Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PART 1) - Clemps

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 632

  • @9RE4TH3RM1T
    @9RE4TH3RM1T 5 лет назад +295

    "Imagine, if you will, a hard-working mother trying to wrangle her two misbehaving, idiot children from running amok in a supermarket.""
    Yep, you pretty much sum up the whole plot of Birth by Sleep at the beginning of the video. Bravo!

    • @caffeinefiend9304
      @caffeinefiend9304 5 лет назад +21

      Idk why but having Ven being the girl as she hops around screaming about donuts is hilarious to me... probably cause thats exactly how he acts in the game lol

    • @fightingmedialounge519
      @fightingmedialounge519 5 лет назад +7

      A hard working, but terribly misguided.

  • @SteelBallRun1890
    @SteelBallRun1890 5 лет назад +547

    Finally, the adventures of TerrAnakin, Mommy Aqua and Not-Roxas!

    • @AzureKing963
      @AzureKing963 5 лет назад +52

      Featuring Spocanort

    • @SteelBallRun1890
      @SteelBallRun1890 5 лет назад +57

      @@AzureKing963 and Eraqus Skywalker

    • @Kaxology
      @Kaxology 5 лет назад +17

      terrankin? more like terra-ble!

    • @DerMarcus_
      @DerMarcus_ 4 года назад +3

      Kaxology terr-able? more like terr- ific

    • @RaikanGinro
      @RaikanGinro 4 года назад +2

      @@DerMarcus_ oh brother these guys *STINK*

  • @ludward
    @ludward 5 лет назад +254

    The reason why Terra trusts Xehanort is because Terra's story isn't really about "wanting more power" like the game desperately makes you want to think, but instead about Terra seeking acceptance and recognition from his not-dad Eraqus while learning how to keep his darkness in check.
    When Terra shows some darkness during the keyblade exam, all Eraqus does is show his disappointment, and his only advice in regards to the Darkness in Terra's heart is "Do Not. Darkness Bad." before giving him one last chance to "redeem himself" with the Unversed situation.
    (EDIT: looking back at the cutscenes, Eraqus isn't too harsh towards Terra, except on the whole darkness™ deal, causing Terra to be so focused on making it up for said darkness™ that any sympathy Eraqus throws at him goes completely over his head.
    E: You mustn't be afraid of losing(...)
    T: I swear I won't fail you again, Master.
    That's actually good writing. Good job Nomura. Too bad about everything else that causes this kind of stuff to be overlooked.)
    So of course when Xehanort tells him that Darkness can be good if used properly, and that he was, in his opinion, the only one worthy of the title of Master due to his potential in both light and darkness (Keep in mind that this was when his balance talk from his Rapports wasn't yet retconned into a complete lie.), it makes sense he'd begin trusting Xehanort, especially since at this point in time there's nothing to him that'd imply Xehanort is anything but Eraqus' old pal.
    And, as forced as the Radiant Garden scene was, Terra does get mad because he thinks Eraqus really doesn't trust him at all, pushing him even further towards Xehanort. (And also, the "You're awful, Aqua." line from Ven is meant to show Aqua's "Character Arc" about how she has trouble balancing her newfound responsibilities as a Keyblade Master and her "friendship" with Terra and Ven. It's not done well at all, but hey, that's BBS for you.)
    The issue with Terra is that they tried to copy paste Riku's KH1 arc but made the mistake of having you actually play it as someone who isn't KH1 Riku.
    Riku is just as gullible as Terra, but his overconfidence and ego issues towards Sora made it work in the grand scheme of things. (EDIT: Wouldn't really call KH1 Riku gullible anymore, actually. But boi, that ego...)
    Instead Terra is a bland character with a one-note absolutely flawless _"friendship"_ with Ven and Aqua, and as a result of that he has no character flaw to back up his interactions with the villains he meets, all the while any scene that shows his "descent into darkness" is either not his doing (Aurora wasn't actually his doing, it was Xehanort himself who took her heart.) or just him getting angry over his _"friends"_ getting hurt.

    • @maximillionpegasus5160
      @maximillionpegasus5160 5 лет назад +19

      Mate, your can literally see in the video that Maleficent is the one who took control of the Darkness in Terra to make him release Aurora's heart. I'd still argue that him having darkness that he can't yet control (because Eraqus only ever says repress, repress) isn't his fault, but it is 100% his fault for trusting Maleficent at all in the first place.
      Though I do prefer the reading that Terra's willingness to trust others is just because all he wants is some praise which Eraqus never gave him. It does stretch it a little bit beyond belief that he'd so immediately trust Xehanort, who literally walks into a massive portal of darkness - but I'd say that his speech to Terra was definitely more convincing and flattering than people tend to remember it being. Also, somehow Eraqus has never noticed how full of darkness Xehanort is, so he is just as gullible as Terra all things considered.
      The only problem with comparing Riku and Terra is the age difference. Riku is 13/14 in KH1, which makes it way more believable that he'd make stupid emotional decisions. Terra is approximately 19/20 based on Nomura interviews (he hates putting an age on the BBS characters), and a young adult acting like a teenager is way less forgivable. This problem is because KH target audience is young teens, so the writing reflects that young teen perspective in the main characters, even if they should know/act better

    • @luddylaf3536
      @luddylaf3536 5 лет назад +18

      @@maximillionpegasus5160 Test for Ludward 80 OG reply doesn't appear as public
      It's explained after Terra kicks Braig's ass to "save" Xehanort (and then leaves so he can tell Ven that he thinks his friends will be there for him when he needs them the most, before figuring out in Neverland that his friends will be there for him when he needs them the most.).
      Xehanort reveals to Braig that Terra isn't the one who took Aurora's heart, because his heart had still too much light in it do something like taking someone's heart, regardless of Maleficent's doing.
      Of course the scene ends with Braig going "You mean..." to shoehorn in some mystery, but it's obviously Xehanort's doing.
      2. Terra's obviousness is in my opinion a little overblown (And I mean only a *little*), as you said, Xehanort's speeches are actually pretty convincing if you don't go genre-savvy and only focus on his obviously-evil-apparance.
      (Though yes, him talking about balance but only ever using Darkness is a little much, but that's what i'd call a Nomura moment™ since at that point his reports were, as I said, still a thing.)
      Maleficent is also the first and only Disney villain he actually trusts, every other time he meets another villain, he doubts them and usually speaks to them in a very passive-agressive tone.
      Of course, him choosing to follow them in the end instead of kicking their asses is 100% his fault, even if it usually comes down to him having his own agenda and not paying attention to what said villains are actually doing.
      Neverland is the one exception, but Captain Hook comes off more as a pathetic asshole than someone straight up evil, and the way he spoke of Peter Pan isn't exactly wrong to begin with.
      3. Riku is actually 15 in KH1 (Crazy, huh? Sora and Kairi are also 14. Puberty hit like a truck in a single year, apparently.)
      It's a little older for him to be so guillible, but he has a massive ego due to the time he spent on Destiny Islands, where he would always push Sora down, would always win whenever someone challenged him and would constantly receive be praised by the ff kids.
      (Remember how salty he gets when you beat him in the race for the ship's name ? Or that scene when Kairi implies that she wouldn't mind leaving him behind.)
      Terra's emotional outbursts are clearly due to the darkness™ and Eraqus, but it's a little hard to justify his personality, because we have no idea how he and Aqua lived in the Land of Departure.
      (We know Ven wasn't allowed to leave at all so it makes sense he'd be so interested in the disney worlds and would try to meet as many new people as possible.)
      Every flashback scene or dialogue we get about the trio's past is just them swinging their Keyblades around and talking about how much they like swinging their Keyblades around, with the exception of the scene where Ven first shows up.
      (Why does Terra's actor sound so much better in those flashbacks? I didn't know showing any sort of emotion in your voice was only a kid's thing. Thanks, mr. english voice director.)
      We know nothing about how Terra grew up as a result of that there is little no justification or precedent for any of the stupid stuff he ends up doing.
      -When did he meet Eraqus ?
      -Was he allowed to leave the Land of Departure ?
      +Who are his real parents and what happened to them ?
      -Has he ever met anyone outside of the people in the Land of Departure ?
      -How competitive did he get towards Aqua and Ven ?
      -Was Terra's *"Sometimes you're such a girl, Aqua."* actually an incredibly clever but misunderstood line meant to represent his fierce rivalry with Aqua?
      All we know is that he loves his friends, that he wants to take swinging an oversized key as a job and that he wants hid daddy's approval, and that's it.
      That goes for a lot of the things introduced in BBS, actually. Lots of throwaway concepts and character motivations that are never really expended upon. (Did anybody say mobile gacha game ?)
      In the end, comparaisons to KH1 will always be made, seeing as the BBS trio is obviously meant to be like the KH1 trio, even to the point of having two of the biggest scenes they get together be taken straight from KH1.
      Them having so little screentime together and their dialogue and group dynamic being so inorganic is another issue entirely.

    • @maximillionpegasus5160
      @maximillionpegasus5160 5 лет назад +6

      @@luddylaf3536 I had completely forgotten about that cutscene with Xehanort and Braig and you are totally right. That is such a Nomura thing to have "but actually, the good guy super didn't even do anything wrong", kinda like with how he back pedalled Sora killing Organisation members to being "actually he was resurrecting them back to their somebodies" 3-4 games later.
      I'm replying on phone, so while I can't jump back and forth easily to read and respond to every part of your comment, I did read it all and do agree with a lot of what you had to say. I thought for some reason Sora slept for 2 years, so subtracted two from 16 for Riku's KH1 age. Then I remembered 358/2days, whose title is a reminder that Sora can't have been asleep 2 years :p whoops, my KH memory is pretty bad apparently.
      But yeah, overall I do remember agreeing with your response. I think while Nomura is a poor writer in small part(s), in whole he manages to keep a consistent theme, and it is never hard to "follow" what he is trying to get across as a whole so long as you don't let yourself get bogged down on the specifics. It is just unfortunate that the themes of friendship and becoming your own self are kinda bogged down by some poorer parts of dialogue.

    • @luddylaf3536
      @luddylaf3536 5 лет назад +5

      @@maximillionpegasus5160 Yeah, sorry for the walls of text. I'm also on a phone, and what I usually do is to copypaste my comment again whenever I have to check for something, it's a pain, but it works.
      Nomura always wants to connect every story thread, to justify everything and to constantly throw new mysteries at the player, but it unfortunately comes at the price of a lot of retcons, recontextualisations and straight up asspulls bringing the overarching story down.
      It's such a shame this series went so crazy after KH2. I mean, if what someone is looking for are characters they can relate on a purely emotional level, then this series has definitely become their wet dream, but on any other level it's been slowly failling deeper and deeper down the sink. (Haven't yet played KH3, tho.)

    • @IGotDiabeetus
      @IGotDiabeetus 5 лет назад +2

      It all makes sense now! darkness is just code for gayness and Erakus is a gay basher who made Terra self hating until Xehanort the gay master came and told him it was cool!

  • @EthanSchmethan
    @EthanSchmethan 5 лет назад +289

    Aqua is the best mom

    • @superoxidedismutor
      @superoxidedismutor 5 лет назад +21

      Aqua is best waifu

    • @seby826
      @seby826 5 лет назад +11

      Aqua is best girl

    • @Valoe7
      @Valoe7 5 лет назад +3

      Mommy Aqua

    • @christhechilled
      @christhechilled 5 лет назад +6

      Mother Aqua gets no love. She said one of her children from darkness even tho that child is STILL REEKS of darkness himself. She's so loving!

    • @caffeinefiend9304
      @caffeinefiend9304 5 лет назад +2

      Mommy Aqua is greater but Waifu Aqua is even better

  • @callowguru2611
    @callowguru2611 5 лет назад +36

    Terra never once accuses anyone of lying to him. I don't think he understands the concept of lying.

  • @adeptdamage3669
    @adeptdamage3669 5 лет назад +74

    Had a massive crush on Aqua when this game was released. (Still do actually.)

    • @ignoronb7880
      @ignoronb7880 4 года назад +3

      Oh i see you like her character "design" He....He......He

    • @gamesgamer2091
      @gamesgamer2091 3 года назад +3

      @@ignoronb7880 a yes....there are two very specific 'ass'pects of her design that look good. It is 'chest' the best

    • @aiis6821
      @aiis6821 3 года назад

      i just think her smile is neat

  • @KatlikeRider
    @KatlikeRider 5 лет назад +76

    A friendly reminder that one of Aqua's earlier boss fights is against Maleficent, the (initial, before Ansem the SOD (heehee) showed up) main antagonist of the first game, in her more powerful dragon form no less and later Hades and the Ice Titan, who are not only bonus bosses in the original KH but a GOD and one of the four dudes capable of beating Zeus. AT THE SAME TIME.
    Aqua the stronkest.

    • @arctic_phoenix9936
      @arctic_phoenix9936 5 лет назад +23

      Yeah too bad
      she just gets baby shaked by ansem lmao (kh3 cutscenes just nerfs everyone to death)

    • @SpankSandwitch99
      @SpankSandwitch99 5 лет назад +16

      To be fair, she was obviously thoroughly exhausted by that point on time. Remember she was basically dragging herself onto that beach when she met Ansem the wise

    • @Egurius3
      @Egurius3 5 лет назад +3

      @@arctic_phoenix9936 Aqua didn't have her keyblade at the time, so there was only so much she could do.

    • @KatlikeRider
      @KatlikeRider 5 лет назад +12

      Honestly the Ansem one was understandable since she didn't have her keyblade at the time and even then she put up a decent attempt (and also unintentionally implies Aqua is Monk and is capable of killing heartless with her BARE HANDS. Oh my god.). The REALLY insulting one is where [SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS]
      When she get's a triumphant return and boss fight against Vanitas which even if you win, Aqua gets beaten in the very next scene like it didn't happen, just so Ven's return could be cooler. THAT is bullshit. Why even bother letting you fight if you're just gonna go "That didn't count WWWW"?

    • @arctic_phoenix9936
      @arctic_phoenix9936 5 лет назад +9

      @@KatlikeRider even without her keyblade she's still, literally the best current keyblade master mage in the series right now. And what she do? try and kick the master of darkness lmfao, and she has one of the best defenses in the series with barrier. She just tanks some darkness crap. Also with her winning in the fight but losing the battle I don't even mind. Its pretty common for it to happen in Japanese games, and having played all the KH games I've come to just accept the BS that is Nomura

  • @Mars_over_seer
    @Mars_over_seer 5 лет назад +130

    Hey I didn’t know Eraqus students were also Kamen Riders.

    • @fien111
      @fien111 5 лет назад +15

      It's Nomura, EVERYONE is a Kamen Rider
      Even fucking Batman

    • @VikingSchism
      @VikingSchism 5 лет назад +3

      The designs are so cool, reminds me of Hibiki a bit with the being mostly visor

    • @AshenVictor
      @AshenVictor 5 лет назад +2

      ​@@VikingSchism It's fairly clearly Guts' berserker armour with the mouth filled in. (Basically everyone half inches stuff from Berserk, and it's not Nomura's first offense. How can you tell the long white haired pretty boy is evil? Because Griffith.)

  • @OtterStar
    @OtterStar 5 лет назад +35

    Has your friend been taken over/controlled by a villain recently? Their name must be Terra! There's the one from this, Teen Titans, FF6, and so on.

  • @End3rDJgaming
    @End3rDJgaming 5 лет назад +74

    "Roxsys, what did you do to Kyrie?!" -Clemps, probably

  • @LeMasterofSwords
    @LeMasterofSwords 5 лет назад +151

    So basically two of the main characters are idiots and one character actually knows what she’s doing. Joy

    • @AlmightyPolarBear
      @AlmightyPolarBear 5 лет назад +9

      Darkness Boy, Positive Naive Boy, and Responsible Runaround Lady.

    • @fightingmedialounge519
      @fightingmedialounge519 5 лет назад +5

      No, all three of them idiot.

    • @christianguerrero70
      @christianguerrero70 4 года назад +4

      Who's that annoying chode that ruins the vibe of the video at *21:30* ? Like.. aqua is definitely the best of the 3 and my preferred choice but she ain't all that competent especially when she's around people who aren't retarded. That's why she gets stepped on by everybody in KH3.

  • @Wedge8
    @Wedge8 5 лет назад +32

    Yoko Taro announces he's writing a Nier Automata themed raid for ff14 shadowbringers, and we get viera race and then Clemps lad uploads. I think this is the fabled triple orgasm.

  • @SeruraRenge11
    @SeruraRenge11 5 лет назад +70

    Sora's keyblade is still special though, it's THE Keyblade and is unique in the universe, being the light counterpart to the Mickey's keyblade from the realm of darkness.

    • @seby826
      @seby826 5 лет назад +11

      isn't the X blade design have like 2 of sora's keyblades crossing each other?

    • @Zayindjejfj
      @Zayindjejfj 5 лет назад +27

      @@seby826 It's stated that all keyblades are made in the X Blade's image. So, it wouldn't be too farfetched that the first few ones made quite literally ripped the design from the X Blade.

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 5 лет назад +11

      @@seby826 Yes, along with many other things that make it a fucking mess to look at.

    • @SeruraRenge11
      @SeruraRenge11 5 лет назад +22

      @@Zayindjejfj Considering the Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D are so unique that they have to choose a user or you need to go into another universe to find it, I always assumed that they spawned into existence from the Light and Dark of the X-Blade when it was shattered in the war, and that no one physically made them.
      Not to mention KH3 basically says that a keyblade is a physical manifestation of your heart's willpower, and considering the unique nature of these 2 keyblades, I would think that they're the embodiment of Light and Dark themselves.

    • @Zayindjejfj
      @Zayindjejfj 5 лет назад +3

      @@SeruraRenge11 That could also be a thing.

  • @NububuChan
    @NububuChan 5 лет назад +69

    I love Terra and I have to agree that he's a bit of a dumbass lol - tho in his "defense," if Xehanort's design wasn't so obviously evil, us players might be giving my big buff dumb boi Terra a bit of an easier time for trusting Clearly-The-Bad-Guy McGeezer - I mean, we all know evil-looking fictional characters MUST be evil. This goes for Maleficent as well - clearly evil design to the audience, but could be in suspension of disbelief to give good guys the benefit of doubt.
    Also, when the Unversed problem disappears, it must mean Terra/Aqua succeeded, so Eraqus wouldn't need Aqua to watch him. Just needs to hear from Merlin that the Unversed are not a problem anymore.
    Sorry for being so defensive. Maybe I'll look back at this comment later and feel like I was being overly sensitive
    EDIT: Actually, the only thing I take back is calling Terra a dumbass - he's just my sweet tough boy and he doesn't deserve that - he a little confused but he got the spirit!
    LOVED the video! Lookin forward to pt 2!

    • @tropichawk850
      @tropichawk850 5 лет назад +13

      Exactly. Characters don't see other characters as characters with designs that allude to them being good or evil, they just see them as people.

    • @Necromancer1230
      @Necromancer1230 5 лет назад +10

      Keep in mind too IIRC she's literally the first person he meets on the world so as far as he knows maybe everybody just looks like that, so him just assuming "She's weird looking therefore evil" wouldn't necessarily make sense.

    • @tropichawk850
      @tropichawk850 5 лет назад +4

      Precisely, that's another point I brought up in my comment. These characters have never seen anyone besides eachother and Eraqus they don't know what "evil" looks like.

    • @tropichawk850
      @tropichawk850 5 лет назад

      Man, I said all of this in my comment but no one's even noticed it. XD I suppose that's just the rub, eh?

    • @vanessalee1901
      @vanessalee1901 5 лет назад +10

      Being honest, even though it is naive of him, what I love most about Terra is that he's willing to give people the benefit of the doubt (most likely due to his own experiences) and not judge due to a scary appearance or demeanor (speaking from personal experience thanks to a resting bitch face). It's just that unfortunately some of people he gives his trust to tend to have personalities that match their appearances exactly.
      Honestly, given how much he's been burned, it's a miracle he can still place his faith in others.

  • @leviwuzere07
    @leviwuzere07 5 лет назад +11

    26:39 this was revealed in KH1... When you see the cutscene of Kairi talking with her grandmother about the land of light that people fought over. It was also alluded to in monstro when you get the flashback of sora and riku talking about the new girl.
    Other than that, great video! Can't wait for part 2!

  • @MiloKuroshiro
    @MiloKuroshiro 5 лет назад +61

    There's a good reason for not using Heartless. They only escaped after the conclusion of BBS for pretty clear reasons.
    But yeah, the Unversed are totally forgettable

    • @XKinerojiX
      @XKinerojiX 5 лет назад +11

      No, heartless are present during the events of the phone game which take place 100 years before bbs.

    • @Zayindjejfj
      @Zayindjejfj 5 лет назад +14

      @@XKinerojiX damn, you're right. I thought emblem heartless aren't supposed to exist until xehanort makes them as an experiment. How the heck is that even justified? I forgot.

    • @KaimArgonarEyyyy
      @KaimArgonarEyyyy 5 лет назад +23

      It's because the masters make simulation of the worlds and events to come or some shit, which is why Donald and Goofy even appears at some point. I don't really know, KH UX is garbage.

    • @XKinerojiX
      @XKinerojiX 5 лет назад +4

      @@Zayindjejfj don't think too hard about it is the only answer I can give you

    • @DonChalant
      @DonChalant 5 лет назад +19

      @@XKinerojiX Because its just a simulation of the future. They aren't real. Emblem heartless don't exist until the events of KH1.

  • @eldritchautomaton
    @eldritchautomaton 5 лет назад +240

    Oh thank christ. I'm just happy Clemps acknowledges the greatness that is Aqua. Getting tired of hearing her detractors everywhere.

    • @theredsir869
      @theredsir869 5 лет назад +19

      Detractors? I think you misspelled heretics.

    • @Caidezes
      @Caidezes 5 лет назад +56

      From where? Pretty much everyone likes Aqua. What lots of people didn't like is her voice actress sounding bored all the time.

    • @snintendog
      @snintendog 5 лет назад +10

      I dont she is very bland and MEH she is the overly bearing and actually caused alot of the issues that happen to both Ven and Terra.

    • @okagron
      @okagron 5 лет назад +9

      While i don't have an opinion on Aqua since i haven't played this game, a character can have a distinct personality with recognizable traits and still be boring and bland.

    • @sofaking8646
      @sofaking8646 5 лет назад +2

      I was just kinda burnt out on the game, cause i 100%ed Terra and Vens stories before even starting hers...

  • @meteornome2556
    @meteornome2556 5 лет назад +20

    "Why aren't they using Heartless?"
    Because Emblem Heartless weren't created yet and Pureblood Heartless are more so native to the Realm of Darkness at this time and weren't running rampant in the realm of light.

  • @Zettarly
    @Zettarly 5 лет назад +29

    I would love for the Three Players could come back, could come in real handy of developing characters and expanding those who got underplayed or played dirty in pervious entries. COUGHCOUGHKAIRICOUGHCOUGH!

  • @SeruraRenge11
    @SeruraRenge11 5 лет назад +17

    There's no heartless in the worlds of BBS because they haven't managed to break into the world of light yet.

    • @Zayindjejfj
      @Zayindjejfj 5 лет назад +7

      Xehanort (Terranort) also didn't start his experiments alongside Ansem to produce emblem heartless. So only variations of the purebred exists.

    • @AstralMuffin105
      @AstralMuffin105 5 лет назад +6

      You forget that Xehanort was having Ven fight Neoshadows while he was trying to form the X-Blade though. Pureblood Heartless were still a thing, it was just Emblem Heartless that weren't a thing yet.

  • @TainaElisabeth
    @TainaElisabeth 4 года назад +23

    Please don’t bully Terra, he’s but a sweet himbo, he can’t help it

  • @chipslight738
    @chipslight738 3 года назад +3

    I come back to this video (and most Clemps videos) a lot cause it's really enjoyable and entertaining but I never understood the gripe with Keyblades being used by more people ? I know that the first game emphasizes how strong and rare it is to have a keyblade but from my knowledge and perspective, it makes sense that they would think that. The Keyblade War happened from one to several centuries ago before this game's plot and seeing how there's only 3 apprentices and 2 masters, it feels like Eraqus' group is more a super small monastery hidden to the world rather than anything.
    So it makes sense to me that, retroactively, Keyblade would be more common but disappeared from the collective consciousness because :
    1. We haven't had a ton of users since centuries.
    2. With the end of the game effectively "killing" the trio (Terra is norted, Aqua is gone in the RoD, Ventus' asleep), Eraqus is dead and Xehanort is doing his schemes, the secret monk place died without anyone knowing.
    Then it makes perfect sense to me that Keyblades would be considered super rare nowadays. Just my thought, I could be wrong on a bunch of points since I didn't play much of most game.

  • @gmkgoat
    @gmkgoat 5 лет назад +1

    I sure am glad you're making these videos, Clemps, because I definitely could not stomach making it through all these fucking KH games.

  • @FuriousGorge
    @FuriousGorge 5 лет назад +4

    21:11 You tell them SBB. You tell the world.
    Edit: 22:22 Oh snap, I got got.

  • @grandarkfang_1482
    @grandarkfang_1482 5 лет назад +62

    Here we are, the most tragic game in the series.

    • @BobbyTheGamerOfJUSTICE
      @BobbyTheGamerOfJUSTICE 5 лет назад +26

      358 tho.....
      Not to say BBS isn’t tragic lol

    • @ThaPlaya1994
      @ThaPlaya1994 5 лет назад +27

      Kind of hard to sympathize with a certain idiot when he keeps digging his own grave for the whole game. I feel bad for Ven and Aqua at least.

    • @TheSlammurai
      @TheSlammurai 5 лет назад +13

      @@ThaPlaya1994 Yes. The whole Terra scenario was filled with me slapping my head every 10 minutes.

  • @localbird
    @localbird 5 лет назад +7

    Aqua is such a mom and I love it

  • @MikeSSDD
    @MikeSSDD 5 лет назад +1

    What?! What?! Clempsy. My darling boy. How the heck did you know I was watching a playlist of your kingdom hearts reviews earlier? Come on you’re spoiling me. Seriously though this is a nice coincidence. 💜

  • @chriscrockett1423
    @chriscrockett1423 5 лет назад +1

    Wow I literally just checked your channel today to see if I'd missed any content. The timing!

  • @Stevin20687
    @Stevin20687 5 лет назад +4

    All Yin Sid had to say was "something TERRA-ble is about to transpire." and, I think, Micky would have stopped this from happening.

  • @Jpeg1324
    @Jpeg1324 5 лет назад +10

    6:40 Clemps-chan best Xehanort VA

  • @bodhithemetahuman2531
    @bodhithemetahuman2531 5 лет назад +19

    Hey Clemps, sorry for the random question (well, kinda) but did you ever play the Shadow Hearts games on the PS2? The first 2 have a special place in my heart as they were the first RPG's I actually liked when I was a kid.

  • @alessiomadethat
    @alessiomadethat 5 лет назад +1

    Love your NERV shirt, Clemps! Another great video. Many thanks, sir.

  • @ichigo3003
    @ichigo3003 5 лет назад +1

    youre videos are literally my favourite kh and review videos dude. i cant wait for you to do kh3 because boy oh boy oh boy

  • @Pinkyton
    @Pinkyton 3 года назад

    Back when you were playing this game on Twitch, it inspired me to replay it and I'm halfway through it. I've been having a great time. Thanks Clemps

  • @galgow
    @galgow 5 лет назад +1

    i dont have any witty commentary but i just gotta say this video was so good, i laughed out loud multiple times
    love your vids clemps!

  • @ThereForAnotherDay
    @ThereForAnotherDay 5 лет назад +1

    I haven’t finished the video but love your work Clemps, keep it up!

  • @thedigimontamer
    @thedigimontamer 4 года назад

    This is in a playlist of videos I listen to while I'm sleeping/going to sleep. I finally got to this video while still being awake... and the bit about Ven losing his object permanence because of a home invader made me laugh so hard! I had to make sure I took the time to say thank you for that piece of comedy gold.

  • @dotkiarika1026
    @dotkiarika1026 5 лет назад +1

    This demolitiond style of editing really works for you, I like it

  • @Felix.Fictus
    @Felix.Fictus 5 лет назад +10

    its funny, i kinda LIKE Terra even though i dont normally like DENSE ppl.
    idk, i think if it was written a little better, i could really see an older brother with the weight of the world on his shoulders taking every little bit of help he can get, even if its shady.
    in the game, the dark powers are actually strong, fast, and fun to use and it makes his campaign a real joy to play for me.
    i think if they had tried to play up his responsibility and guilt more, we could have had a REAL tragic hero in the style of the Greeks but instead he is just willfully ignorant for some reason.
    part of the problem is that Xeanort LOOKS EVIL and everyone ignores it and that none of the other clearly evil ppl approach him in some form of disguise.
    in the Disney films, its pretty common for the bad guys to make themselves look good with magic and fake kindness so it would be more in keeping with tradition to do this too.
    i think the problem is that Nomora doesnt actually LIKE Disney films and on top of that, he isnt actually a very good author.
    at least as it is, Terra and Riku can share a sea salt Popsicle over how dumb they look for getting so twisted up by darkness so easily.

    • @Felix.Fictus
      @Felix.Fictus 5 лет назад

      and also that time Riku looked like Terra possessed by Xeanort... for some reason that was never explained.

    • @Road_to_Dawn
      @Road_to_Dawn 5 лет назад

      @@Felix.Fictus I think the reason Riku looked like Ansem is because he gave into the darkness (to get that little extra edge in battle against Roxas) that was leftover in his heart from when he was possessed, and since the one who had possessed him was Ansem, that's why Riku looked like him.

  • @Cyberclone07
    @Cyberclone07 5 лет назад +2

    Clemps: makes video
    Me: O boi, time to watch this
    A small bun:appears 10 anime crossovers

  • @lightsonitzekioro3918
    @lightsonitzekioro3918 5 лет назад +20

    I do like Terra as a character and I completely see what the attempt at his character was but MAN I cannot defend the dumb DUMB decisions Terra makes.
    Ventus is actually my personal favorite character because he feels like a young child acting recklessly because of concern for his friend and will blindly defend them because of them being their friend, I mean it's a fairly normal thing to blindly defend a friend who might have done a oopsie without considering the other side's viewpoints, I know I've been guilty of that when I was a kid. Hell when Ventus calls Aqua awful, I see that as a kid having the equivalent of a tantrum as well as blindly defending their friend, Ventus' journey felt like one of a child's eyes opening up slowly and maturing by the end. I hope my reasoning made sense!
    As for Aqua, yeah I love Aqua too, Clemps summed it up pretty well I feel! she sounds so bored half the time lmao.
    Loved the video clemps, can't wait for part 2!

    • @caffeinefiend9304
      @caffeinefiend9304 5 лет назад +1

      Same here, I love all three BBS characters. While they did make some stupid decisions, I feel that the hate that they recieve is overexaggerated. After all, every other main character has had their fair share of mistakes too.

    • @lightsonitzekioro3918
      @lightsonitzekioro3918 5 лет назад +2

      @@caffeinefiend9304 Here's how I probably would have gone about the characters
      Terra - Makes a few good decisions he makes, he makes one decision that's bad due to hasty decision, halfway through he gets tricked by Xehanort but and the 3/4 mark he starts to grow wary of Xehanort, with THAT boss before the final world being Terra's breaking point, allowing for Xehanort's plan to come to fruition
      Ventus - Play with the child growing up and maturing (Such as him lashing out to Aqua like a child blindly defending their friend.) story motif, have Ventus start to show wariness about Terra and the route he could be going down but ultimately puts faith in Terra and goes to find him again but to bring him back and be prepared for a fight if he needs to. Stating he wants to help Terra because he knows this isn't the kinda person he's best friends with.
      Aqua - Pretty much the same here, just better voice direction lol
      I feel that's the angle they were trying to go with these characters but fumbled at parts.
      EDIT: Fixed it to Ventus since I called Ven, Roxas. Oops >->;

    • @caffeinefiend9304
      @caffeinefiend9304 5 лет назад

      Light Sonitzekioro Roxas... you mean Ventus? xD And yeah I pretty much agree with all of the changes there but I feel that Aqua also had some fault in the grand scheme of things too, although it's not much compared to Ventus or Terra. In that fight at Radiant Garden Aqua jumped to the assumption that Terra was wrecking havoc instead of asking him if what she heard was true or not... which I found strange of her to do since when Maleficent talked about what Terra did, she immediately shuts it down and says "Terra would never do that!" They all could have just done a better job communicating with each other.

    • @lightsonitzekioro3918
      @lightsonitzekioro3918 5 лет назад

      @@caffeinefiend9304 Yeah ultimately that part at Radiant Garden could have been resolved with a bit better communication on all ends.
      And yeah, Meant Ventus, woops >->;

  • @LordQuadros
    @LordQuadros 5 лет назад +3

    Okay, so we all had the same reaction to Terra's speech in Disney Town. Good to know.

  • @cbrown8408
    @cbrown8408 3 года назад +1

    I had to pause this video so many god damn times from laughing too hard, and I'm not even 7 minutes in, I'm dying, my god, send help.

  • @TheGeekFactor
    @TheGeekFactor 5 лет назад +1

    I’ve really come to love your content! It’s really grown on me and especially love that podcast- it’s a shame we don’t hear it more often

  • @leoknightrx7953
    @leoknightrx7953 5 лет назад +1

    Hahaha "Oh no. It's the loud woman" hahaha. But I do love Bun's cameo appearances

  • @lamcb.9476
    @lamcb.9476 5 лет назад +4

    Today I thought to myself... when will Clemps upload. I miss him 😢. And boom, Clemps comes down from the Heaven to deliver the 11th commandment

  • @jbcatz5
    @jbcatz5 4 года назад +1

    Dream Drop Distance takes the best aspects of multiple playable characters. The biggest problem with Birth by Sleep is that for completionists the journal needs to be filled out three times over. This means mastering all the arena levels, all the rounds of the mini games (of which there are at least four), every chest, every command etc THREE TIMES! 3D gives Sora and Riku the same inventory between them and the same journal. Additionally Birth by Sleep if you play as all three characters make sure not to save over completed story files because they’re required to access the final episode which completes the story.

  • @Mars_over_seer
    @Mars_over_seer 5 лет назад +5

    Clemps:It’s the loud one.
    Scrooge:Wheres the third one?

  • @Manny-Prime
    @Manny-Prime 5 лет назад +4

    27:30 - 27:32 Best part of the whole video. Goddamn brilliant.

    • @ann51
      @ann51 5 лет назад

      I agree

  • @xXxJinzxXx
    @xXxJinzxXx 3 года назад +2

    @26:59 I guess Melody of Memory debunks this - since Xehanort sent Kairi to Destiny Islands via a rocket ship. I guess this spell is what causes kairis heart to seek refuge in Soras in Kingdom Hearts 1?

  • @chaosdestructionlove
    @chaosdestructionlove 5 лет назад

    Oh wow I'm thrilled you've released this. Birth by sleep is the only one I ever beat, I beat aquas route. Attempted terras (found it too hard and didn't enjoy his combat style) and got stuck on Captain hook in ventus's because of the gameplay hick ups mentioned in your video(he kept knocking me off and I just couldn't beat it >:( ) kind of relieved I completed the route with the most popular story, got fond memories of aqua but it did mean when trying terra's route I was furious at him...oddly found the floaty combat worked pretty fine with aqua. Excited to replay it on PS4 eventually.
    Thanks for the content and hard work, it was a brilliant video.

  • @pickyphysicsstudent201
    @pickyphysicsstudent201 5 лет назад

    I was just re-watching your Kingdom Hearts reviews earlier today. Great videos. Thanks for your content.

  • @sabetasama
    @sabetasama 5 лет назад

    I've been waiting all week for this video. Now it's time to order a Pizza, sit back, and enjoy Clemps talk about literally anything for the next 30 minutes.

  • @otterlinormal9328
    @otterlinormal9328 5 лет назад +1

    I was not expecting Mother Buns. I officially love this video.

  • @lindahe4297
    @lindahe4297 5 лет назад +2

    Had a big smile on my face when Buns appeared 😊😊

  • @mhesq2415
    @mhesq2415 5 лет назад

    I needed some fresh Clemps takes in the aftermath of my gloriously traumatic playthrough of KH3. I don't even know what the word "heart" means anymore! And I love it!

  • @jrpgmadness2013
    @jrpgmadness2013 5 лет назад +1

    I've actually only ever played the first Kingdom Hearts game and I didn't even really like it. Despite that, these vids are so entertaining and I love watching them :D

  • @cookubanana
    @cookubanana 3 года назад +1

    I find it so weird that people seem to not talk that the most likely reason why the Unverse were created and used in BBS is because they wrote themselfs in to a corner in the first game. The emblem Heartless (The one with the cool X Hearts symbols) were all artificially created by Xehanorth as experiments when he took control of Hollow Bastion (Than Radian Gardens). It is even stated in the Ansem reports in KH 1 that Xehanorth actually put that emblem as to distinguish than from the pureblood Heartless. Since Most Heartless enemies designs are emblem and this game takes place before they were created, they would had to somehow create a bunch of new this purebloods or used the emblem and come up with some form of overcomplicated reason why they exist before they were chronologicly created in lore (Like they do in the Union Cross games).
    The Unverse were pretty much this easy solution to have some type of commun enemy type for the game without worrying about plot holes. (Warning: Birth by sleep spoilers follows) Since they are all extensions of Vanitas, this kinda makes it easy to explain how they came about as well as getting hid of all of them by having Vanitas be destroyed by the end of the game. They have a simple explenation of where they came from and they can just be eliminate all at once along a main villain so they don't created complications down the line of having to explain what happen to them or having the fans wondering if they are still walking about in the worlds.

  • @anthonymorales3310
    @anthonymorales3310 5 лет назад +1

    I was shocked... SHOCKED, finding out Master Xehanort was the villain at the end of Birth By Sleep.

  • @soliduswasright678
    @soliduswasright678 5 лет назад +1

    The darkness is a pathway to many abilities some would consider...unnatural.

  • @otterlinormal9328
    @otterlinormal9328 4 года назад

    Ive watched this multiple times, and I still lose my shit hearing Clemps' chimp laugh. I love it.

  • @mitsurugi999
    @mitsurugi999 5 лет назад

    Became Patreon today, now next thing in line is the Final Fantasy IX review. Judging by all your creations, it will be a grand and epic review. Can't wait for it to come out!

  • @kilo1012
    @kilo1012 5 лет назад +1

    Totally agreed on the voice direction. I got the feeling they were doing everything in one take and learning on the go. Terra sounds absolutely awful at the end of the game but by the end he's close to being great, as if he were getting a handle on the character as he was voicing him.

  • @JoyceW-Art
    @JoyceW-Art 5 лет назад +36

    20:52 A wild Buns appeared!!

  • @skaven969
    @skaven969 5 лет назад

    Omfg I love these videos and I'm glad there is more coming. Although I dislike cliff hangers and segmented videos only because I'm so invested I want to know it all NOW

  • @NetJetMichael-A.H.1449
    @NetJetMichael-A.H.1449 5 лет назад +5

    Try experimenting with the D-Link a lot more, because they are a lot more useful than you think.
    Of course some are more useless than others, and there is the other way around that is more broken than others.
    Like for example Ventus D-Link is really good for Terra by the fact Ventus D-Link has the ability to speed up your attack, basically covering one of Terra's combat playstyle weakness.
    But really you should mention about the real flaws of D-Link, for no reason at some Boss Battle they won't let you use D-Link.
    At least most of the time for Kingdom Hearts 2 with Drive Form reasons why you can't use them in boss battles simply when you're alone you can't use them since most of the Drive Forms require you two have either Donald or goofy or both.
    Only exclusive to the Vanilla though, the Final Mix Version added one Extra Form that doesn't require your party member meaning that technically you can use it against any boss fight.
    Anyway D-Link in Birth by Sleep it really sucks when you come across some bosses that cancels your ability for no reason.
    Yet there is weird things like you'll still work against the True Final Boss, yet a random nobody for no reason canceled that ability.
    Truly that is one of the real complaints about D-Links besides having some Trash D-Link.

    • @jbcatz5
      @jbcatz5 4 года назад

      Micheal Hudgens Some D-link abilities are useful, like Mickey’s Double EXP or 626’s Double CP.

  • @moonmannd7501
    @moonmannd7501 5 лет назад +2

    They don't use Heartless at the enemies in BBS because Ansem (apprentice) has not unleashed the emblem heartless into the realm of light yet. That comes several years later.

  • @Tyler-zx7xn
    @Tyler-zx7xn 5 лет назад +1

    Welp, you just got a sub. 😄 really nice vid, mate!
    Also.... Bunsssss!

  • @jacobbowlby5957
    @jacobbowlby5957 5 лет назад

    Yes! I’ve been anticipating this! You did such a good job!

  • @StratosBebop
    @StratosBebop 4 года назад +1

    I remember this game originally came out on my birthday and I didn’t think I’d be able to get it since it came out the same day as my party

  • @Cosplaythief
    @Cosplaythief 5 лет назад +1

    I did it again, I tried to resist watching a Mr Clemps video until part 2 comes out and failed to do so in less than 7 days. =(
    Honestly Aqua is the best female character that can come out of a KH game. Let's be honest, this game series somehow never seems to let its female non Disney non FF characters be more than mcguffins or instigators of plot. I'm looking at you Kairi, Namine and Xion (and Strelitzia). I honestly respect her and how much work she puts in as a janitor cleaning up after her friends' messes and wrangling them up.

  • @tamamonomae5416
    @tamamonomae5416 5 лет назад +14

    Clemps I think you are being to harsh on Terra. His mentality is like Ventus. He is naive. Just as naive as he is. Of course he is going to be stupid. But he understands his mistakes and he tries his best to learn from them and fix them so he doesn't repeat them. But he doesn't know how to properly do that.

  • @araniusprod
    @araniusprod 3 года назад +1

    3:04 well, i guess what that they were trying to say was that someone who can materialize a keyblade was a rare occurrence.... maybe? and since most of the wielders died on the keyblade wars, the three apprentices of Eraqus lost the only one that is know at that time was mickey...

  • @vikingdeath1
    @vikingdeath1 5 лет назад

    As I post this I’m playing the ending of KH3, so you have timed this release very well to align with my current hype cascade.
    Good show, sir.

  • @alexcruz3043
    @alexcruz3043 5 лет назад

    Honestly the best of the spin offs that added story that actually added something.

  • @legionairesunny5507
    @legionairesunny5507 5 лет назад +1

    A Birth By Sleep style game set after KH3 staring Kairi, Riku and Sora? That would be great.

  • @Junkyardproduxtions
    @Junkyardproduxtions 3 года назад

    Just came back to remind myself of Buns impeccable writing and timing this collaboration. Good times lol

  • @Egalia_1
    @Egalia_1 5 лет назад +2

    Reset the clock we have a new KH video! Can’t wait to see how convoluted this one is

  • @GiubileiFernando
    @GiubileiFernando 5 лет назад +1

    I think that the "keyblade" they talk about in KH1 meant the Kingdom Key specifically, at least in the new canon.

  • @cherryplaysU
    @cherryplaysU 5 лет назад +1

    Dunno if you will cover this in part two but master eraques is voiced by Mark Hamill and xenenort is voiced by lenard nemroy two of the biggest sci-fi legends from their respective series. I'm sure this was a concious choice as it showed the dichotemy between the franchises. Anyways this was a really good analysis of bbs so far I'm looking forward to part two.

  • @carpemundum1607
    @carpemundum1607 5 лет назад +1

    Ayyyyyyy, awesome timing. Totally gonna listen to this while playing kh3

  • @Darkzro317
    @Darkzro317 5 лет назад

    The first 15secs of this video was everything! Love your videos.

  • @meangreen320
    @meangreen320 5 лет назад

    I love everything about you and your videos . You are the definition of “fabulous” !!!

  • @JXZX1
    @JXZX1 5 лет назад +11

    Yeah, I have agree with Just a Pancake regarding Aqua.
    Aqua isn't a bad character because she's a flat. She's a bad character because her one notable character trait (friendship) is handled poorly.
    "I love my friends. I will do anything for these people, because they are my friends. You can tell we are friends because we call each other friends."
    Like, KH isn't good at showing character rather than telling it, but Sora did Aqua's character while at least making his friendships believable.
    Btw, you should subscribe to Just A Pancake.

    • @fightingmedialounge519
      @fightingmedialounge519 5 лет назад

      The other problem is that the game kind of needs them to be terrible friends.

  • @yes7281
    @yes7281 4 года назад +1

    To be fair to Terra, if mr. Spock told me to embrace the darkness then I would do it without hesitation

  • @pokemaster374
    @pokemaster374 5 лет назад +1

    Ah, my first kh game, it left me one sad and confused boy when i finished this game

  • @malcolmthompson412
    @malcolmthompson412 5 лет назад

    1. Papa bless, Clemps is out with a new video
    2. I love that Evangelion shirt you're wearing

  • @Billy193
    @Billy193 5 лет назад

    what a delight to see supperbutterbuns make a surprise appearance

  • @Dreader92
    @Dreader92 5 лет назад +1

    Those cut always to irl get me every time

  • @adonai3676
    @adonai3676 5 лет назад +1

    I wish I lived in the timeline where BBS and DDD were developed for the PS3 and were given a fuller treatment.

  • @decusq
    @decusq 2 года назад

    So to clear things up about the Fairy Godmother in this game that Clemps addressed. The fairy Godmother was basically stopping Aqua from straight up attacking the Stepmother and her daughters because it's not aqua's place to meddle like a keyblade warrior would. Instead she was telling her to simply apply a deft touch so the events of the story could continue as they do. Now fighting Darkness with Light isn't always a bad thing but in the world Aqua was gonna straight up possibly murder the stepmother with light. Which would be an improper use of the Keyblade wielders of light. Eraqus believes darkness must be destroyed at all costs but doesn't realize trying to do too much good could pave the way for disastrous results. The games aren't very clear with the messaging since Xehanort also points this out, but i felt i had to clear the air on that particular note Clemps brought up.

  • @dimitryfreeman40
    @dimitryfreeman40 5 лет назад


  • @NemesisTWarlock
    @NemesisTWarlock 5 лет назад +2

    Well, damn. Clemps did a better Goatynort than Rutger Hauer did.

  • @MiDuWay
    @MiDuWay 5 лет назад

    "A fucking home invader turned off his object permanence"

  • @whitechocolatte5863
    @whitechocolatte5863 3 года назад +2

    25:46 Easily the funniest moment in the entire video

    • @papaya216
      @papaya216 2 года назад

      is your pfp who i think it is?

    • @whitechocolatte5863
      @whitechocolatte5863 2 года назад

      @@papaya216 Oh yeah, my son? Of course he’d be my pfp.

  • @patricklatham3897
    @patricklatham3897 5 лет назад

    Aqua changed her mind about Ventus needing to return home. Until she encounters the boy matching Ven and Terra's description. She doesn't realize that Ven has been catching up to them and sides with Eraqus's orders on that front.

  • @AgentQV
    @AgentQV 5 лет назад

    I only clicked for the Buns cameo, I wasn’t disappointed.

  • @marcop7725
    @marcop7725 5 лет назад

    Omg that ending. Also my favorites characters are the same as yours so I know I'm doing well with Kingdom Hearts ❤️

  • @elchit6635
    @elchit6635 5 лет назад +1

    I’ve waited for this for a long time papa Clemps! By the way re coded ain’t so unimportant now heheh

  • @vesselUnit
    @vesselUnit 5 лет назад

    Starting from Birth By Sleep, Nomura is accompanied by a co-writer, Masaru Oka. Oka definitely has their influence scribbled all over Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, and Kingdom Hearts 3. This would be essential information when it comes to the writing of Kingdom Hearts from hereon. Just wanted to let you know, since this might change a few details on how and why characters are written the way they are now.