, I see it quite a bit. Can you make mention of how to handle Nf3 in the French defense?
I got a question, in the move sequence, 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.nc3 nf6
A move I keep running into is 4.bb5+
Whats a good way to respond to this with black, cuz I basically keep getting my pawn structure wrecked by this move and I can't seem to think through any good lines.
so far the French defense is my favorite response to e4!
same. apart from the exchange variation
So same I beat my classmate that is much better at me at chess
if white takes the d5 pawn its only good for black no longer having the burden of the e6 pawn which halts development for the light squared bishop
@BMac7773 After 4.Bb5, you just play 4...c6, white just lose time with is bishop, and you will be able to play c5 later to undermine the center. 4.Bf5 is a weak move move after which white has no advantage.
@OhNoesThatsDanny Actually at that point he isn't talking about e4/d6 he is talking about moves after.
I've always struggled against the French as White. I'm not a very good player (about 1600) but I tend to like open games and the French leads often to closed positions which stifle me. I'd love a video about how to attack the French as White if you like to open things up. Thanks in advance!
Hey man. Very nice video and amazing opening
I like playing 1. e6 as a response to 1. d4. If white plays e4, then you transpose into the French. If white plays c4, then f5 and you have the Dutch and have avoided your typical Staunton gambit
c3 is not a mistake. c3 is the main line and it's a better move than nf3 because if white has to re-capture with a piece other than a pawn, e5 will become very weak. not a good idea to defend with nf3 before c3. c3 is what should be played.
I often get confused with openings. Say I want to play the french defense, but my opponent uses moves not a part of the line and I have to adapt to that...where do i go from there?
For a noob (like me!) a 10 min. lesson is perfect. I can’t believe these negative comments... If you can’t say something nice, just shut it...
if he does knight to f3 then takes the pawn you've thrusted to d5, the entire french defense mainlines are ruined right? seems like then you're king is really exposed and you haven't developed anything much...
great video showing other lines btw.
Also in the related videos, he has a video called, "Spicing up the Exchange French". He shows a system to make the French Exchange more exciting to play.
i find every little piece of information very useful, i don't know any better, but i hope i do and i'm on my way.
sorry u didn't like. I wanted to make videos that explained stuff and didn't just show the moves but I can see where you are coming from if you just wanted to see the moves.
At 5:55 we finely start talking about what happens after you play pe6
Forgot to add, c3 is NOT a mistake and is the actual main line in the Advance, not Nf3. Why waste about five minutes discussing on just two moves from both sides?
exactly!!! ... its was better than Nf3 because after the exchange white is left with an isolated pawn ...
What about Bishop to e3? Would that be bad for some reason?
Skitty BigBum no, but I kinda feel that white fight is more focused on the light square control at least early on.
I'm mostly a Sicilian defense player, but I've been thinking of trying this out.
Evan Zimmer me too sir!
Cool. I love a good Sicilian player.
I think I play it well, how do you play it? What variation?
Dragon, but I also enjoy a Najdorf.
Evan Zimmer I play the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon! Never tried the Najdorf!
Middle games and endings have definite/measurable goals and that's easier for me to understand. I can calculate but I'm not so good at evaluating positions I guess.
if you don't want to waste that much time about basic concepts (basically that the FD prevents attacks on the a2-g8 diagonal and your light squared bishop will be cramped in the backranks for a while..) and see the actual opening explanation just fast forward 7 minutes, duh........
Don't bother about my previous comment. Figured it out. Cheers man. Great explanation of the French
Please do a video on the French Exchange variation, thanks.
Finnally an old comment.
I recently started playing chess. Thanks man
I prefer the Pirc defense, it's wildly unpopular so most people don't know a counter to it and lots of the time I win with it. It's also a very solid defense which imo is much harder to break through
I actually like the way it is displayed from white prespective
Can you go over the variation of what happens if white develops their Queens side Knight?
How do you respond when white's second move is f3? In the video you say its not the best move for white, but I'm not sure the best way to respond when it happens. Thanks.
Thanks for the video mate, appreciate it
Great vid. Will try in my grind to 1000 Elo in blitz
So i got a question... what if white goes on and takes with his pawn (which was on e4 ), black’s d5 pawn? Should black take with the queen or with e6?
@acebulf And Houdini 1.5 x64 suggests 2.d4 thinking 24 half moves deep. And when i play Houdini against Rybka Houdini always slightly wins so i would sugest you go with Houdini instead of Rybka. Unless its Deep Rybka 4 in which i have no knowledge of how good it is.
I apreciate how he goes fro the basics!
When they were fighting from the controll of middle, why white just didin't move Bishop to E3, than it would protect the D4 and it would make it possiple to attack on E5. Becose after moving Be3 he could move to E5 and black couldin't counterattack him.
And sorry my bad English writing skills :S
So let’s say the opponent doesn’t move in any of the predicted movements that would allow the French defense to work optimally, so you still use the same moves or do I need to learn other openings so I can be prepared for what they show me?
I'd say become more familiar with other openings
Well if hey takes d4, then we take his (good) bishop, and he has to take it with his king, so he can't castle. Or else Bxg7. And how do you respond to Qb6?
This is my fav opening against e4 ;) People usually don't know how to handle it
I Wish he would explain why he prefers 4 Nc6 over 4 cxd4 which is how I have always played the french defense
1:37 - you can come out with the black horse to A6
Would love more details on the exchange structure. Many videos skip it.
What if white play 2.e5 (then 3.d4) trying to grab more space against the French defence? How to defend his play?
Great analizing thx for the videos
@Olliek94 idk if u playing as white i would just bring out knightc3 instead of advancing that pawn like he does.overextending in the opening has never gone well for me
What if instead of D4 the white moves E5 on the second play? It would prevent the D5 pawn (en passant).
What happens if, rather than playing the advance white goes for the early check moving the bishop to b5?
yeah, it's almost equal
i personally think that the advance variation is the WORST way for white to play against the french
I'm a french defense player and i love playing the french, because now you have a weakness on d4 and once that falls, a weakness on e5.
it's funny how people disrespect the french so much, and get beaten by it
go watch Superchess GURU's on the french videos and you'll know what I'm talking about.
you could always try Bd7.
Awesome vid bro
well here's my best bet...when he starts with the pesty e6 try the Nf3 do the research and you'll have at least even chances with black...^^...or 3.e5 the advance variation, trying to cling to the advanced pawn or do away with central lane attacks....just be very careful though and don't forget the f4 pawn, it helps sometimes....
the video is 9:58... not all heroes wear capes
.. d4
Be3 ..
why not do that, rather than knight or pawn?
leaving Nc3 possible plus the possibility of d4 to c5 for outpost and control later?
kevin can u please give me the link to download the same chess software u are using for the vedeo
Hi Kevin. I'm a new player. Can you run through blacks options in the French defence if white plays 2.e5?
Thanks for your videos. I'm learning a lot quickly.
Used to be my favorite opening before I knew 'how' to play chess, or knew what this opening was called. xD
just wondering, how bad would it be for white if they got their bishop on a3 after c5?
So is there potential to fianchetto on the kingside during this and make it some weird variation?
I don't think it's the ideal way to play. White has all their pawns lined up on the kingside of black and the fianchetto on the kingside would put the pawn on g2 and try to control the light squares, targeting the queen side. It's not awful but I do think it's suboptimal.
@@chesswebsite That's fair