As a former US Naval officer, a now retired lawyer, a former prosecutor, a retired college instructor that taught college courses on the US Constitution and the History of our government, I can say with total confidence that The West Wing is the finest TV program we have ever or will ever have . The best.
too bad our government left or right doesn't behave anything close to this, this is fantasy land . I used to be a huge fan but now I see all the times during the show how they tried to make the Republicans, theologians, and others look like they were stupid and horrible people while at the same time portraying Democrats as intelligent, peaceful. and morally superior. Ironically this was the era of Bill Clinton and the White Water scandal, people supposedly committing suicide who were witnesses, Bill doing certain things with cigars with Monica and later paying off other woman who we know he sexually assaulted.
I am a Disabled Veteran. My brother died a homeless Veteran on the streets of Denver. He has a sponsor who made sure he was given a proper Veteran's burial and recognition. This is very special to me.
You got that right!!!! Right now it's more like "The Comedy of Errors" The biggest error was to get this - well, you can chose from a dozen of words - into the WH . Again. He just started breaking his oath of office right after he took it, ...."to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States. Right away he issued a "decree" attack the 14th . Jus soli. The guy is mental , a megalomaniac, a compulsive liar, just to use three of the dozen words (or more....)
I always felt that Toby and CJ were the conscience of the admin. But CJ could compromise and compartmentalize, Toby could not. Which made him too unpopular to be chief of staff-just my opinion.! Love them all.
Personally, I would have said the part of the 8th moment where Tobey, Josh, and Donna are stuck in the bar in Indiana was when Tobey was talking to the man at the bar and the man describes all the issues he's facing and what he wishes it was like to put a kid through college and Tobey introduces himself and what he does and talks more to the man. That was the unforgettable part of that episode for me.
As I remember it, Toby had lost a bet to Josh and he was required to introduce himself in the very high brow manner that he worked in the White House. As the guy spoke to Toby, Toby looked over to Josh and Josh indicted he should NOT do that, but Toby did anyway. Wouldn't it be great if politicians really acted that way in real life.
im from the UK and this is one my favourite ever TV series. So well made, acted, stories and the feeling of hope in the US that it gives the viewer, is very special
“In Excelsis Deo”: the final sequence is a masterpiece. The use of music, cinematography, drama, patriotism, and humanity never fail to trip every emotional trigger I have and leaves me in tears. Not tears of sadness or loss but of hope in the future and this fragile experiment in democracy we call, The United States of America. Our leaders should never fill us with fear of one another, but remind of us our shared humanity. Love and respect one another as we continue to build this more perfect union.
@lexdunn4160 I’m not sure you understood my point. The idea lives. If one person can be moved enough to say those things, then they could be the very last to believe and still have a chance to convince others. And those people, still more. You’re Aberforth, and I’m Harry. It doesn’t matter that you’ve given up. I never will. And I know there are others who never will, as evidenced by the very comment joining us. And as long as that is the case, as I think it always will be, there will be hope.
I watched that episode for the first time a few weeks after my grandmother was buried at Arlington, the accuracy is impeccable. There's more that happens during the official service than what's shown on screen, but everything that's shown, down to the age of the Marines who carry the casket, is 100% accurate.
At a time of darkness and confusion, wouldn't you wish the PODUS were as upright and humane as this fictional character? What a blessing that would be for the US and the WORLD.
I have watched the show dozens of times. Each episode multiple times. It would be wonderful if we had a government that had the character and morals of the people presented in this show.
@@MMMMM-v5m Get Sorkin to write their scripts... Actually, we could have that: Reverse Citizens United and re-implement the Fairness Doctrine. Don't let News casters lie without being challenged and stop corporations from buying politicians wholesale.
@@cdjhyoung you are correct, Citizens United and the omission of the fairness doctrine is and will be the demise of our country. reagan is killing our country from the grave, he fast tracked rupert murdoch's cititzenship because non citizens were not allowed to own America media stations. reagan changed the rules so murdoch and others could own mega amount of media platforms it was limited so that no one entity could get a monopoly on information, reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine.
My sisters and I just interned my father ashes, following my mother’s death. It had been 14 years since his passing. He served two years in The Korean War and was buried with military honors. Until you experience it for a loved one, you will never know the power these few words have, “On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Army, and a grateful Nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service.” Even 70 years after he was discharged, we were all in tears.
@@Xpndable I did see that a couple of days ago, however I can only find information on a Region A release. I’m in region B. I’ve already written to Warner Bros enquiring, however I’m yet to receive a response.
One of mine too. My favorite episode is Isaac and Ishmael. The veteran's funeral gives me goosebumps every time. This series is full of best scenes. It never ceases to amaze me. The West Wing makes me love Democrats...on television. In real life? Not so much. I have the entire series from pilot to final show. I have watched it straight through 10 times now.
I watched an interview recently with Martin Sheen. He said he filmed that scene in a single take and never watched it until about 15 years after the show was off the air. Impressive!
Let's face it, this show was so good, so well crafted, that this selection could have been ten completely different scenes, or a different selection again, or again and again. I consider this to be one of the best shows, of any country, of any time. Certainly in my top ten.
I agree one of the greatest shows produced. I still watch it and learn something different every time. The writing and acting are phenomenal. Ahead of its time. 💪🏾
BARTLET Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, you don't think every homeless veteran would come out of the woodworks? TOBY I can only hope, sir. Every time. Every. Damn. Time.
Mrs. Landingham’s death was so incredibly sad. The fact that she didn’t give in to the bullying she was subjected to by men who thought they knew everything made me love her even more-never mind that the car she described would not have been large enough to tow anything. One of my favorite scenes: CJ: “Josh, there’s an article I want you to read in the New Yorker.” Josh: “What’s it about?” CJ: “Smallpox.” Josh: “The disease?” CJ: “No, the dessert topping.”
I had forgotten just how haunting the veteran's funeral scene was. And I still think having him say "Tomorrow" instead of "What's next" was a missed opportunity.
No, I think this nailed it really. All his life he has really known What's Next? Because he has been on a path. Now, he has fought his last election, had his last day in office and he has the rest of his life ahead of him. What's Next? Tomorrow, that's what's next.
I missed the shooting of Josh (theoretically the shooting of the president, altho really at Charlie) but for me, it was the shooting of Josh and then later the PTSD effects on Josh w Alan Arkin (I believe) as the therapist - perfection - and Leo’s speech, which has stayed w me for close to 30 yrs since. I ADORED this show!! (Thank God I have it on DVD and Digital as well. It’s worth every penny!)
The episode Little Drummer Boy is a powerful statement. The scene where the Marines are handling the casket was shot in many takes and for each take the honor guard completed the entire thing. Adding Ms. Landingham and the flinching with the rifles is pure genius. This is the best of entertainment.
“We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life.”…”The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight. They are our students and teachers and our parents and our friends. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels.” Wow!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@susanmcintyre5377 And beautifully delivered by Martin Sheen. I'm awed by how well, given he's reportedly a devout Catholic. That whole episode is a rant of anger and deep pain.
I always love the last scene in the final episode "Tomorrow" when Bartlett hold the framed napkin that Leo had written in the episode "Barlett For America" encompass the friendship of those two 🇺🇸
I am rewatching the @West Wing” right now and came across this compilation. Oh well… I will be rewatching again after I finish watching it ….AGAIN. The show is a gift. ❤
Not having Charlie included in any of these seems a glaring omission. I would include either the one where Bartlet walks through the rain to announce that he is running for reelection, and because the President doesn't wear a coat, Charlie takes his off. Or, better yet, include the scene with Bartlet and Charlie looking for a new carving knife because Bartlet was giving his Paul Revere knife to Charlie.
Yes, I agree that scene should most certainly have been included. It underscores the relationship between Charlie and the president and the great respect each has for the other. I especially loved the look on Charlie's face when the president tells him that the knife he's being presented with was made by Paul Revere.
To me, Charlie being caught coming out of Zoe's room was priceless. And the follow up scenes of them speaking about it, and Jed questioning of himself if he is as free of bigotry as he wants to believe.
I love the scene where shots are fired at the WH, and they go into lockdown. Bartlet tells the Secret Service that they won't be able to hold Charlie wherever he is, and he then comes crashing through the door into the Oval Office. 😂
I wish this included Sam's monologue from Somebody’s Going to Emergency, Somebody’s Going to Jail (S2E16): “It was high treason, and it mattered a great deal. This country is an idea, and one that's lit the world for two centuries and treason against that idea is not just a crime against the living. This ground holds the graves of people who died for it, who gave what Lincoln called the last full measure of devotion, of fidelity.” Although it's only a moment between him and Donna, the acting was unlike anything I've ever seen. Only the passion and raw emotion that Rob Lowe conveys with every syllable emphasizes the larger picture of why everyone is there in the first place. In this idealistic, created world, this team, these people, want to "do what is hard" and "achieve what is great."
@@cdjhyoungSorkin recognized it wasn’t working with the character, and he didn’t have a lot of new ideas … and Janel had nuclear chemistry with Brad. It wasn’t a tough decision
Every actor playing every core character was PERFECTLY cast. They made the characters come alive, they touched us, they made us think, and made us hope.
Personally, I liked the scene where the President catches Charlie exiting Zoe's room. The best of times followed by the worse of times for Charlie. And their pledge to never speak of it again. Which, of course, they can't uphold.
Sorkin is amazing but I think there was a lost opportunity in Batlett's walk to the Capitol. Those tourists he left behind could have (and I think would have) followed him. They would have picked up more and more people on the way, until it wasn't Bartlett calling on Congress but the people calling on Congress.
I felt a need to add a few things since American politics is the utmost forefront these days. I long for the days when decency and good still were very high priorities in our Government and expected. I also long for the following days when at least for the most part: Anyone who exhibited (or spoke/acted out) despicable, disgusting and most of all HATEFUL behavior while in office and/or ESPECIALLY President(s) of the United States or previous President(s) were held to the utmost standards and expected to be ACCOUNTABLE. I LONG FOR DECENCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS as it should be. Wouldn't that be nice? 👍👍💗💗 God (or who/whatever one might believe in) HELP US ALL. Take care. Thank you.
The homeless veteran episode was a great episode all around. Not only for the message it conveyed, but how powerful and heartfelt it was. Also.. the cop in the beginning was a young Lance Reddick from John Wick fame, Fringe and also voiced Sylas in the Horizon Zero Dawn and Commander Zavala in the Destiny and Destiny 2 games. RIP Lance, gone far too soon.
One of the moments not here is when Mark Harmon was shot and CJ sat on the street curb and cried. All while Jeff Buckley's version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" played. Just magical.
These are not even close to the the top 10...1. Mrs. Landingham telling Charlie about her sons 2. The staff helping Sen Stackhouse, who has an autistic grandson 3. When Pres Bartlett hired Will 4. When Leo pulls Bartlett out of his rut (Let Bartett be Bartett) 5. The vote with Mr. Willis 6. The live debate (Vinick/Santos) 7. Oliver Babish (in any scene) 8. Leo scolding the VP for his affair 9. Will saying "I think it's a fairly stunning act of patriotism and a fairly ordinary act of fatherhood", when Zoe is kidnapped 10. The entire shuffle of the Federated States of Micronesia 11. Josh's PTSD with Stanley 12. Ellie telling her father why he's wrong 13. Joe Quincy solving the VP affair 14. Debate camp 15. Charlie's setting Simon's little brother straight when he insults CJ 16. Charlie sticking up for Zoe at the bar 17. Glenn Close (The Supremes) 18. Toby trying to get Mendoza confirmed 19. Sam defending Ainsley 20. Bartlett's speech after the pipe bombs 21. CJ speaking out against Saudi Arabia and Kumar and well, everyone....and on and on and on
For those of us who have loved this show from its inception, for those of us who found hope and inspiration for what our leadership could be....I take such hope in the American people taking back our republic on November 5th, 2024. The joy across this nation was bolstered by the reaction around the world by those who depend on the U.S. to be strong. I join my fellow Americans in prayer that we do not squander a moment of the days ahead.
The funeral scene is just one of many that moves me to tears. The "Doctor Jacobs" is excellent arguing. Ainsley's introductionis funny. I'd love to know the latin President Bartlett says in the cathedral. The whole bit around The Shutdown was Josh's finest hour! It is a shame you didn't / couldn't show it all. Speaker Hafley is made to look very silly!! When you consider the history of the napkin & Leo / John Spencer's death that scene is so moving. I have always hoped that Martin Sheen kept it after filming was done. I would have loved living in USA if President Bartlett was in charge.
"When the President stands, nobody sits". Gets me every single time!
I love how his eye twitches as he stares her down.
I watch this several times because I love how he just destroys her!
As a former US Naval officer, a now retired lawyer, a former prosecutor, a retired college instructor that taught college courses on the US Constitution and the History of our government, I can say with total confidence that The West Wing is the finest TV program we have ever or will ever have . The best.
I wish this was who our president was now and would be - always.
@@joonkim7530I wish that all the time.
agreed should make more
too bad our government left or right doesn't behave anything close to this, this is fantasy land . I used to be a huge fan but now I see all the times during the show how they tried to make the Republicans, theologians, and others look like they were stupid and horrible people while at the same time portraying Democrats as intelligent, peaceful. and morally superior. Ironically this was the era of Bill Clinton and the White Water scandal, people supposedly committing suicide who were witnesses, Bill doing certain things with cigars with Monica and later paying off other woman who we know he sexually assaulted.
I wish our new president would at least watch “The West Wing”.
That’s the way a presidency should act.
I am a Disabled Veteran. My brother died a homeless Veteran on the streets of Denver. He has a sponsor who made sure he was given a proper Veteran's burial and recognition. This is very special to me.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you and your brother for your service. My condolences on your loss.
Flag decals won't get ya to heaven anymore - John Prine.
It's truly one of the most powerful scenes in the entire series. Still chokes me up every time I watch it.
It should be very special to everyone. Just saying.
"2 Cathedrals" is perhaps the most powerful episode of TV ever produced 👍
Testify! You "Feckless Thug".
And Dire Straits, "Brothers in Arms," elevates even further!
Yes. The chillest travk playing over all hell breaking loose, @@mikasten
Je suis d accord avec vous.
We're really gonna need this show a lot more over the next 4 years.
You got that right!!!! Right now it's more like "The Comedy of Errors" The biggest error was to get this - well, you can chose from a dozen of words - into the WH . Again. He just started breaking his oath of office right after he took it, ...."to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States. Right away he issued a "decree" attack the 14th . Jus soli. The guy is mental , a megalomaniac, a compulsive liar, just to use three of the dozen words (or more....)
You are SOOOO Correct!.. Lord help us survive Trump.
“I can only hope, sir.” Tobey’s response to Bartlett asking about homeless Vets was perfect.
Like to have a video of the entire story line, start to end. Ziegler was the conscience of the Bartlet staff.
@@Carlschwamberger1 Yep, that's why he should have become Chief of Staff after Leo.
I love his dogged gaze at Jed. He’s forcing him to acknowledge this truth.And Jed does.
I always felt that Toby and CJ were the conscience of the admin. But CJ could compromise and compartmentalize, Toby could not. Which made him too unpopular to be chief of staff-just my opinion.! Love them all.
Did anyone catch the sublimity of the choir singing in the background "So to honor him . . ."
Two decades and Toby & Mrs Landingham at Arlington still kicks me in the feels, and "Ginger get the popcorn" still makes me laugh out loud😂😂
The scene where she told Charlie about her sons was excellent
Especially after recent political actions at Arlington.
I watch Band of Brothers and The Pacific and this episode of The West Wing every year to remind me how blessed my life is as an American.
It’s mid-November of 2024, I’m crying as I watch this, just wishing we could have a sliver of nice things this show gave me hope for.
I feel that way every time I watch this. I've binge watched it so many times since 2016.
It's end of December 2024. I'm in the same place.
Me too!
The greatest president we never had
Now it's more like The Worst Wing.
One of the Greatest shows EVER on tv!
erase the first 2 words of that sentence
@@taurusnl-NL💯 agree!!!
I'm hoping it will get me through the next 4 years. I just have to not bawl during every episode.
Personally, I would have said the part of the 8th moment where Tobey, Josh, and Donna are stuck in the bar in Indiana was when Tobey was talking to the man at the bar and the man describes all the issues he's facing and what he wishes it was like to put a kid through college and Tobey introduces himself and what he does and talks more to the man. That was the unforgettable part of that episode for me.
As I remember it, Toby had lost a bet to Josh and he was required to introduce himself in the very high brow manner that he worked in the White House. As the guy spoke to Toby, Toby looked over to Josh and Josh indicted he should NOT do that, but Toby did anyway. Wouldn't it be great if politicians really acted that way in real life.
@@MusicGunn That is, indeed, true. That interaction only makes the scene better.
I like that it’s hard. It should be hard. But, maybe, it could just be a little easier.
@@WallChart exactly that. I've said that to people so many times.
And the one where Toby arranged the funeral for the veteran.
Tore at ❤my heart .
im from the UK and this is one my favourite ever TV series. So well made, acted, stories and the feeling of hope in the US that it gives the viewer, is very special
“In Excelsis Deo”: the final sequence is a masterpiece. The use of music, cinematography, drama, patriotism, and humanity never fail to trip every emotional trigger I have and leaves me in tears. Not tears of sadness or loss but of hope in the future and this fragile experiment in democracy we call, The United States of America. Our leaders should never fill us with fear of one another, but remind of us our shared humanity. Love and respect one another as we continue to build this more perfect union.
beautifully written! Thank you!
To an outsider, it looks like that America has been destroyed.
@@lexdunn4160 Don’t be silly, you just read words that prove otherwise.
@@EventHorrorEyesOn America as we know it is done for.
@lexdunn4160 I’m not sure you understood my point. The idea lives. If one person can be moved enough to say those things, then they could be the very last to believe and still have a chance to convince others. And those people, still more. You’re Aberforth, and I’m Harry. It doesn’t matter that you’ve given up. I never will. And I know there are others who never will, as evidenced by the very comment joining us. And as long as that is the case, as I think it always will be, there will be hope.
The funeral episode for the homeless veteran makes me ball my eyes out every time. Governments that forget their warriors
I watched that episode for the first time a few weeks after my grandmother was buried at Arlington, the accuracy is impeccable. There's more that happens during the official service than what's shown on screen, but everything that's shown, down to the age of the Marines who carry the casket, is 100% accurate.
@ZHL242 Those Marines were part of the actual Honor guard detachment in DC.
Any time I visit a graveyard I always look for a veteran grave and say a prayer and say thank you.
At a time of darkness and confusion, wouldn't you wish the PODUS were as upright and humane as this fictional character? What a blessing that would be for the US and the WORLD.
Oh, to have a national leader this smart, this educated, this wise, this heartening.
You will have to wait for at least 4 years......sorry.
The little drummer boy scene make me cry every time. This took place on Christmas Eve the anniversary of Mrs. Landingham boys who were KIA in Vietnam.
I have watched the show dozens of times. Each episode multiple times. It would be wonderful if we had a government that had the character and morals of the people presented in this show.
If only.
@@MMMMM-v5m Get Sorkin to write their scripts...
Actually, we could have that: Reverse Citizens United and re-implement the Fairness Doctrine. Don't let News casters lie without being challenged and stop corporations from buying politicians wholesale.
@@cdjhyoung you are correct, Citizens United and the omission of the fairness doctrine is and will be the demise of our country. reagan is killing our country from the grave, he fast tracked rupert murdoch's cititzenship because non citizens were not allowed to own America media stations. reagan changed the rules so murdoch and others could own mega amount of media platforms it was limited so that no one entity could get a monopoly on information, reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine.
My sisters and I just interned my father ashes, following my mother’s death. It had been 14 years since his passing. He served two years in The Korean War and was buried with military honors. Until you experience it for a loved one, you will never know the power these few words have, “On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Army, and a grateful Nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service.” Even 70 years after he was discharged, we were all in tears.
Just watched them hand that flag to my mother 3 weeks ago at Arlington. We all lost it when they played taps.
I read those words and get choked up.
Just happy it was not under the 45/47, he kept disparaging the vets.
@ I like to believe those are the results from his IQ tests…45 the first time, then his team really made him study and he increased his score to 47!
@@nancysporbert7862 I bawled like a baby.
The editing of “In Excelsis Deo” is perfect. Flawless.
I would absolutely love a 4K physical media release of The West Wing. If there is one television series worthy of such a release, it is The West Wing.
I have a physical media set of the entire series, but I don't think it's 4K, it's just DVD.
@@sabrewolf4129 I have the blu ray box set, but a 4K restoration and physical release would be great.
@@sabrewolf4129 Its getting a 1080p Blu ray release on Oct 1. Most likely for the 25th anniversary
Not 4K, but Blu-Ray, being released October 1st 🙂
@@Xpndable I did see that a couple of days ago, however I can only find information on a Region A release. I’m in region B. I’ve already written to Warner Bros enquiring, however I’m yet to receive a response.
I cry every time the White House staff lines up in formation. It's a small part in this episode but one, I noticed & it hits home.
"Ran _into_ the fire. The streets of Heaven are too crowded with angels tonight."
The full Butterball Hotline scene is one of my favorite scenes.😄
One of mine too. My favorite episode is Isaac and Ishmael. The veteran's funeral gives me goosebumps every time. This series is full of best scenes. It never ceases to amaze me. The West Wing makes me love Democrats...on television. In real life? Not so much. I have the entire series from pilot to final show. I have watched it straight through 10 times now.
I watched an interview recently with Martin Sheen. He said he filmed that scene in a single take and never watched it until about 15 years after the show was off the air. Impressive!
Let's face it, this show was so good, so well crafted, that this selection could have been ten completely different scenes, or a different selection again, or again and again. I consider this to be one of the best shows, of any country, of any time. Certainly in my top ten.
I've rewatched this show dozens of times and every single time I hear "nobody sits", I stand up and twirl around my living room
& a nobody of importance remains sitting.
I agree one of the greatest shows produced. I still watch it and learn something different every time. The writing and acting are phenomenal. Ahead of its time. 💪🏾
The burial scene crushes me… especially with the song.
The pilot episode to me is the most comforting piece of television I put it on when I'm sick, close my eyes and just listen and I fall asleep ❤️
Toby, if we start pulling strings like this, you don't think every homeless veteran would come out of the woodworks?
I can only hope, sir.
Every time. Every. Damn. Time.
Yeah, I think he's saying "we want every homeless veteran to come to us for help, this isn't a group of people who will abuse this kind of help.
With Teddy Roosevelt in the background, looking on resolute at Toby as Toby speaks softly
@@lucaseric8679 we have to offer the help and republicans dont have a very good record of voting for veterans issues
@@tylergodefroy8713Good lord. 🙄. Nice drive by with zero examples.
@@Murphaderf republicans voted against pact act, you can good the rest. does right wing media show you anything?
Mrs. Landingham’s death was so incredibly sad. The fact that she didn’t give in to the bullying she was subjected to by men who thought they knew everything made me love her even more-never mind that the car she described would not have been large enough to tow anything.
One of my favorite scenes:
CJ: “Josh, there’s an article I want you to read in the New Yorker.”
Josh: “What’s it about?”
CJ: “Smallpox.”
Josh: “The disease?”
CJ: “No, the dessert topping.”
the cathedral scene makes me cry every time, certainly the most memorable when i think back on the show
I had forgotten just how haunting the veteran's funeral scene was. And I still think having him say "Tomorrow" instead of "What's next" was a missed opportunity.
No, I think this nailed it really. All his life he has really known What's Next? Because he has been on a path. Now, he has fought his last election, had his last day in office and he has the rest of his life ahead of him.
What's Next?
Tomorrow, that's what's next.
@@crazyjameswaikle2695 Also, "what's next" is a command he gives. There's no one to gives orders to, now.
The ending of The Stackhouse Filabuster makes me cry every time. That should have made this list. 😊
Oh my gosh I loved that 1 as well, when Bartlett finds out about his grandson & they all start standing up to speak ❤️😢😍
Yes! Donna to the rescue.
@@pattygioffre2366 "Call our friends on the Hill, and after talking to both of them call everyone else"
It moved me as well because my daughter is autistic.
Needs the end scene from "Noel." John Spencer's "man in the hole" speech was nothing short of brilliant.
I missed the shooting of Josh (theoretically the shooting of the president, altho really at Charlie) but for me, it was the shooting of Josh and then later the PTSD effects on Josh w Alan Arkin (I believe) as the therapist - perfection - and Leo’s speech, which has stayed w me for close to 30 yrs since. I ADORED this show!! (Thank God I have it on DVD and Digital as well. It’s worth every penny!)
"... I've been here before, and I know the way out." 🥲
Those aren’t the 10 I would pick, but I’m not complaining. There are easily 100 or more best moments in this fantastic series.
Every scene from every episode. That's why I binge watch it often. Specially when the orange stain is in office.
Outstanding acting, breathtaking acting. Nothing has come close since.
I am often in tears during these episodes- oh the possibilities!
No question..that the West without question one of the greatest comments on USA politics/cultural events ever set out
One of the BEST endings in all of television: “What are you thinking about?”
Loved this program, we need another like it to help resolve all the bickering we have.
This is so bittersweet to watch, knowing the monsters that are now in the whitehouse.
7:21 President Bartlett's take down of "Dr." Jacobs. PRICELESS!
Reminds me of when Whoopi Goldberg said she would love to have “ Dr.” Jill Biden treat her…. Biden is a doctor of education.
The episode Little Drummer Boy is a powerful statement. The scene where the Marines are handling the casket was shot in many takes and for each take the honor guard completed the entire thing. Adding Ms. Landingham and the flinching with the rifles is pure genius. This is the best of entertainment.
Bartlet 2024🇺🇸💙
I wish. Sadly we have anti Americans coming Jan. 20th.... instead...
Every episode, in every season, had a message for someone watching.
yes it did.
Exactly, that's why I binge watch it often.
“We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life.”…”The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight. They are our students and teachers and our parents and our friends. The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels.”
Fine. I'll re-watch the West Wing again
Right lol
I don't know what Bartlett was saying in the cathedral but I was still riveted. Damn Sheen is good......
He said, “Cruciatus in crucem; eas in crucem”, which loosely means, “To a cross with your punishments; to a cross with you.”
@susanmcintyre5377 And beautifully delivered by Martin Sheen. I'm awed by how well, given he's reportedly a devout Catholic. That whole episode is a rant of anger and deep pain.
The best!!
@@Musicchick60 It was Sheen that insisted on delivering that dialog in Latin.
Sheen became a star in " The Subject was Roses"
My favorite episode and Ive seen them all 50 times, that one always make me proud!
3 words:
CJ's "woot canaw" 🤣🤣🤣
The scene in Arlington makes me cry every. goddamn. time.
I always love the last scene in the final episode "Tomorrow" when Bartlett hold the framed napkin that Leo had written in the episode "Barlett For America" encompass the friendship of those two 🇺🇸
0:16 That monologue was the moment that I fell in love with Toby, and there was no coming back from that.
gosh, i CONTINUE to love Donna so much
I am rewatching the @West Wing” right now and came across this compilation. Oh well… I will be rewatching again after I finish watching it ….AGAIN. The show is a gift. ❤
Any list of unforgettable West Wing moments that doesn't include Bartlet giving Charlie his family's carving knife made by Paul Revere is incomplete.
Not having Charlie included in any of these seems a glaring omission. I would include either the one where Bartlet walks through the rain to announce that he is running for reelection, and because the President doesn't wear a coat, Charlie takes his off. Or, better yet, include the scene with Bartlet and Charlie looking for a new carving knife because Bartlet was giving his Paul Revere knife to Charlie.
Yes, I agree that scene should most certainly have been included. It underscores the relationship between Charlie and the president and the great respect each has for the other. I especially loved the look on Charlie's face when the president tells him that the knife he's being presented with was made by Paul Revere.
To me, Charlie being caught coming out of Zoe's room was priceless. And the follow up scenes of them speaking about it, and Jed questioning of himself if he is as free of bigotry as he wants to believe.
I love the scene where shots are fired at the WH, and they go into lockdown. Bartlet tells the Secret Service that they won't be able to hold Charlie wherever he is, and he then comes crashing through the door into the Oval Office. 😂
Gods watching these makes me want to watch the series again.
My favourite show, impeccably written and acted, never surpassed
They should have included the filibuster scene. The bit about grandfathers doing anything for their grandkids was so powerful
This gave me chills all over to watch this beautiful piece!
I wish this included Sam's monologue from Somebody’s Going to Emergency, Somebody’s Going to Jail (S2E16):
“It was high treason, and it mattered a great deal. This country is an idea, and one that's lit the world for two centuries and treason against that idea is not just a crime against the living. This ground holds the graves of people who died for it, who gave what Lincoln called the last full measure of devotion, of fidelity.”
Although it's only a moment between him and Donna, the acting was unlike anything I've ever seen. Only the passion and raw emotion that Rob Lowe conveys with every syllable emphasizes the larger picture of why everyone is there in the first place. In this idealistic, created world, this team, these people, want to "do what is hard" and "achieve what is great."
Ginger, get the popcorn!!
That always cracks me up.🤣 Please don't let them be watching!
I'm Japanese and have a TWW DVD box. I think one of best episodes is Leo's Bartlet for America.
Written so well and gives an idealistic view how our leaders should be but unfortunately life doesn’t imitate art.
Mandy: Mr President, your absence in the other room is conspicuous.
Us: Mandy, your absence in the other series is conspicuous!
Mandy's character left so Donna's character could stay. It is still a TV show with budgets and all.
@@cdjhyoungSorkin recognized it wasn’t working with the character, and he didn’t have a lot of new ideas … and Janel had nuclear chemistry with Brad. It wasn’t a tough decision
Aaron, you got it right with WW. Bartlett and many of the others in WW are the kind of Heroes we desperately need here in 2025 😔
Having been (as a civilian) on the tarmac several times for the arrival of our fallen, and going to many KIA burials, S1E10 gets me every time.
Every actor playing every core character was PERFECTLY cast. They made the characters come alive, they touched us, they made us think, and made us hope.
Too many moments - a Top10 is difficult when there are hundreds of contenders
The military honors for the homeless man, the scene in the cathedral and the Butterball hotline are some of my favorites.
When President Bartlett gives Charlie the knife made by Paul Revere.
Personally, I liked the scene where the President catches Charlie exiting Zoe's room. The best of times followed by the worse of times for Charlie. And their pledge to never speak of it again. Which, of course, they can't uphold.
He gave him the knife! 😢
@@279steven There must be missing context for your statement because otherwise it makes no sense.
The one of him by him self in the church was just amazing didn’t see the shows but I love the shorts I’ll ck out the full show
Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole?
Sorkin is amazing but I think there was a lost opportunity in Batlett's walk to the Capitol. Those tourists he left behind could have (and I think would have) followed him. They would have picked up more and more people on the way, until it wasn't Bartlett calling on Congress but the people calling on Congress.
Sorkin wasn't the showrunner nor the writer after the season 4 finale. But I do agree with what you said.
yes that would've been awesome.
I felt a need to add a few things since American politics is the utmost forefront these days.
I long for the days when decency and good still were very high priorities in our Government and expected.
I also long for the following days when at least for the most part: Anyone who exhibited (or spoke/acted out) despicable, disgusting and most of all HATEFUL behavior while in office and/or ESPECIALLY President(s) of the United States or previous President(s) were held to the utmost standards and expected to be ACCOUNTABLE. I LONG FOR DECENCY AND RESPECT FOR ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS as it should be. Wouldn't that be nice? 👍👍💗💗
God (or who/whatever one might believe in) HELP US ALL. Take care. Thank you.
Their walk *from* the Capitol was also great. Excellent choice and writing. Politely wait, then just walk. Perfect.
That would have been a great scene.
That shoulder tap at 5:03 is "You're a good man Toby, but no more stunts like this. Go ahead".
Glad i wasn't the only one. The best is the unspoken words.
The tenderness of the men folding the flag always moves me.
What an ending, "Tomorrow" . Wrapped up everything nicely with hope.
My favourite show,got to sit and watch it again,now.
best show EVER! LOVED IT!
The homeless veteran episode was a great episode all around. Not only for the message it conveyed, but how powerful and heartfelt it was.
Also.. the cop in the beginning was a young Lance Reddick from John Wick fame, Fringe and also voiced Sylas in the Horizon Zero Dawn and Commander Zavala in the Destiny and Destiny 2 games.
RIP Lance, gone far too soon.
One of the moments not here is when Mark Harmon was shot and CJ sat on the street curb and cried. All while Jeff Buckley's version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" played. Just magical.
These are not even close to the the top 10...1. Mrs. Landingham telling Charlie about her sons 2. The staff helping Sen Stackhouse, who has an autistic grandson 3. When Pres Bartlett hired Will 4. When Leo pulls Bartlett out of his rut (Let Bartett be Bartett) 5. The vote with Mr. Willis 6. The live debate (Vinick/Santos) 7. Oliver Babish (in any scene) 8. Leo scolding the VP for his affair 9. Will saying "I think it's a fairly stunning act of patriotism and a fairly ordinary act of fatherhood", when Zoe is kidnapped 10. The entire shuffle of the Federated States of Micronesia 11. Josh's PTSD with Stanley 12. Ellie telling her father why he's wrong 13. Joe Quincy solving the VP affair 14. Debate camp 15. Charlie's setting Simon's little brother straight when he insults CJ 16. Charlie sticking up for Zoe at the bar 17. Glenn Close (The Supremes) 18. Toby trying to get Mendoza confirmed 19. Sam defending Ainsley 20. Bartlett's speech after the pipe bombs 21. CJ speaking out against Saudi Arabia and Kumar and well, everyone....and on and on and on
19. is what got me interested in this show and the use of music kept me watching.
That’s an awesome comment!
By the way, the words you’re looking for right now are: ‘Oh, good grief.’
Can't forget Ainsley beating up on Sam.
"This one may know something" 🤣🤣🤣
16.5 Josh pushing Zoe's emergency beacon and Charlie telling the douche if the bulge was an 8ball he was gonna spend summer break locked up😂😂
22. Josh making CJ say root canal surgery over and over 😂😂
Y'all are heartless. How many more times are you going to make me cry???😢
Still cry at the homeless man’s funeral. Loved this show.
This was the best show on tv. Still watch the reruns.
Perfect to watch again, Netflix bring it back
Its on MAX
@@jamesjohnston1935It's on Prime.
And in the UK on channel 4 back catalogue.
love this show come back and do more with it and be long with different presidents
Leos furneral was more touching as the tears were real.
still the greatest tv show ever made
I dont know why this has dropped out of the lists of best series ever. It will always remain mine.
Tearing up with toby. Thanks for the video
Greatest show ever.
If I could hit the like twice, I would
For those of us who have loved this show from its inception, for those of us who found hope and inspiration for what our leadership could be....I take such hope in the American people taking back our republic on November 5th, 2024. The joy across this nation was bolstered by the reaction around the world by those who depend on the U.S. to be strong. I join my fellow Americans in prayer that we do not squander a moment of the days ahead.
Going from “Bonnie get the popcorn” to “2 Cathedrals” is diabolical
"Arctic Radar" - The entire sequence between Toby & Will is phenomenal acting by Richard Schiff.
Ainsley Hayes was my Favorite West Wing Character and that Scene from "Two Cathedrals" was one of the best Scenes Martin Sheen ever did IMO.
The funeral scene is just one of many that moves me to tears. The "Doctor Jacobs" is excellent arguing. Ainsley's introductionis funny. I'd love to know the latin President Bartlett says in the cathedral. The whole bit around The Shutdown was Josh's finest hour! It is a shame you didn't / couldn't show it all. Speaker Hafley is made to look very silly!! When you consider the history of the napkin & Leo / John Spencer's death that scene is so moving. I have always hoped that Martin Sheen kept it after filming was done. I would have loved living in USA if President Bartlett was in charge.
You can google the English translation of the latin monologue.
Max was going to be my Xmas gift to myself but no reason now.