Karen Calls 911 Chief of the Police on Me He will introduces You to Who I Am r/MaliciousCompliance

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 177

  • @meruliouslacrimens5154
    @meruliouslacrimens5154 Год назад +11

    We always took our cat on holiday with us. We'd rent a cottage for a fortnight somewhere, drive down with our old lady cat, laying on the back window ledge, we would get rubber-neck looks from other motorists. Our cat has been on the beach and was fascinated by rock pools. We would arrive at where ever we were staying, then my wife would carry her completely around the interior telling her all the time where she was. Then carry her all around the outside and look at the garden. Then she would show her a way in and out. Then put her down. She would come and go as she pleased and NEVER RAN AWAY. I miss that old cat, she died of a heart condition when she was 22 1/2 (human) years old. (🇬🇧)

  • @peccatumDei
    @peccatumDei Год назад +14

    I have to wonder about the dog owner in story #2. Golden Retrievers are smart and generally very well behaved dogs, with gentle dispositions. They're often recommended for families with small children, so the behavior of these two causes me to question haw they've been treated.

    • @hellefur7861
      @hellefur7861 Год назад

      Bad breeding (inbreeding) and lack of socialization & training = poorly behaved dogs.

    • @ThomasKent1346
      @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +7

      I used to own a couple of Labradoodles (Golden Retriever/Poodle cross).
      They were raised with cats.
      They thought THEY were cats.

  • @alolaneevee2550
    @alolaneevee2550 Год назад +23

    As someone who recently lost their cat to a dog attack in our own garden the story about the cat had me terrified and enraged. Control your dogs, or if you can't atleast understand the situation and try to! I'm glad Eva was okay, truly...some people should not own dogs or any animals if they can't atleast train them well. P.s. I don't hate dogs and i don't blame the dog that killed our cat, I blame the owner for failing to control or prevent the situation. I love all animals!

  • @wangdangatomictango
    @wangdangatomictango Год назад +5

    Confused as to why the op2 didnt report her to the police. She's a danger to people with her untrained dogs. All the cops had to do was pull up to see the two dogs still trying to get to Op and his cat while they're both in the car. Honking at them to get some petty entertainment is a bit careless, considering her dogs will eventually attack someone.

  • @joeschmo622
    @joeschmo622 Год назад +11

    A friend of mine had her sweet "Little Old Man" (like 27yo chihuahua, most chill dog ever) on a leash walking him at a snail's pace around the local park. The Karen is walking her rottweilers or some other big-ass dogs, same dealy,
    The Karen is letting them charge at her and the LOM. Wellp, she's kinda cornered between cars between sidewalk and street, and a wrought-iron fence alongside bordering the park, so she gets out her Mr Ouchie bear-spray (pepper-spray on steroids) and aims the nozzle at the dogs and just stands there, putting herself between the rotties and LOM. The Karen doesn't like this, and threatens her, 'Don't you dare!!".
    "Then reel them in, because I'm not going to wait until they lunge before I hose them down."
    "I don't have to! If you don't like it, *you* go around!" (as in, back up and go out into the street, when all it would take is The Karen to reel in the leashes and keep them close)
    Only after she held out Mr Ouchie at like point blank range to the rotties, finger on the trigger, literally about 1sec from spraying, did The Karen pull them in. All the while they're still lunging, and she's keeping the spray still aimed right at whichever one's getting closer, while The Karen is shooting her mouth off.
    She said had they lunged, the dogs would be first, and then The Karen.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +11

    One of my local grocery stores had a problem with a 'lady' that also snacked on grapes and cherries (also sold by weight) as she shopped and then when confronted, denies it entirely...
    The Store Owner was the one that confronted her the second time she was caught snacking on the grapes and cherries and when she yet again denied it, he told her to follow him, took her to the Loss Prevention room (where they hold suspected Shoplifters until the Police arrive) and showed her the Security Video recording of her wandering the store eating the grapes and cherries and then tells her that she will remain in the room until the Police arrive to Arrest her for Shoplifting and will also issue her a Trespass Order (AKA a Don't come back or you'll be Arrested Nastygram) as she is now PERMANENTLY Banned...
    Which sucks to be her since he owned the only Store in that chain within 30 minutes of my city and now she was forced to go WAY the heck out of her way to get the Store Brand products she absolutely loved...
    Oh, and the job she had also requires a Clean Background Check which she no longer has due to her shiny new Theft Record so not only does she have to go far away for her groceries, she's unemployed and not eligible for Unemployment Assistance either due to being Fired for Cause...

  • @phylliskress2296
    @phylliskress2296 Год назад +10

    Concerning story #2, I wonder if Eva "excited" the queen female canine (aka the owner of the Goldens) and that's why the actual canines weren't controlled around her or OP. A quick call to Animal Control for the removal of said dogs along with a prohibition of owning any more dogs. Otherwise, a nice reenactment of Tara the Cat when she protected her small human companion would've taught the Goldens a *nice* lesson!

  • @zero00044
    @zero00044 Год назад +3

    Lady needs to train and control her dogs. Mine has issues with barking at and chasing anyone passing by my apartment, and I don't see her ever getting out of that habit, I've definitely tried, but I do control her. At least that's all she does. She is super friendly. Just thinks she's a little guard dog, but would run away from another dog coming up to her lol.

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      My does is pretty similar, if he hears someone knock at the door or pull into the driveway he goes crazy barking but the moment you open the door and he can see them he runs up to them with his tail wagging basically saying "pet me". as the saying goes "he's all bark and no bite".

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +7

    A former Friend of mine also has a cat that he walks daily...
    He too encountered a nut-ball dog owner that thought he and his mutts owned the damn city and all it's sidewalks & parks...
    In this case, the cat was a 5 Lb. mixed breed (we think it as Siamese, tabby and mane-coon, it looked odd but was truly gorgeous, I wish I had pics to share but I don't, we lost contact before digital cameras were invented) and the nut-ball had a 50 Lb. Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Pit Bull to the uninformed)-Rottweiler mix and a 100+ Lb. Perro de Presa Canario-Great Dane mix and neither of them was well trained and both hated cats (they saw them as animated chew toys and/or mobile snacks)...
    Nut-ball wasn't able (or willing) to try holding back his mutts and everyone in the neighbourhood HATED him because they couldn't walk their pets when he had his out in the yard (60+% of the day) or was walking them himself and Animal Control was useless in that area...3 days after my friend moved to the neighbourhood, he was walking his cat when Nut-ball turned the corner with his dogs...both of them saw the leashed cat and charged...the cat saw the dogs running at it and sat back on it's haunches...when the dogs were about 6-8 feet away, the cat launched itself at the dogs and proceeded to absolutely shred their muzzles with it's claws (it hit the Dane first, destroyed it's nose & muzzle then pushed off the Dane to leap at the Rottweiler then annihilated it's nose & muzzle) both dogs went from snarling Death-on-4-legs to Screaming Terror in less than 5 seconds as this animated paper shredder hit them on the most sensitive part of their bodies...the nose...
    Nut-ball Sued my friend in Court for the Surgical Bills to rebuild the dogs faces (he Sued for $25,000.00 in Vet Bills, Pain and Suffering) and lost because my Friend was able to call the entire Neighbourhood in to Testify about the Dogs Aggressive Behaviour and how Nut-Ball refused to even try to stop it as well as the Animal Control and Police Reports supporting it...OK maybe Animal Control wasn't COMPLETELY Useless because they at least took the Reports even if they refused to actually Investigate or Seize the Dogs...the Court however DID order the Dogs to be Seized and gave Nut-Ball a 15 year Ban on owning Pets...my Friend because VERY well Loved in that Neighbourhood and Buzzsaw the Cat (yes that was it's name for obvious reasons 😄😁😆😅😂🤣) absolutely drowned in ear scritches, belly rubs and katnip mice for the rest of his time in that neighbourhood...

    • @Poizenne
      @Poizenne Год назад +3

      I got a good giggle at "Animated paper shredder".

    • @christophersmith9237
      @christophersmith9237 Год назад +1

      That cat would have made Heathcliff proud! 😼😸😹😺

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад

      @@christophersmith9237 Buzzsaw would have Terrified Heathcliff...

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd Год назад +2

    Have to admit that's a ridiculous price for olives. None the less, it's not the store's fault and the woman should have realized that. Story 2: OP's cat is well trained. The EL's dogs and she are NOT! It's public property and the woman could have been charged as her dogs are the ones that tried to attack and she did nothing to restrain them.

  • @mkvv5687
    @mkvv5687 Год назад +5

    Tony is my new hero! And, following the Rule of Karens, anyone named Tony is also my new hero.

  • @sourisvoleur4854
    @sourisvoleur4854 Год назад +4

    "Some people really can never be happy." I used to say of my first wife she wasn't happy unless she was unhappy. (Never to her face of course.) She just thrived on being unhappy.

  • @Kayenne54
    @Kayenne54 Год назад +18

    First story: the olive supplier isn't the only business in Australia to "make the bold decision" to increase the price of their goods by how many thousand percent. It's a business strategy called "Pricing Yourself Out of Business". We may all still be a trapped, "prison" population on this big island, but we can still vote with our wallets.

    • @daerdevvyl4314
      @daerdevvyl4314 Год назад +1

      Actually that's an increase 337.5%, not "however many thousand percent," unless of course the answer to "how many" is zero.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 Год назад

      @@daerdevvyl4314 Lol. As you can tell, I don't math. All I know is that every single thing has risen in cost. To everyone. Add GST to that where applicable. And import duties; export duties, storage costs, transport costs, fuel costs...

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +6

    One of best bagger responses I ever witnessed. Local kids that were old enough were employed as baggers so they could earn some bucks for holiday times. One of the girls was full on Goth, she looked amazing. So I was standing talking to a friend I bumped into in the store, catching up and stuff, and I could hear this Karen giving the girl lots of grief about the way she dressed etc. No one else was giving a crap. So comes the turn for the Karen to check out, and she is STILL ranting on about the girls looks. Cool as a cucumber, the girl looks at her and said "Well ma'am, you might not like the way I look, but at least I don't look like an idiot". Everyone in earshot collapses in laughter, Karen exits stage right. No she didn't get fired, the manager thought it was funny af!

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +3

      "Your honor, if the court reporter will read back my words, I in fact did not state that Karen was an idiot."
      "Case dismissed."

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +2

      @@mkvv5687 Sorted!

  • @thomasarmstrong9327
    @thomasarmstrong9327 Год назад +18

    It's a guilty pleasure, listening to these videos as background. None of the stories I've heard have had me laughing as hard as Tony's revenge on Karen's grocery order. Having worked retail, including bagging my share of groceries for ingrates, I ROARED. Tony is a hero!

    • @christophersmith9237
      @christophersmith9237 Год назад

      The moment Tony said, *"F@#% it!",* the 💩 had hit the fan!! 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @PuzzleME.
    @PuzzleME. Год назад +2

    The cat story shows the importance of having a weapon to defend yourself incase of an emergency, and 2 dogs coming towards you and your pet barking and snarling sure falls under emergency situation.

  • @kimmccarthy7747
    @kimmccarthy7747 Год назад +5

    You have to admit, that was a huge price increase on those olives.

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      i mean have you see the prices of stuff, everything has gone up. my guess is due to covid the amount that the supplier had was limited and is the reason for the increase.

  • @Nelsea7190
    @Nelsea7190 Год назад +13

    So kind of Karen to offer to test the new seat for OP. Did him a favor.

  • @michaelgunnels9694
    @michaelgunnels9694 Год назад +26

    Karen: do your job and arrest the criminal here
    Officer : *arrest karen*
    Karen: *surprised Pikachu face*

  • @ernestclements7398
    @ernestclements7398 Год назад +10

    On the subject of police telling jokes on duty, cop humor is generally out of the grasp of ordinary citizens, but sometimes humor helps us to get through some of the horrible and tragic situations we are faced with almost daily, case in point I was a rookie on my first day on the job, about midway through the day, we received a call to respond to a report of "shots fired" at a local motel, we responded and were met in the parking lot by the manager, who pointed out the unit in question, approaching it, we observed, the door to the unit, was ajar, it was decided that I should return to the unit, and get my riot baton, then I should around the building, approach the unit from the other side, low crawl to the door, and knock it open with my baton, while my field training officer took position to cover the room, we did so, and " shots fired" was quickly amended to shot fired, the motel guest, had layed down on the bed with a shotgun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger with his toe. The result wasn't pretty, and by this time backup, had arrived, I was pretty sickened by the sight, ( and now I'm not ashamed to admit that I was losing my lunch in the units bathroom) when one of the responding backup officers from the adjoining suburb walked into the room observed the scene, pointed at the remains, and in a dead flat voice intoned, " you have the right to remain silent! Every other cop in the room was howling, while the manager, ( who was not allowed in the room) stood there wondering what the hell was so funny! ( further investigation showed, that the victim had filed bankruptcy the day before, the minute he got home from court, he discovered that his wife, had filed for divorce, the money was gone and so was she.)

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +2

      In a lot of high-stress jobs (Emergency Room Staff, Police, Military etc.) it's either laugh, scream or suck-start a 12-guage...
      IF I were ever in one of those jobs, I'd definitely choose Laugh...though to be honest, I already have a VERY warped Mind and even more Twisted and Dark Sense of Humour so...meh...

  • @ogrehaslayers605
    @ogrehaslayers605 Год назад +1

    The cat/dog/dog story is EXACTLY why when the dogs at work don't listen after I tell them ONCE to do something, they get scruffed. HARD. That reminder usually lasts about 6 months and all I have to do is say what I want them to do before the dogs push the limits (because the owner doesn't maintain training and thinks everything the dogs do is cute).
    I don't believe in yelling at animals. They know how to listen and obey if there are consequences.

  • @randawilliams9243
    @randawilliams9243 Год назад +1

    Cat daddy, gave doggy B, a GREAT dose of KARMA!! Tony, you are my HERO!!!

  • @jo-annbastings
    @jo-annbastings Год назад +14

    The story about the Karen and the bagger introduced us to a new hero, TONY! That young man deserves our respect👏👏👏👍❤️

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +5

      That "What would I do with your last dollar?" just had me 🤣🤣 Nice one Tony!

    • @jo-annbastings
      @jo-annbastings Год назад +1

      @@stoopingfalcon891 🤣😉🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👍❤️

    • @jsivco3sivco785
      @jsivco3sivco785 Год назад +2

      Blame the manager for consistently giving in to the bitchy woman.

    • @stoopingfalcon891
      @stoopingfalcon891 Год назад +2

      @@jo-annbastings Yeah what an awesome burn!

    • @jo-annbastings
      @jo-annbastings Год назад +2

      @@jsivco3sivco785 yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh…..the enablers are the worst😳🙄.

  • @riley6740
    @riley6740 Год назад +7

    I love the crazy grocery lady. Especially when the kid throws her groceries with complete abandon.

    • @ThomasKent1346
      @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +4

      Too bad that wimpy manager let her have her way. He SHOULD have banned her from the store.

  • @KingOfYamimakai
    @KingOfYamimakai Год назад +2

    I don't get why every Karen's first thought is to assault an Officer of the law when they call one to them, expect them to do their job to arrest the person they want arrested, the officer didn't arrest the person as they didn't break any law, argue with the officer to make the officer to change their mind, and proceed to attack them for not doing their job which is instant jail time.

    • @Gamemaster-64
      @Gamemaster-64 Год назад +1

      And then find they were doing something illegal or have outstanding warrants.

  • @Mortvent
    @Mortvent Год назад +6

    Dog one: that is why you carry pepper spray when walking a pet (if not armed), if they can't control the animals a spray of it will often cause them to retreat (it's harsh to the critters but needed ) or otherwise break off.. Or just make the owner suddenly be able to control them.
    And the cops will usually listen when told they were charging and coming at you, sometimes you get some redtape bs.. but officers can usually get the story from witnesses. And always good to use a cell phone to record/video the incident

    • @clonescope2433
      @clonescope2433 Год назад +1

      I'd say don't use pepper spray on dogs because it's not the dogs fault that they have a shity owner that didn't train them get citronella and spray it works pretty good but have pepper spray for humans

    • @Mortvent
      @Mortvent Год назад +2

      @@clonescope2433 Some breeds you need it, and it's a clear warning to owner as they will recognize it. And in some cases you almost need bear spray for certain breeds.
      But the owner is the one that is likely to realize that in spraying the dog you might get them too.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +1

      @@Mortvent Oh! I assumed OP meant to spray the owner, not the dog. My bad.

    • @Mortvent
      @Mortvent Год назад +2

      @@mkvv5687 Well it's for both if needed, usually the sight of it deters the owner to pull them back. But with many larger breeds it's the bare minimum to cause the dogs to break away as citronella is not strong enough.

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 Год назад +2

      @@clonescope2433 If it keeps them from eating your cat, I say go for it.

  • @ramadaxl
    @ramadaxl Год назад +2

    Pity the 'Cat lady' couldn't get a 'customised' car horn...I'm thinking the sound of a cat meowing...that would have sent the dogs....and the crazy lady going for sure :-)

    • @ThomasKent1346
      @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +3

      "69 different sounds to choose from, 9 animals (hen, bull, horse, sheep, rooster, frog, dog, duck, CAT), 10 sirens, 50 musical songs (songs are not selectable)

  • @suralos
    @suralos Год назад +29

    Karen: I can get this at another location for a lower price.
    OP: Why didn't you?
    Karen: (Surprised Pikachu Face)

    • @srg08
      @srg08 Год назад +3

      Did you really expect she did something..."smart"????

    • @ThomasKent1346
      @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +5

      From $16/kilo to $70/kilo and the competitor was still selling at $16/kilo? That supplier was ripping the store off! (Unless the Karen was lying, and the olives were $70/kilo at the other store as well).

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      @@ThomasKent1346 assuming the story took place during the pandemic then it's not surprising the prices went up. also something tells me that she was lying about the price at the other store. my guess is she was hoping the staff member would believe her and just give her the discount without actually checking to make sure that it's the actual price she claims.

  • @cliffcorson4000
    @cliffcorson4000 Год назад +3

    Tony walks out of retail
    A legend to all of us

  • @ThomasKent1346
    @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +3

    Cat walker: Start carrying pepper spray.
    For the dogs.
    Or Karen.
    Or both.
    (I walk my cat too!)

  • @christophersmith9237
    @christophersmith9237 Год назад

    @9:52 - Push a good guy too far, expect this kind of outcome. Can't blame him,

  • @erichanastacio9695
    @erichanastacio9695 Год назад +1

    I guess the old lady be the first offender to try out the new seats of the police car.
    LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @steel440
    @steel440 Год назад +2

    Dogs like that are why I carry now. Being attacked once was enouph for me.

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      if you have to use it, i hope you use it on the idiot dog owner.

  • @johnburnside7828
    @johnburnside7828 Год назад +3

    That olive story was the pits!
    And in the other grocery store, the manager needed to be fired for not banning the old bag!

  • @williamgallop9425
    @williamgallop9425 Год назад +7

    Tip for baggers: eggs must go on bottom, otherwise when they break they spoil all groceries. 😉

    • @hellefur7861
      @hellefur7861 Год назад +2

      Nope, they should stand Up like a Milk Carton, that way they rarelly break, if you are carful under their transport.
      Not one craced egg in 30+ years.

  • @JV-pu8kx
    @JV-pu8kx Год назад +2

    S1: Print shop I worked at had a customer that demanded we continue to drop our price for envelopes while our supplier keeps increasing their prices!

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      i could understand giving a discount for someone who has been a loyal customer and been shopping at your business for years. but i would never expect someone to keep the originally prices as the supplier raises theirs.

    • @JV-pu8kx
      @JV-pu8kx Год назад

      @@Sound_Spark We would have been selling their envelopes at a loss. Just about every small town has one or two families that own a large percentage of the town (and the politicians). This was one out of six for our entire county.

  • @starrionx1
    @starrionx1 Год назад

    You have to be a terrible owner to have aggressive Goldens. They are the friendliest most obedient dogs.

  • @Elias_Auxilibus
    @Elias_Auxilibus Год назад +4

    I like to listen to these when I'm working on something, but I had to tab back over to read the bit with the golden retriever lady. Good thing that guy was already close to his car. Honestly, I would have gone ahead and started recording if I was sitting in my car and two untrained dogs are scratching up the side of it with some crazed hag making a fuss.

  • @leecox1513
    @leecox1513 Год назад

    I was surprised that the Golden Retrievers in the dog/cat story were described as having such bad manners. GRs are known to be laid-back dogs which are easy to be around.....and this is also my experience around the breed. I would have taken a camera with me if I took my cat for a walk to show that the dogs had been acting in an aggressive manner and that the dogs' owner had refused to control them (which I would bet is a violation of most local ordinances). The cat owner had just as much a right to use the sidewalk as did the dog owner, and it's a shame that the dog-walker had not been given a warning by a police officer......or even arrested and fined.

  • @stephaniepedersen7919
    @stephaniepedersen7919 Год назад +9

    You should have asked the slapping Karen what she thought of the new seat

  • @DanielCoffey67
    @DanielCoffey67 Год назад +4

    That last pause cracked me up!
    "... so someone got arrested."

  • @ChakatNightspark
    @ChakatNightspark Год назад +1

    more and more Grocery Stores are getting Rid of double couple days, and now even limiting the amount of couples one could use per visit(even if you split of the orders it would apply to that Visit) only way around it would to be, get stuff on limit number of couples, leave and also Leave the grounds of the grocery store come back hour later to do more coupons.
    Way that alot of grocery stores have it set up is, Per Visit is leaving the store and store grounds for min of 1 hour before can come back to use more Coupons.
    Then there is where Grocery Stores are just not printing out coupons anymore and only accepting Manufactures Coupons only

  • @baldrian22
    @baldrian22 Год назад +5

    i would have called the cops, not to have the dogs killed, but to have the woman arested for failing to controll her dog etc and potentialy having the dogs taken away from her. she is clearly not a responsible dog owner with how she was behaving.

  • @darwinskeeper421
    @darwinskeeper421 Год назад +2

    As a dog guy, listening to story #2 hurt.

  • @larrythompson8630
    @larrythompson8630 Год назад

    She smacks watch commander in public in-front of a Officer, and non-sworn staff? Why was it “not Professional”? I hauled juveniles in stock Bronco II +130 miles from airport. They often had attitude at start. I pull out cuffs. “You can ride in front seat belted in. OR you can ride in front seat belted in cuffed. BEHIND your back”. Never used the cuffs on a transport. They knew how uncomfortable it was in city. +2 hours scared them.

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 Год назад +4

    Hello RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😷😁👍. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend everyone.

  • @jamesweekley1087
    @jamesweekley1087 Год назад +1

    Someone got arrested. Gee, I wonder who. 🙂

  • @maryannwilliams8506
    @maryannwilliams8506 Год назад +1

    She Smacked the watch Commander for not doing his job!!😱

  • @GrantOakes
    @GrantOakes Год назад

    Good for Tony!

  • @JaelinBezel
    @JaelinBezel Год назад

    My cat also loves going out for walkies on the leash but it’s literally freezing outside now and I hate the cold

  • @shirleysenkler781
    @shirleysenkler781 Год назад

    Amazing how many people think it's OK to hit a cop.

  • @ruaine83
    @ruaine83 Год назад +2

    Most places, the company CANNOT control if you accept a tip or not. That is STRICTLY between the customer and you. Firing for that is, to the best of my knowledge, a wrongful termination.
    Quick edit: I am aware that regulations are different in different states/countries/etc. I am just going from what I have researched on tip laws in my area.

  • @donaldwalker3738
    @donaldwalker3738 10 месяцев назад +1

    the last one Whack-a-Doodles are EEEEEEEVERYWHERE LOL

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 Год назад +1

    As to the second story op should have recorded the interaction while waiting for the police and pressed charges. As to the third story never give in to nasty customers. As to the last story the look on that idiotic lunatic d face when she got arested must have been priceless.

  • @danielbrant9897
    @danielbrant9897 Год назад +1

    Retriever lady is a twist On EM Angela. She is EDM Angela entitled dog mom. In other words her angels are her dogs

  • @michaelbarnes4403
    @michaelbarnes4403 Год назад +1

    Tony was awesome....

  • @acdii
    @acdii Год назад

    Had that been me walking the cat, which I have had a cat that was leash trained, I would have put the cat in the car and called animal control to have those dogs removed. I would have then lodged complaints of endangerment against the owner. I also have a carry permit, if the dogs are trying to attack me, then I have every right to use lethal force. That one pissed me off, all the others I find humor in, that one though, irked me to no end.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Год назад +7

    Cat story.... I would have sprayed dogs and EL with bear spray! 😡
    Last story.... Karen smacks a cop..... because we all know that always works out well! 😆

  • @runejoke1801
    @runejoke1801 Год назад +4

    On 1/11/2020 i had a wreck and i was miles from home and the hwy patrol that responded to the scene gave me a ride and the back seat was leather plenty of leg room and overall a smooth ride. Even as a citizen getting a ride you get pat down and with permission from the officer you can bring prohibited items aka a carton of smokes in the car. This happened in colorado and the cop was nice.
    Edit for the last story looks like they had a different tester in the end

  • @cherokeeirishman9612
    @cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад +1

    I am not for anybody hurting an animal, but I would’ve turned around and kick those dogs. No it’s not their fault. It’s their owners and owners responsible for what happens to them. If you feel threatened, you can defend yourself. I’m a dog person not a cat person, but either way, maybe that’ll teach their horrible owner

  • @joeschmo622
    @joeschmo622 Год назад

    SMUG RUDE KAREN learns who is True Owner of the olives, cat, and Private Property, and does not like the result!
    Ask 911 Chief Of The Police who I am!

  • @BS-ys8zn
    @BS-ys8zn Год назад

    Dearest Dog Karen,
    As I tell you people, you people are one of the reasons many of us support concealed carry.
    Oh Hell No

  • @wesleythomas7125
    @wesleythomas7125 Год назад +1

    I'd assume someone made a mistake too if a box of olives was suddenly seventy bucks when it used to be $16 just last week. Are they made of gold!? Ain't nobody paying $70 on a kilo of olives.
    Also, I'd have called the cops on the woman with the dogs.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +2

      True. And then I would expect you or I to move along once it was checked and explained that the prices shown were correct. But we all know that some people are just spoiling for a fight, nothing is satisfactory, etc. A sorry life indeed.

  • @srephenlucietto5114
    @srephenlucietto5114 Год назад +1

    Karen's never learn

  • @bergmanoswell879
    @bergmanoswell879 Год назад

    Regarding the cat walking story, under US laws (at least in most states), it's legally permissible to shoot a dog that is attacking a human or your pet. Pepper spray is another excellent option, if you don't feel like causing harm to an animal for having a bad owner.
    Regarding the police car testing story, OP is almost certainly wrong about getting in trouble for handcuffing an officer - not only do police routinely cuff other cops as practical jokes, consensual handcuffing isn't illegal. After all, many kinds of fetish wear would be illegal to buy, sell or even just possess if handcuffing a consenting person was illegal.

    • @BS-ys8zn
      @BS-ys8zn Год назад

      In our jurisdiction the human doesn't necessarily need to be attacked. I was told if my wife were trapped in her car by the dog it would have gone much better for me. 40 years now I haven't shot with humans down range.
      Also can't shoot a dog if its attacking a pet, so get close enough to leave powder burns.
      Otoh, if a dog is running deer or certain game have at it.

  • @Bardocsbigone
    @Bardocsbigone Год назад

    I'm more of a dog person than a cat person but if I was the person with the cat I wish I would have had mace and I would miss the woman and the dogs

  • @codytiddle5220
    @codytiddle5220 Год назад

    Tony is my hero

  • @tylerhorn3712
    @tylerhorn3712 Год назад

    You make the "shopping cart man canandaigua" Google look good. Keep showing these insignificant things.

  • @luisespinoza8391
    @luisespinoza8391 Год назад

    Grocery Karen needed to be banned from every grocery store, for life.

  • @esther2075
    @esther2075 Год назад +2

    Dog story. There is NO WAY in heck that you did nothing with the dogs scratching up your car's paint job.
    If I was at the market and the manager gives in to Karen for $$ off . me too!

  • @0011peace
    @0011peace Год назад

    raising prices nearly 500% i can see why she was upset, That is price gouging and the story's company should chagnge suppliers

    • @Sound_Spark
      @Sound_Spark Год назад

      if that supplier is the only one, then not much can be done.

  • @DaWrecka
    @DaWrecka Год назад

    And next on Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes...

  • @kristinwiebold2433
    @kristinwiebold2433 Год назад +5

    Who in their right mind slaps an officer??

    • @mitros4
      @mitros4 Год назад +3

      Karens, male or female, are NEVER in their right mind! 😁

    • @garysakamoto4007
      @garysakamoto4007 Год назад +2

      I was going to say Zsa Zsa Gabor. May she rest in peace.

  • @onepieceisking5493
    @onepieceisking5493 Год назад +8

    Last story, Karen: I demand they be arrested, do your job *hits officer*
    Officer: now someone is getting arrested. You, for assaulting an officer.
    Karen: surprised Pikachu face

    • @christophersmith9237
      @christophersmith9237 Год назад +2

      To paraphrase Riff-Raff from "Heathcliff" about the lady smacking the watch commander: *"If stupidity was contagious, those guys should be quarantined!"*

  • @maranatha256
    @maranatha256 Год назад

    Ya gotta love Tony!

  • @Lmiller201
    @Lmiller201 Год назад

    God love Tony!!!!

  • @52ponybike
    @52ponybike Год назад

    (Inforado, also) narrator, how can you read these to us without cracking up?! lol

  • @susangrant902
    @susangrant902 Год назад +3

    Morning all from KY

    • @lorettaross2007
      @lorettaross2007 Год назад

      Morning from Washington State

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад

      Morn' from CA. The one y'all hate, not the one north of the US.

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer Год назад +1

    These are all good stories, but it'd be nice for a chance of subreddit in the near future. "IDon'tWorkHere" is a good one!

  • @theGermanPrintingNerd
    @theGermanPrintingNerd Год назад +2

    nr. 7 almost in Heaven

  • @lorettaross2007
    @lorettaross2007 Год назад +1

    Morning RW and LP hope you had a good Thanksgiving and hope you have a good weekend friend, to all my other friends I wish you the same!

  • @francissobotka8725
    @francissobotka8725 Год назад

    I'd call the cops with the dog woman .

  • @danielbrant9897
    @danielbrant9897 Год назад +2

    The problem with the 911 calling lady is no one was disenfranchised and her slapping a cop shows her problem is deeper than Karen. Mind your business lady
    you got an explanation. Refusing to listen to common sense is not a particular Karen attribute or is it?

  • @jimmckay1480
    @jimmckay1480 Год назад

    Are these olives made of bitcoins?

  • @paulparker4240
    @paulparker4240 Год назад +1

    Another classic narrative...I used to work at Pickering Supercentre and we had a pistachio monster; every Saturday night we'd find hundreds of disposed shells lying in various nooks and crannies. Filthy thief!

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 Год назад +2


    • @Lucaangelo252
      @Lucaangelo252 Год назад

      Hello Patricia how are you doing,
      where are you from?

  • @ruthbeamish8849
    @ruthbeamish8849 Год назад

    Probably my over active imagination ( and memory) but this particular reddit screen is quite misogynistic. Not just these stories but other ones published by the same editor ( l badly want to use another word, but won't!!!!)

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase Год назад

    Good morning RedWheel
    Good morning all my friends

  • @Corman7088
    @Corman7088 Год назад

    ~~Wasn't 'til I got bit older that I began to find it hilarious rather than somewhat irritating&example of blissful ignorance?
    Someone states their able to get elsewhere at a better price. "OK&you had nothing better to do w/your time than come here just to tell me..?"
    Even better&a real but rare gem is someone vehemently claiming something to be of poor quality then proceeds to get more?!

  • @koopaking6148
    @koopaking6148 Год назад

    Don't know why the lady didn't just go to the other store if it was cheaper over there instead of just being upset about it going up in the first story...

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад

      She tried a little scam there at the end.

  • @thedefenestrator5686
    @thedefenestrator5686 Год назад

    Who is writing the text for the video title? Who is the "911 Chief of police"? I'm also fairly certain the conjugation of the verb "introduce" is being abused here. It reads like a bad Google translation.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +1

      Oh, you have no idea. Finding any relation between the title and the stories requires a strong word wrench.

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 Год назад +1

      They are a joy to read.

  • @RW-bt6ex
    @RW-bt6ex Год назад +2

    Some people just are not happy , unless the are bitching and moaning about something .

  • @machendave
    @machendave Год назад +5

    Get a nice fake furry toy, tie it to a string, drive past the dogs, wave it at them, then throw it out and take off up the street.

    • @machendave
      @machendave Год назад +2

      @@luciferpetrenkoff5040 My crazy one would be trying to climb a tree while screaming at squirrels and pigeons

  • @paulredinger5830
    @paulredinger5830 Год назад

    2nd story. The time of paper or plastic choice for bags was at least 25 years ago. “Karen’s” wasn’t a term at that time. The term “Karen, or Ken” is a fairly recent trend. So this story is probably BS at best.

    • @donnakubiski5572
      @donnakubiski5572 Год назад +1

      He never stated when the story occurred. He just said it happened back when he was in high school, but he's telling the story in present time. So I'm calling it not BS.

  • @scotthultin7769
    @scotthultin7769 Год назад

    Petty as Petty is how long are you going to keep this up or how long did you keep it up that's what I want to know how many years did you live there sir

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 Год назад +1

    Oh dear lord the eggs!!! Lol

  • @andrehamiel9076
    @andrehamiel9076 Год назад

    Wait? What?!!? 😂

  • @markbarret6836
    @markbarret6836 Год назад

    Why do you even continue a conservation with a karen.

    • @mkvv5687
      @mkvv5687 Год назад +1

      I don't think they should even be preserved.
      Well, in formaldehyde maybe.

  • @TheHighKirk
    @TheHighKirk Год назад +1

    (13th view)

  • @stephenwilbur810
    @stephenwilbur810 Год назад +2

    Not only what I told her to call the cops I would stood there and waited and said if you can't call him I can call him for you right now cuz I have this thing called a cell phone too I want to report your dogs for being aggressive and trying to attack me and I'm going to report you for harassing me and trying to claim free public property that my taxes pay for has your own see how quickly who gets banned from the park and arrested Karen o n sensor vicious dogs and aggressive they need to have a muzzle on them too that's law and most city states and counties that address his dogs have to be muzzled under the owner's controlled at all times