SERBIA Eurovision 2022 | Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano (HONEST REACTION)

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 323

  • @EurovisionFeels
    @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +178

    *Is this just a MASTERPIECE that I haven't figured out yet? Let me know if this song is in your Top 10?* 🇷🇸

  • @drowndefacto
    @drowndefacto 2 года назад +117

    Million points from Croatia to Serbia 🇷🇸❤🇭🇷

    • @craigtucker777
      @craigtucker777 2 года назад

      3 mil. points for croatian brothers, love you from Nis

  • @angellikii1956
    @angellikii1956 2 года назад +425

    The whole song can be understood from the last stanza, which is in Latin, meaning that physical health is of no use if mental health is not considered. The artist wants to bring attention to mental health and states that it is as much, if not more, important than physical. The song is a critique of the society that we live in.
    The effect that the song has on the viewer is captivating - the song and text are perhaps silly at the beginning, but the whole performance captures your attention in a clever and witty way and makes you think. Once the viewer stops and truly thinks about the song, they get that this song is truly a masterpiece. By challenging the notion of our everyday habits, consumerism, and perhaps the greatest of all - paying attention to physical but not mental health, and all the things we've been taught before about 'how to lead a happy and pretty' life, the artist criticizes both society and individual.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +18

      Thanks for sharing!

    • @losh_mi87
      @losh_mi87 2 года назад +8

      A nemoj serati, boli uvo bilo koga da proverava tekst.
      Probedice Ukrajina svakako

    • @angellikii1956
      @angellikii1956 2 года назад +60

      @@losh_mi87 Pa ko nam je to malo nervozan? Mislim da nije bilo reči o tome ko će biti pobednik, već o našoj sjajnoj predstavnici, koja zaslužuje sve pohvale za umetnički nastup!

    • @losh_mi87
      @losh_mi87 2 года назад +1

      @@angellikii1956 Jeste nervozan sam, nejebica vlada!
      Ja sam rekao da je mnogo bolji izbor od jeftine Sare Jo, tako da chill

    • @aaljan2339
      @aaljan2339 2 года назад

      There is no singing though, its a song contest.......

  • @milanm573
    @milanm573 2 года назад +207

    The meaning of the song is very deep: There are several messages:
    1. In the time of COVID everybody is brainwashed that they have to do this, that,to stay physically healthy…. And what about mental health after all that?
    2. She wears a medical uniform and washes her hands: this is how she describes medical person when someone without a health card comes for treatment ( they wash their hands of that person, it doesn’t exist)
    3. People who do not have free health care , and they do not have money , can die freely without a guilty conscience
    4. The people around her in back look like rippers, just waiting for those who can’t afford treatment. Or they can be priests cuz praying is the only left when u can’t afford medical insurance or treatment.
    5. The general opinion that one must be beautiful, and in order to be beautiful one must be physically healthy. No one cares about mental health anymore, which is also important
    6. She is also like a fortune teller looking at her hands trying to figure out why she is sick and what symptoms does she have cuz she can’t afford health care insurance
    7. Artists in Serbia don’t have Heath care insurance and her friend died of cancer because of that
    8. Obsession with a healthy body while the mind is desperate sick sad and frightened.

    • @lokaboka5405
      @lokaboka5405 2 года назад +2

      Preteruješ i banalizuješ pesmu ovim objašnjenjima

    • @Amiami6733
      @Amiami6733 2 года назад +1

      Ne lupetaj!

    • @fungitorix
      @fungitorix 2 года назад +9

      @@lokaboka5405 Pa ne preteruje. Pesma je slojevita, i ovo je samo jedan od slojeva koje treba razumeti. Ja sam gore opisao još jedan sloj problema.

    • @lokaboka5405
      @lokaboka5405 2 года назад +3

      @@fungitorix samo mislim da je preterao sa socijalnim osiguranjem ne verujem da se bavi Srbijom i socijalnom politikom i stanjem u našem društvu mislim da je malo uopštenija priča.. Tipa o svetu koji je previše materijalan i u kome jedna operacija za bolesno dete može da košta milion evra i gde neko ko nije materijalno obezbeđen kao npr umetnik može samo da položi veru u boga i svoj autonomni nervni sistem...i o tome koliko se danas ulazi u preterivanje sa zdravom ishranom, aplikacijama za brojanje koraka i standardima lepote da zaboravljamo da živimo i uživamo u šetnji

    • @fungitorix
      @fungitorix 2 года назад +1

      @@lokaboka5405 Prihvatljivo.

  • @danielhrvatin279
    @danielhrvatin279 2 года назад +20

    100 points from 🇭🇷

  • @M8337-c6u
    @M8337-c6u 2 года назад +35

    This performance is art at it's purest. Although the lyrics may seem a bit silly at first, they are actually dead serious. There are so many layers to the song, and a lot of space for different interpretations. Konatrakta herself emphasized the importance of every listener's own interpretation.
    1. The song opens with a headline from a beauty magazine that Konstrakta once saw: What is the secret to Meghan Markle's healthy hair? - This is a reference to modern society's obsession with beauty; That's what beauty magazines do - they create insecurities about your hair, skin, nails, weight etc. and then advertise products that promise to change that. That's what the second line of the song is about "I think that the secret is in deep hydration"
    2.Then Konstrakta goes on talking about how our skin and hair often signal some inner health issues - for example liver and spleen problems - The reason she is thinking this is beacause she's worrying about her own health, she can't visit a doctor for a check up or get treatment because she doesn't have insurance. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT because artists in Serbia still don't have health insurance. This is a paradox because Serbia, just like so many other countries has "universal healthcare" which in reality is not available to everyone.
    3. She then goes on saying how and artist must be healthy - a reference to Marina Abramovic (Art is beautiful, Artist must be beautiful), and the reason she needs to be healthty is again - because she can't afford to get treatment.
    4. Then comes the part about the autonomic nervous system and how we don't need to control our own heartbeats. She describes a beautiful summer day, she is waking her dog, her heart is beating and that's it - it doesn't need to get any better. She just puts her trust in her heart and lungs hoping they won't fail her (if they do fail her then that's it, the doctors won't help her and she made peace with that)
    5. She then explicitly states I DON'T HAVE THE CARD (meaning health insurance card)
    6. She wonders how will they help her then? While she's wondering that we can hear the backing vocals repeat the phrase Boze zdravlja - God grant us health. This is a reference to serbian culture where health is regarded as the most important part of life. God grant us health is a common saying, we use it all the time, and you will always hear people wishing other people good health (for their birthday, or really any holiday) because everything else (money, fame, love...) becomes meaningless if you are ill and in pain. This is again a paradox - in a society that nominally regards health as sacred she still doesn't have health insurance. She says - The (female) artist is invisible, you can't see me, it's magic.
    7. The final part is probably the most important one. It's basically a play on the old latin saying Mens sana in corpore sano (A healthy mind in a healthy body), exept that Konstrakta makes it clear that only the body is healthy - the soul inside is desperate which is a commentary on our own reality, we are all obsessed with improving our health - we try to eat better, be more active, take all those expensive drugs and supplements - but what about our mind? More often than not it is our mind that needs care, not the body.
    And finally after making that clear she asks us - So what do we do now?
    Now about the handwashing: She is dressed in white, she symbolizes the health care system (she reminds us of a nurse for example) and she is washing her hands. Why? Because of covid? NO! It is a metaphor about how health care workers need to "wash their hands" meaning clear their conscience when they refuse to treat you because you don't have insurance. Just like when Pontius Pilate washed his hands before the crucifixon of Jesus - he tried to clear his conscience and make it clear that he wasn't the one who killed Jesus - it was the Law. In the same way, a doctor refuses to treat you because of the law, and he needs to make peace with the fact that you may die even though he/her could (and would) help you.
    The handwashing could also be seen as a reference to Marina Abramovic's performance Balkan Baroque in which she spent days trying to wash the blood and flesh off of cow bones - she failed of course and that was the point - no matter how hard you try they will still be bloody bones (in this context the blood on the bones symbolized the shame of the Yugoslav wars, and in Konatrakta's performance the health care system is trying to wash away it's responsibility for people literally dying because of some bullshit paperwork and administration - but it is of course doomed to fail because the shame and blood cannot be washed away).
    Unfortunatly I'm not a native english speaker so I couldn's atriculate my thoughts in english better but I tried my best! I hope this comment helped make thing a bit more clear!

  • @jelenajosijevic1951
    @jelenajosijevic1951 2 года назад +37

    Serbia has finally chosen art over trash. This is a personal monodrama on stage and it's not about winning for this lady, but getting the message out. She is singing about something that resonates with more people than we can imagine, especially with COVID. The lyrics have so many layers that once you start interpreting them you simply cannot stop. In addition, the performance is inseparable from the lyrics because it brings additional layers of meaning. In brief, here is my interpretation: she is an independent artist without health insurance who becomes obsessed with her health because she must be healthy (hence, the act of washing her hands throughout the whole song). She googles her symptoms (hence, Meg's hair because that's what the press writes about; liver and spleen might imply health scares; the medical uniform implies that she is her own doctor in the end). Finally, her body is healthy but her mental health is impaired, and what's the point of it all? That's the question in the end. It's deep... extremely deep...

    • @icxcnikasrb
      @icxcnikasrb 2 года назад

      А што морате да се посерете по свим другима да би хвалили оно што вам се допада? Нико не мисли да смо до сада слали треш песме. Ок је песма

    • @sandradelic6132
      @sandradelic6132 2 года назад

      Dobro objasnjenje

    • @jelenajosijevic1951
      @jelenajosijevic1951 2 года назад

      @@icxcnikasrb Ko priča o prethodnim takmičarima? Ja koliko znam ova pesma se nije takmičila sa prethodnim kandidatima. Ja mislim na nastup favorita Sare Jo koja je inače kvalitetna, ali je ovaj nastup kompletan TRASH. Meni je ovo čak i blaga reč - gologuza devojka, preobrađivane teme, isprazan tekst. Na moju žalost, to je u našem narodu prolazilo predugo, dok je mnogo kvalitetnih muzičara ostalo bez medijskog prostora i završilo na rubu egzistencije. Ljudi čiji su glasovi doneli 12 poena pobednici su konačno odabrali umetnički performans umesto gologuzih egzibicija. I ako malo pažljivo pročitate moj komentar i svoj, shvatićete da ja ne koristim nijednu pogrdnu reč što se za vaš termin "poseravanje" ne moće reći.

  • @n.l.6993
    @n.l.6993 2 года назад +199

    Konstrakta is very, very good. 😍😍👑👑

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +20

      Yess, come through!! I'm sure this song has many fans 💖

  • @ceriselmao
    @ceriselmao 2 года назад +86

    I'm from Serbia and i love your reaction. Is like an art masterpiece and is really different then others. And the song is about health actually there is a behind meaning of the song. I hope u like it and one of my favorites of this year is Italy what about you? 🇷🇸💗

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +7

      Thanks for watching! 🇷🇸💗
      Now that I have more understanding of this song, it's definitely enhanced it. It's very clever 😊
      One of my favourites (I have a few) is The Netherlands...

    • @ceriselmao
      @ceriselmao 2 года назад +6

      @@EurovisionFeels that's amazing and yes i like Netherlands too

    • @samuelnadj7482
      @samuelnadj7482 2 года назад

      You are not from Serbia, stupid... The song is satanic, so F'ck off

    • @Yawo01
      @Yawo01 2 года назад +1

      Jbt Au

    • @ceriselmao
      @ceriselmao 2 года назад

      @@Yawo01 x

  • @cultfiction3865
    @cultfiction3865 2 года назад +95

    I actually really love this song it’s such a piece of art.
    It takes a deep meaningful subject and really trips us out with the most novel of entries.
    This song gets really addictive the more that you listen.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +5

      I knew the song was meta. Reacting to it for the first time, I was definitely going to miss all the nuances. It's very interesting!

    • @cultfiction3865
      @cultfiction3865 2 года назад +4

      @@EurovisionFeels Reacting to any song for the very first time can be a bit of a misnomer.
      There are some Eurovision songs that on the very first listen I’ve not bonded properly with it.
      But then on consecutive listens it’s really started to bloom.
      And this is one of those songs that on the first listen makes you wonder what exactly is going on.
      But it’s so profound in a very artistic kind of way.
      It’s not generic or predictable which I often appreciate in music.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +2

      @@cultfiction3865 This is exactly it! One example - last year when I first heard the Greek entry, it was so/so - ended up being one of my favourites before the shows.
      Now I've listened to this a few times, the uniqueness is very attractive. This is either going to soar at ESC or fall flat! Sink or swim...

    • @cultfiction3865
      @cultfiction3865 2 года назад +1

      @@EurovisionFeels yeah last year the Greek entry was fire. I loved it.
      I honestly think this will do well. It’s really different but in a very interesting way. I’ve been listened to it again and again and never get bored of it.
      It might even be the kind of music of the future, still waiting to be discovered.

  • @VikkiVuk
    @VikkiVuk 2 года назад +121

    for all those who say that this is sick and meaningless, the song is different and has a message, the guitarist from her former band died of leukemia and the artists do not have health insurance and now his wife and children are coping. The song is dedicated to him and his situation.

    • @kihality
      @kihality 2 года назад +15

      Sick and meaningless??? This is brilliant, all that Eurovision needs

    • @VikkiVuk
      @VikkiVuk 2 года назад +6

      @kihality yeah I know but people who don't understand Serbian won't get the message and the song, and would be like "what the f"

    • @kihality
      @kihality 2 года назад +10

      I've heard she's thinking about putting subtitles, that would be great

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +2

      @@kihality That would be great for the live show!

    • @nothin5026
      @nothin5026 2 года назад +3

      Konstrakta said that's lie, nobody died

  • @salenikola7881
    @salenikola7881 2 года назад +88

    She will win, it was huge project and she is original.

  • @noideahowtopickagooduserna22
    @noideahowtopickagooduserna22 2 года назад +148

    If I understand correctly she is talking about the fact that artists don't have health insurance in Serbia and the effects of it.
    I'm enthralled by this song. It has something truly mesmerising.

    • @forg_tful.
      @forg_tful. 2 года назад +49

      it's just one of the many layers of the song. it also speaks on a more general basis about the consequences of people focusing on physical health so hard while completely disregarding mental health, criticizes how they also focus on the most shallow possible effects of health on us physically, how health issues affect our appearance - a newspaper headline is the first lyric - "what is the secret behind meghan markle's healthy hair?"... so intelligent.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +36

      Yeah, well I have learned today that this song has maaaaany layers!

    • @delivukloncarevic4029
      @delivukloncarevic4029 2 года назад +4

      @@forg_tful. Bravo!

    • @Diana-zf7yr
      @Diana-zf7yr 2 года назад +5

      She talks about lot of things..medicine(look how she is dressed)and religion(people around her)She talks about soul and spirit,that that is also important..Songs talk about a lot of things

    • @archigal
      @archigal 2 года назад +2

      It's not about that

  • @milanradenkovic6029
    @milanradenkovic6029 2 года назад +115

    The most important thing now is that she won! Queen! She showed how to win in 1 day all those favorites. After Semifinal 1 She knocked down the RUclips trending, TikTok, Twitter all over the region! Before semifinal she was not in the center of public hype, but then after Semifinal 1 she made crazy all of us. Finally something different! It happened for the first time that something like this won in Serbia. Many in Serbia still do not understand this type of music, but her charisma overcame everything and of course the lyrcs of the song that talks about the liver, the spleen (of course the song have deep meaning) hyped many people to see what it is about, what a joke it is. It created chaos on social networks and in less than 24 hours created such a fan base to beat big favorites with big fan bases. She had twice more votes than Sara Jo that was the second.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +9

      WOW WOW WOW!!! I'm interested to see how she does at Eurovision in May...

    • @Boro87muzika
      @Boro87muzika 2 года назад +11

      The song is the anthem of all the people who have been fighting against the pharmaco - eugenics mafia - the corrupt system of global health policy for the past two years. 💙💙💙 The song is a satire on the account of the state health system, but also on the account of the entire social view of health. The most important part of the song is when he says - "I don't have a booklet, and how can they follow me in the name of" health ". This verse describes the state's false concern for the health of the population, and we have been bombarded with this false concern for the past two years. Constant hand washing during the performance is a satirical mockery of the preventive recommendations of health "experts" whom we will forever remember from 2020.

    • @didulishop
      @didulishop 2 года назад +7

      Kupila me sinoc na prvo slusanje. A jest' malo zeznuto belosvetskim tupsonima objasniti krizu zdravstvenog sistema, ispiranja mozga zdravstvenim pitanjima, da ne spominjem zadnje dve godine, itd itd
      Il pukovnik, il pokojnik

    • @kristinavukovic1291
      @kristinavukovic1291 2 года назад +2

      @@didulishop treba da peva na engleskom

    • @iborhergotic5514
      @iborhergotic5514 2 года назад +1

      @@Boro87muzika I bet people who, unfortunately, passed away due to "pharmaco - eugenics mafia - the corrupt system of global health policy" don't have the luxury of satirically washing their hands non-stop. But this world is definitely a better place because of people who mockingly point out all the errors health experts made in the past two years ... #sarcasm ... Nevertheless, good luck in May in Italy - the european country where it all started.

  • @harrisondowns784
    @harrisondowns784 2 года назад +16

    I think there is something about this that is so captivating, unique, and catchy. I absolutely love this and it jumped straight to my top 10 and I think it might surprise people with how well it will do

  • @Mch0412
    @Mch0412 2 года назад +72

    Song has multiple layers as Konstrakta said and we will find out more in the future. The layers that we know for now is that it is criticizing the health system and system overall, also human obsession with body instead of soul and mental health.

  • @alcazarakashicchanneler7192
    @alcazarakashicchanneler7192 2 года назад +7

    5:29 "I don't have social insurance!" Deep lyrics! Deep message! "Artist don't have medical insurance, so it "must" be healthy!" Must?! We are just "washing" our hands off each other, while people still dying somewhere... (while we wear pink glasses?) In what world do we live? This song is a high art satiric masterpiece!

  • @draganadjorovic6179
    @draganadjorovic6179 2 года назад +98

    The artist must be healthy - is a review of the famous performance of Marina Abramović "Art must be beautiful, the artist must be beautiful" where she aggressively combs her hair while saying these words again. The performance was inspired by Marina's newspaper article, which she wrote had a big nose and tousled hair. Here he also says that female artists are under more pressure to be conventional beauties in order for people to pay attention to their art and how male artists do not have that pressure to have to beautify themselves in order for people to consider their art. As in the performance of Marina, who combs her already combed hair again, Konstrakta washes her clean hands again and wonders what is the secret of healthy or beautiful hair and skin. Washing his hands again and reading the song also cast a shadow over the COVID-19 virus pandemic when people were obsessed with hygiene. All this gained additional weight because, as an artist without health insurance, she would not be able to afford treatment in case of complications, which put us in a vicious circle of beauty, art, physical and mental health, or disease.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +8

      Thanks for sharing ~ I loved reading this Dragana!
      I'm familiar with the work, so this is now making much more sense to me 😊

    • @milenadzeverdanovicpejovic6618
      @milenadzeverdanovicpejovic6618 2 года назад +1

      Dragana, hvala za objasnjenje, tacno u centar

    • @bisiblis
      @bisiblis 2 года назад

      I read the handwashing part metaphorically as If she is criticizing the society, the media, the religion for attempting to control people's lives, making them frightened, paranoid, insecure, intolerant, thus impacting both their mental and physical health...and then bearing no responsibility for that whatsoever i.e. "washing their hands". But also it can be understood as her wanting to distance herself (wash her hands) from a society that obsesses itself with health in an unhealthy, consumerist manner, when in fact everything you need to do to stay healthy are small things, such as walking your dog, letting your body enjoy the mere existence, letting your heart beat, trusting it, trusting yourself...Bear in mind that when asked what irritates her the most in a society, she responded it was the lack if tolerance and the lack of empathy, especially for the weakest.

  • @nikolasunshine8863
    @nikolasunshine8863 2 года назад +23

    I'm from Serbia, and you are soooo gorgeous girl! 😇🥰😘❤🖤❤😘🥰💐💐💐💐💐

  • @coolcool4573
    @coolcool4573 2 года назад +5

    She is amazing.
    Serbia top.

  • @ina5728
    @ina5728 2 года назад +39

    The song is about the position of artists in Serbia. Most aren't covered by health insurance and are left to fend for themselves when something goes south. Yet they are constantly observed and commented on by the media (hair, dark circles etc). One of the examples is her late bandmate who passed away from leukemia a few years ago

    • @veronicasaint5811
      @veronicasaint5811 2 года назад +1


    • @nadababovic5704
      @nadababovic5704 2 года назад +2

      @@veronicasaint5811 It's not about that, she said it in the interview

  • @Vladica981
    @Vladica981 2 года назад +6

    Haha so cute reaction belive me I am Serbian and the first time I hear the song was WHAAATT!!????😯😯I Was in shock literally but than I heard a song second time and she got me because it's so hypnotic and the lyrics you have translation button cc in player.This is a Masterpiece 😍😍😍

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +2

      This is how I feel 100%. I'm really enjoying the song now 😍

  • 2 года назад +19

    Oh My Universe! This is my favorite song of the year. I think the message is powerful and can resonate on may levels.

  • @innikolic6352
    @innikolic6352 2 года назад +21

    Verse 1)
    What is the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair?
    What could be the secret?
    What is the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair?
    What could it be? (What could be the secret?)
    I think that secret is the deep hydration
    As they say, one's skin and hair reveal everything clearly
    For example: dark circles around eyes point out to liver issues
    Stains around lips might mean you have an enlarged spleen
    An enlarged spleen is not good, not pretty
    Because an artist - she has to be healthy

    (She has to) be healthy, be healthy,
    Be healthy, be be be be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, she has to, has to, has to

    (Verse 2)
    It's such fortune that
    the autonomic nervous system exists
    So I don't have to control my heartbeats
    because the heart beats, it beats on its own
    Nice days, bright colors of the skirt on my body
    of my skirt, my dog and I
    We are taking a walk, counting our steps
    the skirt goes around my leg
    we are taking a walk and that's it
    And it doesn't have to be better than that, the heart beats on its own
    I put my trust in it, that it beats on its own
    I put my trust in it, that it beats, that I breathe
    God give (me) health, God give health, God give health
    (God give health)

    I don't have the (health) card
    Oh, so how will they monitor me (In the name of health)
    and care about me (In the name of health)
    An artist (she) is invisible (In the name of health)
    You don't see me, it's magic (In the name of health)
    An artist, she can be healthy

    (She can) be healthy, be healthy,
    Be healthy, be be be be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, she has to, has to, has to

    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    the body is healthy, so what do we do now?
    A sick mind in a healthy body50
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A frightened mind in a healthy body
    So what do we do now?

  • @darkomarinkovic3669
    @darkomarinkovic3669 2 года назад +27

    But, healty hair Megan Merkle! 😂
    Love it, love, love! 🍀🇷🇸❤️

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +8

      I want healthy Meghan Markle hair 😂😂😂

    • @d.c.5177
      @d.c.5177 2 года назад +2

      So deep hidratation is solution 😄

  • @katarinaciric5555
    @katarinaciric5555 2 года назад +1

    Bravo Constracta! Bravo Srbijo! Idemooooo!!!👏👏👏💕💞❣💗💓❤💖

  • @branislavmilosevic4289
    @branislavmilosevic4289 2 года назад +1

    This song has multiple layers. It is hard to understand for many. But who understands it knows that this is a high quality song, not a mainstream sh***t. Konstrakta is a musician that makes her own music and lyrics, she is genuine. So about a song, one could say that this song promotes health awareness ( many musicians in Serbia and worldwide doesn't care about their health, they overeat and get fat, smoke, drink too much, do hard drugs like a cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, they do not sleep much, etc.) And she sings about signs on the skin and hair that are indicators of poor health and various serious diseases. Also she mentions a mental disorders that are consequence of living a such life. And she states that a musician or performer must and can be healthy. Also she implies that some of performers does not have a health insurance (health card), and that they mast pay a private doctors to heal them, and many can't afford it. But all in all best way is prevention, live a healthy life and you will not have those problems. Slow down, do not chase money and glory, take care of yourself, take a walk in park with your dog, enjoy fresh air, nature, relax.That is all that you body and mind needs. Listen to other songs made by Konstrakta, in those songs songs she sings about class differences, living a life pretending to be someone else, not yourself, about people that are lost in present society, striped of they human and natural form. Heavy stuff, but good stuff. And music and lyrics are exquisite. Konstrakta and her music deserves much more attention unlike commercial, mainstream, folk music sh***t.

  • @Butterflieslove2
    @Butterflieslove2 2 года назад +43

    The song is pure art! Amazing!

  • @mp3matriceuzivonestonovona746
    @mp3matriceuzivonestonovona746 2 года назад +2

    Contrary to witty, it is actually a very serious work of art that calls for deeper reflection. It doesn't matter how you fare in the competition. The Internet is already glowing, and that is the purpose of art. You need to listen a few times from the beginning and your eyes slowly open. A refrain is a kind of mantra that we need to listen to every day to make our mental health better. Sound is the cure and therapy for this gloomy society of today!

  • @ronaldobrien6870
    @ronaldobrien6870 2 года назад +47

    The lyrics are 'interesting' to say the least. It's apparently about how freelance artists don't have access to free healthcare....oh, and Meghan Markle's lovely hair gets a mention! It's definitely quirky, 'arty' and original, I'll give them that.

  • @aleksandar7683
    @aleksandar7683 2 года назад +8

    Umetnica mora biti zdrava!!!!! Torino on fire!!

  • @stalakzainfuziju1891
    @stalakzainfuziju1891 2 года назад +2

    Serbia WINER 2022 she i best

  • @djakidjo1483
    @djakidjo1483 2 года назад +7

    *This performance is art at it's purest. Although the lyrics may seem a bit silly at first, they are actually dead serious. There are so many layers to the song, and a lot of space for different interpretations. Konatrakta herself emphasized the importance of every listener's own interpretation.
    1. The song opens with a headline from a beauty magazine that Konstrakta once saw: What is the secret to Meghan Markle's healthy hair? - This is a reference to modern society's obsession with beauty; That's what beauty magazines do - they create insecurities about your hair, skin, nails, weight etc. and then advertise products that promise to change that. That's what the second line of the song is about "I think that the secret is in deep hydration"
    2.Then Konstrakta goes on talking about how our skin and hair often signal some inner health issues - for example liver and spleen problems - The reason she is thinking this is beacause she's worrying about her own health, she can't visit a doctor for a check up or get treatment because she doesn't have insurance. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT because artists in Serbia still don't have health insurance. This is a paradox because Serbia, just like so many other countries has "universal healthcare" which in reality is not available to everyone.
    3. She then goes on saying how and artist must be healthy - a reference to Marina Abramovic (Art is beautiful, Artist must be beautiful), and the reason she needs to be healthty is again - because she can't afford to get treatment.
    4. Then comes the part about the autonomic nervous system and how we don't need to control our own heartbeats. She describes a beautiful summer day, she is waking her dog, her heart is beating and that's it - it doesn't need to get any better. She just puts her trust in her heart and lungs hoping they won't fail her (if they do fail her then that's it, the doctors won't help her and she made peace with that)
    5. She then explicitly states I DON'T HAVE THE CARD (meaning health insurance card)
    6. She wonders how will they help her then? While she's wondering that we can hear the backing vocals repeat the phrase Boze zdravlja - God grant us health. This is a reference to serbian culture where health is regarded as the most important part of life. God grant us health is a common saying, we use it all the time, and you will always hear people wishing other people good health (for their birthday, or really any holiday) because everything else (money, fame, love...) becomes meaningless if you are ill and in pain. This is again a paradox - in a society that nominally regards health as sacred she still doesn't have health insurance. She says - The (female) artist is invisible, you can't see me, it's magic.
    7. The final part is probably the most important one. It's basically a play on the old latin saying Mens sana in corpore sano (A healthy mind in a healthy body), exept that Konstrakta makes it clear that only the body is healthy - the soul inside is desperate which is a commentary on our own reality, we are all obsessed with improving our health - we try to eat better, be more active, take all those expensive drugs and supplements - but what about our mind? More often than not it is our mind that needs care, not the body.
    And finally after making that clear she asks us - So what do we do now?
    Now about the handwashing: She is dressed in white, she symbolizes the health care system (she reminds us of a nurse for example) and she is washing her hands. Why? Because of covid? NO! It is a metaphor about how health care workers need to "wash their hands" meaning clear their conscience when they refuse to treat you because you don't have insurance. Just like when Pontius Pilate washed his hands before the crucifixon of Jesus - he tried to clear his conscience and make it clear that he wasn't the one who killed Jesus - it was the Law. In the same way, a doctor refuses to treat you because of the law, and he needs to make peace with the fact that you may die even though he/her could (and would) help you.
    The handwashing could also be seen as a reference to Marina Abramovic's performance Balkan Baroque in which she spent days trying to wash the blood and flesh off of cow bones - she failed of course and that was the point - no matter how hard you try they will still be bloody bones (in this context the blood on the bones symbolized the shame of the Yugoslav wars, and in Konatrakta's performance the health care system is trying to wash away it's responsibility for people literally dying because of some bullshit paperwork and administration - but it is of course doomed to fail because the shame and blood cannot be washed away).
    I hope this comment helped make things a bit more clear!
    *Comment reference from another post, YT user: M8337

  • @bermerubio
    @bermerubio 2 года назад +4

    I love your reaction it was very similar to mine! hahahahaha!! This is an incredible song!

  • @andjelailic7780
    @andjelailic7780 2 года назад +8

    For anyone outside of Serbia, and in Serbia actually, wondering what the hell is she talking about, you must understand that this is an ART PROJECT not just a song so you have to scrutinize it as an artistic act. The idea behind the lyrics and the whole piece is just so layered and there is no one exact idea. What i would like to point out as some of the aspects you can discuss this is:
    - OBSESSION over being healthy which implicates being alive equal escaping death, so instead of celebrating life and living, we are constantly being promoted to live in fear of death so we do everything we can to escape it
    - WASHING HANDS, you can clearly see that she’s also obsessively washing hands over and over again, she cleaned them and she just keep washing them again, the point is that her hands are clean but she’s being “pressured “ to clean the clean hands, just a metaphor for nonsense about health we do to ourselves, trying to FIX something that is not broken
    - not to be a feminist, but it’s hard not to take that perspective because this is in fact a piece made by a woman, so, being pressured not to get old, to use as many products for your skin to look young and for you hair to look, if you wish, like meghan markle’s, media pressure on everyone and all inspired by capitalism, pressuring women to look one exact way and looking any differently is considered to be wrong and “unhealthy”
    - yeah sure critique on serbian government of course for not allowing artists to be independent by not giving them health insurance, in fact Serbia as a country NOT ENCOURAGING YOUNG ARTISTS, but this is really not something you should mainly be focused on as i see many of viewers are, by which this art concept as it is loses in significance.
    This is a LIFE MANIFEST, people need to start actually living, and break the loop they’ve fallen into by doing ordinary stuff.
    This is à satire, truly a performance, that on a first look reminds us of Marina Abramović’s work and so on... It’s a philosophical critique on society, metaphorical but still simplified with words and acts in performance, truly nothing that an average person can’t understand. Why they don’t want to understand it is obvious, no one likes a critique pointed at themselves. I’m personally just moved by the fact that we showed that not only “special” people, or educated or “smart” can understand and support philosophy and art, things like that an ordinary people need to hear, what is the point in sharing it inside of a circle of people who already understand it?
    Thank you KONSTRAKTA for making people, even just for a second, think that they are alive right now and that something is DEFINITELY NOT EQUITABLE.

  • @alipanroosendaal9503
    @alipanroosendaal9503 2 года назад +7

    No idea what is going on, but it draws you in totally. Healthily enigmatic. This could do well.

  • @danicabosnic4812
    @danicabosnic4812 2 года назад +2

    "In corpore sano" in Latin means " healthy mind in a healthy body". It's a very artistic and metaphoric song, that can be interpreted in different ways. Yes, it talks about healt, but in one way it can describe Covid 19 situation, in other way how we strive to look physically good, but that we also need to feel mentally good, how people deal with depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. I think it's very deep and if nothing, very different. Everything caught my eye, Constranta's singing, tge beat, the vocals, the stage, performance. It is outstanding!

  • @anamarijastefano3918
    @anamarijastefano3918 2 года назад +2

    The Best ever

  • @Boro87muzika
    @Boro87muzika 2 года назад +10

    The song is the anthem of all the people who have been fighting against the pharmaco - eugenics mafia - the corrupt system of global health policy for the past two years. 💙💙💙 The song is a satire on the account of the state health system, but also on the account of the entire social view of health. The most important part of the song is when he says - "I don't have a booklet, and how can they follow me in the name of" health ". This verse describes the state's false concern for the health of the population, and we have been bombarded with this false concern for the past two years. Constant hand washing during the performance is a satirical mockery of the preventive recommendations of health "experts" whom we will forever remember from 2020.

  • @kuramakid
    @kuramakid 2 года назад +2

    With every reaction video, people immediately want to see what is it about and that's what is giving her popularity. And that's why it's great.
    Usually, when you hear a song, you just say. Umm ok, it's catchy, I'm gonna listen to it...
    Here people are naturally drawn to explore more...
    I'm not really sure how she managed to get that reaction from people...
    The interesting thing is that the judges and the people voted for the same performance.
    The more interesting thing is that she became popular 2 days before finals... Most of the Serbian population didn't even hear about her before this.
    She was on Eurovision in 2009 but wasn't that popular...

  • @SerbianMonarchist
    @SerbianMonarchist 2 года назад +6

    The song is about society. About health and how your body health is good but mental health is not

  • @anhedonie92
    @anhedonie92 2 года назад +45

    The reason you might not understand this song is because NOBODY expected this song to win, not even the artist, she was very confused, and therefore the perofmance and song are not made for the audience outside of Serbia, but she said in an interview afterwards (after 10 times of "I don't know I'm confused") that she will be probably putting translation or even remake the song in English (I hope not). She will adapt, she is wonderful, don't you worry ♥

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +5

      Oh really!! The DRAMA of it all!
      Thanks for clarifying.
      I think a chorus of English could be worth considering, however, the song is loved as it is ♥

    • @motulifelikefigures1987
      @motulifelikefigures1987 2 года назад +1

      make performing art elsewhere and dont use esc for it. all i can say- this has nothing to do with music anymore. its performing art which uses political aspects and should be banned from this contest.

    • @kihality
      @kihality 2 года назад +6

      PLEASE don't translate this to English, it would kill everything! Subtitles will do it

    • @gabiolteanu2693
      @gabiolteanu2693 2 года назад +1

      @@motulifelikefigures1987 No

    • @deniznl3397
      @deniznl3397 2 года назад

      If it wasn't made for an international audience, they shouldn't have even put it in the selection.

  • @anitabarulek-cvetkovic4426
    @anitabarulek-cvetkovic4426 2 года назад +10

    She is the best 😘👏

  • @fatality789
    @fatality789 2 года назад +7

    Konstrakta - In a Healthy Body
    I wonder what's the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair?
    I wonder what's the secret?
    I wonder what's the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair?
    I wonder what's the secret? (I wonder what's the secret?)
    I think that
    Deep hydration is what it is
    They say that
    One's skin and hair show everything clearly
    For example, dark circles around the eyes
    Could indicate liver problems
    Blemishes around the lips, enlarged spleen perhaps?
    Enlarged spleen is not good, it's not pretty
    And the artist, she needs to be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    B-b-b be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    She must be, she must be, she must be
    We're incredibly lucky
    That there's such a thing as the autonomic nervous system
    I don't need to control my own heart beats
    The heart beats, the heart beats on its own
    Bright colors of a summer day
    My skirts are on my body,
    My skirts, the dog and I
    The two of us are talking a walk
    We're counting the steps
    The skirt goes around my leg
    We are taking a walk, and that's it
    And it doesn't need to get any better than this
    The heart beats on its own
    I put my trust in it
    Let it beat on its own
    I put my trust in it
    Let it beat, let me breathe
    God, give me health
    God, give me health
    God, give me health
    (God, give me health)
    I don't have health insurance*
    How will they be able to keep track of me? (In the name of health)
    To care for me? (In the name of health)
    The artist, she is invisible (In the name of health)
    You don't see me, it's magic (In the name of health)
    The artist, she can be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    B-b-b be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    She can be, she can be, she can be
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    The body is healthy
    So now what?
    A sick mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A terrified mind in a healthy body
    So now what?
    * Literal translation: "I don't have the little book." Little book is referred to "little health book" ("zdravstvena knjižica" in Serbian), a document issued to people who have statutory health insurance in Serbia. Today, this document is in plastic card form, but in the past, the document was issued on a piece of very thick paper which would then fold in two places to resemble a small book that can be opened. Even though today it takes the card form, it is still officially called and referred to as a "little health book".

  • @MrIyan1
    @MrIyan1 2 года назад +11

    First listening: Wtf serbia
    Second : Okk
    Third : I am obsessed. BITI ZDRAVA,BITI ZDRAVA,BITI ZDRAVA 🔥👑

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +2


    • @prudencepackhard3547
      @prudencepackhard3547 2 года назад +1

      Lol…same here! First time I was whaaaat, but the more I listen to it the more I love the song and the singer. Serbia be it ❤️

  • @dejannadj6788
    @dejannadj6788 2 года назад +16

    Dont forget to check out the Latin lyrics. It's not all about health.
    Good luck with exploration.

  • @PbgAleksa
    @PbgAleksa 2 года назад +2


  • @ljiljanamiletic4512
    @ljiljanamiletic4512 2 года назад

    It needs listening and watching 4-5x to understand the metaphorical meaning.There are more than 4-5 different, important topics in the song and even more interpretations. This is masterpiece!!

  • @Jepse89
    @Jepse89 2 года назад +4

    Obsessed with this song

  • @natasanikolic274
    @natasanikolic274 2 года назад +13

    English translation of the song In Corpore Sano by Konstrakta
    Onas eroproc ni somrefne snem*
    What is the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair? What could be the secret?
    What is the secret behind Meghan Markle's healthy hair?
    What could it be? What could be the secret?
    I think that secret is the deep hydration
    As they say, one's skin and hair reveal everything clearly
    For example: dark circles around eyes point out to liver issues
    Dark spots around lips might mean you have an enlarged spleen
    An enlarged spleen is not good, not pretty
    Because an artist - she has to be healthy
    She has to be healthy, be healthy,
    Be healthy, be be be be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, she has to, has to, has to
    It's such fortune that the autonomic nervous system exists
    So I don't have to control my heartbeats because the heart beats, it beats on its own
    Nice days, bright colors of the skirt on my body of my skirt, my dog and I
    We are taking a walk, counting our steps
    the skirt goes around my leg
    We are taking a walk, counting our steps
    the skirt goes around my leg
    we are taking a walk and that's it
    And it doesn't have to be better than that, the heart beats on its own
    I put my trust in it, that it beats on its own
    I put my trust in it, that it beats, that I breathe
    God give me health,
    God give health,
    God give health
    God give health
    I don't have the health insurance
    Oh, so how will they monitor me?
    In the name of health
    And care about me?
    In the name of health
    An artist (she) is invisible.
    In the name of health.
    You don't see me, it's magic.
    In the name of health
    An artist, she can be healthy
    She can be healthy, be healthy,
    Be healthy, be be be be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, she has to, has to, has to
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    the body is healthy, so what do we do now?
    A sick mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A frightened mind in a healthy body
    So what do we do now?
    Hope you like it! Greetings from Serbia! 🇷🇸

  • @ivandubravac07
    @ivandubravac07 2 года назад +8

    omg Ur reaction made me laugh! LOL Made my day

  • @evlogiaevlogia1380
    @evlogiaevlogia1380 2 года назад +1

    Konstrakta 👸💞💞💞

  • @127ante
    @127ante 2 года назад +6

    it's okay to take time to understand a piece of art.. maybe sometimes we as audience and consumers should be encouraged to use our brain to think about what we just saw/heard.

  • @aleksandramajlat9086
    @aleksandramajlat9086 2 года назад +13

    She dedicated this song to her bellowed friend who died and couldn't afford medical insurance, since all our artist are kinda in the limbo with that.. She is being sarcastic with lyrics, saying how artists must be healthy, coz there is no other choice for them. Love the song

  • @peterb6512
    @peterb6512 2 года назад +11

    This is some kind of art performance...

  • @marijarajnovic8357
    @marijarajnovic8357 2 года назад +1


  • @zorans2493
    @zorans2493 2 года назад +10

    Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano....A sound mind in a sound body. Song has few layers. It is talking about a bad position of art and artists in Serbia who don't have acess to a public health care. As I heard a member of her band died because of that. But it also talks about human preocupation with health and beauty, it can be related with recent covid crisis and the mental health damage it caused

  • @LunarEchoes1
    @LunarEchoes1 2 года назад +1

    8 punti dalla Croazia🇭🇷♥️

  • @legendpress4553
    @legendpress4553 2 года назад

    There are many messages here. 1. The beauty is not everything, mental health and soul are important too. 2. Artists in Serbia and world are often invisible, they have not helth insurance, but they have to be healthy. 3. Because of this, we have one solution: to pray to God for health (renesanse priests around her) and there is comparation between religion and science... Layered song with strong messages in this pure artistic performance. Avant-garde!

  • @dadohollywood
    @dadohollywood 2 года назад +3

    When looking at Picasso's paintings, do you love them right away? His art is not my vibe, but I'd give him 12 points over some painter who paints apples, boats and horses only. ESC is mostly about mainstream entertainment. Thanks to Serbia, the art had found its way into the Contest.

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад

      I like this description!

    • @alalbatross6549
      @alalbatross6549 2 года назад

      @@EurovisionFeels It is a metaphor. She represents health system which washes hands (denies responsibility). Pontius Pilate washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person (Jesus). He was washing his hands of the responsibility. Whole stage is a metaphor. "Metallic voices" and robotic movements with hands represent estrangement - dehumanization. During performance there's no emotion on her face. She is like robot. She walks her dog. That is another sign of estrangement, proof that our civilization is on verge of extinction. It is sad that dog became man's "best friend". I remember times (I am 67) when my best friends walked on two legs (and without leash). Music is, also, descriptive. After "I do not have health insurance" there is GP and rhythm (heart beat) stops and there is a "cuckoo" musical effect symbolising psychotic episode - travel to "parallel - alternative world", something like "alternative truth" as Donald Trump said. At the end there is sequence of semi-tone steps upward in music called "tonal jump" used to elevate tension towards climax: "So, now what"? Very well done. Do not take everything literary.

  • @kondicdr5453
    @kondicdr5453 2 года назад +11

    Song have multiple layers of understanding.
    From criticizing health system to human obsession with body health while mental health is ruined

  • @AleksandarVujnovic81
    @AleksandarVujnovic81 2 года назад +1

    Oh god, I took a look at the other comments and I just actually can't believe it. You guys like this? I can agree the beat is somewhat catchy but that's really all if you ask me.

  • @user-ue9zk4hu2h
    @user-ue9zk4hu2h 2 года назад +2

    The very title of the song "In corpore sano" has a historical background. Namely, it is a part of the Latin proverb "Mens sana in corpore sano" which means "In a healthy body a healthy spirit". It is believed that it was first used by the Roman satirist Juvenal, i.e. that this is an abbreviated form of his saying: "Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano", ie "One should pray for a healthy spirit in a healthy body". Constract's verse "God of Health" is probably on the trail of this. These are not the only verses of the song that are in Latin. Here is the complete text: “What is the secret of healthy hair Megan Markle? What's the secret? What is the secret of healthy hair Megan Markle? What's the secret? (What's the secret?) I think it's deep hydration. They say that everything is clearly visible on the skin and hair. it's magic (In the name of health) An artist can be healthy Be healthy, be healthy Be healthy, bi-bi-bi-be healthy Be healthy, be healthy Be healthy, can, can, can In corpore sano, in corpore sano In corpore sano, in corpore sano In corpore sano, in corpore sano Corpus is sano and what are we going to do now? I want to go to the bathroom only Animal tristis to go to the bathroom I want to go to the bathroom to go to the store to go to the bathroom And what are we going to do now? In a healthy body, in a healthy body, In a healthy body, in a healthy body In a healthy body, in a healthy body The body is healthy, And what do we do now? A weak mind in a healthy body, A sad soul in a healthy body, A desperate mind in a healthy body, A frightened mind in a healthy body, And what do we do now? ” The poem can therefore be "read" in several ways. It may be a review of the crown pandemic that is (hopefully) behind us. He can talk about the bad health care system in Serbia, because of which freelance artists do not have a booklet, nor the possibility to be treated when they understand. It can be interpreted as pressure on women, especially those in public life, to always be beautiful. Finally, he can talk about mental health, which is sometimes neglected in relation to physical health - the song explicitly says that he can be weak in a healthy body. desperate and frightened mind or sad soul. Just as Konstrakta says at the end - "So what do we do now?" desperate and frightened mind or sad soul. Just as Konstrakta says at the end - "So what do we do now?" desperate and frightened mind or sad soul. Just as Konstrakta says at the end - "So what do we do now?"

    • @Mischiko1
      @Mischiko1 2 года назад +1

      Fact Check for clarity: ARTISTS IN SERBIA DO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE! i.e., artists in Serbia that are certified self-employed artists (certified by professional artistic associations), with the social-professional status "samostalni umetnik" (independent/self-employed/free-lance artist) do have full health insurance and full social security (pension-invalidity insurance)!!! Just to be clear, she said, in the song, "nemam knjižicu" which could correctly be translated as "I don't have a ((health insurance)) card" or "(but) I don't have a ((health insurance)) card". So, that is a reflection of her own, personal, situation... The only downside for certified artists in Serbia is that they must regularly, once a year, or sometimes every 6 months, prove their artistic activity (publication of works/released musical works/ certified art exhibitions, group shows or solo exhibitions, etc.). So lets keep our facts clear in a real legal and administrative sense without improvisations or any prejudices! The song is nice and is socially critical and constructive! Peace and love to all!

  • @galoyangaloyan8571
    @galoyangaloyan8571 2 года назад

    To better understand, turn on subtitles/cc. It is actually pure artistic theater play in four acts packed in just 3 min. covered with a fantastically arranged musical matrix around a hypnotic rhythm, which perfectly follows the story told with a vocal that vibrates as part of the music (take attention for all details). Enough to be a masterpiece, even in the selection of the famous theater festival in Edinburgh. And the story is as follows Intro - EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN A modified Latin saying: a sick mind in a healthy body was read backwards.
    Act one - ROUTINE We waste our time following celebrities and other people's lives, and discuss about them, about nonsense through the social networks (what is the secret of healthy hair Megan Markl). It's going even deeper. This became normal behaviours and it is compared with health, healthy behaviour. So, expectation is that artress also must be part of this "normal behaviours" (MUST be healthy).
    Act two - LONELINESS We are now part of this routines, some system control our fundamental functions (heart ticking and breathing), we are alive, in virtual world and it's OK. But we are alone. No children, no friends, only dog. We are walking satisfied but without sense, with empty mind (counting steps, and that's all).
    Act three - COGNITION Knjižica in Serbian is not only social security, but it's also symbol of belonging to some system or organisation as a member What if I am not a member? If I'm out of system? We will lost our followers, others will not monitor us anymore (what was normal, healthy), nobody will "care" about us, or organize our life (what was normal, healthy), and artress become invisible when she is out of system.
    Act four - WAKING UP The absence of system influence artress see like a magic, becouse it means independence, so she CAN be healthy, with open mind, according to Latin saying "men sana in corpore sano" (healthy mind in healthy body). Can be, can be, can be.
    conclusion - WHAT'S ABOUT MIND? Everything is about body condition (corpore sano, corpore sano, corpus is sano - and body is healthy), but no one talks about the state of mind. So, she mentions those states of mind and ask: And what shell we do?
    And finally, the messages from the stage and the video. When health is mentioned, hand movements show that something is not normal. We need to be washed constantly, to be clean. Our mind same as our body. Either others will do it or we will do it ourselves. Again and again...
    So, regardless of the placement, its appearance is a victory for Serbia and the Eurovision Song Contest.

  • @GospodinNelson
    @GospodinNelson 2 года назад +3

    This song obviously has several lenses through which it could be seen, but beside all explanations that people give here in the comments I would like to notice the importance and power of that line "Nemam knjižicu". It means "I don't have a card" and obviously the first thing the one thinks of is healthcare card. However, the deeper meaning suggests that she is not part of any political party that would make her being important enough so that someone would take care of her. Serbia and other countries in Western Balkan have very corruptive society where you can much easier get everything if you are member of governing political party and that line suggests that if she doesn't have that relevant card, she can't receive proper healthcare and she has to find way to heal herself alone, but it can also apply to all other parts of life, not only healthcare. When you become a member of some political party you get the card as confirmation that you became a member. So simple, yet so powerful. Amazing!

  • @nenadmihajlovic8483
    @nenadmihajlovic8483 2 года назад +2

    Bravoooo Serbia

  • @Mischiko1
    @Mischiko1 2 года назад +1

    Fact Check for clarity: ARTISTS IN SERBIA DO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE! i.e., artists in Serbia that are certified self-employed artists (certified by professional artistic associations), with the social-professional status "samostalni umetnik" (independent/self-employed/free-lance artist) do have full health insurance and full social security (pension-invalidity insurance)!!! Just to be clear, she said, in the song, "nemam knjižicu" which could correctly be translated as "I don't have a ((health insurance)) card" or "(but) I don't have a ((health insurance)) card". So, that is a reflection of her own, personal, situation... The only downside for certified artists in Serbia is that they must regularly, once a year, or sometimes every 6 months, prove their artistic activity (publication of works/released musical works/ certified art exhibitions, group shows or solo exhibitions, etc.). So lets keep our facts clear in a real legal and administrative sense without improvisations or any prejudices! The song is nice and is socially critical and constructive! Peace and love to all!

  • @speedjetplane
    @speedjetplane 2 года назад +1

    Well when they announced her win on the Beovision, she said she didn't came there to win. I'm guessing we didn't send her to win the Euro as well :)

  • @luleluka9279
    @luleluka9279 2 года назад +3

    Hello from Serbia cuttie 😍

  • @jarilojarilo1074
    @jarilojarilo1074 2 года назад +10

    Just listen, turn on translation and think. :)

  • @zoricalukic8108
    @zoricalukic8108 2 года назад +6


  • @isivolisana
    @isivolisana 2 года назад +1


  • @markojovanovic5901
    @markojovanovic5901 2 года назад +9

    Ou nou its not basic pop that sounds liek 100 others. Serbia you did this one right 🇷🇸❗💗

  • @bogdan7475
    @bogdan7475 2 года назад +1

    For anyone interested here’s an explanation of the song:
    1)The name of the song "In corpore sano" is in latin and it’s short from the latin saying "Mens sana in corpore sano" meaning "A healthy mind in a healthy body"
    2)”What's the secret behind Meghan Markles healhy hair part?” refers to mainstream media constantly bombing us with different health tips that are usually there just to promote products and/or make us more insecure
    3)The part saying that an enlarged spleen isn't pretty refers to people making assumptions about someone's health just based on their looks and emphasizing physical health while a person can look really good but have many mental health issues no one knows about
    4)Artists in Serbia aren't recognized as workers by law so they don't get free health insurance meaning they have to pay to be treated in private clinics which a lot of them can't afford including Konstrakta's former band member which died of leukemia cause he couldn't afford treatment.The first and second chorus are different.The first one says "An artist MUST be healthy" referring to international artists that get free healthcare, while the second one says "An artist CAN be healthy" referring to artists in serbia and the healthcare system not caring about their well-being.
    5)The part where she prays to god for health and says she puts her trust in her heart beating refers to her having to rely on god and her own body to regulate her health cause that's her only option being an artist in Serbia.
    6)The part where she says the artist is invisible and it’s like magic refers to artists not being recognized by the government and the healthcare system
    7)The last part of the song is in latin and it refers to people prioritizing physical health and outside looks over mental health which is also very important.
    Now let’s talk about the staging:
    1)The obsessive hand-washing refers to COVID 19 and the importance of keeping your hands clean again massively talked about in the mainstream media while neglecting the impact the pandemic had on people's mental health. It also can be paying homage to one of Marina Abramovic’s (internationally known Serbian performance artist) performances called “Art must be pretty, an artist must be pretty” where she sits for hours combing her hair while repeating that cause she realized people focused a lot on her looks and her hair being messy and prioritized that over her art.
    2)People standing behind her can be priests that pray for her health and/or are getting ready for her to die.
    A lot of this is my own interpretation of the song based on the lyrics and the staging, obviously everyone's allowed to have their own opinion on it so pls don't come for me lol

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +2

      "pls don't come for me" 😂
      This was me yesterday...

  • @nikolaperin8471
    @nikolaperin8471 2 года назад +1

    Key to understanding this song is symbolism. Meghan Markle's hair symbolizes public beauty/celebrity obsession. Liver and spleen - again, mentioned in the context of appereance (!), do you need more? She puts her trust in autonomous nervous system, why? Because there's little else to put the trust in. Creepy, but true. And the last few verses are a powerful condemnation of overall social superficiality. The whole song/performance is a reflection of modern world. It is weird and creepy just as much as the whole world is. This woman is giving us an opportunity to think. But we may choose naked butts and vocal exhibitionism instead. Serbia has made its choice and I'm proud of it.

  • @kikasokino6754
    @kikasokino6754 2 года назад +1

    Radio television of Serbia posted your video today

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад

      Omg, did they - can I get a link? I hope they were nice haha 😆

  • @dunjaradovanovic9065
    @dunjaradovanovic9065 2 года назад +2

    What’s going on is the best comment!!! You (everyone) need to use a brain a bit also to understand, cause the song has so many important points regarding current society. Anyway aren’t we all very booooored with gurls trying to look like beyonce in glittery costumes? Let’s support artists! Open your minds and enjoy these weird people (like last year right?)
    Many regards from Serbia!!!

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад

      Let's keep this simple - a lot of Eurovision viewers will not speak Serbian. When you have the subs and context, it all starts to make believe that not everyone will be quick to turn on subtitles, but will want to listen to the music first. Same thing if this song came from a different country...

    • @dunjaradovanovic9065
      @dunjaradovanovic9065 2 года назад

      @@EurovisionFeels yes I totally agree! Maybe you misunderstood my comment, wasn’t an assault at all. Thanks for sharing the reaction, but the comment was also addressed to the people that will look at this video and think ‘Meghan Markle huh?’

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад

      @@dunjaradovanovic9065 Understood! 😊

    • @danicabosnic4812
      @danicabosnic4812 2 года назад +1

      Hvala bogu neko ko vidi malo dublje! Pozdrav

  • @losh_mi87
    @losh_mi87 2 года назад +10

    Song is not for stupid, however i understand its hard for non Serbo Croatian speakers to see the core of the song, which will be very tricky to transfer to the audience...
    Like if this song was in swedish i would say, wow interesting, but wtf, what is the message..
    Of course this is not and never will be favorite but at least its better than Huricane tramps

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад


    • @dubravkakostanjsek4843
      @dubravkakostanjsek4843 2 года назад +4

      Disagree with what you said that the artists get only one chance to get the message through. It used to be true before the internet, but nowadays all of thevsongs are available two months before the competition and people can listen to them as many times as they want and do some inquiry. This song has a great, catchy beat, brilliant performance and staging and it is different and intriguing. I was also very surprised when I heard it for the first time three weeks ago, but then I listened to it very carefully several times until I was able to grasp all of its layers (so far, that is, as I am certain I will still discover more). Enough with naked t*ts and b**s, this is art, it makes you think about so many things and it goes way beyond criticising the health system and the artists' situation in Serbia. To me, the main message is that we have become so obsessed with what can be seen, what is superficial, whilst becoming more and more empty from the inside. So now what? What do we do now to fix humanity?

    • @EurovisionFeels
      @EurovisionFeels  2 года назад +4

      The casual Eurovision viewer will not be checking RUclips for the songs or doing 'research'. They tune in on Saturday for the final and check out the songs afterwards.
      There have been SOOO many songs in the past that have been loved by the Eurovision fandom and then when going live couldn't connect to an audience who have not been exposed to the song before.

    • @MrJokerWalker89
      @MrJokerWalker89 2 года назад

      Girl, dnt know serbian you dumbass...

    • @dubravkakostanjsek4843
      @dubravkakostanjsek4843 2 года назад

      @@EurovisionFeels well, in case you are right, I suppose it's exactly what the song says - Mens infirma in corpore sano, Animus tristis in corpore sano...

  • @zaklinazeljic538
    @zaklinazeljic538 2 года назад +1

    Ona ima da pobedi 💙❤

  • @justoneserb
    @justoneserb 2 года назад +7

    What is the secret of Megan Markle's healthy hair? What's the secret?
    What is the secret of Megan Markle's healthy hair? What's the secret? (What's the secret?)
    I think It is about deep hydration
    They say that everything is clearly visible on the skin and hair
    For example, dark circles around the eyes
    They indicate liver problems
    Stains around the lips, maybe an enlarged spleen?
    An enlarged spleen is not good, it is not beautiful
    And the artist must be healthy Be healthy, be healthy
    To be healthy, to be-to-be-to-be healthy Be healthy, be healthy
    I have to be healthy, I have to,
    I have to
    It is a great luck that Autonomic nervous system exists
    I don't have to control my heart rate
    The heart beats, the heart just beats on it's own.
    On a bright summer day
    My skirts on my body, my skirts, the dog and me
    The two of us walk, count the steps
    The skirt goes around my leg, we walk and that's it
    And it doesn't have to be better, the heart just beats I put my trust in it, let it just beat
    I put it, let it beat, let it breathe
    God give health, God give health, God give health (Good health)
    I don't have insurance
    So how to monitor me (In the name of health)
    To take care of me (In the name of health)
    The artist is invisible (In the name of health)
    You don't see me, it's magic (In the name of health)
    An artist can be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy
    To be healthy, to be-to-be-to-be healthy Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, can, can, can
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano (in healthy body - latin)
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano
    Corpus is sanum and what do we do now?
    A weak mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A frightened mind in a healthy body
    And what do we do now?

  • @danixfn8185
    @danixfn8185 2 года назад

    Her friend died by leukemia and she didnt have health care bc she is an artist

  • @colinafobe2152
    @colinafobe2152 2 года назад +2

    song ends with question "and now what?" and you was like ?????? :)you are wondering now what? :)

  • @malenamarjan
    @malenamarjan 2 года назад +1

    12points from Poland

  • @Stanke24
    @Stanke24 2 года назад +1

    Artists in Serbia aren't recognized as workers by law so they don't get free health insurance meaning they have to pay to be treated in private clinics which a lot of them can't afford including Konstrakta's former band member which died of leukemia cause he couldn't afford treatment.The first and second chorus are different.The first one says "An artist MUST be healthy" referring to international artists that get free healthcare, while the second one says "An artist CAN be healthy" referring to artists in Serbia and the healthcare system not caring about their well-being.
    The part where she prays to god for health and says she puts her trust in her heart beating refers to her having to rely on god and her own body to regulate her health cause that's her only option being an artist in Serbia.

  • @fungitorix
    @fungitorix 2 года назад +2

    In Serbia, a large number of independent artists cannot exercise their right to health care. That's the whole point. She herself is one of the independent artists without health care. Health care in Serbia is getting worse every year, people feel uncertainty and fear, they are afraid of getting sick because they do not know what will happen to them if they get sick. That is why the verses: sick mind in a healthy body, scared mind in a healthy body and so on.
    Simply Konstrakta has been an artist with strong social engagement for a long time. You should watch her video work "Triptych", there you will understand what a cool woman she is.видео.html
    She, an artist without health insurance, washes her hands because she has to stay healthy. If she gets sick, her fate is uncertain.
    And the political system is washing its hands of dirt because it has not managed to improve in fourteen years, but only to worsen the health system.

  • @katarinaspasic70
    @katarinaspasic70 2 года назад +1

    I am Serbian and it is about how artists don't have the right to a health card which is inportant for curing sirious health problems.

  • @thebarbers4658
    @thebarbers4658 2 года назад +3

    Here's the translation:
    What could be the secret of Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
    What could it be?
    What could be the secret of Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
    What could it be?
    What could it be?
    I think
    it’s all about the deep hydration
    They say
    our skin and hair show it all
    For example -
    Deep undereye circles could signal
    liver troubles
    The pesky spots around the lips
    point to an enlarged spleen
    enlarged spleen
    That’s not a good spleen, not a very pretty spleen
    And the artist must be healthy:
    To be healthy
    To be healthy
    To be healthy
    To be, to be, to be
    To be healthy
    To be healthy
    To be healthy
    must be, must be, must be
    How lucky,
    the existence of the autonomic nervous system
    No need to control the heart beats
    The heart beats
    The heart beats, alone
    A summer’s day, the colours bright, the skirts of mine
    On my body
    My dog and I
    We walk
    Just the two of us, counting steps
    The skirt steps
    around my leg
    We are walking
    And that is all!
    And it does not have to get better!
    the heart beats by itself!
    I surrender my trust,
    let it beat by itself!
    I surrender my trust,
    let it beat!
    let me breathe!
    God grant us health, grant us health, grant us health!
    God grant us health,
    since there’s no
    Medical insurance for me
    Now how will they follow me?
    All in the name of health
    How will they care for me?
    All in the name of health
    The artist is invisible
    All in the name of health
    You can’t see me, it’s magical
    All in the name of health
    The artist could be healthy:
    Be healthy
    Be healthy
    Be healthy
    be, be, be
    Be healthy,
    Be healthy,
    Be healthy,
    could be, could be, could be
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano
    In corpore sano, in corpore sano
    Corpus is sanum, and what now?!
    Mens infirma in corpore sano
    Animus tristis in corpore sano
    Mens desperata in corpore sano
    Men conterrita in corpore sano

  • @AleksandarVujnovic81
    @AleksandarVujnovic81 2 года назад +1

    I am a serb (unfortunately) and I have to say I am ashamed. If you happen to think that these are some kind of expressions in the song words, that have more sense in serbian, trust me it doesn't. As I was listening this, let's call it a song, for the first time, you should see my facial expressions. I think there is no need to tell anything else about it.

  • @bokidimi5215
    @bokidimi5215 2 года назад +1

    5/5 for me. wish it does well.

  • @Dukiduledoozy
    @Dukiduledoozy 2 года назад +4


  • @novicamatic592
    @novicamatic592 2 года назад +1

    The lyrics are 100% of the song. The song tells how artists live so that they don't even have a health card.
    The part in Latin said it all:
    Weak mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    Desperate mind in a healthy body
    Frightened mind in a healthy body
    The artist must be healthy because she is not employed
    has no right to treatment in state institutions

  • @aleksandaraleksic4067
    @aleksandaraleksic4067 2 года назад +1

    In the past, they had one shot but now look at it they have two months or sth. Enough time to understand it. Definitely an interesting song!

  • @tatianas.612
    @tatianas.612 2 года назад +4

    She wrote the song in remembrance of her artist friend who passed away from leukemia because he did not have health insurance

  • @јеленаковачевић-д7к
    @јеленаковачевић-д7к 2 года назад +6

    the marginalization of artists, in modern society, barely survives

  • @daco-pb5tm
    @daco-pb5tm 2 года назад +1

    So smart girl

  • @juricaspindl
    @juricaspindl 2 года назад +2

    Eurosong dont have any competitive significance this year. Even if it does, we dont care about number of votes - we send you a masterpiece - its on you: would you grab it and enjoy it, or not even notice. This song will last much longer then a winning song.

  • @electromagneticuniverse369
    @electromagneticuniverse369 2 года назад +1

    Prsli ste konačno! Ha ha ha! Policijski čas je učinio svoje.

  • @karinseregni221
    @karinseregni221 2 года назад +1

    This song is about health and health insurance struggles:
    "God give me health, God give health, God give health
    (God give health) I don't have the health insurance
    Oh, so how will they monitor me? (All in the name of health)
    How will they care for me? (All in the name of health)
    An artist is invisible (All in the name of health)
    You can't see me, it's magical (All in the name of health)
    She can be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, be, be, be
    Be healthy, be healthy
    Be healthy, she could be, could be, could be
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    The body is healthy, so what do we do now?
    A sick mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A frightened mind in a healthy body
    So what do we do now?"

  • @norahjones1423
    @norahjones1423 2 года назад +3

    She is washing her hands as an implication of running from image media is putting on women. She wants to be healthy, and the only way of being healthy is not to follow beauty standards and to "wash away" everything they told her she needs to be/do.

  • @serbona8321
    @serbona8321 2 года назад

    “So now what?” - Konstrakta questions the state of society with her song “In Corpore Sano”
    Since winning Serbia’s national final for Eurovision 2022, Pesma za Evroviziju 22, Konstrakta has been going viral on all platforms with her fascinatingly unique number “In Corpore Sano” - that’s “In A Healthy Body” in Latin.
    While at first glance the repeated hand-washing, towel whipping and referencing of Meghan Markle might seem bizarre, Konstrakta’s song carries a plethora of deep critiques towards social norms, politics, as well as her country’s health system. With all this in mind, let’s dive into the lyrics and messages that Konstrakta is conveying in Eurovision 2022 entry.
    What do the “In Corpore Sano” lyrics mean?
    While many of us were transfixed by the arresting staging Konstrakta brought to Serbia’s national final, the deep, hidden messages behind her song might have slipped past some at first listen. According to Konstrakta herself, she wants to refrain from attributing a single meaning to her song, and allow the listener to find something within the song that resonates with them. To lend a helping hand, let’s dive into some possible interpretations of Konstrakta’s “In Corpore Sano”.
    The song opens with a peculiar inquiry into the secrets behind the healthy hair of Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. This is quickly followed by a remark saying that one’s skin and hair can reveal everything about a person. Essentially, the mantra that one lives by is: “as long as one has a healthy body, that is all that matters”. This could comment towards the superficial nature of today’s society and media, which constantly tends to fixate on one’s external features as a measure of how healthy one is. This leads to the first chorus: “an artist must be healthy” on the outside, in the public eye, otherwise people will begin to make assumptions and judgements that are completely wrong.
    Konstrakta builds on this notion with her climactic chant in Latin, highlighting how society has completely forgotten to register one’s mental health as a marker for how healthy we are. She sings how the body is healthy, but the mind is sick, sad, frightened, and desperate; yet this all means nothing as long as we appear well on the outside.
    Aside from this, Konstrakta also brings up the issue of health insurance, or lack thereof, not just for many in Serbia, but across the entire world. In many interviews, Konstrakta has been asked whether she has health insurance, to which she simply states: “No, much like many others”. Such is a big issue within the scene of independent artists, who are not part of the mainstream media machine, and cannot afford to pay for health insurance, thus putting themselves at risk in the name of promoting their art. This explains the constant hand-washing we saw in Konstrakta’s national final performance, as well as the lyric: “we’re lucky that the autonomic nervous system exists to maintain our heartbeat.”, since, without health insurance, many artists have to worry about falling ill, but, sarcastically, at least we do not have to control our heartbeat.
    Finally, one could also interpret Konstrakta’s “In Corpore Sano” in a political manner, emphasising the issues of both conformity and identity. Seeing her wash her hands during her performance and Konstrakta’s position as an independent artist, one could begin to understand how the media treats such artists who do not conform to the mainstream, as well as how governments all across the world handle those who do not align themselves with their ideals - washing them away. All of these points are nicely concluded at the end of the song: “So, now what?”; how do we, as humans, proceed knowing the state of the society in which we live? Well, that’s up to us to figure out.
    English translation
    Onas eroproc ni amrifni snem*
    I wonder what’s the secret
    Behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
    I wonder what’s the secret?
    I wonder what’s the secret
    Behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
    I wonder what’s the secret? (I wonder what’s the secret?)
    I think that deep hydration is what it is
    They say that one’s skin and hair show everything clearly
    For example, dark circles around the eyes
    Could indicate liver problems
    Blemishes around the lips, enlarged spleen perhaps?
    Enlarged spleen is not good, it’s not pretty
    And the artist, she needs to be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    B-b-b be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    She must be, she must be, she must be
    We’re incredibly lucky
    That there’s such a thing as the autonomic nervous system
    I don’t need to control my own heart beats
    The heart beats, the heart beats on its own
    Bright colours of a summer day
    My skirt is on my body,
    My skirt, the dog and I
    The two of us are talking a walk
    We’re counting the steps
    The skirt flows around my leg
    We are taking a walk, and that’s it
    And it doesn’t need to get any better than this
    The heart beats on its own
    I put my trust in it
    Let it beat on its own
    I put my trust in it
    Let it beat, let me breathe
    God, give me health, God, give me health, God, give me health
    (God, give me health)
    I don’t have health insurance
    How will they be able to keep track of me?
    (In the name of health)
    To care for me? (In the name of health)
    The artist, she is invisible (In the name of health)
    You don’t see me, it’s magic (In the name of health)
    The artist, she can be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    B-b-b be healthy
    Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
    She can be, she can be, she can be
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    In a healthy body, in a healthy body
    The body is healthy
    So now what?
    A sick mind in a healthy body
    A sad soul in a healthy body
    A desperate mind in a healthy body
    A terrified mind in a healthy body
    So now what?