Get lost you are a lawyer and an officer of the United States Navy. He is a proper army man colonel and you can't even reach the soil from under his shoes mate. You should thank him for the freedom he provides you. Such a BS world we live in with all this crappy human rights for the criminals and all this progressive BS agenda!
"I want the truth!" , "You can't handle the truth!" I have wanted for the longest time to play those words with anyone😂😂😂😂 but my friends don't really know this movie, and I don't know anyone who has. All of them great speeches, but "A few good men" will forever hold a spot in my heart. I watched it when I was like 6-7, and even though I couldn't understand half of it, that final showdown between Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson transmitted so much that even then gave me chills down my spine.
Alex Brook my point was that I can smell a communist from a mile away, and my opinion of their intelligence is not low, although they do seem to lack logic and accountability. Your last statement proves that, “humans are selfish in nature. It doesn’t knock his idea of communism “ You don’t blame communism its self for setting up a system that will be taken advantage of because of its construct and I say it does and it is directly to blame. Therefore in my opinion you lack the logic and accountability.
"I can smell a communist a mile away". The whole "i can smell a (insert noun here) a mile away" Thats an assumption statement that will tear down someones entire position due to lack of facts. Come on i know you can argue better than that.
The absolute best speech I’ve ever heard and with all phases of training complete and about to be shipped out to Vietnam, a staff-sergeant DI walks into the squad bay and said, “Marines? some of you are coming back, some of you are not” He then did an about-face and walked out. Some of me came back, some of me did not.
@@bewmdogg No. Because they've been told to stay silent in order to keep thier "job". Necessity vs honesty. Is it better that the many suffer in the interest of the few, or that the few suffer in the interest of the many? You decide.
Shane Roper I decide neither. Is it really better when the few suffer in the interest of the many? It sounds like a recipe for discriminating every single minority in existence under the umbrella of "in the interest of the many". Throughout history there have been countless cases of people being murdered, whole populations wiped out, forced to do hard labour or to obey hostile rules and ideologies "in the interest of the many", where both "the many" and "the interest" changes dramatically from century to century and region to region.
@@nihilist1680 I'd argue that it's normal to think we hate, but perhaps in reality that's only a lot of dislike. But to TRULY, deeply, intensely hate... I think then we'd have to abandon all empathy, which I think all humans feel to a level. You can't fully hate someone unless you get rid of that human aspect that's buried within us all, therefore it is unhuman to hate. As Mr. Chaplin says, "only the unloved and the unnatural".
Reading through the comments, it seems I'm the only one who spotted that there were SIX speeches from movies here, not five. But anyway, for those interested... 0:00 A Few Good Men (1992) 4:57 The Great Dictator (1940) 8:25 V for Vendetta (2005) 11:35 Fair Game (2010, badly out of sync too) 13:33 Wall Street (1987) 14:11 The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Salute to the The Great Charlie Chaplin..... The hero of silent movies gave one of the greatest speeches of all time which silenced everyone...way ahead of his time👏👏
It’s depressing that as time marches on, Charlie Chaplin’s speech in “The Great Dictator” (I think that’s the film’s name) becomes more and more relatable to our common day lives. Literally every line can be applied to our world today. We have so much food, but yet people are starving to death. We have machines that can literally take us to space and back, and yet people cant even get an X-Ray. We have a work force strong enough to build a home for every family and person out there, yet the number of homeless people only rise with each passing year. I’ve listened to this speech so many times, and every time, it feels like he’s talking right at me. If you didn’t know any better, you would think this was a speech he made in front of the White House or something. I did my Senior essay on this speech for my English final. The project was a 20 page essay on a work of fiction that greatly impacted us. I choose this as my project. I watch this speech at least once a month, and love it each time.
Omega, you are so right , it is all about citizen zukerburg, and cinita, you are so right, people cannot afford an x Ray or their medicines, which President will solve this problem with health care
The underlayed and overloud music in "The Great Dictator"-speech destroys it all. Chaplin knew what he did when he just lets us hear his voice and only after it brings in Wagner again.
A truly life changing speech if you ask the speaker they will say it’s not even their proudest moment, no one gives a speech that changes the world that doesn’t absolutely pain them to say, no one takes joy in pain, those speakers have reached the end of their sanity or energy to fight so they do the last most dramatic thing they can to inspire someone to at least gain the strength they don’t have
_A Few Good Men_ is still my fave Tom Cruise movie as well. Yes, Nicholson is typically great here, but half of what makes his role great is the interplay during this scene with Cruise's character. Any lesser actor in either role would have completely ruined the scene, and the movie.
I am ashamed to say I had never seen that speech by Charlie Chaplin. That was amazing and so timely. He was so strong in that speech and it was very moving.
After watching Charlie Chaplin's speech for the first time, I thought about his words then carried on with my life. 70 years later and still his words haven't sunk into anyone's reality. 1 vs over 7 billion different people and their own why of thinking, Greed is man's greatest obstacle and obsession.
Dude forget about the four of them. Mr. Chaplin's speech and emotions kept me as a bug and threw me to the wall. Astonishing, stunning, breathtaking performance. And those words... My gosh... It stopped my heart till the speech is over. I salute you sincerely, sir. You've done your job, you've showed why the people should make a movie.
I agree! By the way it is one of my fav movies love to watch it using boxxy software cause the service is for free and bring my all movies and all serials ever made
I was stationed overseas in the military 20, years ago as i sat up to watch a (AFN movie) armed force network,i saw this speach, and moved me so much i truly questioned my own existence, i cryed because his words were real, as they stand today, a true believer, knows, a non believer guesses 💯
The 2nd clip, the Charlie Chaplin speech, is spectacular. I love how he starts out calm and soothing then as the speech goes on his voice becomes full of emotion and intensity. So powerful... even now nearly 80 years later.
@Dominus Ghaul " he still became the thing that he had fought against and hated. He had riled his people up to violence, to uprising, and chaos. " When good men do nothing, Evil prevails across the land and spreads like a plague..... There is a time for everythting under the sun... a time to be born, and a time to die. A time to build and a time to tear down... a time to love and a time to hate. A time for peace and a time for war. Recognizing the time that is upon us right now is true wisdom in man.... a peace monger can be the most evil detestable thing when war is what is needed... being a war monger in a time when peace is need ie equally wrong..... discerning the times and making the right decisions.......
@Dominus Ghaul While you're interpreting this scene correctly you're wrong with your loaded, biased conclusions. You can say the same thing about right-wingers today trying to supposedly "make america great again" by dividing their country with racism, hate and bigotry, mass shootings in the name of their deity or just hatred towards "the other", aiming to keep their country "safe" by dehumanizing all the people they see as not worthy of belonging etc. But that kind of pushing an agenda you just did makes a disservice to this great movie monologue by Chaplin. He is showing something more universal, more important and more terrifying than just some cheap partisan politics, he is showing one of the oldest truth that the absolute power corrupts absolutely and we should always fight for keeping our humanity intact, not fight for any ideology even if it sounds tempting.
1st clip- Few Good Men 2nd clip- The Good Dictator 3rd clip- V for vendetta 4th clip- Fair Game 5th clip- Wall Street 6th clip- the wolf on Wall Street
@@bamahama707 It does, The radical Left will bring us there. "People should not fear their government, government should fear its people." - V- The left wants to give all power over to the government. Thats how you end up like they did in the movie.
One of the greatest on-screen monologues of all time. It was meant to make Nicholson's character more of a villain, but it actually made him come across as more of a no-nonsense leader and more likeable to those who use logic & reason over emotion. “.. a man who rises and sleeps under the very blanket of freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said Thank You and went on your way”. Amen. (as the snowflakes go into complete meltdown and run for their 'safe spaces')
@@KayFabe87 Fool! Jessup's actions turn USA into the same communist dictator nightmare that he was supposed to protect America from! How idiotic you incel alt-right idiots can be...
Merya Tathagres I agree. We should question the way “freedom” is provided. To blindly live under a blanket is for the weak to afraid to ask questions. Let’s just go live in China or North Korea where there are laws against questioning the authority.
@@meryatathagres1998 I find it very telling that at the same time you are rallying against communistic dictatorships you feel it totally appropriate to resort to labelling people with dehumanizing slurs and epithets.
8:23 the most debated moment in Chaplin's speech... Many argue wether it was great acting, or Chaplin himself realizing that he just described the real world.. Rings true, even today
@@IvyThePoisonous Different cultures is the symbol of diversity in humanity, What we need is acceptance, literacy and kindness. Evil will always arise, it is the very consequence of the absence of the values mentioned above. Only thing that can save us is the realization, and this is the realization of that we are nothing but the part of a long tale. Its up to us how this part is gonna be.......
Not sad we can and will change. Everything changes remember? Are you trying to tell me that we will always be the same? Woman can go to school, be a doctor, and vote. We don’t own slaves anymore.
Bolshevics wanted to "do away with greed" yet all they succeeded in doing was opening the way for an even worse outcome. People never learn from the past. Chaplin is a moron.
Missing Matthew McConaughey’s closing argument in A Time To Kill. The reactions of everyone listening to him when he says the final line make that moment one of the biggest in movie history for me.
You are 100000000% correct!!!!! Love that movie, but that monologue was INTENSE, and beautiful....and if u watch again, the camera never pans away, so you know he did the entire thing in a single take, rather than talking, changing angles, and piecing a speech together. Good call bro!!!
Wow Charlie Chaplin, that was amazing and courageous when seen in context to the period it was done in. That was powerful, he even brilliantly invoked the BIBLE
Charlie Chaplin's speech is by far the best...its beyond poetic and reaches right into the soul... It speaks direct, sure and true, it has such a loving intonation that motivates, it is full of hope for a better tommorow for everyone of us.
The Chaplin speech was the best one since it applies to the world currently. Always odd when something so old can apply to current times. Some words never lose meaning regardless of how much time passes
That Charlie Chaplin is not only one of the greatest movie speeches ever, but one of the greatest speeches ever in general. Not only the speech itself but the passion in which he delivered it makes you feel like it wasn't just for the movie.
jimmy2k4o but it will get age restricted, which means less people will see it because people 18 or undet cant see it and if you dont have a google account you cant see it either, and it wont show up in recommendations.
@@Frank00 Except he wasn't but rather a sympathizer. Also, it's worth questioning, that whether or not he was a communist, he brought joy and happiness to millions of people. Was he actually a horrible person?
I miss Al Pacino's speech from a movie 'Scent Of A Woman.' He defends integrity of his protege who's just going to expelled from university. Unforgettable and - in my opinion - exceeds all 5 speeches in this video.
I think you are on point, and Citizen Kane is a gr8 choice for winner, it is a movie you can watch to this day from that era, and it still has the impact it did when it was made.
Charlie Chaplin's speech was the most prophetic and meaningful....he saw exactly what General Patton saw...."the military industrial machine" and advanced technology....left unchecked in the hands of greed driven power crazed leaders....was a real danger to society...and society has to stay vigilant to keep this ever present threat in check!!!
geez... Patton?? You obviously have access to the internet. Couldn’t do a search first. As already pointed out, it was Eisenhower who spoke about the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell address. Patton had been dead for 15 years when the speech was made.
I always have to remind myself that the speech Jack Nicholson did in "A few good men" is prior to 9/11. Same as "Enemy of the state", with Will Smith. At that time (prior to 2001) a world like post 9/11 seemed impossible. Boy was I wrong...
Ever watch 'The Siege' with Denzel, Annette Benning, and Bruce Willis as the oppressive US General, declaring martial law in NYC? Not a movie anyone seems to want to watch again after 9/11, Abu Ghraib and (post-Col. Jessup) Guantanamo Bay..
The Jack Nicholson -Tom Cruise courtroom exchange in A Few Good Men is simply OUTSTANDING and FOREVER CLASSICAL! Leaves one with goosebumps all over every time I see it!
“We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in it”- the internet. “Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want”- smartphones, tablets, laptops etc... “Our knowledge has made us cynical”- walking on eggshells with everyone being easily offended at everything. “We think too much and feel too little”- social media. Charlie Chaplin’s speech may have been one that is timeless. As proven by how accurate it has described the current world we live in.
Because humans never learned. At the same time, he is part the reason "we have shut ourselves in it" Movies. It all started when we began to stare at a moving picture.
Bill Pullman's speech in Inipendence Day", almost made the people including me to stand up and cheer for that soulful, intense patriotic speech in the cinema when i watch it in 94. His voice came out fullof angst.
Jessop; You want gin or vodka? Caffee; I want a martini. Jessop; Do you want gin or vodka? Caffee; I think I'm entitled to a martini. Jessop; I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to. Do you want gin or vodka? Caffee; I WANT VERMOUTH! Jessop; YOU CAN"T HANDLE VERMOUTH!
never watched the scene between Nicholson and Cruise. Very powerful, the ending is very symbolic with the marine picking his cap from the floor and being dismissed by the lawyer and being told very clearly who controls matters
I was hoping to see the speech by Klaatu at the end of *The Day The Earth Stood Still* here. No-nonsense, abrupt, to the point, and powerfully delivered. Should have been added.
How can you have this list without Gregory peck's closing speech in the court room of the movie to kill a mockingbird? That was legendary and pure cinematic history.
''Al Pacino'' the scent of a woman it's great movie, the way he acting like a blind guy...damn it's a great acting.. Last speech of movie it's a motivating 🔥🔥🔥 Baird man
If you like then consider subscribing........ Tell me what kind of videos you like to watch
What movie is the 2nd clip from?
Where is the 3rd clip from
Best moving scene by actors
indeed, that/s the anonymous mask clip - what is the exact title of the film?
V for vendetta
Funny, a man who made his fame in silent film gave arguably the best monologue ever.
was it charlie chaplin?
nations are not real, cultures are. if there are no nations, there will still be different cultures
Remember it was God who created the world nations at the Tower of Babel. Still the deciever works to undo this one thing.
@@Fluetify1 very true
@@geoffhill6992 Yes,. And his favourite comedian was Benny Hill.
" I'm a lawyer, and an officer of the United States Navy! And your under arrest you son-of-a-b****!" I love those lines!
Get lost you are a lawyer and an officer of the United States Navy. He is a proper army man colonel and you can't even reach the soil from under his shoes mate. You should thank him for the freedom he provides you. Such a BS world we live in with all this crappy human rights for the criminals and all this progressive BS agenda!
"I want the truth!" , "You can't handle the truth!" I have wanted for the longest time to play those words with anyone😂😂😂😂 but my friends don't really know this movie, and I don't know anyone who has. All of them great speeches, but "A few good men" will forever hold a spot in my heart. I watched it when I was like 6-7, and even though I couldn't understand half of it, that final showdown between Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson transmitted so much that even then gave me chills down my spine.
That Chaplin speech was stunning and I've never seen it before this.
Alex Brook are you a communist like him?
Alex Brook no, you don’t have to be, you’re probably just stupid and don’t know any better.
Alex Brook your intelligence will speak for itself.
Alex Brook my point was that I can smell a communist from a mile away, and my opinion of their intelligence is not low, although they do seem to lack logic and accountability. Your last statement proves that, “humans are selfish in nature. It doesn’t knock his idea of communism “ You don’t blame communism its self for setting up a system that will be taken advantage of because of its construct and I say it does and it is directly to blame. Therefore in my opinion you lack the logic and accountability.
"I can smell a communist a mile away".
The whole "i can smell a (insert noun here) a mile away"
Thats an assumption statement that will tear down someones entire position due to lack of facts.
Come on i know you can argue better than that.
The absolute best speech I’ve ever heard and with all phases of training complete and about to be shipped out to Vietnam, a staff-sergeant DI walks into the squad bay and said, “Marines? some of you are coming back, some of you are not” He then did an about-face and walked out. Some of me came back, some of me did not.
When someone speaks after staying silent his entire career, you listen.
why? Is it the US thing of worshipping actors for some reason?
@@bewmdogg No. Because they've been told to stay silent in order to keep thier "job". Necessity vs honesty. Is it better that the many suffer in the interest of the few, or that the few suffer in the interest of the many? You decide.
You both misunderstood, Charlie chaplin did silent movies his entire life and suddenly he came out with this in his role of the dictator
Shane Roper I decide neither. Is it really better when the few suffer in the interest of the many? It sounds like a recipe for discriminating every single minority in existence under the umbrella of "in the interest of the many". Throughout history there have been countless cases of people being murdered, whole populations wiped out, forced to do hard labour or to obey hostile rules and ideologies "in the interest of the many", where both "the many" and "the interest" changes dramatically from century to century and region to region.
@@johnrobles6876 crazy talented bruh
I wish Tom Cruise would return to dramas and give the action movies a break. I could watch A Few Good Men every time. Brilliant.
They don't make movies like that anymore. Crimson Tide, Few Good Men, Shawshank... It doesn't make them enough money. Wish it wasn't true also.
@@SD_702 Stand by for Avengers 79,392,290 part I : The Curse of the Diabetes-Inducing Donut. _You've seen the movie now eat the merchandise._
@@BartAlder exactly. I couldn't be less interested in those movies.
Valkyrie while an action movie is mostly dialogue , not as good as a few good men but some great actors
He will since he's getting older to be believed as the actual actor doing the scenes.
"Only the unloved hate." This truly is inspiring.
Kasuke Urahara おはよう
But it's not true because I've been loved, yet I hate.
I hate because I have loved and it broke me.
That was much more inspiring than “let’s hit this mothers--er out of the park!”
@@nihilist1680 I'd argue that it's normal to think we hate, but perhaps in reality that's only a lot of dislike. But to TRULY, deeply, intensely hate... I think then we'd have to abandon all empathy, which I think all humans feel to a level. You can't fully hate someone unless you get rid of that human aspect that's buried within us all, therefore it is unhuman to hate. As Mr. Chaplin says, "only the unloved and the unnatural".
Reading through the comments, it seems I'm the only one who spotted that there were SIX speeches from movies here, not five. But anyway, for those interested...
0:00 A Few Good Men (1992)
4:57 The Great Dictator (1940)
8:25 V for Vendetta (2005)
11:35 Fair Game (2010, badly out of sync too)
13:33 Wall Street (1987)
14:11 The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Dean Williams thank you
Thank you for doing what the person who posted this RUclips video should have done.
That's really wrong of Discover YourSelf to not give proper credit.
There are 4 lights!!!
did he add the music from the great dictator
Salute to the The Great Charlie Chaplin..... The hero of silent movies gave one of the greatest speeches of all time which silenced everyone...way ahead of his time👏👏
Incredible 🤔
Amazing 🤩 speech 💯💯💯
He fucked kids tho 😔
It’s depressing that as time marches on, Charlie Chaplin’s speech in “The Great Dictator” (I think that’s the film’s name) becomes more and more relatable to our common day lives. Literally every line can be applied to our world today. We have so much food, but yet people are starving to death. We have machines that can literally take us to space and back, and yet people cant even get an X-Ray. We have a work force strong enough to build a home for every family and person out there, yet the number of homeless people only rise with each passing year.
I’ve listened to this speech so many times, and every time, it feels like he’s talking right at me. If you didn’t know any better, you would think this was a speech he made in front of the White House or something.
I did my Senior essay on this speech for my English final. The project was a 20 page essay on a work of fiction that greatly impacted us. I choose this as my project.
I watch this speech at least once a month, and love it each time.
The more relatable in our time is definitively "Citizen Zuckerberg". No i mean "Citizen Kane"
Cirilla Lestrange k
Omega, you are so right , it is all about citizen zukerburg, and cinita, you are so right, people cannot afford an x Ray or their medicines, which President will solve this problem with health care
Silvax We never give up. Not on the Planet. Not on ourselves. Not on each other.😊
I prefer the Independence Day speech.
The underlayed and overloud music in "The Great Dictator"-speech destroys it all. Chaplin knew what he did when he just lets us hear his voice and only after it brings in Wagner again.
The man who never talked before made us speechless. Hands down !
A truly life changing speech if you ask the speaker they will say it’s not even their proudest moment, no one gives a speech that changes the world that doesn’t absolutely pain them to say, no one takes joy in pain, those speakers have reached the end of their sanity or energy to fight so they do the last most dramatic thing they can to inspire someone to at least gain the strength they don’t have
Charlie Chaplin is hands down, the best speech ever made!. Sends shivers down my spine every single time
That’s so sad
I agree
I really like the Nicholson/Cruise duet, because it's not only a monologue but a real showdown
Cruise is embarrassing
Cockoff Gewgle You’re more embarrassing
@@cockoffgewgle4993 how
@@billybob4159 He can't act
Jack nicholson is an amazing actor.
_A Few Good Men_ is still my fave Tom Cruise movie as well. Yes, Nicholson is typically great here, but half of what makes his role great is the interplay during this scene with Cruise's character. Any lesser actor in either role would have completely ruined the scene, and the movie.
IMDb voted him the best ever
Tom Cruise is a horrible actor. Bad range, worse presence.
@@zimNvgcatsfan why? And give a good ansver.. Dont Just say "cause he is"..
@@usernamedontexist8524 HA! answer, figures.
I am ashamed to say I had never seen that speech by Charlie Chaplin. That was amazing and so timely. He was so strong in that speech and it was very moving.
Never seen it also, amazing speech wow...
I’m only twelve and understood everything he said
he really believed in it, i feel
I had heard it but never knew where it was from. Amazing speech
MAN I get chills watching this scene! Some amazing acting and actors!
"You don't have to answer that question!"
Movie over.
After watching Charlie Chaplin's speech for the first time, I thought about his words then carried on with my life. 70 years later and still his words haven't sunk into anyone's reality. 1 vs over 7 billion different people and their own why of thinking, Greed is man's greatest obstacle and obsession.
What can we do about it?
@@anklegod3700 Turn off your TV, and start living your best life.
Dude forget about the four of them. Mr. Chaplin's speech and emotions kept me as a bug and threw me to the wall. Astonishing, stunning, breathtaking performance. And those words... My gosh... It stopped my heart till the speech is over. I salute you sincerely, sir. You've done your job, you've showed why the people should make a movie.
You a weakling ?
the great dictator speech is the greatest thing i've ever heard in my life.
Great dictator
I agree! By the way it is one of my fav movies love to watch it using boxxy software cause the service is for free and bring my all movies and all serials ever made
hahaha! sorry guys my bad. great*
@@Wowreally42 its the internet one must know all or be punished
Awesome video clip. Thx. Especially the speech of Chaplin is outstanding and of current relevance. Also, the underlying Inception score fits very well
I was stationed overseas in the military 20, years ago as i sat up to watch a (AFN movie) armed force network,i saw this speach, and moved me so much i truly questioned my own existence, i cryed because his words were real, as they stand today, a true believer, knows, a non believer guesses 💯
A speech so powerful from the past it can still be heard today.
The 2nd clip, the Charlie Chaplin speech, is spectacular. I love how he starts out calm and soothing then as the speech goes on his voice becomes full of emotion and intensity. So powerful... even now nearly 80 years later.
He was copying Hitler.
And said the exact opposite in this speech. Did you understood the movie? This is the exact nub of the matter.
@@shalokshalom, I think He tried to say that Chaplin used a public speaking technique similar to the real dictator's one.
Charlie Chaplin’s speech was by far the most impactful to me. I teared up at the message it delivered.
more relevant than ever
Charlie Chaplin’s speech is so true again even now as Russia-Ukraine fight goes on. May love and peace overcome hate and war.
The speech by Chaplin in “The Great Dictator” was far ahead of its time.....but was truly needed in the time of segregation and hate.
The good old days.
If segregation is what you want, we are on a fast track back to it at present.
It was so much more than that then as it is now !
Chaplin's speech is Strong...damn.
@Dominus Ghaul " he still became the thing that he had fought against and hated. He had riled his people up to violence, to uprising, and chaos. " When good men do nothing, Evil prevails across the land and spreads like a plague..... There is a time for everythting under the sun... a time to be born, and a time to die. A time to build and a time to tear down... a time to love and a time to hate. A time for peace and a time for war. Recognizing the time that is upon us right now is true wisdom in man.... a peace monger can be the most evil detestable thing when war is what is needed... being a war monger in a time when peace is need ie equally wrong..... discerning the times and making the right decisions.......
Yea, I had to take a breather after that one and re-watch it. Its philosophy there is no right answer.
@Dominus Ghaul While you're interpreting this scene correctly you're wrong with your loaded, biased conclusions. You can say the same thing about right-wingers today trying to supposedly "make america great again" by dividing their country with racism, hate and bigotry, mass shootings in the name of their deity or just hatred towards "the other", aiming to keep their country "safe" by dehumanizing all the people they see as not worthy of belonging etc.
But that kind of pushing an agenda you just did makes a disservice to this great movie monologue by Chaplin. He is showing something more universal, more important and more terrifying than just some cheap partisan politics, he is showing one of the oldest truth that the absolute power corrupts absolutely and we should always fight for keeping our humanity intact, not fight for any ideology even if it sounds tempting.
Never have I ever hurd of him, but that speech was.........a mixture of emotions of self reflect and...humbleness...and more..
1st clip- Few Good Men
2nd clip- The Good Dictator
3rd clip- V for vendetta
4th clip- Fair Game
5th clip- Wall Street
6th clip- the wolf on Wall Street
j michelle thanks
2nd clip - The Great Dictator
Thank you, was trying to find the 3rd movie... I think it is interesting...
j michelle thanks
Not all heroes wear cape's
Charlie Chaplin's speech in the Dictator was the best of the bunch.
RansomeStoddard b
by a long shot
100% very powerful
V for Vendetta is every bit as good... that mirror he speaks of applies right now.
@@bamahama707 It does, The radical Left will bring us there. "People should not fear their government, government should fear its people." - V- The left wants to give all power over to the government. Thats how you end up like they did in the movie.
Haven’t seen most of these movies. Thanks I’ll be binge watching this weekend
If u haven't seen a few good men. U 3yrs old?
That Charlie Chaplin speech was unbelievable.
That's what we need today
Love jacks speech ! I cracked up when he said "who's gonna do it u ! U LT Weinberg. Also when he says u want me on that wall u need me on that wall!
Even if he ordered your son to be hazed and as a result killed?
One of the greatest on-screen monologues of all time. It was meant to make Nicholson's character more of a villain, but it actually made him come across as more of a no-nonsense leader and more likeable to those who use logic & reason over emotion.
“.. a man who rises and sleeps under the very blanket of freedom that I provide, and then questions the
manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said Thank You and went on your way”. Amen.
(as the snowflakes go into complete meltdown and run for their 'safe spaces')
@@KayFabe87 Fool! Jessup's actions turn USA into the same communist dictator nightmare that he was supposed to protect America from! How idiotic you incel alt-right idiots can be...
Merya Tathagres I agree. We should question the way “freedom” is provided. To blindly live under a blanket is for the weak to afraid to ask questions. Let’s just go live in China or North Korea where there are laws against questioning the authority.
@@meryatathagres1998 I find it very telling that at the same time you are rallying against communistic dictatorships you feel it totally appropriate to resort to labelling people with dehumanizing slurs and epithets.
8:23 the most debated moment in Chaplin's speech...
Many argue wether it was great acting, or Chaplin himself realizing that he just described the real world..
Rings true, even today
We’ll change
Long as there are different cultures different beliefs and different ways. We humans will never accept each other
@@IvyThePoisonous Different cultures is the symbol of diversity in humanity, What we need is acceptance, literacy and kindness. Evil will always arise, it is the very consequence of the absence of the values mentioned above. Only thing that can save us is the realization, and this is the realization of that we are nothing but the part of a long tale. Its up to us how this part is gonna be.......
Sad how relevant the Chaplin speech is to this day
It's always going to be relevant because, even though people are generally good, greed is also good.
Not sad we can and will change. Everything changes remember? Are you trying to tell me that we will always be the same? Woman can go to school, be a doctor, and vote. We don’t own slaves anymore.
Bolshevics wanted to "do away with greed" yet all they succeeded in doing was opening the way for an even worse outcome. People never learn from the past. Chaplin is a moron.
@@schmingusss The most successful countries in the world are the least greedy ones, interesting.
Amen to that
thanks Charlie..this speech is so actual if I think what is happing around the world.
I think the closing argument from "A Time to Kill" is one of the best EVER.
Way better than the last 3 in this video.
I was waiting to see it in this video. What a disappointment
"Greed is good". Freaking timeless...👍👍👍
Charlie Chaplin at 5:00 is great..speaking against tyranny , hate, greed, intolerance
He's promoting communism that murdered 100 million people + and you have no clue what the speech is about.
@user name taken, well put, thanks.
@user name taken Agreed.
@@strategicthinker8899 No he isn't. He was speaking as a pre-1963 liberal. Very idealist they were. The Cold War killed them.
@user name taken How can you try without thinking it is possible? Why would you?
Missing Matthew McConaughey’s closing argument in A Time To Kill. The reactions of everyone listening to him when he says the final line make that moment one of the biggest in movie history for me.
You are 100000000% correct!!!!! Love that movie, but that monologue was INTENSE, and beautiful....and if u watch again, the camera never pans away, so you know he did the entire thing in a single take, rather than talking, changing angles, and piecing a speech together. Good call bro!!!
Love that movie. In the book that speech is given by a jury member in the back room
AMEN to this TIMELESS REVELATION 🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Wow Charlie Chaplin, that was amazing and courageous when seen in context to the period it was done in. That was powerful, he even brilliantly invoked the BIBLE
Charlie Chaplin's speech is by far the best...its beyond poetic and reaches right into the soul... It speaks direct, sure and true, it has such a loving intonation that motivates, it is full of hope for a better tommorow for everyone of us.
The Chaplin speech was the best one since it applies to the world currently. Always odd when something so old can apply to current times. Some words never lose meaning regardless of how much time passes
Human capable of magic I guess
That Charlie Chaplin is not only one of the greatest movie speeches ever, but one of the greatest speeches ever in general. Not only the speech itself but the passion in which he delivered it makes you feel like it wasn't just for the movie.
Jack Nicholson YEEEEEAAAAAAHHH!! I could watch that speech 100 times and still want to watch it again!! JACK IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm gonna puke in your dead skull, you messed with the wrong Marine" Now that's not how I remember the line happening
Amazing speech by Charlie Chaplin, wow
If you're going to post about some meaningful speeches in NOT censor and sanitize its language.
Brandon Faun Well then it will get demonotized
Oscar Franck so? Don’t edit art for your own monetary gain.
jimmy2k4o but it will get age restricted, which means less people will see it because people 18 or undet cant see it and if you dont have a google account you cant see it either, and it wont show up in recommendations.
Oscar Franck dude it’s not your don’t get to make the cute man, Rob Reiner did, and he already did 20 years ago.
It’s just wrong man
jimmy2k4o aaaaaaaaa you don’t understand
Chaplin, a man who dont speak almost all of his movies but damn what a great speech for a movie
Gj Lipana the man was a known communist and a horrible person
@@Frank00 Except he wasn't but rather a sympathizer. Also, it's worth questioning, that whether or not he was a communist, he brought joy and happiness to millions of people. Was he actually a horrible person?
My favourite part of the V For Vendetta speech is seeing Stephen Fry watching it, and understanding every single element of it.
February 19, 2020-
Dang, Charlie Chaplin really did an outstanding job... His speech is way ahead of the future now!
I seen all these movies. I almost lost myself till now. Watching this again bring the beast out of me. I want to help other people's.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the day the English language took a much needed summer vacation.
RansomeStoddard -ouch.
I miss Al Pacino's speech from a movie 'Scent Of A Woman.' He defends integrity of his protege who's just going to expelled from university. Unforgettable and - in my opinion - exceeds all 5 speeches in this video.
Scent of a woman ...
Al Pacino missing here!!
No Al Pacino in "Scent of a Woman"? Sheeeeesh!
Shocking tbh. I watch it almost everyday.
Also 'A time to kill' ending & 'Jerry Macguire' ending.
Are you reading this brain in me head?
I was thinking about the same thing, how come wolf of Wall Street get on the list, why not the scent of a woman
Only thievery and manipulation on this list. Maybe next time..
I think you are on point, and Citizen Kane is a gr8 choice for winner, it is a movie you can watch to this day from that era, and it still has the impact it did when it was made.
The Charlie Chaplin one pisses all over any other example you could possible put here--by about a million miles.
I agree 100%
intelligence is diminishing, and it is set up that way on purpose. we the people, more and more, are paying attention.
Ah yes, how could I forget that Han Zimmer did the soundtrack for The Good Dictator.
On a much smaller level, I really love Henry Fonda's speech from "The Grapes Of Wrath". Short but really powerful.
One of my favorite speeches is from Ned Beatty "The World is a Corporation" speech from the movie Network 1976.
The best encloses everything..simple as that...
This piece by Nicholson just blows my mind everytime I watch it. Such an amazing actor.
Thank you so much..!!! Work smart and hard and achieve success in each and every aspects of your lives everybody.
"I'm gonna rip the eyes off your skull, puke into your dead skull, YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG MARINE..!!" Best line ever..😂😂😂😂
It’s piss into your dead skull this is a censored version of the movie
@@Olaf-nc9ii they even muted when he cursed
Charlie Chaplin's speech was the most prophetic and meaningful....he saw exactly what General Patton saw...."the military industrial machine" and advanced technology....left unchecked in the hands of greed driven power crazed leaders....was a real danger to society...and society has to stay vigilant to keep this ever present threat in check!!!
geez... Patton?? You obviously have access to the internet. Couldn’t do a search first. As already pointed out, it was Eisenhower who spoke about the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell address. Patton had been dead for 15 years when the speech was made.
I always have to remind myself that the speech Jack Nicholson did in "A few good men" is prior to 9/11. Same as "Enemy of the state", with Will Smith. At that time (prior to 2001) a world like post 9/11 seemed impossible. Boy was I wrong...
Yes. You have to wonder, was Nicholson's character REALLY that wrong??
Ever watch 'The Siege' with Denzel, Annette Benning, and Bruce Willis as the oppressive US General, declaring martial law in NYC? Not a movie anyone seems to want to watch again after 9/11, Abu Ghraib and (post-Col. Jessup) Guantanamo Bay..
The Jack Nicholson -Tom Cruise courtroom exchange in A Few Good Men is simply OUTSTANDING and FOREVER CLASSICAL! Leaves one with goosebumps all over every time I see it!
"Mad Prophet of the airwaves" Howard Beale's rant from "Network" (1976) is pretty darn good .
I gotta say, the Great Dictator speech with Inception score overlay is OUTSTANDING.
It ruined it.
Man that scene from Few Good Men is still awesome. Outstanding scene from Tom Cruise
NO, outstanding scene from Jack Nicholson
The Dictator is one classic movie I haven't seen with Charlie Chaplin. It was a great speech and timeless.
“We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in it”- the internet.
“Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want”- smartphones, tablets, laptops etc...
“Our knowledge has made us cynical”- walking on eggshells with everyone being easily offended at everything.
“We think too much and feel too little”- social media.
Charlie Chaplin’s speech may have been one that is timeless. As proven by how accurate it has described the current world we live in.
Because humans never learned. At the same time, he is part the reason "we have shut ourselves in it" Movies. It all started when we began to stare at a moving picture.
Kathy - good point.
Every politician should listen to Charlie Chaplin speech🤔🤔🤔🤓🤓🤓
Buddy u missed the biggest one...
Just check AL Pacino’s Speech from Scent of a Woman
The movie Heat has a scene that I like as goes "you know there are two side of that coin?"
Yes that was a great scene
That monologue is overrated and out of line - and I'm a Pacino fan (and an actor and acting teacher).
@@yankee2666 very much agree.
This boy's soul is INTACT.
Alec Baldwin's monologue in Glengarry Glen Ross is seriously underrated!
Coffee... Only for closers.
Bill Pullman's speech in Inipendence Day", almost made the people including me to stand up and cheer for that soulful, intense patriotic speech in the cinema when i watch it in 94. His voice came out fullof angst.
plz add Al Pacinos speech from " Scent of a woman "
Great screenwriting and great acting. Movies are often art.
Propaganda has to be subtle or it won't be accepted.
Jessop; You want gin or vodka?
Caffee; I want a martini.
Jessop; Do you want gin or vodka?
Caffee; I think I'm entitled to a martini.
Jessop; I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to. Do you want gin or vodka?
C: "I want the juice!"
J: "You can't handle the juice!"
never watched the scene between Nicholson and Cruise.
Very powerful, the ending is very symbolic with the marine picking his cap from the floor and being dismissed by the lawyer and being told very clearly who controls matters
"Only the unloved hate" Truest words ever spoken.
Wow. Just wow. Chaplins is awesome. 80 years old and it still relevant. Should to be shown to everyone
I love that line you can't handle the truth
Jeff Daniels speech in the Newsroom is amazing as well....
I love the Charlie Chaplin speech, great speech and boy does it still right true to this very day.
The best sean penn .💪💪💪💪💪........
I was hoping to see the speech by Klaatu at the end of *The Day The Earth Stood Still* here. No-nonsense, abrupt, to the point, and powerfully delivered. Should have been added.
Where's Rocky's "that's how winning is done" speech from Rocky Balboa? That's number one in my book.
It's a good 1
How can you have this list without Gregory peck's closing speech in the court room of the movie to kill a mockingbird? That was legendary and pure cinematic history.
The monologue from "A Time To Kill" was pretty good. Don't know if it shares the same meaning as these other films but it hits different.
Pacino's university speech on Scent of Woman should be on the list.
''Al Pacino'' the scent of a woman it's great movie, the way he acting like a blind guy...damn it's a great acting.. Last speech of movie it's a motivating 🔥🔥🔥 Baird man
Jeff Bridges’ Presidential Speech at the end of The Contender stands as one of the great monologues in cinema history.
Yes yes yes!! I knew someone else would love that scene as much as me! 😍
Goosebumps on every level from the Charlie Chaplin speech because it's relevant and true in today's corrupt government.
"We think too much and feel to little."
I don't know about you but this got me.
Cruise I want the truth
Nicolson u can't handle the truth priceless 💯💯🙏🙏💪👍👊☝️
The Charlie Chaplin monologue never ceases to amaze me❤❤❤