@ Shaw kitty So much so that I could hear her stomach churning. She must have recorded this video during her lunch break. I could even hear people talking in the background. Reflexology is even better than this😁
My mom has always had such a kind and caring nature to her. She can rest her hand on you and you instantly feel calm. I imagine this woman is like that.
Nothing you haven’t already heard, but your videos are amazing. Whenever I’m stressed, your soothing voice and presentation are so relaxing and calming. Please make more, because I can’t get enough!
Matches her outfit. This video is so perfect I swear. ASMR, warm gentle lady, relaxing background, incredible knowledge. I am satisfied. (And that is a rarity for me!)
@@Sarahizahhsum de las dos últimas clases en reserva y la gente puede estar protegido de ti bro de ti mi bro que está comiendo en reserva para que lo día son iguale de los números que tengo en el mundo ulbano de los taxista de ti bro la jornada d lo k es la mia se puede estar con ese dinero 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
@@RUclipsThunderr If they're making fun of acupressure for being quackery, why would they be anti-vax? Anti-vaxxers are actually the type of people to love shit like acupressure because they're dummies who love unproven pseudoscience and are afraid of actual medical science.
God bless you for taking care of your dad. I came from a culture where we have to take care of our parents when they are old but shocked of how parents get treated in the western world. Praying for your father to feel better 🙏
I did not do anything you are suggesting. Yet, your voice gave me tingles on the back and on top of my scalp. This is what they call ASMR. May you become what you have always wanted to be!
I love this. Always keep coming back to it. Soothing, peaceful, and it just helps calm the mind and body. You can so easily relax, decompress and sleep to this
Thank you so much. I feel very relaxed, like I could easily go to sleep. I appreciate knowing about the acupressure points on the body. I teach Qigong to a group of seniors and want to learn this routine so I can share it with them. Blessings to you. 🙏
Hello,beautiful lady! Thank you so much for this marvelous,Acupressure! I have felt how the deeply energy was displaced through all my body. Thank you so much! you are the best!
Thank you for this. I was feeling extremely upset about something and I found your video and did the protocol. Now I feel much, much better. I will do it again when I need to.
@@godzillasimpson8357 ,., ,è9⁸cuiuuuiuuiuuuuuuuuuuiuucuiu8iuuuuuuucuuuuucuuuu Uuuuuiuuùiuuuuuuucucuuuuuuuuuuuucuuiuuuuucuucuuucucuuuuucuu8cuuuuufcuuuuuuuucuucu8uuuuuuuucifuiuuuu g uuuuuuùuuuuucucucuuuuuuuuuicuuuiuuuuuuuucuiuuuuùuuuuuuuuuu c cl c uuuuucu8uucuìuuuucugucucccuuuuiuuucuùicuuùiuuuuuuuuuciiufuuucccuuuiuuùuucuuuuuiucucuuuùucuiuiucuuuccuuucuucuuucu g cuiiciuciuuuuuuuuciuuucicuuiuic8iugcuuuuuucuuifucuùcuuuiucuuucicuuuucuucfuccuiucucuuuuùuu c cuiiuuuuuiuuuuuuuuucuuuùfcuuùuiuuuùuuucuiuufcucuuccucuuuuiciucuuuuuucuucuuuuucuccucuufuu g ucuuuuuùcu Ucufuuuuuuuuuicicufuuuucuc8uucuuuuuucuuuuuucucuucuuuuc8uùuuuucuciiiuuuuùuuuucuuuuucuciuùcuùucuuuciuuufcuuiuiccucciucuucuuçufiuuuuugcciuuucuciuucuiucucuuccuucuuuuuuuucucuuuccuXXcicuciucuiuuuuuccucucuicuùucuuiiuuicuuuuuuu8ifucuuccuuucuucuuicuuuuucuc 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. I I I I O OiOOvO What 8r7r TDD TODD 8 8th
I Really Enjoyed it so educational and healing you can't ignore. Thanx a lot i tried to follow every change of points. Amazing. Will try to do on my own. I did it at 3am was so calm and relaxing. Keep up d good work carol Joy. GOD SPEED.
Bless You darling Soul.......so, so wonderful and soothing that i fell off too sleep numerous times and very gently came back each time for the next healing point. God Bless You Always. Lotsa luv marilyn xxxxx
Thank you Carol , I this is a superb protocol the energy clearing points along with the healing affirmations .. Superb ! And having just come across this video at this time tonight is surely Divine Grace 🙏🙏🙏 and thank you for your permission to do it anytime and for whomsoever I feel called to do this protocol 💖 Carol Joy you are the Bridge between Heaven and Earth with your beautiful supporting words of guidance 🙏
I found this extremly relaxing. Before I was angry but can't remember as I'm just wanting to go to sleep. Could you do this as Mp3 formatt because I felt so relaxed I falling on the computer keyboard. Good for winding down for the day and it helped my whiplash injury. Thank you so much
wow! unintentional asmr. what i like about this, apart from the relaxing voice and tone, is that there's no pressure (pardon the pun) to get it "right"
My grandmother used to use these techniques on me as a child, they put me into a deep sleep and, a euphoric state of calm. No bullshit! Serious as a stroke!
This is so amazing. As an acupuncturist I always advise clients to do acupressure at home to continue the benefits and effects of the acupuncture sessions they receive in the clinic.
I've looked all over RUclips for years for more videos like this and there's only the other one with her in it. No annoying finger flicking young hotties or mindless word repeating videos come close to the relaxing hypnosis these videos give.
Relaxing and calms me as I have back pain. Wonderful feeling, good demonstration. Love this accupressure protocol. I have difficulty in walking will this help me. Your voice too calms me. Thanks
I am so glad your video automatically came up after another one I was watching ended! ASMR to the max. I don’t do the acupuncture thing but it’s not needed for this, the video is already perfect. Your voice is blissfully superb. ❤️
@@Emdooey Yup! I did the same exact thing when I got off from work in the morning. There was another lady on (exercise, then a lady that did stitching, then sit & fit, then Bob). That was my nyquil.
This woman's vocal delivery and gentle mannerisms are nothing less than stunning!
@Shaw Kitty , might I add her vocals , very professional as well .
Welcome to ASMR
@ Shaw kitty
So much so that I could hear her stomach churning. She must have recorded this video during her lunch break. I could even hear people talking in the background. Reflexology is even better than this😁
Very Lita like
Anyone else watch this for ASMR purposes. Her voice is so relaxing. I find a lot of asmrtists are not that great. They overcompensate, try too hard.
Agreed. I do that too
agreed...cant find good asmr nowdays so i just decided to look for whispering content whether it cooking content or tutorials like this 😂😂🤣
I came here for the ASMR but I stayed butcause following along with her really works and makes the ASMR feel "3D" if you will. interactive
Yeah, at least 95% of the "asmr" videos have no clue on what they are doing. They do it only for the views and the trend.
it is sooo good!
My mom has always had such a kind and caring nature to her. She can rest her hand on you and you instantly feel calm. I imagine this woman is like that.
coming from the man who is named "Kim Jong-Un Has A Micro Penus"
thank you, Kim Jong un has a micro penis, very cool!
The wholesome nature of your post juxtaposed with the hilarity of your name is quite grand
Wow! Such a high compliment for your mother.
Nothing you haven’t already heard, but your videos are amazing. Whenever I’m stressed, your soothing voice and presentation are so relaxing and calming. Please make more, because I can’t get enough!
I love the fact that she's in some mauve abyss
Matches her outfit. This video is so perfect I swear.
ASMR, warm gentle lady, relaxing background, incredible knowledge. I am satisfied. (And that is a rarity for me!)
@@Sarahizahhsum de las dos últimas clases en reserva y la gente puede estar protegido de ti bro de ti mi bro que está comiendo en reserva para que lo día son iguale de los números que tengo en el mundo ulbano de los taxista de ti bro la jornada d lo k es la mia se puede estar con ese dinero 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
@@frankrobles524 No way to copy on my phone but I wanna know what you said. Can you translate to English?
@@Sarahizahhsum I know I wish I could live there it’s beautiful
When my insomnia is bad, Carol Joy‘s voice is like a magic pill that puts me to sleep every time. 😴 Thank you! 🙏🏼
Her voice does the same as Bob Ross, just calming and soothing.💐💐💐
@killwill83 you’re probably an anti-vax lol
Asmr at its finest 🥰
@@RUclipsThunderr If they're making fun of acupressure for being quackery, why would they be anti-vax? Anti-vaxxers are actually the type of people to love shit like acupressure because they're dummies who love unproven pseudoscience and are afraid of actual medical science.
I could listen the this calming voice all day long!!!
4:25 and the laugther too
I'm 17, fascinated by acupressure and use it on my dad daily for his various maladies and chronic pains. Thanks heaps for this video
God bless you for taking care of your dad. I came from a culture where we have to take care of our parents when they are old but shocked of how parents get treated in the western world. Praying for your father to feel better 🙏
I pray your dad is feeling better these days, in Jesus's name 🙏❤️ A wonderful child you are☺️
I did not even touch anywhere. Your voice is calming enough. Thanx Sister
Same here
This was so effective I didn't even need to do the points. I was so happy just watching and listening. This woman is an angel.
Let’s do this together someday
Carol legit needs to make an ASMR guided sleep/relaxation video!
You are watching it...
I did not do anything you are suggesting. Yet, your voice gave me tingles on the back and on top of my scalp. This is what they call ASMR.
May you become what you have always wanted to be!
I love this. Always keep coming back to it. Soothing, peaceful, and it just helps calm the mind and body. You can so easily relax, decompress and sleep to this
Same- I’ve been coming back to these videos for a year or more. Amazing
Acupuncture was never meant to be triangular.. ‘‘twas meant to be square, like a good field.😂 I prefer acupuncture that’s grown locally😂😂😂😂
thank you for this video. I do it every day and it gives me a lot of peace. I like to hear your voice it gives me peace
I feel like you're the loving mother I never had. I feel so relaxed and whole. Thank you.
I love you Sarah
@@boubabouba417 Awww thanks bouba. Love you too ☺️
Where's your mom?
Do not watch this if you want to stay awake and not fall into a state of complete relaxation…she is amazing!!
Lol I made that mistake on my break time. I was 20 minutes late lol
Thank you so much. I feel very relaxed, like I could easily go to sleep. I appreciate knowing about the acupressure points on the body. I teach Qigong to a group of seniors and want to learn this routine so I can share it with them. Blessings to you. 🙏
I love you
@@boubabouba417 but do you love me?
@@weehamish101 I love you too💕
so amazing to hear that!
Hello,beautiful lady! Thank you so much for this marvelous,Acupressure!
I have felt how the deeply energy was displaced through all my body.
Thank you so much! you are the best!
I watch this video almost every night to put me to sleep. That's a compliment since I have so much difficulty getting to sleep
I'm actually quite comforted by the fact that whatever I do, it's just fine. And that's OK too.💛
I can't explain how peaceful I felt, now. And thanks you to teach us this beautiful healing. God bless you. 🙏
Thank you for this. I was feeling extremely upset about something and I found your video and did the protocol. Now I feel much, much better. I will do it again when I need to.
she's so calm and polite, what a nice lady
This is amazing and I feel fantastic. Your voice is so soothing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. God Bless you!!!
Mirella 60 yrs .l like to watch your video every day.its very helpful .Thanks
This was wonderful! Your calm presence and voice was healing as well for me. Thank you.❤
K9 Thank you for nice advice
7:02 When he asks for feedback during foreplay
BYEEEE 😂😂😂💀💀
Thanks you ruined it. :D
Oh you know
Tell us more
Your voice is so soothing I fell asleep watching this in less than 20 minutes 😅
Can she make an Amazon album of guided meditations? That would be epic.
Amazon doesn’t need more money
Post it on RUclips instead. Subscriptions are the new album sales now
@@godzillasimpson8357 ,., ,è9⁸cuiuuuiuuiuuuuuuuuuuiuucuiu8iuuuuuuucuuuuucuuuu
Uuuuuiuuùiuuuuuuucucuuuuuuuuuuuucuuiuuuuucuucuuucucuuuuucuu8cuuuuufcuuuuuuuucuucu8uuuuuuuucifuiuuuu g uuuuuuùuuuuucucucuuuuuuuuuicuuuiuuuuuuuucuiuuuuùuuuuuuuuuu c cl c uuuuucu8uucuìuuuucugucucccuuuuiuuucuùicuuùiuuuuuuuuuciiufuuucccuuuiuuùuucuuuuuiucucuuuùucuiuiucuuuccuuucuucuuucu g cuiiciuciuuuuuuuuciuuucicuuiuic8iugcuuuuuucuuifucuùcuuuiucuuucicuuuucuucfuccuiucucuuuuùuu c cuiiuuuuuiuuuuuuuuucuuuùfcuuùuiuuuùuuucuiuufcucuuccucuuuuiciucuuuuuucuucuuuuucuccucuufuu g ucuuuuuùcu
ucucuiuuu8cuuuuuuuuuuuiucucuuuuuuiucuuuucuuùuuuiccuuuuucuufuccug ugcucucuccuucucucucuuufuiuucicuuucuuuccucuùiuuiuuficucicuuuucuucgo g uucugcuuuuccuuuuuuucu you g uucuuucc8ucfuuicuucuuuuuccucuuiccuuuuicufcuiuuuucuuuucuccuucuucicuiucuucfuf g gguucuuciuciccucuui g ccccugucuuuuuicuciuuffcucuuuucuuicucuuuiiciuuucuciuuuuuiuciuicu8cicicu g uui g cuicuuuccuc g uuuuccuuuuuuufcu g cucccucu
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What 8r7r TDD TODD 8 8th
Legends don’t have to do that, enjoy what you got
And if you’re just a head in a jar with no torso or limbs, that’s OK too, it still works.
I Really Enjoyed it so educational and healing you can't ignore. Thanx a lot i tried to follow every change of points. Amazing. Will try to do on my own. I did it at 3am was so calm and relaxing. Keep up d good work carol Joy. GOD SPEED.
Carol Joy could bring about world peace if someone made her Chief Ambassador everywhere.
Thank you Nurse Carol Joy, so precious what you share with the web. As a nurse I think you're a very special colleague.
OMG, her voice makes me sleepy. Thank you
My Scalp tingles have been revived! I love her voice.🤗😌🎧
Wonderful teaching, Dr. Carol . Long Live
Bless You darling Soul.......so, so wonderful and soothing that i fell off too sleep numerous times and very gently came back each time for the next healing point. God Bless You Always. Lotsa luv marilyn xxxxx
Thank you once again Carol Joy for your time. I enjoy doing the 16 points with you. God bless.
Thank you Carol , I this is a superb protocol the energy clearing points along with the healing affirmations .. Superb ! And having just come across this video at this time tonight is surely Divine Grace 🙏🙏🙏 and thank you for your permission to do it anytime and for whomsoever I feel called to do this protocol 💖 Carol Joy you are the Bridge between Heaven and Earth with your beautiful supporting words of guidance 🙏
I agree. She's like Jesus only better.
What an inspiration,beautiful ,wonderful...your guidness..your voice...you are amazing.THANK YOU!💜
Thank for this incredible healing presentation! I was amazed with the powerful energy I felt at the end❤️☯️
Thank you so much.
I found this extremly relaxing. Before I was angry but can't remember as I'm just wanting to go to sleep. Could you do this as Mp3 formatt because I felt so relaxed I falling on the computer keyboard. Good for winding down for the day and it helped my whiplash injury. Thank you so much
Try to search for asmr doctor rp/guided meditation/self massage
Thank you Nurse Carol for this accu pressure video. This procedure is a welcome relief in pain & relaxing in my body
wow! unintentional asmr. what i like about this, apart from the relaxing voice and tone, is that there's no pressure (pardon the pun) to get it "right"
Can she and Dr. Gill do an instructional video together? That would be the ultimate experience.
I wouldn’t know cuz i would be asleep
I guess someone could edit their videos together to make it a pretend collab
Thank you so much for sharing this protocal with us. Your presentation of it is wonderful.
My grandmother used to use these techniques on me as a child, they put me into a deep sleep and, a euphoric state of calm. No bullshit! Serious as a stroke!
Literally fell asleep within 10 minutes of me watching this! I hope this woman starts her own channel!!
This is so amazing. As an acupuncturist I always advise clients to do acupressure at home to continue the benefits and effects of the acupuncture sessions they receive in the clinic.
I bet her grandchildren sleep before she even reads them a bedtime story from how calming her voice is
She's only 29
I wonder if she realizes how adored she is 🤗
I've looked all over RUclips for years for more videos like this and there's only the other one with her in it. No annoying finger flicking young hotties or mindless word repeating videos come close to the relaxing hypnosis these videos give.
Relaxing and calms me as I have back pain. Wonderful feeling, good demonstration. Love this accupressure protocol. I have difficulty in walking will this help me. Your voice too calms me. Thanks
amazing....TY for your video. This needs to be standard medicine everywhere.
This wonderful woman needs to go round the world reading everyone bedtime stories 😴
Another level is to bring your mind to these points and breathe into them (imagination) and feel as if they are expanding
You are an angel... your voice... the calm.. everything works perfect!!! Thank you so much!!!! I love you!
Thank you so much! You beutifil soul... It is my honor that i found you and your amazing teaching.... 💜🙏
Her voice is so calm and soothing makes me feel so relax
Whenever she says "allow", does anybody
"... your neck to be free?"
The head to balance up, the spine to have it's length. 😁
Like a kite.
And wear bulky 80s sweaters too
😂😂😂😂😂😂omg I just seen this😂😂😂😂
Best ASMR on youtube ...period.
Her ASMR voice is SOLID
So g[d thanks teaching good im teagher bev
Enjoing this blessings
@@beverlyl.crawford3305 Gaelic perhaps
Unintentional asmr is the best
just listening to her voice and way of speaking made me feel sooo calm and relaxed
the asmr level to this is through the roof
You had me at: healing method for 911 resuce workers. Thank you
500k views in 5 years. Good for her. This is great ASMR too.
Damn! So another 600k views in last 4 months
@@SolusBatty hell yeah. She blew up
Pat LaFontaine and Dr. James Kelly: *Amateur* * Whips out 29M views in 11 years *
Her voice is so tingly ❤💎 I love it 😭❤
I am so glad your video automatically came up after another one I was watching ended! ASMR to the max. I don’t do the acupuncture thing but it’s not needed for this, the video is already perfect. Your voice is blissfully superb. ❤️
THIS is ASMR. Not that fake, over done mass produced crap.
She could run the ASMR world whenever she’s ready
I fell asleep twice...very calming
Thank you also Carol Joy i just did it with you . What a relief. Merry Christmad!
Gives me "Sit and be fit" vibes...and I love them.
Hah! I used to nap to Mary Ann Wilson when I was pregnant. Back then they had her and Bob Ross back to back! Best hour of television ever lol
@@Emdooey Yup! I did the same exact thing when I got off from work in the morning. There was another lady on (exercise, then a lady that did stitching, then sit & fit, then Bob). That was my nyquil.
Good looking lady⚘️with a voice so soothing! Did she retire? Nothing found on social media since 2020.
THANK YOU Carol !!!! Much LOVE!!!!
Thank you 💗☺️ be blessed
I’m incredibly sick, I hope it works and it heals me quickly 🥰
❤ the voice .I'll go in sleep mode in an instant.
Dope vid! I tried abdominal acupuncture the other day and made sure to film the results so I could share with people.
I am hooked, listening to your smooth serine voice. Even to listen to you in one headphone as I'm massaging my clients!
❤️ it
She has the perfect audio books voice
I love this video so much but she looks like she’s in a 1995 school picture day background
I heard she's also an opera singer and harp player. Does anyone know if this is true? If so. I'd love to hear her sing!
What a wonderful vocal performance!
Fantastic and relaxing. I want to hug you!!
Carol is unironically the asmr queen lol thanks!
Beautiful 💖very healing🙏💖Thankyou very much.🌈💖
Thanks so much for this points . Very relaxing
Thnx a lot v.relaxing and beautiful experience
her voice is so soothing
Excellent protocol. Very soothing to frayed nerves.Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge and healing energy.
This is not Reiki. This is acupressure. Pl do not this with Reiki
I watch this every night thank you nurse Carol
Thank you so much for this helpful video!
Love her voice . It's so relaxing
No one will besmirch the name of our Lord and saviour, Carol Joy. *Cthulhu be praised*
All jokes aside, I love this lady and her energy.
This Carol reminds me of Carol from The Walking Dead, two cool ladies same name. Also this video was awesome. Thank you.
14:39 When you've forgotten how to poop and you ask Carol to lovingly explain how it works again.
Thanks very much, I just shit the bed....
Will continue ,thank you, my 52 yr old body says thank you
Love how she powers down at the end
Thank you Nurse Carol!!!!!
Very relaxing never thought it would be so good
I felt wonderful and will keep this up